Pulsometry as a research method. Methods of timing and pulsometry at physical education lessons

Carrying out pulsometry
on lessons physical education

Pulsometry of a physical culture lesson or part of it helps to assess the compliance of the load with the age, individual characteristics of students, the content and conditions of the classes. Heart rate monitoring plays an auxiliary role in the control of the lesson physical education at school. Based on the heart rate indicators, the reaction of the heart to the load caused by a certain exercise or a series of exercises, as well as the dynamics of these reactions throughout the lesson, is determined, which makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of load regulation. For this, a physiological “load curve” is drawn.

The actual load curve is estimated against the overall health deployment requirements. When dosing loads in order to increase functionality of cardio-vascular system their value in terms of heart rate should not be lower than 130 beats / min. Therefore, the magnitude of the loads at a heart rate of 130 beats/min corresponds to the threshold of the training load. For health purposes, the optimal range of loads in the classroom is within the heart rate from 130 to 170 beats / min. The upper limit of heart rate after an intense load for students of the main medical group is 170–180 beats / min.

The range of high intensity loads is 161–175 beats/min, the average intensity is 130–160 beats/min, and the low intensity is 110–130 beats/min. It is recommended to include 2-3 short "peaks" of load up to 2 minutes in each lesson - with a heart rate of 90-100% of the maximum.

When conducting pulsometry in a physical education lesson, the heart rate is calculated for 10 seconds at the most characteristic moments of the lesson: 5 minutes before the bell, at the 1st minute of the lesson; after the preparatory part of the lesson, 2-3 times during the main part (before and after the main exercises); after the end of the lesson.

Evaluation of pulse data and pulse curve should be accompanied by a comprehensive analysis. Pulse rates in different persons, as well as in the same person at different times and under different circumstances, do not match. They measure, as a rule, the heart rate of only one student. In addition, it should be borne in mind that these changes occur not only depending on the nature and magnitude muscle work, but also under the influence of emotions, which often reach considerable strength in physical education lessons. Therefore, a relatively correct assessment of pulsometry indicators is possible only when taking into account the data of pedagogical observation, which are partially recorded in the “Notes” column.

To ensure the information content of the data, it is important to observe the following conditions:

- timely prepare a clock (with a second hand) or a stopwatch that turns on by a call and does not turn off until the end of the lesson (without this it is impossible to draw up a load curve);

– prepare a protocol for drafting indicators;

- to select in advance the object of observation - if possible, the most significant for analysis. This should be an "average" student, characterizing the bulk of students in this class. The characteristic of the intended student is given by the teacher of physical education.

If possible, you can observe the work of several different types of class representatives (and count their pulse): a girl and a boy; strong and weak in preparedness of students, diligent and negligent, etc. In this case, each student is observed by different people. Analysis and generalization of all data can be entrusted to one of the assistants who draws up the relevant materials.

The student scheduled for observation must be warned in advance, informing him of the purpose, content and procedure of the upcoming procedure. The pulse is counted before performing exercises or a series of exercises and immediately after their implementation. To do this, the timekeeper must approach the student in a timely manner so as not to distract him and avoid a pause after the work has been completed, and it is desirable to make all measurements when the students are in the same free main stance.

After the end of the lesson, the received ten-second pulse indicators are converted into minute ones, according to which a graphical representation of the dynamics of the pulse during the lesson is drawn up - its “curve”.

When analyzing the data obtained, the type of lesson and the content planned in the abstract are taken into account. The actual load curve is estimated against the overall health deployment requirements.

According to the height of the “curve”, one can conditionally judge the intensity of the load, and by the size of the area of ​​the “curve” and projections from the initial pulse, about its volume. The notes in the note provide answers to questions that have arisen.

In order for the analysis of the obtained data to be sufficiently convincing, it is necessary to study the special literature on the functional features of the cardiac activity of students of the corresponding age.

Graphic representation of the dynamics of the pulse

Evaluation of the volume and intensity of the load in the lesson.

The analysis of the data obtained and the graphical representation of the dynamics of the pulse indicators indicate a significant volume and intensity of the load in the lesson.

A lesson like improving the learned material should be characterized by higher loads.

Despite the value of the main part of the lesson, at the 21st minute of the lesson there was a weak organization of the students, which led to violations of discipline, a decrease in the motor density of the lesson and an unjustified decrease in heart rate.

