What gives swing. My Bodybuilder Catechism

You can always look at how the fire burns, the water flows and the girl crouches
(c) someone from the audience

Yesterday I went to training after a 1.5 month break. I did a full body (completely all the muscles in 1 workout). I remembered that I should write an article about how I rocked.

With pumping your body, things are exactly the same as with pumping a site in search engines. There are a lot of different opinions, approaches, theories, myths. Each jock, like a webmaster, has his own personal experience. And, looking back at him, he can assert something. And he can argue endlessly with other jocks (who have their own experience) about what is right and what is not.

Therefore, I declare that this article is not the ultimate truth. Only my experience is described, taking into account physiological data, some initial parameters.

Why did I decide to jump up

It all started, actually a long time ago. In my student years, living in a hostel, my classmates and I, as it sometimes happens with everyone, decided to suddenly move away from drinking a little and pump up. Moreover, the "rocking chair", consisting of one barbell (well, there were a lot of pancakes), a bench for bench press and a dozen dumbbells, was located on the 1st floor of the hostel. The exercises were shown to us by a friend more experienced in these matters. In general, we went for six months. We made all possible mistakes, ignored the advice of others, we ourselves know! At the same time, there was almost no food, but they did not deny themselves beer. What are the results...

Next was the army. Under the demobilization there was time and I wanted to pull up a little fizuha. A samovar bar made from links of a tank caterpillar, 2 dumbbells, a horizontal bar and bars - that's the whole poor set for a soldier. 3 months of such an unplanned "pump" changes in the body have not been made.

And about 2 years ago I wanted to have a press like I used to at the age of 16, when I was skinny and just started to abuse alcohol with chips. Then the press stood out well.

I downloaded Vasily Ulyanov's "Smart Press Training" course. Worked out a little. I liked the fact that in addition to the press, information was given on the development of muscles in general. I realized that just pumping up the press is not the best idea. You need to pump the body.

Then I downloaded the course "3 weeks of killer home workouts" and began to study, because. going to the rocking chair was pissed off. " And how is it, and what’s there, I’ll come, and there are only pitching, they will laugh at me"- familiar? And now, six months later, for the first time, I saw at least some results from the classes. But then there was a move to another city, work, somehow I abandoned everything, it was forgotten.

Somewhere in another six months, I nevertheless decided to go to the gym. I managed to pass only 2 months, and then, quite suddenly for myself, I bought a ticket to Tai and flew to warmer climes.

There were a lot of mistakes at every stage. The main mistakes, in my opinion, were: unplanned exercises, wrong technique, ignoring some basic elements (didn’t do the legs and deadlift), the desire to pump one part of the body (arms / chest / abs), nutrition.

And only six months ago I managed to quite effectively walk into the gym. And the results, although not some impressive, but achieved.

Is it possible to pump up at home?

Can! But you will grow many times slower than if you trained in the gym! At home, in any case, you can’t pick up the right weight, it’s hard to progress. Do not be afraid of the hall, no one will laugh no matter how you come there. And you can also stare at the phytonyash completely unrepentantly (sometimes it seems that some of them go after this!), Just put on looser pants:

Is it worth contacting a coach?

If you're a complete beginner, it's worth it. Ask anyone who has started on his own and he will say: "If I had worked with a coach, the results would have been better." It is accessible and will show by example what exercises to do and, most importantly, how to do them correctly! A good trainer will advise you on some kind of set of exercises. Too fat - one program (first, lose weight, you can’t run - a big load on the heart and joints), dry - another program (for weight gain). Engaged in other sports (i.e., muscles in good shape) - you can immediately take heavier weights.

But! Coach coach strife.
During the six months of training in the gym, I saw several guys working out with a trainer. All six months that I was engaged, they also went regularly, every training session with a trainer. It is not known how much they walked before that. I have progress, they have nothing. And everyone pulls small weights, dumbbells of 7 kg each. Damn, sometimes I find it funny.

