Various exercises with dumbbells. Simple exercises with dumbbells at home

Unfortunately, not all subscribers of our blog have the opportunity to visit the fitness center. Guys, this circumstance should not become an insurmountable barrier to healthy lifestyle life. I assure you that the result can be achieved even at home!

An expensive subscription to an elite fitness center cannot guarantee the achievement of the desired effect - it all depends solely on the morale of the person.

If you are ready to relentlessly move towards your cherished goal, without deviating from the intended course, then you will definitely become the owner perfect figure without leaving the apartment. Ask me: How? The answer is pretty simple: Workout with dumbbells at home. ?

A time-tested method that is relevant for both professional athletes and beginner athletes. The main thing is to want. Can't believe it? I invite you to read the article-instruction, which will become your formula for a toned body at home.

Features of the training system

A feature of the training program is the basic study of all muscle groups. For classes, we do not need a variety of equipment and modern equipment. sport equipment XXI century - you need two dumbbells, the design of which involves an increase in weight.

We will not get involved in power loads, we will focus on three days a week - Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For each lesson, determine the muscle groups that you will pump - you do not need to load the entire body at once. free from strength training you can devote time to aerobic exercises that will help burn subcutaneous fat that hides the treasured relief.

Current advice: “The training system is effective for both girls and men - only the “working” weight changes. Such exercises can be done together, morally supporting the partner and providing the necessary insurance in some classes.

Simple exercises with dumbbells for home

I propose to analyze in detail the exercises that are best suited for performing at home. Some I do myself. ? Basic training program, relevant for rooms of any size:

  • Classic squat.

We get up in the starting position - the legs are set shoulder-width apart, we hold the dumbbells in our hands, tightly fixing the neck in the palms. We take a deep breath, starting squats and gradually bending the legs at the knees. The knees should not go beyond the toes of the feet. At the same time, the hands remain motionless and are located vertically relative to the floor. In this lesson, the muscles of the thighs, cortex and buttocks are involved. It is recommended to do 3-5 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

  • Hammer.

Feet are set shoulder-width apart, hands are lowered with palms to the body. After a deep breath, as you exhale, we begin to slowly bend the arm at the elbow, raising the projectile to the shoulder.

It should be noted that the body and pelvis remain motionless during the exercise - the biceps are pumped. Competent instructors suggest doing 3-5 sets of 8-10 reps.

  • Dumbbell bench press.

For training, you will need equipment - a bench well fixed to the floor, located at an angle of 30 o -40 o. Lie down on your back with your feet shoulder-width apart.

The lesson is identical to the bench press: hands, palms directed away from you, slowly raise from the chest, and then lower. The dumbbell bars are on the same line (for convenience, you can connect the ends of the shells). The range of motion should be as deep as possible.

  • Dumbbell pull.

For this activity, you will also need a bench located horizontally to the floor. Reps are performed alternately for each hand.

With the knee and hand of the right leg and hand, we lean on the bench. In the palm of the left hand, lowered to the floor, a dumbbell bar is fixed. Slowly pull the projectile to the belt,
bringing the shoulder blades together.

After a full approach, we do the same number of repetitions for the other hand, changing the supporting position on the bench. It will be enough to do 3-5 approaches for each hand for 12-17 repetitions.

  • Pumping the biceps.

We take the starting position - we get up, placing our feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered along the body, palms up. At the same time, we bend our elbows, bringing the dumbbells to the shoulder section. Such exercises work out the biceps and are performed in 3-5 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

  • Triceps.

We take the same stance as in the previous workout for biceps, only we hold the projectile in front of us at shoulder level, clasping the bar with our palms facing us. Raise your arms up, then slowly lower them behind your back and return to the starting position.

It must be taken into account, dear friends, that such an activity can be carried out simultaneously on both hands or for each separately. It will be enough to do 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

  • Back and shoulders.

We get up, the back is straight, the legs are together, and the arms are lowered down, located along the body with the palms facing us. We slowly begin to raise and lower the dumbbells with the help of the strength of the shoulder section and the muscles of the upper back. The recommended number of approaches is 4, repetitions are 8-12.

