Is it possible to lose weight by 30 kg. How did she do it

“Four years ago I weighed eighty-two kilograms, this is with my height of 158 centimeters. The reason for this, in general, was one - I "jammed" my dissatisfaction with life. At first, I spent ten years in an unhappy marriage, where there was almost no sex at all, and the further it went on, the clearer it became that this marriage should be ended.

It turned out to be not so easy, the divorce cost me tremendous strength, nerves and ... kilograms. When I received the coveted confirmation that I was a free man, I had already lost ten kilograms. I was so happy finding a new number on the scale and buying new clothes that almost immediately I began to celebrate my return to normal life with delicious food.

I love wine, I love sweets, chocolate, fried potatoes and French buttered rolls. I love pancakes with boiled condensed milk and tubes with cream. I really, really like to eat delicious food, drink deliciously and in general do not deny myself anything. In general, without denying myself anything, a year after the divorce, I reached eighty kilograms. I was sobered up by an attack of high blood sugar and a diagnosis of prediabetes.


The endocrinologist very harshly told me that a woman of my age (I was thirty-eight then) commits a crime with a child in her arms, crippling her health with immoderate gluttony. And that if I do not stop, I will get diabetes, and I may even die. Somehow it had a profound effect on me.

How to lose weight by 30 kg at home

I completely cut out added sugar, fruit, white flour, rice, potatoes, and alcohol. I walked a lot, seriously monitored the size of portions of food, ate exclusively by the hour, no snacks. I was allowed some rye flour, buckwheat or oatmeal (three tablespoons a day) and, in limited quantities, beans (beans, lentils, etc.). I eat a lot of vegetables and some meat or fish every day. You can eat two eggs a day and some cheese. Yoghurts only without sugar, limited amount of milk.

I will not lie and say that the change in lifestyle was easy for me. No. It was very hard for me, of course. For the first month, I could hardly drag my legs, my head ached, constant weakness. The only reason I didn’t quit everything and return to my old habits was the fear of losing my health. But then, as it jumped: I suddenly noticed that I began to sleep better, it was easier to get up, I had a lot of energy! I get up at 4-5 in the morning and feel great, I keep a cheerful mood throughout the day, and in the evening I fall asleep easily and quickly.

But there is no sport or fitness in my life and never will be. Of all the sports, I am only interested in team games such as volleyball or handball, but my work schedule and lifestyle do not allow me to play regularly. The rest is boring to me. So all changes in the figure are exclusively and only a diet.

Now I weigh 51-52 kilograms and intend to maintain this weight until the end of my days. Yes, I will never try chocolate again, eat an orange (three slices a day is possible), drink a cocktail in a bar. It is extremely rare that I can afford a glass of dry white wine. I cook for myself, in restaurants I order only the simplest dishes, without sauces and anything suspicious. I do not buy ready-made food, but I eat a lot of vegetables and herbs. Now I live and work in China, it's generally easy, the vegetables here are excellent and very affordable. In Russia, this would be much more difficult.

By the way, I also do not eat added salt, that is, I never salt anything. But I can eat a couple of olives or a piece of smoked fish. Sounds creepy to most, I know. In general, even despite the restrictions, the rejection of sugar (I don’t even use sweeteners) and limiting carbohydrates is worth it. Lightness appears, the condition of the skin improves, and in general, you feel like a young woman. I am 43 years old, but I feel much better than at 38, and I look much younger. The only thing I regret is that I brought the body to a serious diagnosis, if I had known about the consequences of gluttony earlier, I could have stopped long before the critical point, and now I would look even better.

1 month ago

Why is it important to quit soda? How to love breakfast and why is it necessary? Editor-in-Chief BeautyHack Karina Andreeva (@kandreevaa) shares her personal experience of losing 30 kg and tells what rules help her maintain weight after 8 years.

