Exercises for the spine. Throwing your legs behind your head What does the exercise of throwing your legs over your head give?

Lie on your back with your legs straight. Hands should lie along the body, palms down.

Position 2

With a sharp movement, lift your pelvis off the floor, lift your straight legs and lower them behind your head, trying to touch the floor with your toes. At the moment of execution, the abs should be as tense as possible, and the main force should fall on it, so if possible, do not lean on your hands.

Position 3

After holding for a second in the previous position, return to the starting position. This must be done in one sharp movement, but so that the legs do not touch the floor and are always suspended.

Don’t be afraid to take a high tempo, just don’t lower your feet to the floor at the end point and try to throw them as far behind your head as possible.

Feet behind head benefits

Twisting your legs behind your head (The Roll-over)

Difficulty level: medium to difficult

Effect: stretching and massage of the spine and back muscles, strengthening the abdominal muscles and center of the body, stretching back surface thighs and gluteal muscles.

Option 1 - Starting position: lie on your back, arms along your body, legs straightened on the floor, toes pointed. Fix the center of the body, pull in the stomach. Inhale, as you exhale, lift your legs away from your body and slowly twist them behind your head as far as possible. Ideally, you should touch your toes to the floor, inhale and exhale, smoothly lower your legs to the floor.

Option 2 - The starting position is the same, as you exhale, twist your legs behind your head with your toes pulled up, while inhaling, your feet become in a flex position and, as you exhale, twist down.

Number of repetitions: 8 repetitions

Do not help yourself with your hands, as if pushing your feet off the floor.

Do not make sudden movements, twisting is performed smoothly - vertebra by vertebra.

Try to keep your legs straight and touch your toes to the floor behind your head.

An easier version of the leg curl is from a tabletop position (legs raised, knees bent at 90°).

Headstand: technique, benefits and harm

Headstand (Sirshasana) gives the body balance, stability and rejuvenation. Yogis call it the king of asanas, because it stimulates blood supply to the brain and activates the pituitary gland.

As a king ruling over his subjects, the brain regulates the will and intellect, imagination and thinking, and influences the health, vitality and development of the entire body. Yoga master B.K.S. Iyengar taught the practice to the 84-year-old Queen Mother of Belgium. Her head shook, her whole body trembled, but for the next 8 years she diligently performed Shirshasana.

There are two variants of Sirsasana: salamba - “headstand and hands” and niralamba - “headstand without hands”. To prepare, you need to practice shoulder stand (Sarvangasana) and plow pose (Halasana). It is quite enough for women to do Salamba Sirsasana correctly.

Execution techniques

There are several options, performed sequentially: first, with an assistant, technique No. 1 is mastered against a wall or in a corner, then technique No. 2 is mastered independently and without a wall.

  1. The stand is made against the wall, or better yet, in the corner. Using an angle, you can quickly ensure that when you achieve balance, your body, legs and head will line up in a straight line.
  2. Place the rolled up rug in a corner so that the edges touch the walls, and sit on your knees in front of it, face down.
  3. The fingers are clasped together, the thumbs touch, the palms form a bowl and stand at a distance of 5–8 cm from the corner. Thumbs and little fingers are parallel. If you place your palms further, the spine will bend, the stomach will protrude forward, the weight of the body will fall on the elbows and cause pain in them, the face will turn red.
  4. The forearms are placed so that the elbows lie in one line, the ulnas touch the mat, and the radii are located exactly above them.
  5. The distance between the elbows is equal to the width of the shoulders, the arms remain straight and do not deviate. If your elbows are close, the pressure on your ribs will cause chest pain. If the elbows are spread wide, the chest will not open, and the pressure will be on the vertebrae of the cervical spine.
  6. An equilateral triangle is formed, which is made up of the palms, forearms and the distance between the chest and elbows. You cannot move your elbows and forearms after everything has already been established.
  7. The buttocks rise so that the elbows form one line with the shoulders, and the palms form one line with the head. Breathing is measured.
  8. As you exhale, the crown of the head is placed on the mat so that the back of the skull is parallel to the walls and 1.5–2 cm away from the little fingers. Do not hold your head in your palms or squeeze it between your hands. Remaining in this position, take 3-5 inhalations and exhalations.
  9. Then, as you exhale, raise your knees, toes on the floor. Then they straighten their legs and move their feet inward, allowing the torso to become perpendicular to the floor.
  10. Having made the legs firm, they pull them in kneecaps and stand for 5–10 seconds, maintaining the rhythm of breathing. The practitioner's assistant, standing on the left or right, supports the practitioner's legs and thighs.
  11. As you exhale, without bending your spine, move your buttocks to the corner. The assistant lifts the practitioner's legs and body until the legs reach the wall, touching it with the outer edges of the heels. The body now rests only on both walls of the corner.
  12. Then lift your buttocks away from the wall and transfer the weight to your arms and head. They stand in this position for as long as possible, preferably up to a minute, breathing normally. Once you gain control of the pose, you can gradually increase the time to 5 minutes.
  13. To try to maintain balance, one foot is moved away from the wall 7–10 cm. The buttocks are tensed, and the second leg is placed next to the first. At first you will be able to stand like this for 10–15 seconds. Feeling a loss of balance, they lean their feet against the wall. Then they try again, breathing measuredly.
  14. To exhale, lean your buttocks against the wall. The assistant supports the legs and thighs, and the practitioner gently lowers the legs and places them on the floor. After 10 seconds, raise your head and release your hands.

