Where is the skater Viktor an. A devoted fan of Victor Ana

Record cycle "Heroes of the Sochi Olympics - 2014"

I open a cycle of records - The heroes of the Olympics are already here!

I don’t know about anyone, but the Olympics in Russia, in glorious Sochi, have a positive effect on me, excite, even being on the other side of the world ... I didn’t expect this. I support our athletes in all types of winter sports.

Athletes like it a lot, there are favorites from foreign teams, which I look at, admire, wonder and sincerely cheer for.

Hockey, figure skating were always the most popular sporting events in Russia, other winter sports were in the background, but ...

The Sochi Olympics opened up a lot from the other side. I did not think that speed skating, short track looks so exciting.

I watched the swift, light skater Viktor Ahn, starting with his 1500m bronze, without knowing his life story, but it turned out to be very interesting ... And here is the gold of Viktor Ahn on the short track 1000 and he is ... a four-time Olympic champion! How so? Went to read his biography.

Viktor An

(until December 2011 - Ahn Hyun-soo ).

Born November 23, 1985 in Seoul, Republic of Korea - Russian short track skater.

Until December 2011 Victor Ahn represented the Republic of Korea (South Korea)

Viktor An -

four-time Olympic champion, five-time absolute world champion (2003-2007), two-time World Cup winner.

Former world record holder at distances of 1000, 1500 and 3000 meters. European champion and two-time Russian champion.

Cool, yeah? And how did it happen that the former citizen of the Republic of Korea Ahn Hyun-soo turned into a citizen of Russia - Victor Ahn. Some story...

Biographypartly from Wikipedia

An won his first World Championship awards back in 2002 in Montreal at the age of 16.

Participated in Olympic Games ah 2002, but returned from there without awards (4th place at a distance of 1000 m).

In total, he won more than 30 medals at the world championships, of which 20 were gold (including 5 consecutive titles of the absolute world champion).

Winner of 5 gold medals at the Asian Winter Games (2003 and 2007), three-time champion of the 2005 Winter Universiade.

At the 2006 Olympic Games in Turin, Ahn became one of the protagonists of the entire Olympics, winning 3 gold. At the same time, An was the only one of them who also won bronze.

Just a golden boy!

After a serious knee injury received in early 2008, he missed all the biggest starts in 2008-2009. He tried to qualify for the Korean national team for the 2010 Olympics, but failed to do so.

On August 15, 2011, the Russian Skating Union announced that, together with the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, they applied to the Commission on Citizenship under the President of the Russian Federation to grant Russian citizenship to An Hyun-soo. The initiative to obtain citizenship came from the sportsman himself and his relatives.

As reported, An has been training with the Russian national team since June 2011, began to learn Russian and was going to move to Russia for permanent residence.

On December 26, 2011, the President of Russia signed a decree on the admission of Ahn Hyun-soo to Russian citizenship.

When changing citizenship, the skater took a name for himselfViktor An. An explained his choice of the name for three reasons:

Firstly, The name Victor is associated with the word "victory", which means "victory". It turns out symbolically, I want this name to bring me good luck.

Secondly, I know another Korean named Viktor, who is very popular in Russia and well known in Korea - this is Viktor Tsoi. I would like to become as famous in Russia.

And thirdly, I was told that Victor for Russian-speaking people is an easy name and is quickly remembered.

At competitions, An represents Moscow, where he lives. Having received Russian citizenship, An became the only three-time champion of the Winter Olympic Games in Russia to continue his career.

At the Games in Sochi, Victor became the Olympic champion for the fourth time.

It turns out that in the homeland the athlete was written off, but in Russia they believed in him. This is cool!

You can make a full-length film about the life of Victor Ahn. Perhaps this will happen someday. Victor's real name is Ahn Hyun-soo. He was born in South Korea, but became a national hero in Russia.

From childhood, the boy became interested in short track. At first, he simply enjoyed watching the broadcasts of the races of athletes on TV. After the victory of his compatriot at the Olympics, the guy persuaded his parents to enroll him in the sports section.