  • Shoulder girdle and posterior deltoid muscles.

The legs are shoulder-width apart, the body is tilted forward at a right angle, hands with dumbbells are lowered down with palms inward. Slowly raise the shells to the polar sides, without unbending the elbows and torso. Training involves 3-5 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

  • Muscles of the upper back.

We occupy the usual, starting position - we stand, legs apart shoulder-width apart, the vultures are fixed near the shoulder section in the palms located away from us.

Alternately or simultaneously (two options are provided), we raise our hands up, and then slowly lower them. We perform 3-5 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

  • Shoulders and some chest muscles.

We get up to the starting position, legs apart shoulder-width apart. Grab the bar of one dumbbell in front of you with both hands. We raise the projectile up to a position vertical to the floor, then slowly lower our hands to the starting position. It is recommended to perform 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

  • Quadriceps femoris and buttocks.

We put the right foot forward, leaning with both hands, in which the neck is fixed, on the right thigh. At the same time, the left leg is laid back, the toe rests on the floor, and the knee is on weight.

Accentuated, slowly and maintaining the amplitude, we perform lunges forward on the right knee. After 3-5 sets and 8-12 repetitions, we do the same exercise on the left thigh.

Remember, guys: “The given numerical indicators of approaches and repetitions are the recommendations of professionals. When doing exercises, be sure to take into account the physical capabilities of your own body. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, increase the load or start a complex workout with less weight.

Guys, in order to properly develop muscles at home, you must follow some rules identified by professional athletes:

  • Finish every set.

Choose only lifting weight for your body. In performing the exercises, no one will observe, help, or advise you - it is important to do not many repetitions, but the optimal number of high-quality approaches.

Keep the amplitude, keep an eye on the position of the elbows and knees, because every nuance of the training process matters to achieve the result.

  • Do not overload the body to muscle failure.

Regular strength training helps not only build muscle mass, but also have a fat burning effect.
Each exercise should target a certain muscle group as much as possible.

However, the choice of weight and the number of repetitions should be approached with special responsibility - the result of an incorrect approach can be muscle failure, which will knock you out of the training regimen for a single week.

We understand that the relief will not appear after 2-3 sessions, right? Remember, the main thing is a rational approach to choosing loads. ?

  • Gradually increase the "working" weight.

Over time, as the exercise seems easy to you, the “working” weight must be increased in order to increase the level of impact of strength training on muscle groups. The addition of loads should be gradual so as not to shock the body and avoid muscle failure.

  • Eat right.

Even if you train at home with dumbbells for weight loss, in order to get rid of extra pounds, you need to eat quite a lot. Choose healthy foods, replace junk food with healthy counterparts, gaining muscle mass, rather than returning fat deposits expelled from your body.

Secrets of sports nutrition: "A current assistant in the recruitment muscle mass becomes Creatine, which improves strength performance. Also take a complex of beneficial vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids that speed up the metabolic process.

Do not forget that you can share your personal achievements in the comments under each article - the writing procedure does not take much time, and constructive advice will undoubtedly be useful for beginner athletes. ?

See you soon on the web pages of our blog, dear like-minded people!

A set of exercises with dumbbells at home, each athlete is able to develop for himself, depending on physical fitness. Beginning athletes - boys and girls, teenagers and children younger age should start with a small weight and gradually increase it.

Simple or collapsible dumbbells load and force a large number of muscles to work, which is why they are so popular both in the gym and at home. If physical training the athlete has, is taken average weight and increases to the maximum. The number of repetitions and approaches each sets for himself in accordance with the load. Usually perform 3-5 sets and 6-15 repetitions.

Important recommendations. To prevent injuries, you should warm up well before training and perform a warm-up for the entire muscular system and musculoskeletal system in compliance with correct technique exercise without deviation.

To work out each muscle group at home, a comprehensive exercise program is being developed. It is not recommended to break your own training schedule, since the muscles are loaded with precision, without involving other areas of the body in the work.

The best exercises The complex includes basic exercises for men.

