What is the most effective deadlift for girls? Deadlift with dumbbells Sumo deadlift technique for girls.

Good afternoon, dear readers of our site! Today we want to tell you about a very popular exercise that no bodybuilder can do without - the deadlift. You can find out how to perform this exercise correctly in order to avoid injuries and achieve excellent results, and what its benefits are for the fair half of humanity in this article.

What is a deadlift and why is it needed?

Deadlift- This basic exercise with a barbell, which involves a large number of muscles: erector spinae, latissimus dorsi, top part back, forearms, gluteal muscles, hamstrings, adductors and thighs.

The secondary load goes to: trapezius, serratus and rhomboid muscles, shoulder muscles, deltoids, abdominal muscles, thigh muscles, gluteal and hamstring muscles, lower leg, gastrocnemius, tibialis anterior muscles. Moreover, deadlift is useful for both men and women, as it strengthens the entire body, helps burn unnecessary fat and develops the muscles of the whole body.

There are several options for performing deadlifts:

  • Classic deadlift;
  • Straight-legged deadlift (Romanian deadlift);
  • Deadlift with dumbbells;
  • Romanian deadlift with dumbbells on one leg;
  • Sumo deadlift.

Why deadlift is effective and useful for girls

Some girls in the gym avoid this exercise, considering it too difficult and only for strong male hands. And in vain! It is not at all necessary to immediately take on heavy weights; at first it is enough to use not very heavy dumbbells or a barbell.

Deadlifts are one of the most energy-intensive exercises, so they are great for getting rid of fat deposits and getting rid of cellulite, especially in the thighs. It will also help tidy up the muscles of the buttocks, inner and back thighs. After all, any woman dreams of a beautiful and inflated ass, so not a single workout can do without this exercise. bottom part bodies.

Also, by loading your back muscles, you can make your back straight and toned. Therefore, you can always confidently wear currently fashionable dresses with an open back.

Deadlift technique

Since there are several techniques for performing this exercise, we will consider them all.

Classic deadlift:

The position of the squat determines which muscles will be subject to greater stress. When the back is parallel to the floor (Fig. 1), the back muscles are more loaded, since the exercise begins with raising the back to a vertical position. If you take a position with your thighs parallel to the floor (Fig. 2), then the main load will be on the legs and buttocks, since the exercise begins with straightening the legs.

Rice. 1 Rice. 2

  • Crouching, grab the barbell with an overhand grip, palms slightly wider than your pelvis;
  • The back is completely straight, the shoulder blades are brought together, there is a slight arch in the lower back;
  • Straighten up completely, smoothly and without jerking. At the same time, make sure that your back and spine are completely straight and your shoulder blades are brought together;
  • Hands at this moment should not pull the barbell, they act as cables;
  • The bar moves vertically, as close as possible to the hips and shins;
  • Look straight ahead;
  • When lowering the barbell, you must begin by bending your knees and moving your pelvis back.

Straight Leg Deadlift (Romanian Deadlift)

This version of the deadlift works equally well on the buttocks and back of the thighs, as well as on the back muscles.

Romanian deadlift

  • While standing, grab the barbell with an overhand grip, palms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart;
  • The back is straight with a slight arch in the lower back, the shoulder blades are brought together;
  • Look straight ahead throughout the entire exercise;
  • We begin to lower the body smoothly, by tilting the back and moving the pelvis back;
  • You can keep your legs straight, or you can bend them a little;
  • The barbell is lowered vertically, as close as possible to the hips and knees;
  • We bring the barbell to the middle of the shin and return to the starting position.

Deadlift with dumbbells

Classic deadlift with dumbbells Romanian deadlift with dumbbells

This version of the deadlift can be done both in the Classic way and in the Romanian way. You can hold dumbbells in front of you (like a barbell) or at your sides. This method is especially suitable for beginners or those who practice at home. The execution technique is no different from the previous options.

Romanian single leg deadlift

To perform this exercise, it is best to use a dumbbell or other convenient weight, not a barbell.

  • Standing on one right leg, grab a wall or other convenient vertical surface with your left hand;
  • IN right hand hold a dumbbell;
  • With a straight back, we lower the body down, move the thigh of the left leg back until it is parallel with the floor;
  • Look straight ahead;
  • We return to the starting position;
  • We change sides.

