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Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley(English) Henry Moseley) - English physicist, one of the founders of X-ray spectroscopy.


Scientific achievements

Original text(English)

In view of what he (Moseley) might still have accomplished ... his death might well have been the most costly single death of the War to mankind generally.

see also

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  • Khramov Yu. A. Moseley Henry Gwyn-Jeffreys // Physicists: Biographical Reference / Ed. A. I. Akhiezer. - Ed. 2nd, rev. and additional - M.: Nauka, 1983. - P. 190. - 400 p. - 200,000 copies.(in translation)

Excerpt characterizing Moseley, Henry

– You were angry that he did not enter these 700 rubles. After all, he wrote them in transport, but you didn’t look at the other page.
“Dad, he’s a scoundrel and a thief, I know.” And he did what he did. And if you don’t want to, I won’t tell him anything.
- No, my soul (the count was embarrassed too. He felt that he was a bad manager of his wife’s estate and was guilty before his children, but did not know how to correct this) - No, I ask you to take care of business, I’m old, I...
- No, daddy, you will forgive me if I did something unpleasant to you; I know less than you.
“To hell with them, with these men with money and transport all over the page,” he thought. Even from the corner of six jackpots, I once understood, but from the page of transport, I don’t understand anything,” he said to himself and since then he has not intervened in business anymore. Only one day the Countess called her son to her, told him that she had Anna Mikhailovna’s bill of exchange for two thousand and asked Nikolai what he thought to do with it.
“That’s how it is,” answered Nikolai. – You told me that it depends on me; I don’t like Anna Mikhailovna and I don’t like Boris, but they were friendly with us and poor. So that's how it is! - and he tore the bill, and with this act he made the old countess cry with tears of joy. After this, young Rostov, no longer intervening in any matters, with passionate enthusiasm took up the still new business of hound hunting, which large sizes was started by the old count.

It was already winter, morning frosts were binding the earth, wetted by autumn rains, the greenery was already flattened and brightly green separated from the stripes of browning, cattle-killed, winter and light yellow spring stubble with red stripes of buckwheat. The peaks and forests, which at the end of August were still green islands between the black fields of winter crops and stubble, became golden and bright red islands among the bright green winter crops. The hare was already half worn out (molted), the fox litters were beginning to disperse, and the young wolves were larger than the dogs. It was the best hunting time. The dogs of the ardent, young hunter of Rostov not only entered the hunting body, but also got beaten up so much that in the general council of hunters it was decided to give the dogs a rest for three days and on September 16 to leave, starting from the oak grove, where there was an untouched wolf brood.
This was the situation on September 14th.
All this day the hunt was at home; It was frosty and bitter, but in the evening it began to cool down and thaw. On September 15, when young Rostov looked out the window in the morning in his dressing gown, he saw a morning that nothing could be better for hunting: as if the sky was melting and descending to the ground without wind. The only movement that was in the air was the quiet movement from top to bottom of microscopic drops of mg or fog descending. Transparent drops hung on the bare branches of the garden and fell on the newly fallen leaves. The soil in the garden, like a poppy, was glossy and wet black, and at a short distance merged with the dull and damp cover of fog. Nikolai stepped out onto the wet, muddy porch: it smelled of withering forest and dogs. The black-spotted, wide-bottomed bitch Milka with large black protruding eyes, seeing her owner, stood up, stretched back and lay down like a hare, then suddenly jumped up and licked him right on the nose and mustache. Another greyhound dog, seeing its owner from the colored path, arched its back, quickly rushed to the porch and, raising its tail, began to rub against Nikolai’s legs.
- Oh goy! - at this time that inimitable hunting call was heard, which combines both the deepest bass and the most subtle tenor; and from around the corner came the arriving and hunting Danilo, a Ukrainian-style, gray-haired, wrinkled hunter with a cropped hair, a bent arapnik in his hand and with that expression of independence and contempt for everything in the world that only hunters have. He took off his Circassian hat in front of the master and looked at him contemptuously. This contempt was not offensive to the master: Nikolai knew that this Danilo, who despised everything and stood above all else, was still his man and hunter.
- Danila! - said Nikolai, timidly feeling that at the sight of this hunting weather, these dogs and the hunter, he was already seized by that irresistible hunting feeling in which a person forgets all previous intentions, like a man in love in the presence of his mistress.

