Analysis of educational and methodological sets for physical culture. Umk in physical education

Using the example of the gymnastics section, we present a convenient form of presenting the material, allowing you to easily plan your work.

Main focus

Main focus

To master and improve hangs and supports

To master vaults

Boys: hanging bent and arched; hanging pull-up; hanging straight leg raises. Girls: mixed vis; lying down hanging pull-up

Boys: turn dismount Girls: jump point-blank onto the lower pole; dismount with a turn; swinging curves; hanging lying down; hanging crouching

Boys: rise with an inverted push-and-pull; hanging movement; swing back and dismount. Girls: with a swing of one and a push of the other, lift up with a flip point-blank onto the lower pole

Boys: from hanging on the knees through a handstand, lowering into a crouching position; lifting with a swing back into a squat with legs apart; lifting the curtain outside. Girls: from an emphasis on the lower pole, lowering forward into a hanging crouch; from a hanging position, squatting on the lower pole with a swing of one and a push of the other into a hanging position, leaning on the upper pole; hanging lying on the lower pole; sitting sideways on the lower pole, dismounting

Boys: lifting with a flip at point-blank range with a swing and force; rise with a forward swing into a squat with legs apart. Girls: hang bent over on the lower pole with your legs resting on the top one; transition to emphasis on the lower pole

Jumped up and crouched; bending dismount (goat width, height 80–100 cm)

Jump legs apart (goat wide, height 100–110 cm)

Boys: jump with legs bent (goat wide, height 100–115 cm) Girls: jump with legs apart (goat wide, height 105–110 cm)

Boys: jump with legs bent (goat length, height 110–115 cm). Girls: side jump with a 90° turn (horse width, height 110 cm)

Boys: jump with legs bent (horse length, height 115 cm). Girls: side jump (horse width, height 110 cm)

  • Topic 3. Basics of a healthy lifestyle for a student. Physical culture in ensuring health.
  • Topic 4. General physical and special training in the physical education system.
  • Part 1
  • Part 2
  • Topic 5. Professional applied physical training of AT and CO students.
  • Topic 6. Fundamentals of methods of independent physical exercise.
  • Topic 7. Self-control of those involved in physical exercises and sports.
  • Topic 8. Sports. Individual choice of sport or physical exercise systems.
  • 1.4. Guidelines for studying the discipline.
  • I year 1st semester (62 hours)
  • I year 2nd semester (66 hours)
  • II year 3rd semester (64 hours)
  • II year 4th semester (66 hours)
  • III year 5th semester (64 hours)
  • III year 6th semester (66 hours)
  • 3. Test system materials.
  • Tests according to the program of "presidential competitions"
  • For students of the main department
  • 4. List of questions for tests and test topics on any topic:
  • Topic 2. Socio-biological foundations of physical culture
  • Topic 3. Healthy lifestyle.
  • Topic 4. General physical and special training in the physical education system
  • Topic 5. Professional applied physical training
  • Topic 6. Fundamentals of methods of independent physical exercises
  • Topic 7. Self-control of those involved in physical exercises and sports
  • Topic 8. Sports. Individual choice of sport or exercise system
  • Sample tickets for the final certification in the subject “physical education” at a university. Ticket No. 1
  • Ticket No. 6
  • Ticket No. 16
  • 5. References
  • 5.1. Main literature
  • 5.2. additional literature
  • 6. Glossary.
  • Applications
  • 1.2. Current state of physical culture and sports
  • 1.3. Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports of the Russian Federation”
  • 1.4. Physical culture of the individual.
  • 1.5. Basic provisions of the organization of physical education in a higher educational institution.
  • 1.6. Physical culture as an academic discipline in at and co.
  • Topic 2. Socio-biological foundations of physical culture.
  • 2.1. The human body as a single self-developing and self-regulating biological system. Metabolism.
  • 2.2. Circulation. The cardiovascular system.
  • 2.3. Internal organ systems.
  • Topic 3. Basics of a healthy lifestyle for a student. Physical culture in ensuring health
  • 3.1. Human health as a value and the factors that determine it
  • 3.2. The relationship between a student’s general culture and his lifestyle.
  • 3.3. Healthy lifestyle and its components
  • 3.6. Criteria for the effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Topic 4 General physical and sports training in the physical education system.
  • 4.1. general physical preparation
  • 4.2. Special physical training
  • 4.3. Sports training
  • 4.4.Structure of the athlete’s preparedness.
  • 4.5. Zones and intensity of physical activity
  • 4.6. The importance of muscle relaxation (relaxation).
  • 4.7. Possibility and conditions for correction of physical development, physique, motor and functional readiness by means of physical culture and sports at student age.
  • Topic 5. Professional applied physical training of AT and CO students.
  • 5.1. Goals and objectives of ppfp.
  • 5.2. Contents of the ppfp program for students at and co.
  • 5.3. Performance dynamics.
  • 5.4. Industrial gymnastics. The theory of "active leisure".
  • 5.5. Economic efficiency of physical education classes
  • Topic 6. Fundamentals of methods of independent physical exercise.
  • 6.4. Features of self-study for women.
  • 6.5. Planning and managing independent studies.
  • 6.6. Limits of load intensity during independent training for people of different ages.
  • 6.7. The relationship between exercise intensity and level of physical fitness.
  • 6.8. Correction of the content and methods of physical exercises and sports based on the results of control.
  • Topic 7. Self-control of those involved in physical exercises and sports.
  • 7.1. Diagnosis and self-diagnosis of the body’s condition during regular exercise and sports.
  • 7.2. Medical control, its content.
  • 7.3. Pedagogical control, its content.
  • 7.4.Self-control, its main methods, indicators.
  • 7.5. Self-control diary
  • 7.7. Correction of the content and methods of physical exercises and sports based on the results of control indicators.
  • Topic 8. Sports. Individual choice of sports or physical exercise systems.
  • 8.1. Mass sports and elite sports.
  • 8.4. Olympic Games and Universiade.
  • 8.5. Modern popular systems of physical exercises.
  • 8.6. Sports competitions as a means and method of monitoring the general physical, professional and applied sports training of students.
  • For 1st year students of the main department
  • For 2nd year students of the main department
  • Physical test exercises
  • Preparedness
  • Physical Culture


