Interview with Andrey Paley. Interview with Andrey Paley Andrey Paley powerlifting in contact

– master of sports of international class in bench press, m multiple European champion and world record holder in the bench press according to the WPC professional association. Born in Magnitogorsk on October 11, 1961. He served in the landing troops, where he fulfilled the standard of a candidate master of sports in parachuting. After being transferred to the reserve, he worked at MMK in a sheet-rolling shop. Wife Lina is a two-time world champion in fitness and bodybuilding. They have three sons. is doing business. Owns a fitness club "Paley-Reforma", publishes the magazine "Build Your Body".

The Magnitogorsk athlete proves his motto “There is no limit to possibilities” at every competition.

Guests of Magnitogorsk entering the city through its western "gates", from the side of the airport, are greeted by a poster. On it is a gloomy-looking man with a butcher's ax in his hands. The man's shirt is torn, the sports cap is pulled down over his eyes. The inscription is promising: “We will build your body. Fitness club "Paley-Reform". This club belongs to 47-year-old Magnitogorsk Andrey Paley. At the June European Championship in bench press, he became the champion of the Old World among veterans. And along the way, he also set a world record.

- Andrei, it's no secret that the gloomy man on the poster is you. Are you that brutal in real life?

- Everyone who knows me understood: this is banter. A joke that was born a long time ago and everyone liked it. People see a man with an ax, remember, discuss ... So, advertising works.

— How long ago did your hobby for “iron” start?

“I have had it since childhood. From the age of 15 he was lifting the barbell, he fulfilled the standard of a candidate for master of sports. Then he went to weight-lifting, became the champion of the Chelyabinsk region. But then there was no big sporting future for kettlebell lifters, and I began to engage in powerlifting, from where I gradually budded into the bench press.

- It's yours favorite exercise?

- Yes. At competitions, I always waited for him with a special feeling. By and large, I’m like this: I just have to pull something, but the bench press is my strong point.

“Maybe mother nature created you specifically for this?

- Yes you! For power sports, I was an absolutely hopeless child: a thin Jewish boy with narrow shoulders. I would like to play chess. But I set a goal for myself and achieved it. I tried a lot of sports - swimming, wrestling, weightlifting, skydiving… Crawled to the gym in any weather and in any condition. And now I'm crawling, even if the temperature is 38: in the hall, the disease passes faster. I have two workouts a day.

- Character affects?

- Maybe. I always find the one who is ahead of me, catch up with him and try to overtake. Many people are surprised by such impudence. But I know that when I reach my goal, I will immediately set myself the next one.

And what is the next target?

- Beat your own world record in the bench press - 310 kilograms. Now my benchmark is 315 or 320 kilograms. Hopefully this fall I'll take a swing at it. Actually, I tried to shake a barbell weighing 315 kilograms at the last European Championship in Finland.

- Did not work out?

- Not in this case. Ammunition summed up: T-shirt burst at all seams. The attempt failed.

- If possible, tell us a little more about the championship, which became a triumph for you, if only because you competed in a new category for yourself - up to 110 kilograms.

- As I said, the championship was held in early June in Finland. Having personal best in the bench press at 302 kilograms, I started with 300. Good luck. For the second attempt, I already ordered 310, this is a world record. He squeezed out, becoming the absolute champion among veterans. Well, about 315 I have already told. Nothing, at the next competitions I will catch up, psychologically I am already ready for this weight. By the way, having become a champion in my nomination, I also took part in the open, overall standings. And he won bronze there. This is not easy, because veteran results are not taken into account there, you have to pull the “hardware” on a new one. And the muscles are already torn, there are cuts on the body from the T-shirt, the shoulders are twisted ... One of the strongest powerlifters in Russia, Vladimir Maksimov, received a zero mark because of this. But I did it.

Was there a lot of competition?

- Many Western European teams came to the current championship with a reduced line-up. Perhaps the crisis has affected. But this had little effect on the balance of power, because Eastern Europe dominates in competitions of this level. The main struggle is between Ukrainians and Russians.

- Magnitka, apparently, met you from Finland with flowers ...