Place of work: Academic degree: Academic title:

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Alma mater: Scientific adviser:

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Notable students:

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Awards and prizes: Website:

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Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley(English) Henry Moseley) - English physicist, one of the founders of X-ray spectroscopy.


Scientific achievements

Original text(English)

In view of what he (Moseley) might still have accomplished ... his death might well have been the most costly single death of the War to mankind generally.

see also

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Works, publications

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  • Khramov Yu. A. Moseley Henry Gwyn-Jeffreys // Physicists: Biographical Reference / Ed. A. I. Akhiezer. - Ed. 2nd, rev. and additional - M.: Nauka, 1983. - P. 190. - 400 p. - 200,000 copies.(in translation)

Excerpt characterizing Moseley, Henry

My glorious son.
Stand up, look, listen
How the birds sing to us,
Like flowers at dawn
They drink May dew.
Get up and look, my dear,
Death will wait for you!
Do you see? - And on the graves
Sunny May lives on!
Flames with flowers
Even the land of graves...
So why is there so little
Have you, my son, lived?
My bright-eyed boy,
Joy, my hope!
Don't go, my darling,
Do not leave me...
He named him Alexander, choosing this name himself, since his mother was in the hospital and he had no one else to ask. And when the grandmother offered to help bury the baby, the father categorically refused. He did everything himself, from start to finish, although I can’t even imagine how much grief he had to endure, burying his newborn son, and at the same time knowing that his beloved wife was dying in the hospital... But dad is everything endured without a single word of reproach to anyone, only the only thing he prayed for was that his beloved Annushka would return to him, until this terrible blow completely knocked her down, and until night fell on her exhausted brain...
And so my mother returned, and he was completely powerless to help her with anything, and did not know at all how to get her out of this terrible, “dead” state...
The death of little Alexander deeply shocked the entire Seryogin family. It seemed that sunlight would never return to this sad house, and laughter would never sound again... Mom was still “dead.” And although her young body, obeying the laws of nature, began to grow stronger and stronger, her wounded soul, despite all the efforts of her father, was still far away, like a bird that had flown away, and, having plunged deeply into the ocean of pain, was in no hurry to return from there...

But soon, after some six months, good news came to them - mom was pregnant again... Dad was scared at first, but seeing that mom suddenly started to come to life very quickly, he decided to take the risk, and now everyone is with great impatience were expecting a second child... This time they were very careful and tried in every possible way to protect my mother from any unwanted accidents. But, unfortunately, trouble, apparently for some reason, fell in love with this hospitable door... And it knocked again...
Out of fright, knowing the sad story of my mother’s first pregnancy, and fearing that something would go “wrong” again, the doctors decided to perform a “caesarean section” even before contractions began (!). And apparently they did it too early... One way or another, a girl was born who was named Marianna. But, unfortunately, she also managed to live for a very short time - three days later, this fragile, slightly blossoming life, for reasons unknown to anyone, was interrupted...
An eerie impression was created that someone really didn’t want her mother to give birth at all... And although by nature and genetics she was a strong woman absolutely suitable for childbearing, she was already afraid to even think about repeating such a cruel attempt once upon a time at all...
But man is a surprisingly strong creature, and is capable of enduring much more than he himself could ever imagine... Well, pain, even the most terrible, (if it does not immediately break the heart) once apparently dulls, repressed, eternally living in each of us, hope. That’s why, exactly a year later, very easily and without any complications, on an early December morning, another daughter was born to the Seryogin family, and this happy daughter turned out to be me... But... this birth would probably have ended differently happily, if everything continued to happen according to the pre-prepared plan of our “compassionate” doctors... On a cold December morning, mother was taken to the hospital, even before her contractions began, in order, again, “to be sure” that “ “nothing bad” will happen (!!!)... Wildly nervous from “bad premonitions,” dad rushed back and forth along the long hospital corridor, unable to calm down, because he knew that, according to their common agreement, mom was doing this try one last time, and if something happens to the child this time too, it means they will never be destined to see their children... The decision was difficult, but dad preferred to see, if not the children, then at least his beloved “ little star” alive, and not bury his entire family at once, without even really understanding what his family really means...

