What are knee pads for in volleyball? Knee pads for sports: how to choose the right model

Let's go garlic, what kind of knee pads do you play volleyball in?
What knee pads do you recommend, which ones you do not recommend to wear in any case?
Do you need knee pads? Do you think all professional players should wear knee pads?

At the same time, I will share my observations with you.

I lost almost all my conscious volleyball life in knee pads - in the simplest amateur Asics model for 300 rubles. They were standard black with a thin white edging around the edges. It still seems to be one of the most common options in sports schools and gyms where people play for their own pleasure. Of the models currently on display, they are closest to the Asics "Classic".
In general, when I was presented with these knee pads, I was terribly pleased, because in the sports school I did without them. Well, at that time it seemed also a very status thing.

But gradually certain shortcomings of these knee pads began to emerge.
Firstly, if you tried to slide in these knee pads when you fell to your knees in this condition, they could fly off your feet.
Secondly, the pads of the knee pads themselves were not very thick, that is, you did not notice an unaccented blow, but it was not worth just thumping on your knees: it could be quite painful!
Thirdly, and this was the most significant drawback for me, relatively rarely, but still there were such cases when I fell and folded my legs on my side. Sometimes this happened when receiving a distant ball, sometimes when playing on safety net. At the same time, to my surprise, I found that the knee joints are much more vulnerable from the side, even weak blows to the knees were very painful! I had no intention of throwing away my old knee pads, but fate decided to speed up the arms race, and somehow I accidentally lost them.

As a result, before any person there is a choice of what to play. Consider 5 standard options.

1) Asics Gel-Conform volleyball knee pads are the most advanced model from Asics, at least available in Russia. All in all, this model was my favorite. The gel filling of the pillow almost completely extinguished the impact force, and from a physical point of view, this is a rather fruitful idea. The edges of the pillow went well on the side of the knee, that is, the task of protecting especially vulnerable areas of the knee was solved. Interestingly, Asics started using relatively advanced locking technology patella the knee pad itself. At the same time, something like separate rays extend sideways from a single gel pad, which duplicate the ligaments of the knee. I would finally stop at this option, but for some reason this model has only one size. And for me, this size was tight. That is, it was possible to play, but the knee was squeezed so much that, for example, when removing the knee pad, the socks are torn off along with it ...

2) The next two options are more popular with professionals. I'm not sure what is deserved, because. I really liked the Asics version. The advanced version from Mizuno also fixes the patella, but it is too intrusive regardless of the size. What I didn't like the most about these knee pads is that the filler in them is not a gel, but a denser, stiffer substance, something like a foam crust. And these same “rays”, moving to the side, can put quite unpleasant pressure on some parts of the knee. Personally, fixing the patella does not seem necessary to me at all.

3) The option that I eventually settled on is the rather popular Mikasa MT-6 model. Of all three advanced models, the lateral areas of the knees are best protected by this particular model. There is no fixation of the patella, which, however, is for the better. It is possible to choose the size so that, on the one hand, the knee pad sits tightly, and on the other hand, it does not pinch the leg. The knee with this model is perfectly protected from any impacts and from any falls, and you start to feel somehow more ready to play defense. The filler here is also quite dense, but the inside of the knee pad is softer than the Mizuno version, so it does not start to put pressure on different parts of the knee so unpleasantly. Needless to say, the protective material is divided into sections that can flex and rotate relative to each other to fit the foot better!

4) A purely amateur version - a knee pad previously unknown to me by McDavid. But for an amateur, this is a very good option. The kneepad pad, although single sectioned and doesn't wrap around the knee (and therefore doesn't protect the sides of the knee), is noticeably thicker than on my previous Asics amateur model. Therefore, nothing will stop you from landing on your knees in this model and sliding further into them. That is, from a head-on collision with the floor, they protect the knees no worse than the already mentioned professional models.

5) Well, the last one is the easiest option, it is to start playing without knee pads at all. In general, if you are not playing very actively, then you can stop at this option, since, probably, nothing threatens you. By and large, nothing threatens the knees with a classic chest-forward fall with softening hands: in this case, the knees touch the ground (if it happens at all), the last. Yes, and there are some drawbacks in the game with knee pads: firstly, in any case, they will hamper your movements and “steal” centimeters of your jump, and secondly, it is very hot to play in the same Mikasa MT-6 knees. After four games in these knee pads, your legs will be like from a bath! So this is an amateur business.
I understand when diagonal or central players play without knee pads. Players without knee pads look a little stranger - you should keep an eye on such players in both, they probably underperform in defense. But again, this is a matter of personal preference and, above all, habit.
But volleyball players playing in the libero position look very strange without knee pads. This is almost the same as a boxer without a mouth guard. After all, playing without knee pads for them means constantly being afraid of a painful blow and being unnecessarily insured. This latent fear will one way or another fetter their game, they will involuntarily be careful and play not 100% of their own capabilities. Whereas the game in the knee pads, gradually wean from such fear and gives freedom.

Every athlete who has had the opportunity to play professional volleyball for at least a short time knows that you need to take care of your knees every time you play. If a person wants to drop overweight or play an amateur game, then this moment is not entirely important, but if the desire grows into professionalism, then you should worry about buying knee pads.

Very often training takes place in gyms which are equipped with very hard surfaces. In this case, you can damage the knee joints, and their treatment will take a lot of time. And if you are an athlete, then this option should not suit you. That is why it is necessary to understand from the very beginning, from the initial training itself, that knee protection is one of the most important tasks for a volleyball player, especially if he wants to play sports professionally. And in order to protect your knees, you should choose high-quality knee pads.

