Training fight boxers. Close combat in boxing - a training technique

Close range combat is an important part of modern combat technique. In close combat, only strong blows are considered effective, this is especially true with a new approach to scoring in fights. Each blow must be applied powerfully with the obligatory inclusion of the rotational and rotational-translational movement of the torso into the blow. At close range, in rare cases, a series of three or more blows should be applied. It is necessary to mainly apply strong single blows and combinations of two blows, moreover, they must be applied selectively, alternating with active protection, from various directions and into open places.

The proportion of side punches in close combat is much greater than punches from below, but punches from below, especially to the head, are a powerful weapon in the technique of the strongest boxers. When analyzing the boxing technique of our boxers in domestic competitions, in rare cases you will see effective use of blows from below to the head in close combat. It is necessary to make it a rule that in close combat blows from below to the head are an effective weapon in achieving victory. As for the use of side blows, it is also easy to notice the rare use of a side right to the head by our boxers. And already in the rarest cases, you can observe our boxers performing side blows to the body.

It is necessary to reconsider the technique of applying side blows and blows from below in close combat. Stronger accented blows should be applied and a greater mass should be put into the blow and it is imperative to use the rotational movement of the body to increase its strength. It is especially important to teach boxers how to correctly strike from below to the head, using strong extension movements of the body. An important circumstance in this case is the position of the fist when striking from below and from the side. The correct position of the fist upon impact increases its strength, creates a rigid chain: hand - forearm - shoulder, and also reduces hand injuries. The most optimal for achieving these goals is such a final position of the fist, when the back of the glove is directed towards the opponent.

The modern concept of close combat dictates the need to quickly apply a more grouped stance after entering the close distance with the obligatory transfer of body weight to the front foot. Being late for only one, two tenths of a second, the boxer risks losing the situation in the subsequent development of close combat.

In order to successfully master the elements of combat at close range, it is necessary at the beginning of training to make extensive use of simulation exercises. Completion of these exercises improves the ability of boxers to control the trunk (transfer of body weight from one leg to another, a sense of a common center of gravity - hereinafter referred to as "body weight") both in place and in motion. Only after the high-quality performance of these exercises, when the boxers “feel” finding the weight of the body when performing certain blows, can one proceed to the study of the elements of close-range fighting technique.

A boxer, performing punches at close range, must necessarily alternate them with the performance of certain types of defenses, such as slips, dives, squats and blocks. Therefore, after learning blows from below to the body and to the head, it is necessary to move on to more complex exercises, where blows from below and from the side, single and combinations of two blows with certain types of defenses will alternate. At the same time, it is necessary to go from simple to complex in training, namely: at first single blows are used and after them defense options, then single blows are repeated, but after certain types of defenses have been completed, and then the boxer is given more complex tasks with performing combinations of defenses and blows . The main task in the following exercises is to teach the boxer to effectively alternate punches in close combat with certain types of defenses, i.e. be maximally “charged” for a strong blow, but at the same time be maximally protected from enemy blows.

All exercises at the first stage of training are performed by the boxer from the position of the front stance, then the boxer is invited to perform the entire set of simulation exercises listed above from a position closer to the usual fighting position, but more grouped.

When studying and improving side kicks, the following rule must be observed: when delivering a side kick to the head with the left, the weight of the boxer's body during the kick must be transferred to the right leg to increase the radius of rotation, and, as a result, increase the force of the blow. When inflicting a side blow with the right to the head, the weight of the body must be transferred to the left leg, which also increases the force of the blow. The same rule must be followed when applying side blows to the body.

When performing exercises for teaching close range defense options, the following should be noted. Melee defense can be active or passive. Passive defense is used mainly in cases where a boxer cannot actively fight for some time, due to the state of "groggy" or getting into an uncomfortable position (corner of the ring, near the ropes). In some cases, passive defense is also used tactically to avoid combat at close range, as well as to tire the enemy in the first half of the battle in order to move on to active actions in the second part of the duel. Active defense involves the use of those options for defensive actions that will make it possible to effectively defend themselves and, at the same time, without losing control over the actions of the enemy, quickly switch to active actions. In some cases, close combat must use both active and passive defense, i.e. combine them depending on the situation in the ring.

Further exercises should be built according to the scheme, when one boxer attacks alternately or by choice, and the other defends passively or counterattacks (in response). After learning these specific drills, boxers will master basic defensive moves, punches, and close combat punch combinations.

