Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a narrow grip, palms facing inward. Close-grip pull-ups - which muscles work?

Fizkult - hello, friends and comrades! And today we’ll talk about parallel grip pull-ups.

Our article will be useful to those who want to work out their back muscles to the maximum. After reading, you will learn everything about the muscle atlas, the advantages and technique of performing the exercise, and we will also find out the degree of its effectiveness and analyze some practical points.

So, make yourself comfortable, let's begin.

Parallel grip pull-ups. What, why and why?

Guess the riddle: they avoid it in the gym, they don’t like to work out on it, and if they use it, they hang like sausages :). That's right, the answer is a horizontal bar. This is a universal upper body training machine using own weight. Not very popular, yes, but very, very effective. And today we will analyze one of the variations of working with it, namely, pull-ups with a parallel grip. Typically, those of you who like to do pull-ups use standard, shoulder-width, or wide grips, this way the width of the back is worked out and a V-shaped silhouette is formed. However, as soon as we change the position of the hands/shoulders, switch to parallel bars/horizontal bars, we get a slightly different type of muscular effect, which is what we’ll talk about next.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscle atlas

The exercise belongs to the class of basic (conditionally basic) and aims to work out the back.

The muscle ensemble includes the following units:

  • targeted – latissimus dorsi:
  • synergists – brachialis, brachioradialis, teres major, rhomboid, levator scapulae, trapezius (middle/bottom), pectoralis major (sternal head), pectoralis minor, posterior delta;
  • large chest (clavicular head), front deltoid, biceps (short head);
  • dynamic stabilizers – biceps, triceps (long head).

A complete muscle atlas looks like this:


By performing the parallel grip pull-up exercise, you can expect to receive the following benefits:

  • increase muscle strength (back + arms + forearms);
  • development of grip rigidity;
  • increase muscle mass backs;
  • stretching spinal column (intervertebral discs) and relieving pinched nerves;
  • development of pulling movement, weight results in pulling exercises.

Execution technique

Parallel grip pull-ups are an exercise of medium difficulty level. The step-by-step execution technique is as follows:

Step #0.

Go to the parallel bars bar. Jump up and grab them with a parallel, neutral grip. Bend your arms slightly elbow joints, cross your legs, place your whole body in one vertical plane, statically tense your abs.

This is your starting position.

Step #1.

Inhale and as you exhale, using the strength of your back muscles, bending your arms at the elbow joints, pull yourself up to the bar. Stay at the top point of the trajectory for 1-2 accounts and return to IP. Repeat the specified number of times.

In picture form, all this disgrace looks like this:

In motion like this:


In addition to the standard version of neutral pull-ups, there are several variations of the exercise:

  • in the gravitron;
  • using an elastic band;
  • on the rings.

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • Lower down slowly and under control and rise up powerfully and explosively;
  • do not use inertia and swing;
  • Make sure that the vertical plane is maintained, i.e. do not deviate the body too much from the normal;
  • at the bottom point of the trajectory, try to fully extend your arms;
  • pull yourself up to a position with your chin above the level of the parallel bars;
  • at the lowest point of the trajectory, pause for 1-2 counts and additionally squeeze your back muscles;
  • As you progress in times, use additional weights attached to your belt;
  • breathing technique: inhale - when going down, exhale - when going up;
  • numerical training parameters: number of approaches 3-5 , number of repetitions – 12-15 .

We're done with the theoretical side, now let's look at some practical points.

What grip to use in pull-ups: EMG results

The effectiveness of the exercise is “measured” using the electromyography method. This is when, while performing movements, sensors/electrodes are attached to the target muscle regions and feedback is read from them, electrical activity is recorded. Researchers Youdas JW, Amundson CL in their work published in Journal Strength Cond Res (USA, 2010 ) the following EMG values ​​were obtained for various groups and types of pull-ups:

Data suggests that for biceps development it is best to use supinated (reverse) and pronated grips, and for lats it is best to use a regular straight grip.