Choice of knee pads

It will not be difficult to stop your choice on one of the species, if you are guided by the significance of this device. It is best to choose based on your own desires and preferences.

The choice of knee pads is based on the choice of size, which usually ranges from 1 to 4. One is the smallest size for the athlete. If your knees are slightly larger and wider, then you will have to make a choice between the second and third sizes. The most important thing is to find out in advance what size you need, so that in the future you will not make a mistake with the choice. The third option is for large heavyweights and athletes. The fourth option is suitable for professional basketball players. Sizes from 1 to 4 are conditional, when buying, you may encounter other designations, for example S, M, L, XL.

Please note that knee pads tend to quickly stretch and turn from one size to another. Due to the reasonable price and quality of the material, the buyer may not worry that the knee pads will take root on the legs for a long time. Usually this doesn't happen.

Other protective equipment

For a volleyball player, protecting not only the knee, but also other joints is important. Since volleyball is played mainly with hands, and an athlete can fall several times in one draw, elbows must also be protected. To do this, professional athletes use elbow calipers, which can be selected according to the same rules as knee pads.

You may need professional shoes to play volleyball. It is best if they are designed for playing volleyball. They adapt to fast play and an athlete's jump will be an excellent opportunity to improve their skill level and professionalism.

Let's talk about protecting our knees.

Every athlete, whether he is a beginner or a professional, needs to take care of the safety of the knee joints and protect himself from impacts and injuries that may occur during a fall. Do not neglect such a sports accessory as knee pads.

How to choose those that are right for you and become a real lifesaver during sports?

A few simple but important tips when choosing knee pads:

Pay attention to the material from which the knee pads are made. Cotton products are very pleasant to the body, but short-lived. Neoprene knee pads do not allow air and moisture to pass through, so the knee joint sweats a lot under it and often you have to wear something made of natural fabric under them. Polyester and elastane knee pads are durable, breathable, but much more expensive.

Focus, first of all, on the convenience of the knee pads and the reliability of fixation. The most important thing in choosing knee pads is to determine your size. There are 4 of them in total, gradation is carried out from 1 to 4. The first size is the smallest, suitable for athletes whose physique is slightly thin, but close to normal. The second size is suitable for people of average build. If you have a large enough build, buy a third size knee pads for yourself. The fourth, largest size, is suitable for tall and large athletes. It is worth noting that the sizes of knee pads from different manufacturers do not always correspond to each other.

This implies the third point: for the safety of your own health, long-term and regular use, choose models of knee pads from well-known and reputable manufacturers.

In conclusion, we add, before buying knee pads, be sure to try them on. They should fit snugly around the knee joints. Walk in them for a few minutes, if after this time you practically stop feeling them, then you have chosen your size.

Do not forget about hygiene standards. If you want your knee pads to last longer, wash and dry them after each use.



In this article, we will look at the basic equipment for volleyball (volleyball uniform), the rules for selecting equipment, how to tap fingers and modern technologies.


A modern volleyball is a spherical frame - a chamber with six panels of artificial or natural leather stretched over it, three sections each.

In the course of the development of volleyball as a sport, the volleyball was also transformed and received new additions and improvements from manufacturers.

To date, manufacturers of volleyballs offer the widest selection of balls for any purpose - training, game and souvenir balls, balls for beach volleyball and for playing in the hall, professional volleyballs and balls for beginners. Also, the balls are divided by price categories, by the method of fastening - stitched or glued, by the naturalness of the skin and many other parameters.

The most famous manufacturers of volleyball balls today are Mikasa, Gala, Molten, Winner. They offer options for any category of players - from amateurs to beginners. The important thing is, any of them is in an affordable price range. It is also worth noting that balls from lower price categories are practically not inferior to more expensive counterparts in quality and durability, although they will not meet the requirements of a professional game.

As already mentioned, in order to choose the right volleyball for your purposes, certain nuances should be taken into account. First, you should pay attention to such, at first glance, an insignificant factor as the coloring of the ball. Studies have shown that the color of a volleyball directly affects the perception of the ball in flight. So, it is much more difficult to “track” a white ball in flight than a multi-colored one. The International Volleyball Federation traditionally approves balls of a three-color palette - white, blue and yellow. Balls of exactly this color are used in all competitions held under the auspices of the FIVB.

Another important detail to consider when choosing a volleyball is the purpose for which it will be used. If the games will take place in the hall, then the classic volleyball ball is suitable for you - a hard ball with a dense coating.

There is a separate class of balls for beach volleyball. They are made of synthetic leather, since the natural coating will absorb moisture. Choose a waterproof, dense yet soft microfiber ball that will cover the synthetic leather. For beach volleyball, stitched balls are most suitable, as they are less prone to deformation when wet.

There is an opinion that natural leather volleyball balls are, by definition, better - because they are softer and more pleasant to play with. It is also a matter of purpose. They are no doubt softer, but they are not suitable for professional play. Leather balls are more suitable for amateur games on vacation or for children. If you plan to play the game on the street, then a beach volleyball ball is better suited. Such a ball must be made of moisture-resistant material, of bright color, visible in any light.


Modern volleyball nets are produced using a “knotless” technology, from synthetic fiber (usually polypropylene) woven in a special way into strong threads. By the way, the thicker the thread - the better the mesh is considered. It also depends on the thickness of the threads how long the network will serve you. Usually, the thickness of the threads that form the volleyball net is from 1.2 to 4.2 mm. Volleyball nets according to the FIVB rules must have a low tension steel or Kevelar cable with 6-8 side fastening cords.

