How to drink protein for a girl to gain weight. Protein for gaining muscle mass

One fine day, while changing clothes after training, you heard huge guys talking about some proteins. Your inner voice screams: "Chemists!". But you've been going to the gym for a month now, and... And then you give in to temptation. And the first thing you do, when you get home, is Google whether you can gain weight from protein (although you should have looked up buckwheat!) and come across this article.

Boy, you are in good hands, make yourself comfortable, now you will learn information that is beyond the control of the mind of an ordinary person.

Protein is the road to fake muscles, a small pipirka and death at 30 years old. It seems that everything is clear, all the pros and cons are clearly visible, but let’s look at it in a little more detail.

Protein is not just any Magic powder, this is the same protein found in regular foods, just processed. And for thin men this option is just a godsend, since it is very promotes weight gain.

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Almost everything in our body is made up of protein. Accordingly, it is necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

If an ordinary person drinking beer after work doesn’t have to worry about this topic, then you, my young bodybuilder, need to clearly understand that without a sufficient amount of protein you won’t build yourself up.

That is why, if you can't get protein from food, then you can easily get it with a protein shake. Just don't tell your mom about this.

Plus, the protein from the shake will be absorbed much faster and better than, for example, protein from our all-loved chicken.

Is it possible for a skinny guy to get big on protein alone?

You're probably wondering how much you can get from a can of protein. If you eat only such cocktails and the holy spirit, then you will be able to gain exactly nothing. And at that moment the hopes of millions of young people collapsed.

I didn't want to upset anyone. But you must understand that protein is just an addition to the main diet. It is not protein that built the pyramids; it is not with its help that magicians turn flowers into doves and take out coins from behind their ears. He does not have no magical properties.

If you want to gain weight and become a huge hulk so that you can finally carry a helium balloon without fear of meeting astronauts, then you need to focus on regular food: meat, cereals and other delights of life.

Only then can you become big and beautiful. But it is not exactly.

Men's workouts based on protein intake

Workouts with and without protein absolutely no different. This is not a supplement that will give you superpowers to lift iron 24/7.

How to drink?

Here's the most interesting part.

Few people know, but for the most effective muscle growth from proteins you need to rub it into the abs and inject it into the biceps. Then it will get into the blood faster and make your muscles grow.

Jokes aside, now let's be honest. As I wrote above, protein is not all you need to build an athletic physique. For this you need to eat a lot and correctly. You can read about this in more detail in. If for some reason you lack protein, then you can add it to your diet protein shakes.

You can drink protein:

  1. Before training to get essential amino acids.
  2. After training to prevent your precious biceps from burning in the fire of catabolism.
  3. You can also use a protein shake as a snack.

Taking protein at night deserves special attention. But everything is not so simple here, any protein will not work for this, casein is needed. I'll talk about this below.

Which one to choose for weight gain for skinny people?

Now on store shelves you can find a million different proteins. They may differ:

  • raw materials;
  • degree of processing;
  • just taste.

Raw materials

Protein can be:

  • whey;
  • egg;
  • beef;
  • vegetable.

The best degree of absorption is distinguished by egg version, it is also an excellent option for gaining weight for skinny people.

Whey is absorbed faster than others and can be found most often. Can you gain weight from whey protein? In fact, it is the best bulking protein for skinny guys due to its incredible absorption rate.

Casein is, let's say, a night protein, a night butterfly of love that will give joy to your muscles while you sleep.

Vegetable protein - soy - not the best option, since it is absorbed, to put it mildly, so-so.

But if suddenly you are a vegetarian, then this thing will not hurt your tender feelings.

Processing degree

The more protein is broken down, the faster it is absorbed. For example, hydrolyzate will be learned faster than the gypsies will steal all your money at the station.

If you need to suppress catabolism after a workout or get a dose of amino acids before a workout, you can drink isolate or hydrolyzate.

If you hate cottage cheese and other dairy products, then your salvation will be casein, which will replace the last meal before bed.


This is especially true for people who are losing weight or athletes who are cutting. When you want to trample a hefty cake, but this will greatly spoil your karma and in your next life you will become clay. And then protein comes to the rescue, you are saved, drink chocolate-flavored protein. This once again proves that protein is a good thing.