The game was well organized, so the heart rate was quite high, which made it possible to maintain the health-improving focus of the lesson.

It is necessary to pay attention to the final part of the lesson, as it is designed to ensure the expedient restoration of body functions and the transition to subsequent activities. After completing the attention game, it was necessary to give breathing and relaxation exercises (this was absent in this lesson).

heart rate monitoring
(sample design)

The subject of observation is the change in the student's pulse _______________

in the process of a physical education lesson in _________ class, held on "___" ______ ____

Chirkova Evgeniya

Khokhrina Valentina

Baranova Emilia

Lesson objectives:

1. Teach a throw from two steps.

2. Improve the performance of throwing the ball with two hands from the chest.

3. Develop speed abilities and speed endurance.

4. Seek attention

Observation record


Name of actions preceding
counting the pulse

Pulse time
from the beginning of the lesson

Frequency per





In front of entrance
to the hall

9 h 55 min




At the beginning of the lesson
(on call)

10 h 00 min




End of the preparatory part of the lesson

10 h 00 min



The warm-up was carried out in motion


1st series of exercises:

10 h 16 min


Performing the 2nd series of exercises:

10 h 25 min


Protracted rebuilding


Participation in the game:

10 h 35 min


Played actively


After the final part of the lesson

10 h 45 min



Attention game



Timing of the training session


density of the training session

Table tennis training session

Time: 15 30 -17 00


Timed classes: Popov E.V.

Watched for: Kosovan Nikolay

No. p / p


dealing with

Action end time

Predominantly mental work

Mainly motor work


Waste of time


Preparatory part 10 min

Construction. Reporting workout goals.


Outdoor switchgear in motion:
trainer's explanation

1. Walking around, arms to the sides, rotation in the wrist joints.
trainer's explanation

2. Accelerated walking, arms to the sides, rotation in the shoulder joint back and forth.
trainer's explanation

3. Tilts for every step
trainer's explanation

4. Movement with side steps in the tennis stance with the right and left side









trainer's explanation
5. Movement with side steps in the tennis player's stance facing forward with simultaneous movement to the right and left.
trainer's explanation

6. Do the same backwards.
trainer's explanation

7. Movement in a cross step, right, left side







Main part 75 min

1.SFP (10min)
trainer's explanation

1. Imitation exercises with a weighted racket.

trainer's explanation

2. Imitation exercises with rubber.

trainer's explanation

3. Rotational movements with a brush, drawing circles and eights.

trainer's explanation
4. Practicing strikes at the training wall.
trainer's explanation

5. Exercises with a racket at the mirror - imitation of strikes at a fast pace.











trainer's explanation
2. Practicing the technique of elements “on the wheel” (5 min)



(5 minutes)

trainer's explanation

1. Right to right

2. Reception to the right (individual short tops)

3.Left in a straight line

4.Left to left

5. Left to right

6. Left in a straight line



4. Learning how to increase the rotation speed when performing a top spin on the right (10 min)

trainer's explanation
1. Trunk work

trainer's explanation
2. Transfer of the center of gravity

trainer's explanation

3. Work with the forearm







5. Performing an attack (10 min)

trainer's explanation

1. Individual short feed

trainer's explanation

2. Cut to the left

trainer's explanation

3. Start attack from left to right







trainer's explanation

6. Working with BKM
(10 min)



Work with BKM in a circular system, so intensive work alternates with rest

7. Individual game with a coach
(10 min)
trainer's explanation

1. Left to left

2. Left diagonally

3. Two-point game: in the right corner and in the middle

4. Two-point game: Left corner and middle

5. Three point game: right corner, middle and left corner



Individual work for 10 minutes with 1-2 students, the rest work on their own. The next lesson on ind work is conducted with other children.

trainer's explanation8. Performing a top spin to the right of the table (5 min)



trainer's explanation

9. Play with a stronger opponent (10 min)



Final part 5 min

Summing up the lesson. Error detection. (5 minutes)


5min 21s


Total density 89/90*100% = 99%

Motor density 75/90*100% = 83%

conclusions : the overall density of the lesson meets the regulatory requirements, which should be at least 80-90% for this type of lesson. This means that there was no waste of time.