Some postulates

Captain's notes that you will find everywhere. But they cannot be ignored. I ignored it, thought "Yes, some kind of garbage" - there were no results. Began to follow - appeared.

  • For the first six months, a year and a half, you can do whatever program you want.
    It makes no sense to bother with this, often change, combine. You can just do the so-called base: chest, back, legs. 3 times a week. And you will grow in any case (subject to other postulates, of course).
  • 70% of muscle growth is food and sleep
    Eat. The goal is to gain 2g of protein for every kg of your weight. It is very easy to calculate, there are all sorts of online calculators. You can score on counting calories. Eat fatty food, please. Fat - not deposited in fat. Carbohydrates are stored in fat. If there excess weight- Eliminate carbohydrates (cereals, sweets, starchy foods, pasta). If not, then I don't care at all. Eat! Protein products: meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, cottage cheese (for the night!).
    Sleep at least 8 hours.
    The dream of a lazy man, fuck.
  • At each workout, you should increase either the number of repetitions or the weight compared to the previous workout.
    Without it, there will be no muscle growth. Pulling the same thing from workout to workout, there will be no progress.
  • Keep a workout diary
    Record how many times you reap (e.g., " chest top 1 - 80kg x 7r.; 2 - 80x5"- the first approach for the upper chest shook the barbell 80kg 8 times, in the 2nd approach - the same weight, but 5 times. Personally, it is unrealistic for me to remember such data for all exercises. If you are able - cool.
  • Beware of overtraining
    1.5-2 hours in the hall - yes, it's easy! Who is engaged in less than an hour - goof. I will walk every day!
    The workout should not last longer than 1 hour. No more than 4 times a week.
  • You need to pump the whole body
    "I want to pump up my chest and bitsuha a little" - the desire of 90% of all beginners. And I, too, once came to the student gym for this purpose. I was told - it's impossible! But I didn't listen.
  • Don't forget your legs!
    The deadlift and squat are the hardest exercises for me. I want to breathe after them. And I avoided them for a very long time. Only the last 4 months did regularly. I think this is what brought results. This is the base! You can't replace her with anything. The right technique makes the difference. Pay special attention to this.
  • Warm up is important
    5-10 minutes to warm up. Without this, injury cannot be avoided.
  • Take a two-week break every 3-4 months.

A little more from the theory of swing

There are 2 types of training: mass/strength and endurance. The only difference is the number of repetitions per exercise.

If we swing on a set muscle mass(namely, this is the goal of the majority) - 6-8 (even 10) repetitions.

For endurance - 12-15 repetitions. This type of training is suitable for drying and for giving relief to the muscles.

I combined these 2 types of training. Those. one week I was swinging for mass, the second - for endurance. This was done because different types of muscle fibers (white and red) are involved. And their recovery period is just 2 weeks. Therefore, while some are being restored, we are downloading others.

2-3 approaches (sets) of each exercise (excluding 1-3 warm-up approaches). For each muscle - 1 exercise! It makes no sense to jerk off, for example, 5 different exercises for biceps. Enough 2-3 sets of one exercise. All!

Rest between sets: 1.5-2 minutes.

Rest between different exercises: 3-4 minutes.

There are 3 main muscle groups, base: chest, back and legs. They must be done on different days, not combined with each other. In general, you can not swing your arms, abs, shoulders. Because all of them will be involved in one way or another when executing the base:

  • Front deltas and triceps are included when doing the chest
  • Biceps, middle deltas, trapezius, forearms work when we swing our backs
  • The press works everywhere

You can simply "finish off" with 1 set those muscles that turn on. I did exactly that.

Or, conversely, endure these exercises for another day.

My training program

I came to her after some time. I also constantly changed, tried. In the end, he worked out exactly this for himself. This does not mean that she is faithful.