— Alas. Nobody needs power sports in Magnitogorsk for a long time. The city has a bright signboard: hockey, basketball, boxing... Nobody cares about what's behind it. And behind this is complete emptiness, in which there is no place for strong, arm wrestling, weight lifting ... There is one weightlifting coach for a 400,000-strong city! Powerlifting rests only on enthusiasts.

“But now there are so many programs on television about strongmen! They carry huge stones, move dump trucks and planes... Maybe Turchinsky's efforts will stir up people's interest at least in strong?

- Maybe, but this interest, most likely, will be like this: you are rooting for big pumped-up men, lying on the couch with chips and beer in your hands. I'm good with Strong. This is a very beautiful show. But this species cannot be called mass in any way, the parameters of the strongman should be too specific. Ready-made athletes come to strong, they come from the same weightlifting, for example, or from powerlifting, like Alexei Serebryakov. Strong has nothing to do with the development of mass sports.

- But the bench press, you see, is also not suitable for everyone.

- How to say ... About 600 athletes came to the World Championships in Togliatti. More than 300 people competed at the recent Moscow Cup. Powerlifting is a mass sport. But really poor.

- I read that in America at the Arnold Classic you met Schwarzenegger ...

— Yes, it was. There it is not a problem, you can come up and talk. Everything is very democratic. "Arnold-Classic" is a super-prestigious competition. For them, it's like the Olympics. Another thing is that Arnold Schwarzenegger himself is not an idol for me. Yes, it's a nice picture.

- Andrei, a few years ago you played in amateur leagues. Why did you switch to professional sports?

- I'm tired of duplicity, which has become the norm among amateurs. Everyone has long known that without taking steroids, decent results in power sports cannot be achieved. However, they stubbornly pretend that they have never heard of any steroids. Regularly "cleaned" before doping tests. Why lie to each other? Professionals do not have such hypocrisy, they look at this problem more calmly.

- You have three sons. Did any of them follow in their father's footsteps?

“Hope for the younger one, Semyon. He is now only 10 years old, and he is already the champion of Russia in the bench press. With pleasure, he travels with me to all competitions, for him the biggest punishment is when dad does not take him on a trip. Styopa trains with my good friend Efim Karasik (by the way, I also work out in his gym). The guy is happy about sports, and this is the main thing.

- In addition, you are also a successful businessman. Is it difficult to find a formal suit for such a powerful figure? Do you order from a personal tailor?

“You won’t believe it: I don’t have a single suit. I prefer tattered T-shirts and patched shorts. When I get out of my Hammer in these shorts, some people probably think: I bought it from a fashion couturier. And I patch them myself after training.

Interview with Andrey Paley

Paley Andrey Eduardovich (Magnitogorsk), born in 1961 Master of sports of international class in powerlifting. Included in the Sports Elite of Russia (WPC version) Repeated champion and record holder of Russia, Europe and the world. The current champion of Russia this year. The best result in the bench press is 300kg. Performs in the category up to 100kg. The owner of the Paley Reform fitness club and the Be in Shape magazine. Candidate Master of Sports in weightlifting, parachuting, MS of the USSR in kettlebell lifting and submarines.

- If you remember the last competitive season, what do you remember the most?
The year started very dynamically. In February, the Master Tournament WPC 74 took place in Chelyabinsk. I shook 292.5 kg, became the second in the "absolute" and the first in the "absolute" among veterans. In early March - "Prestige Ural-300" in Perm. Finally shook 300kg. For a long time, this weight was a psychological frontier for me. Before that, I never “climbed” under 300. And then there are the conditions of the organizers, so that the first approach would be at least 300 kg, regardless of its own weight. So the load was double, but I managed. And three weeks later the Russian Championship in Rostov-on-Don. I shook 285 kg in the second approach, secured first place in the open category, and in the third attempt I tried to break the Russian record and my own world record among veterans of 300.5 kg, but apparently I didn’t have enough motivation, I couldn’t get myself together. After such a stormy start, I reduced the load in order to take a break from the “weights” and from mid-May again began to slowly gain momentum.