    (To train specialists in the field

    080104 “Labor Economics”; 080105 “Finance and Credit”; 080109 “Accounting, analysis and audit”)

    Moscow – 2008

    Mikheev, S.I., Safoshin, A.V., Tsedilin, Yu.V. Physical culture: educational and methodological complex / S.I. Mikheev, A.V. Safoshin, Yu.V. Tsedilin. – M.: Publishing house “ATISO”, 2008. – 64 p.

    The educational and methodological complex provides recommendations for studying the discipline “Physical Culture” (requirements of the State Standard for the discipline “Physical Culture”, structure of the subject, thematic plans for lectures and practical classes, methodological recommendations, tests, literature and basic theoretical principles in the discipline, questions for self-control).

    Designed for training bachelors in the following areas: 080100 “Economics”, 080500 “Management”, 030500 “Jurisprudence”.

    Reviewers – V.A. Yakushev, Yu.F. Zhabin.

    © Academy of Labor

    and social relations, 2008

    © Mikheev S. I., Safoshin A. V.,

    Tsedilin Yu.V., 2008


    Educational and methodological complex (UMK) is a set of materials regulating the content of educational and methodological work on teaching the academic discipline “Physical Culture”, provided for by the main educational programs implemented at the Academy of Labor and Social Relations for undergraduate studies.

    The discipline “Physical Education” is included in the federal component of the cycle of general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines and is mandatory for study.

    The educational and methodological complex of the discipline “Physical Culture” is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education, the Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports of the Russian Federation” No. 80-f3 and the Model Program for Physical Culture for Higher Educational Institutions.

    1. Program of the academic discipline “Physical Education”.

    1.1. Goals and objectives of the discipline

    Physical culture carries out its educational and developmental functions in the process physical education .

    Purpose physical education students of ATiSO is the formation of physical culture of the individual and ensuring psychophysical readiness for future professional activities.

    Tasks physical education :

    -educational: formation of a motivational and value-based attitude towards physical culture, the need for regular exercise and sports, an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle and physical self-improvement, prevention of deviant behavior among students;

    -educational: understanding the role of physical culture in personal development, preparation for professional activities, knowledge of the scientific and practical foundations of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle;

    -developing: ensuring general and professionally applied physical fitness, which determines the student’s psychophysical readiness for future professional activity, mastering a system of practical skills that ensure the development of vital qualities and personality traits;

    -health-improving: acquiring experience in the creative use of physical culture and sports activities to preserve and strengthen health, mental well-being in order to achieve life and professional goals.