The motor or motor density of the lesson has a fairly high rate, it corresponds to the standards of the lesson for improving skills from 70-80%

Heart rate monitoring of a training session


accounting for individual heart rate indicators

at a training session

The training was conducted by Popov Vladimir Nikolaevich

Table tennis training group

Surname, name of the observed - Alexander Saltykov

Discharge no

Tasks of the training session:

1. Practice receiving and hitting the ball with different types of rotations: speed, the place where the ball hits the racket, the angle of rotation and inclination of the racket, the nature of the ball's flight, the nature of the ball's rebound from the table.

2. Improve complex serves and their reception.

3. To develop communication skills in students.

Venue MBOU "Kornilovskaya secondary school"

Group size 8 people

Kind of activity



heart rate

in 10 s

heart rate

in 1 min


Construction, declaration of tasks


General developmental exercises (warm-up)




Working out the technique of elements on the "wheel"


3. Improving the technique of movements and turns in combination with the game


4. Learning how to increase the speed of rotation when performing a top spin on the right


5. Performing an attack


6. Working with BKM


7. Individual game with a coach


8. Performing a top spin to the right of the table


9. Playing with a stronger opponent


Final part, summing up


Graphical representation of the dynamics of heart rate (bpm)

heart rate











































Analysis of the dynamics of the pulse curve in the training session

The dynamics of the pulse curve in the introductory-preparatory part of the lesson shows a gradual increase from 72 to 102 beats per minute.

The dynamics of the pulse curve in the main part of the session reaches a maximum of 126 beats per minute.

The dynamics of the pulse curve in the final part of the lesson is a smooth decrease in heart rate to 84 beats per minute, close to the original, which indicates the correct distribution of the load.

The general characteristic of the pulse curve during training is that an increase in heart rate is observed with increased speed work with the BCM, with individual work with a trainer.

Characteristics of the student's actions in training (missed the queue, did not show activity, imitates the exercise, etc.) - Alexander responsibly approaches training, diligently fulfills the requirements of the coach.

Symptoms that appeared in the athlete (sweat time, skin condition, breathing, coordination of movements, attentiveness, accuracy in the execution of commands and orders) There is a slight reddening of the skin, a slight appearance of sweat, especially during high-speed exercises.

Correspondence of loads in training, the level of preparedness of athletes. The level of the task, their complexity, speed requirements correspond to the age and physical fitness of the children.

Percentage of increased heart rate (level of adaptation to stress) All children are adapted to such physical exertion.

The time to restore the pulse to the original - 10 minutes after the end of the workout

Conclusions:the dynamics of changes in heart rate corresponds to the intensity of training and the age characteristics of children.

Protocol of pulsometry taking into account the dynamics of intensity

load in class

Group: UTG

Time: 90 min

Venue: MBOU "Kornilovskaya secondary school"

Number of students: 6 people

lesson held: Popov Vladimir Nikolaevich

Surname of the observed (student): Saltykov Alexander

Lesson objectives:

1. Practice receiving and hitting the ball with different types of rotations: speed, the place where the ball hits the racket, the angle of rotation and inclination of the racket, the nature of the ball's flight, the nature of the ball's rebound from the table.

2. Improve complex serves and their reception.

3. To develop communication skills in students.Preparatory part - light warm-up, walking, bending over, moving with low intensity

60 min



The main part is technical and tactical skill. Loads of medium and high intensity (sparring work, game training, BKM, working out attack elements)

80 min



The final part is reducing the intensity of work, summing up.

Conclusion:10 minutes after the end of the session, Alexander's pulse returned to its initial state. In the introductory-preparatory part, the heart rate gradually increases. In the main part of the lesson, there is a peak in heart rate with a maximum value of 126 from 60 to 70 minutes of work, which corresponds to the most intense and high-speed part of the lesson. In the final part, heart rate indicators gradually decrease to the initial level, which indicates the correct distribution of the load in the lesson.

Pulsometry is a method that allows to determine the adequacy of the response of the students' organism to the amount of physical activity performed. The essence of the method is to calculate and analyze the heart rate (HR) of students during different periods of a lesson or physical education.

Then, taking into account the lesson plan, we measure heart rate in the preparatory, main and final parts of the lesson:

♦ before the start of the exercises;

♦ immediately after the completed exercises;

♦ during rest after exercise;

♦ while students listen to the teacher's explanations;

The last three heart rate measurements are carried out in the last minutes of the lesson,

when the teacher has already given the command to end the lesson, as well as 3 and 5 minutes after the call from the lesson.