Nets used for recreational volleyball or training are of course not necessarily FIVB compliant - they also have 4-cord side mounts and the lower tension cable is less durable. The fiber itself and the quality of the threads are worse. But such nets are much cheaper. Which volleyball net to buy is up to you.

The most popular net manufacturers are: KV.Rezac (truly the best combination of price and quality), Huck and, of course, Mikasa (expensive, cool, high quality). Models Mikasa VNC, Mikasa Q7VNETTA, Mikasa Q7VNETTB are the official nets of the International Volleyball Federation.

According to the rules of professional competitions, volleyball nets must be equipped with antennas that are installed in special pockets attached with Velcro to the net.


Many novice volleyball players make the mistake of thinking that an old tank top, sweatpants, and “all-purpose” sneakers are fine for practice.

Neglecting the right choice of volleyball equipment, you risk getting numerous microtraumas, not using your potential by 100%, and worsening your overall health. And remembering the statements that sport is good for health, you should always remember the reservation: with the right clothes, shoes and equipment.

By gender, clothes for playing volleyball are not very different. For both men and women, it is necessary to choose a T-shirt or T-shirt and shorts or sports shorts made of soft fabric. But there are some features of the choice in the conditions of the indoor hall. You need to understand that in the indoor hall is supported comfortable temperature air, therefore - there is no need to select a warm version of clothing.

But, unlike beach volleyball, you should still wear a T-shirt or T-shirt. In the absence of sun and wind, the T-shirt will save you from the accumulation of fluid on the skin as a result of sweating. Otherwise, the same rules for selecting sportswear apply as for any sport.


Volleyball knee pads are one of the most important pieces of equipment used by both professional volleyball players and amateurs. Volleyball knee pads are designed to protect the knee joint from injury during the game, both in the hall and in open areas. When playing actively, receiving the ball, there are frequent situations when a volleyball player is forced to fall on one or two knees, while injuries are almost inevitable if his knees are not protected.

Modern sports knee pads reliably protect your legs if you choose your protection responsibly. It matters what type of venues games and competitions will take place on.

Knee protection for indoor volleyball, outdoor play or beach volleyball has different characteristics, so before you buy knee pads, carefully study their description.

Structurally, sports knee pads consist of a cuff, a filler and a fastening system. Those designed for volleyball in the hall or on hard courts have an additional padding to increase impact protection, or contain a thicker and denser layer of filler.

Most often, gels of various modifications are used as a filler, but some manufacturers also use other synthetic materials. When buying knee pads, you should choose reliable manufacturers. The most famous firms producing these important products are: Asics, Mikasa, Mizuno, Torres. And if, when choosing volleyballs, many connoisseurs prefer the Mikasa brand, then when buying protective equipment, Asics products are more popular. But this, of course, is an ambiguous choice - the choice can only be individual.


When choosing sneakers for volleyball, first of all, pay attention to the sole. It is good if it is made of rubber, which provides the best grip on the floor of the gym. The pattern on the sole should be made in the form of zigzags or small unidirectional strokes. In this case, the legs will not slide on the floor.

To improve cushioning, the sole may contain helium inserts or air bladders. Please note that volleyball shoes should be light enough. In such shoes, the legs will not get tired, and the jumps will be faster. It is better to choose mesh sneakers with leather inserts, they allow the foot to “breathe” during active movements. In the ankle area, there should be soft pads made of foam rubber so that the boot “sits” tightly on the leg.

The sole in the heel area of ​​volleyball shoes can be slightly thicker than the toe box to improve cushioning and enhance the effect when jumping. It is better if the heel is rigid so that the foot is clearly fixed in the shoe. Pay attention to the sock. It should not be too narrow so that the leg is not constrained when moving.

Sneaker manufacturers are constantly striving to bring their shoes to perfection. The Mizuno company in its sneakers uses various technologies that provide optimal temperature conditions for the foot with the help of ventilation channels, high wear resistance, and full adhesion to the surface. Not inferior to her and Asics with its helium system, which provides protection for the foot and places prone to the biggest blows.


Volleyball players injure their fingers quite often. Most often this happens when performing a block, when the ball hits the left finger. This can happen even to professionals.

Beginner athletes injure their fingers even when simply passing or receiving the ball. Finger injuries are primarily sprains, fractures and dislocations of the fingers. It is not possible to accurately track the statistics of finger injuries in volleyball due to the fact that an athlete does not stop playing in case of a finger injury, but continues to play, fixing the injured finger, for example, with a band-aid.

Any joint of the finger can be injured. The most unpleasant thing is when the metacarpophalangeal joint is injured - it is not so easy to fix it, and the athlete is forced to take a break from the game. The cause of such an injury is a blow to a straightened finger with displacement of the bones and damage to the collateral ligaments. Sometimes such an injury leads to a dislocation in this joint or injury to the tendon of the flexor muscle of the finger.

Treatment of an injured finger begins with a mandatory x-ray to rule out a fracture. Sometimes it is enough just to fix the damaged joint with a tape or plaster; for more severe injuries (torn ligaments or tendons, fractures), iron or plastic splints or splints are needed. Many volleyball players pre-tape their fingers before the game for prevention.

They wrap their fingers with an ordinary tissue patch, which can be bought at a pharmacy. With a strong blow, the skin can be damaged (there will be a crack through which blood can flow). If you do not protect your fingers, then you can get infection or inflammation, in any case it is not pleasant, and sometimes very painful.