Sumo Deadlift

This version of the exercise uses the muscles of the legs and buttocks more, and especially the adductor muscles of the thighs.

Sumo Deadlift

  • In this exercise, the legs are positioned much wider than the shoulders, toes to the sides at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • The back is completely straight, with a slight arch in the lower back, the shoulder blades are brought together;
  • We take the barbell with an overhand grip, palms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart;
  • The thighs at the lowest point are parallel to the floor, the angle at the knee is 90 degrees;
  • We lift the barbell off the floor with a push from the hips, smoothly straighten the body, at this moment the arms are straight, look ahead;
  • We return to the starting position.

How to Avoid Injury When Deadlifting

In fact, this is effective exercise not dangerous if you follow all the rules of execution technique. But mistakes are also common, especially among beginners who practice on their own.

Let's look at the main execution errors that can lead to various injuries and will not bring any positive results for your figure:

  • Performing the exercise without warming up.

We will not tire of repeating that you should always start any type of training, especially with weights, only after a good one. It is better to use minimal weight to begin with to prepare the muscles and joints, and then take on more.

  • Using too much weight.

The weight should be such that you can perform 3-4 sets of 15-20 times, while feeling tension in the muscles, but not severe overexertion and, especially, pain.

  • Rounded lower back, stooped.

It is very important! If you cannot keep your back and shoulders straight and your shoulder blades retracted, then you should reduce the weight you are training with. If you train with a barbell, remove all weights and train with an empty bar. If this doesn’t help, then dumbbells will always come to the rescue.

And be sure to keep your gaze straight ahead at both the lowest point and the highest.

  • Pulling the shoulders back and strongly arching the lower back at the top.

Bending too much back can be harmful to your lower back, and pulling your shoulders back can even cause chronic pain and injury to a joint, ligament, or muscle. Therefore, it is not advisable to perform these movements. At the top point you should be standing straight, shoulder blades retracted, knees straight.

Powerlifters can do this, but this does not mean that it is correct and safe.

  • Bend your arms at the elbows.

There is no need to bend your elbows at all. Your arms should be completely straight, hanging under the weight of the barbell or dumbbells. Only the muscles of the hands and shoulders work. The biceps and triceps are completely relaxed and stretched.

  • Sudden movements.

All bends and lifting should be smooth without sudden jumps and movements, otherwise it is fraught with injuries, and you will not be able to lift normal weight.

That's all for today. We hope that we have told you enough about such an effective strength exercise as the deadlift. Train regularly, work on your body and then it will work for you!

Some girls, in pursuit of an ideal body, train mainly only the most obvious and noticeable parts of the body - the butt and legs. Meanwhile, deadlifts are extremely useful for girls, although they mostly pump up the back muscles. For the health of the whole body and proportionally developed body Don't miss a single muscle group. Moreover, a trained back gives girls grace; no one forces you to sway to the size of a closet. If girls want to do deadlifts, you can slightly change the technique - then this exercise will also pump up the gluteal muscles.

All types of deadlifts work more than just your back, just like any other free weight exercise. Deadlifting has an extremely positive effect on the leg muscles - pay attention to how girls perform deadlifts with a barbell, and how their hips are tensed. However, not everyone can do this exercise. If you have had a back injury or have any medical condition, consult a trainer or doctor. For girls with a sore spine, deadlifting will not bring any benefit, but will most likely cause harm. We will have to replace this effective exercise with more gentle options.

Classic deadlift

Classic deadlift is one of the most common variations of the exercise. To be able to do a deadlift correctly, girls need to first strengthen the muscles of their legs and back. If you haven’t done this yet, add squats to your training program. own weight or with weights, pull-ups and lunges. When you feel ready, start performing deadlifts for girls using this technique:

  • The back should be completely straight, the lower back arched throughout the exercise.
  • Don't pull the barbell towards you with your hands, they should just hold it. The legs and back will do all the work.
  • As you rise up with the barbell, make sure your shoulder blades come together and your chest sticks out forward.
  • Raise the barbell in a vertical line, letting it pass as close to your hips as possible.
  • Never round your back, as this can lead to injury. Tighten your abs and watch your shoulder blades.