1. Chest + Finishing: Front Delts + Triceps
2. Middle and rear deltas + biceps + abs
3. Back + finishing: trapezoid
4. Legs

I just had to score 4 days, and it’s more convenient to do it that way, it just fit in 50 minutes. It is quite possible to scatter the exercises for 3 days. Legs always swing separately from all other muscle groups.

I will not give a set of exercises. Here for an amateur. Choose your set, just remember - for 1 muscle - 1 exercise. Do not do two, three or more exercises on the upper chest. I often see how many people suffer from this: they sip the barbell on the chest, then they take dumbbells and do the exercise on the same muscles, and then they go to the simulator and there are 5 more approaches. It's not necessary, yeah

Sports nutrition

Most likely you have a persistent stereotype that sports nutrition is bad. I still can't explain to some. They stupidly do not listen, do not hear and do not want to hear. I, they say, only for natural quality! Sportspit is not anabolics and steroids, from which all these troubles come, like insufficiency, kidney failure and other things that scare us from blue screens.

Protein is needed for muscle growth. In English - "protein". This protein is for sale. If you are gaining 2g of protein per kg of weight with regular food, you do not need protein. But personally, I would have to include an additional meal, and these are extra carbohydrates anyway. Protein allows you to get that lack of protein without any hassle.

You can safely put your dick on the rest of the sports nutrition. You don't need it.

Only when drying will most likely be needed: a fat burner and BCAAs (amino acids that give energy and allow you not to “burn” muscles).

List of materials on the topic

Vasily Ulyanov "3 weeks of killer workouts in the gym"- really cool video course, theory + video with exercises.
On this I recommend and stop at initial stage. Materials on the topic - just a bunch. And the more you dig, the more you go deep, the more you get confused. Let us return again to the fact that the first year can be practiced according to any system. Just take some program into service, following the basics that I gave in the article, and you will grow. But then, when stagnation comes (weights do not grow, there are no results), then dig deeper, change the program, try, experiment.

But if you really want, then below is a list of suitable materials:
Denis Borisov "Bodybuilder's Catechism"- all the basics of bodybuilding in a small book.
Channel on YouTube Denis Borisov
Channel on YouTube YouGiftedBB

Now I want to work out on the book Supertraining by Mike Mentzer. When reading it, a template break may occur and many so-called. the pitching simply will not accept it, they will call it heresy. Therefore, I will not recommend immediately engaging in it - I have not tried it myself. But I highly recommend reading it.

A little bit of linking you know why

Goals, getting out of the comfort zone, flow and testosterone-dopamine Willpower - what affects

Having learned to competently make a training schedule and having mastered correct techniques weight lifting, you will get great chance get in shape and get all the benefits that the gym has to offer. Read on to find out how to start pumping iron the right way.


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  1. Choose the appropriate weight. When you first start to swing, it is difficult to determine how much weight you need. Don't start with too much weight - you'll run out of steam after the first two reps, and it takes a lot of reps to build muscle properly. You don't need too light weight. The ability to correctly select weights requires a certain amount of experience.

    • Figure out how many reps to do on the exercise you're working on. If you're doing the bench press, you need to do more than 3-4 sets for the muscles to grow, so you need to find a weight that you can do 10, 15, or 20 reps before the muscles fail.
    • Muscle failure is the point where you can no longer physically do an exercise without help. The more you swing, the more you get used to that feeling of muscle failure, and with experience you can push that moment further and further away.
    • Ideally, the muscles should fail at the same time as your last required rep. Take the maximum amount of weight with which you can complete all the planned repetitions.
  2. Press slowly and evenly. Quickly work out a workout - not The best way Maximize the benefits of lifting weights. Do not rush - it is dangerous with injuries and wasted time. It is better to do fewer reps slowly and correctly than to take too much weight and try to do as fast and as many as possible.

    • Set aside at least an hour for a good workout. Do not work more than a few hours, try to train for half an hour without breaks, so as not to harm your health.
  3. Behind 50 minutes do not eat anything before training, otherwise you may start colic.