We can say that the choice was made in a timely manner. At that time, short track speed skating was on the rise in Korea. An excellent technical base was created for the athletes, and financial support was also provided.

The coach was able to see the huge potential in An Hyun-soo, and, most importantly, he had a desire to win. The young man trained 10 hours a day and the result was not long in coming. Already at the Youth World Championships, he showed a good result and won several medals. Already by the next championship, he made his debut in the adult team. And the debut was successful.

With such a successful sports career, his move to Russia turned out to be strange. But in fact, the athlete’s father had a conflict with his coach, and after a knee injury, An Hyun-soo was no longer invited to the national team. It happened just before the Sochi Olympics. An athlete from South Korea ended up in Russia. Here he learned Russian and changed his name. Now he has become Victor.

An is a promising athlete, an Olympic champion, of course, girls paid attention to him. But his heart was destined to win only one beauty from his native country.

devoted fan

Even in the homeland of Victor, his fan club was created. Its members regularly attended short track competitions and cheered for their favorite. But in this fan club there was one of the most devoted admirers of the athlete. It was a girl named Yu Na Ri.

The girl did not miss a single serious competition. For 10 years, she tried to be close to Victor and support him. At first, the guy was even a little scared. He admitted that he was even a little afraid of the fans, especially the girls, as they were sometimes very active.

Yoo Na Ri was just always there, not expecting anything in return. When Victor received an offer to move to Russia, which he accepted, the girl moved after him. It was a difficult decision for her, but she accepted it and left after her beloved.

Such a gesture, from a practically unfamiliar girl, bribed the athlete. He decided to get to know Yoo Na Ri better. It turned out that it is very easy and comfortable with her. They quickly found a common language and supported each other in the new country.

Family life

After moving to Moscow, young people no longer parted. Victor devoted every minute free from training to his beloved. They walked together and enjoyed the views of the city. But the athlete directed all his strength to prepare for the 2014 Olympics.

Yu Na Ri, in order to quickly adapt to a new country, studied Russian intensively. The girl admitted that it was not easy for her. To improve her language skills, she got a job as a press officer for the Russian sports delegation at the Olympics.

After a successful performance at the Olympics in Sochi, Victor was given the keys to an elite apartment in St. Petersburg. They moved there with Yoo Na Ri. In the same year, the couple got married. And a year later, the couple became the parents of a beautiful daughter.

Interesting Notes:

Despite the short experience of family life, Victor always speaks warmly of his wife. In each interview, he thanks her for her patience and says that without her help in adapting to life in Russia, he would never have achieved such results.

Return to Korea

After success in 2014 playing for the Russian team, Viktor did not return to Seoul. He continued to live and train in Moscow or St. Petersburg. His next goal was to participate in the next Winter Olympics, which was held in South Korea.

But Victor failed to become a member. The Olympic Committee suspended him from participation without explanation. It has become with a strong blow for an athlete. After that, he announced the termination of his sports career. He also turned down an offer to coach the short track team.

Now Victor and his family had nothing to hold in Russia. Then his wife insisted on returning to Korea. She wanted their daughter to be raised in Korean traditions, and her husband supported her. They returned to Seoul, where they live to this day.

The Russian short track team has never been famous for its athletes, and we approached the home team with zero in the column “medals won at the Olympic Games”. That is why many fans who are fond of sports only during high-profile sporting events did not know about such a sport as short track or believed that short track and speed skating are one sport.

But in 2014, everything turned upside down, because according to the results of the Sochi Olympics, we had three medals of the highest value and one bronze and one silver each. This is a miracle for our sport, because it is largely thanks to these medals that for the first time in a long time we are in first place in the overall team standings at the Winter Olympic Games, and this Olympic miracle is called Ahn Hyun-soo, or, as we are all used to, Victor Ahn. He is the most Russian of the non-Russian champions, who opened the short track for many Russian fans, motivated many little kids to take up this sport. Victor, thanks to his victories and his modesty, became the most popular representative of the Russian team at these Games.