  1. Squats are classic. IP: put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Hold the dumbbells in your hands, inhale and slowly squat to a right angle between the thigh and lower leg. Exhale, slowly return to the PI.

Important. To load the muscles of the buttocks, squat should be at an angle of less than 90º.

  1. "Hammer"

Exercise with dumbbells "hammer" without turning the arm

IP: standing on legs, feet - not wider than shoulders. Hands are down. Palms - turned to themselves. Breathe in while bending right hand in the elbow joint and lifting the dumbbell to the shoulder joint. Exhale and slowly lower the limb into the PI. Switch to your left hand.

Important. This exercise on the mass must be performed, keeping the elbows and body of the body motionless.

Dumbbells are one of the most common power equipment. For effective pumping of the shoulder muscles, shrugs with dumbbells are used. This exercise belongs to the category of isolated and is focused on pumping the top of the trapezium. For many athletes, it is the trapezius that represents the most poorly developed part of the upper back.

  1. "Bench Press"

Fix firmly the position of the bench at an angle of 30-40º. IP - lying on the bench with your back, legs - comfortably positioned on the floor, elbows - on the same level with the bench or lower.

Exhale - raise your hands with the projectile up. With a slow breath and hand movements, return to the PI.

Important. Keep both limbs at the same level. They must be on the same line.

  1. Dumbbell row in inclination to the belt

IP - the knee of the right leg stands on a horizontal bench, the hand rests on the bench. Stand with your left foot on the floor, slightly bending it at the knee. Lower your left hand with a dumbbell down. Exhale and slowly pull the dumbbell to the belt, shoulder blades - reduce. As you inhale, slowly lower your hand down, spread your shoulder blades. Perform the desired number of repetitions and change limbs.

  1. We develop biceps - two exercises

  • IP - standing on the feet, feet - not wider than shoulders. Hands with dumbbells are spread apart, palms are turned up. You should gently bend your arms in elbow joints, and raise shells to the shoulders.
  • IP - sit on a bench, spread your legs wide, tilt your back slightly forward, lean on the knee of your left leg with the elbow of your left hand. Slowly bend your arm at the elbow joint and bring the dumbbell to your shoulder joint. Repeat as many times as needed and change hands.

Important. In both exercises, when lifting the dumbbells up, the brush should be twisted outward.

  1. Training for triceps from 2 exercises

  • IP - standing on the feet, feet - shoulder width apart. Hold the dumbbell behind your head with both hands. Inhale - slowly lower it to the back of the head. Exhale - squeeze into PI. Elbows should be kept parallel to each other, without moving to the sides.
  • Load each hand separately and lower the projectile below to increase the range of motion.

Important. Take the dumbbell a little from the back of the head so as not to injure the head.

  1. 3-Exercise Upper Back & Shoulder Workout

  • PI - footstand, feet - already shoulder width apart, lower your arms with dumbbells down. Exhale - due to the trapezius muscle, raise your shoulders to your ears, do not bend your arms. Exhale - slowly lower your shoulders into the PI.
  • IP - standing on the feet, feet - wider than shoulders. Bend one arm with a dumbbell up in front, make a right angle. Bend the other arm at a right angle down behind your back. Slowly change the position of your hands.
  • IP - standing, legs - together, knees - bent, arms with dumbbells lowered down. Bend your arms at the elbows, forming an angle of 90º, raise the dumbbells closer to the armpit, and turn your elbows outward and bring them forward.

Important. The load is carried out only due to the work of the muscles of the shoulders.

  1. Training of the deltoid muscles (posterior bundles) and shoulder girdle

IP - feet - shoulder width apart, the body is tilted forward at an angle of 90º, lower your arms with dumbbells down, palms turned inward. Slowly raise straight arms to the sides, slightly bending at the elbow joint. When performing repetitions, do not forget to bend your torso.

  1. Training of the muscles of the upper belt

PI - footstand, feet - no wider than shoulders, Turn your palms inward, take dumbbells and press them to your chest. You should alternately raise your hands up, and turn your palm outward. Return your hands to the PI, turn your palm towards you and press your hand to your chest.