    The specified mandatory minimum content of the program of the academic discipline “Physical Culture” allows you to present the following requirements for knowledge and skills students after completing the course:

    - know the importance of physical culture in general cultural and professional training, the socio-biological foundations of physical culture and sports, the foundations of the legislation of the Russian Federation on physical culture, requirements for human physical culture;

    - be able to lead a healthy lifestyle, use physical education to optimize performance;

    - own skills of general and special physical training, professionally applied physical training in accordance with working conditions in the chosen profession, technical techniques in the chosen sport, the basics of the methodology of independent training and self-control.



    1 copy 34 pp.

    Credit requirements for the discipline “physical culture” for students of all specialties and areas of training

    Approximate topics of abstracts

    for students temporarily exempt from practical classes in physical education of all specialties and areas of training

    Control exercises and standards in physical education for students of all specialties and areas of training

    Distribution of points in physical education for students of all specialties and areas of training

    Database of test tasks for students of all specialties and areas of training

    SRS assignments for all areas of training

    Literature supply maps

    Approximate topics of abstracts

    for students temporarily released from practical classes

    1. Characteristics of the disease. The influence of lifestyle on the disease. The impact of the disease on personal performance and well-being.

    2. Types of physical activity prohibited in case of illness.

    4. Hygiene products and disease prevention measures (work and rest schedule, diet, hardening, massage, etc.).

    5. A set of physical exercises to relieve nervous tension.

    6. Physical education pause for a knowledge worker. Purpose, frequency, focus (set for 4 minutes).

    7. Morning hygienic exercises for a mental worker. Purpose, intensity, focus (complex for 10 minutes).

    8. Introductory gymnastics. Purpose, focus (complex for 5 minutes).

    9. Kinesitherapy for illness. Complex No. 1 (description of exercises and dosage). Duration 45 min.

    10. Kinesitherapy for illness. Complex No. 2 (description of exercises and dosage). Duration 45 min.

    11. Kinesitherapy for illness. Complex No. 3 (description of exercises and dosage). Duration 45 min.

    12. Kinesitherapy for illness. Complex No. 4 (description of exercises and dosage). Duration 45 min.



    (for all specialties and areas of training)

    1-8 SEMESTER




    Characteristics of test orientation

    Speed-strength fitness test, 100m run (sec)

    Strength fitness test,

    General endurance test, 2000 m run (min, sec)

    Standing long jump (cm)

    Squatting on one leg, leaning on the wall (number of times on each leg)


    Speed-strength fitness test, 100 m run (sec)

    Strength readiness test, pull-ups on the bar (number)

    General endurance test, 3000 m run (min, sec)

    Standing long jump (cm)


    MODULE 2 (volleyball)

    1. 10 passes with a bounce from the wall (distance 3 m, reception from below and from above);

    2. 10 passes in pairs, reception from above and below (distance 4 m);

    3. 10 passes in pairs through the net;

    4. Serve (bottom) 4 out of 5 for girls and top serve 4 out of 5 for boys.

    5. Passes in threes (one opposite two) – 30 sec.

    6. Transfer in counter columns:


    MODULE 3 (volleyball)

    1. Forward strike for girls: against the wall, distance 2 m from the wall (5 strikes); for boys: in pairs through the net (3 out of 5);

    2. In pairs from zone 6, pass to zone 3, pass back through the net (girls: 3 out of 5; boys 5 out of 5);

    3. Passes in fours. 3 laps.

    4. Transfer in threes: 3 circles * * *;

    5. Serve for girls (bottom) 5 out of 5 and for boys : serving (from above) 5 out of 5.

    6. Reverse gears (3 gears).


    MODULE 4 (ski training)

    1. Completing a distance of 3 km in 20 minutes – girls. Boys – 5 km – 27 min. 45 sec;

    2. Skating the training circle. Boys – 40 seconds, girls – 50 seconds;

    3. U-turns and turns (using a 5-point system);

    4. Going through the training circle without a step. Boys – 1 min. 30 seconds, girls – 2 minutes;

    5. Completing the 4 km distance without taking into account time – girls; 7 km – boys;

    6. Completing the 5 km distance without taking into account time – girls; 8 km – boys;


    1. Dribbling the ball, 2 steps, throw into the hoop (hit), pick up the ball, dribble to the opposite hoop, 2 steps throw into the hoop. Boys - 20 seconds, girls - 35 seconds.

    2. Pass the ball with 2 hands from the chest against the wall (distance 3 m) in 1 minute. Girls – 35. Boys – 45.

    3. Passes with 2 balls from the wall with a bounce from the floor in 1 minute. Girls – 30. Boys – 40.

    4. Throws from under the ring in 1 minute. Girls - 15 hits. Boys - 20.

    5. Dribbling the ball in pairs, 2 passes with a ball throw (2 circles, throws by each student). Girls – 30 sec. Boys – 20 sec.