- What tournaments do you plan to take part in this year? What is the goal for this year?
Fortunately, there are more than enough starts, which cannot but rejoice. I have not yet forgotten this constant “hunger” in the FPR, when I had to wait six months or more between starts. The next competition is the Eurasian Championship in Chelyabinsk in early August. I received an offer to participate in the Israeli Championship, which will be held in Haifa on August 16. In September, for the first time, I was invited to Las Vegas to participate in the Mr. Olympia Super Show according to the WPC version. The main condition of the organizers is to set world records. In October, I will definitely participate in the Golden Tiger tournament in Yekaterinburg. And the 2008 World Championship will end; this year it will be held in Florida USA. There I will try to complete the maximum task - to win the open category.

What weights are you currently training with?
I'm just getting to the best results. And penetrations, as it may seem strange, I have only at competitions. Too much effort to have to spend on recovery. For the same reason, in equipment I press only on stands of 5 and 10 cm. Actually, these are all the settings of my coach, the head coach of the Russian national team Konstantin Vitalievich Rogozhnikov. Own weight is now 101-102 kg. Just to get a little nervous before the competition and “fit” into the native “hundredth” category.

- In October of this year you will be 47 years old. Maybe it's time to "tie up" with the sport of high achievements and do fitness?
My principle is to always go to the end! It doesn't matter what it is: something vital or just a hobby. The bench press is, of course, a hobby, but character traits do not allow you to do something carelessly. Hence the results! It really isn't that hard to stay in shape. Terrible to stop! That's when it really ends! Old age! Lie down and die!

- Who do you consider to be the clear leaders of the Russian WPC/WPO federation?
We have one leader - Yuri Ustinov. And among the athletes, of course, Volodya Maximov. Oleg Kushnarev, Alexei Neklyudov, Ivan Kurpishev, Alexander Tretyakov got very close to him. And if you take into account that all the listed athletes compete in the category up to 110 kg, then you yourself understand that the prospects for the guys are very good. For the same reason, I do not want to move to the next category - they will tear it apart!

- Are you satisfied with the way the federation is developing? What do you like and what would you like to change?
The Federation is developing very dynamically. From tournament to tournament, there are more and more participants, and the quality of the competitions is constantly improving. There was even a competitive struggle for the right to host a particular tournament. Before, we could only dream of such a thing. What would you change? He probably stopped opening new divisions, constantly reviewing the standards upwards. Freeze entry fees. I would raise the bar for admission to some tournaments. In general, I would move from quantity to quality.

- Do you plan to have a rest this summer?
Not really. The plow has just begun! Probably won't work. Actually, what I do is the best rest for me.

- Tell us a little about your plans for the next five years.
To be honest, I don't like making plans. Especially far-reaching ones. This is not a grateful thing. Life is so unpredictable! We need to live here and now and enjoy today.

Interview prepared by: Dmitry Spiridonov, Iron World magazine

Magnitogorsk sports Magnitogorsk sports March 03, 2007 March 03, 2007 8059 (0 rating)

Sometimes it seems that this person can handle any records. But, unfortunately, there is still a limit to perfection in such a specific sport as the bench press. In a certain weight class it will not work to raise more than what is inherent in human nature. To do this, you need to move to a heavier weight category. Our today's interlocutor Andrei Paley knows this well. After all, he is the current holder of the world record in the weight category up to 100 kilograms.

Our reference:
Paley Andrey Eduardovich. Born October 11, 1961 in Magnitogorsk. Master of sports of international class in bench press, candidate master of sports in weightlifting and parachuting. Master of Sports in powerlifting and kettlebell lifting.
Titles and achievements: Russian bench press champion according to IPF 2005 and 2006. Two-time silver medalist in 2004. European and World Champion (WPC) 2006. European and world record holder in 2006. World record holder in the weight category up to 100 kg. - 260 kg.

Andrey, how did your path to powerlifting begin for you?

- From the bar. From the age of 15 I lifted the barbell until the age came out - up to 24-25 years. Fulfilled the standard of the candidate master of sports in weightlifting. But it was already too late, they said that there was no prospect. And I went to kettlebell lifting, where I became a master of sports, was the champion of the Chelyabinsk region in the absolute category. Then the priorities changed - no one needed kettlebell lifting, powerlifting came to the fore. So smoothly into it and moved 20 years ago.

Has the fashion trend affected?