Moseley (Moseley)

Henry Gwyn Jeffreys (11/23/1887, Weymouth, England - 8/10/1915, Gallipoli, now Gelibolu, Turkey), English physicist. Graduated from Oxford University (1910). In 1910-14 he worked at Manchester and then Oxford universities. In the laboratory of E. Rutherford (Manchester) he conducted research on β- and γ-spectroscopy and X-ray spectroscopy. Established (1913) a connection between the frequency of the characteristic lines of x-rays and the atomic number of the element (see Moseley's law). Killed during the 1st World War 1914-18.

Works: The reflection of the X-rays, “Philosophical Magazine”, 1913, v. 26 ser. 6, no. 151, p. 210-32 (jointly with S. G. Darwin); The high-frequency spectrum of the elements, ibid., No. 156, p. 1024-34; 1914, v. 27, no. 160, p. 703-13.

Lit.: Rutherford E., Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley, "Nature", 1915, v. 96, No. 2393, p. 33 - 34; Fajans K., Henry G. J. Moseley, “Naturwissenschaften”, 1916, 4 Jg N. 27, S. 381-82.

Big Soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what "Moseley" is in other dictionaries:

    - (Moseley) Henry Gwyn Jeffreys (1887 1915), British physicist. His early research was related to RADIOACTIVITY, and later he discovered the existence of a relationship between the X-ray spectra of elements and their ATOMIC NUMBERS. He also discovered that... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    Henry Moseley Henry Moseley English physicist Date of birth: November 23, 1887 ... Wikipedia

    Moseley G.G.D.- Moseley Henry Gwyn Jeffreys (18871915), English. physicist, founder of X-ray spectroscopy. In 1913–1914 he discovered a law relating the frequency of X-ray characteristics. chemical radiation element with its serial number... Biographical Dictionary

    States that the square root of the frequency v is characteristic. X-ray radiation of an element and its at. number Z are related by a linear relationship: (R Rydberg constant, Sn shielding constant, taking into account the influence on an individual element of all... ... Physical encyclopedia

    Linear dependence of the square root of the frequency of characteristic X-ray radiation on the atomic number of the chemical. element. Moseley's law allows us to unambiguously determine the atomic numbers of all chemical elements. Discovered by G. Moseley in 1913...

    Moseley Henry Gwyn Jeffreys (11/23/1887, Weymouth, England, 8/10/1915, Gallipoli, now Gelibolu, Turkey), English physicist. Graduated from Oxford University (1910). In 1910 14 he worked at Manchester and then Oxford universities. IN… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (1887 1915) English physicist, founder of X-ray spectroscopy... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Henry Moseley Henry Moseley Date of birth ... Wikipedia

    Moseley's law is a law that relates the frequency of the spectral lines of the characteristic X-ray radiation of a chemical element with its atomic number. Experimentally established by Henry Moseley in 1913. Formulation of Moseley's law According to Moseley's Law ... Wikipedia


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  • Elmet, Moseley F., For the first time in Russian - the debut novel of the young Englishwoman Fiona Moseley, shortlisted for the 2017 Man Booker Prize. Critics did not skimp on their praise: “a stunning debut... truly... Category:
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Biography, life story of Shane Mosley