    • But you also don’t need to exercise on an empty stomach, otherwise you will not have the energy for exercise. eat in 1-2 hours before your workout and snack on some fruit 15 minutes before it starts if you feel hungry again.
  4. Do a warm-up before your workout. It will oxygenate the bloodstream and muscles. It will also prevent or at least reduce post-workout pain.

    • The standard warm-up consists of 5 push-ups and 5 sit-ups. After doing both, rest for 30 seconds. Repeat in the same way, but for 10 repetitions, and again rest for 30 seconds. 20 times, rest. After that, back to 10 and 5 reps. Then, stretch your core muscles, do squats, and repeat the stretch.
  5. Do some relaxation exercises after your workout. It can be just a stretch or everything that was included in the warm-up. The goal is to gradually lower the heart rate and prepare the body for rest.

    We train hands

    Doing the bench press . The bench press is probably one of the most popular exercises in weightlifting and is performed as follows. You lie on your back, usually on a bench, and lift the weight straight up from your chest. It is a very smart idea to use a spotter (a person who will belay you or a special rack with hooks), especially if you are not yet very aware of how much weight you need to take.

    • Grab the bar firmly, shoulder-width apart. You must hold the bar very firmly to create tension and flexibility in the biceps, shoulders and torso muscles. Take a deep breath as you lift your chest up and press your shoulder blades back down onto the bench.
    • Place your feet and press them to the floor as you remove the barbell. Move the bar directly over the chest and keep the muscles in tension.
    • Don't drop the weight, lower it in a straight line, slowly and evenly, until it touches your chest. Without letting your chest muscles clench or lose tension, push up, pushing up with your legs and arms to bring the bar back up to the top position.
    • Start with a weight that you can easily work with and develop your form. Always call a spotter (assistant), especially at the beginning when you are just starting out.
  6. Do dumbbell presses. The dumbbell press involves a similar technique to the barbell bench press, but is performed by lifting a single dumbbell in each hand rather than one weight with both hands at the same time.

    • Take a dumbbell of the appropriate weight in each hand and lift them vertically up from your chest from a prone position. Lower them down slowly and evenly until the dumbbell touches the chest between the shoulder and the nipple. Bring them back up until they touch each other, vertically above you.
    • To perform a different but similar exercise, do a fly-out, keeping your arms perfectly straight and dropping them to your sides. The previous exercise is mostly pushing the weight up, while the fly is more like flapping your wings.
    • To work a slightly different muscle group, you can do a bench press with a barbell and dumbbells on an incline bench. The technique is basically the same, but when you press the barbell or dumbbells vertically up, the lifts will be done at a different angle to the torso, forcing other muscles to work.
  7. Rise to the chest with biceps. To pump up the biceps, do lifts from a standing or sitting position, bending your arms at the elbow and lifting the dumbbells towards you. Choose an appropriate weight, lower the dumbbells down, one in each hand, and lift them up to your chest, contracting your biceps.

    • The dumbbells should be parallel to you. Raise them to your chest, turn them around so that your palm is facing you.
    • You can do it alternately with each hand, or you can do it several times before changing hands.
  8. Do dumbbell rows. Dumbbell row - good exercise to complete the arm workout. With your knee on the bench, you raise the dumbbell from the bottom up to your chest. Train first one hand, then the other.

    • Get on one knee and rest your hand on the ground or on a bench.
    • Take a dumbbell with the appropriate weight in your hand and lift it from the ground to your chest. Change side.

    We train legs

    Do a few squats. Most halls have a setting for working on quadriceps, this is the largest muscle group on the legs. This is another exercise in which the help of a spotter or a special grappling rack is also important, especially if you are just starting out. Use the same principle of weight selection as in the bench press, place the dumbbells on your shoulders in a standing position.

