Mr Olympia. Mister Olympia results and history

There are a few days left before the start of one of the most grandiose and popular bodybuilding tournaments - Mr. Olympia 2016. From September 15 to September 18 inclusive, we will witness the next battle of the titans, which will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Schedule of the tournament Mr. Olympia 2016

September 15th. Thursday

A press conference will be held in the hall of the Orleans Hotel, entrance is only for owners of VIP tickets and invitations. Start at 12:00.

At 19:00 there will be a meeting with the participants of Mr. Olympia. Entrance only for holders of tickets and invitations of the Platinum and VIP category.

20:00 Meeting of athletes and fans from all over the world will begin in the conference hall of the Orleans Hotel. Entry is free and absolutely free.

16 of September. Friday

The day will start at 9:00 am when the Olympia Expo 2016 opens its doors to be held at the Las Vegas Convention Center - South Hall. Entrance only for VIP and Platinum cards.

From 10:00 to 17:00 everyone will be able to enter the Olympia Expo. Tickets at the door will cost $30 USD per Expo Ticket. Free shuttle buses will run between the Convention Center and the Orleans Hotel throughout the day.

Starting from 10.00 o'clock at different venues of the Expo Show, there will be performances by athletes of various sports. Karate, jujitsu, boxing, kickboxing, kung fu, sambo, taekwondo, crossfit competitions, and the strongmen championship. (free entry for Expo Ticket holders)

At 10.30 am, the preliminary judging of the IFBB Pro women's categories Fitness, Bikini, Figure and Women's Physique will begin.

At 13.30 local time, a very interesting event will take place, organized by the famous magazine FLEX. You will be able to see live how the FLEX Magazine's Bikini Model Search contest is held. This competition is being selected and the winner will receive $2,000 in cash, (2) VIP Tickets to the 2017 Olympia Weekend and the opportunity to be one of the speakers at the 2016 Mr. Olympia Finals.

In parallel, the FLEX Magazine's Men's Model Search competition will be held at the same time with a similar prize for the winner.

Ninja Warrior Gauntlet by Camp Rhino starts at 14:00 at the Las Vegas Convention Center - South Hall (free entry for Expo Ticket holders). Spectators will be able to watch the sports and entertainment show live, during which participants overcome obstacles that become more difficult from stage to stage. For reference, here is a list of obstacles that are planned during the 2016 show:

  • Salmon Ladder
  • Ninja Warrior Jumping Bars
  • Warped Wall
  • Swinging Ninja Balls
  • Cliff Hanger
  • Peg Board
  • Ring Traverse
  • Rope climbs
  • Cargo Net

By the way, only a few participants have managed to win the main prize so far.

From 15:00 to 15:30 there will be a short break, during which VIP ticket holders will be able to take pictures with their idols.

Jay Cutler & Courtney King Seminar will be held from 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm at the Las Vegas Convention Center - South Hall - Expo Stage (free entry for Expo Ticket holders)

Toward the end of the second day from 16:00 to 17:00 there will be a WAL Arm Wrestling Demonstration at the Las Vegas Convention Center - South Hall - Expo Stage (free entry for Expo Ticket holders)

And at the end of the day, at 19:00, the final of the tournament in the FITNESS and BIKINI categories will take place at the Orleans Arena.

September 17th. Saturday

The day promises to be no less eventful than Friday

Olympia Weekend 2016 starts at 9 am when Olympia Expo Las Vegas Convention Center - South Hall opens its doors to VIP clients. (Free shuttles will run between the Convention Center and the Orleans Hotel throughout the day.)

At 24:00 the Olympic afterparty starts - Official Olympia After Party

September 18th. Sunday

The day after Mr. Olympia 2016 will be dedicated to a grand seminar, which will be attended by all participants of the tournament. Guests will be able to ask their questions to athletes on various topics. Among other things, bodybuilders will give a number of invaluable advice and guidance for young athletes who are just starting their journey to Olympus.