Name: Shane Daniel Dante Mosley
IBF World Lightweight Champion (1997-1999, eight title defenses, went undefeated)
WBC world welterweight champion (2000-2002)
World junior middleweight champion according to WBC and WBA (2003-2004)
Date of birth: September 7, 1971
Place of birth: Inglewood (Pomona), California, USA
Height: 175 cm.
Attack distance: 188 cm
Track record: 39 wins (35 by knockout), 4 losses, one undeclared fight

He has reached every peak that can be achieved in boxing. He became the world champion in lightweight, welterweight and light middleweight, and was considered the best boxer in the world, regardless of weight category and gained worldwide fame. In 1998, the American Boxing Writers Association named him “Boxer of the Year.” His father, Jack, was named Coach of the Year that year; For the first time in the history of awarding these titles, father and son received them in the same year. Together with his father Jack, they formed one of the most successful tandems in boxing. Jack Moseley trained his son as an amateur and brought him to dizzying heights in professional boxing. He dominated the lightweight division and was named the 13th best lightweight of all time by Ring Magazine.

Little Shane became involved in boxing when, together with his father Jack Moseley, a former amateur boxer, who, having decided to lose a few pounds, came to a gym located near their home in the suburbs. Less than a year later, he won the Golden Gloves tournament in California and soon earned the nickname "Sugar" in honor of Ray Leonard and his namesake Ray Robinson, whom many consider the best boxers of all times, regardless of weight category. Moseley liked his nickname Sugar Shane and was determined to back it up with action. At age 13, he defeated a boxer from a nearby town named Oscar De La Hoya by unanimous decision. By the age of fifteen, he was already sparring with former world champions who lived in Los Angeles, such as Julio Cesar Chavez, Azuma Nelson and Zach Padilla. The high speed of his punches, the side stance and the powerful body shots that were thrown as if his arms were attached to springs were all reminiscent of Robinson at the end of his career.


“Shane was something of a high school legend at the time,” says Lou DiBella, senior vice president of the division sports programs HBO, which negotiated the contract with Moseley. “I heard stories from Los Angeles about this guy who went into the ring against championship-caliber boxers and looked the part.”

But Sugar Shane was not like other champions. Moseley stood out for his rare confidence, which showed a complete absence of fear, a quality that was only strengthened in 1987 when, at the age of 16, he overturned his car over an embankment near his home, killing his three-year-old nephew. "When the car stopped flipping over, I couldn't find him," Moseley recalls. - I searched everything around. When the ambulance arrived, they found him in the car, suffocated. He died".

From that point on, Moseley began to view life as a test of survival of the fittest and carried this attitude into boxing. “Take a lion or a tiger after a hunt,” he says, “they are not going to roar. They only growl when they are scared. I am the same. When I step into the ring I'm ready to fight for real. I do not play. We will all die someday, but this is my life. I'm not afraid to fall because I believe that I can get up again."

Moseley suffered the most disappointing defeat in his amateur career in 1992 at the qualifying tournament for Olympic Games. He lost to Vernon Forrest, and this loss cost him a trip to the Olympics in Barcelona. At that time, Moseley did not consider this a big problem; he could turn professional and begin the path to his goal of becoming a world champion. It was only later, when he saw De La Hoya being canonized after his Olympic victory, that Moseley realized what he had lost.

While other amateur boxers were competing for Olympic honors, Moseley, while at home, made one of the worst decisions of his career: he signed a three-year contract with local promoter Patrick Ortiz, who had neither the influence nor the desire to take Moseley to the top. professional boxing. In 1993 and 1994, he organized 16 fights for Moseley. All of them took place in California, and among the opponents there was not a single worthy one. Only one lasted more than five rounds, one was shown on television. Moseley, who received $2,500 per fight, really wanted to fight for the lightweight championship, but Ortiz had nothing to offer. “They had world class boxers and they treated me like a rookie,” Moseley says. Soon even those people who had previously considered him a future world champion began to perceive him coldly. When Shane showed up at local fights, the promoters who had previously welcomed him joyfully would stop him at the door and ask for his ticket.