    • While the weight is still on, put your hands in the same position as for the dumbbell press, climb up on it, place the dumbbells across your shoulders behind your head.
    • Take the weight off the rack and take a good step back. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and keep your head straight. It is very important to keep your back straight throughout the exercise, otherwise you risk injuring it.
    • To squat, bend your knees and hips, creating a parallel line with the ground. Freeze for a second before returning to the starting standing position.
  9. Rise up. Use the same technique as in the squat, take the weight on your back, stand in front of a box, a solid bench or platform.

    • Stand with feet hip-width apart, lift one knee up and place on a box. The thigh should be parallel to the floor. Step up and place your other foot on a box or elevated platform.
    • Reverse the motion by bending the knee and hip of your lead leg and stepping back.
  10. Lunges with dumbbells. Try the basic lunge exercise, holding the dumbbells in your hands as if you are working on the biceps (raise to the chest), this is a great workout for the whole leg. To perform a proper lunge, keep your back straight, torso shortened, legs and head facing forward.

    • To lunge, step forward with one foot, heel going first.
    • Lower yourself gradually until your back knee touches the floor.
    • Press back with your lead foot so that the leg is again in a straight position. Straighten up completely to complete the rep. Do the same number of repetitions on each side.

According to statistics, 20% of women are most attracted to the body of a man by the press, 42% of men, in second place after biceps, put the cubes as the main task for the gym. The Internet is replete with articles on how to pump up abdominal muscles in 2 days ...

A relevant topic, in demand, but, unfortunately, not correctly covered anywhere! From this article, you will learn how to pump the press correctly, what exercises to choose and how to eat right to see the cubes on the stomach.

Unfortunately, this muscle group is very difficult to pump, and low-level athletes simply load it incorrectly. If you don’t have positive dynamics, and even your lower back hurts after a workout, you should know that you are doing the wrong exercises or with the wrong technique.

And, of course, in 20 minutes, an hour, a week, a month, it is impossible to make the stomach perfect. Do not pay money for miracle methods. You will get ear noodles instead of muscles.

Let's pay attention to real ways how to properly pump up the press, using only effective pumping schemes.

To know how best to pump the press and succeed in training, you need to know their anatomy and functions, at least at a minimum level, understand how to properly do exercises for the target group, including it in work as much as possible. It often happens that people seem to be pumping one muscle, but in fact, completely different ones work.

This muscle group is made up of:

  • rectus muscle (these are the very treasured cubes);
  • transverse (deep) is under the main ones;
  • internal and external oblique (diagonal).

If you want embossed and powerful cubes, then you need to download the press following 3 components that are inextricably linked:

  • Program of a certain type;
  • A diet with which you will get rid of the fat layer covering the stomach;
  • Loads aimed at increasing the volume of muscle fibers.

Correct training method

There is an opinion that spending the night in the gym, killing yourself, you can achieve amazing results. However, exhausting, repetitive exercise has been proven to lead to... increased endurance, not muscle growth, and does not increase the rectus abdominis. Yes, and such training can lead to back injury, in particular the lumbar.

For many it will be news, but the abdominal press is the same muscle as all the others, and it must be pumped accordingly according to the system as for other groups. Adding proper diet, you get rid of belly fat and quickly see the treasured cubes.

Let's talk about nutrition

This is a very important component, since nutritionists have proven that the cubes appear in athletes with a subcutaneous fat level that does not exceed the 10% threshold.

Without a properly formed diet, training does not make sense. If you are thinking about how to pump up the abdominal muscles, then right now make yourself the right menu by including the following products in it:

  • cereals
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits

You should refuse to take fast carbohydrates, foods high in animal fat, processed foods, or at least reduce their amount to a minimum, as they are mostly deposited on the stomach.

Agree, under three layers of fat, the cubes will feel uncomfortable, yes, and why are they there? As a stand for another hamburger?

Program for high-quality study of the abdominal muscles

The first thing you need to do is to write the correct program. In any case, the experience of professionals and the advice of a doctor will be important conditions for maintaining health and high performance.

