Is the health disc useful? Health disk - losing weight gracefully! Exercises with a disc for weight loss

If the Soviet “Grace” waist disc is still standing idle in the corner, quickly include it in your home workouts. And if not, you can easily strengthen the muscles of your torso, legs and even arms. The health disk will make simple ones more effective and replace many if you perform the technique correctly and follow the training regimen.

What is a health disk and what is it for?

A flat disk made of two interconnected plates up to 4 cm high is capable of rotating 360 degrees, allowing the rectus abdominis, oblique muscles of the abdomen, back, and legs to be activated when rotating the hip joint. You don’t just need to spin on the disc, strengthening the vestibular apparatus, but concentrate on twisting due to tension and contraction of the muscles that form the waist.

If you perform the exercises continuously for 30 minutes, you can achieve an effect no worse than with or. Of course, there are both pros and cons to training on a health disc.

The benefits of a waist disc

  • Rotations on the simulator allow you to work out the muscles responsible for holding the spine and improve not only your waist, but also your posture.
  • Exercises on the disc develop balance, coordination, and endurance.
  • Crunches on the machine develop muscle flexibility and joint mobility.
  • Training is allowed at any age, regardless of level physical training, if there are no concomitant diseases of the spine.
  • Massage occurs due to twisting internal organs, blood circulation improves.
  • Takes up little space.
  • Low cost.

Disadvantages of a spinning disc for the waist

  • Spinal twisting can be dangerous in case of some of its diseases: hernia, protrusion, disc displacement.
  • With incorrect technique, sudden and incorrect movements, back pain may develop due to trauma to the intervertebral discs, muscle strain and pinched nerve endings.
  • The simulator is not multifunctional. It has a limited range of effects on muscles, aimed mainly at torsion of the lumbar region and tension of the abdominal muscles.

What types of health discs are there?

  1. Metal ones - like the Soviet version.

  1. Plastic ones are durable and sometimes have foot massagers. May be found with magnetic inserts on the surface.

  1. Double (double twist) - a design of two discs for each leg.

  1. With expanders - to increase the load on all muscle groups.

Top exercises on the health disk

Exercise No. 1

The first exercise, which can also be used as a warm-up, is torso rotation while maintaining balance. Stand on the disk with both feet, squat slightly and begin to rotate your pelvis so that your knees rotate in one direction, and your arms and body in the opposite direction. Perform dynamic rotations while maintaining balance.

Exercise No. 2

Place a chair in front of you, body distance apart, with your arms outstretched. Standing with both feet on the disc, hold onto the back of the chair, forming a right angle in the tilt. Twist your pelvis slightly, slightly rounding your back, begin to rotate your pelvis on straight legs, contracting your oblique abdominal muscles with each turn. As if you were pulling the ribs towards the ilia. Perform crunches dynamically, but concentrate on working your abdominal muscles.

Exercise #3

Place your knees on the disk, hip-width apart, and your palms a short distance in front of the disk, placing them under shoulder joints. Start rotating your pelvis, also twisting to the sides, tensing your oblique abdominal muscles. As you rotate, pull your ribs toward your pelvis.

Exercise #4

Sitting on the disc, place your palms on the floor behind your back, and keep your legs bent at the knees. Tightening your abdominal muscles, twist your torso, lowering your feet to the floor in one direction, and lean your body in the opposite direction. Do the same in the opposite direction, as if moving your legs over an imaginary large object.

Exercise #5

Stand in front of the disc with your feet on the floor. Bend over and place your palms on the machine. Start twisting your torso while keeping your legs motionless. Using your hands, rotate the disc from side to side, contracting your abdominal muscles. If the upside down option is inconvenient, it can be replaced by resting on your knees. In this case, the palms are also located under the shoulders on the disc, and the twisting is controlled by the torso, without involving the pelvis.