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how to choose a protective bandage, wearing rules for adults and children

Physical activity always has a beneficial effect on our body. But as you know, big sport is always associated with serious injuries. Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to protect yourself from and to, but knee pads for sports are popular. They are mainly used in active games, such as volleyball, basketball and hockey, as well as in water sports. In this article, we’ll figure out what clamps are, how to choose them and wear them correctly.

[ To uncover]

Retainer Features

A knee support is a special tool that maintains the correct position of the joint during active pastime. For example, it can be volleyball, orthopedic knee pads, protection for airsoft, football. They help to fix the leg in the correct physiological position. Also, thanks to the wearing of knee pads, the knees and patellas, the meniscus and ligaments are protected.

As a rule, knee orthoses are necessary in the following cases:

  1. In the postoperative and rehabilitation period after suffering a serious injury.
  2. During sports that involve stress on the legs and knees.
  3. With some diseases of the joints: with arthritis, bursitis and synovitis.

Doctors say that this product is great for fixing the knee joint, but only if the dimensions and material are correctly selected. It is important to choose an orthosis that is suitable for a particular sport. Only in this case will it really benefit and protect the joints from injury.

How to choose?

Today, the choice of protection for sports is quite large. There are really many types, so you need to approach the choice carefully and it is advisable to consult a specialist before buying a product. First of all, before going to the store, decide what exactly you will be doing in these knee pads. This is due to the fact that, depending on the purpose, knee pads differ from each other in quality, choice of material, density, and so on.

Goalie knee pads in football are completely different from a hockey goaltender's brace. A hockey player must have both knees and elbows protected during the game, because a fall on the ice can be a traumatic event. Running knee pads should be flexible. But adult knee pads and elbow pads should be protective, since in this type of physical activity there is a very high risk of falling on the asphalt and getting serious injuries and bruises.

This type of protection is also used in dances. As a rule, dancers choose gymnastics, as they keep the ligaments and meniscus in good shape. If you need a brace for wrestling, sambo, powerlifting or martial arts, then it is advisable to pay attention to products with a plastic insert, which will protect your knee even if you hit or fall. Already immediately before buying in the store, carefully study the information on the package. Pay special attention to the size, quality and material of the bandage.

How to wear?

As it turns out, it is important not only to choose the right one, but also to wear knee pads. Otherwise, they will not only not help, but also significantly harm.

  • Size selection. No need to choose a fixator for the knee joint, as they say, for outgrowth. It is unlikely that your knee will increase in size over the course of your life. Big size the bandage will neither protect nor support your ligaments and meniscus, it will just be a nominal attribute without any benefit. Also, do not take a size smaller, relying on the protection that will be stronger. Quite the contrary, you only transmit more blood vessels and nerves. And this is already fraught with unpleasant consequences.
  • Convenience. If you wear a compression knee brace for running and realize that you won't be able to run in it for a long time, then it's not the right fit for you. And you don't have to buy it thinking you're tearing it apart or stretching it. You in this product should be comfortable, it should not interfere or cause discomfort. Only in this case can we talk about the benefits of wearing a bandage.
  • Kind of sport. knee pads for rhythmic gymnastics different from the knee pads for the goalkeeper. And the roller knee brace is suitable for roller skating and no other sport. Responsible manufacturers, before making this or that protection, consult with sports doctors and physicians, who indicate what kind of protection is needed in a particular type of physical activity. This affects the choice of material, and the method of tailoring, and so on.

  • Quality and pricing policy. As you know, good things cannot be cheap. Unscrupulous manufacturers, choosing inexpensive and low-quality material, significantly reduce the cost of goods, which leads to a significant difference in price between a good product and not very good. Therefore, you should not buy too cheap goods, this can adversely affect your health. This is especially true if children's knee pads for sports are at stake. It is better to buy a really high-quality thing once than to exchange it every time for a one-day product.

Types of knee pads

Whether or not to use protection for their joints and ligaments is decided by each athlete or amateur individually. Someone relies solely on their strength and luck, while someone tries to spread straws for themselves if they suddenly fall. So let's figure out what knee pads are.

For motocross

For motocross, articulated knee pads are used. They exist to protect the knee joint in such an unsafe sport. They do not fix the leg, as, for example, cross-country and compression knee pads, but protect the knee joint and meniscus from strong blows and falls. Their design uses one or more hinges that provide protection for the leg, while it does not lose its motor activity. You should not take this product as armor from a knight.

For volleyball

As a rule, high-quality products for this sport can be made from any material, but their design consists of cuffs, inside of which there is a filler. In order not to lose the flexibility and mobility of the leg when wearing this protection, flexible inserts are used. They simultaneously protect the knee and prevent excessive stretching of the back.

For football

Although football is not the most traumatic game, and professional players do not enter the field in this kind of protection, it is still necessary to use protection at least during training. As a rule, football knee pads are used by goalkeepers, who, while jumping after the ball, can pull ligaments or fall painfully, which poses a risk to knee joints.

It is best to opt for products that have a protective pillow sewn on top of the kneecap. This will help prevent injury and sprains.


In this case, protection is used in order to avoid sprains, torn ligaments, and damage to the meniscus as much as possible. As a rule, professional dancers opt for products made of thin but elastic fabric that would not interfere with movement.

Video "Which knee pads to choose for crossfit classes?"

From this video you will learn why you need clamps for crossfit.