At the moment, Victor Ahn is a six-time Olympic champion, two-time bronze medalist of the games, twenty-time world champion and fourteen-time medalist. He is also a three-time European champion and a five-time Asian Games champion, and there is also a silver medal at the Asian Games. If we sum up all Victor Ahn's medals at major competitions, we get a pretty impressive picture: 37 gold medals, 11 silver, 7 bronze.

Korean Ahn Hyun-soo

How did the sports career of the "King of the short track" begin? Oddly enough, Victor Ahn (then still Ahn Hyun-soo) began to forge his first victories in elementary school, and this is not surprising, his first coach was Kim Ki-hoon, a three-time Olympic champion and the first short track champion from South Korea .

An began to bring medals to the treasury of South Korea very early, being a sixteen-year-old youth - at the 2002 world championship, the Korean became involved in winning one medal of the highest standard, two silver (1000 meters and all-around) and one bronze (team). But unfortunately, at the first Olympic Games for himself, our hero performed unsuccessfully, being left without medals. But this Olympics gave him something more important, which contributed to his future victories - experience, because four years later the Korean took four Olympic medals, three of which were of the highest standard!

Viktor Ahn during the relay for the South Korean national team

The rehearsals for Olympic victories for him were the 2005 Universiade in Innsbruck, where Ahn won three gold medals and one bronze (the athlete repeated this medal achievement twice at the Olympic Games).

Now it's hard to believe, but that Olympics in Turin could be the last in the life of a Korean, but Victor was able to overcome all difficulties, showing the character of a real fighter, which is inherent in truly great athletes, to which we attribute Victor An.

It all started with the 2006 World Championship, this time can be considered the most scandalous for the South Korean short track, then the Korean team was divided into two warring camps. Ahn belonged to the side that, due to a conflict with the head coach of the men's team, was forced to train under the coach of the women's team. The conflict was so serious that the athletes disdained to be in the same premises with each other. Because of this tension in the team, Victor thought about retirement several times. Fortunately, the Korean Short Track Federation was able to get out of this situation by uniting all the athletes and already in 2007 in Milan, An established new record by victories at the world championships, becoming the winner of five championships in a row.

In January 2008, there was a second event in the life of An, which could put an end to his career. During training, Victor received a severe knee injury, it took about eight months to recover, during which time Ahn missed several important tournaments, including the World Championship, where the athlete could update his record and become the winner of six world championships in a row.

At the national selection for the 2010 Games in Vancouver, An took seventh place, and therefore could not go to the cherished games, from this moment you can start counting the career of Viktor An, the Russian Viktor An.

Russian Viktor An

Missing the national team was the last straw in Victor Ahn's patience, in connection with which he decided to try to change his place of residence and play for the national team of another country. An applied to the Russian Skating Union for help in obtaining Russian citizenship, since the Korean really wanted to get to the Olympic Games in Sochi, but he did not see support from the Korean side.

In December 2011, an event happened, the significance of which for the Russian short track was then very few people could appreciate - An became a citizen of Russia. In the passport of a newly-made citizen, the name and surname, which have already become popular, are emblazoned - Viktor An.

Viktor An at the award ceremony

The athlete explained the choice of this name for several reasons. First, we all know that Victor means winner. Secondly, Ahn wants to become as popular as another Russian Korean named Viktor, namely Viktor Tsoi. And, finally, for a Russian person this name is familiar and, quite simply, for memorization.

All the troubles of the Russian Skating Union were not in vain, which was shown by the home Olympiad. And if for our country the Olympic short track tournament became a real revelation, then for the historical homeland of Viktor Ahn, South Korea, the tournament turned into a failure - the once great men's South Korean team could not win a single medal when the Russian team, led by our hero took five awards!

Performance at the Olympic Games in Sochi

The Russian Korean started with a bronze medal at 1500 meters, after which he brought the first gold medal Russia in the short track in the history of the Olympic Games, winning the 1000 meters (it is worth noting that another Russian Olympian won silver in this race). But the most memorable day in the history of Russian short track was yet to come, it was the last competitive day in this sport.