Exercise plan for losing weight and getting a thin waist

Perform each exercise for two minutes, alternating one after the other. Then the cycles can be repeated as many times as necessary. Thus, training should be at least 30 minutes. Train every other day, daily exercise will not bring any benefit, but only overwork.

What to look for when choosing a disk

Pay attention to the material, although plastic structures can withstand heavy loads, nevertheless, metal ones will be the most practical and durable.

Another advantage will be the presence of expanders, which can be used to refine muscles that are not involved in training on the disc.

Top 3 best health disc manufacturers

  1. Star Fit- an Australian manufacturer of a home line of fitness products produces metal and plastic discs weighing from 0.5 to 1 kg that can withstand loads of up to 100 kg. Approximate cost from 290 to 580 rubles.

  1. – a company originally from China produces acupuncture massage plastic discs with magnets. “Grace” of this kind not only massages the feet, but also, as the brand claims, creates a magnetic field that accelerates metabolic processes in the body. Approximate price: 570 rubles.

  1. – the Ukrainian brand produces metal discs, similar to the Soviet “Grace”, with a diameter of 28 cm, suitable for home use. The price of the product is approximately 700 rubles.


Of course, better than nothing, but expect quick results and there is no need to radically change your body. Training should not be limited to just the process of twisting, which, if performed incorrectly, causes pain and serious consequences. To achieve better effect add additional equipment to your workouts: dumbbells, expanders, etc. The load on all muscle groups will allow you to gain a more harmonious shape and achieve results faster.

Health disc exercises in video format

The problem of excess weight is now one of the most pressing. Sedentary work, eating unhealthy fast foods, low physical activity - all this contributes to the accumulation of unnecessary pounds and the appearance of many health problems associated with obesity. Almost every day new devices appear on the market to combat excess weight. But old, proven simulators do not lose their relevance to this day. One of these devices is the health disc, which has been known to almost every person since Soviet times.

The health disc, also known as “Grace,” is a simple home exercise machine. It consists of two plates rotating on bearings. In the past, such exercise machines were made of metal. Currently, high-strength plastic is used for their manufacture. Some models are equipped with special ribbed surfaces (expanders) for foot massage, as well as built-in players that allow you to perform exercises to music.

By exercising on the health disk, you can get rid of hated kilograms, increase muscle tone and gain more slim figure. The convenience of this exercise machine lies in its compact size, thanks to which you can take it with you on the road or to work, taking a few minutes of break to maintain your physical shape.

Exercises on the health disc help to engage the muscles of the hips, abdomen and waist, and work on problem areas of the body. This simulator has a lot of beneficial effects on the body:

  • training the vestibular apparatus, improving coordination of movements;
  • development of body plasticity and flexibility;
  • increasing spinal mobility, training spinal muscles, allowing you to resist diseases such as osteochondrosis, protrusion of intervertebral discs and others;
  • strengthening blood vessels and the heart due to prolonged monotonous exercise;
  • massage of internal organs, acceleration of metabolism and blood circulation;
  • relieving muscle tension that has formed during prolonged sedentary work;
  • general improvement in emotional state.

Just 30 minutes of exercise on the health disk helps you process 300 kcal. A month of daily exercises on this simulator, subject to dietary nutrition and high physical activity, allows you to get rid of 3-4 kg of excess weight, as well as “tighten” your waist by several centimeters.

Rules for conducting classes on the health disk

Exercises using the health disk will only be beneficial if you follow certain rules:

  1. Before starting exercises, you must install the disc correctly. It should stand on a flat, hard surface, not move along the floor or slide to the sides. The best option would be to place it on a rubber mat. If the disc slides on the floor, you may fall and get injured during exercise.
  2. Health disc exercises consist mostly of rotational movements of the body. Unprepared beginners may feel dizzy from these exercises, so it is recommended to exercise close to pieces of furniture or things that can be used as support at any time.