How to choose knee pads. The look of a professional.

To wear knee pads or not to wear?

That is the question!

In general, at a young volleyball age, in sports schools, for example, everyone without exception uses knee pads.

Movement around the site is not yet perfected, falls are very common. Therefore, everything is justified.

You can compare beginner volleyball fans with sports students, so we resolved the first question.

For the first time, you may need them if you plan to actively participate in the process and are not afraid to make extra moves.


Answer: The most protective.

From my 19 years of experience of collisions of the knee joint with the parquet of a volleyball court, I can outline the most suffering places:

  • abrasions and bruises under the kneecap;
  • abrasions and bruises on the kneecap;
  • bruises and abrasions on the outside of the knee;
  • bruises and abrasions on the inside of the knee.

In general, all the formations that stand out on the knee are beaten and injured. The same is true, by the way, for other parts of the body. We'll talk about this later.

That is, it turns out that we need to protect the front and sides of the knee.

The first rule for choosing knee pads for beginners in volleyball: Choose protection for the front and side.

To be honest, I have not tried anything better than the asics gel knee pad model.

The model has been on sale for 10 years, if not more, and it seems that it is not going to leave.

By role

Backers and liberos have to fall more often due to their role on the court, so the knee pads described above are quite suitable.

In general, the knee pad is a bulky design and foreign, so sooner or later there is a desire to minimize it or remove it.

Passing, diagonal and first paces are chosen, most often the knee pads are lighter, usually without side protection.

Orthoses with a knee brace

You can also find orthoses with a built-in knee brace. What it is?

Imagine you pulled a ligament or are recovering, God forbid, after a knee injury. You want to play, but you don’t injure your knee.

Then you need two "gadgets". Orthosis for fixing the knee joint and knee brace. Recently, you can get by with one. This, approximately, kind of orthoses can solve your problem.

Although, this is still a compromise, and not a full-fledged defender.

After knee pads

If you pay attention to the game of professionals, they do not use knee pads as such. More often we can see orthoses for injury prevention. Do not confuse these categories in this case.

Why? Because knee pads for men are not forever.

When you master the technique of moving and falling. You don't need knee pads

Yes, there is a 50% clause here. The above is true for men.

Since the knee is actively used in the female fall technique, it means that a knee brace is always needed.

And about other protruding parts of the body.

When the technique of falling is brought to perfection or close to it, bruises and abrasions are sometimes possible on the elbow and on the corner of the pelvic bone (often the beating arm).

There are elbow pads for the elbow. McDavid is in fashion.

It is possible to protect an already injured pelvic angle through independent manipulations and dancing with tambourines, there is no ready-made solution in my memory.

Fly low over the court, pick up the balls and don't get hurt!

We teach how to fall correctly in training at our volleyball school in Moscow!

p / s / Often use a knee pad for one knee. For prevention, fashion or other reasons)

Igor Shepelev,

Main coach

Volleyball School "Zalp" (c)


Knee braces are one of the most important pieces of equipment, so not only professional volleyball players, but also beginners should buy volleyball knee pads. An active sport often creates situations in which the athlete is forced to fall on one or two knees, and if they are not protected, then injuries are almost impossible to avoid. Modern orthopedic devices of a proven brand significantly increase your safety while playing with the ball, and their right choice promises maximum comfort when using.

Main selection rules

Convenience and comfort

Since players are constantly in a state of motion, and often hit the opponent's serve, it is very important to choose products that help you feel free and comfortable throughout the competition or training. Rehband 7763 volleyball knee pads will please you in this regard, because they are made of breathable fabric that guarantees air ventilation and removal of excess moisture. The raw materials of the Protection Line calipers also include spandex or lycra fibers, which are thin and light in weight, which avoids the feeling of heaviness.

Perfect Protection

According to statistics, injury to the knee joint in volleyball is very common due to the constant posture with an emphasis on the cups, which are forced to "take the hit" when they fall first. This factor suggests that before buying good quality volleyball knee pads in Ukraine, you must pay attention to the protective elements of the model. Special pads should provide not only enhanced heating and stabilization of all articular parts, but also much soften the blows. The patented design of Rehband Volleyball Knee Pads is equipped with a wear-resistant pad made of durable EVA material, which has flexibility, resilience and excellent cushioning properties. High-performance foam rubber (the so-called polymer material) is also considered environmentally friendly, so orthopedic shoes for children are made from it.

Strong fixation

This nuance is of great importance, because the essence of the work of the knee caliper or knee pads for volleyball is to keep the joint in the optimal position, preventing it from “hanging out” freely. Properly located parts of the knee apparatus will be the key to the absence of damage, and even serious injuries. To do this, products must certainly have strong straps and belts, in which case the necessary support for the muscles and surrounding tissues of the leg will be provided. Thinking about how to choose knee pads for volleyball with discomfort in the lower limb? Give preference to varieties that guarantee a secure fit and enhanced compression effect.

What else should buyers consider?

* If you practice often enough, it is advisable to have fashionable and stylish ammunition;

* Playing on hard surfaces is more dangerous, so protective pads in this situation should contain a dense layer of filler;

* Learn to measure your size yourself;

* Don't get fooled by low prices and Chinese consumer goods;

* Buy goods only from trusted companies that guarantee high quality.

Why trust Rehband products?