In the final situation it is important:

  • the sternum is raised so that the cervical vertebrae are not compressed and the weight of the body does not fall on the head;
  • the lateral parts of the ribs raise and open the chest, leaving the dorsal vertebrae concave;
  • The lumbar vertebrae are straightened to retract the abdominal muscles and abdomen;
  • the buttocks are positioned some distance from the wall to allow balance for the neck and lower back;
  • your heels rest against the wall so as not to lose your balance.
  1. From p. 3 to p. 8, follow the instructions of Technique No. 1.
  2. As you exhale, both legs, with slightly bent knees, rise in a jump. If the spine deviates backward, they try to move it forward, maintaining a vertical position. Knees point up, thighs remain parallel to the floor.
  3. The torso is kept in line with the head. If you allow your buttocks to fall back, align with your elbows, or relax, a fall will occur.
  4. Now the knees rise, look at the ceiling, and the body from the navel to the knees stands vertically. The legs below the knees are bent back, the muscles of the buttocks are tense and pulled inward. The body from head to knees is elongated in one line. This position is fixed for some time, breathing is normal.
  5. Making the body firm from head to knees, they begin to raise their legs up, in line with the hips. Then the shins and calves are pulled all the way up.
  6. When lifting your feet off the floor, the sequence of upward movement of the torso is important: first from the shoulder blades to the buttocks, then from the groin to the knees, then from the knees to the feet.
  7. You can perform the stand for 5 minutes or more, while breathing is normal. The process of balancing on your head is as natural as standing on your feet.
  8. As you exhale, the position of step 4 is again assumed. Then you touch your toes to the floor, your knees bend and also stand on the floor. Rest in this position for 10 seconds, then raise your head and unclasp your fingers.

In the final situation it is important:

  • the elbow joints and forearms are pressed down;
  • elbows hold firmly and do not move;
  • shoulders and armpits raised to avoid body weight pressing on the ears;
  • the shoulders are sufficiently distant from the hands;
  • intercostal muscles are expanded and raised up;
  • the armpits are well opened and extended upward;
  • the shoulder blades and back are pulled inward, the chest is turned out, without disturbing the position of the head and neck;
  • the lateral parts of the body are raised up;
  • the middle of the thighs and knees form one line;
  • buttocks and thighs are compressed, the inner thighs are raised up;
  • ankles and toes may touch;
  • the feet are straightened so that they are in line with the legs and do not turn out anywhere, and the toes point upward.

Need to pay attention

  • It is recommended to perform a headstand before other exercises that can disrupt the breathing rhythm and cause tremors in the body.
  • When performing, the spine should be straight.
  • To maintain balance, the crown and centers of the arches of the feet are used as poles.
  • Body weight is concentrated on the head, not on the palms or elbows.
  • When losing balance in the final position, you need to bend your knees towards your stomach and free your hands. The body will not fall, but will slide down and back in the direction from the neck to the torso.
  • If you are overweight, have problems with the uterus, menstrual irregularities or hernias, you should keep your knees and heels separate and your toes touching each other. This relieves pressure on the uterus and groin.
  • In order not to overstimulate the psyche, after performing Shirshasana, be sure to get into Sarvangasana. The exposure time should be the same or Sarvangasana should be done a little longer.
  • The headstand is performed once during one workout. You can practice it twice a day if you do it in the morning and in the evening.

Complete contraindications

You should not do a headstand if you have been practicing Hatha Yoga daily for less than 6 months and have the following diseases:

  • Hypertension.
  • Heart disease, heart failure.
  • Thrombosis and atherosclerosis.
  • Conjunctivitis, glaucoma and vascular weakness of the eyes.
  • Any type of bleeding.
  • Inflammation of the middle ear, mucous membranes of the nose and throat.
  • Displacement of intervertebral discs.
  • Severe blood contamination (chronic constipation and skin rashes).
  • Impaired kidney function.