On that day, we rejoiced at two gold medals, in which Victor our An was involved. It all started with a distance of 500 meters, in which, as it seemed, An could miss the victory, because he started later than everyone else in that race, but then, having “sat out” behind the backs of competitors, taking advantage of their mistakes, won the race and set off to prepare for the second triumph of the day . It is worth noting that later Victor admitted that he deliberately lingered at the start so as not to get into a blockage and calmly cover this distance without falling.

Viktor Ahn rejoices at victory in the 500m

The apogee of Victor's success was the "gold" in the 5000-meter relay, in which, as part of the gold-bearing four, together with Vladimir Grigoriev, and Victor won the third gold medal at the Olympics as part of the Russian team and the sixth in his entire career.

Viktor An has become one of the most recognizable faces of Russian sports, and in the first place, many people associate the Sochi Olympics with him. A man who before this Olympics was known only to short track fans among Russians, has become the one who is loved and respected by everyone who becomes a sports fan at least once every four years. And it is possible that it was on the wave of this love that Viktor An expressed a desire to become the coach of the Russian national team after the end of his career as an athlete.

The news that the six-time Olympic champion, the hero of Sochi-2014 short track skater Viktor An is leaving Russia and at least at this stage refused the post of coach of the Russian national team offered to him, sounded like a bolt from the blue last September. Not everyone understood and accepted his decisions both in Russia and in Korea. Even Victor's father said that his son had to somehow continue to help the country that supported him when there was no place for him to continue his sports career in his historical homeland.

For a long time, Victor remained in the shadows, although there were reports in the media that he continues to train and may go to China to work as a coach, or still remain in Korea again as a coach.

Based on personal communication with the athlete, it became obvious that Victor Ana is primarily concerned about two things - sports and family. This is what he devotes most of his time to. And in no case can he be attributed to those types that are also found among world-famous athletes who constantly replenish their accounts with new photos, some statements, sometimes entering into polemics with the media and expressing their opinion on a variety of questions and problems.

Victor is by no means prone to posturing and does not like to waste time on polemics in social networks and magazines. In person, he is a polite, outwardly mild-mannered person who is not easy to apply to him as a kind of title "emperor of the short track" widely used by the Korean media. Although, of course, based on the awards won, he is certainly a short track phenomenon. But on a personal level, he is most likely "a guy from our yard" - not a bully, good-natured, calm, with a friendly smile and a sense of humor.

But the other day he gave not just a big, but a huge interview to the South Korean newspaper "Kyonhyang Sinmun". He answered more than three dozen questions, and communication with him, as the journalist Park Chu Young, who spoke with Victor, admitted, lasted more than five hours. I, as a journalist from Rossiyskaya Gazeta, had previously asked him to talk, but he invariably replied: "Let's wait. When I have news, when I determine the new direction of my movement, then we'll talk."

The decision to talk specifically with the Korean media, Victor most likely made due to the fact that in Korea there were a lot of rumors and rumors about him, especially since the short track of Korea is shaken by a series of high-profile scandals. And in Russia, he is "always glad to see him," which, as Viktor admitted, "he is very pleased."

We must pay tribute to a colleague from Gyeonghyang Sinmun. The interview turned out to be really interesting and detailed, where Victor answered, if not all, then a lot of questions. Given that the words of the athlete are often distorted by journalists, I specifically asked if he agrees with the content of the published conversation. The athlete confirmed that there were no distortions. Judging by the content, Victor decided to speak out, to tell everything personally.

Any abbreviation, "squeezing", "main theses" always carries the danger of even involuntarily perceiving something wrong, conveying it wrong or missing important details. To avoid this, we decided to give a complete translation of Victor Ahn's interview to the Gyeonghyang Sinmun newspaper, without citing only the introductory part of the article, which talks about the athlete's titles and his history. Below is a full translation of the entire content of the interview.

This is your first media interview since the Pyeongchang Olympics. Why did you avoid talking to journalists?

