Fitness after childbirth. Success story: how to return the perfect figure after childbirth The ideal figure after childbirth


How childbirth spoil the figure? Exactly as much as we allow ourselves.
- Prettier, blossomed our beauty! - mothers and grandmothers sing in a friendly chorus, admiring the figure rounded after childbirth.
- Yes, you are just Raphael's Madonna - the husband's admiration for the femininity of forms soon gives way to thoughtfulness: he knew that motherhood transforms a woman. But the girlish silhouette of his wife has changed too radically ...
– What did you want? Everyone’s figure deteriorates after childbirth - the “wise” friend breaks the last boat of hope. The fate of us, women, is this - sighing, looking sideways in the mirror at ourselves, fairly resounding and heavy under the burden of household chores.

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And only happy "star" mothers smile from the covers of magazines - the joy of their motherhood is not overshadowed by regrets about the lost harmony. Their waist after childbirth is thin and graceful, their breasts are delightfully elastic, their legs are slender, and their hips are not familiar with cellulite bumps.
There's nothing to be done, this is already a stereotype: after giving birth, the figure is plump, there is not an ounce of cosmetics on her face, her hair is gathered in a tight “tail”, the child is swaying measuredly in a sling, weighty bags with baby food and provisions are in her hands. The dress code is marching, the facial expression is concern, the favorite topic for talking with a friend is the problem of vaccinations, diapers and “ears”: ears on the hips and “spaniel ears” where a luxurious bust flaunted earlier. What can be done so that later it would not be excruciatingly painful for the joy of motherhood?

You can sigh sadly: they say, genetic predisposition. You can blame the lack of time in connection with the assignment of a new mother status. Or the lack of opportunities for "star" methods of restoring the figure after childbirth. And you can pull yourself together and confess to yourself in a whisper: it’s not childbirth that spoils the figure - it’s inaction that spoils the figure.

