Barley recipes for the fluff diet. Fluffy Diet: diet for weight loss

The Fluffy Diet is based on a strict diet, the main ingredient of which is barley. Adhering to such a nutrition system for 48 days, you can lose up to 35 kg.

Ideal figure is the dream of many women. To achieve it today, there are many different ways, but the most effective and popular is the regulation of the way of eating or diet. Today there are many nutritional systems, but Fluffy's diet that exploded the Internet deserves special attention. The fact is that its creator managed to achieve an incredible result - minus 35 kg in just 3 months!

What is the Fluffy Diet?

Another name for it is the barley diet, since it is this cereal that is in the center of the menu. This method of nutrition was developed by a woman who is not a nutritionist by profession, which causes concern among doctors. Despite this, the diet remains very effective and popular among those who want to lose a lot of pounds in a short time.

The barley diet is based on a number of principles:

  • Refusal of salt . Almost all products recommended for consumption do not contain salt. Also, you can not salt them during the cooking process.
  • Large amount of water . Be sure to drink clean water or mineral water without gas throughout the day. It is advisable to use filtered water.
  • Mono power . The fluff diet belongs to the type of mono-diets. This means that during the entire course of weight loss, you can eat a limited amount of food. Unlike many similar diets, the ingredients for nutrition here are very simple and affordable - fresh white cabbage, low-fat kefir, low-fat fish and pearl barley. To this you can add tea, which is allowed to drink only without sugar.

The average duration of the diet is 48 days, that is, incomplete 3 months. During this time, you can achieve excellent results by dropping up to 35 kg.

Diet menu

The crown dish of the Fluffy diet is pearl barley. It has to be prepared according to a special recipe:

  1. Soak 100 g of cereal overnight. As a result, we get approximately 400 g of barley.
  2. Boil porridge in the morning. As a rule, cooking takes about half an hour. Sugar, salt and spices are not used for cooking. It is allowed to add a small piece of butter.

The finished dish must be divided into 5 equal portions. It is best to use a kitchen scale for this. The basis of nutrition for the whole day is ready. You will also need one small portion of any lean fish, a glass of fat-free or 1% kefir, unlimited water and raw white cabbage.

Here's what your sample Fluffy diet menu for the day would look like:

  • Breakfast . A portion of barley porridge with a glass of kefir.
  • Lunch . Portion of barley porridge.
  • Dinner . A portion of barley porridge and fish in boiled or baked form.
  • afternoon tea . A portion of barley porridge and an unlimited amount of white cabbage.
  • Dinner . Portion of barley porridge.

It is allowed to drink a glass of black or green tea once a day - best during an afternoon snack or lunch. There are no special requirements for the diet, but it is desirable that the difference between meals is equal and is approximately 3 hours.

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Despite the positive results of this type of nutrition, the Fluffy diet menu is very low in calories and does not contain salt. This can have a very negative effect on the body. Therefore, to avoid unpleasant health consequences, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • A diet without salt is fraught with dehydration if you do not drink enough water. Therefore, throughout the day, drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water.
  • Despite a balanced set of products on the menu, the body will lack a number of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, stock up on complex vitamins for the entire course of weight loss.
  • Be sure to follow the 5-time meal plan. Thus, it will be possible to minimize the feeling of hunger and balance the overall emotional state.
  • Maintain your health with sports - sign up for a pool or fitness class. This will help the muscles stay in good shape, and you will feel much more comfortable.

The barley diet is an extreme nutritional option, which is suddenly extremely difficult for the body to switch to. Try first (at least a week) to gradually reduce the number of calories consumed per day, so that later there is no “shock” effect and breakdowns, which will negatively affect the health and weight loss results.

An extreme diet is not for everyone, so it is best to consult a specialist in advance.