List of participants in the tournament Mr. Olympia 2016

Bonac, William Netherlands
Charles, Maxx USA
Compton, Justin USA
Curry, Brandon USA
DeAsha, Nathan United Kingdom
Elssbiay, Mamdouh Egypt
Greene, Kai USA
Heath, Phil USA
Jackson, Dexter USA
Kuclo, Steve USA
Lenartowicz, Josh Australia
Levrone, Kevin USA
Lockett, Michael USA
Martinez, Victor Dominican Republic
McCarver, Dallas USA
McMillan, Cedric USA
Osladil, Lucas Czech Republic
Pakulski, Ben Canada
Rhoden, Shawn USA
Rockel, Ronnie Germany
Smalls, Fred USA
Williams, Akim USA
Winklaar, Roelly Curacao
Wolf, Dennis Germany

All-time Mister Olympia winners

2015 Phil Heath Las Vegas, NV
2014 Phil Heath Las Vegas, NV
2013 Phil Heath Las Vegas, NV
2012 Phil Heath Las Vegas, NV
2011 Phil Heath Las Vegas, NV
2010 Jay Cutler Las Vegas, NV
2009 Jay Cutler Las Vegas, NV
2008 Dexter Jackson Las Vegas, NV
2007 Jay Cutler Las Vegas, NV
2006 Jay Cutler Las Vegas, NV
2005 Ronnie Coleman Las Vegas, NV
2004 Ronnie Coleman Las Vegas, NV
2003 Ronnie Coleman Las Vegas, NV
2002 Ronnie Coleman Las Vegas, NV
2001 Ronnie Coleman Las Vegas, NV
2000 Ronnie Coleman Las Vegas, NV
1999 Ronnie Coleman Las Vegas, NV
1998 Ronnie Coleman New York, NY
1997 Dorian Yates Los Angeles, CA
1996 Dorian Yates Chicago, IL
1995 Dorian Yates Atlanta, GA
1994 Dorian Yates Atlanta, GA
1993 Dorian Yates Atlanta, GA
1992 Dorian Yates Helsinki, Finland
1991 Lee Haney Orlando, FL
1990 Lee Haney Chicago, IL
1989 Lee Haney Rimini, Italy
1988 Lee Haney Los Angeles, CA
1987 Lee Haney Gothenburg, Sweden
1986 Lee Haney Columbus, Oh
1985 Lee Haney Brussels, Belgium
1984 Lee Haney New York, NY
1983 Samir Bannout Munich, Germany
1982 Chris Dickerson London, England
1981 Franco Columbus Columbus, Oh
1980 Arnold Schwarzenegger Sydney, Australia
1979 Frank Zane Columbus, Oh
1978 Frank Zane Columbus, Oh
1977 Frank Zane Columbus, Oh

Bodybuilding is considered a symbol of masculinity, exquisite beauty and relief of the body. For some, this is a sport, and for some, a way of life, one way or another, in recent years, bodybuilding has gained particular popularity among ambitious people. Today, men from all countries and the planet can show, and only the most successful participant will be able to take the laurels of the winner.

Coming soon to Las Vegas international competition bodybuilding 2016, date– 18 September. This competition is held under the leadership of the International Bodybuilding Federation. September 21 - announcement of the results. The title of the winner from 2011 to 2013 was won by Phil Heath (USA).

To take part in the competition, bodybuilders must be qualified. This is a kind of proof that they deserve to be on the same stage next to world-famous athletes. Moreover, for most athletes, getting on the list of participants is the fulfillment of a cherished desire.

Participants Mr. Olympia 2016 are presented in tables by category:

Participants of the legendary and beloved contest

In the fifty-one years of the existence of the competition, 13 athletes have won the championship. Only two people have become consecutive 8-time winners - Ronnie Coleman and Lee Haney.

Among the favorites of Olympia 2016, Phil Heath is noted. Despite his young age, the athlete elegantly shows his work in the gym. It is he, according to experts' forecasts, who should be the six-time winner of the title.

Domestic analysts predict a successful performance by Dennis Wolf. A native of the post-Soviet space, he has every chance to compete with world bodybuilding stars. Moreover, in 2014 Dennis won 4th place, while many were sure that 3rd place was in his pocket. Therefore, this year it is in his power to correct the situation.

Sean Rhoden - the discovery of 2014, took an honorable third place, and the athlete does not intend to stop there.

Dexter Jackson is one of the most experienced contestants. He has been taking part since 1999, and during this period of time in his arsenal of victories: three bronze places and the title of Mr. Olympia 2008. It is worth noting that many note that the results of the athlete are declining, perhaps this is due to strong rivals. But, this year the bodybuilder is set for the maximum result.

Kevin Levroni - returns to the world of bodybuilding. Many were sure that this was another PR move, but the athlete would take part in Olympia. The 51-year-old athlete has been second in the competition four times, and perhaps this year he will be able to win first place due to experience.