Temporary restrictions

  • Excessively full intestines (not earlier than 3-4 hours after eating).
  • Physical fatigue.
  • Headache, dizziness.
  • Vigorous exercise (at least 30 minutes apart).
  • Pregnancy or menstruation.
  • Heavy sweating, fever, rapid heartbeat and pain.


The ability to stand correctly “upside down” neutralizes the disadvantages of a normal vertical position, when the internal organs sink and become sluggish. Sirsasana gently persuades them to be reborn. The body becomes warmer, blood supply increases, breathing and digestion improve.

Many minor illnesses are treated: colds and back pain. But the main effect is on the brain. Therefore, anyone who suffers from lack of energy and willpower, intellectual weakness and lack of mental clarity should understand the benefits of headstand and start practicing it regularly at home or by attending group classes.

How to properly perform a birch tree?

When we hear the phrase “birch exercise,” the first thing that comes to mind is school physical education lessons. It turns out that this stance is very beneficial for health, but only if performed correctly.

How to make a birch tree correctly, why the exercise is useful - we will look at it in this article.


“Sarvangasana” in yoga, “candle” in European gymnastics, “birch” among the Slavs - the exercise is one of the basic ones in acrobatics and gymnastics. Everyone can handle it, but not everyone knows what effect is possible from regular classes. The “birch tree” pose is a stand on the shoulders, with straight legs extended upward, while the arms support the body in the pelvis or lower back. Subsequently, after regular training, the arms can be extended on the floor, holding the body in an upright position with muscle effort.

During this position, blood circulation improves, there is better blood flow to the back of the head through the vertebral artery, thereby improving work internal organs. From Sanskrit, "sarvangasana" is translated as "pose for the whole body." For those who have just begun to practice it, it will be easier to start with the easier version of “viparita karani”. This is the same stance, but in it you can bend at the lower back, literally placing it on your hands, which support your body weight.

Benefits of exercise

The birch tree stance benefits almost the entire body:

  • strengthens the muscles of the back, abs, hips and legs;
  • salt deposition is reduced;
  • the spine is strengthened;
  • posture is straightened;
  • the amount of subcutaneous fat deposits decreases.

Thanks to improved blood circulation and oxygen saturation of the blood, tissue cells are rejuvenated, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin becomes elastic. This exercise allows you to relieve stress from your legs, abdominal cavity, and loosen your spine. It helps treat many health problems in both women and men:

  • appetite and digestion improve;
  • blood vessels are strengthened;
  • cardiac activity is normalized;
  • the endocrine and hormonal systems return to normal;
  • brain function improves;
  • migraine pain goes away;
  • pressure returns to normal.

Regular exercise will prevent gynecological diseases in women and prostatitis in men. Women will forget about painful critical days. Birch will help fight swelling of the legs and varicose veins, strengthen the immune system, relieve you of anemia, chronic fatigue, improve vision and give you vigor and mood for the whole day.

How to make a birch tree correctly

The shoulder blade stand has a simple technique:

  • lie on your back on a mat laid out on the floor;
  • put your legs together and lift them up, then lift your hips off the floor;
  • help yourself with your hands, resting them on your lower back.

As a result, the head, neck and shoulder blades lie on the floor, and the body and legs are positioned vertically, while trying to keep the body level. You should “come out” of the stance smoothly, lie down for a while, relaxing your muscles. Best time for classes - in the morning, while the body and brain are relaxed and the stomach is empty. It is advisable to take food after exercise an hour later; it should be something light. The exercise can be done every day.

Possible difficulties and errors

If you have difficulty performing it, you can make the exercise easier. Place a chair behind your head, first cross your legs over your head, place your toes on the seat of the chair, and then smoothly level up. Do not immediately rush to stand in this position for a long time, start with thirty seconds, gradually increasing to three minutes.

  • during the exercise you need to relax;
  • you should not stand in a pose experiencing a feeling of discomfort; if this happens, it means you are doing something wrong or have increased the time too much;
  • You can’t twist your head or neck while standing, you can injure yourself;
  • You should not perform the exercise if you drank alcohol before it;
  • If you have health problems, you should not stand for more than a minute.

Beginners with a trained body are often deceived by the apparent ease of the exercise, and such misconception ends in injury. To avoid them, do not jump up suddenly after performing them, smoothly lower your legs behind your head, and only then to the floor, lie quietly for a while before getting up.


The birch tree exercise undoubtedly benefits the body, but in some cases there are contraindications to its implementation.

