Yulia Lysenko. Young and talented: interview with TV presenter Yulia Lysenko Lysenko presenter

The dream of the TV presenter of the Zhara channel, a participant in Star Factory-6, will soon come true - she will move to live outside the city. Several years ago, Yulia purchased a plot of land in an elite area of ​​the Moscow region. And this spring I bought a “box”, came up with a layout and erected walls. At the moment, all communications have been installed, the main decoration has been completed, and furniture has been ordered. All that remains is finishing work on an area of ​​460 square meters. m. Yulia is in a hurry, she wants to celebrate the New Year with her family in the mansion.

“There are only two months left, and this figure is terrifying! – Julia shared with StarHit. - But I think we’ll break through! I didn’t intend to allow strangers to plan my fortress, so I came up with the interior design project myself. The process turned out to be not easy: it is one thing to imagine, quite another to implement. My mother helped me - she drew drawings with me. We were lucky with the construction team: they finished the repairs at our parents’ place and came to us. Thanks to their skills, I was able to realize everything I wanted.”

On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a fireplace room, a living room and several rooms for utility needs. The second floor is the sleeping area. “A huge room for me and my husband,” continues Lysenko. – It has a large “dressing room”, a spacious bathroom and, of course, the dream of all girls – a spacious dressing room.

The bedrooms of daughters Arina and Polina are connected by one bathroom. It has large windows, allowing a lot of light inside. When we started doing all this, I understood why they say that renovation tests the strength of a relationship: it was difficult not to quarrel with my husband - from the first time we did not agree on a single issue. But we learned to give in and listen to each other.”

The couple have already decided what gift their daughters will receive from Santa Claus after they move. “Arina wrote a letter to her grandfather asking for a dog. Her wish will come true. Moreover, the year of this particular animal is ahead.”

website: Your before and after photos are impressive! I don’t ask the reason for losing weight for you, as a television person; looking good is one of the responsibilities of a professional television presenter. But what motivated you to lose weight?

Yulia Lysenko: I gained weight so quickly that I didn’t have time to get used to being “big.” Therefore, when I physically felt how much I had grown, when I could no longer fit into even loose lounge clothes, it was as if I woke up from my well-fed and calm life and decided to go on a diet.

Yu. L.: My usual weight was 55 kilograms, then I recovered to 65. In the first months I gained less than a kilogram, I had terrible toxicosis and I could not eat anything, even water made me sick. But then, at one moment, I realized that it was over. That’s when I went into overdrive: I could eat two pizzas at night, my hormones were raging, and I didn’t fight them. Before giving birth, I thought that after pregnancy most of the kilograms I had gained would go away, but I only lost the weight of the baby.

website: You lost 36 kilograms and became even slimmer than before. How did you manage that?

Yu. L.: Of course, a radical change in diet played a role. I sat down on protein diet and adhered to a separate diet, gave up carbohydrates: she didn’t even eat fruits and vegetables, dairy products, and drank a lot of water.

In order not to lose motivation, I needed quick result, so I followed the diet very strictly, and it bore fruit - after just six months I lost 36 kilograms.

Even many of my friends stopped recognizing me. Before this, I always had cheeks, but now my face has sunken, causing my facial features to look different. Sometimes, looking at my old photos, I can’t believe it’s me.

Yu. L.: Now I don’t even know how I survived this diet. The most important and difficult thing in this process is to narrow the stomach. I was determined to achieve results, so I bravely endured several days of a very limited diet.

Yu. L.: 2-3 times during the entire diet I broke down - pasta and chocolate bars were used. But then I asked myself: do I really not feel sorry for my work? And then, I agreed with myself that I would lose weight, consolidate the result and then I would be able to afford the “forbidden”. But the funny thing is that when you completely change your eating habits and learn to appreciate the taste of healthy food, you no longer want it.

Yu. L.: To be honest, I don’t understand how you can eat too much. Now I can eat a little chocolate at night and not suffer from remorse. Oddly enough, I am not gaining weight, although I no longer go on any diets and do not limit myself in anything. Apparently proper nutrition I cleansed my body well and accelerated my metabolism, and now overweight are not postponed. Of course, it happens that I gain a couple of kilograms during a vacation, but they go away easily once you have a fasting day.

