The personal example of the coach is the leading method of education. Presentation There is such a profession - a fitness instructor Presentation on the topic of a sports coach

1 Portrait of a "Value Added Trainer": from personal characteristics to an arsenal of technologies Andrey Stanchenko, PhD Lege Artis

Let's get acquainted: Andriy Stanchenko Business coach, consultant, coach, game engineer Director and lead coach of the training company LEGE ARTIS Official representative in Ukraine of the HOGAN tool, USA - the world leader in the field of assessment for the selection and development of personnel. Certified Trainer and Hogan Consultant. In Russia, represented by the leading training company "BEST-Training" Mark Kukushkin According to the results of 2009, he entered the top four best-selling trainers in Russia "BEST-Training" Own experience in sales and business management in a large multinational company

Assessment Systems Ambition Assesses the extent to which a person appears to be a leader, confident and competitive.

Assessment Systems Sociability Assesses the extent to which a person experiences need and/or gains satisfaction from social interactions.

Assessment Systems Interpersonal Receptivity Assesses the degree to which an individual exhibits receptivity, insight, and tact.

Assessment Systems Organizedness Assesses the extent to which a person is perceived by others as conscientious and following the rules.

Assessment Systems Assesses the extent to which a person is perceived by others as being creative and using innovative ways to solve problems. Curiosity

Assessment Systems Approach to Learning Assesses the extent to which an individual perceives academic learning; stay up to date with the latest business and technical issues.

1 - Adaptation - calmness in difficult situations, strategy under pressure. 2 - Ambition - leader, self-confident, ready to compete and energetic. 3 - Sociability - the need for interaction. 4 - Interpersonal susceptibility - insight, tact. 5 - Organization - conscientiousness, diligence, reliability. 6 - Curiosity - strategic thinker, visionary, innovator. 7 - Approach to learning - satisfaction with the learning process, the need to be in the know. 15

Example: Evaluation+training+game The target employees for systemic learning are divided into groups according to the specifics of their work. Groups are trained in parallel in time by several trainers in unison according to the methodology, which is Important for employees of the same Company, but the content of the trainings differs to suit the groups of participants. The results of the assessment carried out before the training help to adjust the training programs, clarify the composition of the groups, individualize the post-training development of each of the participants, and make a benchmark of the qualities of an effective employee

At the end of the project, a simulation game is held for everyone to work out the optimal interaction of departments with team-building and goal-setting effects) - work in project groups with the reduction of subject content at general plenums. Observation of behavior in microgroups mixed in terms of functions will be correlated with the results of testing.

School of Value-Added Trainers The purpose of the School: To train participants in the content and instrumental components of business trainings with added value, combining assessment tools, consulting, modeling reflective games, coaching, training management. Benefits and Benefits: The most advanced coaching and gaming tools, certified training programs, assessment and coaching tools in the School program increase the competitive advantage of its graduates and their Companies. Greater efficiency of complex projects with complementary tools and synergistic work of the team of trainers Flexible system of admission to the defense of the final diploma of the School - the opportunity to attend modules of your choice

Value Added Trainers School Modules: Coaching Intensive for Practitioners and "Coaching Drive" - ​​a one-day training within the training. Toolkit of modeling and organizational-activity games (ODI) in trainings of a new generation Training Corporate Coaching: technology of individual and team coaching. Training Personnel assessment. International certification with Hogan Assessment Training Management. Change management. International certification in cooperation with the Adizes Academy of Management Electives: Training and development of the NLP talent pool in training Marketing and sales of training and consulting services Moderation and facilitation techniques Consulting tools in training HR tools for a Trainer with added value

We invite you to the first training of "Value Added Schools" - "Training Intensive for Practitioners"! Kyiv, July 5-7, 2010 If you are a trainer with experience and strive for self-development - on July 7 for a one-day training within the "Training Drive" training

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8.3. Model characteristics of an athlete

high class

Modern science explores the problem of a person in big sport. Various aspects of the formation of an athlete from a beginner to an international master of sports are being studied. For each sport, the foundations of sports orientation, sports selection have been developed, the stages of long-term preparation for record results with changing tasks and tests for each of them have been determined.