Disadvantages of the Fluffy Diet

This diet has a number of disadvantages, which are noted by nutritionists. You need to be aware of these shortcomings:

  • The diet is very poor, due to which the body does not receive the nutrients necessary for normal functioning. In addition, because of this, dieting is extremely difficult - many fail to last more than 1 week, because all this time they have to eat the same ingredients.
  • During the diet, you lose a large amount of weight in a short time. This is a colossal stress for the body, which in the first place can affect problems with the hormonal and emotional background. The norm for weight loss without compromising health is 5 kg per month.
  • Dropping a large number of pounds without sports, you get unpleasant results in the form of sagging skin and stretch marks. It is impossible to eliminate these shortcomings in any other way than physical activity, so you will have to sign up for a gym.
  • The peculiarities of our body are such that losing weight due to a change in the type of nutrition, first of all, muscle mass is lost, and not fat. The problem is that fats are broken down much more difficult and slower than proteins. To get rid of fat deposits, you need to combine diet with physical activity.

The diet may not suit you due to the presence of any diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus or beriberi). Even during the period of a common cold, dieting is not recommended, because this will further weaken the immune system suppressed by the virus.

Diet Results

Proper adherence to a diet without disruption will help you achieve the same results as its creator - that is, lose about 35 kg in 3 months. But each organism will perceive the diet individually and, perhaps, your result will be less serious.

Those who lost weight with the Fluffy Diet lost approximately 20 kg per month on average. Moreover, the maximum effect is noted in the first week, when it is possible to lose up to 1 kg every day.

The video blogger talks about his barley diet in the morning:

Keep in mind that after returning to a normal diet, you risk regaining your previous weight in excess. Therefore, it is best to leave the diet gradually and be sure to engage in some kind of sport, even at home. Remember, if you feel unwell or have any health problems, you should refuse such radical method weight loss.

If you like to eat cereals (especially pearl barley), then the Fluffy diet is for you! For 1.5 - 2 months she allows lose up to 35 kilograms excess weight!

Supply system

The Fluffy Diet menu offers a rather hearty, albeit very monotonous due to the abundance of barley porridge in it. As a supplement to the diet, you can use sour-milk products, lean meat and fish, fresh vegetables.
Fluff allows you to quickly lose weight by reducing calories to 800-900 kcal per day. In fact, this diet has no deadlines. You can stop sitting on it the moment the scale shows you the right weight for you.
To achieve the desired effect faster, at the time of the diet, you should abandon:

  • any sweets, flour products, pastries;
  • all fried, smoked and salty;
  • any kind of seasonings;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • tea and coffee are banned.


Barley porridge is better not to cook. It is better to pour boiling water in the evening and leave overnight in a sealed container, in a warm place (you can additionally wrap it in a blanket). For each meal, 80-100 grams of dry cereals are brewed.

Diet Pushinka menu offers two options. The first option lasts 1.5 months. The second option has a more strict diet, but is designed for only a week (it is suitable for those who need to lose quite a bit).

Menu for 1.5 months


  • barley porridge;
  • fat-free cottage cheese (can be replaced with natural yogurt or kefir, without sugar and additives) - 200 gr.;


  • pearl porridge.


  • pearl barley;
  • a piece of boiled or baked fish (can be replaced with lean meat, for example, skinless chicken breast or beef).

afternoon tea

  • barley porridge;
  • salad of fresh vegetables and any greens (you can add a tablespoon of vegetable oil).


  • barley porridge;
  • a glass of low-fat kefir.

Menu for the week

Day 1

  • 5 meals - each serving of barley porridge;
  • You can eat a green apple once a day.

Day 2

  • according to the principle of the first day - barley porridge;
  • during the day you can eat 2 bananas.

Day 3

  • barley porridge;
  • 15 grams of raisins;
  • 15 grams of any unsalted nuts.

Day 4

  • we continue to eat porridge 5 times a day;
  • for lunch, add 100 grams of boiled beef to it;
  • for dinner - you can eat 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese (up to 5%).

Day 5

  • barley porridge;
  • in the afternoon you can eat 1 banana;
  • in the evening, add 100 grams of boiled chicken meat to the porridge.

Day 6

  • all day porridge;
  • 1 banana;
  • in the evening, add boiled or baked fish to the porridge.

Day 7

  • barley porridge;
  • 100 grams of any lean meat.