Karina Andreeva Editor-in-Chief BeautyHack

A little backstory. I grew up as a rather thin, frail child, was insanely restless, moved a lot and ate little. All this lasted up to ten years, but when the hormonal background began to rebuild, the situation changed dramatically. The genes have taken their toll (on my mother's side, I have a predisposition to be overweight). At the age of 14, I did not notice how I began to weigh 85 kg. It did not look somehow too disfigured - everything "went" into the chest, buttocks and the biggest problem - in the legs. Of course, I didn’t look my age - at 14 they gave me all 25, and once at the checkout in the store they even asked: “Do you have such breasts after childbirth?” This was perhaps the last straw, but I was able to change the situation later. I blame a lot of it on poor nutrition.

Me before weight loss (14 years old)

Despite the fact that there was always homemade, tasty and healthy food at home (my mother is an excellent cook), I preferred fast food, buns bought in the canteen, chocolates to her dishes (I could go to school, eat Alpen Gold tiles, and on the way back buy repeat the same). At the same time, my mother, due to her mild nature, never forbade me anything. Yes, she could scold me for not eating homemade food, but at the same time, sweets were not hidden in our house, and the fast food I brought home was not taken away at the entrance. Chocolate, hamburgers, cookies, french fries, generously washed down with soda - is it necessary to talk about the "benefit" of such a diet?

Yes, there are people on the planet who eat like this all their lives and do not get fat, and I have met such people personally, but still I hear from them more often, if not about problems with being overweight, then about problems with the skin or stomach. Proper nutrition is what you come to sooner or later. Through trial, error, diets, detoxes - but you still come. No other way. So it was with me.

One March evening, I was returning home - sitting with friends at McDonald's. I remember how I entered the room, and my stomach twisted - it was insanely painful and unpleasant. As a result, it turned out to be intestinal flu (then there was an epidemic, and I, apparently, caught it with a weakened stomach). But this has its own “pluses”: for the first time in a week, I was able to lose 5 kg and not gain them back. After the illness, the doctor prescribed me a diet in order to restore the stomach. Of course, I was very pleased and inspired. True, I planned to keep the diet “for show” for about a week, and then return to my favorite harmful products. But got hooked. The diet was not too strict - it was rather the basics proper nutrition which I didn't even think about. Indeed, according to many, to go on a diet means to start eating tasteless, insipid and monotonous. And this is far from the case, and I personally made sure from my own experience. Below I tell you what rules helped me lose 30 kg in six months and completely change the principles of nutrition.

Me after losing weight (16 years old)

1) I gave up soda

This, perhaps, is the only thing that I “tied up” with once and for all, without long goodbyes and regrets. Cold water with lemon turned out to be much tastier and quenched thirst best of all. Yes, I loved Coca-Cola, lemonade, Sprite and other "chemistry", but for some reason it was the easiest to exclude it from the diet. A week later, having confused glasses with water and sprite, I felt how cloyingly sweet this drink was and how much sugar was really added there. Carbonated mineral water, by the way, I never fell in love with.

2) I taught myself to start the day with a glass of lemon water.

This habit has been with me for more than eight years. Every morning after waking up I go to the kitchen and drink a large glass of water into which I squeeze the juice of a lemon. It helps to wake up better coffee and starts the body! By the way, I tried to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

Me after losing weight (17 years old)

3) I started eating breakfast

Firstly, I will say that the very action of “eating breakfast” is already correct. Do not skip this meal and make it as satisfying as possible - these simple but important rules become the key to successful weight loss. I fell in love with cereals - I cooked them in 1.5% milk. I didn’t limit the portion size - a large plate left me full until lunch without any desire to “grab pieces” and make harmful snacks.

4) I started eating on a "schedule"

Each person should have an approximate diet, and people with low blood pressure need to eat every two hours so that they do not feel dizzy. I remember when I was in school. My breakfast was at 7:30-8 in the morning before studying, at 10 I had an apple snack, at 12 I had natural yogurt or 100 g of cottage cheese (I could add a spoonful of honey), and at 2-3 in the afternoon I already had lunch - I could eat cream -mushroom soup and the second course - chicken fillet / turkey / steamed fish and a side dish in the form of buckwheat / rice + a small portion of vegetables (any except potatoes). Soup was always optional - I didn't eat it every day. This was followed by a snack at 5-6 pm - a portion of fruit (cut into small pieces of apple + orange) and 100 g of cottage cheese. For dinner, she could eat either a piece of steamed fish (depending on what was for lunch), or an omelet (cooked from two eggs for 1 tsp of olive oil) with light cheese. To one of the meals, if she felt hungry, she could add 2-3 Fin Crisp/Dr.Korner loaves with low-fat curd cheese. I also gradually abandoned bread, although after 8 years I returned it to my diet - I choose yeast-free whole grains.