The requirements (model characteristics) for physical development, for the level of functioning of individual body systems, for the parameters of mental stability for each stage of training, oriented to the age of the athlete, have been established. For these purposes, special informative tests of pedagogical, psychological, medical and biomedical control are used, which determine the success and timeliness (correspondence to age, sports experience) of passing each of the stages of the sports path, which takes about 10 years of continuous sports training (Table 8.1-8.3 ).

Models used in sports are divided into two groups.

Models characterizing the structure of competitive activity;

Models characterizing various aspects of an athlete's preparedness;

* morphological and functional models reflecting the morphological features of the body and the capabilities of individual functional systems that ensure the achievement of a given level of sportsmanship;

Models reflecting the duration and dynamics of the formation of sportsmanship and fitness in the long term, as well as within the training year and microcycle;

* models of large structural formations of the training process (stages of long-term training; macrocycles, periods);

* models of training stages, meso- and microcycles;

* models of training sessions and their parts;

* models of individual training exercises and their complexes.

Table 8.1.

An example of a model of competitive activity - generalized models of passing separate sections of competitive distances in freestyle swimming and breaststroke (based on the materials of V.N. Platonov)

Swimming method

Predicted result, s

Starting area (10 m), s

Turning section (15 m), s

Speed, m/s


Table 8.2.

An example of a sprinter's preparedness model (according to V.V. Petrovsky)


Training segments

Competitive distances

30 m on the move, s

20 m from the start, s

60 m from the start, s

100 m (±0.1 s), s

200 m (±0.2 s) s

Table 8.3.

Examples of morphological model characteristics

high-class skaters (according to V.A. Orlov, T.L. Sharova)

Male skaters:


Age, years

Body weight, kg

Heart volume, cm

Spirometry, l

Sprinters Stayers

900-1500 950-1100

The given examples of model characteristics should be specified and expanded when presenting material on a particular sport.

Anyone who is interested can compare their performance with model characteristics. This will allow you to objectively evaluate and predict your own capabilities in achieving a particular level in your chosen sport. In many sports, indicators of model characteristics for athletes of different positions (in team sports), weight categories(wrestling, boxing), specializing in different distances (sprinters, stayers) differ. However, they allow athletes and coaches to navigate the multifaceted training process.

Student sports involve not only athletes striving to achieve world-class sports results. Each student has his own motivation for a particular sport.

(active recreation, correction of deficiencies physical development and psychophysical readiness). But it will be useful to compare your data with the model characteristics of the best athletes in this sport, because it will help to explain and understand the reasons for the different rate of increase in sports results in two different athletes involved in the same training group, performing the same training load.

In sports belonging to different groups of physical exercises (cyclic sports, sports games, various types of martial arts), individual tests and indicators are of unequal significance (Table 8.4).

Table 8.4.

The most significant morphofunctional indicators

the strongest athletes (according to E.G. Martirosov)

Significance level

Sports groups




martial arts

sport games

I (highest)

Symbols: 1 - total body dimensions, 2 - body proportions, 3 - constitution, 4 - body composition, 5 - specific body mass, 6 - posture, 7 - condition of the arches of the foot.

8.4. Plan your workout in your favorite view

sport or exercise system

The specifics of each sport or exercise system always leaves its mark on planning! training sessions.

However, in each sport or in the system of physical exercises there are always its main sections:

* advanced planning;

Annual planning;

*current and operational planning.

Rice. 8.1. Approximate ratio of general, auxiliary and

special training in the process of many years of training

(Based on materials by V.N. Platonov)

8.4.1. Long-term planning for a multi-year


From year to year, the number of training sessions and competitions increases, the total volume of workload increases. From stage to stage of long-term preparation, the ratio of various means used in the training process changes (Fig. 8.1).

Long-term planning of a student's sports training is to ensure the continuity of the training process, as it links training in the classroom in the discipline "Physical Education" in secondary school and university, as well as free time classes throughout the training ( including training and work practices, as well as vacation time). In some cases, a long-term plan for sports training should also cover the postgraduate period of an athlete's training.

