Fish trap from a bottle 5. An easy way to catch fish with a plastic bottle

The method of catching fish with a plastic bottle will not require much effort and time from you to make simple fishing tackle.
With such a trap, you can fish in almost all regions and in all continents where there is a river with fish.
All you need is a plastic bottle, hot glue gun, soldering iron, knife, fishing line or rope.
We take a five liter plastic bottle.

cut off upper part.

Turn the top over and insert the other side into the same base.

Fix with hot glue. You can take a stationery stapler and fasten the parts with it, but I was afraid that the staples might scare away the fish.

Next, on all sides with a heated soldering iron, we make holes 1-0.5 cm in diameter. 6-8 pieces on each side.

We need another bottle, from which you need to cut off the neck with a lid.

We lean this neck to the bottom of our trap, circle it with a marker.

Cut out a hole.

Insert the neck with a lid.

Fix with hot glue.

Through this neck with a lid, we will take the catch and throw in lure.

We tie a fishing line, well, if not, a rope. Of course, a fishing line is better, since it is not visible.

That's all. Let's start testing. First of all, we throw the bait inside. It can be crushed bread, or some other bait that is tasty for fish.

Throw the trap carefully. Waiting for it to submerge under water. And we wait 15 minutes, it all depends on your area.

We take out the trap and wait until all the water has drained through the side holes. Then we unscrew the side cover and pour the catch with the rest of the water.

Of course, such a trap cannot catch a big fish, but still it can be useful to you for various needs. Although, if you take a larger bottle of the type from a 50-liter cooler, it can turn out to be a trap for big fish.

Fish trap from a small bottle for fry

Another trap. We take two bottles (I took them with a volume of 0.6 liters). And we repeat with them everything the same as in the first case with a large bottle. With the exception of the side hole for the lid, and we will cut off the first bottle not from the top, but from the bottom.

A homemade fish trap, the article briefly talks about how to make a fishing “muzzle” out of pasture material. You will definitely catch it in your ear.

There is such a category of people who are ready to live in the natural environment while having a minimum of means for survival. There is some kind of extreme in this. And until you try this lifestyle yourself (or games, whichever is more convenient for you), you won’t understand all the charm of this lifestyle until then. For example, in our team there are a variety of people: from very young people (18-19 years old) to adults under 60 years old, who occupy almost all social niches in “city” life (students, managers, directors, etc.). But we were united by the fact that several times a year we get together, plan a common route for several days, and hit the road. The main rule that everyone in our group follows is that we get food ourselves. We take almost nothing with us, only the most necessary, as situations are different. So, the ability to get food in a forest or on a pond is the key to survival in a difficult situation. Many people who are ordinary life did not believe in themselves, after such campaigns they acquire some confidence in their abilities, which as a result affects their later life.

There are many ways to get food in nature. I will try to tell a simple method of extraction (capture), provided that you only have a great desire to stay with food, a desire to live, and trees growing nearby (ideally, spruce, pine, etc.). If there are trees nearby, you can build several devices with which you can actually catch fish. I'll tell you only about one thing - about the face. The snout is a fishing trap that is loosely a cylindrical lattice structure with the neck pointing inward. The neck gradually narrows towards the base, not reaching the last by 20-30 centimeters. The fish swims into the neck, gradually moves towards the bottom of the structure, passes through the narrow part, and is no longer able to get back. A person can only pull his muzzle out of the water and collect the catch. Under normal circumstances, the bottom of the muzzle opens up to make it easier to reach the fish, but we will make the muzzle a more primitive type.

Making a homemade fish trap

So, the first step is to cut down a few young branches that bend well and twist them into a circle. The ends can be tied with thinner branches and pinched into a split. Then, from thinner branches, freeing them from needles or leaves, you need to connect the finished circles to each other so that the distance between them is about 30-40 cm. To give density to the structure, you can use several thick branches, which are fixed with thin ones along the round branches . The result should be a kind of mesh cylinder, the bottom of which is also covered with thin branches.

Now let's make the neck. To do this, you need to stick several dense sticks into the ground so that they form a kind of circle with a diameter of about 10 cm near the ground, and their top forms a circle comparable to the diameter of our cylinder. After that, you need to tie sticks with thin branches to get a mesh structure. Special care is not required here, the main thing is that the design has some strength. When the neck is ready, it is tied with thin branches to the upper part of the cylinder, not forgetting to secure and lower part neck beyond the middle circles of the cylinder. Everything, a homemade fish trap for fishing is ready. Ideally, the muzzle is tied with a rope and thrown into the water. But, you can do without a rope, just in this case you will have to climb into the water behind the muzzle to get it. Sometimes, in order to get the structure out of the water, we also use a pole, it all depends on the situation. Practice shows that such a home-made fish trap catches quite well, it is enough for it to stay in the water for about 3-10 hours. For those who are fond of the topic of survival, this skill will be interesting and useful, the trap making schemes are just below.

All the best to you.

The best survival experts can make the most of all the resources at their disposal. These include a variety of human waste, which you can most likely find in almost any part of the planet.

