Annette method of getting rid of wrinkles. Beauty sensation: rejuvenation with @melannett

Sooner or later we notice everything on our face signs of aging: small wrinkles, drooping cheeks, flabbiness and sagging of the chin.

We use expensive creams, hoping for their miraculous power, we think about injections and plastic surgery, subconsciously fearing the consequences of an unsuccessful intervention. But for some reason, we do not use our own capabilities and resources of the body.

As a rule, we understand that in order to have a slender fit figure, you need to train the muscles of the body hard, and it is better to do this constantly. What about our face? It also consists of muscles, and these muscles require load and training, since in ordinary life facial muscles do not receive a full load and gradually lose elasticity and weaken.

However, there are various rejuvenation techniques and special sets of exercises to work out the facial muscles.

Gymnastics for the face allows you to tighten a sagging neck, strengthen the cheeks, form a clearer oval of the face, smooth out wrinkles. And this means looking younger and more attractive, because you deserve it! Already after the first weeks of classes, a visible result appears: the skin is tightened, evened out, and acquires a healthy complexion.

By systematically performing gymnastics for the face, you will look 10-15 years younger. Is it really worth a try? After all, you do not risk anything, except for the loss of premature signs of aging! Do not be lazy, do not put off the decision, because it is easier to keep your face youthful by starting to work on yourself when the first signs of skin aging appear. Join our community and get younger with us!

We study and check non-surgical facelift techniques, facial gymnastics exercises various authors, as well as proven methods of general rejuvenation of the body in the following sequence, starting with the most popular.

How to start learning facial gymnastics on your own

Before proceeding to action, you should familiarize yourself with the materials:

In this section you will also find Facial gymnastics FAQ- Answers to frequently asked questions

Gymnastics for the face

The best techniques and sets of exercises for the face

We study and test together the complexes of gymnastics exercises for the face of various authors, as well as proven methods of rejuvenation of the face and body: Facebook building, Gymnastics for the face, Aerobics for the face, Face Lifting, Face Forming, Fitness for the face, Bodyflex for the face, Self-Lifting of the face, Yoga for the face , Face Biolifting, Contactless Face Lifting, Lifting Gymnastics, Facial Qigong, Face Workout for Men, Nose Exercises, Youngfaces, FlexEffect, Ageless, Facial Workout, Rolling & Save Face, etc.)

  1. Gymnastics for facelift Camilla Voler "Self lifting" (SelfLifting)
  2. sculptural gymnastics for the face Carol Maggio(Maggio) "Facercise" (in Russian translation "Aerobics for the muscles and skin of the face")
  3. facelift(Facelifting) Saint Mary Runge
  4. facebuilding(Facebuilding) Reinhold Benz
  5. Gymnastics for the face of Eve Fraser Facual workout (Warm-up for the face)
  6. Facial Workout Facial Workout by Tal Reinhart (facebuilding for beginners)
  7. Facial rejuvenation system Faceforming (faceforming) Benita Cantieni
  8. Yoga for the face– Yoga for youth and beauty of the face, body, soul and mind
  9. Facial Fitness System Patricia Horovay - FacialFitnessSystem
  10. Lifting-Fitness for the face Carolyn Cleaves - CFF for a natural facelift
  11. Gymnastics for the face in French Evelyn Gunter-Pechot
  12. Bodyflex for the face Greer Childers
  13. Rejuvenation sessions by Galina Grossman. Face biolifting
  14. Chinese gymnastics for the face Qigong (Including non-contact qigong exercises for the face)
  15. Fitness for the face with Alena Rossoshinskaya
  16. face workout for men by bodybuilder Jack Lalanne
  17. Facial rejuvenation system FlexEffect by Deborah Crowley
  18. Facial rejuvenation AgelessLouLou (Louis Annette) little covered in RuNet, but popular in Europe
  19. FaceLifting by Galina Dubinina
  20. Youngfaces - Anna Mikulskaya's facial rejuvenation technique (available for review in the Club's library)
  21. Lifting gymnastics Olga Dan
  22. Yamuna Body Rolling - YAMUNA Body Rolling & Save Face - youthfulness of the face, body, body
  23. Facial Fitness Roberta Te and Sally Riceman
  24. Kremlin aerobics for the face
  25. Other

Self facial massage

Learn the technique of rejuvenating facial massage with us. For you are presented such effective massage techniques as the famous, "magic" japanese face massage asahi anti wrinkle massage, acupressure facial massage, facial massage with spoons, lifting facial massage and other types of rejuvenating facial massage that you can master and perform on your own.