Meanwhile, sports training in the main educational department of the university is planned only for the years of training in the discipline "Physical Education". Long-term planning in this case consists in the gradual complication of the tasks of mastering the compulsory program and elective educational material. Ultimately, this is reflected in the increasingly complex test sports and technical standards and requirements.

Long-term planning in the sports education department has its own characteristics. On the one hand, it provides for a gradual complication of the educational and training process by years of study, on the other hand, it can cover not only the period of study at a university, but also the sports training of an athlete after graduation. Such planning, which captures the post-graduate period of sports training, is most clearly manifested in individual sports.

The list and level of test sports and technical standards and requirements for students by year of study are developed by the department physical education taking into account the general physical and sports readiness of training groups for each of the sports. Sometimes students are given tasks to achieve or confirm certain sports ranks years of study at the university.

In each university, along with the mandatory test requirements for general physical and professional-applied physical training, students must be announced in advance sports and technical standards and requirements for the years of study, and not just for the upcoming semester. This will allow them to imagine the degree of difficulty in mastering the training material not only for the upcoming semester, but also for the future.

Features of long-term planning in a particular sport or a long-term plan for practicing any system of physical exercises are fully disclosed at the lecture.

8.4.2. Yearly planning

There are two planning options for annual training planning: ordinary(Fig. 8.2 and 8.3) and with complex the structure of the competitive period - holding several; consecutive competitions (fig. 8.4 and 8.5).

The choice of options for annual training planning is influenced by the sport, the qualifications of athletes, the stage of many years of training, and other factors. For example, in seasonal sports (skiing, rowing), a one-peak annual cycle with three training periods is mainly used, in some disciplines athletics(in which both winter and summer competitions are held) two-peak, etc.

University sports have always faced certain difficulties when planning training. Peculiarities of the periods of the highest academic load, multi-temporal and diverse educational and production practices in different universities, faculties and different courses create additional difficulties both for compiling a sports calendar and for planning the training process of student athletes. These difficulties are exacerbated when planning the training of student teams in sports games of any level (faculty, university), where students from different courses and faculties play. Training planning in such cases requires including a significant amount of self-training in individual sections of the training process.

Rice. 8.2. Three periods of a regular training year

Rice. 8.3. Two-peak development curve sportswear

and their corresponding five periods of training

Special difficulties in planning the training of a student-athlete are faced by teachers-coaches (and the athletes themselves) in those cases when he enters a big sport, where the calendar of sports competitions does not take into account the peculiarities at all. educational process at the university. In this case, a non-standard solution to the problem is inevitable with the possible provision of an individual training schedule for the strongest athletes, and in preparation for major international sports competitions(Universiade, Olympic Games) even granting academic leave.

Rice. 8.4. Three-peak curve for the development of sports form and

their corresponding seven periods of training


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  • In the sales mechanism presentation is a kind of interactive assistant for the manager. Considering that about 80% of the world's population is visual and auditory, a visual illustration of a product or service, combined with a performance, is the most effective advertisement to date.

    But what worked and had an effect 10 years ago does not suit the modern buyer, spoiled by offers, notes Andrey Ostanin, a practicing business coach. In 13 years of practice in sales, Andrey identifies only a few successful presentation models.

    Presentation model "Visualization"

    The purpose of this model is to interest the client.

    For example: if you work with a huge number of objects, then you must have faced the problem of remembering a huge amount of information. This is especially true for managers working in the construction industry. But how to interest a client if you do not know the product or forget the details? There is such a technique - visualization.

    The visualization model works as follows (on the example of the sale of a building object):

    Imagine the project / house you are selling from a bird's eye view (the object is located in such and such an area, and next to the Ring Road and a large sports complex, also nearby is the GM "Lenta");

    Go down a little lower (our project is 25 floors, brick-monolithic technology, pleasant cream-colored ventilated facades with natural stone inlays);

    Go down to the courtyard (presence of sports and playgrounds, dog walking areas, apple orchard, school and kindergarten);

    Go down to the entrance (glass door with intercom, concierge, common areas according to an individual design project, 4 elevators in each entrance, reinforced iron door on each floor);

    We go down to the apartment (large entrance hall, ceiling height 2.75m, 2 bathrooms, plastic windows), etc.