When analyzing the obtained indicators, it must be remembered that the heart rate in the preparatory part of the lesson should gradually increase and may exceed the initial one (in this case, 78 beats / min) by 50% - 70%.

In the main part of the lesson, depending on the section of the program (i.e. the type of sport), the objectives of the lesson, the chosen methods of organizing classes, etc. the value of heart rate can exceed the original by 100% - 130%.

In the final part of the lesson, the heart rate should gradually decrease and may reach the initial value. The physiological norm is considered to be such indicators when the value of heart rate in the last minute of the lesson does not exceed the initial one by more than 15% - 20%, and in the 5th minute after the lesson it approaches the initial one. Exceeding these indicators may indicate that:

♦ the teacher did not complete a set of rehabilitation exercises at the end of the lesson, or did not achieve the necessary recovery effect when performing this complex;

  • the physical activity proposed by the teacher exceeded the capabilities of the child's body, i.e. the teacher did not take into account the real level of physical fitness of students;

  • the teacher ignores the individual age and sex characteristics of the development of the child's body, which indicates a low level of his professional training, etc.
When analyzing the viewed lesson, it is desirable to determine the true reasons for exceeding the heart rate indicators and offer the teacher ways to correct them. Carrying out pulsometry at physical education lessons

Pulsometry of a physical culture lesson or part of it helps to assess the compliance of the load with the age, individual characteristics of students, the content and conditions of the classes. Pulsometry plays an auxiliary role in the control of the physical education lesson at school. Based on the heart rate indicators, the reaction of the heart to the load caused by a certain exercise or a series of exercises, as well as the dynamics of these reactions throughout the lesson, is determined, which makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of load regulation. For this, a physiological “load curve” is drawn.

The actual load curve is estimated against the overall health deployment requirements. When dosing loads in order to increase the functionality of the cardiovascular system, their value in terms of heart rate should not be lower than 130 beats / min. Therefore, the magnitude of the loads at a heart rate of 130 beats/min corresponds to the threshold of the training load. For health purposes, the optimal range of loads in the classroom is within the heart rate from 130 to 170 beats / min. The upper limit of heart rate after an intense load for students of the main medical group is 170-180 beats / min.

The range of loads of high intensity is 161-175 beats / min, medium intensity 130-160 beats / min and low - 110-130 beats / min. In each lesson, it is recommended to include 2-3 short “peaks” of load lasting up to 2 minutes - with a heart rate of 90-100% of the maximum.

When conducting pulsometry in a physical education lesson, the heart rate is calculated for 10 seconds at the most characteristic moments of the lesson: 5 minutes before the bell, at the 1st minute of the lesson; after the preparatory part of the lesson, 2-3 times during the main part (before and after the main exercises); after the end of the lesson.

Evaluation of pulse data and pulse curve should be accompanied by a comprehensive analysis. Pulse rates in different persons, as well as in the same person at different times and under different circumstances, do not match. They measure, as a rule, the heart rate of only one student. In addition, it should be borne in mind that these changes occur not only depending on the nature and magnitude of muscular work, but also under the influence of emotions, which often reach significant strength in physical education lessons. Therefore, a relatively correct assessment of pulsometry indicators is possible only when taking into account the data of pedagogical observation, which are partially recorded in the “Notes” column.

To ensure the information content of the data, it is important to observe the following conditions:

Timely prepare a clock (with a second hand) or a stopwatch that turns on by a call and does not turn off until the end of the lesson (without this it is impossible to draw up a load curve);

Prepare a protocol for rough recording of indicators;

In advance, select the object of observation - if possible, the most significant for analysis. This should be an "average" student, characterizing the bulk of students in this class. The characteristic of the intended student is given by the teacher of physical education.

If possible, you can observe the work of several different types of class representatives (and count their pulse): a girl and a boy; strong and weak in preparedness of students, diligent and negligent, etc. In this case, each student is observed by different people. Analysis and generalization of all data can be entrusted to one of the assistants who draws up the relevant materials.

The student scheduled for observation must be warned in advance, informing him of the purpose, content and procedure of the upcoming procedure. The pulse is counted before performing exercises or a series of exercises and immediately after their implementation. To do this, the timekeeper must approach the student in a timely manner so as not to distract him and avoid a pause after the work has been completed, and it is desirable to make all measurements when the students are in the same free main stance.

