How tall is Olga Prokofieva? How do TV stars remove extra pounds? Don't you miss your Zhanna Arkadyevna from My Fair Nanny?

The Honored Artist of Russia, a talented and wonderful performer of many roles in cinema, Olga Prokofieva, has her own personal opinion about dieting and, in general, about all existing methods and systems of losing weight. The actress, with a height of 168 centimeters, weighs only 51 kilograms. But at times Olga wants to lose another two or three kilograms, and she easily succeeds.

These are the weight parameters his body is trying stick with Olga, since her weight has been stable for a long time, thanks to regular use your proven diet. Although each of them sets some goals that include starting a new lifestyle, starting the process of losing weight for the upcoming holiday or the start of a vacation. But, every time, a reason is easily found so that this deadline can be pushed further. Time flies very quickly, and a person only “feeds” himself with new promises. By authoritative Olga's opinion Prokofieva needs to be really pissed off yourself and then what was planned necessarily will doable.

Enterprising, sarcastic, businesslike Zhanna Arkadyevna from the popular television series “My Fair Nanny”, wonderfully performed by the talented actress Olga Prokofieva, has long become a favorite of many. Every fan of her talent closely follows the interesting vicissitudes of her fate and roots for her.

In his numerous interviews in the media Olga noted more than once that her constitution is conducive to being overweight, so she always has to remember about the correct diet of her diet. Olga Prokofieva claims, What she always observed reasonable moderation in eating food and adhered to the rule - “eat less, balanced, wisely”.

The actress for a long time had extensive experience of fasting and compliance various options diets It even happened that she had to not take any food at all for one week, she just drank mineral water and this cleaned mine intestines. After such strict restrictions, she lost 7-8 kilograms, but soon these lost kilograms returned to her again. That's why Olga does not recommend this method should not be used by anyone, as it is harmful, difficult to tolerate and ineffective.

Most Olga Prokofieva I liked it one simple one is good balanced diet which she followed many times and never had any negative moments or feelings after following it. Duration Olga Prokofieva's diet is just four days.

Approximate diet of Olga Prokofieva's diet

The first day

Throughout the day you need to consume the following composition of products:

  • boiled or steamed rice without adding salt and oil;
  • 400 grams of apple juice;
  • a small handful of chopped nuts and two fruits;
  • unlimited non-carbonated mineral water.

Second day

During the second day of the diet you need to consume:

  • low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of a small handful of chopped walnuts;
  • low-fat kefir or natural yogurt.

Day three

During the third day of the diet, you must include in your diet:

  • half boiled chicken;
  • pulp of a whole large pineapple;
  • two small handfuls of almonds and raisins.

Day four

During the last day of the diet, your diet should include:

  • hard cheese;
  • dry white wine.

In the daily composition consumed products No Olga Prokofieva restrictions does not exist, but it should be taken into account that in no case do not fry, salt and add various herbs and spices in products included in the diet menu. And of course you should drink enough large amount of liquid.

Olga Prokofieva completely agrees with the opinion of nutritionists and diet developers that there is a very effective and interesting way to get rid of the habit of overeating. It consists in the fact that you need to undress naked and very carefully examine your figure in the mirror reflection

Word "diet" translated from Greek means the phrase “way of life.” Therefore, following the rules and requirements of any diet is not an exhausting marathon or sprint running, but really human lifestyle, which must be treated wisely without harming your body.

While restricting food intake or following any diet always necessary Fine get enough sleep and take or douse yourself with cool water from head to toe. Before taking a shower, rub your body with a hard mitt until it turns red so that dead skin cells can be easily washed off. We should never forget that the human skin is an excretory organ.

Also Olga Prokofiev recommends everyone to arrange for themselves regularly fasting days , eating only fresh or oven-baked apples. These wonderful fruits contain a lot of useful vitamins, minerals and trace elements. They have the wonderful property of fighting the formation of plaques in blood vessels, swelling, and perfectly cleanse a person.

Olga Prokofieva never forgets to include in her diet various types nuts, raisins, dried apricots and prunes. These healthy foods always present in her daily diet.