    By visualizing you can easily learn many projects by just memorizing them in your head. Because the brain perceives images best of all. In this model, give 20% of the time to the introductory part, 70% to the main part and leave 10% for the conclusion.

    Model "Theme-Thesis-Argument"

    Any presentation consists of an introduction, main body and conclusion. The purpose of the introduction is to lead to the main part, the purpose of the conclusion is to encourage action.

    For example: in the introduction you reveal the topic “-You know, today I want to tell you about .. designate the topic ..”. Then you name the thesis (main idea): "-Our company... is one of the most reliable on the market..", "-This project... is a unique project for your city." Then you give three arguments why this is so: “Yes, because there are three reasons for this. Firstly Secondly Thirdly, ...". Of course, do not forget about disclosure and examples. At the end of your speech, repeat the thesis "-The project ... is unique and has no analogues." Why repeat the thesis? So that your client remembers at least the main idea of ​​your report. And in conclusion - a call to action: "-How do you like it?". End your presentation always by moving into a dialogue and asking for the client's opinion.

    Presentation model "Chamomile"

    Another ingenious presentation model is Chamomile. If you need to make a presentation, then you draw such a daisy, where you write the topic on the stem, the main idea of ​​the report in the center, and the arguments on the petals (but each argument must be revealed “because ...” and backed up with an example).

    You can easily make such a model, but the most important thing is that you can easily present your product with it.

    For example: You want to talk about your city. Your topic will be "This multifaceted St. Petersburg". The thesis will be the thought “St. Petersburg is a unique city with many names, sights and mysteries. Everyone sees it in their own way: dull gray, mysteriously romantic or culturally exemplary. Argument No. 1 will be “St. Petersburg is the cultural capital of Russia, (further disclosure follows) because the city combines more than 4,000 outstanding monuments of architecture, history and culture. For example (reinforce the argument with an example), the Hermitage is one of the largest and most significant art and cultural-historical museums in Russia and the world. Argument No. 2: St. Petersburg is a window to Europe A port city, because it has access to the Baltic Sea and, accordingly, to other port cities. For example, Helsinki.

    In your speech, you can use the following linking words: “Because…”, “It is confirmed…”, “What is guaranteed…”, “Implemented at the expense of…”. Do not forget to make a call at the end, ask for the opinion of your client. According to this scheme, you can easily present your product or service, and your words will be supported by an excellent reasoned base.

    Triad of presentation

    Many of you have probably heard about the "presentation triad": feature - advantage - benefit. " Triad of presentation”is a kind of Lego speech constructor, which helps to pack your thought more intelligibly and control understanding on the part of the client.

    Your attention is an adapted version of the model. When you give a description, then translate it from the technical language into the language of benefits, and in the conclusion, specify how relevant this is to the client. It is necessary to make a request after each named benefit. This model implies a dialogue with the client.

    Characteristic- property of the goods or its advantage (difference from competitive). Typically, the characteristic is expressed by the following speech constructions:

    • Our company is already...
    • Our product…
    • This product…
    • The advantage of this product…
    • The main difference between this product...
    • Obvious benefits...

    Benefit(result) - this is what a particular consumer will receive from using a product or service. Benefit arises only in response to a clear need expressed by the buyer. Usually, the benefit is expressed in the following speech constructions:

    • "and this will provide you (enable) ...",
    • “Therefore, you…”
    • “So you have….”
    • “Thanks to this, you will be able to…”,
    • “Due to this, you will save yourself from the need for ...”,
    • "This will reduce your costs ...",
    • "This makes it possible..."
    • "What is the guarantee..."
    • “It minimizes (it reduces, increases, provides)…”
    • "That means you'll get..."

    Benefit is always subjective. Therefore, the benefits must lie within the framework of human needs.

    Request- when you find out how relevant your offer is to the client, what he thinks about him, how much the decision fits his needs, corresponds to his values. Clarify the client's opinion in order to understand how you are on the right track, how focused he is, how much you are in the dialogue. Usually the request is expressed by the following speech constructions:

    • What do you think about it?
    • How are you?
    • What do you think?
    • It is suitable?
    • What do you like about it?
    • How do you like my offer?
    • Is it interesting for you?
    • Is this what you were looking for?
    • Is this option suitable?
    • What is your opinion about this?
    • Have I provided enough information?