    6. Free throw. Out of 10 – boys – 6 hits, girls – 4.



    Control exercises can be changed in accordance with the principle of gradualism and accessibility, a differentiated approach to training. The number of control exercises and the type of physical activity do not change.



    3rd year all specialties


    Point for 1 type

    Number of types

    Attending classes

    Control standards

    Theoretical test

    Not limited

    Extra points

    according to honey Help


    honey. Help

    according to the magazine

    according to the magazine

    *for students of the preparatory medical group of all specialties, 2 points are awarded for each completed control standard, regardless of the result.



    SEMESTER 1-8

    for students of all specialties and areas of training

    special medical group


    Point for 1 type

    Number of types

    Attending classes

    Theoretical test

    Participation in public sports events (including visiting sections, holding physical education breaks)

    Participation in internal events, training – 1 point; in urban areas – 2 points. 5 physical education minutes – 1 point.

    Not limited

    For a maximum score of at least 4

    Extra points

    Abstract (for 1 missed lesson due to illness)

    according to honey Help


    honey. Help

    Making up for unexcused absences

    according to the magazine

    according to the magazine




    Points for 1 type

    Number of types

    Attending classes

    Control standards

    2 points (passed) 1 point – took it, but didn’t pass

    Theoretical test

    Participation in public sports events (including visiting sections, holding physical education breaks)

    Participation in internal events, training – 1 point; in urban areas – 2 points. 5 physical education minutes – 1 point.

    Not limited

    For a maximum score of at least 1

    Extra points

    Abstract (for 1 missed lesson due to illness)

    according to honey Help


    honey. Help

    Making up for unexcused absences

    according to the magazine

    according to the magazine





    Points for 1 type

    Number of types

    Attending classes

    Control standards

    2 points (passed) 1 point – took it, but didn’t pass

    Theoretical test

    Participation in public sports events (including visiting sections, holding physical education breaks)

    Participation in internal events, training – 1 point; in urban areas – 2 points. 5 physical education minutes – 1 point.

    Not limited

    For a maximum score of at least 3

    Extra points

    Abstract (for 1 missed lesson due to illness)

    according to honey Help


    honey. Help

    Making up for unexcused absences

    according to the magazine

    according to the magazine

    *for students of the preparatory medical group of all specialties and areas of training, 2 points are awarded for each completed control standard, regardless of the result.





    Points for 1 type

    Number of types

    Attending classes

    Control standards

    2 points (passed) 1 point – took it, but didn’t pass

    Theoretical test

    Participation in public sports events (including visiting sections, holding physical education breaks)

    Participation in internal events, training – 1 point; in urban areas – 2 points. 5 physical education minutes – 1 point.

    Not limited

    For a maximum score of at least 3

    Extra points

    Abstract (for 1 missed lesson due to illness)

    according to honey certificate


    honey. certificate

    Making up for unexcused absences

    according to the magazine

    according to the magazine

    *for students of the preparatory medical group of all specialties and areas of training, 2 points are awarded for each completed control standard, regardless of the result.



    SRS control form

    Physical culture in professional training. Harmonious physical and sociocultural development of the student’s personality.

    Socio-biological foundations of adaptation of the human body to physical and mental activity, environmental factors.

    Measuring body parameters, calculating its proportionality.

    Registration of results in a portfolio

    Determination of problem areas of the physique, selection of physical exercises and hygiene factors for their correction

    Description of the developed complexes and hygiene factors in the portfolio

    Implementation of developed complexes. Final measurement of anthropometric data. Analysis of results, determination of the effectiveness of independent work.

    Registration of the results of the final measurement and assessment of the effectiveness of the SR in the portfolio.

    Lifestyle and its reflection in professional activities

    General physical and sports training of students in the educational process.

    Measuring your own speed-strength, coordination abilities, endurance and flexibility.

    Recording ability measurements in a portfolio

    Development of sets of physical exercises aimed at improving motor abilities.

    Methodological principles of independent physical exercises.

    Self-control during physical exercise.

    Study of the state of the body's functional systems.

    Registration of research results in a portfolio

    Development of sets of physical exercises aimed at improving the functional systems of the body

    Description of the developed complexes and hygiene factors in the portfolio.