In short, protein for weight gain for thin men is a completely safe thing, you can drink it. But be careful. And it's also delicious.

Considering everything I said above, if you want to become the master of proteins, the father of the rocking chair and just a big person, then take whey protein.

    To gain muscle mass most effectively, you need to take the right amount of protein. A key role in rapid muscle growth is played by calculating the body's protein needs.

    How much protein do you need for optimal muscle growth?

    Several clinical studies have been conducted to calculate the required amount of protein for the most efficient growth of muscle fibers.

    Protein bar

    A group of scientists from Canada's McMaster University conducted the Exercise Metabolism study, which involved a focus group of young people. Participants performed strength training, after which they consumed liquid egg whites, while the dose of protein in the drink varied and was 0, 5, 10, 20, 40 g.

    During the experiment, scientists assessed the increase muscle mass for each of the participants. It turned out that the most optimal increase in muscle mass occurred in young people who consumed 20 g. The study is posted on the website at the link, publication number -10.1080/02640414.2011.619204.

    In 2016, a group of British scientists from The University of Stirling published the results of a study on the required amount of protein to gain muscle mass. The focus group included 48 young people without chronic and acute diseases, with an average body weight of 80 kg. During the study, participants ate a protein-rich breakfast of 0.5 g/kg body weight. Three hours later, the volunteers performed strength exercises on their legs and buttocks. 10 minutes after training, participants consumed 0, 10, 20, and 40 g of protein.

    Experts compared the activity of reactions using labeled urea and phenylalanine atoms. The results of the study coincided with the experiment of Canadian scientists.

    The greatest effectiveness of muscle growth was achieved at a dosage of 20 g of protein:

    • when using a supplement containing 10 g of protein, muscle growth was about 49%;
    • a dosage of 20 g increased muscle protein synthesis by 56%;
    • When using a highly concentrated supplement - 40 g, the rate of phenylalanine metabolism and urea concentration increased, and the increase in muscle growth was practically no different from that in the focus group receiving 20 g of protein.

    The study is listed on the website at the link ISRCTN92528122.

    How to take protein for muscle growth

    Using protein in the morning allows you to compensate for the lack of protein that occurs at night under the influence of adrenal hormones, as well as due to lack of food intake. The use of the supplement is especially important if the athlete does not use slow casein before bed. The most effective use of whey.

    Eating protein before physical activity is generally recommended for athletes during intense preparation for competition, when the body requires an increased supply of protein. You can also drink the cocktail if your last meal was more than three hours ago. The use of the supplement in this case compensates for the protein deficiency and increases the effectiveness of the upcoming workout.

    Whey protein is best. The top best proteins include Amino Protein, JYMProJYM and other brands. The additives come in a variety of flavors, from chocolate chip cookies to raspberries.

    Taking protein after your workout is most important for acceleration. Immediately after performing intense exercise, a cascade of biochemical reactions is launched - the synthesis and breakdown of proteins. In order for the formation of muscle protein to exceed its breakdown, it is necessary to use.

    To replenish protein reserves, it is recommended to use whey or isolate. After physical exercise within 25-30 minutes, protein appears in the body. This phenomenon is characterized by a change in the usual course - simultaneously incoming protein and carbohydrates are spent only on the formation of proteins, therefore, fat is not deposited in the subcutaneous tissue. For this reason, nutritionists recommend using it after a workout instead of protein. The supplement includes not only protein, but also carbohydrates. This composition builds muscle more effectively. The benefits come from simultaneous use of a sports supplement with - branched amino acids, as well as carnitine, which reduces the feeling of fatigue and shortens the recovery period.

    Taking sports supplements between meals provides the body with protein throughout the day. This is especially true during drying periods or when the diet is disrupted. You can take whey protein, concentrate, isolate.

    It is recommended to drink before bedtime. This type of sports supplement is slowly absorbed, which prevents the breakdown of protein in the muscles and a decrease in their mass. At night, the adrenal glands produce a certain amount of catecholamines, which promote the breakdown of protein. It is recommended to consume casein an hour before bedtime.