  1. We train upper part chest muscles and anterior deltas
    • IP - stand on the floor, feet - no wider than shoulders. The dumbbell should be held with both hands, and pulled forward to shoulder level. Pull the dumbbell to your chest, bend your arms at the elbows. Return to IP.
    • IP - as above. Take dumbbells in your hands and straighten them in front of you. Alternately perform an overlap: wind your right hand over your left, and vice versa.
  1. Leg muscle exercise

IP - put your left foot forward. Place your hands with dumbbells on your left thigh. Take the straight right leg back. The toe should rest on the floor. Perform lunges forward, the left knee is at an angle of 90º. Change stance and repeat with the right leg.

Exercises for girls

You can perform basic exercises with dumbbells in the gym for girls and women, as in the complex above, starting with squats. They cover a large number of muscles at a time: the press, quadriceps, back sections, hips, calves, buttocks, lower back and sacral zone of the back.

The best exercises for women:

1. Sumo Squats and Dumbbell Curls Work Legs, Glutes, and Biceps:

  • IP - feet wider than shoulders; socks - deployed 45-60º.
  • Squat down to thigh level parallel to the floor.
  • When lowering down, bend all the limbs at the same time.
  • Reps 10-12, sets - 3.

  1. Exercise "Scarecrow" to perform on one leg to develop the shoulder and spinal muscles and develop balance:
  • IP - stand on one leg, raise the right leg up and bend at the knee, hold the thigh parallel to the floor.
  • Raise your arms up and bend them at an angle of 90º.
  • Forearms - lower down.
  • Reps 10-12, sets - 3.

Apollo - the ancient Greek God - personified the sun with his muscular body. For a long time, a relief toned body was considered an indicator of beauty, health and strength in men. In the 21st century, having cubes on your stomach has become not only sexy, but also fashionable.

Representatives of the male sex know more than anyone else that it is not so difficult to achieve muscle relief. The key to the task is power loads. They can be done both at home and in the gym.

We have selected a set of exercises with dumbbells for men. With the technical implementation of the training, the result will not be long in coming.

Biceps exercises

The biceps is the biceps muscle of the shoulder. It has a significant relief, in a worked state it is well visualized even in a relaxed state.

Don't take too much big weights, this muscle loves a small but high-quality study once or twice a week.

Sitting weight lifting

You will need to take weights, palms should be directed to the body, elbows should be pressed to the body. Slowly, bend your arms, while turning them to your shoulders. Hold at the very top, allowing the muscle to contract harder.

You can train one hand alternately with the other, or both at the same time.

The load can be increased by taking a slightly horizontal position, due to support on the back. In this case, the complex will be performed more efficiently, since the work of the spinal muscles will be excluded.

Standing dumbbell raise

This technique is similar to the previous one, but is more popular with men.

In this case, you can stand in front of the mirror so as to follow the correct pumping of the working area.


This workout got its name for the position of the arms, they are fixed with weight to the body so that only the muscles of the forearm work, and the shoulder and elbows remain motionless.

In this position, the deep muscle of the shoulder works in combination with the biceps.

Bend your arms with a weight of 90 degrees and hold for a short while, then immediately repeat. Hands should work like a chop hammer, moving quickly and clearly.

Concentrated Flexion

Counts the best exercise with dumbbells for men. Best performed at the end of a biceps workout. Three muscles are involved here: the shoulder, brachioradialis and biceps.

Sit, spread your legs and fix your right shoulder on the inner surface of your right thigh, while the hand with the dumbbells should not touch the floor. Place your left hand on your left thigh for support. Bend your right as much as possible, briefly pausing at the top to contract the muscle to the limit.

Perform the exercise the desired number of times for each hand.

Triceps exercises with dumbbells

When working out the biceps, one should not forget about the triceps, because it is these two muscles that form the beautiful relief of the arms.

With just a couple of dumbbells and a high-quality set of exercises for men, you can easily and quickly get the result of interest.

Press from behind the head

Performed sitting or standing. For the bench press, you need only one kettlebell. Raise your right hand with weight above your head, bend your left hand and grab your right shoulder with your palm.