It’s quite easy to keep yourself in constant shape when you don’t have a tendency to be overweight. All you need to do is be in the fresh air more often, visit the gym and swimming pool, and regularly use the services of a massage therapist. Lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

But for people who are prone to obesity, this is not enough. They need to constantly monitor their diet. Get on the scale quite often and don’t eat after 6:00 p.m. Remember about drinking regime and low-calorie foods. Such people simply need to switch to separate meals and enrich their menu with raw vegetables and fruits.

Olga Prokofieva is one of these people. Since she is a very popular person, sometimes she even has to adhere to a very strict diet.

The screen star sat on water alone for a whole week and underwent a bowel cleansing procedure every day. This helped her reduce her weight to eight kilograms. But this result disappeared very quickly. And in a short time those eight kilograms came back. Therefore, Olga believes that strict diets useless. Because they just exhaust and exhaust the body.

But one diet is not only pleasant for Prokofieva. It helps to get good results in a short time.

For four days you can eat the agreed list of foods in any quantity without all kinds of seasonings and salt. The taste, of course, will not be very pleasing. But the result is worth it. Drink at least two liters of water.

On the first day, Olga eats boiled rice and drinks it with apple juice. On the second day, allow yourself low-fat cottage cheese with kefir. On the third day, you can already treat yourself to boiled chicken and fresh pineapple. We celebrate the fourth day with red or white wine and snack on hard cheese.

When tempting thoughts regarding high-calorie foods appear, Prokofieva recommends that at this moment you approach a large mirror and, having completely undressed, skeptically examine yourself to your full height. This procedure quickly drives away all cravings for excess food.

Best of the day

Nutritionist Elena Voronkova recommends systematically arranging fasting days for your body. To do this, just stock up on raw and baked apples. On this day, in addition to unloading, the body will receive minerals and fiber. Not only will the body lose weight, but the blood vessels will also be cleaned, swelling will subside and the intestines will naturally cleanse. In addition, treat yourself to nuts and prunes every day. Then the body will have enough vitamins and calories for an active lifestyle.

On fasting days, you must strictly follow the regime and get a good night's sleep. In the morning, be sure to take a contrast shower with a scrub. To do this, just apply a little scrub to the surface of a hard washcloth and thoroughly rub it all over your body.

Olga Prokofieva is a brilliant actress, whom any Russian TV viewer knows by sight as Zhanna Arkadyevna from the popular TV series “My Fair Nanny.” After participating in the sitcom, the artist received offers for a long time to play in a similar role, but Olga tactfully refused the directors.

The actress considers herself primarily a theater performer. For more than 30 years she has been devoted to one metropolitan group - the theater named after. .

Childhood and youth

Olga Evgenievna Prokofieva was born in the town of Odintsovo near Moscow. The girl turned out to have an interesting pedigree. As the actress herself later said in an interview, her father’s ancestors served as priests, and on her mother’s side they were landowners and horse breeders. However, family happiness did not work out for the parents of the future stage star. Olga and her older sister Larisa were raised by their mother Sofya Prokhorovna without a father.

There was little entertainment for children in the provincial town, so little Olya took the cultural program into her own hands. She wrapped herself in a pillowcase, wrapped a curtain over the top, stood on the tips of her stiff-soled shoes and pretended to be a ballerina. A lively, spontaneous girl, having barely learned to walk, dreamed of one day going on the theater stage.

Having hardly waited for the last bell, yesterday's schoolgirl hurried to take the entrance exams to the theater and failed them. But Olga immediately vowed to herself to definitely enroll in the acting department in a year. In order not to sit at home in vain, Prokofieva went to work, choosing an unexpected profession for a girl who had dreamed of becoming an actress all her life - an accountant on a local TV channel. But while working on television, the future actress did not stop preparing for exams, and all her relatives, friends, acquaintances and even acquaintances of acquaintances knew about it.

One day, her mother’s friend, who worked as a road inspector, stopped a violator and, in a conversation with him, found out that he was studying at GITIS. Remembering Olya’s cherished dream, the inspector offered the driver a deal: he would not take away his license, and as gratitude, he would prepare his girlfriend’s daughter for the exams. The violator agreed and honestly fulfilled his promise. This was the future media tycoon and founder of the NTV channel, and then a 4th year student at the directing department, Vladimir Gusinsky.