Yu. L.: No secrets or miracles, beautiful figure- this is a lot of work. Many people fail to lose weight because they cannot stand eating without pleasure. I immediately decided that I would not have a “tasteless” diet. I tried to prepare my rather limited dietary set of foods as tasty as possible, and not throw a piece of meat into the water and convince myself that I needed it to be slim and beautiful. In order not to break down, you need to eat with pleasure, not with resignation.

website: Did such rapid weight loss affect your body tone?

Yu. L.: Of course, I faced the problem of stretch marks, I had to get rid of them with the help of a laser. Therefore, I strongly recommend that all pregnant women regularly moisturize their skin, preferably with oils and, of course, massage, go to the pool and do special gymnastics.

Yu. L.: During the entire time I was losing weight, I went to the fitness club only 15 times; I was on such a strict diet that I simply did not have the energy to go to the gym, and neither did I have time. I don’t understand how I can manage to go to the gym with my schedule. At ten in the morning I’m at work, at 7 my working day ends, by the time I get home, by the time I play with the child, put her to bed, it’s already eleven in the evening. I’m not one of those who will go to training at 12 at night or on my day off, although I understand how important it is.

website: Nowadays, among girls there is a certain fetish for round buttocks, pumped up abs, strong arms... How do you feel about this fashion for an athletic body? Do you like fitness girls' bodies?

Yu. L.: The girl should be fit, with appetizing curves. I believe that the abundance of muscles in female body- it too. I don't want to be a jock and I don't think it's sexy. I like the figures of Victoria's Secret models, they are truly feminine.

website: To support your Instagram followers who have become mothers and are now watching their figure, you organized a #Postpartum contest on Instagram, in which you invited them to share the results of their weight loss after pregnancy. It still attracts an audience to this day: there are now almost 4,000 photos under this hashtag! Tell us what this competition meant to you?

Yu. L.: After losing weight, I was overwhelmed with questions about how I did it. I wanted to show that my experience is not unique, and there are many girls who have achieved equally great results, so that they motivate those who are just at the beginning of their journey, confused and do not believe in themselves.

I myself was very impressed by the photos that my subscribers posted. Sometimes it was impossible to believe that it was possible to be so transformed.

And these are all ordinary girls, not Hollywood stars with an army of nutritionists, trainers and plastic surgeons. With this competition, I managed to instill in many people the idea that it boils down to the following: if these girls could do it, you can too, and for me this is the most valuable thing.

website: What advice do you have for our readers who are just preparing to become mothers and at the same time want to stay in shape after pregnancy?

Yu. L.: I wish to find a goal that will motivate you to lose weight, believe in yourself, and not rely on nutritionists, trainers and, God forbid, pills. Everyone has a different income, but believe me, everyone can lose weight without much investment. Get a blood test and choose a diet based on your individual characteristics. Add home workouts to it. I studied according to the program " Perfect abs in 8 minutes" and "Perfect buttocks in 8 minutes." Just three weeks of simple exercises using these videos yielded great results; my body looked better than when I went to the gym. I also recommend this program to those who do not have time, these very effective and affordable videos are freely available on YouTube.

The presenter of the RU.TV channel, Yulia Lysenko, decided that it was time to do a photo shoot for a men's magazine.

The country learned about Yulia Lysenko when she was only 16 years old and she took part in the show “Star Factory 6”. True, the girl did not reach the finals, but she was remembered by everyone for her passionate romance with Arseny Borodin. Well, and besides, it turned out that even in those young years the girl was not at all averse to doing a spicy photo shoot.

Lysenko did not become a popular singer, but she found her place on TV and now honestly admits that music is just a hobby. After finishing the project, Yulia managed to get married and give birth to a child, and one of her achievements is that she was able to lose 36 kg after giving birth. Apparently this circumstance pushed her to film for MAXIM.

The photo shoot turned out to be quite modest, but thoughts about what she looked like when she weighed 36 kg more are constantly present.

It is clear that she is an athletic girl, and she can easily show off her ass and breasts.

But this was the failed singer Yulia Lysenko at 16 years old.

We continue to figure out what happened to the participants of one of the most popular shows on Russian television. Next up "Star Factory - 6". By the way, it was in this issue that most of the young artists had successful careers, and today we can see many of them on the screens! What are the guys from the group worth? Chelsea! In general, make yourself comfortable, we are starting.