  3. Helps prevent dizziness correct posture during classes: you need to keep your head straight, do not turn it and look in front of you, preferably at one point.
  4. When practicing on a disc, it is very important to maintain a rhythm. It is not recommended to slow down during exercise, as this will keep your heart rate optimal and train your heart better. You should not do the exercises too quickly; the main thing is that they are performed continuously, at a uniform pace.

  5. During training, you need to dress in comfortable clothes that will not press or restrict movement. It is advisable to stand on the circle without shoes - this way it will have a beneficial effect on the feet.
  6. Half an hour before classes, you need to drink a glass or two of mineral or regular drinking water at room temperature. This will help improve blood circulation and increase the effectiveness of exercise.
  7. You cannot perform more than three twisting exercises in a row, as this can cause a high load on the spinal column. Twists must be alternated with other exercises.
  8. It is recommended to combine exercises on the health disc with exercises on other machines that develop other muscles of the body. It will be very useful to alternate exercises on the disc with stretching, pull-ups on the horizontal bar, and pumping the abdominal muscles.

  9. Using a hoop during disc training will help increase the effectiveness of your training.

Exercise on the health disc is contraindicated for people suffering from discogenic radiculitis, atherosclerosis and cerebrovascular accidents. In addition, this exercise machine is not recommended for use in the second half of pregnancy. Elderly people should discuss with their doctor the possibility of exercising on a health disc.

Training program

Experts have developed a set of exercises that allows you to effectively get rid of excess fat folds and increase your slim figure:

Experts have developed a set of exercises, thanks to which you can successfully eliminate fat folds and increase the slimness of your figure:

  1. We stand on a circle with both feet with the upper limbs freely positioned along the body. Now you need to make rotational movements with your body in different directions, while simultaneously moving your arms.

  2. We place two chairs next to the disc, stand on the disc with both feet, holding the backs of the chairs, and then very quickly rotate the body in different directions with maximum amplitude.
  3. We place our knees in a circle, resting our hands on the hard surface of the floor. We rotate the torso to the sides with maximum amplitude.
  4. We take the position required for push-ups from the floor, only placing our hands on the machine. Now you need to rotate the disk, strongly bending the body.
  5. We sit on the disk, resting our limbs on the floor. Keeping your hands motionless, we strongly rotate the disc, moving only your torso and back.
  6. For the next exercise you need to use a chair. We put a circle on it, sit down, put our hands on our belts. Now you need to perform twists, helping yourself with your legs, which you need to push off the floor with.

  7. We place the disk on a chair and sit on it so that the back of the chair and left side are pressed against each other. Next, you need to push off the floor with both feet, making rotational movements of 180°. This exercise should be performed for each side in turn.
  8. Place your left foot on the chair seat and your right foot on the disc. The left hand should hold onto the support, and the right hand should be placed on the belt. Now we turn the pelvic region to the right until the elbow of the left hand touches the right hand, then we return to the starting position and change the leg.
  9. We place our left foot on the disc, while placing our hands behind our heads and interlocking them with each other. Next, you need to rotate your body to the left, while simultaneously spreading your arms in different directions. Then you return to the starting position and change legs.
  10. Next exercise runs with two disks. We place the discs shoulder-width apart and place our feet on them. With each foot we rotate the disc in and out. This exercise will be quite difficult for beginners, so you can limit yourself to one circle.

Each of these exercises must be performed for at least three minutes in a row. The total duration of training should be 20-30 minutes. After the classes are completed, you need to do a short warm-up to stretch the muscles so that they relax after training. Results can only be obtained by performing these exercises regularly.

Video - Health drive exercises for weight loss

This machine was very popular in the 1980s and many of us are familiar with it. school years– such discs were in almost every home along with skipping ropes and hoops. The health disk has gained fame effective simulator to correct the main problem areas female body– waist, buttocks, hips, sides. Currently, the slimming disc is experiencing a new wave of fame. The disc has a lot of advantages - it is inexpensive, takes up little space, it is easy to exercise on it and it is suitable for almost everyone (before using a health disc for weight loss, read the list of contraindications, and if you don’t have them, feel free to train on it) .

