Fishing and weather forecast. Forecast for fish biting in Manganese Forecast for biting manganese

Forecast for biting Manganese today - 01.03"20 .

It's been clear all day today with no rain. Temperature in the morning +1 C°, afternoon and evening +8 C°. The pressure is stable 756 mm Hg.

Biting forecast very bad 2 /10 . This month, the bite is generally very poor, but bream, roach, perch, catfish, pike perch and pike peck a little better, crucian carp, carp, rudd, tench, chub, asp peck poorly. Nice weather for fishing, but strong wind. In clear weather, the best bite is early in the morning or in the evening. Good temperature for fishing.

Biting forecast Manganets tomorrow - 02.03"20 .

It will become cloudy, without precipitation, in the afternoon it will become overcast, without precipitation. Temperature in the morning +2 C°, afternoon and evening +7 C°. The pressure will change slightly throughout the day. The wind is moderate all day, south to 7 m/s. The wind raises dust and debris, sets in motion the thin branches of trees. The waves are elongated, the lambs are visible in many places.

Biting forecast will be very bad 2 /10 . This month, the bite is generally very poor, but bream, roach, perch, catfish, pike perch and pike peck a little better, crucian carp, carp, rudd, tench, chub, asp peck poorly. Good moon phase. Nice weather for fishing, but strong wind. In cloudy weather the fish biting is very good. Good temperature for fishing.

They look at the weather forecast and try to predict what the weather will be like on the day of fishing. This is one of the very important factors that directly affects the number of fish caught in the cage. I offer you fishing tips that will help you create your own fishing calendar. This article, plus your observations, and a "cool" day is guaranteed for you!

Angler's calendar - conditions for improving the bite:

- fogs and "mushroom" summer rains always improve;
- gray haze hanging in the air, no precipitation;
- stable weather, without heavy precipitation and strong winds;
- atmospheric pressure is stable for several days;
— light cloudiness and a gradual increase in pressure;
- gray, high clouds in the sky;
- warm, direct, uniform rain;
- with cold water, warm rain;
- and vice versa: with warm water, cool rain;
- new moon - the most best time for ;
- if the wind blows up along the river;
- if a warm wind blows downstream of the river;
- immediately, after a thunderstorm, after an increase in the amount of oxygen in the water, the fish's appetite improves;
- before a thunderstorm, before the first thunder, it becomes much more active;
— northern (cool) wind in very hot weather;
- south or west wind is not strong;
- on clear water, any, light wind

Angler's calendar - conditions that can ruin your fishing:

- inclement weather. In winter - blizzards;
- hurricane, strong wind, regardless of direction;
- during a thunderstorm;
- torrential rains;
- northern, northeast winds;
- if the weather changes frequently during the day;
- in the absence of wind on hot days (it can only be in the evening or in the morning, during cool weather);
- significant and sharp drops in atmospheric pressure;
- daytime very bright, direct sun, in the absence of any shadow on the pond
- with a decrease in atmospheric pressure during a period of weak cloudiness;
- the presence of large, low, dark clouds in the sky;
- secant and cold rain;
- warm, south wind in hot weather;
- abrupt changes in wind direction;
- cold wind blowing downstream of the river;
Full moon and no clouds.

And, despite many years of experience and observations of experienced fishermen, even these signs will not always help to make a 100% angler's calendar. and the influence of weather factors on this is not yet fully understood. Sometimes, with all signs of bitelessness, the fish swallows the bait perfectly and behaves very actively. And vice versa happens - everything promises big catch, and the angler returns home without fish and mood. Much depends not only on the weather, but also on the reservoir itself, on the fish and many other factors ...
Therefore, as always, I recommend experimenting, making your own observations and communicating more with local fishermen who can tell you something that you had no idea about. And then your fishing calendar will bring only a catch and a great mood.