We develop the latissimus dorsi muscle with T-bar rows. T-bar row for V-shaped back T-bar

Bent-over T-bar row– one of the best basic exercises for working the latissimus dorsi muscles. This movement is an excellent alternative, but it also has its own characteristics. In this article we will talk about the technique of performing T-bar deadlifts, look at common mistakes made by beginning athletes, and consider different options for performing this deadlift.

For beginners, performing a T-bar row is much easier than a regular bent-over row, since during the first exercise the bar moves along a given path and is fixed. This means that when doing T-bar rows, we can better concentrate on working the latissimus dorsi muscles and use heavier working weights.

Bent-over T-bar row technique

  • Load the T-trainer with weights in advance, walk up to it and stand on the footrests. The exercise machine should be between your legs. Grab the handles with a grip slightly wider than shoulder width, straighten your back, bend your knees slightly, your torso is almost parallel to the floor - this is your starting position.
  • As you exhale, pull the T-bar toward you until it touches your lower abdomen. At the end point of the amplitude, pause for a second to feel the peak contraction.
  • Smoothly lower the barbell to the starting position, without letting it touch the platform and without fully extending your elbows. Hold the barbell with your arms not fully extended at the bottom to stretch your back muscles, and then perform the next repetition.

The video at the end of the article will help you understand in more detail the technique of performing bent-over T-bar rows.

Bent-over T-bar row options

There are several types of deadlifts with a t-bar:

But still, the classic version of the exercise is the most appropriate for the growth of the latissimus dorsi muscles. When performing this exercise, the grip is slightly wider than the shoulders; this ensures that the barbell moves through maximum amplitude, which is why the back muscles are worked most effectively.

Video: T-bar row technique from Denis Borisov

Video T-bar row for girls

Analysis of the exercise

Bent-over T-bar rows are considered basic movements for working out the spinal mass, in particular developing the latissimus muscles. However, at the moment of movement, the entire muscle mass of the upper body is globally involved in the work:

The abdominal and leg muscles, which are responsible for maintaining a stable body position, are isometrically tensed.

Benefit of the exercise

The T-bar row provides an excellent complex load on the back muscles, while incorporating the effectiveness of working with free weights and the ease of movement in the machine. However, according to the pros, it is a much more effective training tool than any isolated “barre” movement.

A significant advantage of the exercise is also its versatility - its use in training schemes allows not only to give an impressive appearance and volume to the spinal muscles, but also to “outline” small muscles that play an auxiliary role in movement.

The bent-over T-bar row with support is often put on a par with the conventionally “similar” bent-over barbell row. However, it is worth noting that the first option is more convenient and safer, since the projectile remains fixed and moves exclusively within a given trajectory.

Who is contraindicated for

It is recommended for athletes with lumbar injuries to abandon the classic deadlift with a t-bar. As a last resort, as a “gentle” alternative, you can perform a version of the exercise with a lying support, which relieves the lumbar region and makes the movement safer.

Inclusion in the training program

Before you start pulling sets, be sure to turn to warm-up movements - usually a couple of sets of 10-15 repetitions with minimal weight are enough to prepare the muscles for serious work and “tune” the neuromuscular connection.

Since the classic version of the exercise is classified as multi-joint, and therefore, by definition, heavy, it is recommended to include it in the program as a “starter” for the back muscles. Basic sets of deadlifts are performed in the medium rep range of 8 to 12 reps. The optimal load is obtained by combining it with basic wide-grip pull-ups.

In some cases, a lighter variation of the exercise—the T-bar row from an emphasis—is placed at the end of the workout to fully fatigue the working muscles. This technique is usually used in professional training, performing approaches to failure.

For T-bar rows, critical weights are usually used, which help stimulate muscle hypertrophy and give them “massiveness”.

Training life hack

If the gym does not have a special rack for a T-bar, you can use a regular bar, one end of which should be rested against the wall, the other should be loaded with “pancakes”. For a more stable position of the projectile, support the end resting on the floor on both sides with several disks or rest the bar against the corner of the room.

Fortunately, there are plenty of exercises for developing the back to symmetrically develop muscles and select exercises depending on the physical training. There is always an alternative: for those who do not pull themselves up own weight and not yet ready to work with free weights, structures and exercise machines come to the rescue that improve positional stability and provide an understandable and comfortable technique for everyone. One of the effective methods of strengthening the back muscles is the T-bar row, which is performed in a tilted position, as well as in an emphasis on special simulator.

Benefits and features of the T-bar row

  • A multi-joint exercise allows you to qualitatively load and select a certain working weight necessary for the athlete at this stage. This happens by adding barbell plates weighing from 2.5 to 25 kg.
  • This design, with a foot platform and an attached bar and handles, allows for a pulling motion similar to a barbell or dumbbell row. Unlike free weights, a T-bar requires less force to hold the equipment.
  • The supported option is safer, since the position of the back is stabilized by a special design, reducing the likelihood of rounding the spine and, accordingly, getting injured.
  • The t-bar row is not simple exercise, but significantly improves the stability of the weighting material and reduces the effort when maintaining the original position.
  • Using the T-bar in combination with other exercises, you can develop a powerful back.