Tip: Any facial massage, as well as make-up removal, perform adhering to massage lines so as not to stretch the delicate skin of the face. Massage lines for the face and neck

Self massage techniques

  1. ASAHI Facial Massage - Rejuvenating Japanese facial massage Asahi/ Zogan - Video lesson Tanaka
  2. Japanese facial massage Zogan / ASAHI 2 Yukuko Tanaka for different ages and types of faces
  3. Face massage with spoons from wrinkles and swelling
  4. Self-massage of Zemskova's face - Instructional video
  5. Lifting facial massage for wrinkles Camille Voler
  6. Wrinkle massage that works - Patricia Gorovey
  7. Rejuvenating acupressure facial massage - Points of youth on the face
  8. Shiatsu acupressure facial massage
  9. Indian lifting massage Kundan and Narendra Mehta
  10. Chinese self-massage of the face Qigong - contactless technology massage
  11. Oriental massage for a clear face oval - Secrets of youth Masako Mizutani
  12. Independent intraoral facial massage
  13. Biolifting of the face by Galina Grossmann - Rejuvenating energy facial massage
  14. Indian head massage
  15. Energetic facial rejuvenation session- Watch online

Aesthetic face taping

We master teip-lifting on our own

Aesthetic face taping- a modern way of facial rejuvenation, safe and affordable at home.

Facial taping is becoming one of the most popular salon treatments because it provides almost instant face lift. With the correct use of tapes, it is possible to correct the statics of the neck and even model the face.
You will learn:

  1. What are teips. How they work. Terms of use. Contraindications. How to choose teips for the face
  2. Rules and schemes for taping the face from wrinkles and edema. We master teip-lifting on our own
  3. Face Corrective Taping Schemes
    Forehead taping for mimic wrinkles
    How to remove mimic wrinkles from the eyes
    Tape-lifting of the middle part of the face - Lifting of the cheeks. How to shape beautiful cheekbones
    How to correct a flabby chin with teips

Who among us can boast of perfect posture? Very, very few. Indeed, so often we unevenly load the muscles of the back, do not observe the hygiene of work and rest.

The problem is not to be dismissed. Although this is not a disease, but incorrect posture threatens at least with muscle and headaches, circulatory disorders, excessive stress on internal organs, dizziness, arrhythmia, insomnia and even asthma. And it exacerbates age-related changes in the face. If problems with posture and neck are not resolved, you should definitely not expect noticeable improvements, that is, you cannot even dream of prolonging youth and beauty.

You can fix the situation!

  • perform special exercises according to the method from Melannett;
  • lead the right way of life;
  • strengthen muscles;
  • take care of the body
  • if necessary, wear a corset for a while.

Even with strong employment, it is advisable to find time for this, because correct posture is not only the health of the spine, internal organs, but also the key to good performance, as well as excellent mood.

1. Method from Melannett: effective help in correcting posture

A charming beauty with a chiseled figure without a single wrinkle on her face - Annette (Melannett) tried every exercise of her own technique on herself. Follow the amazing beauty teacher and her family on Instagram @melannett. There, Annette shares her recommendations and magic exercises.

What is the methodology? In the daily execution of very simple, but amazing effective exercises. The complex of classes is designed to train the back, neck, shoulders and, of course, the face. Annette has developed several courses - for beginners and advanced students. With their help, an absolutely natural process of healing and rejuvenation is launched in our body, the natural potential of self-regulation and recovery is revealed. We get rid of not only stoop, but also stress, as if we are throwing off the burden of what we have experienced for at least the last 10 years.

Even the results of those who have passed only the basic level are incredibly surprising.