It should be said right away that rotating the weight loss disc for 10-15 minutes a day or standing on it while just passing by for a couple of minutes is not enough - so you excess weight you won’t reset or correct problem areas. To lose weight, you need to actively train on it, performing a complex special exercises In addition, you need to change your diet - give up high-calorie, sweet and fatty foods, learn to eat healthy. A weight loss disc will not help you “pump up” your abs or buttock muscles - for this you need to do strength exercises, but the disc can correct the shape of the waist and slightly tighten the buttocks. In short, a weight loss disc is not a panacea or an independent means for weight loss. and working out muscles, but it is a good helper in your diet and physical activity. To form a beautiful, toned body, it is recommended to combine exercises on a weight loss disc with aerobic and strength exercises, yoga or Pilates. The total duration of the workout should be at least 30-40 minutes.

The health disc has contraindications: pregnancy, atherosclerosis, problems with cerebral circulation, discogenic radiculitis, injuries of the spine or musculoskeletal system.

What are the benefits of a disc for weight loss?

Exercises on the health disc for weight loss not only burn calories and work out the muscles of the waist and lower body. It improves mobility hip joints and spine, provides a kind of massage to the internal organs, improves blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on digestion, and thanks to the textured surface, it gently massages the feet, affecting the active points on them.

Exercises with a disc for weight loss

There is a set of special exercises, performing which you can work the waist and buttocks, as well as other muscle groups.

Before exercising on the disc, do a warm-up, Special attention Pay attention to warming up the muscles and joints of the body - do swings, bends, rotations with your arms and body, swings with your legs, squats, jumps. Then, while performing exercises on the disc, you will not pinch or damage anything.

Stand on the weight loss disk, raise your arms up so that they are parallel to the floor, bend your elbows in a horizontal plane and move your hips with your knees slightly bent. Keep your elbows at shoulder height. This exercise works the forearms and abdominal muscles.

To strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and thighs, place the disc on a chair, sit on it, raise your arms horizontally to the floor with bent elbows (as in the previous exercise). Rotate your hips on the weight loss disc while keeping your elbows and chest still. This exercise also works the lower back muscles.

The next exercise is aimed at strengthening the oblique muscles of the abdomen, lower back, and back. Place the disk on the floor between two chairs with their backs turned inward. Hold the backs of the chairs with your palms, bend your legs slightly at the knees. Rotate your hips to the right while simultaneously rotating your upper body to the left, and vice versa. This exercise is very good for drawing out the waist, because it works specifically with the lateral and oblique abdominal muscles, not pumping them, but strengthening and stretching them - the muscles do not grow, but become stronger and more elastic.

Place the weight loss disc on a chair and sit on it. Keep your back straight, hands clasped behind your head. Feel the tension in your lower back and stomach. Turn your legs to the right and left, maintaining the position of your body. When performing this exercise, the muscles of the entire upper body are worked - both on the stomach and on the back.

Another very effective exercise, which defines the waist, tightens the stomach, strengthens the abdominal and lower back muscles, and also works the muscles of the buttocks and back surface hips, next. Place the weight loss disk on the floor near a chair with its back facing the disk. Stand on the disk, lean forward and rest your hands on the back of the chair - so that you are tilted at a right angle (the body is parallel to the floor). Holding the back of the chair with your hands, rotate your hips.

Place the disc on the floor and sit on your knees on it. Place your palms on the floor on both sides of the disc. Raise your buttocks off the floor (keep your knees at about a 30-degree angle). Rotate your hips while keeping your upper body still with your arms. This disc exercise for weight loss works especially well on the hips and buttocks.

Place the disc on the floor, stand in front of it and lean forward, placing both hands with your palms on the disc - your palms should be crossed. The lower body should remain motionless while top part You must rotate your body sideways. This exercise stretches the side muscles and strengthens the muscle corset.