    The intake of protein after its intake occurs within 5-8 hours, depending on the characteristics of the powder and the individual characteristics of the body. The use of casein after heavy physical exertion is effective, since the intake of protein within several hours accelerates the process of regeneration of damaged muscle cells.

    The main approach to nutrition for gaining muscle mass is comprehensive. Maximum effectiveness is observed with regular and long-term (a month or more) use of sports supplements. In this case, a multicomponent sports nutrition diet is preferable, which includes proteins or gainers, BCAA, carnitine and other nutrients. Compliance with the required dosages and consumption regimen helps to achieve the desired relief.

    However, the common belief that sports nutrition can replace regular food is wrong. Switching to a mono-diet can cause irreparable harm to the body. Do not forget about possible contraindications to taking sports supplements. Thus, people with lactose intolerance need to use a soy supplement. If an allergic reaction or other side effects occur while consuming protein, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor.

    How much protein should you take per day?

    The need for protein depends on the number of workouts, their intensity, as well as gender, age, weight and other individual characteristics of the body.

    On average, a person who is not involved in sports needs about 1 g of protein per 1 kg of weight. Athletes who train regularly need 2-3 g of protein per 1 kg. Beginners are recommended to start with a standard amount of protein - 1 g/kg and gradually increase it.

    If natural food meets the necessary requirements, it is not necessary to include it in the diet sports supplements. Otherwise, muscles will grow faster if you use dietary supplements or adjust the menu.

    For example, an athlete weighs 78 kg, which means the daily requirement for protein is 220 g. With nutrition, only 150 g of protein enters the body, which is significantly less than the norm.

    To understand how much protein supplement to include in the diet, protein deficiency is calculated. To do this, subtract 150 g from 220 g, the deficiency is 70 g. One serving of protein contains about 25 g of protein, which means that dietary supplements are taken three times a day.

    Table of average daily protein intake per 1 kg of weight (grams)

    The presented table demonstrates daily requirement in protein, taking into account gender and age.

    How to take protein for weight loss for girls

    Protein is taken not only to increase muscle mass, but also to lose weight, which is most important for girls. To reset excess weight, it is necessary to use sports supplements correctly.

    Whey protein is available in the form, and. The difference lies in the degree of fat removal. For weight loss, it is recommended to use isolate or hydrolyzate. They contain the least amount of fat.

    The recipe for preparing the supplement is simple - add milk to the powder. Nutritionists' advice is to use a low-fat product.

    Casein protein is used to prevent muscle protein breakdown at night. In addition, a slow supply of amino acids during 7 hours of rest can restore muscle fibers that have been subjected to microtrauma. The supplement is a dry powder, which is thoroughly mixed in milk or water using a shaker and drunk 30-60 minutes before bedtime.

    During the break between workouts, whey is used to maintain normal protein concentrations in the body.


    The duration of taking sports nutrition for weight loss depends on the initial body weight, nutritional habits and metabolic rate. As a rule, protein is taken in a course of several months.

    To achieve maximum effect, you cannot limit yourself to just taking protein - it is recommended to adjust your diet and start training.

    For beginners, a morning or evening jog is suitable, which, as your general level increases, physical training can be replaced with strength exercises. If the body is not prepared, you should not swing too intensely - this can harm the body.

Sports nutrition occupies a special place in the diet of athletes. How to drink protein to gain muscle mass? Protein is the building material from which new muscle fibers are formed. To get the desired result, you need to follow some rules for eating protein.

Necessity of use

Regular intense training forces the body to adapt to increased physical activity. To ensure that a person’s vital activity does not suffer under new conditions, the body stimulates the formation of additional muscle fibers. Increased muscle mass helps withstand increased physical activity. Thanks to such changes, human organs and systems work as usual during training.

New muscle fibers are created from protein that enters the body with food. It is also used to repair existing muscle fibers damaged by exercise.

During intense training, the protein supplied from food in a normal diet is not enough to replenish the body's losses. Therefore, athletes need enhanced nutrition rich in protein foods.