When Moseley tried to break his contract, Ortiz sued him, leaving him no choice but to wait until the end of 1996. “What struck me about him was the way he carried himself,” recalls renowned sports journalist Steve Kim. - He was probably the most unrealized talent in boxing. He lived with his parents, made no money, but still retained an extraordinary love for boxing. Whenever I went to the Los Angeles boxing club, he was there training, maintaining a professional attitude towards boxing. Then I realized there was something special about him.”

From November 1994 to November 1996, Moseley had only three fights, ending them with knockouts in the second, fourth and first rounds. After Ortiz's contract ended, he struck a deal with New York promoter Cedric Kushner, who provided him with a clear plan to ascend to the world title and the recognition he deserved. Moseley's revived team hired a full-time sports marketing journalist and consultant from the University of Southern California, and the transformation of unknown boxer Moseley into boxing star "Sugar" Shane began.

On August 2, 1997, Moseley finally entered the fight for the IBF lightweight title against previously undefeated South African knockout artist Phillip Holiday. Moseley was so eager to show what he could do that he took too much creatine after the weigh-in and suffered from an upset stomach on the day of the fight. He entered the ring weighing 10 pounds less than normal, but that didn't dampen his spirit. “I saw footage of Holiday’s fights and I knew that I could beat him, even on a bad day for me,” Moseley said later. Focusing his energy on constantly bombarding Halliday's corps, he won by unanimous decision.

But this was hardly the coronation of a new champion. Due to the high expectations that Mosley's team had generated in the boxing world, the victory was seen by many as disappointing.

It wasn't until his third title defense in May 1998 against the fearless John Molina that Moseley finally gained a reputation as a boxer of rare talent. Molina was a three-time world champion, and three years before that he lost to Oscar De La Hoya on points in a fight that was disputed by some as Molina winning. Moseley beat Molina by relentlessly attacking him with fast combinations throughout the fight in front of scores of journalists and millions of television viewers. As soon as the referee stopped the fight in the eighth round, Cedric Kushner jumped into the ring and, hugging Mosley, began instructing him on what to say at the post-fight press conference. “I'm not afraid of (then WBC lightweight champion) Stevie Johnston,” Kushner's advice was overheard by reporters.

A few seconds later, standing directly in front of the cameras with his lips jutted out and his brow furrowed, Moseley snarled: “All the other world lightweight champions who think they can beat me – Stevie Johnston and (then WBA champion) Orzubek Nazarov – that’s me.” . It was as convincing as Stallone as Hamlet. After a few seconds, Moseley changed completely and laughed abruptly. “You know, I like Stevie Johnston,” Moseley said, smiling so much that a wide gap between his front teeth became visible, which mysteriously and forever disappeared before the next fight. Soon after, Moseley's father Jack bought a tape recorder and began training his son to give interviews.

Moseley never got to face either Johnston or Nazarov because they soon lost their titles. Other potential opponents, such as Ivan Robinson and Arturo Gatti, avoided him. “What I can’t understand is why they’re shying away from fighting me when I have the title,” Moseley wondered. After making eight successful defenses of his lightweight title, Shane decided to move up to welterweight to face Oscar De La Hoya.

On June 17, 2000, in Los Angeles, he confidently outboxed De La Hoya and became the welterweight champion. For Moseley, this was only the third fight in the new weight category, and many experts doubted the wisdom of Moseley moving directly to welterweight, bypassing welterweight. However, power boxing, demonstrated by Moseley in front of 20 thousand fans, managed to convince the skeptics.

Shane and Jack Moseley developed the concept of power boxing based on Shane's excellent physique and amazing punching power. “Your boxer must always be in great shape, otherwise it doesn’t work,” said Jack Moseley. “In the ring, a boxer has two main advantages: having the stamina to throw a lot of punches, and the ability to adjust if the opponent suddenly changes style.”