This position is advantageous based on the fact that only the forearm is used and the spinal muscles are not involved.

The arm with the kettlebell is wound behind the head for maximum muscle tension. The exercise is carried out on the right hand, after which there is a mirror change and the same number of approaches.

Press from behind the head with two hands

This approach is built by analogy with the previous one, but it involves both arms and the muscular frame of the back.

It is performed in a sitting position on a bench or stool 25 times, 3-4 sets each. The dumbbell is clamped simultaneously with both hands, and, with the help of bending, winds up behind the head.

french press

A popular exercise for working out the triceps. Starting position - lying on a bench or on the floor. Take 2 weights and raise in front of you with a slight tilt behind your head.

It is desirable to press the shoulders, bending occurs only at the elbows.

Incline extension

The initial position of the legs is shoulder width apart, it is necessary to take half a step and fix the body, leaning slightly forward. Place your free hand on your thigh. The second - with dumbbells to bend 90 degrees.

Slowly, as you exhale, take your hand back and linger. Perform at least 30 times on each arm to refine the triceps.

Shoulder exercises for men

Broad male shoulders will be a pleasant protection for your beloved companion. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that all the strength is in the shoulders. You can pump the muscles of the shoulder girdle at home, armed with a good weight in the form of dumbbells.

Hand spread to the side

Performed standing or sitting. Taking a dumbbell in your hands, bend them slightly at the elbows. The exercise is quite energetic, but you should not rush when doing it.

Hands with weight should be raised up to shoulder level while inhaling, then lowered down. Repeat at least 40 times in three sets.

Arnold press

He gained his popularity for changing the trajectory during the exercise, which allows you to work out all the muscle fibers, unlike a simple bench press.

Hands with weight should be fixed on the chest, palms in the direction of the body. While inhaling, gradually raise your arms up above your head with your palms turned parallel to your shoulders.

This complex was demonstrated by many winners of arm wrestling competitions in a video on pumping muscles with dumbbells.

Seated press

As the name suggests, the workout is done while sitting. Hands with weight should be raised above the head, palms parallel to the body. Gradually press, pushing your elbows away from you to 90 degrees, fix your hands below for a few seconds, and then repeat again.

This workout is considered the most effective for completing a set of exercises with dumbbells for men on the shoulders.

Back exercises

The muscular frame is needed for good posture and additional fixation of the spine. Due to him, most of the daily work is done with his back.

Having pumped the “framework”, you can notice that the quality of other activities is significantly improved.

Photos of exercises for pumping muscles on the back show a result that is not so difficult to achieve with the right approach.

Bent over pull

The essence of this workout is to engage the latissimus dorsi. The starting position is standing, the body is slightly retracted forward, while the legs are bent. Hands with kettlebells need to be straightened in front of you, and then gradually perform a bench press towards the stomach.

This workout pumps the back muscles in detail due to static and dynamic tension.

Perform about 30 times for 4 repetitions during training. The result will not be long in coming, and very soon the reflection in the mirror will surprise you and your loved ones.

Shoulder Press

In order to quickly pump the trapezoid, you only need one exercise. Take dumbbells in both hands, lower them parallel to the body. Raise your shoulders up and back a little, bringing your shoulder blades together as much as possible. Perform 30 times, with a short break up to one minute, 3 sets each.

The whole complex takes no more than an hour, while you can get a quick and high-quality result.

Do not forget to eat right, there should be a lot of protein in food to build muscle. Train yourself, advise your friends, relatives and improve new successes!

There are several types: collapsible and non-collapsible, while the version of their execution can be rubberized or not rubberized. In each case, different dumbbells will be ideal, it all depends on where you are doing. In the gym, the main priority will be free time, and for the house, the money that you can spend on them. In any case, training with dumbbells will help you develop a beautiful and harmonious developed body Read more about how to create it.

The article will be broken down into muscle groups that can be trained with dumbbells. So it will be convenient to navigate and select the necessary exercises for yours.

Exercises for chest muscles

Perhaps the chest will always be one of the most difficult muscle groups to train, however, the pectorals are excellently trained with dumbbells, it is enough to do just a couple of exercises for the top and bottom of the chest to fully work it out.