Just a few weeks later:

  • posture is restored, muscles are strengthened;
  • increased mobility of the neck;
  • relieves muscle tension;
  • improves lymph and blood circulation;
  • swelling of the body and face disappears;
  • the frequency of headaches decreases;
  • general well-being improves, critical days are easier to endure, sleep improves;
  • increases efficiency and mood;
  • increases libido and the ability to conceive and bear.

And you start to look 10 years younger, you get a feeling of flight and happiness!

Everyone can take part in the miracle marathons of beauty and youth on the website Their main goal is to develop the habit of taking care of themselves, to bring it to automatism at the level of daily brushing your teeth. On her website and on Instagram, Melannett tells things that are largely incompatible with the canons of modern medicine, cosmetology and plastic surgery. Annette herself and her students manage to achieve amazing results without cosmetologists and surgeons! You will see for yourself by reading the reviews and getting acquainted with the photo reports of marathon participants.

2. Right lifestyle

To improve posture you need:

  • provide yourself with a comfortable place to work: buy comfortable furniture, adjust the tilt of the computer monitor, seat height;
  • sitting down, do not lean back in the chair, keep your back straight;
  • refrain from wearing shoes high heels(ideal height - 4 centimeters);
  • choose an orthopedic mattress suitable for your weight;
  • do not overstrain your eyesight;
  • do not wear clothes that squeeze the shoulders and chest;
  • walk with a backpack or carry a bag, periodically throwing the strap from shoulder to shoulder.

3. Muscle strengthening

Some experts recommend strengthening muscles to correct posture. The meaning of all exercises is reduced to the load of usually not involved muscle groups. It is believed that pumping up the back is very difficult. But in this case, the goal of training is to support the spine and internal organs. Therefore, relief muscles are not needed here at all.

One of the most important exercises for a weak back is the “plank”: rest your toes and elbows on the floor, try to keep your torso as straight as possible. Try to stay in this position for at least 15 seconds, gradually increasing the time to 1 minute. In addition to improving posture, the bar strengthens the muscles of the back, abs, hips, buttocks, and even helps to recover from back injuries.

4. Body care

Hardening with water, massage, warming up with a hot shower, rubbing with a rough towel, a brush with a long handle is a way to tone the body and relax the muscles. This is especially suitable for tired people who do not have the strength to maintain their posture throughout the day.

5. Corset

Today, buying a corset is not a problem. The range includes a variety of models made of breathable materials, with comfortable fasteners. Even if the size indicated on the label matches yours, you definitely need to try on the product, understand how you feel in it, share the feeling of discomfort from the initial unusualness of proper support. You need to wear a corset from 2-3 hours a day, gradually increasing this period to 8-9 hours.

An interesting and important material on the topic: "annet anti-wrinkle technique" with a full description and accessible language.

Facial massage from Annette (melannett), with the help of exercises, opens the eyes, removes wrinkles in the forehead area, massages the nasolabial area, chin and gets rid of the second chin.

Opening the eyes and lifting the eyelids

The exercise opens the eyes, removes the tubercles above and below the eyebrows, relieves the swelling of the eyelids and therefore raises them, raises the eyebrows!

So the exercise:
1️⃣ put over the head left hand tightly over the eyebrow
2️⃣ With the second hand, we collect a fold under the eyebrow. The larger and thicker the fold, the more it says about the edema.
3️⃣ Slowly and tightly, we begin to massage in circular motions 🌀Circular movements directed upwards⬆️ as if you want to put this fold under the fingers of your left hand.
4️⃣ massage🌀 slowly and tightly, but not painful (it can be more painful on one eye than on the other - this indicates that one side is more spasmodic than the other)
5️⃣ in time from 40 seconds to a minute. Do not forget to repeat on the other eye😉
6️⃣Do not forget to expand the muscle with gentle movements along the eyebrow. Directly with soft movements, walk along the length of the eyebrow. Remember, we are not working with skin, but with muscle.