This morning, exploring the riverbed, I came across a pile of garbage in the coastal thickets. Among other garbage, there were quite useful things that immediately attracted my attention and will be discussed in detail in this article. We will talk about plastic bottles and how to use them.


Unfortunately, life in the modern world is literally shrouded in a layer of plastic. There are no places on Earth that are guaranteed to be free from such garbage. Parts of the ocean have been found to contain thousands of plastic debris per square mile, and I suspect the same is true on land.

Our rivers and lakes, roadsides, even dense forests and deserts are filled with an absurd amount of polymer waste, which indicates the urgent need for global measures to protect the environment on a planetary scale - this is the only way humanity can survive.

But for the seasoned prepper, plastic trash has a wide range of uses and could very well be a life-saver. As you can see in the picture, I found a couple of empty 2-litre bottles that got tangled in the alder bushes as they went downstream. In a real survival situation, such a find is worth its weight in gold!

But what to do with them?


Surely you already know that water is one of the most important resources during survival. You can live without food for more than two weeks, and without water for several days. Even a daily lack of water in the body can lead to very serious consequences. Considering the above, using plastic bottles as a container for storing water may be the most reasonable solution.

In addition (especially in southern latitudes), plastic bottles can be used to purify water from pathogens (pathogens) using sunlight (Solar Water Disinfection, abbr. SODIS - in English terminology). This can be very useful in the event that it is not possible to boil water over a fire.

To make water drinkable, you only need two readily available materials - a clear plastic PET bottle (green and brown bottles will be ineffective) and sunlight. Try to find a bottle with as few scratches as possible. this can make it difficult for the sun's rays to penetrate, and disease-causing organisms can find shelter there. Rinse the bottle thoroughly and remove any dirt or chemical residue. Fill the bottle with water and leave it in the sun. The procedure can last from six hours to two days. During this time, ultraviolet radiation and rising water temperature will kill almost all bacteria. If the water temperature exceeds 50 degrees Celsius, disinfection will take place three times faster.

However, I plan to linger in this place for a while. There is a large amount of fresh water from the stream and, in addition, such swampy areas with beaver lodges are excellent sources of varied food for survival.

Since a fire, shelter, and water were provided, I could focus my efforts on foraging for food from the abundance of native plants and animals, and plastic bottles can be a great help in achieving this goal.


The superiority of traps over active hunting or fishing is that, once set, a trap will work twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week; even when you sleep. This saving of time and effort is a clear advantage in a situation extreme survival. Properly placed traps can save you from hunger in case of unsuccessful hunting or fishing, and even become a constant source of food for a long time.

The process of making a good trap takes some time and requires quite a lot of effort. For example, to make one of the most common traps for catching fish using only natural materials, you need to find and collect suitable rods, weave a rope and have the appropriate skills to implement an intelligent trap from all this material.

Thanks to the plastic bottles, most of the trap making has already been done for you!


Although I used both bottles to make the trap, you can make a working trap using just one of them. Several bottles allow you to conveniently remove caught fish. Soon you will understand...

First, separate the top of the bottle where it meets the cone and remove the cap. I used Leatherman Wave multitool scissors, but any suitable tool at hand will do: yours, a sharp stone, glass shards, etc. Separate the bottom (bottom) of the other bottle in the same way.

Then, neck down, place the smaller section in the larger section of another capped bottle. With an awl, along the outer edge, make holes at intervals of 2-3 cm, as shown in the figure. Instead of an awl, you can use a hard, sharp stick or a piece of heated metal to melt the plastic.

Now you need a way to securely join two pieces of plastic bottles together. For this, I decided to use 550 paracord, which is always present in my emergency kit. Instead, you can use natural fibers, fishing line, shoelaces, or part of your clothing.

Paracord, parachute sling, cord (eng. paracord or 550 cord) - light nylon braided (eng. kernmantle rope) rope, which was originally used as American parachute lines during World War II. However, in the field, the paratroopers found many useful uses for such a rope. Currently, paracord is used as a universal fixture by both military personnel and civilians. This versatile cord was even used by astronauts on the second Space Shuttle mission to repair the Hubble Space Telescope.

Kernmantle rope- a modern rope with a load-bearing core of bundles of continuous nylon fibers surrounded by a braided protective layer.

550 paracord consists of 7 strong strands in a protective sheath. It is such a versatile tool that I strongly recommend that you always carry at least a 15m skein with you. To easily remove one strand, simply tie it to a tree branch and pull it towards you, as shown in the picture.

Pass the string through the holes made in the plastic bottles so that both parts of the bottle fit snugly together. Leave the end of the paracord long enough to tie the trap to a bush or rock along the shoreline.

With a little effort, you will have a compact plastic device for effective catching small fish (up to 7-8 cm in length). Try to place the device in narrow sections of the river flow - in the natural path of the fish. If the entrance to the trap is correctly enclosed with natural materials (stones, branches, sand, algae), then the fish will get inside faster and more willingly.

In the picture (see below) you can see a couple of sad fish caught in just a few hours of waiting. If you slightly increase the number of traps (up to 3-5 pieces or more) and leave them for the whole day, then you can count on an additional source of energy (rich in proteins and amino acids) to maintain strength and morale for a long period of time.