Kai Green is an athlete with renewed vigor takes part in Mr. Olympia. It is known that last year Kai was forced to withdraw from the competition due to circumstances that he is not ready to discuss. Therefore, this year, the maximum return can be expected from a bodybuilder.

Mr. Olympia 2017 - the largest and most significant tournament in the world of bodybuilding. The competition is held under the auspices IFBB, also known as the International Federation of Bodybuilding.

Participation in this tournament helped many bodybuilders build a successful career, among which there are such legendary names as: Ronnie Columnen, Frank Zane, Jay Cutler, Kai Green, Phil Heath and many other equally significant personalities.

This year was especially hot, as very strong contenders for the throne of the King of Olympus participated in such an eminent competition. Everyone wanted to oust six-time champion Phil Heath. But the really tough fight was at the end of the competition between Phil and Big Ramy. On the one hand - a massive body with a well-developed relief, on the other - even more mass, also with well-chiseled muscle relief. Who won? The answer is predictable Phil Heath. The quality of the muscles, the relief, the separation of the muscles, the proportions helped Heath become the seven-time Olympia champion.

How Mr. Olympia was created - a brief HISTORY

The history of Mr. Olympia dates back to the 60s, when Canadian-American coach and publicist Joe Weider came up with the idea of ​​​​creating commercial competitions that could help athletes from all over the world earn good money for a living without compromising the regime and training. As a result, this idea has gained significant success. The tournament is held to this day, each time becoming more prestigious and attracting the attention of the strongest athletes around the world.

The scale of the competition, the prize fund, etc.

The scale and prestige of the competition can be judged by the amount of prize money that athletes receive by taking certain places. For example, the prize fund was 1.1 million dollars. Last year in 2016, Phil received $400,000 for first place, followed by Sean Rhoden in second place ($150,000) and Dexter Jackson in third place ($100,000). How much money the sponsors allocated this year was not announced, but the budget is not small, and this is for sure, depending on the number of sponsors and the scale of the event.

Interesting fact: Larry Scott went down in history of bodybuilding forever, becoming the first winner of Mr. Olympia back in 1965. He will eventually be joined by famous personalities such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and others. You will be surprised to learn that the prize fund for first place was only 1000 $ .

Such popularity of the tournament is due to the careful selection of participants. Only those athletes who over the past year have already won prizes at the Arnold Classic and other significant competitions can appear on the Olympia stage. It is necessary to have a “PRO” card, and, of course, to be a physically gifted athlete. Actually, all the salt is in genetic talent, no matter how sad it may sound for many, but it is possible to get to Olympia if a person is lucky with genetics and nothing more. Participants of the Olympia prize-winning five of the previous year are automatically allowed to compete. Such a tough selection is the price for the title of the best bodybuilder on the planet. Moreover, this requires a serious prize fund - more than one million dollars.

At this moment " Mr. Olympia - 2017"- a competition not only for male heavyweight bodybuilders. To attract more people, categories such as Men's Physique And Classic, and for female athletes there are categories figure, Women's Physique, bikinis And Fitness. In addition, competitions in equipment powerlifting are held.

If earlier " Mr. Olympia"was a purely American tournament, available only to" their own ", now the Amateur Olympia is gaining momentum, a victory in which can also contribute to obtaining pro cards and the opportunity to perform on the main stage in Las Vegas. It has already been held several times in Russia, giving Russian athletes a chance to get a little closer to the dream of almost any professional.

The 2017 Mr. Olympia competition was held, as in most cases, in Las Vegas, from September 14 to 17. This time period includes a competition of all nominations, various exhibitions and other thematic events. For those who do not have the opportunity to become a direct spectator, an online broadcast was conducted, which could be viewed on the website of one of the main sponsors of the competition - Amazon.

Olympia 2017 and Kai Green

In 17, Kai again stood aside, refusing to take part in this event. In general, Kai Greene is a rather mysterious person and I can’t really explain why he did not want to compete for the title of Mr. Olympia. Perhaps he simply soberly assessed his chances of winning and saw no reason to come. Moreover, in terms of money, in principle, he did not lose anything, since at Olympia he would hardly have been able to take 1st place and win the main prize of $ 400 thousand, and the money that he would have received by taking 2-3rd place , so he made his money by touring the world and earning good commissions from his performances. For example, recently Kai attended an event from an alternative federation - Super League, co-founded by the well-known DORIAN YATES. Official website of the Super League - According to rumors, he was paid for this performance 60 000 $ . If we add to this amount the fees for other tours around the world, including Korea, then a good addition to the total bank account comes out. At the same time, I also saw each other.