After the end of the lesson, the received ten-second pulse rates are converted into minute ones, according to which a graphical representation of the dynamics of the pulse during the lesson is drawn up - its “curve”.

When analyzing the data obtained, the type of lesson and the content planned in the abstract are taken into account. The actual load curve is estimated against the overall health deployment requirements.

According to the height of the "curve", one can conditionally judge the intensity of the load, and by the size of the area of ​​the "curve" and projections from the initial pulse - about its volume. The notes in the note provide answers to questions that have arisen.

In order for the analysis of the obtained data to be sufficiently convincing, it is necessary to study the special literature on the functional features of the cardiac activity of students of the corresponding age.

Graphic representation of the dynamics of the pulse

Evaluation of the volume and intensity of the load in the lesson.

The analysis of the data obtained and the graphical representation of the dynamics of the pulse indicators indicate a significant volume and intensity of the load in the lesson.

A lesson like improving the learned material should be characterized by higher loads.

Despite the value of the main part of the lesson, at the 21st minute of the lesson there was a weak organization of the students, which led to violations of discipline, a decrease in the motor density of the lesson and an unjustified decrease in heart rate.

The game was well organized, so the heart rate was quite high, which made it possible to maintain the health-improving focus of the lesson.

It is necessary to pay attention to the final part of the lesson, as it is designed to ensure the expedient restoration of body functions and the transition to subsequent activities. After completing the attention game, it was necessary to give breathing and relaxation exercises (this was absent in this lesson).

the date of the __18.11 ________ Location ___MOU secondary school No. 38 ___

Class ____7b ____________

Program section ______Gymnastics _ __________________________________

The lesson was conducted by _______Busygina V.A. _____________________________

Lesson type ____________complex ________________________________

Lesson objectives __________1. Improvement and consolidation of the technical performance of gymnastic elements. 2. Elimination of minor and gross errors. 3. Development of coordination abilities _ 4. improving the throw into the ring while running ___

Pulse monitoring was carried out by (a) ______A.G. Zhalbe _____________________________

I. Heart Rate Protocol

Measurement time

heart rate at rest

Preparatory part


Walking exercises

Running exercises

Walking (recovery)


Main part


Shuttle run (3X10; 3X20)

Rebuilding, explaining, showing

Roll forward

Back flips

Rolls in length

Gymnastic bridge (girls)

Headstand (boys)

Shoulder stand (girls) Gymnastic bridge (boys)

Raising and lowering the body from a prone position (girls)

Rope climbing (boys)


Throw in the ring on the run

Final part


Attention game

Stretching exercises

Construction, summing up

II graph of the pulse indicators of the student ______ Egor Pekshev ___________________

Last name, first name

5 10 15 2 0 25 30 35 40


III. Analysis and evaluation of pulsometry

The subject's pulse before the start of the session was 90 beats/min. After running, the pulse increased to 108 bpm, and after running exercises, including special running exercises, the pulse increased by another 48 bpm (156 bpm). For 1 minute of recovery, the pulse dropped by only 12 beats / min. During general developmental exercises aimed at developing strength abilities (static exercises), the student's heart rate indicators were kept at 144 beats/min., and when running, they dropped to 126 beats/min. After the exercise for speed abilities (shuttle run from different starting positions), the pulse increased to 162 beats / min. When performing acrobatic elements, the subject's pulse was approximately at the same level of 138 beats/min, with the exception of a somersault in length (144 beats/min) and rope climbing (150 beats/min). After throwing into the ring while running (132 beats/min), the heart rate during rebuilding dropped sharply to 108 beats/min, as in the case of stretching exercises at the end of the session (108 beats/min). During the game, attention to this heart rate increased to 132 beats / min. At the end of the session, the pulse returned to its original value (90 beats/min).

Conclusions:Initially, the student's pulse was slightly above average, which indicates the psychological state of the subject, perhaps he was nervous because of the presence of new people in the lesson. For the entire time of the lesson, the student's pulse did not exceed 162 beats / min, however, for 1 min. recovery, the pulse fell by only 12 beats / min., which indicates the average level of the student's physical fitness. According to the pulsometry data, it can be concluded that the physical education lesson was aimed at developing physical qualities.


Offers: The student needs to regularly engage in physical education in addition to training sessions to increase the recovery processes in the body.

Group practice leader ______________________