+ Diet Pushinka reviews and results are positive, because it is really effective.
+ On the "big" version of this diet, breakdowns are allowed. But not too big. To avoid them - find out everything about.
+ Barley promotes the production of collagen. And it allows the skin to tighten and strengthens the articular cartilage.
+ Barley porridge contains a lot of useful vitamins and amino acids.
+ There is a process of cleansing the body of toxins and decay products.
+ You can eat meat, fish and any fresh vegetables (cabbage is especially valued).


Pretty poor and monotonous diet.
Long-term refusal of salt can disturb the water-salt balance of the body. Therefore, it is better to periodically introduce a little salt into your diet.
It is highly not recommended in the presence of any chronic diseases, especially those associated with gastrointestinal problems.

The “Fluffy” diet was developed by a woman from Russia, wanting to get rid of a few dozen extra pounds. The author of the technique claims that her nutrition system allowed her to lose 35 kg in 3 months.

It should be noted right away that the Fluffy diet is strict, belongs to mono-diets and contains only 4 main products - barley porridge, kefir, lean fish and raw cabbage.
Before starting a weight loss course, you need to prepare mentally and physically, since the daily calorie content should not exceed 1000 kcal.

At the same time, the Fluffy diet has one important rule - you need to make a calendar, marking diet days and days with a normal diet in it.

The basic principles of the fluffy diet

Fluffy diet schedule:

  1. In the first month, the number of diet days is 20, for which 18 kg is spent;
  2. The number of dietary days of the second month is 21, it takes 13 kg;
  3. The third month - 7 diet days without a break, minus 4 kg.

You can distribute the days yourself in the order convenient for you.


  • Diets with prunes for quick weight loss - menu examples
  • An effective diet on cereals - menu and diet
  • Barley diet for weight loss: minus 10 kg per week
  • Healthy Green Diet Indian Yogis
  • Easy diet for a week at home

Basic Rules:

  • is a long-term mono-diet with the exception of salt for the diet;
  • only 4 products are allowed to be used: barley porridge, low-fat kefir, low-fat fish, white cabbage;
  • the daily dose of barley porridge should be 100g in dry form;
  • barley should be soaked in the evening so that it swells by morning;
  • in the morning, porridge should be boiled for an hour;
  • divided into 5 servings, which are the basis of the diet;
  • during the day you need to drink 1 glass of kefir (up to 3%);
  • also, you should eat 1 small fish and raw cabbage in unlimited quantities;
  • per day it is necessary to drink up to 2 liters of pure water without gas;
  • during the course of the diet, it is recommended to take a complex of vitamins.


The Fluff diet menu for weight loss is the same for every diet day.

The menu looks like this:

  • Breakfast: one serving of boiled barley porridge, which should be washed down with a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • Snack: one portion of porridge;
  • Dinner: a plate of barley, stewed or baked small and lean fish;
  • Afternoon snack: barley porridge, chopped raw cabbage;
  • Dinner: the last portion of pearl barley.

For effective weight loss you must strictly follow the schedule and menu, without adding or removing other foods from the diet of diet days.

On non-diet days, meals should be fractional, balanced and also low in calories. It is forbidden to use fried, salty, smoked dishes, sweets, flour products, alcohol.

Benefit and harm

The main ingredient of the Fluffy diet is barley porridge, which contains B vitamins, iron, zinc, potassium, and amino acids.

The benefits of the fluffy diet:

  • a quick result of losing weight, which is suitable for people who do not like to wait a long time;
  • getting rid of excess fluid in the body;
  • cleansing the intestines from toxins, due to the properties of barley porridge;
  • compared to other mono-diets, "Fluff" is quite balanced, which allows you not to lose too much energy when losing weight;
  • health is maintained due to the fact that the diet is not designed for continuous adherence. For 3 months, only 48 days are dietary;
  • in the conduct healthy lifestyle life, lost kilograms are not returned.