Or rather, a necessity. There were no competitions beyond the regional championship. By and large, I just want to pull something, no matter what sport. Therefore, he switched to powerlifting, and from there he budded into the bench press. This exercise has always been my favorite. Throughout all sports stages, I always sting. Although the coaches forbade it, as well as swinging, they said that it was supposedly impossible to pump up the joints. If the bar, then - the bar, if not, go to the "rocking chair". Therefore, when the coach left the gym, we fell on the benches and started pumping biceps.

As a child, you probably tried many sports?

- Fizorg was always where he studied - at school, at a technical school, in the army. I tried almost all kinds of sports: swimming, boxing, wrestling, aircraft modeling club…

Why was the choice stopped on weightlifting?

Probably because of the team. I am still happy that our section had such a good team. I came to training and got into a special atmosphere. No one was interested in what you do in your free time from sports, whether you have money. It's just like people go fishing or play football together.

Who was your first coach?

- The first coach was Vyacheslav Ivanovich Starikov, then Vyacheslav Alekseevich Ziborov, with whom he trained for many years. Good trainer with good attitude. But further than the "candidate" I did not go. Although he was torn, he tried. The rest of the time I practically trained with kettlebells on my own, stinging. I went, bit by bit collecting information from anyone I could. I went to competitions, begged everyone: "Well, let's tell, who knows what ...".

So, in fact, you are also a coach? Hard?

- No, why. I have associates. Yefim Karasik is my close friend, we train together with him, he helps me, I help him. Having my own fitness club, I work out in it gym sports club "Olympia", which is located in the basement. Without a soul and all other modern life benefits. I always write thanks to him in the magazine that I publish. The specifics of our sport is quite complex. During training, you hold 200-250 kilograms on your hands, important role assigned to those who insure you. In a sport like powerlifting, it is impossible to train and perform alone. The slightest inaccurate movement and a bar with a lot of weight will easily cut off your head. Therefore, four or five people are insured.

- There are rare cases when a beginner can do absolutely everything in a chosen sport. Was it the same with you with weightlifting?

“Actually, I’m an absolutely untalented person. I should have gone to play chess. Jewish boy, unfit for hard sports. I just have a nasty character, my friends still remember that it is useless to argue with me about something, because I will win. Probably out of spite. Thin bone, narrow shoulders, was completely unsuitable for the bench press. Yuri Kazanev trains with us, works as a bulldozer operator. He has health, like a bulldozer. When I reach the peak of my physical form, only then do I overtake him. And so, it doesn't work. I look at him and think: “My God, if only I had so much health!”.

Did you try to gain weight from the very first days of visiting the weightlifting section?

- Always. From the age of 14-15, he took the "horror of the Sibay plant" ENPIT protein, some kind of disgusting baby food. By the way, I am a big opponent of food additives. There is nothing better than normal food. There should be just good sports nutrition, where protein should prevail, and that's it.

Are there any problems with sports nutrition in our city?

- Certainly. True, when I was preparing for the last Russian championship, in order to keep the mass, whatever I ate. It's hard for me to put on weight. But the weight did not grow, and after the end of the competition, when he stopped taking all this, he suddenly began to gain weight. I do not know what it is connected with.

You have an incomplete higher education that is not related to sports. Have you thought about getting involved in sports?

- Never. I connected my life with metallurgy. I did not want to work at MMK, but I worked there because there was nowhere else. In the third sheet-rolling shop, he earned a hot experience, and at the end of the 80s of the last century he successfully went into business.

I assume that you served in the army?

- Certainly. He was a foreman, deputy commander of a parachute platoon. Served on the Chinese border. In the army, he completed a candidate master of sports in parachuting.

What are your memories of serving in the army?

- The lightest. After that, I was invited to return to contract service for five years. Very well served, interesting. They jumped, shot, ran, constantly raised them somewhere at night. Forced marches of seventy kilometers were made. It was interesting.

Did you work at MMK and train at the same time?

- Yes. Constantly.

Did you set a specific goal for yourself then?

“I don’t know if this can be called fanaticism. Maybe the energy had nowhere to go. How I crawled in any state to the gym, and still crawl as well. I now have two workouts a day five times a week. In December, I had the flu for ten days, nevertheless, with a temperature of 38, I went and worked out. In my diary I write...

Do you keep a diary?

– Yes, definitely. So, in my diary I write: “With abnormal loads, the flu went unnoticed.”

- There is an opinion that many professional athletes train so often in their youth that they do not have enough strength to perform in adult sports.