Marathon “Beauty with your own hands” and my task to open the eyes and raise the eyelids 👀 This exercise opens the eyes, removes the tubercles above and below the eyebrows, removes the puffiness of the eyelids and therefore raises them, raises the eyebrows! ‼️ I remind you that without basic and basic exercises aimed at posture, neck and shoulders, the effect this exercise will be very short. And only your straight posture, long neck and relaxed shoulders will allow face exercises to develop a new habit and keep the result ALWAYS. But all this is not for the lazy, but only for those who practice regularly‼️ So the exercise: 1️⃣ over the head we put the left hand over the eyebrow tightly 2️⃣ with the second hand we collect a wrinkle under the eyebrow. The larger and thicker the fold, the more it says about the edema. 3️⃣ Slowly and tightly, we begin to massage in circular motions 🌀Circular movements directed upwards⬆️ as if you want to put this fold under the fingers of your left hand. 4️⃣ massage🌀 slowly and tightly, but not painfully (on one eye it may be more painful than on the other - this indicates that one side is more spasmodic than the other) 5️⃣ in time from 40 seconds to a minute. Do not forget to repeat on the other eye 😉 6️⃣ do not forget to expand the muscle with gentle movements along the eyebrow. Directly with soft movements, walk along the length of the eyebrow. Remember, we are working not with the skin, but with the muscle We do it in front of the mirror and report on the sensations 👇🏻👇🏻 you see, even my sleepy eyebrow rose, even though I did it in a hurry for you ☺️ otherwise my waver 🕵🏻 said that I just one take😁😅 ------- The only @melannett profile everything else is fake‼️ Do not forget to complete the tasks from my Marathon colleagues 😉

A post shared by Annette (@melannett) on Feb 15, 2017 at 10:07pm PST

Forehead exercise

1️⃣Place your fingers tightly on the halves of your forehead🍑
2️⃣ We heat the entire plane of the fingers (if the skin is dry, you can apply a little cream or oil) heat well for 20-30 seconds
3️⃣Start to rotate-massage, tightly holding your fingers on your forehead! You seem to penetrate the skin and work with the muscles💪🏻
4️⃣ Massage from 40 seconds until you feel warm and relaxed.
5️⃣You can massage longer! You can change direction.
6️⃣ After that, walk with dense spiral movements along the middle of the forehead 👌
Better to do in front of a mirror!

🇬🇧 1. Place the fingers, excluding your thumb, of both hands on your forehead. 2. Warm your forehead with your fingers (if you have dry skin, try using a bit of cream or oil) warming for 20-30 sec 3. When you are warm, start to massage your forehead in circles, firmly holding your skin with your fingers, ensuring they feel the muscles under the skin. 4. Massage for a minimum of 40 seconds until you start feeling warmth and relaxation 5. You may decide to massage for a longer period. You may change the direction of massage also. 6. After this, you should firmly massage the center of your forehead in a spiral movement. This is best performed in front of the mirror. You will see the impact of this exercise in a short time. For maximum effect, this should become a habit. Exercise! It's necessary to do this every day! Otherwise, these will be no effect at all. 🇬🇧 A simple and effective exercise. You can feel the effect from the first time, but in order for the effect to be more beautiful and, most importantly, you are satisfied with it, you need to work on the neck, posture and back. Relaxing shoulder girdle➡️ the neck lengthens, behind it ➡️ the trapezius muscles relax ➡️ your forehead is released ... (one of the chains ⛓) And here is a point exercise on the forehead area. We try and tell😜👇🏻 tell tell So! 1. We put our fingers tightly on the halves of the forehead🍑 2. We heat the entire plane of the fingers (if the skin is dry, you can apply a little cream or oil) we heat well for 20-30 seconds 3. We start to rotate-massage, holding the fingers tightly on the forehead! You seem to penetrate the skin and work with the muscles💪🏻 4. Massage from 40 seconds until you feel warm and relaxed. 5. You can massage longer! You can change direction. 6. After that, walk with dense spiral movements along the middle of the forehead 👌 Better to do it in front of a mirror! The effect will be, but very short. For a greater effect, a new habit is needed. Exercise! You have to do uprights every day! There is no other way🙌🏻 .---- The basic marathon starts on February 6, all the details on the website Announcement of the Advanced in a week 😊😉

A post shared by Annette (@melannett) on Jan 27, 2017 at 8:48am PST

Nasolabial triangle exercise

1⃣ specially writhe a squeamish muzzle, straining the facial muscles on the side and below the corners of the lips
2⃣ firmly put three fingers on tense muscles
3⃣ densely massage for 30 seconds with a small radius of circular movements
4⃣ disgust keep the whole massage
5⃣ let go and observe the sensations