Gusinsky diligently taught Prokofieva everything he knew, but she still failed the entrance exam. Applicant Prokofieva tried her best, but she initially had no chance, since the admissions committee did not like her appearance.

After the exam, the same teacher who was the first to speak out against Olga’s admission to the acting department saw the genuine grief of the girl, whose lifelong dream had just been crushed, and advised her to try herself in directing. The applicant wiped away her tears and went to study on the course of the famous Soviet theater director.

Olga Prokofieva graduated from GITIS with honors, delighting all the teachers with her graduation production of the play “Tomorrow There Was War,” where she brilliantly played a teacher twice her age.

Two of her former teachers began vying with each other to invite the talented graduate. Andrei Goncharov invited me to the Mayakovsky Theater, and to Lenkom. The choice was not easy, but Olga decided not to be separated from her classmates, who almost all went to Goncharov.


At the Moscow Academic Theater named after. Mayakovsky Olga Prokofieva has been appearing on stage for almost 30 years. In her youth, she played May in Tennessee Williams' play "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof", Rosalina in the play "A Plague on Both Your Houses", Lydia Varavka in a production based on the novel "The Life of Klim Samgin" and others.

For creating the image of Maria Moskaleva in the play “Uncle's Dream,” the actress received one of the most prestigious theater awards, “Crystal Turandot.”

Now you can enjoy Olga Prokofieva’s acting by purchasing a ticket to the production of “Children Spoil Relationships,” where she embodies the image of Polina, or to “The Banquet,” where she is Mariet Livier. “Uncle’s Dream” is also still shown at Mayakovka, and the artist still plays Maria Moskaleva in it.

In 2016, with the participation of the actress, the plays “Caucasian Chalk Circle” and “All My Sons” were released. A year later, Prokofieva was already delighting fans with her performance in the play Pygmalion.


Olga Prokofieva made her film debut, having already established herself as a serious theater actress. invited her to the psychological melodrama “Humiliated and Insulted.” Prokofieva's role was episodic. But she was lucky enough to get into the frame with such stars as Anastasia Vyazemskaya, and she had a lot to learn from them.

The character actress has not yet developed a relationship with a serious full-length film, but they began to vying with her to invite her to star in TV series. Olga Prokofieva brought national fame to "", where she played together with, and even shared the same dressing room with.

The quartet of actors worked so well together that after “Nanny” the artists played together in the adventurous vaudeville “Shakespeare Never Dreamed of.”

Later, the artist’s filmography was adorned with the projects “Adjutants of Love”, “League of Deceived Wives”, “Normalnaya”, in which Olga managed to move away from the image of a bitchy lady. Prokofieva also played in the melodrama “Time of Happiness” and the detective story “I’m Going Out to Look for You.”

In the late 2000s, she appeared in the top-rated sitcoms “Roof” and “Angelica”, and also played the main role in the Russian-Belarusian series “Margot. Fiery cross." In the last film, the heroine of Olga is an employee of the Russian Interpol, who manages to unravel the mystery of the magic tablets and prevent a disaster.

In 2013, with the participation of Olga, the comedy “Three in Komi” was released, where the actress’s partners were,.

And 2 years later, the artist appeared in the film “Between the Notes, or Tantric Symphony.” The latest works in Prokofieva’s creative biography include a supporting role in the comedy “Love and Sax”, where they shone in the foreground.

Personal life

The friendship of applicant Prokofieva with tutor Gusinsky did not result in anything serious. Then Olga was too passionate about the dream of becoming an actress. The romance began only when the girl graduated from GITIS. The future media mogul left his family for her sake. He showered his beloved with flowers and even bought her an expensive car, persuading her to marry him, but Olga never made up her mind. After living together for 4 years, they broke up.

The reason for the break with Gusinsky was Prokofieva’s colleague, actor Yuri Sokolov. They played lovers on the stage of Mayakovka in the play Tomorrow There Was War.