In addition, watch the video where Kai shares his impressions of the 2017 MO competition, Phil Heath and his competition with Big Ramy without much philosophizing.

So, let's get acquainted with the results of the final performances of the athletes, the places they took and the prize money. I must say right away that for some categories it was not possible to dig up the exact amounts of prize money, even on foreign sites there is not the entire amount of information. I don't think it's that important, but still.

Results of Olympia 2017 in the category of bodybuilding (absolute)

That's all - applause, the grand competition Olympia 2017 is over. It was one wild weekend with many exciting wins and losses. But the highlight of the night was the male category. Phil Heath, 37, has bested Big Rami in a very tough battle for first place. Phil won his 7th Olympia title by linking with bodybuilding legend Arnold Schwarzenegger who also has seven titles.

Place Athlete name Prize money
1 Phil Heath (7th consecutive time) 400 000 $
2 Rami Mamdu Elssbiai 150 000 $
3 William Bonac 100 000 $
4 Dexter Jackson 55 000 $
5 Sean Rhoden 45 000 $
6 Rolly Winklaar 35 000 $
7 Nathan Deasha 25 000 $
8 Brandon Curry 20 000 $
9 Josh Lenartowicz 19 000 $
10 Cedric MacMillan 16 000 $

Results in the category 212 lb (up to 96 kg)

Place Athlete name Prize money
1 James Flex Lewis (6 consecutive times) 40,000 $
2 Ahmad Ashkanani 19 000 $
3 Jose Raymond 10 000 $
4 David Henry 5 000 $
5 Derek Lunsford 3 000 $
6 Milan Sadek
7 Ronnie Rockel
8 Charles Dixon
9 Sean Clarida
10 Ricardo Correia

Results in category Men's Physique

Place Athlete name Prize money
1 Jeremy Buendia (4 times in a row)
2 Andre Ferguson
3 Brandon Hendrickson
4 Raymond Edmonds
5 Jeremy Potvin
6 Ryan Terry
7 Logan Franklin
8 Ondrej Kmostak
9 George Brown
10 Dean Balabis

Results in the category Women's Physique

Place Athlete name Prize money
1 Juliana Malacarne (4 times in a row)
2 Jennifer Taylor
3 Heather Grace
4 Kira Neumann
5 Sheronika Henton
6 Danielle Reardon

Results in the category Fitness

Bikini Results

Figure category results

Place Athlete name Prize money
1 Sydney Gillon 35 000 $
2 Latoria Watts
3 Candice Lewis Carter
4 Heather Dees
5 Nicole Wilkins

Mr. Olympia winners from 1965 to 2017

2017 Phil Heath Las Vegas
2016 Phil Heath Las Vegas
2015 Phil Heath Las Vegas
2014 Phil Heath Las Vegas
2013 Phil Heath Las Vegas
2012 Phil Heath Las Vegas
2011 Phil Heath Las Vegas
2010 Jay Cutler Las Vegas
2009 Jay Cutler Las Vegas
2008 Dexter Jackson Las Vegas
2007 Jay Cutler Las Vegas
2006 Jay Cutler Las Vegas
2005 Ronnie Coleman Las Vegas
2004 Ronnie Coleman Las Vegas
2003 Ronnie Coleman Las Vegas
2002 Ronnie Coleman Las Vegas
2001 Ronnie Coleman Las Vegas
2000 Ronnie Coleman Las Vegas
1999 Ronnie Coleman Las Vegas
1998 Ronnie Coleman NY
1997 Dorian Yates Los Angeles
1996 Dorian Yates Chicago
1995 Dorian Yates Atlanta
1994 Dorian Yates Atlanta
1993 Dorian Yates Atlanta
1992 Dorian Yates Helsinki, Finland
1991 Lee Haney Orlando
1990 Lee Haney Chicago
1989 Lee Haney Rimini, Italy
1988 Lee Haney Los Angeles
1987 Lee Haney Gothenburg, Sweden
1986 Lee Haney Columbus
1985 Lee Haney Brussels, Belgium
1984 Lee Haney NY
1983 Samir Bannout Munich, Germany
1982 Chris Dickerson London, England
1981 Franco Columbus Columbus
1980 Arnold Schwarzenegger Sydney, Australia
1979 Frank Zane Columbus
1978 Frank Zane Columbus
1977 Frank Zane Columbus
1976 Franco Columbus Columbus
1975 Arnold Schwarzenegger Pretoria, South Africa
1974 Arnold Schwarzenegger NY
1973 Arnold Schwarzenegger NY
1972 Arnold Schwarzenegger Essen, Germany
1971 Arnold Schwarzenegger Paris, France
1970 Arnold Schwarzenegger NY
1969 Sergio Oliva NY
1968 Sergio Oliva NY
1967 Sergio Oliva NY
1966 Larry Scott NY
1965 Larry Scott NY