- In my opinion, it does not depend on the degree of training. First of all, from desire. Great sport in itself cripples at any age, so in old age some professionals will not need it if they were already world champions at the age of 20. Veteran competition is limitless. You have reached a normal level, and you see that you are already on an equal footing with the young. There is no end to the possibilities.

Are you not far behind among young athletes?

- I became the third at the World Championships.

Are you surprised when this happens?

- Surprised by impudent plans. I said that I will win next year. In vain they are surprised, I have someone to look up to. I always find the one who is ahead. I'm catching up. I overtake.

Life in sports is family?

- My father was engaged in boxing, but until the age of 20. Mom didn't have a chance. She worked all her life at TsRMO No. 2 at MMK. Father at Uraldomnaremont. As I say, as far as the gene is concerned, I should have played chess.

Does your father play well?

Yes, but he didn't teach me. I play badly.

Probably not to win! Andrey, why did you choose powerlifting, and, for example, not bodybuilding?

- I can’t go into bodybuilding, my wife is a two-time world champion (laughs). Like all boys, I wanted big biceps. However, bodybuilding is a terrible job. I don’t want to say that I have a light one, but these tortures, hunger strikes are something incredible, to the point of insanity. In bodybuilding, such willpower is needed, which I can’t imagine. Never get over it. Once he tried to keep his wife company, but only lasted a week on a protein diet. Removed sugar, jam, sweets, cereals. It seemed to me that three months had passed, not a week.

So you like sweet things?

- I love it very much. And my wife hasn't eaten it for seven years.

- When did you realize that in bench press competitions you can achieve everything? Did you realize this much before you became world champion?

- That was the goal. She appeared seven years ago, when she began performing at the Russian level. The property of my character: until I reach my goal, I will not calm down. But at the same time, I realize that if I achieve it, I will start looking for something new. Now it is an open category among men up to 100 kilograms. But next year it will be up to 110.

You will need to put on weight.

- Yes. In a year, I'll probably master it. On Arnold Classic there is a category up to 82 kg, and the next up to 110 kg. You don’t want to reach 82, so you need up to 110 kg.

– Literally a year ago in Magnitogorsk, the Russian Veterans Bench Press Championship was held, which you spent spending your money on. This can only be applauded, but in our country such an act of many people is once again annoying. They immediately ask themselves: “Why?”, “For what purpose?”.

“I can't explain it. True, these competitions passed by the city sports committee. I met with Leonid Oder, but, unfortunately, he could only help morally. Prior to that, he held open city competitions with a prize fund for two years. Guests from Chelyabinsk and other cities of the region came here. I have no explanation why powerlifting in Russia is overlooked by TV screens. Why on TV they show only hockey, football, which no one can play at all. They bought legionnaires and believe that this sport has been raised. Figure skating got everyone to nausea! They do not show boxing, judo, weightlifting.

Well, how can it justify itself? Now I see all these athletes who came here at other competitions. By the way, they all moved from the IPF to the World Powerlifting Congress (WPC). Because Russian Federation powerlifting (FPR) was disqualified for two years for doping. I left the IPF before she was disqualified due to the bestial attitude of officials towards athletes.

Is it really inWPC do not accept doping?

- Steroids are taken in all power sports. The question is how to competently approach this, although it is not customary to talk about it by ear. The WPC does not focus on blackmailing athletes with doping controls. Although we also have an AWPC department, where doping control is mandatory.

INWPC Russians set the tone?

– A decent amount, both Russians and Ukrainians. Finns and Americans are strong in heavy weights. I even wondered where they got them from. They lift more than four hundred kilograms.

Do you envy them?

- I envy. Because I will never lift that much myself. I might have gained another fifty kilograms of my own weight, but it’s a pity for health.

But you still hold the world record!

– More precisely, three world. Beat one after another at once. At the beginning of May in Germany at the European Championships I think to set a new record.

- In a few days you are going to the USA to the major world forum "Arnold Classic". Did you receive an invitation from the organizers?

You need a visa to enter the States. Perhaps this is the greatest difficulty. As a guest, no problem. As part of the team, you go and help to bring to the platform. Five of our guys are going to perform with good claims to the leading places. I don't participate. I need to take a look. Performing at the Arnold Classic is like going to the Olympics. It doesn't matter what position you take. Arnold Schwarzenegger will be a must. He is one of the organizers.