In the first half the fight was even, but in the second half Shane significantly increased the pace. Many believed that Shane won all rounds from 7 to 12, but after the fight was over there was no doubt that Shane had become the new king of the welterweight division. De La Hoya refused an immediate rematch, and Mosley found the best opponent he could find at the time. Antonio Diaz was one of the strongest in this weight, but Shane was better in all components and knocked him out in the sixth round on November 11, 2000. "Shane is very good," Diaz said, "he's the best I've ever seen."

In March of the following year, Shane easily dealt with Australian Shannon Taylor. He was highly rated by the press and many believed he would give Shane a tough fight, but it didn't work out that way. Taylor wasn't nearly as fast or strong as Shane, who stopped him in the fifth round (Taylor didn't make it to the sixth round). Then, on July 21, he defeated Adrian Stone, who came from junior middleweight; It only took Shane three rounds to knock out the bigger boxer. By this time he was recognized by everyone as one of the best boxers in the world, regardless of weight category, and a significant number of experts put him in first place.

In 2002, Shane accepted the challenge of Vernon Forrest, who at that time was considered the second strongest welterweight after himself. They met as amateurs in the finals of the US Olympic qualifying tournament in 2002, and success then accompanied Forrest. In this fight, Shane's power boxing allowed him to dominate in the first round, but everything changed in the second. In the end, Forrest won by unanimous decision. But even though he lost, Shane deserved praise. Johnny Lewis, coach of junior welterweight champion Kostya Tszyu, said that Shane proved his absolute courage in the fight with Forrest.

Going into a rematch with Vernon Forrest, Shane was sure that he would swipe and higher speed will become determining factors in battle. After a very even twelve-round fight, Shane lost for the second time, albeit with a disagreement in the judges' scores.

In February of the following year, Moseley entered the ring against former junior middleweight world champion Raul Marquez. This was Shane’s first fight in junior middleweight and he really wanted to prove to the audience and all boxers that he came to this weight category and will stay here. Unfortunately, there was no convincing victory. As a result of accidental clashes of heads, Marquez received two cuts, and the fight was stopped in the third round without a winner being declared.

On September 13, 2003, Shane again met with Oscar De La Hoya, now at junior middleweight. The WBC and WBA champion titles, which Oscar then held, were at stake. The bout was the second-highest selling pay-per-view ($950,000, $48.4 million) among non-heavyweight bouts. In a very stubborn and equal fight, Shane again defeated Oscar and became the world champion in the third weight category. Although Shane won by unanimous decision, his advantage was insignificant, and according to some experts, it was De La Hoya who had a slight advantage in this fight.

After his second victory over Oscar, Shane decided to become the undisputed world champion for the first time in his career and challenged IBF junior middleweight champion Ronald “Winky” Wright to a fight. The fight took place on March 13, 2004 and its result came as a surprise to most boxing experts and fans - Ronald Wright won by unanimous decision with scores of 117-111 (twice) and 116-112. Wright skillfully defended and blocked powerful blows Sheina, who seemed to make no impression on him, successfully counterattacked and retained his strength for the entire battle. This time, Shane and his father and coach Jack's bet on power boxing did not pay off.

Distressed by this result, Shane made a very difficult decision and replaced his father as his coach with the famous specialist Joe Goossen. “Jack is one of the best trainers of our time, but I feel that I need to work with a new person who can radically change my approach to boxing,” Moseley commented on his decision. “Perhaps this will help me reach my full potential.”

Just a month after the defeat, Shane stated that he wanted a rematch, and Wright agreed to a second meeting with him, despite the fact that as a result of this he was stripped of the IBF title for refusing to make his mandatory defense. Thus, the second fight, which took place on November 20, 2004, was not formally a title fight. absolute champion junior middleweight, but everyone agreed that this was a fight for the title of the best in this weight category. Shane was confident in himself and his new coach, and indeed in this fight he performed better than in the first, but this was still not enough to win: two judges gave the victory to Wright, and the third gave a draw.