Chin exercise

Good morning, Beauties! 💐 At the request of readers and caretakers who caught me for promising to give Kenoshka on the chin. Since no one could shoot me in the light of day🙎🏿 I'm showing the old keno, but one of these days I'll shoot with details and nuances that will allow to achieve a faster effect. Have you noticed that over the years the chin twists up and sometimes a wrinkle forms under the lower lip and chin? Virgos with this type of aging are especially prone to such a problem, when the face folds inward from the forehead to the chin and vice versa ⏫⏬ which later on resemble grandmother Yozhka👵🏻🐡 We peel off the skin from the chin while resisting✋ We grab the chin tightly enough, act on the muscle and pull it back to its original position. The place that was allocated to her back in 15 years😊🍑 If you have not just a problem, but your chin is already wrapped, then we peel off the skin every day, or even several times a day😉 give this exercise a minute or two⌚️ I do every day I'm ripping it off, this is exactly my problem #ripping_chin All the nuances and details of revitonics 👌 ‼️I 👆 on the video quickly rip off the skin, you still do it calmly slowly with a feeling with sense of alignment 😉 ❗️ mark your future grandmas Hedgehog 😁 so as not to become one such😜 whose chin tends to the nose?😖the profile is closed🙌🏻

A post shared by Annette (@melannett) on Apr 8, 2016 at 11:23pm PDT

Double chin exercise

Exercise to destroy the second chin One of the simplest and most effective exercises, the effect of which you will see immediately‼️ And on January 16 and 17, Revitonika and I will conduct a 2-day training and setting your arms to preserve your youth and beauty 👍 where there will be more exercises, including on the chin and oval✨ I'm waiting for you to practice! Who wants to take part, call ☎️+7 495 542 03 33 or write to the mail 📩 #revitonics_courses Do not forget to say “Hi 👋 from Annette”, the discount is required ❗️ 💰 The cost of the course is 18000₽ Of course you can and not only on these dates! Second chin‼️ its formation is not always associated with being overweight! Most often, this is lymph stagnation and the problem of currents in the neck! So I always write start with the neck and posture. If you think that your chin is a congenital phenomenon and nothing can help you, you are very mistaken ❗️ I have letters from girls who smashed this myth to smithereens 😉 and also a girl is currently with me in the Alps, with whom we do every day stubborn and you can’t unstick her from the mirror😂it’s only 6 days😁 So! We do it in front of the mirror 😳 1⃣ Quite tightly from the collarbones with the back of the hand we lift all the skin, fat, lymph to the chin. 2⃣After all the “beauty” has been raised, we lower our head onto the brush, do not relax the brush! 3⃣ And we begin to rub: the head in one direction, the brush in the other. Tightly three chin. 4⃣ By time not less than 30 seconds⏳ 5⃣ How often? At least once a day! But you yourself are repelled by the reflection in the mirror. Contraindications‼️ 🔺 General contraindications to massage 🔺 ENT ban 🔹 thyroid problems are not a contraindication 🔺 current colds We are trying and waiting for your impressions and comments ❗️ forward! Show sponsor kena 🎥 naturally @msq_jewelry ✨😜

A post shared by Annette (@melannett) on Jan 8, 2016 at 6:56am PST

See also - Eyebrow massage

And other exercises by tag melannett

The question of how to avoid the appearance of wrinkles worries every woman, regardless of age. Dermatologists are convinced that the sooner a woman thinks about the problem of aging, the better. Many have seen from their own experience that the timely use of cosmetics helps to completely smooth out mimic wrinkles. But what to do if the skin has lost its elasticity, deep wrinkles appear around the eyes and on the forehead? In this case, the change of care will not be sufficient. Significantly improve appearance skin can gymnastics for the face from wrinkles.

