How to develop a strong punch. How to Increase Punching Power: Champion Power

Fist, you can find very little useful information. In particular, they usually write about the fact that you cannot put a blow on your own and you need to train with an experienced fighter or trainer who knows exactly what he is doing. We decided to correct this injustice and systematize all the knowledge necessary for a beginner to understand with a fist. Read on and absorb the knowledge!

How to increase punching power: characteristics

What are impact indicators and how to develop them? Speaking directly, without embellishment about the masters of Shao-Lin, then all fighting characteristics and exercises for striking can be divided into three indicators: speed, strength and technique. Below we list the various exercises with which you can develop each of them.


The best exercises for punching speed were developed by boxers a century ago: you take 5-10 kg dumbbells in each hand and start sparring with a shadow, swiping and

combining the same beats in your usual rhythm. Within a minute you will feel how all your muscles are aching from fatigue, but do not stop: by doing so, you are killing three birds with one stone. On the one hand, you strengthen your muscles and make them stronger, on the other hand, you increase endurance indicators, accustoming them to endure long-term loads, and, in the end, in training without weight, you will feel that you have become noticeably faster in movement.

Tip: Another very interesting exercise from wushu fighters. Do shadow boxing in the pool, underwater. The speed of your strike depends on the ability of your body to overcome air resistance, and since it is much higher, then, training in such conditions, you will become much faster.

How to increase punching power real fight, oddly enough, can be read in an anatomy textbook. What is strength? It's mass times acceleration. Accordingly, if you are working on speed, then you only have to work on your weight and thereby you will increase the strength of your strike. Try to gain more work with heavy weights in heavy basic exercises.

Another secret of how to increase the fist is hidden in the density of the striking surface. For these purposes (in order to increase the density), various brass knuckles are used, and also, which is a more efficient and honest way, they stuff the surface of the fist, aligning the knuckles, which turns the fist into a real hammer. For the same purpose, you can simply do push-ups from the floor from the rack on your fists.

The correct technique for performing a strike is 50% of its strength. After all, a well-placed blow originates in the heel of the leg opposite the striking hand, and only then, accumulating the inertial force of the legs, back, torso and arm, does it come out at the striking point of the fist. By the way, this is why using an open palm to strike is much more effective (one bone joint is involved in the strike) than even a well-stuffed fist, because in the second case, more than 30 bone joints are involved in the strike, which is not only extremely traumatic, but also extinguishes approximately 20-25 % impact force.


In most cases, the impact force depends on the impact technique, the state of the muscles, and genes. The first step is to at least learn the basics of technique, striking, so that it makes sense to increase the speed and force of the blow. So, let's start with a warm-up. We stretch our arms, shoulders, muscles of the chest, back, legs. As you know, the power of a direct strike comes from the triceps. But depending on how the impact changes, other muscles are also involved. Let's take a side kick as an example - a hook: it mainly involves the triceps and chest muscles. And, let's say, in the lower blow - - biceps, triceps, chest muscles, as well as back muscles and are involved. The whole impact force depends on the legs, and only then the arm muscles are involved.

After this little digression into theory, we can go directly to the exercises. Let's proceed to the first exercise for a direct strike - push-ups on the palms, narrow setting. This exercise engages the triceps muscles, which are part of the core muscle group for speed and punching power. You need to put your palms in such a way that a triangle forms between them. In this case, the palms should be parallel to the chin. When push-ups, touch the forehead to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe triangle.

Now let's move on to the second exercise - push-ups on fists, narrow setting. In this exercise, we again work triceps. We put our fists together, parallel to the middle of the chest area. In this way we do push-ups, while spreading our legs shoulder-width apart.

Next, we perform push-ups on the fists in a wide position. In this exercise, in addition to the muscles of the arms, the muscles of the chest are also involved. Pumping the muscles of the chest, respectively, we increase the strength and speed of the side impact. We spread our hands as wide as possible, put them on our fists and begin to do push-ups. Push-ups should be done as deep as possible so that the muscles work optimally. The best way perform deep push-ups - using three chairs. We put 2 chairs parallel to each other for arms and 1 for legs. And thus we do push-ups, lowering the torso as deep as possible.

Now we take dumbbells weighing 2-3 kilograms. No need to get started more weight so as not to damage the joints. And we fight with a shadow, 200 straight, side and uppercuts each.

Then we take the rope and start jumping as quickly as possible, preferably at least 3 minutes. Performing this exercise, we pump the calves and feet, from which the impact force directly comes. If you do not have a rope, you can jump without it, steps forward, backward, right and left.