How to pump up a girl's back using exercise machines?

So, you have decided to design the backrest. Use the following training program for this:

  • number of workouts per week – 2, Monday/Friday or Tuesday/Saturday;
  • exercises – pull-ups in a gravitron with a parallel grip, pull-ups in a gravitron with a reverse grip; pull of the lower block to the belt; triangular handle; pull-ups in the gravitron with a wide grip, pull-ups in the gravitron with a narrow straight grip;
  • execution mode – two-set 1+1 , rest 60 sec, separately, two-set 1+1 , rest 60 sec;
  • number of approaches – 3 , number of repetitions – 12 .

Use this diagram throughout 2,5 months, and you are guaranteed a beautiful back.

Actually, we’re done with the substantive part of the note, let’s move on to...


Parallel grip pull-ups are an exercise that was on AB's agenda today. Most likely, you train your back without a horizontal bar, but after our note you will wonder if you are doing the right thing. After all, think about it :)?

PS: Do you do pull-ups in the gym? How?

PPS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100 points towards karma guaranteed :)

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Pull-up - male look physical exercise on the horizontal bar. In school physical education lessons, boys master this gymnastic apparatus. And the girls spy on which of the guys can pull themselves up, and who hangs like a bag, unable to lift themselves to the level of the crossbar. It’s not hard to guess to whom the classmates are directing their admiring glances.

If you compare the torso of an athlete who makes friends with the horizontal bar and the figure of a person who avoids even the simplest exercises on the bar, then the advantage will not be in favor of the latter. Pull-ups can turn both a loose fat man and a skinny asthenic into an athlete. What do you need for this? A metal pipe on supports, a thick tree branch by the river, and at home - a horizontal bar installed in the doorway.

The rest is the desire to become healthy and physically attractive.

What muscles are trained during pull-ups?

When pulling himself up, a person hooks his hands onto a stationary horizontal bar. Then the arms bend at the elbows, the body moves up. The exercise is considered completed when the person’s chin is above the bar and the shoulders are at its level .

Correct pull-ups are performed smoothly due to the work of the muscles; jerking is unacceptable.

The main work falls on the muscles of the arms, but the muscles of the back and abdominals are also involved.

Methods for pulling up on a horizontal bar:

  • Straight medium grip. When approaching the projectile, the palms are turned away from you, the fingers squeeze the crossbar. Works triceps and biceps, trapezoidal and latissimus muscles back, forearms and shoulder girdle .
  • Reverse grip. When performing the exercise, the hands are facing the athlete with their palms. Less effort is required than with a straight grip. Pumping up the biceps muscles (biceps).
  • Wide straight grip(there is no reverse option). This exercise is more difficult. The distance between the hands is greater than usual. A good combination of work of all muscle groups, especially the shoulder region, is ensured. Difference from direct grip - thumb occupies the top position. Arms and back are trained, The latissimus muscles experience increased load. A more complicated option is pulling up by the head.
  • Narrow grip. Hands are spread minimally, palms clasped. The main load is on the serratus anterior muscles, the shoulder muscles (brachialis). The lower part of the latissimus dorsi muscle is involved. During a reverse grip, the biceps work, the shoulders are abducted, and the shoulder blades are closed.
  • Along the horizontal bar. Two fists encircling the bar are adjacent. When pulling up, the head alternates around the horizontal bar on the right and left. The brachialis, serratus and latissimus muscles are pumped(lower area).

Video about the technique

How to learn to do pull-ups correctly

It is believed that if a person is able to do at least 6 pull-ups in one approach, then this is enough. But for an ambitious athlete this is not a record. How to achieve impressive success in a short time? You need to train a lot. Not chaotically, but according to developed and long-tested schemes:

  • Direct progression method. Its meaning is to increase the number of pull-ups every day with each subsequent approach.

Then one day to recuperate. It is recommended to increase the load every Monday.

The number of daily pull-ups is no more than 100.