Viktor An: I didn't give interviews very often in Russia either. I don’t speak Russian so well, and therefore, due to perhaps not the most correct use of one word by me, there were cases when distorted information appeared not only in Russian, but also in Korean media. For example, in Sochi immediately after the 1500m race (This was the athlete's first medal at the 2014 Olympics, Victor then won the bronze - approx. "RG") Alexei Kravtsov, president of the Russian Skating Union, as far as I can tell, said that "it would be nice if Viktor Ahn became a coach." And the journalists immediately decided that I was leaving the sport and began to ask me if I would stay in Russia or return to Korea. Naturally, I was going to continue my career as an athlete and replied that I would stay in Russia. However, my words were eventually distorted and the Korean media wrote that I "will never return to Korea." And if during the conversation you can’t accurately convey your thoughts, then why give an interview? I think so…

And then why did you decide to give an interview this time?

Viktor An: Because in Lately articles began to appear that write incorrect information about me. At first I tried to ignore it, but then this lie began to spread and be accepted as fact. That's why I decided that I can no longer be silent.

On September 5 last year, President of the Russian Skating Union Alexei Kravtsov, in an interview with Russian media, said that "Viktor Ahn has decided to end his career as an athlete and is leaving for Korea. He wants to raise a child in Korea." There were reports that Viktor Ahn also turned down an offer to become a coach in the Russian national team. This is true?

Viktor An: The President of the Russian Skating Union wanted me to end my career as an athlete after the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang. In August last year, he offered me to become a coach and prepare the Russian team for the Beijing Olympics in 2022. However, even earlier in Korea, I received a serious injury and underwent four operations. (we are talking about the events of 2008 - approx. "RG"), which was a serious test and took a lot of time. I planned to compete at the PyeongChang Olympics and end my career as an athlete, but, as you know, my plans to compete at the Olympics 2018 did not come true. I was very sorry. I told President Kravtsov that I want to continue my career as an athlete, but I don’t want to be a coach at all.

It turns out that Kravtsov's interview about you was announced in the media immediately after this conversation. And after that, you decided to finally settle down and returned to Korea?

Viktor An: I returned back in April last year. In general, every year after the end of the sports season in April, I returned and rested in Korea. And last year there was also a problem with a Russian visa for his wife (Victor's wife U Na Ri did not change her citizenship and remains a citizen of Korea until now - approx. "RG"), therefore, in order to urgently obtain the necessary documents, I immediately flew to Korea. And then in August I went to Russia and met with the President of the Russian Skating Union. As a result, the Russian side and I decided that we would think for a while and in March 2019 we would come to a final decision. Therefore, since then I have been constantly in Korea.

On January 30 of this year, the President of the Russian Skating Union, Kravtsov, said: "We are in constant contact with Viktor and are discussing various options." Compared to the proposal from the Russian side, which you received in August last year, were there any new options?

Viktor An: As far as I know he (Alexey Kravtsov - approx. "RG") pondered over various options, including signing a contract with me so that I continue to work as an athlete, or that I fulfill the role of a "playing coach" and train with athletes, or that I become just a coach of the Russian national team or junior team.

They said that they were going to decide before March. Have you already decided something?

Viktor An: (After being silent for a while... - "Gyeonghyang Sinmoon" comment)… I firmly want to continue my career as an athlete. During the Olympics in PyeongChang, my physical condition was far from the best. If now the state was the same as then, then I myself would have decided that this is not my path, but now I feel better than when I was preparing for Pyeongchang ...

And if in Russia "athlete Ahn Hyun-soo" (Korean name of Victor Ana - approx. "RG") if they don't, what will you do?

Viktor An: Personally, I intend to train hard and in August take part in the competition, which will determine the composition of the Russian national short track team. If I pass the selection and can get into the national team, I will continue to compete as an athlete. Until the Beijing Olympics (in 2022 - approx. "RG"). I am a citizen of Russia, and therefore I cannot compete as an athlete for the Republic of Korea. (At that moment, his eyes sparkled. His face and eyes brightened noticeably. It was clearly visible how he was set for the next Olympics - comment "Kyonhyang Sinmun").