    Implementation of developed complexes. Final measurement. Analysis of results, determination of the effectiveness of independent work.

    Registration of the results of the final measurement, assessment of the effectiveness of the SR in the portfolio.

    Professional applied physical training of future specialists (PPPP).

    Industrial physical culture. Prevention of occupational diseases by means of physical culture.

    Drawing up a professional profile of a specialty. Determination of professionally significant psychophysical qualities.

    Description of the professional profile in the portfolio.

    Development of sets of physical exercises, selection of sports aimed at developing professionally significant psychophysical qualities and preventing professional development. diseases

    Description of the developed complexes and hygiene factors in the portfolio.

    Implementation of developed complexes. Analysis of results, determination of the effectiveness of independent work.

    Description of adjusted industrial gymnastics complexes and preventive measures by Prof. diseases in the portfolio.


    for girls

    1 dimension




    Run 100m (sec)

    Raising (sitting) and lowering the body from a lying position, legs are secured, hands behind the head (number of times)

    Standing long jump (cm)

    Pull-ups while lying on a bar 90 cm high (number of times)

    for boys

    1 dimension




    Run 100m (sec)

    Standing long jump (cm)

    Bend your arms in support on the uneven bars (number of times)

    Raising legs while hanging on the bar until they touch (number of times)

    8 MODULE

    Program for increasing speed and strength abilities

    Analyze and evaluate the results of measuring speed abilities (100 m run), strength abilities (pull-ups, abs, standing long jumps, squats - girls, push-ups - boys) according to the criteria: high, medium, low.

    3. Develop sets of physical exercises (at least 5 for each muscle group) to increase strength abilities in parts of the body and speed abilities.

    1.Upper shoulder girdle – Grade ____

    2. Torso – assessment _______________

    3. Legs – assessment - ____________

    4. Speed ​​abilities - assessment _______

    9 MODULE

    Implementation of developed complexes. The final measurement of speed and strength abilities. Analysis of results, determination of the effectiveness of independent work.

    During the module, perform a set of physical exercises developed by you, follow a diet, and use additional factors. Take a repeat measurement and enter the results in table 7 of the module. Compare the indicators of modules 7 and 9.

    Determine the presence and magnitude of changes.




    Run 100m (sec)

    Pull-ups on the bar (number of times)

    Standing long jump (cm)

    Bend your arms in support on the uneven bars (number of times)

    Lifting with an inversion at point-blank range by force on the crossbar (number of times)

    Raising legs while hanging on the bar until they touch (number of times)

    Raising (sitting) and lowering the body from a lying position, legs are secured, hands behind the head (number of times)

    Pull-ups while lying on a bar 90 cm high (number of times)

    Squatting on one leg, resting your hand on the wall (number of times on each leg)

    10 MODULE

    Measuring the level of development of flexibility and coordination abilities


    11 MODULE

    Program to improve coordination abilities and flexibility

    2. Specify which indicators you have below average grades.

    3. Develop sets of physical exercises to increase flexibility.

    1. Spinal flexibility – assessment __________

    2. Mobility of the hip joints – assessment _________

    3. Mobility of the shoulder joints – assessment - ____________

    4. Coordination abilities – assessment _____

    A set of physical exercises for______

    Duration of classes_____________________

    12 MODULE

    Implementation of developed complexes. A summary measure of coordination ability and flexibility. Analysis of results, determination of the effectiveness of independent work.

    During the module, perform the sets of physical exercises you have developed after a thorough warm-up. Take a repeat measurement and enter the results in table 10 of the module. Compare the displays of module 12. Determine the presence and magnitude of changes.

    13 MODULE

    Studying the level of development of general endurance

    2.Compare your own results with the standards.

    3.Calculate deviations with a plus sign (+) - excess, or minus (-) underperformance.

    14 MODULE

    General endurance program

    2. Develop a set of physical exercises to increase overall endurance.

    1.General endurance – Score _______________

    A set of physical exercises for ____________

    Frequency (number of classes per week) _____________

    Duration of classes _____________________

    Description of the exercise (picture) and dosage

    15 MODULE

    Implementation of developed complexes. A final measurement of overall endurance. Analysis of results, determination of the effectiveness of independent work.

    During the module, perform the sets of physical exercises you have developed. Take a repeat measurement and enter the results in table 15 of the module. Compare the displays of module 15. Determine the presence and magnitude of changes.