You cannot perform a stand in the following cases:

  • with inguinal hernia;
  • during critical days;
  • in case of injury to the spine and cervical spine;
  • enlarged thyroid gland;
  • for problems with cardiac activity;
  • for glaucoma;
  • with otitis;
  • if the pressure is too high;
  • for pregnant women in later stages.

Medical professionals also agree with the opinion of yogis about the rejuvenation of the body by regularly performing this stance. Doctors explain these results by improved blood circulation, which improves the functioning of all body systems. Yogis add that not only the physical body is rejuvenated, but also our spiritual beginning.

Secrets of performing Halasana, plow pose technique in yoga, benefits of asana

Halasana is an inverted yoga pose that is beneficial for the health of the back and legs. Plow pose reduces back pain and can help you sleep.

As part of the first sequence of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga, Halasana is entered from Salamba Sarvangasana. In this article we will look at entering from a prone position.

Execution technique

Step 1:

Lie on the floor with your back down. Straighten your back, pull your shoulder blades together and down. Remove the lumbar arch.

Step 2:

As you inhale, lift both legs above your body at a 90-degree angle. Keep your legs straight, with your heels actively reaching towards the ceiling. Make sure your shoulders are pulled away from your neck and continue to pull your shoulder blades together.

Step 3:

With your next inhalation, lift your pelvis and place your legs behind your head. If necessary, support your pelvis/lower back with your hands for balance. Exhale and bring your legs further behind your head, performing a fold in hip joints.

Slowly lower your toes to the floor behind your head. If possible, keep your torso perpendicular to the floor with your legs fully extended.

Step 4:

Keeping your toes flat on the floor, lift your hips and tailbone toward the ceiling. Imagine that the body is suspended from the hip joints.

The throat should be soft, the gaze should be directed to the navel.

Step 5:

You can continue to press your hands into your lower back, pushing your back toward the ceiling. Or remove your hands from your back and stretch them out behind you on the floor, palms down, opposite your feet. Make a couple respiratory cycles.

Clasp your palms and press firmly across the entire surface of your arms, acting like a lever as you lift your hips toward the ceiling.

Step 6:

Stay in the pose for 1 to 3 minutes. Halasana is usually practiced after Salamba Sarvangasana for 1 to 5 minutes.

Exit from the pose

As you inhale, return your hands to your lower back. As you exhale, begin to lower your legs, keeping them close to your body; unfold your spine along the mat, lowering your legs to their original position.

Adjustment of asanas / control points

actively pull your shoulder blades together and pull them towards your lower back, move your shoulders away from your ears to free the lower cervical vertebrae and upper thoracic vertebrae;

the task is to keep the entire body weight on the shoulders, and not on the neck;

the chin is slightly tucked towards the neck, the head is relaxed;

To stretch your spine further, move your legs away from your head and do not bend your knees.


reduces stress and fatigue;

stimulates the abdominal organs and the thyroid gland;

stretches the shoulders and spine;

has a beneficial effect on infertility, insomnia, and sinusitis;

Helps eliminate fat deposits in the thighs and abdomen.


neck and back injuries;

asthma and high blood pressure;

pregnancy, starting from the 2nd trimester.

Yoga preparatory exercises

Advanced Practice

As you enter the asana, firmly pull your shoulder blades together and rise to the tops of your shoulders. Push firmly onto your shoulders, while lifting your pelvis and body and further moving your legs behind your head and your arms in the opposite direction.


Light version of Halasana

At first, do not try to place your legs completely behind your head: raise your legs up and try to place them not completely behind your head, thereby rolling back and forth. Repeat the movement several times until you feel ready to complete the asana.

You can also perform the asana against a wall, placing your legs behind your head and placing them on the wall at a height that is comfortable for you at a given time.

When exiting the asana, to avoid injury or pinching in the neck, bend your knees.

Entering the asana, place your hands behind your head, palms up. Place your feet on your palms so that the arch of your foot rests on your palm. Pull your heels further behind your head, holding them with your palms. In this variation, the back is rounded and the back of the thighs and lower back are stretched.

Karnapidasana (ears between knees pose). This asana can only be performed if you have mastered Halasana! Karnapidasana perfectly works the cervical-collar area, stretches the shoulders and the entire spine.

To perform the asana, follow these steps:

enter Halasana following the steps described in the instructions above;

As you exhale, move your pelvis a little further behind your head and bend your knees. The arms remain in the same position - extended to the side opposite to the body, palms clenched.

With each exit, try to pull your knees more and more towards your ears so that your head is between your legs. Take your time.