What muscles work during the T-bar row?

As with any exercise, there are main - target muscles, as well as auxiliary, which are in static tension and aimed at maintaining body position, in this case these are the abdominal and lower back muscles.

Main muscles:

  • Latissimus dorsi muscle.
  • Teres major muscle.
  • - middle part.
  • Infraspinatus muscle.

Bent-over T-bar row technique

Option 1

  1. Before taking the starting position, place weights of the required weight on the bar.
  2. Place your feet on a special platform.
  3. Bend your knees, keeping your back straight, grab the horizontal handles with both palms with an overhand grip and assume a stable 45-degree tilt position, maintaining tension in your abdominal and lower back muscles.
  4. As you exhale, without jerking, pull the T-bar toward your chest, bringing your elbows closer to your torso.
  5. As you inhale, gently lower the bar, straightening your arms at the elbows.
  6. Maintain the position of your spine, do not sway or round your back.
  7. At the end of the exercise, squat down and lower the bar down.

Option 2

You can also do the option reverse grip, that is, grab the handles from below. This will transfer most of the load to the biceps brachii. In the upper range of motion, the load will be concentrated in the upper part of the trapezius, and not in the middle.

Option 3

Most T-bar designs have parallel handles for neutral grip, which is convenient for holding a large load weight and is comfortable for many due to its morphological features. This grip also reduces the load on the brachioradialis muscles.

Neutral grip

T-bar row technique with emphasis

This design involves special support for the abdomen. There are 2 pairs of handles: horizontal - provide a wide grip and develop the width of the back, parallel handles - provide a narrow, neutral grip to develop the thickness of the back muscles.

  1. Place your feet on the platform and rest your stomach on the support.
  2. Grab the required handles with straight hands and select the desired grip, as in the previous options.
  3. Exhale and pull the bar toward your chest.
  4. As you inhale, return down, straightening your elbows completely.

Plus This option is that it requires less effort to maintain the position, but minus The problem is that when working with heavy weights, the chest is compressed and breathing worsens.

What is better to do - T-bar row or bent over row?

Can't choose one best exercise for life, as well as to say - which exercise is better. There is only a difference in the features and anatomy of the exercise. The main difference between a T-bar row and a barbell is that the T-bar design makes it easier to maintain body position than lifting free weights.

The barbell deadlift involves instability, which forces more muscle fibers into the exercise, and for the same reasons, lifting free weights will always be more challenging than training with machines. The T-bar row is a good option in preparation for barbell work. Or it would be appropriate to combine a barbell row with a T-bar row in a wide grip position.

This multi-joint exercise can be done for growth. muscle mass. Thus, it is worth selecting a working weight for 10-12 repetitions of 4 sets. On back day, you should include one of the T-bar row options, evenly distributing the load on all parts of the back, changing the position of your hands, grip and, in fact, the weight itself.


Implement in training process T-bar row various options. Start mastering the technique of exercises in support, gradually prepare the muscles for the load, simplifying the initial stage holding position. Then proceed to performing bent-over rows, the main thing is to increase the load gradually, preparing for the working weight. Observe correct technique, do not chase more weight, this will not increase the mass faster, but you can easily get injured.

T-bar row exercise in video format

A craving for the physical beauty of one’s own body is probably inherent in every person. However, not everyone wants to spend time and effort to achieve the desired result.

Physical beauty largely depends on a number of exercises, one of which is the T-bar row.

Bent-over row

What muscles work during the exercise?

  1. The latissimus dorsi muscle is the main one working muscle, involved during this exercise.
  2. Rear deltoids and biceps are additional muscles.

This exercise is a basic exercise.

Briefly about the main thing

During the exercise, the latissimus dorsi muscle is actively used. The exercise serves mainly for definition, as well as “striation” of the back.

The T-bar row is the safest exercise for the back muscles, allowing maximum load on the entire mid-back. It is worth noting that while performing the exercise, you should not take special care of the stability of the body.

The exercise is used to reveal new details in the muscle mass of the back. So, we can say that the exercise is used to achieve a clear separation of the back muscles. The last phenomenon is called definition.

Like any physical exercise, the T-bar pull to the back requires a careful approach from the athlete and therefore it is worth familiarizing yourself with correct execution exercises - his technique. The exercise puts stress on the back muscles, so you need to be especially careful.