Me after losing weight (18 years old)

5) I stopped practicing “hunger days” and learned to enjoy my small victories

I will make a reservation right away - the diet above is described very approximately. But in no case did I starve - this was the most important rule. From March to September I lost 30 kg. The bulk of the kg went in the summer. A month before I got the flu, my mother and I returned from Italy. On the trip, many things were bought for me for the summer and autumn, and with what pleasure I went to alter them in the atelier - by August, many of them were too large. When I came to school, those who did not see me all summer constantly asked: “Do you even eat?”. Eat, and very healthy and useful!

6) I began to move more and fell in love with running

In general, all nutritionists advocate that competent weight loss is sports + proper nutrition.

Not everyone has the desire, strength and ability to spend several hours in the gym every day, and sports should be a pleasure. Believe me, if you start running, while hating it with all your heart, you should not expect much progress - at some point you will get bored, you will first give up sports, then proper nutrition. Find your favorite activity.

In my case, the love of running exists - for me it really is the best cardio. At the same time, I can not stand group training - be it Pilates, cycling and other fashion trends. The opening of last summer - Hiitbox (for which I fell in love with it - you can read it). But at the age of 14, when I started losing weight, I didn’t think about the gym. The easiest thing was to start running in the morning. I live near Serebryany Bor, so from then to this day, 3-4 times a week, my day begins there. I practice interval running 4-5 km for forty minutes. You combine business with pleasure: go in for sports and breathe the fresh air of the forest. I download the press every morning at home myself from video tutorials on YouTube. Link you can find one of the most simple and effective - just 8 minutes a day, which is easy to do in the morning.

Me after weight loss (20 years old)

7) I stopped eating heavy dinner right before bed.

One of my articles is about how and why I stopped eating three hours before bed. You can read it, but, in general, everything is very simple. The maximum protein dinner three hours before bedtime gives you not only the opportunity to lose weight, but also your body to get enough sleep and rest. After all, when you go to bed with a full stomach, it continues to work and digest food. What's more, skipping a heavy dinner right before bed will leave you feeling hungry and wanting to have a delicious breakfast in the morning. I talked about why breakfast is important in paragraph three.

8) I cut down on sweets

The key word is reduced. Didn't give up abruptly. At first, it was hard to say “no” to your favorite chocolate. But I could afford it in the morning - only not a 100 g bar, but first 50. Later - 25 g. One morning I woke up and realized that I wasn’t drawn to “sweet” at all: I had lost the habit. Probably sweet fruits (strawberries, bananas, cherries) have become the best substitute for me. However, you should not overdo it with them either - the measure is important in everything. I don't eat more than three or four fruits a day.


Have I been able to maintain my weight? It worked, but it wasn't easy. I never crossed the 85 kg mark, but of the 30 dropped four years later, I gained about 15 when I first started working and came to Condé Nast. I was then 18 years old. This does not mean that I violated the above rules: I could not, because they have become a way of life. But new elements appeared in it that provoked weight gain. One of them is stress.

No, this does not mean that I began to eat everything on my nerves. It's just that even the right and healthy food, eaten in a state of time pressure, can be completely calmly deposited on the sides. Especially when you eat in a hurry, you don’t chew your food, but think about how much you need to do before the deadline.