  • Reverse progression method. It is characterized by a changing number (in descending order) of pull-ups during daily approaches.

Every week the number of pull-ups increases. By creating a 30-week program and implementing it, you can make your body physically perfect.

Mistakes made by beginners. How to avoid them

When doing pull-ups, you need to pay attention to your technique. The body is located vertically. Rocking is excluded.

The correct breathing rhythm is necessary: ​​exhale as you rise, inhale as you descend.

With this breathing pattern, the load on the heart is minimal, and the work of the muscles is maximum. It is not recommended to throw your head back, trying to reach the crossbar with your chin. This is dangerous for the cervical spine. You only need to rely on the strength of your hands. The exercises are performed measuredly, slowly, and the number of pull-ups is gradually increased. The main thing is not to overwork, to observe the principle of the “golden mean”.

What are the benefits of exercise?

Pull-ups not only improve your figure. These exercises can straighten the “pillar of life” - the human spine. There is an opinion that you can even “grow” 3-4 centimeters. The pull-up is the basis for more complex bar exercises, such as the power-up, racket, or inversion lift.

Wide grip pull-ups are a favorite of many. basic exercise for the development of the lats. It is these muscles that contribute to the formation of an impressive back and, accordingly, a beautiful V-shape. What other advantages can lovers of training on the horizontal bar gain for themselves? Let's analyze the exercise in detail.

We will talk about the classic version - pulling up on the horizontal bar to the chest. Variations and complications, for example, are discussed in separate articles on the site.

Muscles involved

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar in general are one of the most effective exercises for the back. A wide grip allows you to load the upper part of the latissimus muscle, which is largely responsible for the visually wide back.

So, what muscles work first:

  • widest;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • big round.

Additional muscles (assistants) work:

  • pectoralis major and minor;
  • shoulder muscles;
  • biceps.


Wide grip pull-ups are performed as follows:

  1. Starting position - hanging on the horizontal bar. Wide grip (about 20 centimeters wider than shoulder width), hands facing away from you. The arms are straight and relaxed, the grip is maintained, only the forearms are tensed. You can catch the right feeling if you imagine that your hands are just fasteners, hooks or ropes on which your body hangs on the horizontal bar. Take a deep breath.
  2. Feeling the tension in your lats, pull yourself up on the bar to your chest, exhaling. Do not bring your elbows towards your body; try to fix their position.
  3. At the top, aim for the bar to be level with your upper chest. Simply put, your chin should be higher than the bar. The forearms should be parallel to each other and, accordingly, perpendicular to the floor.
  4. Lower yourself to the starting position smoothly while inhaling. Strive to lower yourself under control, feeling your lats working, and don’t throw your body weight down suddenly. Move on to the next rep.

Please note that the elbows should not be brought towards the body; their position should be as fixed as possible. Otherwise, you will reduce the amplitude of contraction of the target muscles and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.

During the exercise, there is a great temptation to help yourself by swinging your body on the horizontal bar. We strongly advise against simplifying your life in this way. Only if you comply correct technique Pull-ups work at their full potential, otherwise you'll just be wasting your time.

What tips will help make wide-grip pull-ups as effective as possible? The recommendations are as follows:

  1. Try to perform the exercise by tensing exclusively the latissimus muscles. Involving the biceps and forearms will reduce the effectiveness of working the back.
  2. To form a powerful back, you need to include the upper part of the latissimus muscles as much as possible, which is achieved thanks to a wide grip. But don't overdo it to avoid injury. Select the optimal position gradually; if you feel discomfort and a feeling of “pinching”, stop performing the exercise and adjust the technique.
  3. What alternatives can you choose if you are a beginner and find it difficult to immediately do an exercise on the horizontal bar? To pre-strengthen the target muscles, vertical rows in a block simulator, exercises in a gravitron, or the help of a partner who can initially push you to the crossbar will help you. Your task is to feel how your back muscles work.
  4. If you are an experienced athlete, use additional weights. Usually the load is attached in a special way to the belt. It is also possible to use wrist straps for a more secure fixation on the horizontal bar.