Childbirth and figure: healthy eating as a way of life
Your main goal is healthy child and maximum preservation of an attractive appearance.
But if the rounded figure no longer causes tenderness, and the word “dumpling” irritates, the first thing that comes to mind is a diet. No matter how tempting this idea is - give it up! 80% of women after childbirth have a significant weight gain, and 10-15 kg gained during pregnancy is considered the norm. However, you should not refuse if you mean a special diet or, let's say, a food culture. Let common sense tell you that limiting the body after such stress as childbirth is nonsense. Moreover, nutritionists have proven that limiting calorie intake gives only temporary weight loss.
You should limit yourself only to what the body of the mother and child does not need if you are a nursing mother: in pastries, an abundance of sweets, in fatty, fried, spicy, salty and smoked. A few months of healthy eating - fresh vegetables and juices, boiled meat and valuable varieties of fish, milk and cottage cheese, various cereals, nuts, seeds, a good vitamin and mineral complex, plus a very active load, inevitable with numerous troubles - and excess weight will melt without a trace. Feeding also contributes to weight loss - for him, energy was accumulated during pregnancy, and it's time to give it away. However, excesses also have no place.
- Eat "for two", you need it - so the worst advice is given out of good intentions. Quantity does not mean quality: from empty calories, which form only a fatty layer, you can not expect any benefit for either mother or child.
Figure and pregnancy: slimming actively
Not extra weight is the cause of all disasters - the roundness of forms suits many. Absence muscle tone- enemy thin waist, slender hips. You can’t blame a young mother for lack of activity: she is active around the clock. But the activity of certain muscles is also necessary.
Current waist after childbirth
In the deplorable state of the waist, it is not the fat layer that is to blame. The rectus abdominis muscles, which keep the anterior abdominal wall in good shape, stretch during pregnancy, diverge to the sides from the middle, or white line, forming the so-called diastasis. You can start classes with a distance between the muscles of no more than 4-5 cm, at 6-8 weeks after childbirth. Prior to this, the load on the abdominal press is prohibited. Help breathing exercises, turns to the sides, compression-relaxation of the abdominal muscles. Don't be in a hurry. It takes time to get back in shape.
After the recovery period is over, it's time to work on the stomach and waist. lower division the abdominal press will be strengthened by the movements of the legs, the torso is motionless. For the upper section - the movement of the body with the legs remaining motionless. The cross work of the limbs develops oblique muscles that support a slender waist.
A little later, when the body is fully restored, gyms and shaping, swimming and running are at your service - the main thing is not the type of exercise, but the systematic.
Perfect breasts before and after
After childbirth and feeding, and not always for the better. But the spoiled, namely the spoiled shape of the breast is not the result of pregnancy and feeding, but of self-dislike. During pregnancy, do not forget about creams to prevent stretch marks: it is necessary to stop damage to the skin. After - about exercises to restore shape, creams for stretch marks, to improve the shape of the breast, and such banal measures as special bustiers: the possibility of wearing an open neckline in the future largely depends on them.
... and royal posture
Do not forget about posture: the spine is the basis of health. During pregnancy, he had a huge burden. Are you familiar with the typical "post-pregnancy" posture: arched lower back, belly forward, chest at waist level? Get rid of her immediately! Correct posture will work wonders: it will hide the tummy, demonstrate a hitherto imperceptible luxurious bust and in an incomprehensible way cheer you up. Don't believe? Straighten up well and smile heartily at the whole world - you will understand the meaning of the word "royal posture." Let the list of measures to restore the figure after childbirth be replenished with exercises for the spine. And best of all, contact a professional chiropractor and take a course of good massage.
Perfect skin after childbirth is easy
“It's just a nightmare,” exclaim the owners of postpartum stretch marks. To the regret of all the daughters of Eve, during pregnancy, it is given to meet each of them. However, everyone is given a chance to get rid of them, and whether you take advantage of this chance or not is another matter.
It is generally accepted that the reasons are weight changes. But the elastin and collagen fibers responsible for the structural and supportive functions of the skin are not only damaged by stretching. The reason is cortisol, a hormone whose levels are elevated during pregnancy. It inhibits the production of collagen, making its existing fibers brittle. As a result, the skin easily stretches, sags, stretch marks and striae form, which we have the displeasure to observe on the chest, abdomen, and hips.
But why watch? Any problem is easier to prevent. During pregnancy, use anti-stretch mark creams for breasts, emollient and nourishing creams. After - necessarily corrective underwear and again care, care, and care. Creams for stretch marks, creams to improve the shape of the breast will restore the elasticity of the skin, saturating with nutrients that stimulate the production of collagen, delicate breast peels. Stretch marks gradually lighten and smooth out, plus the lost skin tone is restored. Creams with a lifting effect will have a modeling effect, which is important for the shape of the breast, which, as you know, is mainly supported by the elasticity of the skin.
As for stretch marks on the thighs, also use nourishing creams, scrubs that polish the skin and start cell regeneration processes, tonics that fill the skin with energy and strength.
More about cellulite
Cellulite during pregnancy is at risk of getting even those whose skin was exceptionally elastic. And again, hormones are to blame, stimulating the growth of subcutaneous fat to concentrate energy reserves. After childbirth, energy is consumed, but the structure of the skin - dimples and bumps, plus fat deposits produced by inertia, our cellulite, remain. How to get rid of unused fat reserves and tissue swelling? Indeed, as you know, often puffiness is the result of increased osmotic pressure in the tissues associated with the growth of fatty tissue. Wraps are most effective in the fight against cellulite and stretch marks. Whether it is drainage wraps, cold wraps - choose a procedure to your taste and enjoy - the procedure itself, which brings real pleasure and pleasant relaxation, and the effect - deliciously smooth, velvety skin, firm and elastic. Hot wraps are ideal for postpartum recovery, silhouette modeling, elimination of problems such as cellulite, stretch marks, to cleanse the body of cellular metabolism products; cold wraps are relevant for cellulite with vascular pathology, in its advanced stages; drainage effect is an intensive removal of fluid from the intercellular space, active cleansing of the whole organism. In addition, wraps will get rid of deposits on the waist and hips without dubious diets: each procedure “takes away” from 0.5 to 2 cm. active lifestyle.
Do you lack free time? Rather, you lack the ability to use it. The main thing, do not forget: walking in the fresh air with a stroller and a march to the shops will not replace full-fledged activity, an occasional visit to the salon is regular personal care. Do not hide behind excuses: “I gave all of myself to the family”! A field of activity limited to household chores will not benefit either beauty and health, or your loved ones: they do not need gourmet cuisine and perfect order maintained by an exhausted housewife. They need a beautiful and well-groomed wife satisfied with life, a rested, affectionate and caring mother.
Be happy and always beautiful - you deserve it!