  • scarcity of the diet. It is difficult to eat the same foods for a long time;
  • required good strength will, therefore, before a course of weight loss, you should prepare mentally;
  • stress for the body. Rapid weight loss is always reflected by stress for the hormonal background and the nervous system;
  • after the end of the course of losing weight, the weight can return, but only if the person begins to eat high-calorie and harmful foods. Therefore, you need to tune in to proper nutrition;
  • in addition to fat, muscle mass is also lost. Muscles even leave earlier, as it is easier for the body to break down protein into glucose than fat.
  • consequences fast weight loss- saggy skin and stretch marks. To minimize them, it is highly recommended to exercise;
  • sports activities prevent a big loss muscle mass, tighten sagging skin, and aerobic exercise contributes to faster weight loss;
  • in order for the skin to become more elastic in the process of losing weight, go to saunas, to special tightening massages, take a contrast shower.


  • with diseases of the stomach;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • with violations of the kidneys;
  • with digestive problems;
  • with personal intolerance to one of the components of the diet;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

Efficiency and results of weight loss

Obvious results of the Fluffy mono-diet appear in a couple of weeks. In the first month, 1 kilogram of fat and excess fluid is lost per day.
The founder of the diet claims that she herself has lost 35 kilograms.

Women who have experienced this mono-diet note that the average weight loss is 20-25 kilograms in 3 months. The amount of weight lost depends on the initial weight of those who are losing weight.

And here are photos of women who have experienced a miracle diet:

A diet with a light, weightless name speaks for itself. With its help, you can not only easily reset overweight. It will cleanse the intestines and blood of toxins, eliminate puffiness, improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. At the heart of a simple, affordable and effective Fluff is barley porridge.

About the benefits of barley and diet

What is its use and dietary value of the diet and the porridge itself? Pearl barley is a derivative product of ground and peeled barley grains. Barley grains are rich in fiber, which normalizes the digestive system. They contain a sufficient amount of starchy compounds, due to which the cooked porridge has a viscous and tender texture.

Thanks to proteins and amino acids, the cooked dish saturates well, and vitamins A, E, D, B increase the overall tone, improve well-being, strengthen hair and nails. Copper, phosphorus and iodine speed up metabolism, and a high content of selenium protects cells from mutations, prevents aging of the body and stimulates collagen production.

It is not for nothing that barley porridge is actively used in dietary and clinical nutrition: its rich vitamin and mineral composition makes it the main diet for patients with dermatological and neurological diseases.

The undeniable advantage of porridge is that it does not cause allergic reactions.

Diet Features

The basis of Fluffy's diet is barley porridge in combination with sour-milk drinks, low-fat meats and fish, and vegetables (mainly white cabbage). A low-calorie diet gives a gradual and steady weight loss, and the long-term combustion of complex carbohydrates in pearl barley will not make you feel hungry.

The calorie content of the diet is approximately 800 kcal per day, so fat burning will occur fairly quickly.

If you follow all the points of the diet, by the end of the second month you can part with almost 20 kg.

Fluff is calculated and designed not only for weight loss. The set of products has several other advantages:

  • Does not reduce overall performance.
  • Removes toxins, toxins, excess fluid.
  • By burning body fat, it keeps muscle structures intact.
  • Stimulates the production of collagen, maintains firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  • Improves the condition of hair and nails.

What is allowed and prohibited?

Fluff is a diet in which barley porridge should be taken at each meal in a certain amount. It is used as a mono-component or supplemented with other approved products.

One of the main rules of nutrition is the complete exclusion of salt.

You should also avoid sugary, carbonated, alcohol-containing and caffeinated drinks. strictly prohibited even in small quantities all sweets, fried foods, pickles, smoked meats, seasonings, canned foods. During the diet, you need to drink enough clean water (from 1.5 to 2 liters), and take multivitamin-mineral complexes.

Kefir, low-fat varieties of fish, fresh white cabbage are allowed.

The basis of Pushinka is barley porridge. And it needs to be prepared in a special way.