Another element is immobility. Even if I ran in the morning, I spent the rest of the day in the office (and there I often stayed up until 12 and until one in the morning). Office work is addictive, and you do not notice how you are gaining weight. The third and last element - I did not get enough sleep. And all nutritionists will confirm that the key to successful weight loss, and even more so maintaining weight after losing weight, is healthy sleep. Two years later, I returned to the previous regime and found "my weight" - and this is not 55 kg, but 60-63. BeautyHack appeared in my life, the working day became normalized, stress was dosed, but most importantly, from my own experience, I deduced not only the rules that help to lose weight, but also the rules that will keep your weight after losing weight. And below in the photo - I am today, at 22, not exhausted by diets and now I know exactly how to properly maintain health and weight.

1) I stopped eating during the work process

Even if I eat in the office and don't go out for lunch, I always move my computer away and eat mindfully. This is very important - not to thoughtlessly “throw” fuel into the body, but to realize that you have eaten, you are full, and now you can return to editing and writing texts. Otherwise, I will get hungry again, and it will happen very soon. And it is also important to chew food thoroughly so that the brain has time to receive a signal of satiety.

2) I try to diversify my diet

You can’t sit on one oatmeal for breakfast for a long time. During the week I eat different cereals for breakfast - oatmeal, buckwheat, and millet. I alternate with scrambled eggs and cottage cheese. As a snack, I can eat a couple of cheesecakes or a casserole - there are very tasty and healthy options in the Garden City store. Since I mostly do not have lunch at home, I try to go to different restaurants or order food to the office in different places. When I have time, I cook at home and take it with me. The most important thing is not to eat the same thing all week. Do not torture yourself with chicken breast and buckwheat 7 days a week. You should not have the feeling that you are eating the same food, that it is boring, that this routine is tired, otherwise you risk breaking loose.

3) I learned to listen to myself (and my stomach! :))

No "I don't drink coffee", no "eat pasta" and "my maximum is 1200 calories a day". If there is a desire, I will eat two servings of rolls for dinner - you need to pamper yourself. But then in the evening I will walk a little more than usual or go for an evening jog. By the way, as soon as I lifted the bans, the desire to eat “more than normal” disappeared.

4) I started walking more

When I travel, I never gain weight, and 99% of the time I return home thinner. The answer to the question - I go a lot. It would seem that the time zone is changing, partly the diet, but if I move a lot (on average it is 20-25 km per day), I still start to lose weight. At the same time, I usually eat more than usual. In Moscow, she also made it a rule to walk at least 14-15 km per day (along with running) (this is carefully monitored by the Health program on the iPhone).

Did you have an office day? Great, so I'm waiting for a walk in the evening, 2-3 metro stations long. Meeting in the center in 40 minutes, and you have free time? I’ll say “no” to taxis and the metro (I’ll wait longer and go down to the subway) - I’d rather take a walk.

5) I started feeling less stress

We all know firsthand what a “deadline” is, and there is no getting away from it. Our world is not the first year of "digital", and it dictates the fast pace of life.

When you cannot change the situation, you need to change your attitude towards it. Yes, I still always try to do everything, but if suddenly something doesn’t go according to plan, I solve problems as they come, and I don’t get nervous and don’t panic before something happens.

Your emotional state has a lot to do with your appearance, in particular, by weight.

6) I found the right motivation

The mistake of many who go on a diet is the wrong motivation. You are losing weight for yourself. Dot. Not to salvage a failing relationship, not to fit into that same dress, and not to look better than your girlfriend at prom. And the reflection in the mirror, first of all, should please you.

Me after weight loss (22 years old)

7) I found "my" weight and learned to accept it

Let's talk about the psychological side of the issue. Fortunately, my struggle with excess weight did not end in anorexia, as often happens. But I confess honestly - the makings of that were. At the age of 14, after I lost 30 kg, I became obsessed with nutrition, I began to count calories even in apples, tomatoes and cucumbers. I was very afraid of gaining weight. There was a fear of food. At some point, “minus 30 kg” turned into “minus 36”, I began to weigh 49 kg, and with the new weight came the absence of menstruation for a year and a half.

I was not taken to psychologists. These were daily conversations with a worried mother, my very thin, painful face, and after that - a personal realization that it is impossible to live like this all my life. I myself drove myself into a framework that made me not the happiest person.