The gallant handsome man stormed the fortress, which turned out to be impregnable for the future media tycoon. Olga was not even embarrassed by the fact that her new lover already had 2 ex-wives and one daughter. She left Gusinsky and almost immediately married Sokolov. 4 years later, Olga gave birth to Yuri’s son Alexander, and after 12 years of marriage the couple divorced.

Yuri left like a man, leaving his ex-wife and son an apartment in Moscow on Vernadsky Avenue. But then he married for the fourth time, having adopted his young wife’s child from his first marriage, they had two more children, and the issue of living space became acute. Ex-husband demanded that Prokofieva return the apartment, and when she refused, he went to court.

The litigation continues to this day.

Now the actress is officially single, but when asked about her personal life, she answers with a smile that everything is fine with her. According to Olga, she prefers the European model of relationships, when a woman finds happiness not in marriage, but with close people. Rare photos of her relatives also appear on Prokofieva’s page in "Instagram", which is entirely devoted to her creative activities.

On stage and on camera, Olga always looks elegant and young. Viewers note the special flexibility that the actress does not lose over the years. With a height of 168 cm, her weight does not exceed 55 kg. The artist herself assures that she resorts to various diets to maintain her figure, since she is actually prone to being overweight. The performer does not eat after 16:00 and does exercises every morning. She tries to spend her weekends outside the city, where her family has a large plot of land.

Olga Prokofieva now

2018 brought the actress a role in the comedy “Between Us Girls. Continuation". This is a series beloved by many television viewers, in which the main characters were introduced, and. Three generations of women from one family, each endowed with leadership qualities, are trying to get along under one roof.

Olga Prokofieva in the show “Save me, I can’t cook” in 2019

In January 2019, the actress became a guest of the culinary show “Save, I can’t cook.” On the air of the program, Olga Prokofieva prepared 2 dishes - lean cabbage soup with sauerkraut and mushrooms, as well as champignons stuffed with salmon in a creamy sauce.


  • 1991 - “Humiliated and Insulted”
  • 1995 - “Moscow Holidays”
  • 2004 - “Children of Arbat”
  • 2004 - 2008 - “My Fair Nanny”
  • 2005 - “Adjutants of Love”
  • 2006 - “Crazy”
  • 2007 - “Shakespeare never dreamed of”
  • 2009 - “Margot. Fiery Cross"
  • 2013 - “Three in Komi”
  • 2015 - “I’ll get married urgently”
  • 2018 - “Love and Sax”
  • 2018 - “The first guy in the village”
  • 2018 – “Between us girls. Continuation"

The Honored Artist of Russia, a talented and wonderful performer of many roles in cinema, Olga Prokofieva, has her own personal opinion about dieting and, in general, about all existing methods and systems of losing weight. The actress, with a height of 168 centimeters, weighs only 51 kilograms. But at times Olga wants to lose another two or three kilograms, and she easily succeeds.

These are the weight parameters his body is trying stick with Olga, since her weight has been stable for a long time, thanks to regular use your proven diet. Although each of the women sets some goals for herself, which include starting a new lifestyle, starting the process of losing weight for the upcoming holiday or the start of a vacation. But, every time, a reason is easily found so that this deadline can be pushed further. Time flies very quickly, and a person only “feeds” himself with new promises. By authoritative Olga's opinion Prokofieva needs to be really pissed off yourself and then what was planned necessarily will doable.

Enterprising, sarcastic, businesslike Zhanna Arkadyevna from the popular television series “My Fair Nanny”, wonderfully performed by the talented actress Olga Prokofieva, has long become a favorite of many. Every fan of her talent closely follows the interesting vicissitudes of her fate and roots for her.

In his numerous interviews in the media Olga noted more than once that her constitution is conducive to being overweight, so she always has to remember about the correct diet of her diet. Olga Prokofieva claims, What she always observed reasonable moderation in eating food and adhered to the rule - “eat less, balanced, wisely”.

The actress for a long time had extensive experience of fasting and following different diet options. It even happened that she had to not take any food at all for one week, she just drank mineral water and this cleaned mine intestines. After such strict restrictions, she lost 7–8 kilograms, but soon these lost kilograms returned to her again. That's why Olga does not recommend this method should not be used by anyone, as it is harmful, difficult to tolerate and ineffective.