This exercise is also called the Romanian deadlift and it will certainly appeal to many girls. The Romanian deadlift perfectly works the muscles of the buttocks and thighs, while, like any deadlift, it pumps up the back. To do deadlifts correctly, girls will have to prepare thoroughly. Depending on the trainer’s recommendations, introduce hyperextension into the program or pump your legs on simulators. Only when the muscles are ready for a more serious load, move on to the Romanian deadlift for girls:

  • Make sure your hands are slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • The back should be straight, the shoulder blades touching each other.
  • Lean forward, pushing your buttocks back.
  • If the stretch is not sufficient, bend your legs slightly.
  • Lower the barbell below your knees and rise up - you don't need to put it all the way down.
  • Move smoothly, feel the muscles working.

On paper, the technique looks quite simple, but in order for girls to do deadlifts, they will have to sweat and prepare thoroughly. Always focus on how tense your muscles are. If you do the exercise in jerks, you won't get half the benefit, and you'll probably end up with a sprain.

Greetings, dear readers and, in particular, female readers! For girls, today's article will be doubly useful!

It so happens that most gym visitors associate basic exercises with great muscle mass and strength sports. What if I told you that they are also useful for the weaker sex!

Even the heaviest of the basic movements (the deadlift) can serve as a good tool in building a lean figure. Let's find out why deadlifts are so useful for girls.

To explain it in a very primitive way, deadlift is lifting a load from the ground. A movement that is often found in everyday life.

To explain it more scientifically, the deadlift is a combination of two movements: extension in the knee and hip joints. And the heavy barbell you hold in your hands prevents this extension.

The exercise in question has long been ingrained in the training regimens of athletes in many sports. Yes, yes, its application goes far beyond fitness and bodybuilding.

Deadlifting in different sports

Even in the program of the great strongman and bodybuilder Evgeniy Sandov, there were exercises reminiscent of the current deadlift. And this was more than 100 years ago!

And subsequently, many circus strongmen included lifting the barbell from the floor, both in their training and in the performance program.

Deadlifting gained worldwide popularity after the advent of weightlifting. Since then, it has been actively used in the training practice of almost all athletes. power types sports (powerlifting, weightlifting and even luge). This exercise has not gone unnoticed in CrossFit.

What muscles work

Since the main movement occurs in the hip joint, the gluteal and hamstring muscles receive the main load.

In the classic version of the deadlift, in addition to the hip joint, the knee joint also bends. The movement resembles a half squat. Therefore, you can’t do without working the quadriceps.

The back extensor muscles work in a static mode, that is, they do not change their length throughout the entire exercise.

But, I remember, I said that the deadlift affects almost the entire body. And indeed it is! To hold the barbell in your hands, you need to tense the muscles of your forearms. And to stabilize shoulder girdle diamond-shaped and trapezius muscles. You see, deadlifting will not let you relax!

Advantages and disadvantages

This exercise is not ideal and has its drawbacks. But most of them are associated with the inability to do it correctly or the desire to lift heavy weights.

Let's start with the shortcomings. So:

  1. Places high demands on performance technique and the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, I do not advise completely inexperienced beginners and fragile girls to start with this exercise. First you have to strengthen your muscles through simple movements.
  2. Deadlifting is difficult to do at home, because the best weight for it is a barbell.

That's probably all. And now about the benefits.

Why do deadlifts

  1. The load is on almost the entire body. Imagine using 75% of the muscles in your body. During the period of mass gain, such a “global” effect will contribute to the release of anabolic hormones and, consequently, muscle growth. Girls shouldn't be afraid of this! After all, you will not get a pumped-up body, but good physical shape (especially legs and buttocks). And during the period of weight loss, exercise will allow you to burn more calories.
  2. Deadlifting with light weights will strengthen your lower back and entire muscle corset spine (with correct execution!). And this will have a positive impact in everyday life. For example, when lifting any heavy objects in everyday life.
  3. This exercise teaches you to feel your back muscles and keep your lower back straight.
  4. Various types of deadlifts, for example Romanian, make it possible to specifically work the back of the thigh and buttocks. And single leg rows work the gluteus medius and minimus.

As you can see, there are more than enough reasons to include deadlifts in your workouts. The main thing is to master the correct technique.


Not everyone can do the deadlift. In some cases, even with the correct technique, an exercise can be harmful!

Who is at risk?