  • The whole variety of existing gymnastics for the face can be divided into two types: supporting and power.
  • Gymnastics is aimed at general skin rejuvenation, as well as the elimination of nasolabial folds, wrinkles under the eyes and on the forehead.
  • The secret to the success of exercises is the regularity of their implementation. Only a thorough approach can achieve the effect of a facelift.
  • Gymnastics for the face and the area around the eyes has contraindications.
  • It is necessary to perform exercises in a complex, following the sequence - first gymnastics for the eyes, then for the neck and chin. In conclusion, it is necessary to do tonic exercises aimed against wrinkles on the face.

The effectiveness of gymnastics for the face and its types

Lifting gymnastics for the face, also known as facebuilding, first appeared in the 30s of the last century and gained immense popularity among women. Today, there are many methods for performing these exercises. Conventionally, they can be divided into soft supporting and intensive power. The first type involves a weak effect on the muscles, but at the same time provides a powerful cumulative effect. These exercises allow you to maintain the necessary level of skin tone on the face.

Strength training involves increased loads and movements that the muscles are not used to. Special exercises introduce them into a state of stress and activate recovery processes, which leads to an active improvement in skin elasticity. It should be noted that its use is not recommended for women younger than 35-40 years.

Even in the case of serious problems (for example, deep wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead, flabby eyelids or pronounced nasolabial folds), simple exercises should be preferred at first.

What results should be expected from regular gymnastics?

  1. Acceleration of blood circulation in tissues and a significant improvement in complexion. A nice bonus will be the solution to the problem of excessive dryness of the skin of the face and around the eyes.
  2. The growth of facial muscles will help correct defects such as a sagging jaw line and a flabby neck. In addition, an increase in muscle volume will affect the condition of the nasolabial folds, as well as wrinkles under the eyes and on the forehead.
  3. Activation of lymph outflow and start of cleansing processes.
  4. Acceleration of the synthesis of collagen and protein molecules, as well as their accumulation in the deep layers of the skin. This will prevent the appearance of nasolabial folds and new wrinkles.
  5. long and correct execution exercise has a pronounced result, which can be compared with the effect of a facelift.
  6. Performing exercises aimed at improving the condition of the eyelids and eliminating wrinkles under the eyes has a positive effect on vision.


Rejuvenating gymnastics for the face is contraindicated in hypertension and pathology of the facial nerve.

Consultation with a specialist is required if plastic surgery on the face has been transferred.

In order for anti-wrinkle gymnastics to bring the maximum effect, certain rules must be followed.

  • Before class, thoroughly cleanse the skin and remove makeup from the eyelids. So she can breathe and sweat freely.
  • In case of increased dryness of the skin, moisturize it with a lotion or light cream before starting a workout. If necessary, use thermal water during the session.
  • Don't forget to keep your head and posture in check. Sit in a comfortable chair with a back and try to relax. This will improve the blood supply to the tissues and make the result of gymnastics more pronounced.
  • During the exercise, aimed at a specific area, the rest of the face should be relaxed.
  • Breathe properly: make an effort on the exhale and rest on the inhale.
  • Conduct the first classes in front of a mirror. This will allow you to better work out and quickly learn the technique of movements.
  • Complicate the exercises and increase the number of repetitions gradually.
  • After completing the complex, refresh your face with tonic, apply serum and cream. Several times a week, finish with a nourishing mask for the face and eyelids.
  • It is desirable to perform the whole complex. Of course, you can devote more time to individual exercises (for example, against wrinkles on the forehead and under the eyes or nasolabial folds), but only a complete workout will provide an improvement in skin tone.
  • The key to successful rejuvenation lies in the regularity of classes. The muscles of the face are small in size and quick to respond to stress. For this reason, the tightening effect is achieved after 2-3 months of training. But in the case of irregular training, the results quickly disappear, as the muscles lose their tone again. The first few months you need to do gymnastics daily, giving it 10-15 minutes. In the future, 2-3 classes per week are enough.

Description of the workout

First you need to do gymnastics for the eyes. It is aimed at strengthening the eye muscles, reducing puffiness under the eyes and toning the skin. Perform the following sequence of movements, repeating each 5-6 times.

  • Standard exercises help well against bags under the eyes: alternate squinting and relaxing; blink quickly; keeping your eyes open, “draw” the pupils of the eight.
  • To work out the upper eyelids, place your fingers under the eyebrows and forcefully move the eyebrows up. The exercise also fights wrinkles on the forehead.
  • Against the sagging of the lower eyelids, press the edge of the cheekbone with your fingers and close your eyes.