Most Olga Prokofieva I liked it one simple one is good balanced diet which she followed many times and never had any negative moments or feelings after following it. Duration Olga Prokofieva's diet is just four days.

Approximate diet of Olga Prokofieva's diet

The first day

Throughout the day you need to consume the following composition of products:

Boiled or steamed rice without adding salt or oil; 400 grams of apple juice; a small handful of chopped nuts and two prunes; unlimited non-carbonated mineral water.

Second day

During the second day of the diet you need to consume:

Low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of a small handful of chopped walnuts; low-fat kefir or natural yogurt.

Day three

During the third day of the diet, you must include in your diet:

Half boiled chicken; pulp of a whole large pineapple; two small handfuls of almonds and raisins.

Day four

During the last day of the diet, your diet should include:

Hard cheese; dry white wine.

In the daily composition consumed products Olga Prokofieva's diets are no restrictions does not exist, but it should be taken into account that in no case do not fry, salt and add various herbs and spices in products included in the diet menu. And of course you should drink enough large amount of liquid.

Olga Prokofieva completely agrees with the opinion of nutritionists and diet developers that there is a very effective and interesting way to get rid of the habit of overeating. It consists in the fact that you need to undress naked and very carefully examine your figure in the mirror reflection

Word "diet" translated from Greek means the phrase “way of life.” Therefore, following the rules and requirements of any diet is not an exhausting marathon or sprint run, but really human lifestyle, which must be treated wisely without harming your body.

While restricting food intake or following any diet always necessary Fine get enough sleep and take a contrast shower or douse yourself with cool water from head to toe. Before taking a shower, rub your body with a hard mitt until it turns red so that dead skin cells can be easily washed off. We should never forget that the human skin is an excretory organ.

Also Olga Prokofiev recommends everyone to arrange for themselves regularly fasting days, eating only fresh or oven-baked apples. These wonderful fruits contain a lot of useful vitamins, minerals and trace elements. They have the wonderful property of fighting the formation of plaques in blood vessels, swelling, and perfectly cleanse the human intestines.

Olga Prokofieva never forgets to include various types of nuts, raisins, dried apricots and prunes in her diet. These healthy foods are always present in her daily diet.

Some are sure that she “made” Zhanna Arkadyevna from the TV series “My Fair Nanny” into an everyday person. In fact, in life, actress Olga Prokofieva is completely different - unlike her heroine, she does not like diets and does not strive to win men... Although she also monitors her figure and even considers losing weight a cure for many diseases.

– Olga, looking at you, it’s hard to believe that this slender woman once had problems with excess weight...
- Were. At University. True, I was still very young, 18 years old. And the reason is poor nutrition. Our classes ran from 9.30 am to 11 pm, with virtually no breaks. First, general education subjects, and then directors, were freed from theater rehearsals and came to us. And a long creative process began. But I wanted to eat... I remember a bakery on Herzen Street (now Bolshaya Nikitskaya). Everyone was just rushing in to get something to eat. I bought a huge briquette of halva and ate it right away - I was very hungry! – and rushed off to continue studying. When I came back after college, my mother was always waiting for me at home with a lovingly fried chicken... Of course, I couldn’t resist, I ate frantically and flopped down to sleep, got up in the morning and ran straight to the train without breakfast, and so on every day.

– Probably, the result of such a “diet” was not long in coming?
“I didn’t even notice how much I gained weight.” One day we were working out in the pool, I stepped on the scales and saw... 62 kg. It was terrible for me! In addition, women rarely distribute their weight evenly: those on the bottom and those on top, their cheeks swell... and their eyes turn into such funny slits.

– Moreover, for actors, unlike people in many other professions, gaining weight is absolutely contraindicated!
“We had a teacher, Mark Anatolyevich Zakharov, who noticed such things very well. He once told my classmate: “You have the role of a heroine, and you still take care of yourself! If you’re gaining weight, at least wear heels!” He could put a lot of pressure on his ego, and it worked. Besides a slim body really part of the profession. You need to be in shape - just as you need to learn the text, know the mise-en-scène.