  1. People with and lower back pain. In sports, there are common cases where athletes train even despite this illness. But we are for health!
  2. In addition to intervertebral hernias, there are hernias of the abdominal wall - organs are pressed through the layer of abdominal muscles.
  3. Those who have diastasis - stretching of the fibers of the white line of the abdomen. The one that connects two vertical rows of abs. Often occurs in women after pregnancy.
  4. People with cardiovascular diseases.
  5. People with poor posture.

The main reasons for contraindications are that:

  1. The back muscles work in a static mode. The load from them is transferred to the intervertebral discs, compressing them. The spine of a healthy person tolerates such a load well. What can't be said about an unhealthy back?
  2. When performing barbell lifts, you need to retract and tense your abdominal muscles. And this leads to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which also increases blood pressure. This is normal for strength exercises, but it is dangerous for the above categories of people

Safety regulations

To protect yourself from possible negative consequences, you need to approach your training wisely!

What is the danger?

The load on the bone apparatus is distributed evenly when the back maintains a natural deflection, the shoulders are straightened, and the stomach is slightly retracted and tense. If at least one of the criteria is not met, then the technique collapses, and the risk of injury increases exponentially from repetition to repetition!

Violation of execution technique

How to track technical violations? It's easy to notice. The main “jamb” is a hunched back. Sometimes people bend almost into an arc. The reason for this disorder is too much weight or weakness of the muscle corset.

To learn the correct technique, film yourself from the side. Or ask an experienced athlete to watch your technique.

Warming up is required

Never forget about warming up! It is the key to your sporting longevity. Moreover, it does not require much time. Usually 5-10 minutes are enough to “warm up” the ligaments and joints and prepare the muscles for training. This part of the warm-up is called general. The best option would be to perform a short cardio session and swing movements with your arms and legs.

This is followed by a special warm-up. I think you are familiar with her too. It consists of performing several warm-up approaches in the exercise that you are going to do.


Sneakers with hard soles are best for footwear.

The requirements for other elements of clothing are simple - they should not restrict movement and allow the skin to breathe.

Many athletes use a weightlifting belt worn around the waist. Its main task is to maintain intra-abdominal pressure. And as you remember, it is this that helps keep your lower back straight.

I advise you to use the belt only in working approaches. In other cases, try to keep your lower back straight on your own.

Another important element of equipment is wrist straps. They are used when grip strength is not enough to hold the weight in your hands. Another reason for their use may be fatigue of the forearm muscles due to previous exercises.

Sometimes both coaches and experienced athletes suggest using a different grip instead of belts. That is, grab the barbell with one palm away from you and the other towards you. But this option can lead to injury. shoulder joint and imbalance in the development of the muscles of the back and arms!

Technique and types

Exercise in the classic form is unlikely to appeal to girls. After all, you also need a thin waist.

Which deadlift is best for girls?

Since you need elastic buttocks and toned thighs, then the emphasis should be on training them. The straight leg deadlift, also known as the deadlift or also called the Romanian deadlift, will help us with this. The essence of the exercise is that the main movement occurs in the hip joint, which is extended by the gluteal muscles.

  • Romanian:

The correct deadlift technique corresponds to slightly bent knees and a straight back. Which should remain so throughout the entire exercise. Moreover, you should strive not to lean forward, but to move your butt back. As if you want to rest your buttocks against an imaginary wall behind you. Hands with weights should be directed vertically downwards. You should lower yourself until you feel a slight stretch on the back of your thigh.

  • On one leg:

It is another effective “female” exercise. Which, for some reason, is not popular. But in vain! After all, it uses not only the gluteus maximus muscle, but also its smaller neighbors - the gluteus medius and minimus.

In the starting position, step one leg back. And leave it in this position throughout the entire exercise. The rest of the technique resembles straight-legged deadlifts. And to better understand how to do this type of deadlift, watch the video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=37&v=vTL6fT93RMQ)!

  • Sumo:

One more. Men usually use this type of deadlift to increase their size. strength indicators. And for girls it will help pump up the adductor muscles of the thigh.

In the starting position, you need to stand with your feet apart much wider than your shoulders and your toes turned out. You can use a barbell, dumbbells or a Smith machine as weights. By the way, this also applies to other exercises! Grab the bar with an overhand grip (palms facing you) at shoulder width or slightly narrower than shoulder width. The forward tilt of the torso should be slight, since the lion's share of the movement is the extension of the legs.