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Who?

During the performance of the 212 pounds category, the judges very quickly decided on the arrangement of places. Babak Akbarnia of Iran, winner of the 2015 Amateur Olympia in Moscow, coached by Dennis James, made his debut outside the top 10, sharing 16th repechage with Mozolani, Koritenski and Kim Jun-ho. José Reymond, a massive chunk of muscle, seemingly weighing far more than the advertised 96kg, came in third. And Ahmad Ashkani, who trains in Kuwait, beat him literally in March former amateur, but having such a wide back that it's time to think about the reincarnation of Dorian Yates. However, he still needs to work on his legs, and therefore the five-time winner of the Mr. Olympia title in the 212 pound category was the Englishman Flex Lewis, who came to the awards with his little daughter in his arms.

open weight category"Mr. Olympia", this is a whole chronicle. The legendary Kevin Levrone, who made a form from scratch in six months and raised an unprecedented sensation around himself, ended up in 16th place, sharing it with Brandonn Carrey, who has excellent genetics and does not know how to use it. There is also Michael Locket, a newcomer to Olympia and Lukas Oslandil, widely known in narrow circles. Lately, Lukash has noticeably gained “meat”, but this was not enough. 15th place - Akim Williams, with huge arms and a narrow waist, but so far only so. 14 became Ben Pakulski with traditionally excellent hips and a lack of distinct arms and back. 13th place went to Steven Kuclo, who from "white hopes" slipped into some kind of gray disappointment, 12th place went to debutant Nathan De Asha, an athlete with a great future according to experts. 11 - Victor Martinez, who is loved by the judges, but permanent injuries prevent him from enduring a truly stunning form.

And so, finally, we got to the Top 10:

10th place - Justin Compton, young and promising, but in need of careful "cutting" athlete.

9th place - Australian Josh Lenartovich, dry as a bath leaf, but with flaws in the figure.

8th place - Dallas McCarver, another "white hope", who over time will be able to rise higher if he acquires a back befitting his dimensions.

7th place - overestimated by many Cedric Macmillan, an aesthetic athlete, but who has reached his maximum.

6th place - incredibly huge Rulli Winklaar, but the legs are not well developed.

5th place - a small, but entirely consisting of balls, William Bonac has progressed from last year's Olympia immediately to three lines in the ranking.

4th place - Mamdu Ellsbiay, who pretty much dropped, who nevertheless began to "ripen up" as an athlete, demonstrating annual progress in the ranking of the best athletes.

3rd place - Dexter Jackson - this is quite deserved, because at AK in Africa he had a better shape.

2nd place - Sean Rhoden with a narrow waist and excellent legs.

1st place - Phil Heath becomes the six-time Mr. O. He gained a lot in his legs and showed better control of his stomach than before. And his arms and deltas are rightfully considered one of the best in the history of bodybuilding, in addition, Hit is consistently good, and there is simply no one to replace him. He received the main prize - a statuette of Sandow and a check in the amount of 400 thousand dollars from the hands of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

All competitions "Mr. Olympia" | Mr. Olympia 2017 >>

Simultaneously with the final of the tournament Mr. Olympia 2016 on our website ended
regular, 19th Prize Draw from our sponsor company ambalshop.
Congratulations to our winners!

Mr. Olympia 2016 - Day one.
So, the main bodybuilding show of the year has begun. All that fans and fans have been waiting for so long, fueled by the intrigue unfolding right before their eyes, will take place this weekend in the gambling capital of Las Vegas. So, how will the first day of the grandiose holiday for bodybuilding fans be remembered?