Here you can buy volleyball knee pads from a global brand that are suitable for basketball and dance classes. The cut and design of each model is developed in our own laboratory, where finished products are tested by specialists for functional suitability. Textile experts control the degree of toxicity of the material, which eliminates the harmful effects on human skin. It is very easy to regain control over the knee with such products, because the movements become just perfect. The offered products are in great demand by the sports elite, but at the same time it is available to every lover of an active lifestyle.


Volleyball accessories: how to choose knee pads

For playing volleyball, it is advisable to use knee pads. In beach volleyball, they are practically not used, but this type of equipment is needed for serious training and competition. Knee pads perform one important function - they protect the knees and joints of the athlete. Volleyball isn't the only sport that requires knee and joint protection. Similar equipment is used in wrestling and football.

Volleyball knee pads have a number of differences. If products for football are massive, then volleyball equipment is made from lighter materials. There are no products in volleyball that would completely protect the lower leg along with the Achilles tendon, there is no need for such equipment.

Volleyball knee pads are products that serve only to protect the knee part. They may or may not have adjustable straps. It is better when buying to choose products with an adjustable part. Such knee pads are more comfortable and can be easily adjusted to a specific athlete. If necessary, they can even be given to someone for a while.

Volleyball knee pads are made from lungs modern materials are usually polymers. Foam products are very easy to use. The foam is located inside the knee pads, their outer part consists of a special quick-drying material. If an athlete sweats a lot during training, the protective equipment will not be soaked with sweat, it will remain dry, because the material from which the knee pads are made contributes to the evaporation of moisture.

The volleyball knee pads are washable. Moreover, this should be done after each workout. Then the equipment will last longer, and the athlete will not experience discomfort during serious games.


Knee pads for sports - types, indications, methods of use

Today, most people try to healthy lifestyle life, exercise and eat a balanced diet. That is why more and more often a person is faced with the need to choose the right sportswear, as well as means of protecting joints from severe overstrain. This approach is correct and justified. Now almost everyone who leads an active lifestyle has a sports knee or elbow pad. Such a protective equipment helps to prevent injuries, which are often associated with serious consequences and require a long period of rehabilitation.

The knee support is most in demand, which allows you to reduce the load on the joint and prevent damage to the joint by fixing it in the correct position. Thanks to this means of protection, the athlete is reliably protected from sprains or ruptures of ligaments and muscles, violation of the integrity of the meniscus, and other things. In addition, the bandage is part of the recovery complex of measures if a person has previously received a serious injury.


Sports model of the knee pad

Sports knee pads are orthopedic devices, the main function of which is to maintain the correct position of the joint. With their help, you can correctly fix the leg, and they also play the role of a kind of stabilizer for the knee and patella, supporting the ligaments and menisci.

  1. Rehabilitation and recovery period after a complex injury;
  2. Prophylactic wear during exercise for knee safety;
  3. To alleviate the condition with arthrosis, arthritis, synovitis and bursitis;
  4. If daily, during work or other activities, the knee is subjected to heavy loads;
  5. If a person feels that he has discomfort in the joint when walking, and a feeling of instability appears.

It is worth noting that quite often, doctors prescribe patients to wear a caliper if they have recently undergone surgery in this area. It will help facilitate the healing process, as well as restore the motor abilities of the joint, and relieve excessive stress. Also, experts say that there are no contraindications to the use of knee pads, with the exception of allergic reactions to the material. That is why you can choose any model you like, but only necessarily taking into account the type of activity.


knee brace

Most often, a knee brace is used by athletes. It helps them protect joints, ligaments and tendons from injury. The caliper acts quite gently, so there should not be any discomfort. It is also worth noting that the mobility in the knee joint is fully preserved, and blood microcirculation is performed in full. The caliper is good to use in playing sports, for example: football, basketball, handball, volleyball, pioneer ball and much more. When it is present at the moment of a sharp turn, jump, fall or acceleration, the load is significantly reduced.

It is also worth noting that such, at first glance, not an essential method of protection, is welcomed in power types sports activities: bodybuilding, weightlifting, powerlifting. In addition to the protective functions, the caliper also helps to increase the effectiveness of training, which is due to the creation of additional cushioning when performing various actions.

The knee brace is also valued for its high warming effect and maintaining joint mobility. With constant wear, blood flow to the joint increases. It is precisely because muscle tissues receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients that their performance increases by an order of magnitude.


Therapeutic knee pad

Before you buy a knee brace, remember that each model presented can be therapeutic, sports or preventive. The main differences between them are: the level of compression, structure and method of fixation. Therefore, it is recommended that you discuss your proposed purchase with a specialist, such as a gym trainer or doctor, who can advise you on the appropriate type of knee brace.

If we consider all the options conditionally, then they can be divided into the following types:

  • soft;
  • hard;
  • semi-rigid.

If you plan to do regular sports, then the first type of protection will not suit you. Such knee pads are made of soft and elastic materials, respectively, they have a weak level of fixation. Of course, they can be used for sports, but you shouldn’t really count on help. But when receiving a minor injury, such a bandage will even be very appropriate. Also, the caliper is suitable for wearing in diseases such as arthritis, or arthrosis, inflammation of the periarticular tissues, osteoarthritis, and so on. Such funds envelop the knee quite softly, and also go a little on nearby tissues. The main function is to protect the patella from swinging to the sides, and to absorb loads. It is best to use them when running.