Place your shins on the floor with your head between your knees and your feet together. If you experience the slightest discomfort in your neck, stop moving your legs towards your head. Breathe evenly, looking at the middle of your chest.

hold the asana for several breathing cycles, then carefully straighten your knees and exit the asana, as indicated in the basic instructions.


yoga for life and life with yoga

practitioner notes

Plow pose, halasana (lying on your back, legs straight behind your head)

What you need to know:

Any damage or injury in the cervical region;

Bronchial asthma (breathing in a plow may be difficult);

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it’s just very calm in this kind of “zug”

stay tuned for updates :)

Question regarding Halasana: Many online sources do not recommend moving your head in this asana. On the contrary, I believe that in this case, the neck is not a support, and to control the correct execution, I recommend that those practicing turn their heads left and right. Your opinion?

Regarding your recommended entry into Halasana using the abdominal muscles alone. Maybe your students are in good physical shape, but for the average yoga class attendee this is unattainable. For them, I offer the option of entering Halasana from a lying position with the palms placed under the buttocks. This is right?

Pilates: leg curl exercise

Twisting your legs behind your head (Rollover) is a Pilates exercise that stretches and massages the spine and back muscles, strengthens the abdominal muscles, and stretches the back of the thighs and gluteal muscles.

Execution technique

Starting position when rolling with straight legs. Lie on your back, stretch your arms along your torso, palms down. Raise your straightened legs at an angle of about 60 degrees to the floor, or even higher if this helps you better maintain a stable pelvic position.

Inhale. Raise your legs vertically (flexion at the hip joint at an angle of 90 degrees).

Exhalation. Arch your spine, lift your pelvis off the mat, and drive it toward your shoulders as your legs pass overhead.

Inhale. Lower your legs to the floor as shown in the figure, if you have flexibility, and then spread them shoulder-width apart.

Exhalation. Slowly roll on your back and lower your pelvis onto the mat. After this, continue lowering your legs to the starting position.

Repeat the rolls with straight legs again, but start with your legs apart, and in the 4th phase, when your legs are behind your head, bring them together.

Repeat the exercise 6 times, of which the legs in the 1st phase are brought together 3 times and spread 3 times.

Main working muscles

Spinal flexor muscles: rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique.

Muscles that flex the leg at the hip joint: iliopsoas, rectus femoris, sartorius, tensor fascia lata thighs, pectineus muscle.

Accessory muscles

Abdominal muscles that stabilize the position of the spine: transverse abdominal muscle.

Muscles that extend the leg at the hip joint: large gluteal muscle, posterior thigh muscle group.

Hip abductors: gluteus medius, gluteus minimus.

Adductor muscles of the thigh: adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, gracilis.

Muscles that extend the leg in knee joint: quadriceps hips.

Muscles that perform plantar flexion of the foot in ankle joint: gastrocnemius muscle, soleus muscle.

Muscles that extend the arm shoulder joint: latissimus muscle back, teres major muscle, posterior deltoid muscle.

Draw in your stomach as you roll with straight legs to stabilize your pelvis and prevent excessive arching in your lower back as the hip flexors support your legs and lift them upright in phases 1 and 2.

Use your abdominal muscles to posteriorly tilt your pelvis and flex your spine as you begin Phase 3. Start with lower sections and create a maximum bend in the lower back during the back roll phase. People with flexible spines may need to simultaneously contract the spinal erector muscles slightly to achieve an even curve and prevent excessive flexion in the middle and lower spine.

Use your hip flexors to lift your legs off the mat in Phase 3 and control their lowering in Phase 4 of the straight leg rolls. At the same time, the abductor muscles of the thigh slightly spread the legs.

Draw your legs closer to your body and ensure that the lumbar spine flexion is maintained as long as possible in phase 5, when the abdominal muscles control the gradual lowering of the torso to the mat. Once it's down, switch your abdominal muscles to keep your pelvis and lower back stable, while your hip flexors control the lowering of your legs and your hip adductors bring them together.

During the entire rolling exercise, the legs should be straightened and the toes should be pulled back due to the action of the muscles that extend the leg at the knee joint and perform plantar flexion of the foot. You should aim to reach as far as possible with your legs, no matter which direction they point.

Lifting your pelvis off the floor in phase 3, press your hands firmly onto the mat so that the shoulder extensor muscles also help lift your torso. In the 5th phase, hands in the same position also play important role, but the muscles in this case work eccentrically.

Mental image. In the ascending phase of the movement, imagine that you are grasping a large gymnastic ball, and when the pelvis begins to descend, mentally move it towards the legs.