Push-ups should be performed smoothly, at an even pace and to the limit, until the hands shake from overload. As you know, in all sports, doing something beyond their capabilities, thereby they expand. So we did a few sets of push-ups plus jump rope. After that, be sure to spend 20-25 minutes hitting the pear. Moreover, work with a pear should also be smooth. Hitting it with all your might and as quickly as possible is not worth it. To relax the worked muscles, you need to spend a couple of rounds with a pear.

Knowing how to protect yourself on the street is a very important skill. The ability to deliver a knockout punch is necessary not only for professional boxers, but also for an ordinary person. In this case, much depends on physical fitness. There are different ways to increase the power of the blow. During the attack, various muscle groups are involved, so you need to know how to properly prepare them all.

How to increase punching power

The following types of muscles affect the degree of damage:

Large chest;

Three-headed humeral;

Wide dorsal;


Musculature of the forearm.

How to make arm muscles stronger

You can strengthen them when doing regular push-ups from the floor. If the trainee can do this 100 times, the impact force will be 2 times greater. The load of a certain muscle group depends on the position in which the hands will be.

Exercise options:

The first option: regular push-ups, hands are at shoulder level. It is performed slowly, with a pace of 20 presses per minute.

The second option: the hands are located together at the level of the abdomen, the body is directed forward.

The third option: place your hands more than shoulder width, perform bench presses.

How to increase kicking power

Since the mass of the leg exceeds the weight of the arm, it is capable of inflicting more serious damage to the enemy. However, for this it is not enough to work out a clear technique, physical training must be appropriate. The question arises: "How to increase the power of kicking?" To do this, you need to train separately. Compliance with the trajectory of the attack allows you to make the damage as effective as possible, since the blow is delivered along the shortest path, taking into account the laws of physics.

Exist different exercises, capable of making a powerful kick attack:

1. Leg raises. The exercise is very difficult, but effective. Strengthens the muscles of the thighs and abdomen. To perform it, you need to stand at a distance of 60 cm from the chair, then smoothly execute the trajectory of the impact and fix the leg in the final position for 2-4 seconds (the more, the better). After that, put your foot on the back of the chair. Run 2-3 approaches.

2. Practice with simulators. Performing leg presses helps increase endurance and muscle strength. You can also do squats.

How to increase punching and kicking speed

Gym workouts increase strength. However, the built-up muscles have more weight, therefore, according to the laws of physics, the speed of striking is lost. To prevent this, it is necessary to simultaneously develop the ability of muscles to inflict damage not only powerfully, but also as quickly as possible. To develop hands, the following exercises should be performed:

1. Speed ​​push-ups. To do this, you need to perform the presses as quickly as possible.

2. You can speed up the attack with your hands by doing claps from the prone position. It is necessary to do push-ups and from the bottom position push off the floor with your hands so that you can have time to clap in front of you.

3. Initial posture: emphasis lying on the fists, hands are at the level of the solar plexus. Do presses as quickly as possible and many times.

To increase the speed of kicking, there are other exercises:

1. Jumping. It is necessary to perform a squat and from the bottom position make the jump as high as possible.

2. Kicking with weights (0.5-3kg). It follows for a certain time of the fight (3-5 minutes) with the observance of the pace to constantly strike with the foot at certain levels. For beginners, the rhythm may be, for example, 1 beat in 3 seconds. It is important to observe it, then not only the speed of impact will increase, but also endurance, strength.

3. Jumping on an obstacle. You need to sit down a bit and perform a jump on some surface. Perform until your legs get tired. Such an exercise effectively develops the speed of impact.

To train swipe, you need to know by what principle such power appears. There are several ways to develop the ability, in order to achieve this, one should train correctly and regularly. The power of impact is influenced by the development of correct technique.

What determines the force of impact?

Some technical nuances that affect the formation of a strong blow:

  • body weight;
  • speed;
  • hand trajectory and technique.

In order to form such opportunities in yourself, it is recommended to contact the trainer and find out at what moment you need to relax your fist, and at what moment you should clench. He will explain the correct position of the legs and the trajectory of the movement of the arms and legs. Kick and kick stance:

  • if punched right hand, then the right heel should rise slightly at this moment, and the left foot does not move;
  • legs are placed shoulder-width apart, even a little wider;
  • in the direction of movement of the hand, the foot of the right leg turns slightly.
  1. An opponent can easily determine if at the very beginning you take your hand back and start hitting.
  2. When a blow is struck, the weight of the body is shifted forward and the knees are bent.
  3. A great effect during the strike is created by the movement of the body.
  4. During the movement of the fist, the hips turn towards the opponent.
  5. Before the very beginning of the blow, a breath is taken.
  6. The tighter the fist is clenched, the more power is imparted in the blow.
  7. You should quickly move your torso towards the opponent when throwing your fist.

Tactics work successfully if all techniques are performed simultaneously.