Dumbbell bench press lying on an inclined and horizontal bench

The first exercise trains the upper chest, and the second bottom. You can also perform a dumbbell press while lying with your head down, so you can concentrate on training the lower chest. We perform them with a pyramid in the range of 15 - 8 repetitions.

Wiring on a horizontal or inclined bench

The dumbbell fly is an isolated workout for the chest, which also stretches them perfectly, and in isolated exercises the weight of the dumbbells should be less than in the presses. There can be 3 options for execution: wiring on an inclined bench, on a horizontal one and head down. Wiring is recommended to be done in the pyramid 2 sets of 15-10 times.

Arm muscle exercises

Hands are the second most popular body part that is trained in everyone. Usually, most beginners regularly perform exercises on, which is enough for one specialized workout per week, which can be easily done with dumbbells.

Lifting dumbbells for biceps while standing

Lifting dumbbells for biceps can easily replace the basic exercise for training biceps -. You can perform it in 2-3 sets of 12-8 reps each.

Bending the arms while sitting on an incline bench

This is a more isolated version of the previous exercise, as it eliminates the help of the biceps muscles of the legs and back. The number of sets and repetitions is similar to the previous exercise.

Seated Concentrated Curl

I do not like this exercise, but it is very often performed in the halls, so it does not fit in this article. The entire load of the dumbbell also lies on the biceps, it is all performed in the same 2-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

Seated alternating curls with dumbbells

Alternating curls can be done at the end of an arm workout to finally hammer the biceps, if it happened before. Flexion is performed at a fast pace for 10 - 12 repetitions for each arm.

Scott's Dumbbell Raise

I don’t recommend performing with two dumbbells at once, as in the picture, it’s much more convenient to do it with each hand in turn. So the concentration on the muscles is higher and therefore the muscles are better worked out. We perform in 3 sets of 12 - 8 times.

Hammers with dumbbells

Hammers work out the brachialis, as well as the forearms. It is worth performing them after training the biceps, or instead of it. The number of approaches - 3, repetitions 8 - 12.

Dumbbell extension behind the head

The dumbbell extension behind the head is an isolated type of exercise for, since the triceps mainly consists of slow muscle fibers, it is recommended to increase the number of repetitions in the approach to 15-10 times.

Extension of arms with a dumbbell lying down

This exercise is analogous, only in this case it is performed with a dumbbell in 3 sets and 15-10 repetitions in each.

Extension and flexion of the wrists on a horizontal bench

Flexion and extension is best done at the end of the workout, because if you score the forearms ahead of time, then the rest of the workout will go down the drain, because you will no longer have a normal grip after that. The forearms are trained with light weight, which is gradually increased and a huge number of repetitions. Usually in each approach there should be a failure.


Broad shoulders are also a priority for young people who are just starting to lift weights. Deltas are usually divided into 3 large muscle groups - anterior, middle and posterior. Dumbbells can easily work out all groups.

Seated Dumbbell Press

Seated dumbbell press - can be attributed to the group basic exercises for the development of the anterior and middle bundles of the deltoid muscles. It is worth training shoulders with dumbbells in 3 sets of 15 to 10 times.

Breeding dumbbells to the sides

Breeding or swinging dumbbells to the sides work out the middle bundle of the deltoid. We perform them in 2 - 3 sets of 8 - 15 times.

Lifting dumbbells in front of you

With this exercise, we train the front delta. It is usually performed at the end of a deltoid workout and is often done to failure. We raise each hand in turn in 1 - 2 sets of 12 - 15 times.

Breeding dumbbells in an incline

With the help of dilutions, the rear delta is trained, and the trapezoid also clings. We train deltas in 3 sets of 8 to 15 times.


To train the back, dumbbells alone will not be enough, I personally know only one exercise with dumbbells that can train the back. However, if you are not going to compete in, then this will be enough for you.

Dumbbell pull to the belt

If you master the technique of performing dumbbell rows, then you will probably abandon other exercises and will perform this one in the first place. Dumbbell row works great latissimus dorsi back, while it is not as heavy as or pulling the barbell to the belt. We do it in 3 sets of 15 - 8 times.