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And no one canceled homework, especially if during this difficult period there is no faithful assistant nearby. So one day, looking in the mirror, we notice overweight where you don't want to see them.

But do not rush to take drastic measures and "go on a diet", especially if the child is breastfed.
Be sure that a woman with a child simply does not have extra pounds, she is as beautiful as Madonna and Child! But if you are mentally and physically ready to return to the size before childbirth, let's start!

First, be sure - everything will turn out, be sure!
Do not set yourself the goal of losing 10 kilograms in one month at once, reduce weight gradually and everything will turn out by itself.

Of course, the guarantee of health and, thereby, effective weight loss, is proper nutrition, which means that you need to consume only natural products, no semi-finished products, sausages, sausages, smoked meats, fried, salty, canned food, chocolate and alcohol. Plus, your baby will be healthier.

Get a double boiler for vegetables, fish, meat, besides, it will be useful to you in the future when introducing complementary foods to your child. It is necessary to eat at least 5 times a day, in small portions. The diet should contain dairy products, fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, grains.

Limit yourself to baked goods and sweets. You also need to drink at least two liters of fluid per day to maintain lactation.

Try not to eat four hours before bedtime, instead of a snack, you can drink a cup of tea with milk or low-fat kefir.

The opinion of women who believe that breastfeeding leads to weight gain and loss of shape is erroneous. Breastfeeding burns a huge amount of calories.

Huge benefits for the figure bring street walks with a stroller. Also try to move as much as possible, dance with the baby in your arms, get a CD with exercises for new mothers, and when you have the opportunity to leave the baby for a couple of hours a day, you can think about the gym.

Do not forget about such an important thing as posture. Incorrect posture visually immediately adds a couple of kilograms.

It will be useful to wear a bandage after the birth, it also performs the role of corrective underwear - it tightens the tummy and supports the back. And the simplest exercise at home is to walk with a book or some light object on your head.

Of course, in the first months after childbirth, it is very difficult to find time for rest due to piled up household chores, especially if there is no assistant, but still try to find time for rest and sleep, combining it with the child’s daytime sleep, because a good mood and cheerfulness are a guarantee good luck in whatever you do!

We are all girls who take care of themselves, worry about their figure. Many are even afraid that after childbirth they will become less attractive, as the figure will lose its shape. And the fear of this does not allow us to enjoy life in peace. And of course, no one says that pregnancy will not leave its marks on your body, but it is in our power to correct them. The way we perceive it, what we do and how we fight it, shows the true result, which will not be long in coming if everything is done correctly. I didn't have much difficulty with the figure after the birth of the child, my body took its shape almost by the 1st birthday of my baby (I'm talking about a year). Of course, I made little effort, but to be honest, for me it was as a matter of course, I wrote about a lot. Therefore, I don’t even have anything to brag about so much 🙂 But the heroine of this article is not a fictional character who sells weight loss products or promotes liposuction. She is a wife, mother of a beautiful 10 month old girl Alice and just a beautiful woman who is worthy of admiration. Yes, her result is not minus 20, 30 kilograms - these are already serious losses that require even the supervision of doctors, but working on yourself is the main indicator from which you can take an example and be proud of! Or maybe it's everyone, the main thing is faith in yourself, the desire to be beautiful, slim and great willpower.

Olga is 26 years old, on Titmouse the nickname is "margoShka". Higher education. Specialty: manager of foreign economic activity. Her hobbies are drawing, English and, of course, sports 🙂 The main credo in life: "Everything that is not done is done for the better!" .

She set a goal for herself to lose weight and achieved it. Everyone can do this, let's find out what is needed for this? 🙂

Author: Olenka, you have a wonderful result of working on your figure, tell us how you achieved such success and for what period?
Olga: Thank you very much 🙂 Honestly, I didn’t even expect that I would draw such attention to my person,
I will give an interview (the first in my life). After looking at my photos at the New Year holidays, I realized that I can no longer delay the moment of returning myself to my former self! After reading on the Internet how to lose weight without harm to breastfeeding, I began my journey to perfection. At first it was a banal swing of the press, squats, leg swings. Then classes on the course with Gillian (video course " A slim body in 30 days") + reducing portions eaten, minimizing snacks with crackers, cookies, increasing water intake. By the way, now I drink at least 1.5-2 liters of pure water a day.
Well, when it got warmer, I began to run at the stadium! Nothing promotes weight loss like running, which I love! 10-15 minutes of jogging is a rare opportunity to be alone with yourself, forget about everything in the world and just run ... .. That's how I worked out for six months: one day or jogging, or rocking the press + exercise bike + hula hoop at home, one day of rest ( or two, as I like). I lost 7 kg and began to weigh less than before pregnancy!