Deadlift from floor to knees on a stand:

It is performed only using the leg muscles. The stand is used to increase the depth of the squat. Squat down as far as flexibility allows. Then stand up using only leg extension and bring the barbell to knee level. Then return to the starting position.

Training program for girls

The deadlift can be included in a set of workouts that day, or legs. The best option is to put the exercise first or second in your program.

So a leg workout might look like this:

  1. Incline leg press – 3-4 sets of 15-12 reps.
  2. Straight-legged deadlift or sumo deadlift - 3-4 sets of 15-12 reps.
  3. Lunges – 2-3 sets of 15-12 repetitions.

If you include deadlifts on your back day:

  1. Traction vertical block– 3-4 sets of 15-12 repetitions.
  2. Classic deadlift – 2-3 sets of 15-12 reps.
  3. Rows of a horizontal block to the stomach - 3-4 sets of 15-12 repetitions.

And after completing the complex, do not forget to stretch your muscles!

It is better for girls to perform the classic version of the deadlift from plinths, that is, not from ground level, but from knee level. To do this, you need to set the plinths so that the barbell passes just below the kneecaps.

Common mistakes

The most common errors include:

  1. Hunched back. The most traumatic technical violation
  2. Unsynchronized extension in the hip and knee joints
  3. Bringing the shoulders forward. Indicates weak trapezius and rhomboid muscles
  4. Hyperextension of the body after lifting with weights


Today we learned that deadlift is not only for men, but also for women. Or an effective means for losing weight. But don't forget about the right diet!

With this I say goodbye to you. Subscribe to article updates, share information with friends on social networks. And if you have any questions, please contact me through the feedback form on the website. See you soon!

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This type of exercise can be classified as a complex but highly effective type of training.

Those who have mastered this type of load always include it in their training complexes. This method of muscle training can be used wherever it is convenient for you - both in the gym and at home.

The use of dumbbells allows you to increase the efficiency of working the target muscles several times. Therefore, if you are faced with the task of properly pumping up and strengthening the main muscle groups, you can successfully use the deadlift exercise with dumbbells for girls.

What muscles work?

The main load falls on the muscles - hip flexors, gluteus maximus and back extensors. Additional involved following muscles: Teres major, rhomboid and trapezius, and many other muscle groups that help stabilize the body's core when performing the dumbbell forward bend exercise.

By doing various types traction the load on muscle groups is distributed as follows:

  • High – lower back, buttocks, ;
  • Middle - arms, forearms.
  • Other muscle groups and muscles are also involved, but to a lesser extent.

Having become familiar with this load distribution, you can clearly direct your efforts to the target muscle groups that need to be worked out. The load is distributed differently when using different types of exercise, although the same muscles are involved.

Standing on straight legs

The so-called deadlift with dumbbells for girls is suitable for those who want to pump up the gluteus maximus muscle, as well as strengthen the torso muscles and give them relief. Gym instructors note that this type of exercise is recommended for men at the beginning of training, when it is contraindicated to use heavy weights at once.

Be careful, this movement is quite dangerous, If you are a beginner, we recommend starting to work on your back extensors and gluteal muscles With . It is performed with your own weight, and therefore the risk of injury is much less.


  1. We stand straight, legs slightly apart. You can shift from foot to foot to relax your leg muscles. Place your hands with dumbbells on the sides of your hips, or you can place the dumbbell behind your back
  2. We bend our back at the lower back
  3. We lower the body forward without bending or bending the knees. The center of gravity naturally shifts forward. We compensate for this by moving our buttocks back. Place your hands with dumbbells freely exactly above your feet.
  4. Hands with dumbbells begin to slide down without reaching the floor. Don't forget! We make an effort while exhaling! Next we return to the starting position

For the first time, it is enough to do, on average, ten repetitions at a slow pace, smoothly, without rushing, feeling how the buttocks tense and rear end hips. In the future, when the muscles become stronger and the stretching is good enough, we increase the number to three to four sets of twelve exercises.

This movement takes pride of place among, second only to, and.