    16 MODULE

    Drawing up a professional profile of a specialty

    Make a professional profile for the specialty ______________

    Compare the data from the professional organization with your own capabilities (evaluate them using a 5-point system)

    17 MODULE

    Development of physical exercise complexes for professionally applied physical culture. Selection of sports. Development of introductory gymnastics and physical education complexes.

    In accordance with the requirements of the profession, taking into account individual characteristics, compose 2 sets of professionally applied physical culture of 10 exercises.

    1 complex

    Select sports that are optimal for the development of professionally significant physical qualities and psychophysiological capabilities of the body.

    Create a set of introductory gymnastics

    Create a physical training break routine

    18 MODULE

    Development of sets of physical exercises and hygiene procedures aimed at preventing colds and occupational diseases

    Indicate the occupational diseases that occur among workers in your specialty and the reasons for their occurrence.

    A set of physical exercises aimed at preventing colds

    Hygiene procedures aimed at preventing colds


    Teaching materials on physical culture in the textbook system “Algorithm of Success”

    Educational complex "PHYSICAL CULTURE"
    The kit was prepared by the scientific team
    Institute of Age Physiology
    Russian Academy of Education (RAO)
    and the Institute of Content of Teaching Methods (ISMO RAO)
    Petrova Tatyana Vladimirovna – associate professor of Moscow State Pedagogical University, scientific
    employee of the Institute of Contents of Teaching Methods (ISMO
    Kopylov Yuri Anatolievich – Ph.D. Institute of age
    Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education (IVF
    Polyanskaya Nina Vasilievna – Ph.D. (IVF RAO)
    The foundation for the development of teaching materials on physical culture was
    long-term research at the Institute of Age Physiology
    about the peculiarities of the functioning and development of children’s bodies
    and adolescents, depending on a combination of different conditions.

    Distinctive features of the educational complex

    physical education for primary school

    Features of the content of the textbook on
    physical education for primary school

    Methodological apparatus of the textbook
    aimed at relief
    perception of new material
    (updating questions
    along the way),
    to facilitate knowledge acquisition
    (questions and assignments for chapters,
    containing theoretical material).
    Presentation style
    aims to motivate
    students' learning of the subject.

    physical education
    contains recommendations
    recommendations on
    specifics of working with weakened children
    building an individual trajectory
    physical development of students in the classroom
    lesson planning
    taking into account the formation of the UUD in accordance with
    with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard
    application of modern educational
    technology in physical education lessons
    and in extracurricular activities

    Educational complex "PHYSICAL CULTURE"
    AUTHOR of the line UMK "PHYSICAL CULTURE" grades 1-11
    Pogadaev Grigory Ivanovich - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
    (1996), honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation,
    Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation (2003),
    Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Sciences
    teacher education (since 2005)
    Composition of the educational complex:
    work programs (grades 1-4), (grades 5-9), (grades 10-11)
    with application on CD
    textbooks 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-9, 10-11 grades
    methodological manuals for teachers (grades 1-4), (grades 5-9),
    (10-11 grade)

    Distinctive features of the educational complex
    Structurally, the course consists of three training sections:
    control evaluation,
    providing knowledge about physical
    culture, mastering the methods of motor activity and
    physical improvement.
    UMK combines a traditional approach to methodology
    physical education with modern requirements
    Federal State Educational Standards, the implementation of which is very well disclosed
    exactly in this line.
    The only teaching aid in FP, developed by one and the same
    the same author from 1st to 11th grade, which reflects his

    Textbooks recommended

    and included in the Federal List
    Course for grades 1-4
    for implementation
    the following tasks:

    At the stage of basic general education UMC
    is aimed at solving the following problems
    development of basic physical qualities and abilities
    schoolchildren, strengthening their health and expanding
    functional capabilities of the body;
    developing a culture of movement among students,
    enriching their motor experience with physical
    exercises with general developmental and corrective
    acquisition by students of skills in physical education
    sports and recreation
    activities, independent organization of classes
    physical exercise;
    instilling in schoolchildren sustainable interests and
    positive emotional and value attitude towards
    physical education and sports recreational activities

    Completes the line of teaching materials for high school
    ?.?. ????????
    Textbook recommended
    Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
    and included in the Federal List

    Line of teaching materials “Physical education, grades 1-4”.
    T.S. Lisitskaya, L.A. Novikova
    UMK line:
    methodological manuals;
    Sports diary;
    In the gym, at the gym
    playground, in the yard, on the ski track, in
    Assistance in the implementation of sports
    Your sporting achievements
    Auto-trainings aimed at
    relief of mental stress
    Attention and memory training
    Organization of free leisure