It is also worth mentioning that soft knee pads can be equipped with additional effects, including: warming, improving blood flow and lymph circulation, micromassage. If a person is engaged in heavy sports activities, then elastic knee pads of such a plan will suit him.

semi-rigid model

The main difference between a semi-rigid knee brace and a soft brace is the presence of additional reinforcing splints located on the sides. It is this fixation that allows you to keep the joint in the correct position, and does not allow it to sway in different directions, due to which the risk of damage to the lateral ligaments is minimized. There are also models of knee pads with holes for the patella, which have an average degree of fixation. Given that the structure is relatively rigid. Similar products can also be equipped with Velcro or straps, which makes it possible to adjust the pressure force of the knee pad.

Hard-type knee pads are exclusively therapeutic agents. Some models have built-in hinges that provide the joint with position, and may not allow it to move sideways, or may completely limit the movement of the joint. There are also options for complex structures. Then the knee pad goes together with the part for fixing the thigh or ankle. Thus, it is possible to minimize the load on the injured knee due to complete immobilization.


A knee brace for sports can be made from different materials, knowledge of which will also help you choose the right product option.

Cotton. The main advantage of the presented material is that it allows the skin to breathe. The knee pad itself is quite soft and comfortable in use. Among the shortcomings can be noted the low level of resistance to wear, as well as the inability to provide sufficient fixation, if you do not resort to special tires. Also, a cotton caliper can be worn for a long time, while irritation or diaper rash will not appear.

Neoprene bandage

Neoprene. A caliper made of this material is not recommended to be worn for a long time, and all because the material is not able to pass air or moisture through itself. The main effects they have are warming and compression. Best suited for water sports.

Lycra. Lycra knee bandages are characterized by a high level of elasticity and resilience, but at the same time they allow the skin to breathe.

Nylon. Nylon products will serve the athlete for a long period of time, and all because nylon is characterized by high wear resistance and durability. It is also worth saying that due to these qualities, the price of calipers will be an order of magnitude higher than that of the previously presented options.

Spandex. Such bandages are distinguished by an increased level of fitting the knee, as well as reliable fixation.


Today, the range of knee pads for sports is quite wide. That is why the selection process should be approached with all responsibility. And if you want the product to bring maximum benefit, then you need to pay attention to the characteristics indicated on the packaging.

If you are using not a knee brace for sports, but a medical bandage, then before buying, you should definitely talk about this topic with your doctor. Only an orthopedist will be able to clearly determine what size bandage is needed in a particular clinical case. Neoprene retainers are often prescribed for rehabilitation.

When choosing a sports product, first of all, you should focus on the type of physical activity. It follows that soft and elastic options are suitable for running, for hockey or other traumatic sports you need a strong knee brace, which has a plastic insert.

Review (video)

Everyone who has been at least a little involved in this or that sport knows that the most important thing here is to take care of your joints, which receive enormous loads the most. This is especially true for those who play sports on a hard surface. This is where sports knee pads come in handy. However, it is worth knowing that even such an item must be able to choose the right one.

Basic Rules

When choosing this sports equipment, you should focus on its convenience and reliability of fixation, and you need to check this immediately before buying. At the same time, it is worth knowing that all knee pads, including those for volleyball, have their own dimensions. They are designated by numbers from 1 to 4. The first size, that is, the smallest, is just perfect for those who have a thin physique. However, if this size causes even the slightest inconvenience, you should choose size 2 already. If you have a fairly large build, then size 3 is already suitable here, but size 4, as a rule, is chosen by those who play volleyball.

Another rule that concerns sizes. It is worth paying attention to the fact that, for example, Chinese knee pads have their own sizes, which are very different from the world standard. For example, if you compare Asix volleyball knee pads from Japan and similar models from China, the difference will be obvious.

In addition, the quality of the material from which this additional sports equipment is made is of great importance. It is better to choose those models that are more expensive, but they are much better and will last longer, which is very important.

Reliable protection

In a sport such as hockey, special requirements are placed on knee pads. Hockey is a very active and rather tough game, which means that here the player must be protected as much as possible. This is especially true of the athlete's knees. The second name for this important element of the uniform is hockey pads.

These elements are designed not only to protect the person himself. During the game, in no case should they interfere with the athlete himself, but at the same time be convenient, reliable and comfortable. And this means that you need to choose them only by size. At the same time, you should not immediately buy the first model that comes across.

The shields themselves must be carefully examined from all sides, be sure to try them on and walk around in them for several minutes. During this time, the legs will get used to it, and you will definitely be able to tell if you are comfortable in such equipment. If there is even the slightest discomfort, then it is better to choose a different model or size.

It is worth knowing that the knee pads of both the players themselves and the goalkeeper can have a very different color. And here already the right of choice completely remains with the person himself. There are times when white shields fit just fine, but red ones don’t fit very well, although both of these pieces of equipment have completely identical sizes. So everything here is strictly individual.

Comfort and convenience

Volleyball knee pads are an individual product and you should not choose it by eye in any case. However, the leader here is Asics. And the most common here are models with helium content. It is these inserts that help reduce the risk of injury and protect against impacts during the match.

Another feature is its ergometry, that is, after a few games, such an item takes on a strictly individual shape, taking into account all the features of the human knee. There is also a small hole on the inner surface, which helps to provide maximum ventilation, which is very important during intense play.

Such knee pads are most often chosen by professional athletes - volleyball players. And you can buy this product not only on the Internet, but also in Sportmaster stores. At the same time, buying goods in a store is much more preferable, since here you can try everything yourself, feel it, and even walk around in order to understand whether this protective item is right for you.

Stylish and safe

Today, dancing is a very popular activity and is practiced by people of almost all ages. However, here, too, it is simply impossible to do without knee pads, especially if you train almost every day and take care of your health.