Author : Was it hard? What motivated yourself?
Olga: It was absolutely not hard! I had the opportunity to be alone, devote time to myself 😉 While my husband was taking care of my daughter, I could take care of myself 🙂 . And the motivation is banal and simple - I wanted to like myself again! Easy to get in
in your old jeans, feel weightless and sexy!

Author : What was your pre-pregnancy weight and how much did you gain during pregnancy?
Olga: My "ideal" weight was 57 kg (height 170 cm). During pregnancy, I scored 14. Honestly, I was very worried about how quickly I could return to my previous forms. After giving birth, 7 kg was gone, and the second half was securely fixed in the hips and buttocks
Author : How did you find time to work on your body? Is there an agenda? If yes.. Which one?
Olga: Well, everything is very simple here - when the husband is at home - then I'm free 🙂 as a rule, it's evening. With the advent of spring, we combine business with pleasure: we go to the stadium! I - to run, and my husband - to walk with my daughter :). As for the routine, it all depends on the child - when he wakes up, when he eats, etc. I will say one thing, if there was no husband, it would be unrealistically difficult to play sports with my daughter: I tried to shake the press a couple of times - I failed 🙁 . I won't even explain why. ( I know what you mean. author's note)
Author : What is the place of sport in your life?
Olga: A very important place! I would like to immediately note that my mother instilled sports in me. No, she didn’t take me to the sections - she pumped the press, twisted the hoop and did squats with dumbbells for as long as I can remember! I had (and still have) a worthy example before my eyes. No diet or
strict restrictions on food - only physical activity. Therefore, the swing of the press, priests and legs for me
occupation is not new :). I love this feeling of tiredness and lightness at the same time after a run, the feeling of a strong tour.
and how your body is filled with health and energy. When I went pregnant I was very bored
in my training, I really realized how much I would have to recover later.
My hands were very itchy after giving birth, I was waiting for the time when I could already “do something with myself” :).
I know girls who hate sports, it's easier for them to go on diets. I don't really understand them, but they understand me.
Well, it says to each his own, but I am for sports! Definitely he has more pluses .... ( I totally agree with you. author's note)
Author : Do you consider yourself a workaholic or do you still allow yourself to be lazy sometimes? 😉
Olga: I consider myself a workaholic, but I often allow myself to be lazy). There must be a golden mean in everything:
there should be no overkill! Therefore, when I'm too lazy, I don't do anything, otherwise the training will become a burden,
and you can hardly call it training. Still not unimportant I consider willpower, discipline: I decided to lose weight -
so, do not stop halfway, and if you have already lost weight, do everything in order to maintain the result!
Author: What do you think of a well-groomed look, beautiful figure dependent on wealth? Or is it still a lifestyle that every woman can do?
Olga: Absolutely does not depend! For sports, for example, it is not necessary to visit expensive sports clubs and buy
simulators! It is enough to show a little ingenuity, recharge with the right attitude and go!
Use water bottles instead of dumbbells, books instead of fitness boards, etc. The same goes for correct
nutrition, daily routine, bad habits ... now we have a colossal storehouse of information - the Internet, where
a lot of training videos, articles, blogs. The thing is small, you just need to want it! And then any girl/woman
will be candy!

Author : How do you feel about the phrase "Do not be born beautiful, but be born happy"? What, in your opinion, is the true feminine

Olga: I think that there is a certain meaning in this saying! I won’t discover America if I say that it’s easier for beautiful people
in life: they are always in the spotlight, it is easier for them to get a job, make a new acquaintance. Another thing,
if behind a beautiful picture lies emptiness, mediocrity and stupidity -
You won't get far with just one look.... As they say, you can't drink water from your face.
Now let's talk about "happy". Everyone has a mirror, so we know and see all our minuses / shortcomings.
Loving yourself for who you are is not enough, because few people can share your feeling. BUT! If you have short
legs, mouse hair color and a big nose - this is not a sentence! Just wear high heels
dye your hair in a bright blonde and do the right makeup that visually reduces the nose. There is always a way out! Not
beautiful people do not exist! There are lazy and stuffed with their own
parents, but this is from another opera ...
In a word - the beauty of a woman in my understanding is a harmonious combination
well-groomed appearance and a rich inner world, one is impossible without the other!