I remember how I came to the gynecologist, and she asked me: “Do you want to become a mother someday?” Of course, I said yes. Without any psychological pressure, she explained to me why a long absence of menstruation is dangerous, what “individual weight” is and why it really is different for everyone. After a couple of months, the fear of food disappeared, I carefully approached my 55 kg and returned regular menstruation. Unfortunately or fortunately, healthy functioning of my body is possible only when the weight is above 55 kg.

As I wrote above, later I still faced the problem of gaining weight, and then lost weight again. Yes, I no longer weigh 49 kg and 55 kg, but I am much more comfortable at both 60 and 63. I lost my panic at the sight of “+1-3” kg, because I know how to correct it if necessity; and disappeared, exhausted by diets, haggard face. With the new figure that I came to, finally came the realization of what “individual weight” is. It is not measured in the beautiful and long legs of Charlize Theron and in perfect press Bella Hadid - yes, I will always need them for inspiration. It's great - when there is something to strive for. I always keep in my head motivational photos of stars with beautiful figure when I go to workout. There is no limit to perfection, and even from girls with a very beautiful toned figure, I often hear that they still want to "well, just a little bit to lose weight."

The important thing is that I finally realized.

The main thing is to be healthy, eat right, get enough sleep, regularly (but without fanaticism!) play sports, love your job, spend time with loved ones, travel and just be happy: then the reflection in the mirror will not depend on the number on the scales.

Text: Karina Andreeva

Recently there was information about a famous person who was able to lose 30 kg in a month and a half. The information is extremely interesting, but not entirely believable. Therefore, it will be interesting to find out: is it possible to lose 30 kg in a month or two.
First of all, let's look at the diet of our famous person. 3 weeks - complete fasting on mineral water. 3 - weeks of gradual exit from fasting with the adoption of plant foods. This means that the first 3 weeks the body did not receive any energy and building replenishment from the outside at all and used only its internal resources. In the second 3 weeks, there was food, but it will not be possible to accurately determine its calorie content for lack of data. Also, there is no data on the initial and final weight.

Can I lose 30 kg in a month and a half?

Nutritionists consider the daily calorie content of 2500 Kcal to be the norm. If a person does not get these calories from food, then he begins to use the internal reserves of fat, glycogen and protein for various needs.
So, if you receive less than 2500 Kcal, then the body will spend (2500 / 9.3) about 270 g of fat for energy needs. Another 90 g will fall on protein structures or, in a simple way, muscles. In total, for a day on complete starvation, you can immediately lose 360 ​​g of body weight. It turns out that in 3 weeks it is quite possible to lose 7.5 kg. For the other 3 weeks, weight loss will be a smaller figure due to the fact that food, even plant-based, was present. But, anyway, even if a person did not eat all 6 weeks, then the loss of body weight would be only 15 kg. In our case, we are talking about 30 kilograms dropped.

Fraud or is it still possible?

The simplest solution in this case would be to assume that for 6 weeks our losing weight person led an extremely active lifestyle. After all, if you increase the daily calorie intake to 5000 Kcal, then everything will fall into place. Weight loss will be those same 30 kg.
The problem in this case is that such energy consumption is observed in people engaged in heavy physical labor, which clearly does not correspond to the life of our famous person.
However, strange as it may seem, vegetarians and, apparently, completely starving people also differ in increased motor activity. This is due to the fact that both a vegetarian diet and fasting put the human body in extremely difficult physical and psychological conditions. And it is the movement that helps the body to feed on itself.

How does the body eat during complete starvation?

Increased physical activity is associated with the production of human muscles during contraction of lactic acid, which is removed from the muscles with the bloodstream and enters the liver for processing. The liver processes lactic acid into glycogen (a small part, of course, is consumed during these processes), and returns it in the form of glucose to the blood, which feeds it with this glucose. internal organs and muscles.
Unfortunately, the human brain is in dire need of glucose for nutrition and normal functioning. But it is the brain that is deprived of this necessary glucose due to its lack in the body in sufficient quantities. When there is little glucose, the body nourishes the most important organs and deprives the secondary ones of this nutrition. And mental activity is just secondary when it comes to survival.