Dmitry Koldun (30)

It's hard to change the channel when someone's looking at you Dmitry Koldun, a tall brunette with blue eyes, and sings sensually "Forgive me for all". It was he who took first place in the project and won the hearts of not only all Belarusian, but also Russian girls!

After the project Victor Drobysh(49) invited Dima to the updated composition of the group "KGB", but the team did not last long. In 2007, the artist showed the best result among Belarusian performers at "Eurovision", bringing the country sixth place.

After that Dmitry could be seen in the project "Two stars". He became the owner "Golden Gramophone", and in 2009 together with Alexander Astashenko opened a recording studio "Lizard". Last year Witch also took part in the project "Exactly the same" on Channel One, he was a couple of points short of victory. Dmitry Koldun He recorded three albums and is still an incredibly popular artist.

Besides, Dima an exemplary family man. His first serious relationship with Victoria Khomitskaya(the young people studied in different classes of the same school) after ten years they grew into a strong marriage. The couple is raising a son Yana.
By the way, a week ago Dima new album released "Dummy", for which we sincerely congratulate him!

Alexandra Gurkova (27)

It was this tall, slender and talented girl who sang the song "Astrology", which became a real hit during the project. She also sang a touching song “Call Me”, which was written by another “manufacturer” - Prokhor Chaliapin. After participating in "Factory" for a short time she was a member of groups "Tango and Cash" And "KGB"(just along with Sorcerer And Roman Barsukov). Then she took part in the third part of the show "You are a supermodel".

In 2007, a reality show started on one of the music channels. "ROCK GIRLS", created Viktor Drobysh, where a rock band was being formed in front of the audience. She also took part there Sasha Gurkova. Songs for the band's first album Princess #1 enrolled in America, and later the girls signed a contract with a music company Sony BMG.

True, all this lasted until 2011, when the remaining members left the group, and Gurkova I was left alone with the musicians. Then she decided to do something else. By the way, Sasha He also acts in films. She had an interesting role in the film "My Crazy Family".

Because Alexandra started an affair with my son Victor Drobysh Valery(27), and for some time she lived with him in Finland. Soon the couple decided to get married, and in 2011 they had a son. Vania. Today Gurkova returned to the world of music again, she is promoting a solo project Sasha Holiday and recently released the first song video Done .

Victoria Kolesnikova (26)

Victoria Kolesnikova I always gave the impression of a romantic but mischievous girl. Her pleasant voice and small height (157 cm) made the girl a real Thumbelina, that's what everyone called her - Knopa. Vika didn’t stay in the project for long, but everyone remembered her! After "Factories" the girl entered Moscow Art Theater School and almost immediately began taking part in theatrical productions and acting in films.

Roles Vicki They were small but pleasant. For example, she played in the series "Eclipse" And "All goes to good". True, in 2011 Vika suddenly disappeared from sight. Perhaps the reason for this was the appearance of a family and a creative career ceased to be attractive to her. She rarely appears on social networks and now practically does not communicate with former colleagues.

Denis Petrov (27)

We all remember Dana Petrova a talented guy who wrote both words and music. What is his song worth? "A little prince"! In the project he Arseny Borodin, Roman Arkhipov And Alexey Korzin joined the group Chelsea, which still exists today. It seems that all the girls in the country thought that the song "Most Favorite" exactly about them. After "Factories" Denis continued to devote all his time to the group, they toured a lot and recorded as many as five albums!

Today Denis is the creator and author of the musical project "O'Henry", who appeared jointly with another musician − Maxim Kostin. By the way, last year the guys became finalists "New Wave". Denis married and has a wonderful son Plato.

Arseny Borodin (27)

It seems the posters Arseny hung in every girl's room. By the way, he took second place in the project. Well, how can you not like such a guy! Firstly, on Justin Timberlake Looks like, secondly, he writes beautiful songs, and thirdly, he does incredibly romantic things!

If you remember, on "Factory" he had an affair with Yulia Lysenko. AND Arseny I was very worried when the girl went home. In general, they were together for three years, and then broke up, although it seemed that everything was for real with the guys and things were heading towards marriage. Besides music lessons Arseny I tried myself in all sorts of film projects, and for some time I dated a model and a star Instagram by Masha Anokhina.

Later Arseny went to Finland and became interested in heavy rock music, where he met producers who worked with The Rasmus, Sunrise Avenue And HIM. Then the guy decided that he would not leave the group Chelsea, but will focus on his solo career. He took part in "New wave" in 2013 and has already released two solo videos for songs "If I" And "Houdini".