Will you have the opportunity to meet him?

- Come to take a picture, perhaps without problems. I don't know about communication. First, I English language do not own. Secondly, honestly, I don’t know what to talk about with him. I don't care for him that much. On the contrary, I want to look at Ryan Kennelly, who will go for the assault of 450 kilograms. He is truly a phenomenon for me.

- There is a trick. In this version, weighing is carried out the day before the competition. And in a day a person can drive up to ten kilograms.

But this is impossible!

- Perhaps, but over the next day, five or six kilograms can be restored.

– The magazine that you started publishing together with your wife Lina is still popular in the city. How do you do it?

How about your fitness club?

– Our fitness club “Paley.Reforma” is also going non-commercially. Clients who come to us all work individually with a trainer. This is the only way to improve the figure. It is impossible to build a figure on your own without the help of a trainer in the gym. The practice of all fitness clubs shows that the main income is obtained from people who borrow on their own. Accordingly, our fitness club is self-supporting at best.

Does it bother you?

– I will be worried if I run out of money in the main business, but now I have no problem with that. And the club and the magazine are a hobby. Of course, it would be ideal if you also made money on a hobby. The club is a childhood dream. From the mid-1980s he knocked on the thresholds of the district committee of the Komsomol, so that they would give some room where he could open his rocking chair. Our magazine is literally being torn apart by the whole of Russia, wherever my wife and I bring it.

Where do you get journalists from?

- They tried to find it, but mostly urban journalists write in boring templates. Either talent is not enough or they are afraid to open up. Therefore, we write everything ourselves. A great generator of ideas in this regard is the wife. I write vicious, aggressive articles. Where we “steal” from the Internet, but this mainly concerns topics healthy eating, workouts.

- Andrei, you are a wealthy person, you have your own business in Bulgaria, you are a world champion in bench press, which means that you could easily live and work in Europe, America, and therefore could reach a higher level in sports and business . What keeps you in Magnitka?

- In the sporting aspect, it would definitely not work out there. There will never be such a team as here - friends, like-minded people. I lived abroad. There are also roots - parents, three children. They also lived there, but their life is more comfortable here. As for me: who needs my victories there? who will congratulate me there?

You have three children. Tell us more about them.

- The eldest son Dmitry is already 27 years old. For the last eight years he has been mixing lights in discotheques. It works, and thank God. Edik, who is 21 years old, has not yet decided on his life. Somewhere from side to side it sways. And the younger Semyon is in the first grade at school. He is like a light in a window for me. The older sons go to the rocking chair, and the younger one has been doing gymnastics for the third year.

Andrei Paley is a man whose name is well known in certain sports circles. More specifically, this athlete is well known in the world of powerlifting. He is a role model for a huge number of young people, since Andrei's personal record in the bench press is 340 kg.

Paley is a multiple champion of Russia, Europe and the world. This year, the athlete turned 55 years old, despite his age Paley Andrei continues to play sports and actively participates in competitions at various levels. Despite constant training and eternal employment, Andrey Paley, whose sporting achievements are really impressive, manages to devote time to his family. The man is the owner of a fitness club and the owner of a printed magazine.

Andrei Paley: biography, brief information

The future athlete was born in October 1961 in Magnitogorsk. As Andrey himself now notes with humor, little foreshadowed him a great sports career. Judging by the circumstances, he should have become a typical Jewish boy. Based on innate physical data, Andrei was advised to take up the violin, and not to pull weights. Paley was a rather weak child and, it would seem, had absolutely no prerequisites for becoming a champion: narrow shoulders, thinness and thin bone did not at all favor lifting serious weights.

The parents of the future multiple champion had absolutely nothing to do with the great sport. They both worked all their lives at the local metallurgical plant, and the son had to continue their fate.

Reaching school age, the boy, like everyone else, went to school, but his studies were very bad and hard. He could not boast of special success in any subject. In addition, the overall performance left much to be desired. Andrei Paley was a terrible bully as a child. He constantly participated in some kind of fights, for which his father was often invited to talk with the director. At home, of course, he was constantly scolded for this. Andrei remembered these unpleasant moments from childhood and drew conclusions for himself for the rest of his life. As an adult and raising three sons, he never scolded them for failures or some kind of missteps at school.