To remove the fish from the trap, it is enough to unscrew the cover of the main section so that the prey easily falls out. Replace the lid and the trap is ready to go again! That's what two bottles are for!

Caught fish can be used to hunt larger fish or as bait for scavengers such as raccoons. And of course, even small fish will be excellent food for survival. In any case, I am of the opinion that one fish in the hand is better than two in the river.


  • Check traps at least once a day
  • If the trap is no longer needed, be sure to remove it from the river so as not to pollute the environment and harm its inhabitants.
  • If you're just practicing survival skills, then always set the fish free.

Anyone can make a trap out of plastic bottles. And who knows, maybe one day it will save your life...

P.S. In two men, for 13 days they ate almost the same fry, which they caught, among other things, with the help of similar babies from plastic bottles.

In every house you can find a plastic bottle. For some, this is nothing more than garbage, but for others, a useful item. Everyone can find a special use for it. For children, various fakes are made from them: bird feeders, and flower stands. A lot of useful little things can be made from a plastic bottle, it just takes a little time, patience and creativity.

Even anglers have found a use for it. Some designs that have been tested in practice are willingly shared in this article.

Plastic bottle for fishing

For catching fish, a huge number of special devices are required, which, by the way, are quite expensive. Therefore, a 1.5 - 2 liter bottle will help to significantly save.

Bottle - anchor

If you plan to fish on a boat, then you will definitely need an anchor, and sometimes two, to fix the boat motionless. In such cases, one anchor is installed on the bow of the boat and, accordingly, the second is installed on the opposite one. If there is a snag with the anchors, then a plastic bottle will come to the rescue. From it in a few minutes you can make a fake that will perform the function of an anchor.

To do this: we make two holes in the lid, thread a thick rope or thick wire, make a loop, fasten it with a knot from the outside. We fill the bottle with sand, small pebbles, you can add water. Screw the cap onto the bottle. We tie a rope of the desired length to the loop. ready.

Tackle - trap

The next invention is a fish trap. Fishermen have been using this kind of tackle since ancient times. You can lure small fish into such a device, which will come in handy when catching larger individuals “on live bait”. It is easy to make: cut off the neck for about 1 of the entire length of the bottle, get a funnel, turn it over and install it in the body so that the neck coincides with the middle of the bottom of the bottle. We tightly connect the resulting parts. To do this, you can use a soldering iron, or if you are already in nature, carefully walk along the edge with a hot coal.

Along the entire length of the bottle, you need to pierce small holes for a stack of water. We make 2 holes along the edges for fixing the handle, it can be made from any rope at hand. We pass it through the holes and fix it with knots. Inside we place some sand for cargo and bait. Having spotted a treat, the fry will penetrate inside through the neck.

Plastic bottle feeder for fishing

Not an intricate exhibit for fishing, but very necessary - this is a feeder. There are several ways to make it from a plastic bottle.

First: "Lid - feeder." You will need a cover, a lead washer - for a sinker, a carabiner, several hooks and a fishing line. We make a hole in the center of the lid and thread the fishing line, tightening the loop on both sides, put a sinker on the outer one, and hooks on the inner one. We fix the weight on the bottom of the lid. This device will serve as a weighting agent and a feeder at the same time. We lay out the bait on the inside, under which the hooks are hidden. We throw and wait for a bite. Such a feeder will be useful when catching bream, carp, roach. For bait, corn, dough, pasta or maggots are perfect.

The second manufacturing method is as follows: cut off the bottom and neck from the bottle. We cut the resulting cylinder across, mark the location of the feeders with a marker. Cut out the holes according to the marks. We fold the cylinder, fix the edges, for this you can use a soldering iron. According to the dimensions of the resulting structure, we bend the lead plate at the bend, tighten the fastener. The feeder is ready.

An excellent and non-standard version of the top, muzzle, netting (as soon as they are not called) is a do-it-yourself fish trap.

It seems to be the simplest, but with some changes from those made from plastic bottles.

You will always catch live bait with such a home-made fishing device.

Self-made trap-muzzle from PVC bottles for catching fish (live bait)

You will need a couple of plastic bottles with a volume of 5 liters. In these, water is also sold in the store.

At the first bottle, cut off 1/4 of the distance from the neck. It turns out 2 parts. At the short part, we cut off the neck completely (so the live bait will pass larger).

At the second bottle, we cut off the bottom completely, leave the neck with the lid - we get a through plastic tunnel with a lid.

Now let's connect the long part of the first one to the tunnel. We make a circle where the bottles are connected by holes with a soldering iron. And then we tie-stitch with fishing line.

We turn the short part of the first bottle down with a bottleneck and insert it into our resulting design.

With a soldering iron, we make holes in the connection of the funnel and the tunnel next to each other and tighten with fishing line.

We repeat (making holes and pulling the fishing line together) from all four sides.

We make many holes throughout the form so that the water passes and tie a good handle to the beginning of the funnel.

Here you have a homemade fish trap with your own hands from improvised means.

Video below to make it clearer.

Homemade fish trap from PVC bottles - Video