The body experiences the most severe protein starvation immediately after an exhausting workout. Power loads deplete the supply of essential amino acids. They are spent on restoration and growth muscle tissue. Taking protein immediately after strength exercises will ensure the full construction of new muscle fibers and help replenish depleted protein reserves.

In conditions of acute protein shortage, the body absorbs all the nutrients it receives as quickly and efficiently as possible. The opened “protein-carbohydrate window” allows you to direct a portion of protein directly to the needs of muscle tissue.

Protein for mass can be drunk by both men and women.

The need for proteins depends on the individual characteristics of the person and the intensity of the load.

The amount of an effective serving of a protein supplement is calculated according to body weight. For moderate intensity exercise and during training, to maintain shape, it is enough to consume 1 g of protein per 1 kg of weight per day. This dosage is recommended for beginner athletes.

If you need to quickly gain large muscle mass, you should consume 2 - 3.2 g of protein for every kilogram of weight. How more intense workout, the more protein is required. The larger the athlete, the more protein he needs to restore and increase muscle mass. If an athlete weighs 75 kg, he needs to consume at least 150 g of protein per day to get the desired result. For mild subcutaneous fat, the dosage can be increased by 20 - 30 g to achieve the desired relief.

A chicken egg contains only 3 g of protein. To gain the required amount of protein, an athlete must eat more than 5 dozen eggs per day. It is physically impossible to consume such an amount of protein food. It can cause serious damage to human health.

To quickly build muscle mass, it is recommended to take protein supplements. They will provide the body with building material for the formation of a large number of muscle fibers. If the recommended dosages are observed, protein preparations will not cause harm to human health.

When consuming protein, you should not exceed the daily intake of 340 g (for women 300 g). Excessive amounts of protein in food will create an increased load on the kidneys and liver, provoke an acidic environment in the body and cause intense leaching of calcium. Nervous and the cardiovascular system. In such conditions, it will not be possible to build muscle mass.

When using protein supplements, it should be taken into account that protein enters the body through regular food. Protein supplements contain 70% - 80% protein.

The daily portion can be divided into several doses or drunk at one time immediately after training. However, if you drink the entire daily dose, some of the protein may not be absorbed by the body.

How to drink protein correctly? The optimal time to consume the product depends on its type.

Whey and egg whites are classified as “fast” proteins. They are absorbed by the body at high speed.

Whey protein is made from whey. It is the most popular sports nutrition product. Whey protein is the most commonly used protein for gaining muscle mass. It allows you to quickly build muscle mass and get rid of excess fat deposits. The product is available in three main forms: hydrolyzate, isolate and concentrate.

To make hydrolysates, proteins are broken down into amino acids. In this form, the protein supplement is absorbed easily and very quickly.

Isolates are purified proteins and are absorbed by the body within half an hour.

Whey protein concentrate is considered the most affordable and common form of protein for building muscle mass. It is purified whey and is absorbed within 2 - 3 hours.

A whey product containing three types of purification is the most preferred for building muscle mass.

Whey proteins contribute to maximum activation of anabolism. Anabolism is a chemical process aimed at the formation of cells and tissues. You need to take whey protein between workouts up to 5-6 times a day.

Egg protein is made from whole eggs. Egg protein products have a minimal amount of fat (0.5%) and a balanced amino acid composition.

The most effective “fast” drugs are in the morning and immediately after training. They help reduce the natural inhibition of the body's anabolic process caused by exercise.

When consuming “fast” proteins for muscle growth, 50% of the protein should be obtained from regular food.

Slowly digestible substances

“Slow” proteins include casein and soy protein. To gain muscle mass, it is preferable to use “slow” casein protein.

Casein protein is made from milk. A portion of casein is digested within 6-8 hours, saturating the body with amino acids. Once in the stomach, it turns into a long-digesting clot. Casein protein tends to slow down the digestion of other proteins.

Casein sports nutrition inhibits the breakdown of muscle fibers. This type of protein is an excellent fat burner because it significantly reduces appetite.

Casein protein is poorly soluble. Before use, it is diluted in cow's milk using a blender or shaker for stirring.

Soy protein is of plant origin. It has low biological value and inferior amino acid composition. Due to its weak anabolic effect, soy protein is used in combination with other supplements.