Military service and education

As a schoolboy, Paley became interested in various sports. He went to an aircraft modeling club, went in for swimming and boxing. And after school, the guy first graduated from SGPTU No. 13, and then went to serve in the army. Andrei served on the Chinese border as part of an airborne platoon.

He remembers this time with warmth and says that, despite all the difficulties, he never regretted that he went to serve, since it was the army that tempered his character. It was very difficult to repay the debt to the motherland, the platoon was almost constantly thrown into the mountains without sufficient food, but Paley withstood it all. At first, he became a foreman, and then was appointed deputy commander. And it was there that Andrei Paley received his first CCM in parachuting. For a long time after the army, Andrei was offered to return to serve under a contract, but he chose a different path for himself.

difficult times

After returning from the army, Paley continues his studies at the evening department of the Industrial College. Then he enters MSTU, but he never graduated. Andrei understood that he needed to earn money, and at that time it was very difficult to do this. He gets a job, like many in Magnitogorsk, at a local foundry, works at rolling mill No. 3. Realizing that there are no special prospects in his city, Paley decides to do business and goes abroad. For a certain period of time he lived in Bulgaria.

Invincible passion for sports

All this time, Andrey does not stop training. He began to press the barbell at the age of 15 and, despite all life's difficulties and vicissitudes, he always and under any circumstances made time for sports. When Andrey reached the age of 25, having fulfilled the necessary standards, the young man became a CCM, but he did not see any clear prospects for further development in this area. After that, Paley is seriously interested in kettlebell lifting.

In this industry, he achieved quite good results: he became a master of sports and the champion of the Chelyabinsk region. But over time this power view became completely uninteresting to anyone in Russia. Powerlifting came into fashion, and, of course, Paley Andrey Eduardovich decided to try himself in it. This sport has become very successful for the athlete, and it was here that the man was able to fully realize himself.

Andrey Paley: achievements in sports career

The arrival of powerlifting provided the athlete with a great opportunity to return to his favorite barbell. Paley began to focus on his favorite, but once abandoned exercise - the bench press. Over time, he was able to achieve excellent results. His own bench press record is 340 kg.

This man became the winner and champion of many competitions. To date, Paley is the owner of several European Cups, twice was recognized as the Absolute Champion of Israel, twice won the absolute championship of Europe and the world.

In 2008 Andrey became the Absolute Champion of Eurasia, in 2014 - the winner of the European Cup. Despite the fact that this year the athlete turned 55 years old, he continues to perform at prestigious competitions. In 2016, Paley became the winner of the French National Championship and the European Championship, held in Moscow.

The athlete speaks about his numerous victories very easily and naturally and admits that some championships he got solely due to a fortunate combination of circumstances. But people associated with sports imagine how much effort it takes just to get into championships of this level, not to mention taking first places in them.

Family life

The athlete was officially married twice. He married his first wife at the age of 18. The relationship was difficult, but the couple lived together for 12 years. Andrey has already lived with his second wife Inna Paley for more than 20 years.

Lina is also a famous sportswoman. She is professionally engaged in bodybuilding, and at the age of 36, the woman managed to achieve, it would seem, incredible: Inna received the title of Absolute World Champion.


The Paleys have three sons. Senior Dmitry is an adult and independent young man. He's lighting discotheques. The middle son Edward, according to his famous father, has not yet finally decided what he would like to do in life. The joy for parents is their youngest child named Semyon. From an early age he was engaged in gymnastics, recently became the winner of the regional bench press competitions. The boy was only 9 years old, and he lifted a weight of 30 kg (he weighs the same).

What is Andrey Eduardovich doing now?

At the moment, the Paley spouses are the owners of their own fitness club in Magnitogorsk called "Paley Reform". They own a sports glossy magazine "Be in shape". Both Andrei and Inna write articles based on their own experience for the magazine. Earning some money international competitions and contests, Paley did not turn into a miser.

After 50 years, he came to the realization that material wealth is really not the main thing in life, now he parted with money very easily. For example, Andrey became the sole sponsor of the Russian Veteran Bench Press Championship, which was held in the athlete's hometown of Magnitogorsk.