The following exercises are performed in a somewhat complicated form. The scheme of these exercises is as follows: attack, defense, counterattack, i.e. the attacking boxer, after delivering a blow or a combination of blows, defends himself from the retaliatory counterattack blows of his partner and, after defending, again strikes a blow or a combination of blows.

Further, the boxer is offered special exercises that directly solve broader technical problems of improving the conduct of combat at close range. It is necessary to gradually increase the complexity of performing special exercises, starting from solving narrow tasks to performing exercises with broad tactical tasks.

The next, final series of special exercises should directly bring boxers closer to those fighting situations and solving wide tactical problems in close combat that they may encounter during fights in the ring. These exercises can be offered to those boxers who have already quite firmly mastered all the close combat skills that they received during the previous exercises. To perform the following set of exercises, you need the appropriate equipment. Boxers should learn the exercises with a helmet, mouth guard, bandage, and if possible, especially at the beginning of this complex, use 12-14 oz gloves. The weight of the gloves can be further reduced.

Here are some exercises in the final complex.

Ex. N 1. Both boxers perform the same task. They are given the task of inflicting single blows from below and side blows to the body and blows from below to the head. At the same time, it is forbidden to inflict short direct blows, side blows to the head, as well as use the defense by stepping back.

Ex. N 2. Both boxers perform the same task. They are given the task to apply only combinations of two blows in any combination, it is forbidden to use short direct blows and defense with a step back.

Ex. N 3. One boxer delivers only single blows (from below, from the side), the other - only combinations of two blows (from below, from the side). Boxers are instructed to constantly change punch patterns. Of the protection options, it is recommended to use stands, blocks, dives, slopes, squats.

Ex. N 4. Both boxers perform the same task. They are given the task of inflicting single blows and combinations of two blows, while it is necessary to alternate single blows and combinations of blows in succession.

Ex. N 5. One boxer delivers only a series of three punches, the other only single punches. When performing this exercise, the advantage of the boxer who delivers single punches should appear.

Ex. N 6. Both boxers perform one task. They are instructed to use direct blows to the head and torso at a long distance (secondary task), when entering close range (main task) to use the entire arsenal of equipment for combat at close range.

Based on the experience of his work, the coach can add and expand all sections of the exercises with those exercises that, in his opinion, can more effectively fulfill the main task - to teach our boxers to fight in close combat.

Based on the materials of the article by A.I. Kachurin, V.A. Kiselev and O.V. Kravchenko:
Kachurin A.I. Methodological foundations training in close combat in boxing / Kachurin A.I., Kiselev V.A., Kravchenko O.V. // Anniversary collection of works of RGAFK scientists dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Academy. - M., 1998. - T. 4. - S. 115-118

Boxing is one of the most spectacular sports. He is interesting to everyone. Fights at close range are especially sharp. When approaching the enemy, you can make many mistakes, miss blows, miss, resort to grabs or push the enemy. Therefore, it is necessary and important to train carefully in order to achieve good results. You can watch the main technique and melee combat itself in this film.

The most comfortable position for close combat is the boxer's main stance. It helps well in close combat steps to the side, this disarms one of the sides of the enemy.

In general, all you need is to watch close combat carefully. After all, it not only talks in detail about all the features and tactics, but also shows how exactly you need to train in order to easily defeat an opponent in close combat.

Close fight in boxing training film

Close fight in boxing, training film (description)

In the future, close combat tactics should be improved. Even if you are a champion, you still have to polish the elements of technique throughout many years of training.

Close-range strikes are characterized by a minimum range of motion, but great purity. Elements of close combat must be persistently brought to automatism in special training battles.

There is no time to think, so you need to act decisively. Depending on the individual characteristics of boxers at close range, you can fight in different ways.

Relaxation is of particular importance at close range. shoulder girdle. Developing an attack dangerously close to the enemy, it is imperative to use passing defenses. You can watch melee combat in this video.

A necessary condition for victory is the obligatory possession of all melee techniques.

Features of the training of amateur boxers, depending on the proximity to the competition. The entire training cycle of an amateur or professional boxer can be divided into 4 large stages.

Stage 1. General.

This stage is the longest in time. Takes from 1 to 2 months. The task of this stage of training is to develop general physical endurance, physical strength, and develop basic boxing skills. The duration of training is usually 2 hours or more. Training Intensity average.

Stage 2. Special boxing job.