You can say right away that you can’t create huge legs with dumbbells, since it’s difficult to keep such a weight in your hands that is necessary for leg growth, but you can keep your leg muscles in good shape.

Squats with dumbbells

Analogue of all known. We hold dumbbells in our hands and perform the usual squats that you did back in school. Squatting is worth 2 - 3 sets of 10 - 12 times.

Lunges with dumbbells

Lunges to a greater extent train the gluteal muscles, which is why they are so popular with girls. We do as usual in 3 sets of 8 - 12 repetitions.

That's all the exercises with dumbbells that I know at the time of writing this article, of course, there are many more of them, but even this amount is enough to make a complete and varied training program.

There can be many reasons why it is possible to exercise only with dumbbells. Perhaps only they are at your disposal, or for some reason you cannot use the barbell, or the lack of simulators leaves no choice. However, you should not cross out your name from the potential holders of the Mr. Olympia title.

Do not underestimate training with dumbbells - basic knowledge in anatomy and biomechanics will help you in such training.

Anatomy is the science that studies the shape and structure of the human body.

Biomechanics isthe doctrine of the motor abilities and motor activity of humans and animals.

But it is not welcome to pervert and tie weights to the legs in order to do leg extensions or flexions. There are enough leg exercises using dumbbells.

The advantages of such training are that the stabilizer muscles are actively involved in the work. They also develop coordination and in some cases allow you to perform the exercise more amplitude.

Stabilizers are muscles that fix the position of a particular part of the body (they do not participate in movement) and prevent various injuries during movement.

The disadvantages of such training are that you have a limited arsenal of exercises, and soon, if you do not have the opportunity to increase the weight of weights, dumbbells will not allow you to progress, since they will simply become easy for you. But do not rush to quit training! Remember - it’s better to always keep yourself in proper shape, because maybe, very soon, your street will open Gym and then you can choose another workout for yourself from those presented on our website.

Home workouts with dumbbells are great

Often there is not enough time to visit the gym, or it is not affordable. In that case, this workout using dumbbells alone will help you out. This equipment is inexpensive and is sold in any sports store.

What preparation is needed?

I also note that training with dumbbells (independent weights) is very difficult and in the first couple you should not grab the larger dumbbells. Take it seriously, and even if you are already a fairly experienced athlete, you should not neglect the insurer. After all, maybe in a fit of effort you will lose control of the movement, and hitting dumbbells in any part of the body, especially on the head, is fraught with consequences.

The weight should be selected so that the implementation of all planned approaches and repetitions is complete. The program does not involve work in denial. If you have completed all the repetitions in the first approach and feel that you would have completed 3-4 more repetitions maximum, then this is just your working weight, but if there was an excessive ease of execution and a significant shortage is felt - take a dumbbell 2-3.5 kg heavier .

In order to avoid injuries, carefully read the execution technique, a detailed description and even a video can be found on our website in the exercises section.

Education: South Ural State University (National Research University) Chelyabinsk TRX) functional training(Cross Training) Pilates (FFA, Pilates Instructor) Gym Instructor. Basic level Ural Course Center for Aerobics and Fitness, Gym Instructor. Gym instructor. Advanced level Ural Course Center for Aerobics and Fitness, Personal Trainer, FFA Universal Trainer, Group Program Instructor. Achievements: Candidate Master of Sports in Powerlifting, WPC-AWPC Bench Press Specialization: Back rehabilitation, rehabilitation after fractures / injuries. Raise muscle tone. Figure correction. Increase in power indicators. Endurance improvement. functional training. TRX basic/strength/advanced levels. Teacher. Methodist at ANO DPO "Center for Professional Education of Trainers"

Advice from a trainer

It is believed that training is only 30% of success. The main thing is proper nutrition and rest. Keep track of your diet and your goals for mass gain and weight loss will be achieved faster

The weight must be selected so that you can complete the required number of times / approaches without compromising technique. Select the weight by trial. Warm-up sets can be done with minimal weight or empty bar.