If you have experience and training, this exercise can be alternated with other types of pull-ups. Which variations you prefer depends on your training goals.

Wide-grip pull-ups are a basic exercise that also require serious effort. Therefore, it is recommended to include it at the beginning of your back workout. Can be performed in three to four sets of 10–12 repetitions.

    It is difficult to imagine a single sport in which athletes would not use pull-ups to build muscle mass and increase arm strength. This exercise is definitely included in the program physical education even in educational institutions. This type of physical activity is so popular among athletes that it can be found even in the newest training systems, including CrossFit. We will talk about it in this article.

    The benefits of pull-ups

    The high popularity of this exercise is explained primarily by the fact that it not only promotes the development of muscle strength and endurance, improves external physical fitness, but also strengthens ligaments and has a beneficial effect on the athlete’s spine. Different muscle groups are involved and these loads can be varied in many ways. The benefits of pull-ups on the horizontal bar are beyond doubt. Again, this does not require fancy devices or special simulators. It is enough to have any strong crossbar, a body and the desire to improve it.

    What muscles work?

    Before moving on to considering the technical side of performing the exercise, let's figure out which muscles work the most when doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

    Several muscle groups of the back, chest, abdomen, and shoulder girdle are involved at once, namely:

    • trapezius, teres and rhomboids, latissimus, dorsi extensor muscles;
    • pectoralis minor and major;
    • all types of abdominal muscles;
    • biceps, triceps;
    • brachialis, posterior deltoid and numerous muscles of the forearm.

    Various methods and patterns of pull-ups on the horizontal bar allow you to change or increase the impact on a particular muscle group.

    Types of pull-ups

    Types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar are classified according to the alternation of phases, whether they are performed with or without weights, but the most important criterion is the execution technique and how you hold onto the bar (grip). Grips, in turn, are classified according to two main characteristics - distance and grip methods.

    Types by distance between grips

    The distance between the grips is of the following types:

    • narrow grip - when the distance between the grips of the athlete’s hands is less than the width of his shoulders;
    • medium grip - the distance between the hands is equal to the width of the shoulders, maybe slightly wider;
    • A wide grip is when your hands are placed more than shoulder-width apart.

    Classification according to the method of gripping the crossbar

    The capture methods are as follows:

    • straight or overhand grip - the athlete’s palms are directed in the direction opposite to his face;
    • reverse or bottom grip - the crossbar is grabbed from below and the palms look into the face of the person pulling up;
    • neutral or parallel grip- the hands are turned inward and the palms are facing each other.

    By changing the way you grip the horizontal bar, you can concentrate the load on different muscles. The load is distributed most evenly across all involved muscle groups with a classic straight grip with an average distance between the hands. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a wide grip load the back muscles. The reverse grip puts more strain on the biceps. A narrow straight line also puts a lot of stress on the shoulder muscles. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar should be done with weights.

    Types by technique

    Pull-ups on the horizontal bar are aimed at the functional development of all muscles of the body, so it has firmly entered the CrossFit training system, becoming its integral component.

    In CrossFit, along with the classic ones, the following types of this exercise are used:

    Their techniques are very similar and in most cases are performed using inertial movements. If in the classic version of pull-ups the exercise is performed with motionless lower limbs and only due to the contraction of different muscle groups, then in kipping or butterfly the athlete makes swinging movements and, by inertia, lifts the upper body over the bar.

    According to reviews, kipping pull-ups, for example, are easier than classic ones, but if the technique is incorrect, they are more dangerous. More detailed information about the techniques for performing each of these exercises can be found on our website.

    Exercise technique

    You can perform pull-ups on the horizontal bar either daily or a couple of times a week. There is no need to perform them to the point of exhaustion; a load of 70 percent is optimal. Performing 7-8 pull-ups helps develop muscle strength, and subsequent repetitions of the exercise are aimed at developing endurance. When and how to increase the number of pull-ups on the horizontal bar is decided individually during the training process.