A portion of “slow” proteins must be taken before bed. At night, when food does not enter the body, anabolic processes are reduced. Consumption of casein protein will reduce the loss of muscle mass during the attenuation of anabolic processes and the activation of catabolism. Catabolism is a process aimed at destroying cells and protein structures.

“Slow” proteins will replenish the body’s protein reserves. They are recommended to be taken during forced fasting.

Complete protein supplements include “fast” and “slow” proteins. A mixture of various proteins provides a peak concentration of amino acids immediately after consuming the drug. The “slow” proteins contained in the preparation will nourish the muscles and saturate the body with amino acids for several more hours. The peak spike in amino acid concentrations causes the strongest muscle fiber growth.

The time before bed is the ideal time to use the complex drug. The mixture can also be consumed instead of whey protein 2 hours before training. It is recommended to use it in cases where there is a period of fasting ahead. If you cannot eat in the next few hours, you should drink 30 g of complex protein.

You should consume protein daily until you get the desired result, regardless of the presence or absence of training. By reducing the intensity of the load, you should reduce the amount of protein supplements. On days when there is no physical activity, it is enough to drink one or two servings of the drug.

Do not consume a protein supplement within 1 hour before exercise or within 30 minutes after exercise.

During night sleep, the body actively wastes nutrients to maintain organ function. By morning, existing supplies are depleted. In the morning hours, the hormone cortisol is actively released. High levels of cortisol cause a decrease in the hormone testosterone, accelerated deposition of fat reserves and loss of muscle mass. To neutralize the effect of the hormone cortisol and saturate the body with nutrients, it is recommended to drink a portion of “fast” protein immediately after waking up.

Throughout the day you need to constantly replenish the amino acid pool. The amino acid pool is a certain amount of free amino acids that is constantly present in the body fluid. Under conditions of intense physical activity, there is a constant loss of amino acids. To avoid muscle loss, you need to eat regularly. In between meals, you need to drink 2-3 servings of a protein shake.

An hour before training, you should drink a dose of “fast” protein. The protein portion will be wasted during exercise. In this case, the body's internal reserves will be used minimally.

It is better to drink a gainer 30 minutes after training. Gainer is a protein-carbohydrate mixture. It may also contain fats, vitamins and microelements. The drug will increase the level of amino acids, replenish carbohydrate reserves and help the body recover as soon as possible. After consuming the gainer, you can eat 1 - 1.5 hours later.

30 minutes before bedtime, you can drink “slow” casein protein. But it is better to use a complex drug. It will ensure a stable level of amino acids during night sleep and slow down catabolic processes. Taking a protein supplement does not stimulate fat storage.

Reasons for the lack of the desired result

If taking protein supplements does not produce results, the dosage may be insufficient.

A weak increase in muscle mass may be caused by low intensity of physical activity or non-compliance with the drug dosage schedule.

The result depends on the type of human constitution. With an asthenic physique, muscle mass builds up very slowly. Such people should put in much more effort than those with an athletic physique.

The reason for the lack of results may be a low-quality product. When purchasing a protein supplement, you should not skimp.

Even a high-quality product may not be suitable for a particular person. In this case, you need to replace the product.

Protein is rightfully considered the most popular sports nutrition. But it can be difficult for novice athletes to understand which protein is best to use for muscle growth. Sports nutrition stores offer a variety of options that can easily get lost.

We will deal with this issue in our article.

What is protein and why is it needed?

Protein or protein is one of the substances necessary for the human body that we get from food. Protein consists of amino acids connected in a polymer chain. Some of them the human body can synthesize on its own, some can only be absorbed from food.

Proteins perform many different functions in the body, including construction. They actually consist of amino acids muscle cells. This is why it is so important to consume enough protein when exercising and building muscle. To understand which protein is the best for gaining muscle mass, let's look at the most popular types of protein and their differences.

What types of protein are there?