This year Arseny appeared in the project "Main Stage", where he demonstrated his full potential and won even more fans. And recently he had his first solo concert, for which we congratulate the artist!

Alexey Korzin (29)

Before "Factories" at Alexey I already had impressive experience as both a performer and composer. His song "Alien Bride", performed at the show, seemed to resonate in the heart of any viewer. We still hum it sometimes!

After "Factory" Alexey not only worked in Chelsea, but was also involved in producing. Today he helps aspiring artists develop their careers and promotes his own production center ClockWork, which he opened with a friend Alexander Babenko.

Roman Arkhipov (31)

In 2011 Novel left the group Chelsea and immediately began his solo career. And he was serious about it - he flew to Los Angeles. Novel never betrayed his tastes: as soon as he came to "Factory", immediately stated that he wanted to develop rock on the Russian stage. But, apparently, he decided that he would rather achieve his goal in America. Until recently, he was actively involved in his rock project Troy Harley. Now Roma new project − R.O.M.A.N band.

He was also able to fulfill his long-time dream of going on tour with his favorite band. Nickelback. After touring with Nickelback Roman went on a tour of American clubs - one of the most important stages through which all the famous rockers went. About my personal life Arkhipov doesn’t say, but he was often credited with having affairs with famous girls.

Prokhor Chaliapin (31)

Andrey Zakharenkov who performs under a pseudonym Prokhor Chaliapin, before casting for the sixth "Star Factory", tried to “get close” to the famous singer of the beginning of the last century Fedor Chaliapin.

Despite serious ambitions (the artist tried to perform abroad and graduated Gnesinka), his songs never became popular hits, but Prokhor made a name for himself through scandalous stories.

In 2007, he decided to refuse the services of a producer Victor Drobysh and accused the composer of misappropriating his royalties. In 2013, the singer married an entrepreneur Larisa Kopenkina, who was 27 years older than him (we all remember their spicy joint photo shoots). The public condemned such a misalliance, but Chaliapin flattered by any attention: he published in in social networks candid pictures with his wife and swore fidelity and love to her on various talk shows.

As a result, without having time to divorce her, Chaliapin started a new romance - in 2014 he announced that he was dating a model Anna Kalashnikova. Not life, but Santa Barbara! Celebrities became the parents of their first child named Daniel in March of this year. Interestingly, the artist also appears in TV series, but each time he chooses the roles of famous singers. Among his works − “Love and other nonsense”, “Who’s on top?”, “Courage”.

Arina Ryzhenkova (28)

Arina Ryzhenkova became the first participant in the project to leave "Factory", however, she did not stop making music. After "Factories" the girl continued her studies at school and then at the university.

U Arina had a long affair with a participant "Star Factory - 3" by Ruslan Kurik, however, it is currently unknown whether they are still dating. The young artists performed together more than once and dedicated songs to each other. Now Arina periodically invited to various events, she performs covers famous songs, as well as compositions of his own composition.

Zara (32)

After the project Zara(which took third place) released several music albums and starred in television series “Favorsky”, “Special Forces in Russian - 2”, “The Life and Death of Lyonka Panteleev” and many others, as well as in several feature films (for example, in short films "Demon" and "Ariadne").

In 2009 Zara took part in the show "Two stars", reached the finals, but according to the results of the audience voting she got second place. In March 2011, she took part in the project "Star Factory. Return". Zara regularly participates in the project "Property of the Republic" and expands its repertoire with songs by Soviet composers. Since the beginning of 2015 Zara is a permanent member of the jury of the vocal competition " New star» TV channel "Star", which is supported by Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

In 2008, the singer married (this is her second marriage) to the head of the pharmacy department Department of Health of the City of Moscow Sergei Ivanov, who, for the sake of a new marriage, divorced his wife, with whom he has two children. May 7, 2010 Zary And Sergei son was born Daniel, and on April 9, 2012 - son Maksim. Today, the girl still performs on stage, often appears in public and hosts various events.

Mila Kulikova (31)

Mila we remember the petite blonde who was friends with Prokhor Shalyapin. However, there were also rumors that she was dating her wife’s son Konstantin Ernst However, this story was quickly forgotten. After the project, she began to be invited to various events and clubs. It was then that the girl realized that she wanted to work in the genre of dance music. For a while about Mile nothing was heard, but she did not stop writing songs.