  1. So, as strange as it may seem, you can lose 30 kg in 6 weeks.
  2. But such fast weight loss extremely harmful due to the catastrophic starvation of the brain, deprived of glucose by the body.
  3. Complete starvation is generally extremely harmful to the human body due to the appearance of the body by ketone bodies (products of incomplete breakdown of fats).
  4. You need to lose weight by reducing the diet to acceptable values ​​​​of 1000-1500 Kcal per day. Thus, weight loss will take longer, but without a harmful effect on the body and without titanic physical and mental efforts.

Safe for health is the loss of 0.5-1 kilogram of body fat per week. All other indicators (from 3 kilos) do not indicate that fat is burning, but that fluid and muscle mass are decreasing. When a diet designed to lose 3-5 kg ​​per week is pumped in, the body looks not only thin, but also flabby. Then, upon the return of a normal diet, the body gains all that has been expended plus additional reserve reserves and the result is reduced to zero.

When the question is how to lose 30 kg in 3 months, it is better to do it more slowly, but with a sustainable result in the fight against obesity. This will allow you to feel normal in the process of losing weight, will not allow you to spend it along with fat. muscle mass, and bring the body into a taut state. For a relatively fast safe weight loss you can stop at the figure of 2 kilograms per week and spend a little more than 3 months on losing 30 kilos.

How much weight can you lose in 3 months

The number of kilograms lost in three months depends on which method of losing weight you choose. If you stick to mono-diets, which are based on the use of one product, then you can lose several tens of kilograms. However, it is very difficult to follow such a diet. It not only depletes the body due to the lack of the proper level of BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), but can also lead to a complete undermining of health.

Restriction in food and refusal of food after 16, 15, or even 12 o'clock in the afternoon also leads to the loss of large body weight, but this method is also difficult to adhere to for 3 months. For the best option, you need to calculate your minimum daily calorie intake and give yourself good physical activity. Then at an active pace, but without a threat to health, you can lose about 10-15 kg in 3 months.

How to lose weight by 30 kg

You can highlight important factors that will help you lose weight by several tens of kilos in 3 months. Stick to them and the body will return to normal weight without exhausting programs:

  • Develop a diet of 1200-2000 calories per day.
  • Eat small meals often.
  • Drink plenty of water and other fluids.
  • Make breakfast light in the form of cottage cheese and one fruit.
  • Make lunch as nutritious as possible (from cereals, legumes).
  • Spend dinner no later than three hours before bedtime.
  • Increase physical activity.
  • Take enough time to rest.
  • Talk to your doctor about the possible use of dietary supplements.


Only effective diet answer the question of how to lose 30 kg. It should not only reduce the amount of high-calorie foods, but also fully nourish the body. Since 30 kilograms is a big figure, you will have to follow the diet for more than one month, so exhaustion cannot be allowed. For this, a proper diet is based on the use of:

  • porridge from whole grain cereals;
  • black or bran bread;
  • plenty of low-calorie fruits and vegetables;
  • lean meat cooked in any way other than frying with butter;
  • fish, seafood.


Losing 30 kg in three months is a difficult task, so training to reduce weight will take a lot of time, but they help because they improve metabolism. It should be any aerobic exercise, such as running, swimming, dancing, cycling. The initial load should be very small: from 20 minutes per day. Increase it as you get used to, monitoring the pulse and general condition.

3 month weight loss program

Work on yourself for 3 months will include several points. Desire and good motivation take first place. Sample program for those who decide how to lose 30 kg excess weight, looks like that:

  • 1 month. You need to start exercising 3 times a week. Subtract 250 calories from your daily calorie intake. Once a week, arrange a fasting day with complete fasting.
  • 2 month. Increase the number of workouts to 5 per week, and their duration - 2 times. Once again reduce the number of calories to 1500-2000.
  • 3 month. Start interspersing your regular training regimen with interval exercises, doing the latter twice a week. They are the most intense and therefore fat burning. Duration from 1 to 1.5 hours. Switch to a daily intake of 1200 kcal.