From the technical side of the issue, the health disk (or circle) consists of two metal round plates (diameter about 25 cm), connected to each other by a special bearing, thanks to which they can rotate relative to each other.

Although it is worth noting that technology does not stand still, and today in specialized sports stores, instead of a metal structure, you will most likely already come across a health circle made of durable plastic, with various “bells and whistles”, which can safely include the sound of various melodies during rotation, and comfortable massage feet.

This simulator is a very convenient tool for carrying out weight correction training at home, in the office while on vacation, in the gym, park, and anywhere, because it is completely undemanding in terms of transportation and takes up a minimum of useful space.

Features of the health disk - the benefits are obvious!

Perhaps the most basic beneficial properties This simulator is its simplicity, ease of use and price category. After all, everyone can easily buy it for themselves, from young to old, which is truly a huge plus.

The load when working with the health disc is primarily aimed at the waist and abdominal muscles, although it also perfectly strengthens and tightens the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and legs, increases the flexibility of the spine and the performance of the body as a whole, improves blood circulation, mood, intestinal motility, and has a very beneficial effect on coordination of movements and promotes overall weight loss.

It is very important that a person performing exercises on a health circle can independently determine the amplitude of rotation and the duration of the workout. After all, the longer the duration of the session and the higher the amplitude of movement, the more intense the energy consumption and the faster the muscles become toned. In addition, just half an hour on the circuit will allow you to lose at least 250 calories.

Girls who want to build a beautiful and, can use the disk without any fears and in a short period of time get the result they were counting on!

How to exercise on a health disk: general rules

  • To work safely on the wheel, it must be installed on a reliable and non-slip surface. For example, it could be a rubber training mat, in extreme cases, even an ordinary one, the main thing is that it is not slippery.
  • Sometimes beginners feel very dizzy at first during classes. To minimize this phenomenon, you need to avoid too sudden, sweeping movements and monitor the position of your head. To avoid losing your balance, place a chair next to you so that you can sit on it and avoid fainting.
  • Many people think that using the health disc exercise machine correctly is very simple, but this is not so! In order for the waist to begin to decrease, it is necessary to rotate only the lower part of the body, while the shoulders must remain motionless. If you do not strictly adhere to this rule, then you may not expect results...
  • For better blood circulation and, as a result, results, you need to drink a glass of warm water 15–20 minutes before training.
  • Exercises on the health disk are an excellent method of warming up the whole body before.
  • The effect of slimming your waist will be twice as noticeable if you use a hoop at the same time while working on the circle.

Exercises on the health circle for weight loss

In addition to the beneficial effect of weight loss, exercise on the health disk is also an excellent way to maintain the tone of the whole body.

Come home tired after work and you have absolutely no energy left for your loved ones!? It doesn’t matter, just exercise on the disc for about five minutes and you are guaranteed to feel an extraordinary surge of energy.

Most people assume that circuit training is limited to just one basic rotation. However, this is not at all true! There are a huge number of exercises, for example, it can be rotated with both legs and arms. You can practice not on one disk, but on two at the same time. Let's find out about them in more detail!

A set of exercises on the health disk:

1. Starting position: you stand on a disk, place two chairs next to each other (with their backs facing you). Place your palms on the backs of the chairs, bend your legs slightly at the knees and turn to the left, and your upper body to the right at the same time, then perform this cross rotation diametrically in reverse. Repeat 5 times in total in different directions.

2. Starting position: everything is the same, only instead of the backs of chairs, place your hands in front of you against the wall at shoulder level. The exercise is performed similarly to the previous one. A total of 7 rotations in different directions.

4. The next exercise is practically no different from the previous one, only in it you need to lower your arms down and, when turning your body, move them in the direction opposite to the rotation. A total of 7 times.

5. Place the disc on a chair and sit on it with your hands on your knees. Begin to move your feet (with transitions from heels to toes), first to the left side, and then to the right. There are 4 turns in total.