If you have free time, the described movements can be repeated throughout the day. Exercises for mimic wrinkles around the eyes not only improve the condition of the skin, but also perfectly relieve fatigue.
Then you should perform exercises for the neck. Start with 3 repetitions, gradually increasing their number to 10.

  1. Tilt your head back. In this position, cover your upper lip as much as possible with your lower lip and count to 5. Relax and touch your chin to your chest.
  2. Stretch your neck slightly, keeping your head straight. Touch your chin with the back of your right hand. While tensing your muscles, open your mouth wide and stick your tongue out as far as you can. Count to 5-7 and relax.
  3. Place the right hand on top of the left and place them under the chin. Try to tilt your head back with your hands, while resisting this movement with the neck muscles. Count to 5-7 and relax. When performing this movement, try not to overexert your face - this can lead to the formation of wrinkles on the forehead.
  4. You probably remember the next exercise from the school physical education course. Stand up straight and lower your head to your chest. Roll it smoothly around the axis - first to the left shoulder, then to the right. Tilt your head back and lower it back to your chest. Pause after each change of position.

Do not skip these exercises, even if you think that the skin of the neck is in excellent condition. The described movements have a complex effect and affect the condition of the eyelids, forehead, cheeks and chin.

Complete the complex with exercises to increase facial muscle tone. First repeat all movements 2-3 times, then 5-6 times.

  1. Take a deep breath, expanding the wings of the nose. Exhale sharply, pushing the air out through the right corner of your mouth. Repeat the movement, exhaling through the left corner of the mouth. This exercise is directed against the nasolabial folds.
  2. Take a slow and deep breath through your nose and hold your breath. Then, puffing out your cheeks and closing your lips, forcefully push the air out through your mouth.
  3. While inhaling through the nose, firmly press the tongue against the lower teeth. As you exhale, relax your muscles and let them rest for a few seconds.
  4. Take a slow breath in through your nose. Exhaling through your mouth, stretch your lips forward. Hold the corners of your lips in place with your index fingers. This movement provides the effect of tightening the area around the lips and prevents the appearance of nasolabial folds.
  5. Place the fingers of both hands on the forehead so that one of them is at the level of the eyebrows. Raise your eyes and eyebrows up, preventing movement with your fingers.
  6. Place your fingers on your forehead and eyes so that they fix the inner corner of the eyes (the area near the bridge of the nose), the middle of the eyebrows and the outer corners of the eyes. Close your eyes, counteracting this movement with your fingers. As you do this exercise, you will also feel the tension in your eyelids and forehead muscles.
  7. The workout ends with an exercise that causes active blood flow to the muscles. Gently turn your head on your right shoulder to failure and on the count of 3 lower it to your chest. Repeat the movement on the other side.

Thus, gymnastics for the face is aimed at strengthening weakened muscles and eliminating such cosmetic skin imperfections as flabbiness of the eyelids, wrinkles under the eyes and in the forehead. Regular exercise combined with caring care can completely transform the face.

Every day we view hundreds of personal pages on social networks. It is worth recognizing that half of these profiles do not bring anything useful into our lives, but rather kill free time. It's a special stroke of luck when we stumble upon people whose positive energy and skills spread like real life as well as in the virtual world. Such an example is the beautiful Annette. Perfect skin without wrinkles, straight posture, taut chin - all this gives its subscribers a miracle coach without plastic surgery, but with the help of simple exercises. The results are stunning!

The essence of Annette's cosmetic techniques is to massage problem areas. The girl calls all her training videos #kenoshki and uploads them under the hashtag

An interesting fact is that Annette calls to fight wrinkles not only with the help of manual massage, but also with special cosmetic jars. Before using them, @melannett advises to lubricate the tip of the suction cup with oil or cream.

In an age when it is possible to obtain ideal parameters and skin only with the help of heavy artillery in the form of a plastic knife and expensive procedures, free lessons Annette seems like a funny joke. However, the gratitude of the subscribers and visual photos with the results that are sent by the readers themselves give hope.