Duration 3-4 weeks. The intensity of training increases to a maximum and decreases over time. The task is to teach the athlete to keep a high pace throughout the fight. The fight lasts in amateur boxing for a maximum of 9 minutes. Therefore, it is necessary to train the body to enter as quickly as possible. into the anaerobic zone energy consumption and maintain this state without loss of efficiency throughout the fight. Maximum attention is paid to working in pairs, sparring and developing special endurance.

3. Precompetitive stage of a boxer. 1-2 weeks.

Loads gradually decrease. Workouts are reduced to 45 minutes. The intensity of training becomes even higher and reaches the maximum possible. The task is not to get injured and not get sick, to fit into the framework of the weight category. Weight loss leads to a decrease in immunity and therefore Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the regimen and nutrition of the athlete. At this time, it is easiest for a boxer to get sick.

4. Competitive stage of boxer training.

Unlike professionals, competitions for amateurs last several days (up to 8 days). Throughout this time, it is necessary to maintain combat weight. (weighing every day) and at the same time maintain good physical condition. Training, as a rule, is not held during the competitive period.

Stage 5 can also be noted - this is the recovery stage.

An athlete needs to recover psychologically and physically after a difficult competitive stage. Physical training camps are perfect for this, which will quickly restore the physical and psychological strength of the athlete.

Training of professional boxers

The training of professional boxers is the same as the training of amateur boxers, divided into cycles. All training cycles for professionals follow the same sequence as for amateurs.

Fights for professionals and amateurs are different. Professionals hold one long fight (up to 12 rounds), while amateurs have short fights, but they need to fight for several days in a row (up to 6 fights, every other day). So the preparation is very different. The task of a professional is to maintain a high pace throughout 40 minutes, while amateurs throughout 9 minutes. The pace of battle among professionals is lower.

In amateurs to drive weight is contraindicated, because. the weigh-in takes place on the day of the fight, sometimes a few hours before the fight. It is impossible to perform completely "dried". For professionals, sometimes almost 2 days pass between weighing and fighting. The athlete has time to recover. Therefore, the pros drive weight. They use various prohibited diuretics and go to the fight with a weight of 5-15 kg more than the weight shown by them at the weigh-in. This method is used by most boxers.

Sparring in boxing is training training, but almost real fight, which is held with the aim of comprehensive preparation for the tournament, aimed at practicing technology, speed and tactics. Sparring is an important process in preparing for a fight. In boxing, there is such a thing as a sparring partner - this is an athlete performing in sparring to train a stronger and more famous boxer.

Purpose of sparring

When boxer works in pairs, the so-called conditional battle, both receive tasks (work only right hand, protection only with a retreat and a bias, etc.), they box easily, while in sparring danger and unpredictability are felt. A sparring partner helps you feel the upcoming fight and hone your tactics, skills and beat speed. The boxer thus becomes accustomed to strong blows and feels more confident during a real duel.

Boxing sparring video

How much time should be devoted to sparring

Sparring is, of course, an important part of the preparation for the upcoming fight, and must be carried out to the fullest so that the athlete can fully navigate during the fight in the ring. Therefore, athletes should pay a lot of attention and time to such training. It is by thinking well over each fight, analyzing and correcting the mistakes made, and applying trained techniques and combinations that sparring will give you what you need. With each thoughtful fight, the boxer improves in his skill. Sparring is also called freestyle combat, it is not required here impact force, which can cause extra caution boxers and vice versa ease and speed of decision-making. Freestyle combat develops a sense of distance, time and speed reaction in difficult combinations.

Development of tactics in sparring

In the ring every movement must carry a certain tactical move. So, for example, fidgeting with the legs will not give anything good, except for fatigue. That is why it is necessary to control the attacks, they must be carried out quickly and completed, almost lightning fast. Starting from the right distance, and ending with the delivery of the blow itself, everything must be thought out, only cold-blooded and accurate blows, since a hail of useless blows takes a lot of strength, and this is best avoided. Calmness will help to save more strength. Wrong movements are very easy to remember, from which it is subsequently difficult to wean a boxer. For example, the most common mistakes made are hit not clenched enough hook the inside of the glove with a slightly bent arm. The boxer must constantly monitor his position and try to maintain it. To develop good tactics, fighter should diversify the duel a lot - switch from distance combat to infighting and vice versa, be unpredictable, know from what distance he will deliver the most accurate blow during the attack.