After this defeat, Moseley decided to return to welterweight and choose a right-handed boxer as his opponent for the next fight, admitting that lefties are very inconvenient for him.

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Meaning of the word mozley

molesley in the crossword dictionary

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


Moseley Henry Gwyn Jeffreys (1887-1915) English physicist, founder of X-ray spectroscopy.

Moseley (rugby club)

Moseley Rugby Football Club is an English rugby club from Birmingham, playing in the second strongest league in the country, the Championship. The team is a historic leader in Birmingham rugby. The club reached the final of the Anglo-Welsh Cup three times (late 70s and early 80s of the 20th century).

Rugby players had long played at Reddings Stadium, but the club's transition to professional status and subsequent financial difficulties forced the management to sell the land, which had belonged to Moseley for 125 years. Performances at the University of Birmingham stadium lasted five years and were not marked by any achievements. The team was relegated to National League 2 and have played host to Billsley Common since 2005. In 2006, they returned to the first National League. In 2009, Moseley won their first trophy in 27 years: the team beat Leeds (23:18) in the EDF Energy Trophy final at Twickenham.

Moseley (lunar crater)

Moseley Crater- a large ancient impact crater on the eastern limb of the visible side of the Moon, the western part of the crater is located on the far side of the Moon. The name was given in honor of the English physicist Henry Moseley (1887-1915) and approved by the International Astronomical Union in 1964. The formation of the crater dates back to the pre-Nectarian period.

Examples of the use of the word mozley in literature.

However, physicists in military overcoats - the Englishman Henry Moseley or to the Russian Sergei Vavilov, the German Hans Geiger or the Frenchman Louis Broglie - this curve would rather remind not so much of the field daisy of their childhood as Bruno’s trap-impenetrable spiral of barbed wire.

And a letter from Manchester from Henry Moseley, which came on a dim November day, he opened without any impatience.

Certainly, Moseley finally successfully completed the proof of the law of atomic number.

I remembered the independence of the character of the little one Moseley, a close friend of the long-legged Darwin.

Bohr also smoked a pipe, but four months ago, during his next visit to Rutherford on Trilogy business, when Moseley had a long conversation with him and both their pipes went out, Henry with the liveliest readiness each time handed him his matchbox.

And in the formula for these frequencies, a certain value increased by one with each step, Moseley called it the fundamental characteristic of the atom.

A special joy was that Moseley asked theoretical questions that no one else could answer.

And the war cast not an alarming, but a tragic reflection on the proofreading of that big article by Bohr: in its final paragraph, after the polemic with Frank and Hertz, he wrote for the last time about Moseley as if alive.

He wrote a concise review of the works Moseley and ended it with a list of the deceased’s works—a sadly laconic bibliography: eight publications.

On the streets of Manchester in those October days, New Zealanders in soldiers' field overcoats flashed - the wounded, sick, exhausted by the war: these were the remnants of those who had escaped where no one had escaped Moseley and thousands and thousands of others.

Besides, Moseley proposed to take different anti-cathodes one after another, so that it would be easier to compare the spectra of the emitted X-ray radiation.

When Moseley I compared the frequencies of X-ray radiation of elements with their serial number, and it turned out that they increase from element to element by a constant amount.

In the second article in April 1914 Moseley already pointed out the universal applicability of the new pattern: for all elements the atomic number can be unambiguously determined based on their X-ray spectrum.

Even difficult-to-separate rare earth elements, so similar to each other that scientists often did not know what atomic number they belonged to in the periodic table, Moseley hoped to now classify.

Indeed, with the help of open Moseley fundamental regularity managed to limit the number of rare earth elements to 14 - elements from 57 to 71.