  1. Egg white.
    This is the most famous and deservedly loved type of protein by athletes. Eggs were a favorite source of protein for athletes back in the days when there was no special sports nutrition. Egg white albumin contains a maximum of essential amino acids for the body, is absorbed fairly quickly, is accessible and easy to use. This is rightfully the best protein for gaining weight.
    The only drawback of egg protein is its price, since the production of sports nutrition from eggs requires high precision and large production efforts. That’s why this type of protein is not so popular among ordinary athletes.
  2. Whey Protein.
    Perhaps the most popular type of protein. It is made from whey, a by-product of the production of rennet cheeses. It has a good amino acid profile, which means it is rich in all the amino acids necessary for muscle building, including essential BCAAs. In addition, whey protein contains amino acids in a form that is ready for absorption by the body.
    There are three types:
    • Concentrate is the first stage of protein purification. Contains lactose and some fat. Compared to the others, this type of whey protein is more budget-friendly, but the quality is no worse than other forms.
    • Isolate is essentially a once again purified concentrate. Absorbed faster, nutritional value is slightly higher.
    • Hydrolyzate is already partially “disassembled” whey protein. It’s not that it is absorbed faster, but this form leads to an increase in the level of insulin in the blood, which is involved in metabolic processes.
    Whey protein is absorbed very quickly, so it is relevant in the post-workout period for the restoration of muscle tissue.
  3. Casein protein.
    The so-called “slow” protein, entering the stomach, forms clots that break down over a long period of time. This is why it is popular - it does not cause sudden surges in blood sugar, and can be used to prevent catabolic processes (muscle destruction), including at night. Eliminates the feeling of hunger, therefore it is also relevant for weight loss. But The best way its use is for muscle growth.
    Produced from milk by enzymatic curdling. Indispensable for those who are allergic to whey and egg proteins.
  4. Milk protein.
    Essentially, it is a mixture of casein and whey proteins in a ratio of 4 to 1. It has the advantages of both, but due to the high lactose content it may be inconvenient to use.
  5. Soy protein.
    Loved by vegetarians and people with lactose intolerance. Compared to other types of protein, it is cheap to produce.
    However, its amino acid composition is not sufficiently balanced and does not cover the body’s nutritional needs. In addition, it contains phytoestrogens, which are bad for gaining muscle mass, especially for men. Contains practically no essential amino acids BCAA. So the answer to the question of which protein is better: soy or whey or casein among athletes is clear: if you are not a vegan, then it is better not to take soy protein.

We would like to remind you that despite the effectiveness of protein for gaining weight, achieving noticeable results possible only in combination with physical activity and correction of diet. On the one hand, it is necessary to create a calorie surplus, an excess of nutrients. On the other hand, in order to ensure an increase in dry mass, and not fat, you need to load the body strength training with a low number of repetitions.

  • Limit your intake of fats and fast carbohydrates.
  • Drink enough water both during your workout and throughout the day.
  • Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Don't ignore snacks.
  • If you are an ectomorph and have difficulty gaining weight, consume protein in combination with complex carbohydrates, both in food and as a mass gainer.

Read more about nutrition and training for muscle growth

What is the best way to take protein to gain weight?

We also recommend MICELLAR CASEIN as the best protein for muscle growth. A significant disadvantage of casein is considered to be an unpleasant taste, which, however, our micellar form of casein protein is free of. A serving of MICELLAR CASEIN at night replaces a dinner of, say, cottage cheese or egg whites.

You can use different types of protein, consuming them at different times, or stick to just one. Select a sports nutrition program individually, consulting with a trainer and a medical nutritionist.

And good luck in your quest to change for the better!

Many people dream of losing weight, but there are also quite a few who want to gain weight, so here are 10 tips on what you need to do to gain weight at home.

First: increase your total caloric intake from 500 to 1000 calories per day. The amount of calories your body needs depends directly on your activity, both physical and mental, lifestyle, weight, gender, etc., but as a rule, an additional 500 calories per day provides an increase of 0.5 kg of weight every week. If anyone doesn’t know where you can look at the calorie content of a product, I’ll explain: calories are indicated on almost every product package. If they are not there, google them.

Second: To gain weight quickly, eat more often. Try to eat five to six times a day, that's two to three snacks in addition to your three regular meals.