    Before you start doing pull-ups, it’s a good idea to do some warm-up exercises, such as push-ups. The pull-up program depends on what you want to achieve: develop arm strength or increase muscle mass.

    The pull-up technique on the horizontal bar looks like this:

  1. Hang on the horizontal bar, choosing the width and grip method you need.
  2. Make an upward movement while exhaling. The movement should be carried out due to the movement of the shoulder blades. There is no need to try to pull yourself up with the strength of your biceps, since the latissimus dorsi is a much stronger muscle group. The same applies to various jerking movements of the pelvis and legs - this is not permissible in the classic version of pull-ups. Try to focus on the position of your elbows. You should “press” them down as you lift your body - this will maximize the load on the latissimus dorsi muscles.
  3. The movement is best performed in full amplitude. At the top point, the chin should be located above the level of the horizontal bar, and the elbows should be practically pressed against the body.
  4. Slowly lower yourself down while inhaling. The descent in time must be equal to the ascent. At the bottom point, fully straighten your arms and relax your back muscles. pause for one second, then perform another repetition.

Pull-ups for beginners

And now some advice for those who start doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar from scratch, that is, simply cannot do a single pull-up. Don't get discouraged and just hang for a start. Do it regularly special exercises to strengthen the hands. This is an essential part of your training program because without a strong grip your hands will slip. Take your time - it’s better to increase your results gradually than to get injured in a sudden rush.

Pull-ups on a horizontal bar for beginners have a number of special techniques that will help you improve your personal results in this exercise in a short time. Here are a few of them:

  1. Negative repetitions. Perform as if you had already pulled yourself up on the horizontal bar. Your chin is over the bar and your arms are bent. But you achieve this with the help of an auxiliary object - a chair or bench. Lower yourself as slowly as you can. Perform three to four sets of several exercise attempts. This complex is also good for those who have not trained for a long time and have just resumed training.
  2. Pull-ups with the help of a partner. Hang on the horizontal bar, and let your partner grab you from behind and help you lift. Three approaches are performed with a decrease in the number of exercises. Remember that the main burden should fall on you.
  3. Half pull-up. Position your chair so that your arms are bent 90° to the bar, as if you were doing half a pull-up. Do the rest yourself. The number of approaches and pull-ups performed is similar to other sets of exercises for beginners.
  4. A special exercise machine or elastic band. In many gyms There are special exercise machines to make pull-ups easier, girls especially love them. An elastic band can serve as a complete replacement. Elastic bands for pulling up on the horizontal bar will not only reduce the load, but also regulate it using a counterweight.

Pull-up program

To ensure personal progress in pull-ups, you need to not only follow the correct technique for performing the exercises, but also adhere to a certain training regimen. The pull-up program on the horizontal bar, designed for 30 weeks, has proven itself very well. Thanks to it, you can achieve high, stable results. The program includes 5 approaches to the horizontal bar in each workout with a weekly increase in load.

You can see a detailed diagram of how to increase pull-ups on the horizontal bar in the picture below. It is suitable for both men and women.

Risks of injury

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar, although technically not a very difficult exercise, can still be fraught with injury or discomfort after intense training.

  • The first thing to be wary of is the appearance of calluses. They are formed when the skin of the palms is pinched or rubbed and often occur not only in women, but also in men after the first workout. The best means of protection against them are special sports gloves that will help you stay on the bar.
  • When performing pull-ups, especially for beginners, there is a high risk of falling. This happens when your hands are not strong enough, your grip is weak, or your hands are wet or slippery. Gloves or special talcum powder will help get rid of wet palms, and to make your hands stronger, you need to additionally train your hand muscles by hanging on the horizontal bar for a long time and using special sets of exercises for beginners.
  • At intensive training, especially on initial stage You cannot avoid pain in the muscles, joints and ligaments of the upper half of the body. To minimize these unpleasant sensations, follow the correct technique, warm up before doing pull-ups, and increase the load gradually.

air squats. Duration 20 minutes. For beginners.