    For example: You know, today I will tell you about the Volvo XC60. Volvo XC60 has a unique security system. The car itself can slow down. For you, this means that you will not get into an accident. Please tell me, is this important to you? The second very important characteristic of the object is that it has a very modern and beautiful interior, as well as a bright orange model. You will definitely stand out, and in the morning, against the backdrop of our gray St. Petersburg everyday life, your car will cheer you up with just one appearance. How are you?

    On the Internet you can find different presentation models, they are freely available. The above models are really simple and effective. Being able to sell and close deals depends on how prepared you are for each stage in the sales mechanism. The product presentation process brings you closer to closing the deal, so don't rely on luck or improvisation.

    Andrey Ostanin - Business coach-practitioner. On sale since 1995. Expert in effective sales, development of sales and management teams, business presentation and development of IT projects in the field of sales. Top Manager Leading

    20.01.2017 14:41 169 0 AS ADVERTISING

    1. Professionally important qualities of a trainer's personality

    the essence of the concept of "personality":

    a) a person is a living being with consciousness and speech, reflecting and transforming the surrounding reality, capable of inventing tools and applying them in their practical activities, leading a social lifestyle, earning a livelihood through labor; b) individual - each individual person;

    c) individuality - unique features and characteristics belonging only to a given person; how one person differs from others;

    d) team - this or that set of people united by a common goal and type of activity, jointly achieving the solution of the tasks facing this team;

    e.) personality - a specific person in all the diversity of his social and psychological characteristics, the subject social activities and public relations.

    Distinctive personality traits are:

    1. Self-awareness. A person as a person is aware of himself, first of all, as a living being endowed with an appropriate bodily organization, identifies himself with his physical "I".

    2. Consciousness of the continuity and identity of one's "I". In the course of his life, a person changes all the time, develops under the influence of both natural conditions and the social environment.

    3. Individuality- this is a stable originality of mental processes, states and properties belonging to a given person, both in specific features of the quality of their content, and in ways

    and forms of manifestation.

    4 . Self-regulation - the ability to consciously control one's behavior, mental processes and states in connection with the requirements of the social environment or the conditions of the activity performed.

    5. Activity. A person is always active; without this, she cannot exist in her social and natural environment.

    6. Relativity (from lat. el. relation - relation). A person, being an active member of society, is always in certain relations (family, household, production and labor, social class, ideological, etc.) with the people around him and society as a whole.

    7. structural unity.Personality is diverse

    V their psychological characteristics, properties and


    - worldview,


    - communicative (including pedagogical tact),


    - intellectual, including perceptual, attentional (qualities


    - mnemic (memory qualities),

    - motor (psychomotor).

    Professionally important qualities of a coach:


    The worldview of the trainer motivates all his pedagogical activity as a service to his people, the state, and provides a solid basis for educating students in an active life position.

    2. Moral qualities

    Morality or morality , is a form of social consciousness that performs the function of regulating human behavior.

    “The influence of the personality of the educator on the young soul is that educational force that cannot be replaced either by textbooks, or by moral maxims, or by a system of punishments and rewards.”

    K. D. Ushinsky

    Only by personal example can a coach infect students with his profession.

    “The justice of the teacher is the basis of the child's trust in the teacher, but to be fair, one must know the spiritual world to the subtlety

    every child." V. A. Sukhomlinsky

    3. Communicative qualities help the coach to establish contact with students in the process of communication and thus contribute to the success of the coach's educational work.

    4. Volitional qualities essential to the success of a coach.

    5. Intellectual qualities they reinforce the didactic skills of the trainer, help him find the right solutions in educational work, determine the effectiveness of the trainer's creativity, his search for new, unexplored ways in educating and teaching students. Intellectual qualities are based on perceptual and attentional qualities that characterize the properties of perception and attention (distribution of attention).

    6. Mnemic qualities associated with the speed and strength of memorization.

    7. Psychomotor qualities are also closely related to perceptual and attentional qualities: the speed of vision, the degree of concentration of attention when responding to objects or signals, etc.