Third: Increase your protein intake, namely meat, seafood, dairy products and nuts. Additionally, you can add protein shakes to your diet. For example, you will get 300 calorie cocktails if you mix: one banana, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, a glass of milk and a few ice cubes, you can add honey if you want to sweeten the cocktail.

Fourth: Drink milk three to four times a day, no less. Milk is an excellent food for weight gain, especially if you drink it regularly.

Fifth: Eat the right foods. Include slow carbohydrates in your weight gain diet, such carbohydrates include pasta, rice and bread.

Sixth: Saturated fat. They are found in fish, nuts, avocados and olive oil.

Seventh: Find out how much per week you need to maintain your weight and eat 1000 calories more than you need to maintain weight, and you will gradually gain weight.

Eighth: during the day, have two or three snacks, in general, roughly speaking, you constantly need to chew something.

Ninth: in the evening when you watch TV, at this time you eat something: drink tea, or chew chips, crackers. If you want to gain weight, this is all nonsense, it will not help you, it is better to eat peanuts, walnuts, dried fruits and wash everything down with milk.

If you read these nine points and think: Well, of course, it’s easy for you to talk about all sorts of avocados, nut butters, drink milk all the time, but I, damn it, don’t even have enough money for travel. In this case, I will recommend that you eat at least pasta, bread, eggs more often, they are not that expensive, and you should also not forget that the desire to gain weight after a year and a half can turn into a desire to lose weight. It is important that if you experience sudden weight loss, consult your doctor.

How to gain weight for a girl at home? how to prepare protein at home?

If you don’t have the means to buy protein, or there’s nowhere to buy it, but you need to gain weight. Let's see how to make protein at home. Previously, in the 90s, there was no protein either, and so we got out of this situation in the following way.

We take eggs, we take milk, we take honey and now we mix it all together and we will have protein for gaining weight. The most important rule is that there is such a disease - salmonellosis, it usually occurs when you don’t wash eggs, many people believe that you can’t drink raw eggs because you can get salmonella, but I assure you that salmonellosis is located precisely on the shell of the egg. In order to remove all this, you need to wash the eggs well in hot water. We carefully wash the eggs so that nothing gets into our cocktail.
Each egg contains about 5g of protein, to make a portion of protein for weight gain of about 20 grams, you need 4 eggs, I make it from two eggs, that is, 10g. We take a blender, break eggs into it, someone may say that yolks are not allowed, but if you are working on muscle mass and weight, then the additional calories and large amounts of fat contained in the yolks will not hurt you at all, nothing terrible will happen. We take milk with a fat content of 2-3%, not fat milk, kefir is colored water, I think so, there are no nutrients there, you will pay money for the water. Pour 400 liters of milk, take honey and add about a teaspoon.
What we get is not pure protein for weight gain, but a gainer. Because honey contains carbohydrates, fast carbohydrates, eggs are fats, proteins, and milk is also mostly proteins.
Now we are whipping up our cocktail, if you add more lecithin to this drink, that is, at the pharmacy you can buy lecithin in granules, and add a tablespoon, it will be even better. Lycetin is a phosphorolipid, it is very beneficial for the body, and it doesn’t matter if you are gaining weight or want to lose weight. Lycetin is very important. But if you are working on relief, such a drink will not suit you, because this is a gainer, and gainers are usually not used for cutting.
Our cocktail for weight gain is all ready, make about three of these drinks a day, between meals, be sure to consume it, just like the protein that you can buy at a sports nutrition store.

Cocktail for weight gain at home

For this cocktail you will need:
200g cottage cheese
200ml orange juice (this is exactly one glass)
5pcs quail eggs
1\2 banana
20g dark chocolate
We will prepare our cocktail in a blender, but if you don’t have a blender, then all these products can be mixed with a fork in a glass, and the chocolate can be grated. We put our products in a blender and beat them.
The weight gain cocktail is ready. It contains: 40g of protein, 50g of carbohydrates and 10g of fat. Carbohydrates are simple, so it’s better to drink this cocktail immediately after training.
interesting color, similar to cocoa, the taste is a very pleasant combination of products, moderately sweet, you can’t feel the cottage cheese at all, for those who are tired of cottage cheese, I think it’s worth a try and you will increase your body weight at home.