There are no traumatic sports, only incorrect exercises. Be sure to include pull-ups on the horizontal bar in your training system and very soon you will be able to boast of an amazingly beautiful torso and pumped up arm muscles. But don’t forget about training your lower extremities. Then you will be absolutely irresistible.

Pull-ups are a popular exercise that involves lifting your body by bending your arms and thus counteracting the force of gravity. It is performed on a horizontal bar - a universal machine for working out different muscle groups. There are different variations of pull-ups, which shift the load on certain muscle groups. You need to know which muscles work when pulling up, and how to work them different groups, changing technique.

The pull-up is one of the best all-around exercises for building muscle, improving strength and endurance. During its execution, a person takes hold of the horizontal bar bar and hangs on his straight arms. Then, by bending the elbows, the body rises up until the arms are completely bent. You need your chin to rise above the bar and the bar to be at shoulder level. At the same time, the muscles of the shoulders and back are fully involved when pulling up, and therefore develop harmoniously.

Pulling up is a natural movement for humans. It is safe from the point of view of natural biomechanics, since it does not injure the spine, but, on the contrary, strengthens and stretches it. Regular training with alternating different exercise variations remarkably strengthens the muscle corset.

Let's look at which muscles swing when doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar:

  • Back muscles: latissimus, teres, trapezius, rhomboid, as well as a number of small ones.
  • Arm muscles: biceps, brachioradialis, brachialis, forearm flexors and extensors and other small muscles.
  • Abdominal muscles (act as stabilizers): rectus muscle, oblique, transverse muscles.
  • Rear delts.
  • Triceps and pectoral muscles work as assistants.

Which muscles work when doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar will depend on the technique used to perform the exercise.

What muscles work with different types of pull-ups?

Straight grip

First, let's look at pull-ups with an overhand grip. This is a classic version that is used in school lessons. A straight grip involves fixing your hands on the bar with your palms facing away from you. Thanks to this exercise, you can work the muscles on the back, biceps, triceps, forearms, and shoulder muscles. Such pull-ups, which muscles work in which, you already know, are classics with which you can begin your acquaintance with this exercise.

Reverse grip

The reverse grip is considered simpler than the straight grip. Therefore, many recommend it to beginners whose shoulders and back are not sufficiently developed, but still have a certain strength in their biceps. The exercise is aimed at working out the biceps and broad back muscles. For his correct execution you need to turn your palms towards yourself and grab the bar, moving your shoulders back a little.

Parallel grip

A parallel grip is also called a neutral grip. In this case, one palm is turned towards you, and the other - away from you, and at the same time they work mainly lower sections latissimus muscles. If you use a narrow grip, maximum amplitude and touch the bar with your chin, then the biceps will work, not the latissimus muscles.

The parallel grip is usually used to finish the workout after working the lats.

In addition to the grip method, which, as you already know, can be direct, reverse and parallel, which muscles swing during a pull-up may depend on other criteria:

  • Grip width. With a medium grip, the hands are positioned shoulder-width apart, with a narrow grip, they are narrower. If we talk about a wide grip, then the distance between the hands on the bar will be significantly greater than the width of the shoulders.
  • Upper body position: You can pull yourself up to your chest, to your chin, or behind your head.

These are the basic methods of pull-ups, although there are others that are more complex. These include one-arm, slam, dead, roll, and so on. But you should only switch to them if you can do classic variations of pull-ups. The same applies to weights, which can be used to increase the load.

Wide grip

When doing pull-ups with a straight wide grip, the trapezoid swings well, top part latissimus muscles, round muscles. When pulling up behind the head, the lower part of the latissimus muscles, trapezius, and paired round muscles work. Performed this exercise in the following way:

  • Grab the bar wide.
  • When bending your arms, make sure that your forearms and the bar of the horizontal bar form a right angle, and your shoulders are kept parallel. The thumb should be next to the palm, and not wrap the ring around the crossbar.
  • Raise your body, squeezing your shoulder blades until your chest touches the bar.