Author : What are your methods of dealing with bad moods?
Olga: My family is my antidepressant! Or we watch some kind of comedy with my husband, or urgently move forward for a walk. Calling my girlfriends, reading titmouse (mom forum), watching
old photos ... and I also listen to my favorite music and dance - in a word, I try to completely distract myself from a bad mood)
Author : What would you advise, wish every mom who wants to lose weight?
Olga: I wish you great faith in yourself! Understanding that everything in our life depends ONLY on us! The main thing is to want to change yourself, to want this so strongly and completely that nothing and no one can knock you down from your goal! And then, the expected result is only a matter of time. Be beautiful, light and loved!!!

: Thank you, Olenka! It was very interesting. I hope my readers do too. Because it is people like Olya that motivate to action. You can’t sit back and cry about your problems, you need to act and change what you don’t like, what doesn’t suit you, what prevents you from enjoying life and feeling easy and happy. Every woman can become the BEST, once saying to herself: "I can do it, I will do it and I will succeed"! And so it will be. Believe in yourself and start acting today;) Only you can change everything in your life the way you want it;) Be happy and remember "A healthy mind in a healthy body" 😉

Hello, I am the author of this site. I am the mother of two boys Yaroslav and Nikitka, 4 years apart. We love visiting new places, meeting new people, learning new things and sharing interesting information.

Let's be friends?

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It's no secret that all women strive to be beautiful and sexy, not only for their man, but also for themselves. And the issue of restoring the previous forms after childbirth is very important for every woman. Indeed, after childbirth, as never before, you want to become attractive again, lose weight, “remove” your sides, stomach, in general, regain your former freshness and sparkle in your eyes.

Many women, in order to lose weight after pregnancy, immediately resort to various diets. But, it is worth noting that one diet will not help you return to your previous forms. To do this, you will need not only to adhere to a strict diet, but also to do physical exercises in order to return your figure to a seductive shape.

How to get back in shape after childbirth

Many believe that exercises to restore the figure can be done no earlier than a month after childbirth. But this approach is not always correct. If there were no complications during childbirth, they were successful, and you did not give birth by caesarean section, then you can start the exercises a month after the birth of the baby.

But when doing exercises, do not overdo it, because too much load will not benefit you, only harm. A simple exercises just perfect for you.

It is best for you to choose exercises to align and strengthen your back and chest. It is important to remember that in the first period after childbirth, you should avoid exercises on the pelvic muscles. Let's take a look at the most important exercises for renewal after childbirth.

Exercises to restore the figure after childbirth

  1. Take a lying position and try to pull in your stomach. Then slowly inhale the air, without relaxing the abdominal muscles. Stay in this position for fifteen seconds. Do twenty sets.
  2. Lie on the floor, then lean on it with your elbows and stand on your fingertips.

You can see more exercises for the abdomen in this article exercises for the abdomen after childbirth.

Exercises for the pelvic muscles

Lie on your stomach or on your back, choosing a position that is more comfortable for you. Then you need to tighten the muscles of the vagina and stay in this position for 5 seconds. Do fifty sets a day. It is very important to learn how to properly tighten your muscles, and then you can do this exercise in any position, even when you are breastfeeding a baby.

Exercises for the muscles of the abdomen and back

  • First, you need to lie on your back, bend your legs, while placing your feet on the floor. In this exercise, it is important to ensure, first of all, that you do not separate your legs. Then inhale, raising your stomach, then exhale, pulling in as much as possible and pressing your back to the floor.
  • Lie on your back with your legs bent. Two or one hand should be placed on the stomach so that you can keep the abdominal muscles under control. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, lift your torso and head. If the hands interfere, then they can be taken from the stomach.
  • Again he lies on his back, but without bending his legs. Pull your right knee to your chest, then grab it, then bring it back to your chest. Freeze in this position for a few seconds. Do the same with the left leg. In total, there should be ten approaches for each leg.