First of all, of course, a meeting with athletes - Olympians and a press conference with their participation, at which a number of curious moments took place. Ageless Dexter Jackson, speaking from the Olympic podium, said in literal translation that he had come to "kick ass" and said that " Levrone is the champ from the past and Phil Heath is the current champ and I've done it then and now so I'm the best"Whether bragging will help Dexter will become known very soon, because he is not the only one demonstrating a two-finger victory in front of the camera lenses, but also Rulli Winklaar and debutant Nathan de Asha. Regular presenter Bob Cicherillo advised William Bonac when posing to touch Phil Heath with his dreadlocks, as Kai Green once did with his braid. Bonac liked the idea, but Heath gave out Kai's secret, saying that his braid was artificial from extended hair, and he had nothing against Bonac's natural dreadlocks. And finally, the apotheosis of the press conference was posing Kevin Levrone, who took off his clothes and showed simply incredible shape for a man of fifty dollars, given the time he spent on his preparation. He was competed with Cedric Macmillan and Josh Lenartovich. What place will each of them take, was not fundamentally important at the time of posing, only one question arose - what did Cedric do all these years if Kevin exhibited t such conditions, starting to train in February of this year? Phil Heath at that moment modestly closed his eyes, either holding back a smile, or afraid of "going blind" from the sight of Levronov's form. It must be said that the PR campaign carried out has borne fruit and, in fact, Levron is now more popular than the current five-time Mr. Olympia. Phil Heath himself, despite his excellent shape, does not at all look like a giant next to a completely ordinary person, as can be seen from the photo. Although, it is quite possible that "loading" with carbohydrates will have its say.

It was a little sad to see Dennis Wolf watching the press conference from the audience. Health problems did not allow him to take part in the Olympia this year, but we believe that "Bad Big Wolf" Dennis will still take his toll and please the fans with victorious performances.

Among the guests of the show was a merry fellow Markus Ruhl, who recently became a father and, despite his age and sleepless nights, looks just a healthy man.

Also, undoubtedly, the results of the weighing of athletes performing in the category of 212 pounds will be interesting. So, the lightest was Sean Clarida with a weight of 72.7 kg; Sami Al Haddad "tightened" on the scales of 92.2; Ahmad Ashkanani 96 kg; Guy Cisterino 95.4 kg; Eduardo Correa 95.9; Dobromir Delev exactly 96 kg; Charles Dixon 95.5; Mark Dugdale weighs 92.7 kg; David Henry 95.5 kg; Vojtech Koritensky 88.8 kg; Flex Lewis 95.9 kg; Andrei Mozolani 95.5 kg; Jose Raymond 95.9 kg; Hide Yamagishi 95.5 kg, and Korean athlete Kim Jung-ho 84.1 kg.

Mr. Olympia 2016 - Day two.
Guests and fans of bodybuilding at the Olympia Expo exhibition were met by athletes with smiles on their faces and pens at the ready, signing autographs and taking pictures with everyone near the stands with the products they advertise. Famous bodybuilders of the past and present were also present at the event, Tom Platz was seen talking animatedly with David Palumbo and Branch Warren, who did not qualify for Olympia 2016 on points, who was interviewed by Markus Ruhl. Warren had grown cheeks and looked happy. Jay Cutler also held his seminar here, although what new he could tell the audience is not entirely clear, but nevertheless everyone remembers his phrase " I "m the world" s greatest bodybuilder". Apparently, that's what it's worth.

There were competitions among women in the category "bikini" and "fitness". The next Ms. Olympia in the bikini was Courtney King, unexpectedly displacing last year's champion Ashley Kaltwasser, who ended up only fourth. Among fitness players, Oksana Grishina, quite expectedly and deservedly won, becoming a three-time Miss Olympia.

The preliminary comparisons in the open category for men were held, after which athletes weighing no more than 212 pounds entered the stage. Perhaps it was the round of preliminary comparisons in the open weight category that brought the greatest number of disappointments to those who continue to believe in miracles and succumb to the tricks of the show organizers in order to increase tournament attendance. Yes, Levrone took the stage. But there was no point in comparing him with Hit. Kevin's legs, unfortunately, are not at all up to the level of even the top 10. Apparently, the practice of inviting bodybuilders to shows bypassing qualifications is still wrong from the point of view of the readiness of individual athletes. It makes no sense to describe the whole process of posing athletes, it’s better to see it once, you just have to say that apparently the top 3 has been determined, but we won’t see either Winklaar or Mamdu there, like Macmillan along with McCarver. However, everything is still ahead and the decisions of the judges can be truly unpredictable.