Important information before you begin

Before performing the above movement, Be sure to read this information:

  • Load displacement. The peculiarity of this type of exercise is that when you bend your legs strongly, you will work out your gluteal muscles perfectly. If you straighten your legs more strongly, the load will go to the back of your thighs. Depending on your goal, you can shift the emphasis of the load on the muscles you are interested in in this way and achieve excellent training results.
  • Main mistake. A mistake when performing the Romanian deadlift is to fully extend the legs, as this can threaten to strain the tendons.
  • Helpful advice. When performing a “deadlift”, do not forget that the main load will fall on the muscles of the lower back, so before performing this exercise you must do good stretches. Warm muscles work much more efficiently, and the risk of injury becomes minimal.
  • Is it possible to perform the movement after injury? You can resume exercises during the recovery period after any injuries using the smallest weights and only after consulting a doctor.
Carefully! If you came to Gym recently, then do not immediately pursue heavy loads - increase the weight of the dumbbells and the number of repetitions of the exercises gradually. Major injuries occur precisely for these reasons and discourage training with dumbbells in the future.

On bent legs

This exercise is also called the Romanian dumbbell deadlift for girls. Why is it needed? The fact is that with poor stretching and insufficient flexibility, this movement with straight legs is very difficult to perform, so in such cases this variation is performed. The gluteal muscles receive the greatest load, followed by the thigh muscles.

Before training we do a warm-up, including exercises for target muscles.

How to do this movement correctly:

  1. We stand straight, knees slightly bent. Place your hands with dumbbells loosely on the sides of your hips.
  2. We bend our back at the lower back, so as not to disrupt the natural curve of the spine.
  3. We lower the body forward while bending your knees a little more. Hands with dumbbells slide freely along the front of the thighs, to the feet. We make an effort while exhaling!

Watch the video for more details:

Carefully! Some do this exercise squatting and almost touching the floor with your buttocks. This is not correct. By doing so, you put a lot of stress on your knee joints, putting them at risk of injury. Position your thighs parallel to the floor, then knee joint a right angle is formed! When performed correctly, the load is distributed evenly, which helps to work out the gluteal muscle group and hips.

Romanian single leg deadlift with dumbbells

This exercise is included in many training programs for the reason that it is capable of excellent exercise, which is not available for most other types of loads. Deadlifts on one leg with dumbbells are also aimed at developing the vestibular apparatus. With regular use they eliminate disharmony in the development of muscle groups.

Before you begin the exercise, you need to do a good warm-up, which is definitely recommended to include lunges.

  1. Take dumbbells from a low bench.
  2. Stand straight, legs slightly bent at the knees.
  3. Begin to lower your body parallel to the floor while raising your leg.
  4. Hands with dumbbells are perpendicular to the floor.
  5. At the end point of the lift, the leg and body should be on a straight line.
  6. We begin to return to the starting position. We perform the exercise very slowly, don't make sudden movements, since it is easier to maintain balance.
  7. We make the movement, alternating legs.

The amount for beginners is seven to eight repetitions for 3-4 approaches. It is necessary to gradually increase the amount only when you have perfectly learned to maintain balance.

This option is suitable for physically fit people. Those who have recently started training can start with easier options performing this type of training. This type of physical activity perfectly trains the sense of balance, perfectly loads the gluteal muscles, tightens the butt and makes the hips slender.

The exercise is difficult in terms of maintaining balance, but if you do it regularly, you will learn to do it automatically. Performing this type of movement does not involve the use of large weights. Remember that the load must be strictly dosed.

Carefully! You make a common mistake if you don't lift your leg high enough, as required by the technique. There is little benefit from performing this exercise, since the target muscles will not work.

And finally, we’ll give you 6 practical tips:

  1. If discomfort or pain occurs in the lumbar region, knee or hip joints, the training must be stopped. In the future, you need to consult a doctor about the advisability of performing this type of exercise.
  2. Needed with treat with caution to perform this type of physical activity for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, varicose veins, chronic fatigue and other diseases.
  3. Lumbar region when performing various deadlifts with weights, it is subjected to the most serious load. Do not violate the recommended exercise technique. And if you have lower back pain, performing this movement is generally contraindicated. In this case, we recommend that you see Dr. Antipko.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to breathing. Tension - exhale, relaxation - inhale. To perform it correctly, the breathing technique must be brought to automaticity.
  5. If you learn to perform these exercises correctly, this will be an indicator of excellent coordination of movement, as well as good development of the gluteal muscles and hips.
  6. Any variety of deadlifts are, to one degree or another, traumatic, so strictly follow the execution technique. In some cases, to be on the safe side, you can wear a belt. If you are not suited to physical activity, start by doing exercises without weights.