6. The starting position remains the same, but when moving to the left, move your arms to the right and vice versa. A total of 4 times.

7. Stay in the same position, just clasp your hands behind your head and fix your upper body. Perform leg turns left and right 6 times.

8. Starting position: place the circle on a chair and sit on it so that your right side touches its back. Push off the floor with both feet and turn around in your chair at an angle of 180 degrees. Then return to the starting position. There are 4 spreads in total.

9. Starting position: place the disc on the floor, sit on it, bend your knees, and place your hands on your waist. Start moving your feet, just like in the fifth exercise. A total of 4 times.

10. The starting position is the same, just put your hands on ankle joints. A total of 3 rotations in different directions.

11. In the next exercise, everything is the same, only the hands are clasped behind the head, as in exercise No. 7. Repeat 4 times.

12. Sitting on the disc, place your hands on your waist and place your feet in front of you, shoulder-width apart. Straighten your left leg and extend it forward as far as possible, then repeat with your right leg. A total of 6 times.

13. You will perform the next exercise while standing. Stand on the disk with one leg and place your hands on your belt. Perform rotations on one leg, then to the right, then to the left. Then change your supporting leg. Just 10 times.

14. Stand with your left foot on the disc and place your right foot on a chair, while right hand should be on your belt, and rest your left hand against the wall. Rotate your lower body to the left so that your right elbow can touch your left arm. Then change your supporting leg. A total of 8 times in both directions.

15. Stand with your right foot on the disc and place both hands behind your head. Turn your torso to the right while simultaneously spreading your arms to the sides. Return to the starting position, and then change your supporting leg and repeat the same. A total of 8 times.

16. Next exercise: take the disc in your hands, squeeze it very well and begin to rotate it with your hands on both sides in opposite directions.

17. For this exercise you will need two disks. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, with a disc under each foot. Bring them inward at the same time and then turn them outward. A total of 10 repetitions.

18. Starting position: the same, only your legs need to be slightly bent at the knees. Then turn both legs to the right and move your arms to the left, and vice versa. Just 10 times.

19. Starting position: the same, legs bent at the knees. But we only move the feet apart, first inward, then outward. Just 10 times.

20. Starting position: two disks on the floor, place your hands on them and take a position as for push-ups. Lower your torso down, simultaneously bringing your palms inward, then straighten up, spreading your palms outward. Just 10 push-ups.

After completing this set of exercises, it is recommended that after five deep breaths and exhalations, walk slowly around the room for 3 minutes, and only then can you relax.

You can repeat this program at least every day, devoting only 30 minutes to it. For beginners, it is best to start with 5–6 revolutions, gradually increasing their number so that the body has time to get used to physical activity.

Older people should practice very carefully and carefully. It is also advisable to obtain prior consent for training from your doctor.

Contraindications for the use of the health disc

This exercise machine also has its own peculiarities in use: people who have a history of any problems with cerebral circulation associated with atherosclerosis or suffering from discogenic radiculitis should not exercise on the disk, so as not to aggravate the health situation.

Health disk: reviews and opinions of readers

Ksenia: “...I saw the disc for the first time when I was visiting a friend. Her mother used it in her youth to give herself a wasp waist! And what I want to say is that the results of her classes are still visible, although many years have passed... Imbued with what I saw, I decided to try it too. I have made few external changes yet, but I really like the process of training on the disc! ..."

Inna: “...I decided to take care of myself and paid attention to the disc, because it’s very convenient, you don’t need to go anywhere, just stand there and do it. There's just one thing, you need to do this carefully!!! My aunt is a doctor, and she advised me not to make sudden movements during exercise, otherwise you might dislocate something in your spine. So, girls, exercise carefully! ..."

Marina: “... I’ve been doing the health circle for six months now, the results are great! Not only did I gain a waist, but I also started eating right. It’s like a snowball, as soon as the first result appeared, I wanted even more!!! I feel just great, instead of eating cakes in front of the TV, I spin the disk for half an hour...”