Narrow grip

With a straight narrow grip, the lower part of the latissimus muscles, brachialis, and serratus anterior muscles swing. Reverse narrow grip - perfect exercise for elaboration biceps. The exercise is performed like this:

  • Grab the bar.
  • Your palms should almost touch each other. Hang on the horizontal bar and arch your back slightly.
  • Cross your legs so that your body does not sway - this will make the exercise more difficult.
  • Bend your arms, trying to reach the bar with your chin.
  • Start the reverse movement. You need to lower yourself smoothly, without jerking, fully extending your arms.

The reverse close grip works the biceps and lower latissimus muscles. In this case, the athlete needs to touch the crossbar bottom your chest. The technique for performing the exercise is as follows:

  • Grab the horizontal bar with a reverse grip: palms facing you, thumb should close the bar with a ring.
  • You need to lift your body using your shoulder blades. You should feel how they work when mixing. Try to reach your chest to the top point of the horizontal bar.
  • Smoothly return to the starting position.

Medium grip

With a medium grip, the shoulders, biceps, triceps, forearm flexors and back are pumped. It is performed in the same way as the previous version, but the hands are shoulder-width apart. You should touch the bar with your upper chest. At the bottom, the arms straighten completely smoothly. With a reverse grip with this position of the hands, the biceps and latissimus muscles swing. Such pull-ups on the horizontal bar, which muscles work in which, you already know, are considered classic.


Another option is pull-ups on parallel bars. It should not be confused with push-ups - they are different things. When doing pull-ups, the bars are grabbed with your hands, and your legs are above your head. They can be brought to the chest (baby pose) or straightened vertically upward, with the back parallel to the floor. Thus, you perform pull-ups to the stomach. The biceps receive the main load. The latissimus muscles, deltoids and abs are also involved, with the help of which we hold our legs above our heads.

A little about the correct technique

In order for the muscles to be worked as efficiently as possible when doing pull-ups, you need to perform the exercise correctly. One of the main mistakes beginners make is not completing the exercise completely. When we say a “full” pull-up, we mean that when the highest point is reached, the collarbone should be at the level of the bar. There is no need to bend, throw your head back or tilt it forward.

When you reach the bottom, straighten your arm completely, then pause for a second and move up again.

The correct one is important breathing technique. Do not hold your breath, breathe freely, but it is better to rise as you exhale, and to descend as you inhale.

Please note that when doing pull-ups, the arm muscles always work, but the lats only work when lifting from the bottom position. If you limit the amplitude and do not perform all stages of the exercise, then the back muscles will practically not take part in this process, and accordingly, it will not train either.

You may not be able to do a full pull-up at first. In this case you can lower the horizontal bar lower(if possible) and push off with your feet, helping yourself to reach the top point. Try to lower your body as smoothly and slowly as possible until your arms straighten.

Another important point: no need to chase quantity. For beginners, it is better to do three pull-ups with perfect technique than twenty times, but absolutely incorrectly. You can master the exercise technique on a counterweight machine. Then you can start with reverse grip push-ups, which are considered the easiest, and then move on to straight grip, varying its width. Then you can use weights. It will also be useful to supplement pull-ups on the bar with block rows on special simulator– this will help increase the effectiveness of your training.

For optimal muscle development, it is recommended to perform pull-ups 3-4 times a week. It is not advisable to exercise every day, as the muscles get used to the load. In addition, they need time to recover in order for them to actively grow. In general, pulling up on a horizontal bar, which muscles are pumped when doing it, you already know, is an excellent exercise that, when performed with the correct technique, is really effective. Alternate different types of pull-ups, and then you will be able to achieve harmonious muscle development.

Types of pull-ups on video