Weight Loss Exercises

In order for these exercises to help you achieve results, they should best be combined with a set of exercises for the abdomen. To slim the waist, you need to do exercises with a hoop for 10-15 minutes a couple of times a day. It is also good for health to do short runs twice a day. effective exercise for weight loss is considered running on the spot.

Exercises for the neckline

  1. Take a lying position and straighten your legs. Then take small dumbbells and begin to bring your hands together over your chests. Repeat these movements twenty times.
  2. Do fifteen push-ups, while making sure that the pelvis is in the correct position.

During the bearing of a child, the figure of a woman changes greatly, and not for the better. The point here is not only weight gain (in the case of a normal pregnancy, the increase is about 10-12 kilograms, about half of which is lost during childbirth). The unpleasant consequences of pregnancy include the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen and legs, the deposition of fat on the waist and hips. In some women, posture deteriorates, the first signs of cellulite (the so-called “orange peel”) appear in problem areas. It is not surprising that most young mothers dream of returning their body to its former, “pre-pregnant” form. This is quite real, but you should be careful and competent in restoring the figure after childbirth.

The main methods of body shaping after childbirth

First of all, a woman must understand that the changes that have occurred to her body during pregnancy are reversible. In addition, if the young mother was thin before the start of the gestation period, it is not necessary to achieve a complete return of her “dimensions”: it is quite possible to create an ideal figure after childbirth while maintaining some splendor of the hips and chest. But with a sagging belly, stretch marks and manifestations of cellulite, you will have to fight. To succeed, you need to properly tune in and start working in several directions:

  • Nutrition. Breastfeeding mothers are contraindicated strict diets and severe food restrictions. She needs a healthy diet with a predominance of cereals, lean meat and fish, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, as well as plenty of fluids. It is this diet that is most preferable for body shaping after childbirth. Food that is considered undesirable in terms of weight gain (sweet, rich, fatty) is also harmful for a baby who eats mother's milk. You can not take drugs for weight loss (including dietary supplements);
  • Breast-feeding. Contrary to popular belief, breastfeeding does not promote weight gain. excess weight. On the contrary, with prolonged breastfeeding, a woman's weight usually drops, since the process of producing milk requires a lot of energy;
  • Communication with a child. Caring for a baby requires constant activity from the mother. Despite the fact that immediately after being discharged from the maternity hospital, a woman feels tired, she often has to take the baby in her arms, walk with him for a long time. At first, such physical activity is quite enough to achieve the restoration of the figure after childbirth;
  • Postpartum bandage. In order to avoid the appearance of stretch marks, it is useful to wear a bandage even before childbirth. Do not give up on the postpartum bandage: it helps to keep the abdominal muscles in the correct position and contributes to the rapid contraction of the uterus;
  • Cosmetics for the body. To eliminate stretch marks and get rid of the “orange peel”, you can use ready-made creams and gels, you just need to choose those that do not contain substances dangerous to newborns. In this sense, natural products are preferable (aromatic oils, coffee scrubs with sea salt, honey, etc.);
  • Exercises. In the struggle to create an ideal figure after childbirth, you can not do without gymnastics. There are various sets of exercises based on yoga, body flex and fitness techniques. They are mainly aimed at strengthening the muscles of the abdomen and thighs. A good help in eliminating extra pounds can be the use of a hula hoop or a floor rotating disk. You can start gymnastics a few weeks after giving birth and only with the permission of a doctor;
  • Slimming procedures. If a young mother can set aside time to visit specialists, she is allowed soft massage and myostimulation procedures (with the exception of the chest area), but not earlier than a month after the birth of the baby. Mesotherapy (intradermal injections) and body wraps are not recommended for nursing mothers.

Restoration of the figure after the second birth

The second pregnancy, oddly enough, usually affects the figure of a woman less "destructively" than the first. It has been noticed that when re-carrying a child (especially if the first baby was born recently), the mother does not gain weight so intensively and quickly returns to shape. This is most likely not related to physiological features, but with a more balanced behavior of women. During a second pregnancy, she, already having experience, tries to eat rationally, uses cosmetics against stretch marks, a prenatal bandage, etc. In addition, caring for two children creates such physical activity that is the best way to put the figure in order after the second birth .