When compiling, you need to take into account such an important factor as genetics, because some people gain weight hard, while others gain several kilograms in one holiday weekend.

The conclusion is logical: for each body type (asthenic, hypersthenic, normosthenic) you need your own training program, loads and duration of classes.


Throughout each exercise, try to focus your attention on the work of the muscles, there should be an emotional and psychological "relationship" between you and the press.

We remind you that in order to comply with all precautions, you should consult with your doctor if your health condition allows you to load yourself to one degree or another.

Since each person has his own level physical training, then choosing programs for how best to pump muscles, you need to look at the level of complexity of the exercises.

  • Twisting ( top part) 2 sets - 20 reps
  • Reverse crunches ( Bottom part) 2 – 20
  • Bridge (obliques) 2 - 20
Medium difficulty program:
  • Tray of legs on the bar (lower part) 2 – 20
  • Twisting on a special ball (upper part) 2 - 20
  • Bridge (oblique) 2 – 20
For advanced:
  • Incline Bench Crunches with Weights (Upper) 3 – 20
  • Bicycle (lower abdomen) 3 - 20
  • Tray of legs on the bench (lower abdomen) 3 - 20
  • Tray of legs lying on the mat (lower abdomen) 3 - 10
  • Bridge (oblique) 3 – 30
For professionals:

Such a program consists of "supersets" of 2 exercises.

Superset #1
  • Twisting on the mat (upper part) 3 - 20
  • Tray of legs to the horizontal bar (lower part) 3 - 20

Superset #2

  • Torso twists (oblique) 3 – 10
  • Tray of feet on the mat (lower part) 3 – 5

Superset #3

  • Twisting lying on the mat (upper part) 3 - 20
  • Plank (lower part) 3 - 1 minute

Superset #4

  • Tray of legs on the bench (lower part) 3 – 10
  • Twisting standard (upper part) 3 - 20

Useful information about exercises

Remember that only working at the maximum of your capabilities will give an explosive effect, since during the last 2-3 repetitions your muscle fibers are torn and hypertrophied, which leads to growth in volume.

We must constantly monitor this maximum and try to achieve it in every workout.

Each of the complexes will not take more than 15 minutes of the total training time. It's worth it. Spend 45 minutes a week and girls will look after you with sincere interest, and guys with envy.

The words of one of the great bodybuilders of all time: “Give your best in training as if it were your last time, strive to cross the pain threshold, and you will achieve everything you want. And no one will stop you." Remember them by making them your motto!

Slim waist and flat tummy by Natalia Korotkova

Relief press from Katya Usmanova

Complex of fitness model Denis Gusev

4 ways to make ab training more effective

Crunches are great for beginners, but take it to the next level of intensity and try harder exercises to get chiseled cubes.

Like any other part of the body, the rectus abdominis eventually adapts to simple, high-rep exercises. This means that your good old program is no longer good.

When basic exercises are no longer giving the same results, use these tips to increase the effectiveness of your ab workouts. However, keep in mind that these techniques will heat up your core and make it hurt like it hasn't hurt in a long time, or even worse.

Use a horizontal bar instead of a captain's chair

The captain's chair is the simulator on which you press your back against the soft back, resting your forearms on the soft armrests with handles. This is a great tool for isolated study. lower press especially for beginners.

If you really want to improve your midsection, move your leg raises to the horizontal bar. Hanging straight from the horizontal bar, you force your core muscles to work harder to stabilize the body - this effect cannot be achieved by resting against the back of the simulator. This additional load on the core is transferred to the entire movement as a whole. Hanging leg raises will help to hone the cubes, making the waist more aesthetic, and also balance the core.

Another benefit of swapping the captain's chair for a horizontal bar is that if you hold on to the bar without resorting to straps, you'll develop grip strength as you build your abs.