Correct steps:

  • First, you should lie on the bench with your chest, and then tilt your body upward. Next, rest your feet on special supports or the floor.
  • Grasp the handles located on the machine or the bar T-bar. In the latter case, the grip should be neutral, that is, the arms are tilted towards each other (palms are located as close as possible to the bar). The arms should be fully straightened in the starting position, and the load should “hang” on the hands.
  • Then you need to inhale and hold your breath, and then pull the barbell towards your chest. Watch the position of your elbows during the exercise: they should move parallel to each other strictly up and down.
  • Try to raise your elbows higher than your back as much as you can.
  • The back muscles at the top point should be tense as much as possible. After this, exhale, slowly lower the T-bar.

In order to reduce the occurrence of errors during this exercise, you need to familiarize yourself with the general recommendations of professional bodybuilders.

The following tips will definitely come in handy:

  • When performing the exercise, the torso should not come off the bench. Movement occurs in the shoulder and elbow joints. As for the rest of the body, they should be in a stationary position. Thus, the chest should be pressed firmly against the back of the bench, and the feet should be pressed against the stand or floor.
  • The barbell should be pulled using the muscles of the back and shoulders. It is not recommended to include biceps in the work. If you adhere to this recommendation, the effect will be as expected.
  • It is recommended to lift the load as high as possible, bringing the shoulder blades as close to each other as possible. It should be noted that by bringing your shoulder blades together as close as possible, you give your latissimus muscles the opportunity to contract. The diamond-shaped and middle trapezoids will also be worked out perfectly.
  • Before performing the exercise, you should make sure that your hands are in the correct position. Thus, before each repetition of the deadlift, you should ensure that your arms are fully straightened. The load, in turn, should not touch the floor surface. If the deadlift begins with the arms bent in elbow joint, you tense your biceps, and then put them into work when lifting the barbell.
  • To obtain maximum contraction of the back muscles, you need to hold for a few seconds.
  • If the machine has two handles, perform the exercise by grasping them with an overhand grip, with your palms facing the bench. In this way, the elbows will diverge to the sides, and the load will be distributed to the muscles of the upper back, as well as to the middle. Thanks to this, they will be processed more efficiently: following muscles top part

T-bar rows are performed to maximally work the back muscles. It is worth noting that it is the exercise in question, in combination with the bent-over row of an ordinary barbell, that provides effective growth of the latissimus dorsi muscles, increasing them in size and thickness in a relatively short period of time.

Some subtleties

This exercise intended for all categories of athletes. It will be best if you use the exercise at the very beginning of training your back muscles. It is advisable to perform T-bar rows first, and then proceed to vertical and horizontal rows.

To quickly achieve the desired effect, you need to perform 2-4 sets of 8-10 repetitions. This exercise is the safest of all, working the back muscles. It allows the athlete to exert himself to the maximum without the risk of injury.

Lying T-bar row

The T-bar row is performed in a special machine, which consists of a bench to support the body, as well as the T-bar itself attached to the base.

The T-bar row exercise is designed to work the mid-back by squeezing the shoulder blades together, placing the load on that target area.

Thanks to this, the back becomes more massive, its muscles acquire accentuated thickness, become more detailed, and posture also improves.

The T-bar row is a biomechanically stronger position for rowing and allows for a stronger challenge for the muscle masses of the mid and lower back: lats, trapezius, rhomboids, rear deltoids, teres major, and biceps. The abdominal muscles are also stimulated.

However, in order for the T-bar row exercise to have the desired effect, it must be performed (best in front of a mirror), having mastered the correct technique under the guidance of a trainer.

But almost half of the visitors gyms does it incorrectly, they tend to immediately work with maximum weights.

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To protect your back from injury and perform the training program at full strength, a preliminary comprehensive warm-up is necessary to warm up the muscles.

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Bent-over T-bar rows are performed on a special machine, but you can simply use a barbell, resting it and securely fixing one end of it in the corner.

In addition, you will need a special handle or straps. The T-bar row on the machine is more convenient to perform as it is fully equipped.

When performing T-bar rows, the grip can be different: wide, medium or narrow, reverse straight and parallel; options can be alternated.

The exercise is performed with bent legs and a body tilt of 70-80 degrees, that is, almost parallel to the floor. A hunchback and insufficient torso tilt will negate the entire effect. You need to keep your back straight, bringing your shoulder blades together as you lift the handle.

When it lowers, the shoulders also lower, and the back slightly hunches. This promotes better contraction and stretching of the back muscles.

The T-bar row to the waist should be performed smoothly, with constant control of the muscles involved. To a certain extent, the effect depends on the grip, although it is chosen arbitrarily, at will.

However, experienced athletes note that with a reverse grip, the elbows are pressed closer to the body, and this contributes to a stronger contraction of the latissimus muscles.

The handle with rotating handles also contributes to this. Thanks to it, in the lower position the hand can be turned with the palms back, and in the upper position with the palms inward, which imitates a similar exercise with dumbbells. As a result, the latissimus muscles become more stretched and contracted.