The fist must be compressed as hard as possible upon impact.. The most important component is lifelong training, only after a long time is power achieved.

Formation of explosive energy, speed and strength

If a person is right-handed, then you should not concentrate on training, only the right hand, both hands should be involved in the work.

How to increase hitting speed

To form the strength and speed of impact, one should develop upper part bodies are the shoulders, triceps and back muscles. Required exercises:

Ball kicking technique

To develop strength and speed, boxers often use training with the ball:

This workout is not intended for apartment conditions, so you need to find a more suitable area for your purposes.

Jump while crouching

Correct stance: hands lie on the sides, the body is even, and the legs are shoulder-width apart. Squat down until your knees are in line with your hips. Next, a strong jump is made up with raised hands. A minimum of 20 repetitions is performed and with a gradual increase in weight with dumbbells in hand.

Striking exercises at home

Effective ways to develop impact force. Training is done regularly. It is necessary to distribute for a month, some sign at intervals of 4 days, while others more often, so that there is no accumulation of a large number of exercises in one day. Recommended exercises:

This list of workouts will help build endurance, speed and punching power. Tendons and muscles will become stronger. If you follow the regime, the result will begin to appear after 3 months.

Important! Powerful punching power is needed in different situations, but it should be used in self-defense. Don't forget your consequences.

Hitting Precision Technique

Nothing will happen to the opponent, even if strength is developed and hitting protected places. You need to look for weaknesses. A knockout consists in a strong load on the cerebellum when a blow is struck to the head - this is from an anatomical point of view. From this organ, a signal enters the Central Nervous System and turns off the entire body. This can happen if you hit the:

  • back of the head;
  • jaw;
  • temple.

To immobilize the enemy, there are other painful points in the body. If you accurately hit the target, the opponent will be demoralized and incapacitated. Where to hit:

The pain threshold for a knockout is different for everyone, but if you apply a force of 150 kg, then almost any opponent can temporarily lose consciousness. This may help if, if beat sharply and suddenly. The jaw has 15 kg of impact power. In normal

Workouts on development beat speed very specific. With a simple power swing, we only enslave the muscles and lose the speed of impact. Therefore, in other shock sports, special exercises are used, we will consider the simplest and most effective of them in this one.

Hand Speed ​​Exercises

Work with your weight

This work is done fairly quickly, done about 2-3 times a week. Four exercises are performed at maximum speed, resting for about 20 seconds between sets with obligatory relaxation of the hands.

1). 10 quick push-ups from the floor on the fists. Runs at maximum speed.

2). 10 explosive push-ups on fists with hands touching the chest.

3). 10 simple push-ups with cotton.

4). Five explosive push-ups on each hand, hands change alternately after one repetition.

Working with a medical (stuffed) ball

Several exercises are performed while sitting with a medical (stuffed) ball weighing about 10 kg.

  1. Sitting opposite each other at a great distance, about 4 meters, the athletes throw the ball to each other with both hands from the chest. 30 repetitions are performed.
  2. From the same starting position, athletes throw the ball with one hand.
  3. From the same position, athletes throw the ball over their heads.
  4. Turning sideways to each other, the athletes throw the ball with the body turned 180 degrees from left to right and vice versa.
  5. From a supine position, with straight outstretched arms, the athletes throw the ball with a change in the starting position to a sitting position.

Watch this video exercise with a stuffed ball to develop the strength and speed of punching.

Working with rubber

For such workouts, you need two rubber bands, not too stiff so that you can pull them with your hand without losing technique in the amount of 10 repetitions, and a mount to which you can attach them. We hold one end of the rubber in our hand, and attach the other to the mount. We begin to perform with the hand in the amount of 15-20 repetitions, then we remove the tourniquet, and we break through without rubber. In this way we train any blow. It is important that the rubber should not be too hard, the technique of hitting is observed.

All the exercises considered are performed separately from each other, since they do not require a lot of time, it is convenient to do them at the end of the workout. Remember to relax and shake your limbs after each set. With regular training, athletes have a significant increase in speed-explosive functions, sharpening the performance of strikes and increasing endurance.

Boxing training. Explosive impact force:

Explosive strength and anaerobic endurance training:

Useful Tips - How to develop explosive speed for punches:

Explosive Muscle Strength Training:

4 exercises for the development of explosive strength:

Hand speed exercise with dumbbells:

Punching and movement speed training - the complete guide:

Development of speed and force of impact:

Increasing the strength and speed of impact:

Increase hand and punch speed:

Knockout punch is a set of exercises for developing the speed and power of punches:

The video is posted in the public domain on a third-party resource, the editors of the blog are not responsible for the content of the video and its quality and do not guarantee its availability and the ability to view it in the future

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We wish you success!