The choice of this subject must be approached wisely. The most important thing is, of course, size matching. And if the knee pad is too large or vice versa, too small, then in this case the risk of injury increases many times over. Of great importance are the materials from which these objects are made. It is better to choose only natural materials, in extreme cases - semi-natural. They will allow the skin to breathe during training and performances.

Again, you can buy such an item both in the store and on the Internet. But buying on sites is recommended only if you know your size exactly and want to buy a model that, for one reason or another, has simply become unusable. If you are buying knee pads for dancing for the first time, then you should use the services of a specialized store, for example, Sportmaster.

extreme sports

Particular attention should be paid when choosing knee pads for skiing and other extreme sports. What should such models “be able to”?

  1. Excellent knee protection in case of a fall.
  2. Freedom of movement.
  3. Light weight, which is practically not felt by a person.
  4. Reliable fasteners.
  5. The naturalness of the material.
  6. The ability to let the skin breathe.

And if at least one requirement is not met, then it is better to refuse this model and look for a more reliable copy.

It is necessary to choose protection for the knee on your own, and not entrust this important matter to acquaintances or friends. After all, the most important thing here is to choose the right size. This is one of the most important factors that this piece of equipment will definitely be able to protect the knee during a fall. Otherwise, a person can get very seriously injured, and in some cases even have to forget about sports.

And again, for choosing a knee pad for sports, the Sportmaster specialized store is perfect, which always has all the necessary models, sizes and, of course, colors.

A special case

Sometimes it happens that the knee has one or another minor injury. It does not seem to interfere with taking part in competitions, but at the same time, I want to protect my knee well from re-injury. In this case, sports orthopedic knee pads are ideal.

Before buying such an item, you should definitely consult a doctor and find out exactly which model you need, because there are a lot of them today. Well, you can buy this item both in a pharmacy and in a specialized sports store.

And finally, sports knee pads for children. The most important thing is to choose the exact size. The level of protection of the joint will depend on this. But children's joints are much more susceptible to damage, because children are several times more active than adults, which means that their protection must be at the appropriate level.

Physical activity always has a beneficial effect on our body. But as you know, big sport is always associated with serious injuries. Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to protect yourself from and to, but knee pads for sports are popular. They are mainly used in active games, such as volleyball, basketball and hockey, as well as in water sports. In this article, we’ll figure out what clamps are, how to choose them and wear them correctly.

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Retainer Features

A knee support is a special tool that maintains the correct position of the joint during active pastime. For example, it can be volleyball, orthopedic knee pads, protection for airsoft, football. They help to fix the leg in the correct physiological position. Also, thanks to the wearing of knee pads, the knees and patellas, the meniscus and ligaments are protected.

As a rule, knee orthoses are necessary in the following cases:

  1. In the postoperative and rehabilitation period after suffering a serious injury.
  2. During sports that involve stress on the legs and knees.
  3. With some diseases of the joints: with arthritis, bursitis and synovitis.

Doctors say that this product is great for fixing the knee joint, but only if the dimensions and material are correctly selected. It is important to choose an orthosis that is suitable for a particular sport. Only in this case will it really benefit and protect the joints from injury.

How to choose?

Today, the choice of protection for sports is quite large. There are really many types, so you need to approach the choice carefully and it is advisable to consult a specialist before buying a product. First of all, before going to the store, decide what exactly you will be doing in these knee pads. This is due to the fact that, depending on the purpose, knee pads differ from each other in quality, choice of material, density, and so on.

Goalie knee pads in football are completely different from a hockey goaltender's brace. A hockey player must have both knees and elbows protected during the game, because a fall on the ice can be a traumatic event. Running knee pads should be flexible. But adult knee pads and elbow pads should be protective, since in this type of physical activity there is a very high risk of falling on the asphalt and getting serious injuries and bruises.

This type of protection is also used in dances. As a rule, dancers choose gymnastics, as they keep the ligaments and meniscus in good shape. If you need a brace for wrestling, sambo, powerlifting or martial arts, then it is advisable to pay attention to products with a plastic insert, which will protect your knee even if you hit or fall. Already immediately before buying in the store, carefully study the information on the package. Pay special attention to the size, quality and material of the bandage.

How to wear?

As it turns out, it is important not only to choose the right one, but also to wear knee pads. Otherwise, they will not only not help, but also significantly harm.

Types of knee pads

Whether or not to use protection for their joints and ligaments is decided by each athlete or amateur individually. Someone relies solely on their strength and luck, while someone tries to spread straws for themselves if they suddenly fall. So let's figure out what knee pads are.

For motocross

For motocross, articulated knee pads are used. They exist to protect the knee joint in such an unsafe sport. They do not fix the leg, as, for example, cross-country and compression knee pads, but protect the knee joint and meniscus from strong impacts and falls. Their design uses one or more hinges that provide protection for the leg, while it does not lose its motor activity. You should not take this product as armor from a knight.

For volleyball

As a rule, high-quality products for this sport can be made from any material, but their design consists of cuffs, inside of which there is a filler. In order not to lose the flexibility and mobility of the leg when wearing this protection, flexible inserts are used. They simultaneously protect the knee and prevent excessive stretching of the back.

For football

Although football is not the most traumatic game, and professional players do not enter the field in this kind of protection, it is still necessary to use protection at least during training. As a rule, football knee pads are used by goalkeepers, who, while jumping after the ball, can pull ligaments or fall painfully, which poses a risk to knee joints.