Rolls with straight legs can be thought of as the mirror opposite of a twist with a forward bend. The only difference is that in this case you pull the pelvis towards the chest, and not vice versa. It is important to start the movement from the pelvis in order to consistently, vertebra by vertebra, bend the spine in the lumbar region. The abdominal muscles tilt the pelvis backward. This skill will come in handy later to help you overcome the tendency to tilt your pelvis forward when extended legs create a large moment of force, such as in exercises like The 100 and Die Hard. The posterior pelvic tilt activates more muscle fibers in the lower abdominal muscles and thereby contributes to the stability of the strength center. In addition, in rolls with straight legs, there is a good dynamic stretching of the posterior thigh muscles and the muscles that extend the spine.

Despite the fact that the benefits of this exercise, rolling with straight legs, are undeniable, it involves forced flexion of the spine in the thoracic and cervical regions under the influence of the gravity of the body, which is not always acceptable and permissible for some people. Perform this exercise only if you do not feel discomfort in your back and neck. Consult your doctor and, if necessary, abandon the exercise or make adjustments to it.


In the 3rd and 4th phases, place your legs behind your head only until the body weight rests on your shoulders and top part back, not on the neck. This will reduce the load on the cervical vertebrae. If your hamstring muscles are not flexible enough, at first limit yourself to keeping your legs parallel to the floor at the top. They don't have to touch the mat. If the muscles in this area are very tight, you can slightly bend your knees when they are above your head. If muscle tightness in the lower back or shoulders does not allow you to raise your pelvis to shoulder level, bend your elbows and place your palms on your lower back to create support for your torso.


With your feet above your head, dorsiflex your foot at the ankle to deepen the stretch in your hamstrings. When returning to the starting position, pull your toes back.

An exercise that requires the performer to have the proper level of flexibility. In addition to strengthening your abdominal muscles, it helps correct your posture and make your back more mobile. It is recommended to perform only on a gymnastic mat (blanket, bedspread).

Position 1

Lie on your back with your legs straight. Hands should lie along the body, palms down.

Position 2

With a sharp movement, lift your pelvis off the floor, lift your straight legs and lower them behind your head, trying to touch the floor with your toes. At the moment of execution, the abs should be as tense as possible, and the main force should fall on it, so if possible, do not lean on your hands.

Position 3

After holding for a second in the previous position, return to the starting position. This must be done in one sharp movement, but so that the legs do not touch the floor and are always suspended.

Don’t be afraid to take a high tempo, just don’t lower your feet to the floor at the end point and try to throw them as far behind your head as possible.

If you don’t really do yoga and see someone in yoganidrasana, you will most likely think: “... Lord, what are they doing? Why is this?...” Children also really like this asana - when they see you in it, for some reason they become wildly delighted.
Indeed, it is worth admitting that from the outside this pose looks quite extraordinary.

In appearance, this donut wrapping seems very difficult, but in fact, by preparing the hip joints properly, you can be in yoganidrasana for some time without experiencing discomfort.

Why yoganidrasana, that is, the yogic sleep pose?
In fact, maybe someone can fall asleep in this position, but we are talking about the effect afterwards. The fact is that bending forward stimulates our parasympathetic nervous system in the direction of calm (and bending, on the contrary, in the direction of excitement) (if you didn’t know this, I advise you to take it into account during personal practice). Such a deep forward bend as in yoganidrasana ensures almost instantaneous entry into a state of peace and tranquility, also known as pratyahara (the fifth stage of raja yoga).
After performing this asana, a state of calm, saturation, and a reluctance to fuss and twitch over trifles is observed. It is logical that yoganidrasana should be performed at the end of the session.

Among the beneficial effects of yoganidrasana, massage of internal organs should also be highlighted - if you have problems with the stomach, pancreas, kidneys - this position will come to the rescue. This position also stretches the spine well.

Technique and preparation

Even in the most ordinary yoga classes, you will most likely be asked to do an approach to yoganidrasana. This exercise perfectly stimulates the spine (it is important that the lower back is pressed into the floor at this stage). We are trying to lower our knees to the floor.

Another type of exercise is to try to bring the feet closer to the head or even press them to the forehead. The back will be rounded, the lower back will no longer be pressed into the floor. In the first stages, you can place a towel or blanket under your spine: some people may experience bruises on their back.

If you feel that you can already put your legs behind your head, you need to cross them and “climb through” with your shoulders. Many people are afraid at this moment that they will never be able to “go back”, so it is better to have an instructor nearby who will reassure you and insure you.

Next, we try to move our hands forward and grab ourselves into the lock in this way. This is a completed version of the asana.

But to better “arrange” your legs behind your head, you can try to straighten your arms to the sides, this will “push” you even deeper forward.

If you don’t like to run or jump, but want to have a fit figure and have the grace of a cat, then pay attention to stretching.