Then the girl began recording joint tracks with Moscow DJs and even appeared in several Internet and television shows. They also have a song together with Chaliapin, which they recorded last year. Today Mila never ceases to delight fans with new tracks, but rarely gives concerts.

Yulia Lysenko (26)

We all remember that heartbreaking moment when she left the project Yulia Lysenko. The girl was the youngest on the show - she was only 16 years old when she got on "Factory". After the project Victor Drobysh created a duet "Ultraviolet", in which they were supposed to sing Lysenko and another “manufacturer” − Anastasia Shevchenko. However, the group broke up just before they started work.

About breaking up with Arseny Borodin Yulia She said this: “He acted ugly, although I don’t hold any grudge against him.” One of the versions of the separation was that Borodin started dating a friend Yuli.

After the final tour "Factory" Yule offered to audition for TV presenters on the channel RU TV. The producers really liked her and got the job. After some time, the girl also tried her hand at the channels Moscow-24 and Europa Plus TV. However, she soon returned to RU TV, where today she works not only as a presenter, but also as a director.

She is completely absorbed in her profession, but manages to pay attention to her family. Julia married to a businessman Alexander Kravtsov, and they are raising two charming daughters.

By the way, when during the first pregnancy Julia gained a lot of weight, she launched a flash mob in Instagram. She managed to lose 36 kg in 4.5 months, without harm to her health! A great motivator!

Alexey Khvorostyan (32)

After “Factory” Alexey Khvorostyan, who, by the way, was not as experienced as the other participants, signed a contract with Viktor Drobysh. They are still working with him. Immediately after the project Alexei married Elena Vilyuchinskaya, who was his vocal teacher. A year after the wedding, the lovers had a daughter Willow. The couple also has a son Alisher, which went to Alexey already at the age of two.

Today the boy is adopted and proudly calls the artist his real dad. In 2007 Khvorostyan released his first album “We fell, but got up”, which included the song of the same name, co-written by him with Drobysh especially for the first channel project "King of Ring", Where Alexei demonstrated resilience and true courage. The disc was received very warmly by listeners, and the songs included in it became national hits. Today he often tours with concerts and continues to write songs.

Sogdiana (31)

The singer's real name is Oksana Vladimirovna Nechitailo. On the show Sogdiana sang a song "Heart Magnet", for which she later received "Golden Gramophone Award". In 2007 she filmed song video "Blue sky" and began work on her first album. She was also awarded the Mayor's Prize Moscow "Pilar" for his contribution to the development of Russian popular music. The album was released in 2008 Sogdiana “Heart-magnet”, and in 2009 she was awarded the title of People's Artist Chechen Republic.

On March 11, 2006, new participants in the popular Channel One project “Star Factory” were introduced to millions of television viewers. Despite the fact that ten years have passed, “manufacturers” often feel nostalgic for the times of life in the “star house”. For each of the artists, participation in such a large-scale program was a turning point in life - sudden popularity, love from the public, performances with the most famous artists of the Russian and foreign stage, tours, and then the beginning of an independent creative career. “StarHit” found out from the graduates of the television project what they remembered most during their time at the “Star Factory”.

// Photo: Still from the Star Factory program

From the very beginning, Dmitry Koldun attracted the attention of television viewers with his vocals, as well as his appearance. During his participation in the project, the musician had the chance to sing with the legends of world music - the Scorpions group. On the same stage with famous performers, the aspiring singer performed the popular rock ballad “Still loving you.” Dmitry is very grateful to the project mentor, Viktor Drobysh, that he was lucky enough to sing with the world famous group. The “Star Factory” project, according to Dmitry, became a turning point in his life.

“When they announced that I was the winner, I couldn’t believe it for a long time. It seemed to me that in the world of show business everything is connected only with money and corruption. And when I was just traveling to the casting in a reserved seat carriage on a train from Belarus, I couldn’t even imagine that I could win,” the Sorcerer told StarHit.

But one of the most vivid memories for Dmitry was precisely going outside the “star house”. “After the end of the project, we came to have lunch at Okhotny Ryad, and then I realized that everyone around me was looking at me. It was very difficult to get used to such increased attention. It was so unusual that I just started having a hysterical fit of laughter,” the musician recalled.