– What about, for example, Natalya Krachkovskaya?
– She is an exclusive actress, there are only a few of them.


“But this happens: a person eats whatever he wants and doesn’t gain weight.”
- Happens. They often tell me: “You’re lucky, you’re not getting better, you have such a constitution!” To this I answer: “No, my dears! Look at my mother, who, due to excess weight and large physical activity I’ve developed problems with my legs, joint diseases...” So I have to limit myself, and I advise all women who are closer to forty to watch their weight and lose weight. Not even with the goal of pleasing someone, but in order to to make your feet feel better and generally feel good!

– That is, losing weight is, in fact, a panacea for all diseases?
- From many, for sure. This is especially true for women. The main thing for us is to get enough sleep and eat less. It's no secret that every woman has her own weight at which she is comfortable and feels feminine. And if she gets fat, then you have to constantly control yourself - for example, put your hands on your stomach so that you don’t see how it sticks out, or remember to unbutton a button when you’re sitting. Or buy special shapewear... It's all such hard work! One of the satirists said that a woman first spends a lot of money on groceries - to fill the refrigerator, and then - an even larger amount to buy weight loss drugs.


– Does Zhanna Arkadyevna take care of her figure?
- Yes, sure. There are episodes in which she is on a diet, does not allow herself to do something, limits herself in some way, etc. In connection with this, she has many problems... For example, she once said: “Oh, my God ! I quit smoking! I want to eat more!..” In general, she is a woman who takes care of herself and has remarkable willpower.

– How does actress Olga Prokofieva feel about diets?
– A synonym for the word “diet” is restriction, refusal of something very beloved. And since there are not many joys in our lives now - either we have forgotten how to rejoice, or there is really a lot of negative information falling on our heads - we are looking for something that would give us pleasure.

– That’s why we eat beyond measure...
– Indeed, for most women, food is joy. Many foods containing carbohydrates help produce “happy hormones.” So, when you go on a low-carbohydrate diet, you can lose all your optimism along with the extra pounds, become nervous, angry, and irritable. That’s why I don’t like diets; I prefer to simply limit myself in quantity.

– Do you allow yourself to eat at night?
- Yes, I allow it. Because I am an actress, I have a specific job and very dynamic performances in the evening. I checked on the scales: in one performance I lose about one and a half kilograms. In addition, I spend a lot of calories running up and down stairs during the day. Therefore, if I’m really hungry, I can come in the evening and eat something that doesn’t have the most calories.

– What about the various chocolate cakes? Do you like sweets?
- Not now. Previously, during times of general shortage, when cakes had to be “caught” in a bakery, I even learned to make one myself from boiled condensed milk, butter, cookies, and chocolate. Extraordinary deliciousness! But at some point I realized that I had to stop with all this, because excess weight didn't keep me waiting. And then I... forced myself to stop loving all the “unhealthy” foods, primarily pasta and potatoes. And sweets, of course.


– Olga, admit it, do you like to cook?
– It’s not difficult for me, but I don’t enjoy it. Probably no talent. But since I'm a mother, I cook. How often? I don't know, this is a relative concept. Of course, I always cook for the child. I eat on the set myself, and we have a wonderful buffet in the theater.

– Do you and Sasha have different tastes?
– Now they are completely different. I Lately has become absolutely “fishy”, and he is a meat person – probably because he’s a boy. So I fry him chops; he is more indifferent to soups.

– Your son is already 13 years old. But you probably remember how much weight you gained during pregnancy?
– No, not much – about 6–7 kilograms. Perhaps these are the characteristics of my body.

– Was it easy to get back into shape later?
– I didn’t even think about it! During childbirth, doctors gave me an infection and blood poisoning began. Then I was continuously injected for a month and operated on again, so the question was about life, not about my figure.

– And now, when the question of your figure still arises, what is included in your daily diet?
– I really like seafood, I don’t like meat at all. Garnish – vegetable only. I love low-fat cottage cheese and kefir. I love ice cream – I always have white ice cream in my refrigerator.


– Do you do anything special to stay slim?
– You know, I just don’t eat much. On the set, when they bring lunch, I always take fish with buckwheat - it’s much healthier. I will eat fresh salads, cabbage or carrots with cucumbers with pleasure. And all my performances are very emotional and dynamic: I jump, dance - such exercise.