Relax on the splits

Modern, stressful lives can have a negative impact on our flexibility and mobility: accumulated tension in the body causes stiffness in joints and limbs. We may know about it, or we may not suspect anything. The result is the same: tight muscles. Stretching, that is, stretching, will help cope with this. Stretching is exactly what will ultimately give you the opportunity to do all types of splits, learn to throw your leg over your head, curl up like a snail, or simply “tighten” the muscles of your thighs and abdomen - it all depends on your personal goals and the abilities of your body.

For whom. Anyone can learn to stretch, regardless of age or body flexibility. You don't need to be at the peak to do this. physical development or have special sports skills. The exercises are performed easily and smoothly, in accordance with the individual level of muscle tension and flexibility.

How. Stretching is based on static loads, which allow you to work on your figure at a calm and measured pace. Previously, only professional athletes used stretching in their training, but today it has become a popular independent form of fitness.

Utility. Leisure muscle stretching exercises have always been considered the most beneficial. Thanks to stretching the muscles, more blood flows to them, thereby they relax and become more elastic, the joints become more mobile, and measured, deep breathing has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, especially after a busy day. The transition from physical tension to relaxation and again to tension contributes to the formation of the skill of deep relaxation, and this has a beneficial effect on the emotional state.

Result: healthy, fit, beautiful body, grace, flexible movements and self-confidence.

Keeping it in moderation

Let's reach out!. Source: Let's reach out!.

Often those who have started stretching are concerned with only one question: “When will I do the splits?” Of course, it all depends on the capabilities of your body and the efforts you will make. In general, “VD” advises you to relax and enjoy the process itself. The main thing is to observe moderation, do not overdo it when exercising, otherwise you risk damaging your muscles and tendons.

Main principle

It shouldn't hurt you! To avoid pain, in addition to proper exercise design, it is necessary to warm up the joints and muscles. Before stretching, jump in place, pump your abs, and do push-ups. In general, you need to sweat a little. The second fundamental point: do not make sudden movements. In each position you need to stretch for a long time, since the muscles and ligaments must adapt, and fix the final position for 30 seconds. The point is that the tension in the stretched area disappears completely. If this does not happen, either increase the stretch time or decrease the amplitude. Under no circumstances should you hold your breath. It should be calm and deep.


Let's reach out!. Source: Let's reach out!.

You can easily do stretching at home - no special equipment is required for this. The main thing is that the clothes are as comfortable as possible, not restricting movement, and it is better to exercise in light socks - they will glide well on the floor. Stretching is a whole series of exercises aimed at improving flexibility and developing joint mobility, try the simplest of them!

Exercise 1:

Bend your knees and lean forward, touching your hands to the floor. Straighten your knees as much as you can. Hold your body in this position for 15 counts. Slowly arch your back, bending your legs and returning to the starting position.

Exercise 2:

While sitting cross-legged on the floor or standing, turn your head to one side so that you can look over your shoulder. Hold for 5 counts. Return to the starting position, then turn your head in the other direction and perform the fixed pose again. Repeat twice. At the end of a set of stretching exercises, take a few deep breaths.

Exercise 3:

Lie on your back, pull your right knee towards your chest. Hold the pose for 5 counts. Repeat the exercise on the other leg.

Exercise 4:

Now straighten your right leg as far as you can without causing pain and try to pull it towards your chest. Hold for 10 or 15 counts. Slowly lower your leg. Perform the exercise with the other leg.

Exercise 5:

Sit on one leg and slide the other to the side until you feel a stretch across the entire inner surface of your right thigh. Hold for 15 counts. Switch legs and perform the exercise on the other side. Control the position of your feet: they should look up throughout the entire exercise.

A few rules when doing stretching

  • It's better to stretch less than too much.
  • Each stretching pose should be held for 10-30 seconds, that is, so long that even slight tension disappears. If this does not happen, it means that the stretch was too strong and it must be loosened in order to achieve the required, pleasant sensation.
  • You need to breathe slowly, deeply and evenly. You can't hold your breath. Start each exercise with an inhalation. Only when bending over do you need to exhale first.
  • While performing the exercise, maintain a stable position and concentrate on the part of the body that you are stretching. This will make you feel better.

Working muscles

Main working muscles:

  1. Spinal flexor muscles: rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique.
  2. Muscles that flex the leg at the hip joint: iliopsoas, rectus femoris, sartorius, tensor fasciae lata, pectineus.