Now Dmitry Koldun continues his creative career. He records songs, releases albums and films videos.

// Photo: Personal archive; Still from the Star Factory program

Yulia Lysenko became the youngest participant at the sixth “Star Factory”. Then the girl was only 16 years old. Julia admits that it was very difficult for her to live in the “star house” under the guns of numerous television cameras. She recalls that she did not know how to present herself and behave correctly, so she chose the only correct model of behavior for herself - to be natural. Julia recalls that she was very responsible on the project - she prepared very seriously for each performance on stage. Of course, the nominations also took a lot of nerves.

“The biggest gift for me was that when I had to leave the project, Yuri Aksyuta allowed me to come to classes at the “star house.” “I was very pleased that I was given such a chance,” Lysenko recalls in a conversation with StarHit. - I am very glad that I had such an early start. This project gave me a lot and not only in terms of music. During the tour, I visited numerous cities in Russia, which I am very happy about.

Despite her serious musical education, Julia did not pursue a career as a singer, but still remains in sight of a large audience. Now Lysenko is a popular TV presenter on a music channel.

Arseny Borodin took second place in the Star Factory project. Together with other participants, Alexey Korzin, Denis Petrov and Roman Arkhipov, producer Viktor Drobysh decided to create the Chelsea group. But Arseny said that instead of him, the now famous performer Ivan Dorn could be in the team. Borodin recalled that at the casting they were just deciding which of the young people to invite to the “Factory” - him or Dorn.

“For me, just getting into the project became the most vivid memory. I was 17 years old, I flew alone to Moscow for the first time from my native Barnaul,” Borodin tells StarHit. - They doubted me for a very long time - whether to take it or not. One of the arguments against me was that I looked like a provincial guy. But the vocal teachers stood up for me, which influenced the final decision.”

It must be said that the sixth “Star Factory” was not without romantic relationships. As Arseny said, even at the casting he liked the young beauty Yulia Lysenko, so he decided to woo the girl. The whole country watched the development of their relationship. However, their romance did not last long. Now Arseny continues to engage in creativity, and recently became the winner of another musical project - “Main Stage”.

// Photo: Instagram; Still from the Star Factory program

During her participation in the “Star Factory” project, the oriental beauty Sogdiana performed songs with many famous artists. But most of all she remembers the duets with Larisa Dolina, Vladimir Kuzmin and the Ukrainian singer Ruslana. On the project, Sogdiana’s dream came true - to sing her own song. The composition “Heart Magnet” became a real hit and was in rotation on radio stations for a long time, and then received the prestigious Golden Gramophone award. Despite her artistry and vocal abilities, Sogdiana was unable to reach the finals - literally a couple of weeks before the end, she left the project.

“When I went to the Factory, we were told that the project would last three months. And I programmed myself: I have to hold out for three months. But then the organizers decided to extend the project for another three weeks. And that’s when I left the project after the nomination. When it all ended for me, it felt like the world had collapsed. It was hard to realize that the bus was leaving, and you were left alone - there were no security guards looking after you and no colleagues on the project around,” Sogdiana told StarHit.

The singer is very grateful to everyone who gave her the opportunity to take part in the project. Sogdiana admits that, despite the fact that it was quite difficult at times, she never regretted taking part in the project. Now the artist is a fairly successful singer.

// Photo: Instagram; Still from the Star Factory program

At the musical project, Prokhor Chaliapin announced himself as a performer of folk songs. That is why he did not perceive his colleagues as direct competitors. The most impressive moment for Prokhor during the project was the moment of moving into the “star house”. According to him, it was everyone’s dream - he was amazed by the richness of colors and bright lighting. Despite the fact that some participants were embarrassed by the fact that they were being watched around the clock by numerous cameras that were installed everywhere, Chaliapin very quickly got used to such a life. But the funniest stories, according to Prokhor, happened after the main part of the project, during the tour.

“When we arrived in one small town, we were thrown off the bus near some field, because it was impossible to go further. I remember how tired we were walking across this field with suitcases. But what scared us most was where we had to move. As we understood, it was some kind of boarding house where tuberculosis patients usually rested. We staged a riot because it was simply dangerous to be there - one day a drunk man kicked open the door screaming. But soon it ended and we were moved to a normal hotel,” recalled Prokhor Chaliapin in a conversation with StarHit.