– Do you go in for sports?
- You know how it happens - a shoemaker without boots. So am I. Right next to my house, on Tula, there is a Water Sports Palace. Somehow I honestly went and bought a monthly subscription... I didn’t have a single visit in this subscription. A certain time is indicated there: for example, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday from 10 to 14. But I never get to this time, although, probably, you can come up and negotiate. Or it’s impossible... in general, I don’t get there.

– So you don’t really strive for fitness?
– All my fitness is spontaneous. When on tour we are offered to go to the pool or sauna, I always agree, even if I am very tired. After all, there is no need to rush home, put Sasha to bed... I mean, tear him away from the computer.

– Do you remember the story of Charlize Theron, when she gained 20 kg for the role. Would you agree to this?
– You know, this is such a question... Because the roles are different. Sometimes, for example, they offer a low-budget movie, but you read it and just fall in love with the script and the heroine. If, for example, they call me to voice cartoons, I will agree to do it for free, because I adore it. If I read a script in which the heroine gains 20 kg, but the twists and turns of her fate are incredibly interesting to me - that’s it, consciousness simply doesn’t turn on anymore, you fall in love with the role, and...


I like to make herring under a fur coat. It's quick and simple: you cook vegetables - potatoes, beets, carrots. You can do this the day before. The most labor-intensive part is cleaning it all. Then we quickly throw it into the food processor, no grater needed. We buy herring already peeled, without bones. And the onion must be cut by hand. The main thing is to lay it out in layers. The first layer of potatoes, a little onion on it, then herring, beets and carrots, pour all this with mayonnaise straight from the cut bag, and repeat everything again. Because when there are two layers, it turns out much tastier. By the way, some people don’t add potatoes, but without them the “fur coat” doesn’t turn out the same! I make such a huge dish, and then Sashka always paints it with mayonnaise patterns.


– How do you take care of your face, because makeup ages the skin?
– Yes, it makes your face very tired, that’s true. Therefore, I try to arrange “fasting days” for him, when he doesn’t have to leave the house and, accordingly, doesn’t use cosmetics. I make masks with a lifting effect and use moisturizing cream.

The very word “diet” has always scared me away. I just prefer to eat less.

– Do you prefer any particular brand?
– When it comes to skin care products, I don’t have any preferences. I like to change everything. Only domestic factory-made creams are not very suitable for me, I feel somehow “cramped” in them, the skin still tightens under them.

– Do you like to experiment?
- Yes! To do this, I go to a beauty salon, they sell a lot of all kinds of masks in bags, Japanese, it seems. I take it and put it on. The most important thing is that I always believe that this product will suit me. I advise all women to do a little magic on their face, putting on a mask: “My God, how good, tomorrow it will be so beautiful!”

– What do you like to wear?
– I prefer feminine style, clothes with a twist - brooches, scarves, sometimes bows. Although in some cases I may give preference to something else. For example, I like jeans with holes... But still, at my age, you can’t have fifteen of them - you’ll allow yourself one funny hole. So that there is no overkill.

– Does it matter to you whether it’s a designer item or bought it at the nearest mall because you liked it?
– Of course, I don’t buy clothes while crossing. But there is also no such thing that I will go crazy and buy “this” only from Laurent or someone else. Thank God, there is no dependence on labels. I buy what I like.

It’s always useful for a woman to do a little magic, bewitch – this is internal help for herself!

– Do you consult with Zhanna Arkadyevna?
– Yes, because from the very beginning my heroine declared herself such a fashionista, she wanted to appear in a new outfit every time, constantly change clothes.

– Judging by the series, she is a very temperamental person. It seems that she knows absolutely everything about the representatives of the stronger sex. You probably also know how to win a man competently?
– To be honest, I’m not a conqueror... They say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Indeed, it has long been noticed that a man’s character becomes better when he eats. It’s not for nothing that this scheme was invented... I’m probably not a very wise person in this regard. Perhaps this is my big mistake, but I have never had to win a man this way...

Interviewed by Tatiana KHAZANOVA