The recipe for preparing the base - barley porridge for each day of the diet:

  1. The night before, rinse 100 g of dry cereal.
  2. Pour the grits with water at room temperature, leave overnight to swell.
  3. In the morning, boil the soaked and increased in volume cereals in a thick-walled bowl until cooked over low heat for 40–60 minutes, adding more if necessary. hot water. You can't salt the porridge.
  4. Divide the resulting amount of product into five equal parts.

Five servings of porridge is the basis of the daily diet.

How to lose weight with pearl barley (video)

Video about the benefits and nutritional value of barley porridge. How to cook a dish that promotes active weight loss.

Varieties of diet and sample menu

Diet for a month and a half- This is a pretty harsh mono-diet. It's hard enough to stick with it. What should your daily diet look like?

  • Breakfast. A serving of porridge with a glass of kefir or yogurt.
  • Lunch. Portion of porridge.
  • Dinner. A portion of porridge with a piece (about the size of a palm) of baked or boiled fish.
  • afternoon tea. A portion of pearl barley and vegetable salad without dressing.
  • Dinner. Portion of porridge with a glass of kefir.

In order not to break loose, sometimes a meager menu is allowed to be supplemented with unsweetened fruit or a handful of berries.

Diet for a week more sparing, and an approximate menu for the day is as follows:

  • 1 day. Five servings of barley and one sour apple.
  • 2 day. Barley with a handful of dried apricots or prunes.
  • 3 day. Barley, 15 g of nuts or 100 g of fat-free cottage cheese.
  • Day 4. In the morning porridge, in the afternoon porridge with a piece of boiled veal, in the evening - with cottage cheese (150 g).
  • Day 5. Add a sour apple and 100 g of boiled or steam fish to five servings of barley.
  • Day 6. Barley with fresh cabbage salad without dressing.
  • Day 7 Porridge with 100 g of boiled veal.

You can also explore the classic pearl barley diet for weight loss.

Getting out of the diet

So that the lost kilograms do not return, it is important to get out of the diet correctly to consolidate the result and feel good. How to do it:

  1. Over the next seven days after the exit, you can replace one barley meal with another cereal porridge. To prevent swelling, the dish should be unsalted. You can add cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, sweet bell peppers, green leafy vegetables.
  2. From the second week, it is allowed to introduce portions of other meat and fish dishes. They should be boiled, steamed, grilled without salt.

Advantages and disadvantages

If the nutrition according to the Fluff method is followed in all respects, weight loss and radiant skin are guaranteed.

Fluff for a month is quite harsh, and for most people who want to lose weight, it can be unsafe. Therefore, it is better to use it only in extreme cases for people with large excess weight.

To improve, eliminate puffiness and lose a few kilograms, nutritionists advise sticking to the sparing version of Fluff for one week. Pearl barley in the amount that is necessary for a daily diet can provoke constipation. If this happens, you should increase portions of salads from fresh cabbage, carrots and other coarse fiber.

To whom the Fluffy diet categoricallyforbidden:

  • children and teenagers;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people with acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, anemia;
  • recovering from viral and bacterial infections.

In each case, the diet must be approved by the doctor. After all, a long stay on this diet can lead to undesirable consequences.

The main thing to remember: every diet ends. And in order to keep the result, you still need to limit yourself to "harmful" food, do not overeat, and in order to maintain shape, do not forget about daily dynamic loads.

Society with its stereotypes and clear guidelines puts a lot of pressure on a modern woman: only a young, well-groomed and slender woman can be successful. The approach to cosmetics, nutrition and clothing is based on this base - everything around literally screams that excess weight- that's terribly bad!

If we ignore the unnatural images imposed by fashion, we can draw a reasonable conclusion: being overweight in the first place is harmful to health. Only then does it indirectly affect the state of appearance. That is why women all over the world strive to lose weight in any way, primarily to achieve harmony with themselves. Everyone wants to know how much a fluff weighs and what joy their own slender reflection in the mirror brings. That is why the new diet under the poetic name "Fluff" was accepted by society with a bang.

The benefits and the main subtleties of the diet

The new diet promises to lose 35 kg in 48 days. It was for such a period and for such a number of kilograms that its creator named Irina managed to lose weight. In its action, the diet is similar to the hunter's diet or fasting days, as it provides for the alternation of a regular meal with a menu strictly scheduled by Irina. Also in the diet provides for the rejection of a number of prohibited foods.