Snezhka: “... I didn’t like it... I rotated on the disk for three months, but there was no result. Moreover, they told me that such activities are dangerous for the spine...”

Alla: “... Snezhka, if you do it irregularly and at the same time, then there will be no results. How will the kilograms fall off if you eat whatever you want? Try combining diet and exercise! ..."

Maxim: “...Cool thing, my sister has one, so I use it periodically. In my opinion, we have had this disc since the times of the USSR. The only thing is that it needs to be periodically lubricated with oil for better rotation, iron after all...”

Our households are attracted by their accessibility, compactness and low cost. They are easy to hide under the bed before guests arrive, and the simple mechanism of action is easy to master. All this describes as accurately as possible the benefits of exercising on a health disk. This simulator has been known to many since deep Soviet times. Our mothers and grandmothers rotated and lost weight on it. If you find a dusty disk of health (or “grace” as people say) in your home, perhaps this is a sign from above, and you should definitely take care of your weight.

Expectations and disappointments

Let's frankly discuss what exactly weight loss exercises do for your health. In one 15-minute workout you will burn only 100 kcal, which can easily be replenished with your next snack.

It’s true, while working on the health disk for weight loss, the abdominal muscles, hips and female problem areas are worked out, but these 15 minutes are only enough to give them a slight tone, and not completely get rid of pressing problems.

In order to really feel the benefits on your own fat, a set of exercises on the health disk must be performed for at least 40 minutes, because we know that cardio exercise produces an effect only after 15-20 minutes of constant high-intensity exercise, and only then does fat burning begin.

At the same time, 40 minutes will not be enough. If you want to seriously lose weight, you need to provide yourself with additional power load on the abdominal muscles, as well as something like yoga and Pilates.

You need to start small - just 10 minutes is plenty for your first workout. However, you should exercise daily, or at least five times a week. And increase your study time by 5 minutes weekly.

Don't forget to rotate your arms! The arms should move in the opposite direction from the legs, this provides crunches that are useful for the abs. Such exercises will be useful not only for the waist, but also for intestinal motility, because there is a long massage of the internal organs of the digestive tract.


Despite its apparent innocence, exercise on the health disk also has contraindications. For people with protrusion, hernia, or osteochondrosis, such training will not bring health, but, on the contrary, will increase the mobility (loosen) of the spine. And a healthy person should try not to make sudden movements on it.

  1. We stand on the health disk, having first placed a chair in front of us, with the back facing us. We lean towards the chair, stretching our back lengthwise and downwards. We perform our usual crunches on the disc, holding onto a chair. We perform for 2-3 minutes. This exercise primarily involves the oblique abdominal muscles, as well as the back muscles.
  2. We remove the chair. We sit down, standing on the disk. The knees should be bent, the back should be slightly inclined. We begin to work from side to side - we rotate our legs on the disc, we make swings with our arms to speed up the movement. The head should look forward. In this case, the hands should go in one direction, the knees in the other. This is a great cardio workout that works the muscles in your arms and legs. We perform for 2-3 minutes.
  3. We sit on the health disk with our buttocks, our hands resting on the floor from behind, our fingers pointing forward. Legs are bent, lift them off the floor and lift them at a right angle. We move our legs to one side, touch our heels to the floor, and move our legs over the top to the other side. In addition to the fact that the rectus abdominis muscle works here all the time, the oblique muscles are also involved. We help you rotate with your hands, strain your abdominal muscles, and don’t slouch. We perform for 2-3 minutes.
  4. We get down on all fours, knees on the disk, hands pointing in front of us. We rotate with the “tail”, the legs below the knees should be torn off the floor. We perform for 2-3 minutes.
  5. The next exercise should be performed with a partner. We stand facing each other (standing on the disk), hold hands, start rotating - arms in one direction, legs in the other.