In the Woman Physicist nomination, the winner for the third time in a row was the 41-year-old Brazilian representative Julianna Malacarne, who replaced Dana Lynn Bailey in 2014.

In the men's classic physicist category, everything was much more complicated, the judges had plenty to choose from, as a result, Breon Ansley was in fourth place, Sediq Khazovic was third, Arash Rahbar was second, and 47-year-old Danny Hester won. Darrem Charles, who is also a veteran bodybuilder, could only take fifth place. Robert Tims, despite the split biceps and excellent shape, unfortunately missed the top 5.

In the "beach bodybuilding" category, Jeremy Buendia became the undisputed winner, having taken the title "Mr. Olympia" for the third time, our Denis Gusev, like Anton Antipov, is far beyond the top 10, unfortunately. And ahead of us are the finals for men in the category of 212 pounds and, of course, in the most prestigious open category.

Mr. Olympia 2016 - Day three.
So, the very day has come for which we are all gathered here. During the performance of the 212 pounds category, the judges very quickly decided on the arrangement of places. Babak Akbarnia of Iran, winner of the 2015 Amateur Olympia Moscow, coached by Dennis James, made his debut outside the top 10, tied for 16th repechage with Mozolani, Koritenski and Kim Jun-ho. José Reymond, a mere lump of muscle, seemingly weighing far more than the claimed 96kg, came in third. And Ahmad Ashkanani, who trains in Kuwait, went around him, literally in March he was an amateur, but having such a wide back that it’s time to think about the reincarnation of Dorian Yates. However, he still needs to work on his legs, and therefore the Englishman Flex Lewis became the five-time winner of the Mr. Olympia title in the 212 pound category, who came to the awards with his little daughter in his arms.

The open weight category "Mr. Olympia" is a whole chronicle. The legendary Kevin Levrone, who made form from scratch in six months and raised an unprecedented sensation around himself, ended up in 16th place, sharing it with Brandon Carey, who has excellent genetics and does not know how to use it. There is also Michael Lockett, a newcomer to Olympia and Lukasz Oslandil, widely known in narrow circles. Lately, Lukash has noticeably gained “meat”, but this was not enough. 15th place - Akim Williams, with huge arms and a narrow waist, but so far the only way. 14 became Ben Pakulski with traditionally excellent hips and a lack of distinct arms and back. 13th place went to Stephen Kuclo, who from "white hopes" slipped into some kind of gray disappointment, 12th place went to debutant Nathan De Asha, an athlete with a great future according to experts. 11 - Victor Martinez, whom the judges love, but permanent injuries make it difficult to endure a truly stunning form.

And so, finally, we got to the Top 10:

Top 10 can compete

+0 -1

Without a doubt: he should be in the top ten - a frisky debutant: in 2016 he appeared in the pros and immediately took a direct qualifier for Olya ...

+0 -0

Already nominated for Olya 2016: Dexter, Heath, Roden, Volkov, Mamdu, MacMillan, Winklaar, Kuclo, Martinez, Bonac, DeAsha, Lenartovich, McCarver, Osladil, Pakulski, Levron... (so far 16 people)... Two left tournament - that means + two more ... Plus five more best in terms of total points: so far - Rockel 16, Charles 11, Compton 10, 8 each: Warren, Bayek, Locket, Curry has 7 ..... The total will be on this Olya 23 people But, someone can leave and refuse ...

+0 -0

But Smalls, Johnny Jackson may not even give a ride on points. Not to mention Obaida and Abiad: only a direct qualya will save them....

+0 -0

And guide scores to see?

+0 -0

There are sites where you can sum it up yourself, knowing how many points for a position in each tournament...

+0 -0

Rockel 16, Charles 11, Compton 10, Bayek, Lockett and Warren - 8 each, Curry 7, Smalls and Jaramillo - 5 each, Williams and D. Jackson - 4 each ...

+0 -0

Volkov will definitely not perform on the Olya?

+0 -0

Who follows the pro-athletes, remind me - is Green again in the span or is he still going to perform?

+0 -0

Why he is in flight: he himself went into "refusal" .... he did not want to perform on Olya. The contract was not signed by him .... like last year

+0 -0

So there won't be any Wulf?

Of those listed in the list, I see Levron 8m, if Rulli comes out again with a belly like in that year, then 7m).