In general, this diet for a month and a half should be well tolerated and have a beneficial effect on the body. Like any food restriction and the use of certain types of foods, the new diet has its contraindications.

If you list all the advantages of the diet, the following points should be highlighted:

  1. Efficiency. The diet "works" and leads to noticeable weight loss.
  2. She is not too "hungry" and is well tolerated.
  3. Availability useful products maintains the normal functioning of the body.
  4. Nutrition with this diet contributes to the active cleansing of the body of toxins and toxins, which is especially important for modern urban residents living in poor environmental conditions and eating synthetic food.
  5. The balanced composition contributes to the use of stored fats and the preservation of muscle mass, as well as the production of collagen, which is necessary to maintain the elasticity of tissues and skin.

Important! Only a reasonable approach to your diet will make losing weight healthy. Any extremism and fanaticism in the application of the diet will lead to negative consequences for health and appearance.

Allowed and prohibited foods

The diet is based on cheap and affordable cereals - pearl barley. It provides satiety and saturates the body with useful substances. In dry form, it is allowed to eat no more than 100 grams of cereal per day. To preserve the maximum amount of useful substances, barley is not boiled, but is poured overnight with water to swell, like buckwheat in a buckwheat-kefir diet. Before use, a portion of soaked barley must be boiled for an hour and divided into 5 parts. This amount of porridge is eaten during the day.

Foods to be removed from the menu:

  • Salt.
  • Coffee.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Alcohol

Allowed products:

  • Pearl barley.
  • Kefir - fat-free or lean.
  • Low-fat fish.
  • Fresh white cabbage.

Important! When using the "Fluff" diet, it is imperative to take a complex of vitamins and minerals, since a sufficient amount of them will not come with food.

Menu by day in detail

It makes no sense to make a special menu by day, since it uses only 4 allowed components in different combinations: pearl barley, cabbage, kefir and lean fish. It is important to drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of water to avoid dehydration and activate the elimination of toxins.

Sample menu for the day:

  • Barley porridge and "skinny" kefir (1 cup).
  • Lunch:
  • Pearl barley.
  • Boiled or baked low-fat fish (no more than 100 grams) and barley for garnish.
  • Salad of fresh white cabbage and barley.
  • Pearl barley.

Important! Since this menu is actually a rather harsh mono-diet, it is difficult to transfer it. The creator herself admitted to "breakdowns" when she moved away from her own diet for 1 - 2 days. In order not to gain weight, it is recommended to periodically introduce small indulgences into your meager menu in the form of unsweetened fruit or more varied vegetables in a salad.

Negative aspects of the diet and its possible harm

If you strictly follow all the rules of "Fluffs", then serious weight loss is guaranteed. But along with it, you can get extremely unpleasant consequences for the body. Too harsh a diet and a sharp weight loss can lead to sagging skin, deformation of muscle tissue and numerous negative effects on the functioning of internal organs.

Before using this highly reduced diet, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo examinations.

It is forbidden to use "Fluff" in the following cases:

  • Children under the age of 18 and the elderly.
  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  • People who have a variety of problems with the digestive tract, especially chronic diseases during a sharp exacerbation.
  • If you are allergic to one or more components of the diet.

The duration of the diet raises many questions from doctors and nutritionists. It is advisable not to use it for more than 10 days in a row, as it does not contain salt and requires a very limited set of products.

Pearl barley is a heavy food. The absence of first courses on the menu and too much barley can provoke constipation, so a woman will have to take care of cleansing her body. If the phenomena are insignificant, and the body digests cabbage well, you can increase its portion. If this does not help, you will have to resort to a laxative.

Difficulty causes and exit from the diet. Often, a return to the old way of life entails not only the return of lost kilograms, but also the “build-up” of a dozen new ones.

Important! Do not show excessive demands on your body. Remember, the slower the excess weight goes away, the more likely it is that it will never come back.