Regular training, motivation and clearly defined goals give amazing results - slim figure, sculpted muscles and a good mood!

There are exercises that athletes need, regardless of their gender and “experience” in sports. Deadlift is a basic exercise that is intended not only for male athletes, but also for girls. But it is effective and safe only if correct technique execution.

Any athlete, even a beginner, has heard this mysterious phrase more than once. Without delving, at first, especially into the essence.

This exercise belongs to the basic category, and any competent trainer always strongly recommends it to all novice athletes - both bodybuilders and fitness fans - in order to strengthen the whole body. This period follows immediately after the end of the introductory classes. Basic basic exercises:

  • Bench press.
  • Deadlift.

Basic exercises are multi-joint, that is, many muscles are involved when performing them.

The principle of the deadlift is that you need to lift the barbell off the floor with a certain technique. The exercise itself consists of three phases: lifting, lifting and fixing. During this pull, the athlete, while squatting, pulls the weight upward.

For girls: a clear necessity

Many representatives of the fairer sex shrug their shoulders in bewilderment when the trainer advises them to do deadlifts, believing that for girls who go to the gym, this is not only not necessary, but it is even harmful for them to do this.

This misconception is supported by all sorts of myths and legends that within a few months the waist will become wide, the shoulders will become like a weightlifter and testosterone will jump so that the body will be covered with hair - you can hear plenty of such horror stories from various “specialists”.

There is some truth in this if this exercise is performed with the loads that strong guys create for themselves when working on strength - that is, doing it with significant weights and a small number of repetitions.

Girls who do powerlifting also do this, working with heavy weights.

If there is no such desire, and the goal of a female representative is to create a toned, beautiful body, then it would be more correct for girls to do deadlifts, working with light weights and doing many repetitions. Then there is nothing to fear that you will soon turn into a mountain of muscles. By the way, this is not as easy to do as it seems at first glance.

How to do it right

To avoid all of these negative phenomena, girls need to know how to do deadlifts correctly.

Expert opinion

Igor Bondarev

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In order to get rid of excess subcutaneous fat, the deadlift is simply necessary because it is a very energy-intensive exercise. By doing it, the girl will moderately build muscle, making her body athletic, fit and at the same time burn fat.

Most women who train try to train their legs and buttocks more, and this is understandable, since these are the “details” of the body that men pay most attention to.

To achieve the greatest result in this goal, girls can perform the so-called Romanian deadlift, where the buttocks and biceps of the thighs (their back surface) are more involved. In the classic deadlift, the back and quadriceps (front of the thighs) work more.

There is also a sumo-style deadlift, for example, and a deadlift with completely straight legs, which is called a deadlift.

Romanian deadlift: benefits

There is an opinion that any deadlift is dangerous. Yes, this is true if you don’t follow a not-so-complicated technique and perform deadlifts mindlessly. And if it is performed correctly, there is also a healing effect that will relieve a person of back pain.

To do this, you need to use a simplified version of it, which is commonly called the Romanian deadlift. The name speaks for itself - it was invented by the Romanians and began to be used to strengthen the lower back. It is also often called straight leg deadlift. This exercise is effective, as already mentioned, for the following departments:

  1. Buttocks.
  2. Backs.
  3. The back of the thigh.

The exercise thoroughly works all these muscles. In addition, there are also broadest backs, trapezius, abs, wrists, forearms, neck.

Expert opinion

Igor Bondarev

Siberian State University physical culture and sports

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The Romanian deadlift can be done even with sore knees, since they bear minimal stress.

The correct technique for performing deadlifts on straight legs:

  • You need to stand so that your knees are as close to the bar as possible.
  • The legs are located approximately shoulder width apart or even slightly narrower.
  • You should grab the bar approximately shoulder width apart - or even a little wider.
  • The stance is on the entire foot, but when performing, the emphasis is on the heels.
  • In the starting position, the shoulder blades are brought together and an inhalation is made.
  • The movement of the pelvis is carried out in such a way as if the athlete wants to use it to push the imaginary wall behind her even further back.
  • The barbell does not fall completely - only to the middle of the shins. In this case, you need to feel how the hamstrings are stretched. The back is arched.
  • Then follows the movement in the reverse order while exhaling at the end of the trajectory.