Accessory muscles:

  1. Abdominal muscles that stabilize the position of the spine: transverse abdominal muscle.
  2. Muscles that extend the leg at the hip joint: gluteus maximus, hamstrings.
  3. Hip abductors: gluteus medius, gluteus minimus.
  4. Adductor muscles of the thigh: adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, gracilis.
  5. Muscles that extend the leg at the knee joint: quadriceps femoris.
  6. Muscles that perform plantar flexion of the foot at the ankle joint: gastrocnemius muscle, soleus muscle.
  7. Muscles that extend the arm in the shoulder joint: latissimus dorsi, teres major, posterior deltoid.

Starting position when rolling with straight legs. Lie on your back, stretch your arms along your torso, palms down. Raise your straightened legs at an angle of about 60 degrees to the floor, or even higher if this helps you better maintain a stable pelvic position.

Inhale. Raise your legs vertically (flexion at the hip joint at an angle of 90 degrees).

Exhalation. Arch your spine, lift your pelvis off the mat, and drive it toward your shoulders as your legs pass overhead.

Inhale. Lower your legs to the floor as shown in the figure, if you have flexibility, and then spread them shoulder-width apart.

Exhalation. Slowly roll on your back and lower your pelvis onto the mat. After this, continue lowering your legs to the starting position.

Repeat the rolls with straight legs again, but start with your legs apart, and in the 4th phase, when your legs are behind your head, bring them together.

Repeat the exercise 6 times, of which the legs in the 1st phase are brought together 3 times and spread 3 times.

Draw in your stomach as you roll with straight legs to stabilize your pelvis and prevent excessive arching in your lower back as the hip flexors support your legs and lift them upright in phases 1 and 2.

Use your abdominal muscles to posteriorly tilt your pelvis and flex your spine as you begin Phase 3. Start from the lower sections and create a maximum bend in the lower back during the backward roll phase. People with flexible spines may need to simultaneously contract the spinal erector muscles slightly to achieve an even curve and prevent excessive flexion in the middle and lower spine.

Use your hip flexors to lift your legs off the mat in Phase 3 and control their lowering in Phase 4 of the straight leg rolls. At the same time, the abductor muscles of the thigh slightly spread the legs.

Draw your legs closer to your body and ensure that the lumbar spine flexion is maintained as long as possible in phase 5, when the abdominal muscles control the gradual lowering of the torso to the mat. Once it's down, switch your abdominal muscles to keep your pelvis and lower back stable, while your hip flexors control the lowering of your legs and your hip adductors bring them together.

During the entire rolling exercise, the legs should be straightened and the toes should be pulled back due to the action of the muscles that extend the leg at the knee joint and perform plantar flexion of the foot. You should aim to reach as far as possible with your legs, no matter which direction they point.

Lifting your pelvis off the floor in phase 3, press your hands firmly onto the mat so that the shoulder extensor muscles also help lift your torso. In the 5th phase, the arms, which are in the same position, also play an important role, but the muscles in this case work eccentrically.

Mental image. In the ascending phase of the movement, imagine that you are grasping a large gymnastic ball with your torso, and when your pelvis begins to descend, mentally move it towards your legs.


Rolls with straight legs can be thought of as the mirror opposite of a twist with a forward bend. The only difference is that in this case you pull the pelvis towards the chest, and not vice versa. It is important to start the movement from the pelvis in order to consistently, vertebra by vertebra, bend the spine in the lumbar region. The abdominal muscles tilt the pelvis backward. This skill will come in handy later to help you overcome the tendency to tilt your pelvis forward when extended legs create a large moment of force, such as in exercises like The 100 and Die Hard. The posterior pelvic tilt activates more muscle fibers in the lower abdominal muscles and thereby contributes to the stability of the strength center. In addition, in rolls with straight legs, there is a good dynamic stretching of the posterior thigh muscles and the muscles that extend the spine.

Despite the fact that the benefits of this exercise, rolling with straight legs, are undeniable, it involves forced flexion of the spine in the thoracic and cervical regions under the influence of the weight of the body, which is not always acceptable and permissible for some people. Perform this exercise only if you do not feel discomfort in your back and neck. Consult your doctor and, if necessary, abandon the exercise or make adjustments to it.


In phases 3 and 4, bring your legs behind your head only until the weight of your body rests on your shoulders and upper back, not on your neck. This will reduce the load on the cervical vertebrae. If your hamstring muscles are not flexible enough, at first limit yourself to keeping your legs parallel to the floor at the top. They don't have to touch the mat. If the muscles in this area are very tight, you can slightly bend your knees when they are above your head. If muscle tightness in the lower back or shoulders does not allow you to raise your pelvis to shoulder level, bend your elbows and place your palms on your lower back to create support for your torso.


With your feet above your head, dorsiflex your foot at the ankle to deepen the stretch in your hamstrings. When returning to the starting position, pull your toes back.