Rolls with a wheel

This device looks deceptively simple. It even looks more like a toy than a training equipment - a regular wheel with handles in the center. But once you try to exercise with it, you will immediately realize that this is the most advanced simulator of all possible.

This is because when you roll forward on the wheel, the muscles of your entire middle torso must work as hard as possible to keep your spine stable and prevent your body from falling down. Then, as you try to pull the wheel back with your pelvis down and your back straight, you will feel your lats, shoulders, and arms work with your abs to resist gravity and bring your body back to its original position. It feels like every muscle in your body is involved in the movement, but make no mistake - the abs play a major role in returning to the starting position.

During your first wheel workout, roll forward as much as you can while maintaining proper form, and come back. Be careful - it is very easy to overestimate your capabilities, and as a result, slam on the floor on your face. As your core strengthens, try to roll forward further so that your body is almost touching the floor.

Do weight training

Remember, the abs are also a muscle. So why not train him like any other muscle group? If you've been struggling to get the big packs you want in the past, it's time to introduce the use of weights into your program.

If you're worried that using weights will make your waistline look too large and wide, don't worry. These are prejudices. However, if you want to make the silhouette more powerful and straightforward, you can’t do without weights.

By training your core with weights, you will also improve other metrics such as balance, stability, and strength. For weight exercises, try crossover rope crunches, lying leg raises with leg weights, or hip raises with a dumbbell between your feet. Many weight rooms have special ab machines that you can use if you want to add weights, so don't be afraid to include new machines in your complex.

Supersets with aerobic exercises

Even by increasing the number of exercises and adding complicated movements, it can still be difficult to pump up the press so that the cubes stand out clearly. Use

Many people confidently believe that the positive aspects of going to the gym are obvious, but, unfortunately, there are those who consider going to the gym a waste of time. Athletes can confidently say, for example: I go to the rocking chair, which means I am a strong, healthy, handsome person. But, alas, it so happened that some consider it respectable to have a beer belly. Or many say that they already have an athletic physique. In this article we will try to list the main positive aspects of exercising in the gym. For some, this will be new knowledge, but for someone.

    The first plus is, of course, a slim body. After walking for a while in Gym, you can be happy to see a more slender and strong person in the mirror. This is quickly noticed by the opposite sex as well. Muscle growth is not long in coming. But this requires good training.

    When playing sports, you have to monitor your health, have a good rest, because if you do not follow these requirements, then all training will be in vain.

    Undoubtedly, when exercising in the gym, testosterone levels increase. This is the so-called male hormone, which is produced very little in adulthood.

    It also improves well-being, because enhanced training strengthens the immune system, increasing protection against various diseases and the like.

    A great influence also affects the performance of the whole organism, a small charge every morning - and the body is energized for the whole day.

    If you regularly work out in the gym, then a person becomes stronger, character is tempered, and he can stand up for himself in difficult times. This also includes character training. He trains first. For classes, you need to go to training regularly. An athlete becomes very self-confident, having a pumped up body, one can gain respect in any team.

    Anyone, be it a beginner or a professional, can proudly say: I go to the rocking chair, and I'm proud of it! For most athletes - athletes, going to the gym is the goal of a lifetime.

Of course, the advantages of exercising in the gym can be listed for a very long time. But, probably, this is enough for the reader to think about his health, and start playing sports, developing, quit bad habits, but the one who has already achieved this just learned something new.

2013-04-02 09:38:11

The benefits of a tennis hall are obvious. It's like an avalanche that only gets bigger every minute. Training first strengthens the will, then health, raises self-esteem, increases energy, creates positive thinking, and so on, inevitably leading a person to success in any endeavor (no matter sports, work, business or creativity), but the gym allows you to start more and useful contacts.

2013-04-10 08:19:20

I think that everything should be in moderation, and if a person does not even think that a rocking chair is what he needs, then at least you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is important and a lot of moving, eating normally. If you don’t have any of this, then you definitely need at least fitness.