However, no matter what this exercise is called, the knees are still bent in it, and it cannot be performed on strictly straight legs, in order not to injure the lower back and remove unnecessary stress from the knees.

You also need to remember that the neck should always be straight, because if it is bent, the load on the lower back increases by 20%. And this is not included in the plans of the athletes.

When performing Romanian deadlifts, girls can and should use a barbell, and don’t be scared by the fact that it’s too heavy - you can use an empty bar without additional load. It all depends on individual physical fitness.

A little about sumo technique and classic deadlift

Sumo is also a fairly popular technique for girls. The buttocks are more involved here.

Correct execution:

  1. Feet are wider than shoulder width, and toes are pointed out about 45 degrees.
  2. You need to grab the bar with a different grip. The hands are also slightly wider than the shoulders.
  3. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor and your shins at 90 degrees.
  4. Straighten your back and stretch forward.
  5. At the same time, the shoulder blades are brought together and the chest is forward.
  6. The barbell is lifted by pushing the hips.
  7. Lower the bar.

How it happens in the classic version:

  • The stance is straight, the lower back is naturally arched.
  • The load is regulated by the position of the back and hips. The back parallel to the floor carries out a greater load, and vice versa.
  • You should not pull the barbell with your arms - they are straightened. The barbell must be lifted by moving the pelvic part back.
  • The knees should be bent, the buttocks should be abducted while lowering the straight back forward - this way the bar will go vertically and as close as possible to the shins and hips.
  • Rounding of the back is not allowed - posture should be straight, the abs tense, the shoulder blades retracted.

Deadlift with dumbbells

Deadlifts with dumbbells are also welcome for girls, especially for training at home. Dumbbell rows are not as popular, but they are applicable:

  1. At home - not everyone wants to work out in the gym, having complexes about the weak physical development or simply not wanting to train with a group of people nearby. Many people simply find it inconvenient to get to the fitness center.
  2. For beginner athletes.
  3. For those for whom even the weight of the bar from the barbell will be too large.
  4. When a bodybuilder wants to create an isolation load with heavy dumbbells on the hamstrings. True, this option seems dubious for specialists.

All movements, breathing, are similar to performing deadlifts with a barbell.

It is worth mentioning one more alternative - an exercise that belongs to the isolated category. This is also the Romanian deadlift, but with one arm. It's done like this:

  • One hand holds a support, the other holds a dumbbell.
  • During execution, the dumbbell slides along the leg.
  • For better pumping, slow execution is recommended.
  • You need to ensure that your back always remains straight. To best load the hamstrings, you need to tense them while performing deadlifts.

Bugs and equipment

Possible errors during execution:

  1. Rounded back. This is the most common mistake, and most often it is made when the weight is incorrectly chosen - it turns out to be too large for the athlete. When the body cannot pull the weight, the back “comes to the rescue.” The weights should be selected so that it is even all the time.
  2. The athlete in the starting position stands too far from the barbell, and this cannot but affect the correct technique.
  3. Arms bent at the elbows. And again the weight is great! Because of this, the grip weakens, which is automatically corrected by bending the arms at the elbows.
  4. At large scales(if such a need is pursued) you need to use a different grip. You can also use straps, but this is more likely for a professional level athlete.

Equipment. It is better to wear sneakers - they fit snugly to your feet. And in order to avoid chafing your shins and thighs, you should always wear sweatpants or leggings, that is, do not exercise with bare legs.

Which traction should you choose?

Sometimes doubts arise about the correct choice of deadlift.

There is an opinion that sumo deadlifts, for example, tighten the buttocks better. However, you should not rely solely on information from the Internet to figure out this problem. It is better if this choice is made by a specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body of the training girl.

If the athlete short legs, and she is short, then sumo technique will be given to her with great difficulty.

When a girl’s stretching leaves much to be desired, she is also not ready for the above-mentioned technique.

Tall athletes are more comfortable performing classic deadlifts.

Expert opinion

Master of Sports in Powerlifting

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The final choice should be up to the coach. It is he who will recommend one of the lifts: sumo or classic, deadlift or Romanian. And perhaps it would be better to train not with a barbell, but with dumbbells.