And if you cannot show a good result during the selection for the Russian national team, then continue your life as a coach in Korea or Russia?

Viktor An: I believe that if there is anything I can do for the development of Russian short track speed skating, then I should do it. Also in Korea, I want to share my experience, help young athletes so that they can have fun and engage in short track with interest. In general, then it will be necessary to think broadly about various options.

Recently there have been reports that the Chinese junior national team, led by former short track speed skater Wang Mon, has offered you a position on the coaching staff. This is true?

Viktor An: That they made me an offer is true. In July last year, I also went to China to relax, where I met with the head coach (Chinese team - approx. "RG") Van Monom and other responsible persons. Although they said that this is not a national team, but essentially the same thing. In China, before that, the head coach had the right to select athletes. However, they said that everything has changed and, given the upcoming Beijing 2022 Olympics in China, as in Korea, the composition of the team will be determined through a system of qualifying competitions. Van Mon's team also receives government assistance, trains, and the team's athletes who have passed the qualifying competitions will eventually get into the national team.

It is said that the Chinese side offered you a very good conditions when working as a coach...

Viktor An: The amounts offered in the short track are unimaginable. So much they recognized my abilities, and I am grateful for this attitude.

If we talk about the amount of the annual contract, would the bill go to hundreds of millions of won? (in terms of US dollars - hundreds of thousands of dollars - approx. "RG")

Viktor An:(After thinking for a while - "Gyeonghyang Sinmoon" comment)… Yes.

But in the end you decided to reject their offer?

Viktor An: I replied that since I want to continue my career as an athlete, I cannot decide on the proposal of the Chinese side. Moreover, I rejected the offer of Russia to be a coach and then I would become a coach in another country? It wouldn't be very pretty. Abroad, you have to spend a lot of time at the training camp, and therefore you have to live separately from your family for a long time, which also does not please me. Many around me advise me to accept the offer of the Chinese ... To be honest, give up everything, take into account only the proposed conditions and go to China - I discussed this many times with my wife. But if my family and I are not happy, then why all this? I thought about this in the first place. That is why China immediately disappeared from the possible places of my future career. The Chinese still want me to move in with them.

And from other countries there were no offers to become a coach?

Viktor An: There were proposals, but now I do not consider it appropriate to talk about exactly which countries they were.

There is a saying that an outstanding athlete rarely becomes a good mentor, so why do other countries call you to be a coach even though you have no coaching experience at all?

Viktor An: I was also interested in this, and when I asked, they answered: “Maybe you really don’t quite fit, but looking at your track record and your life, we believe in you.” My sports life is full of sharp turns. There was an injury, four operations, from the very top I flew to the very bottom. Top athletes have no idea how their peers feel when they don't make it to the elite level. Because they didn't feel it. I, too, only after the injury realized what it was like. Thanks to this, I have increased understanding of the feelings of those who run ahead and those who are behind. (Laughs - "Gyeonghyang Sinmoon" comment).

(We couldn't help but ask Victor Ahn about the suspicions of doping, which became the reason for the athlete's non-admission to the Olympics in Pyeongchang ... - commentary "Kyonhyang Sinmun").

In your letter to the IOC in 2018 (International Olympic Committee - approx. "RG"), you wrote that "in your entire career as an athlete, you have never given reason to doubt your honesty and sincerity." Then there were suggestions in the Korean media that your name was mentioned in the McLaren report, and this was the reason for refusing your admission to the Olympics .... The Russian Skating Union said that after studying the McLaran report, they did not find any mention of my name in it. Then why couldn't you pass the requirements that the IOC put forward for the admission of Russian athletes to the 2018 Olympics in an independent capacity, without a flag?

Viktor An: I don't know this either. The IOC had 16 or 17 provisions for the admission of Russian athletes on the parameters of doping. I don't know what those provisions were and which of them caused problems. I am protesting the decision of the IOC in the appeal to the Sports arbitration court CAS asked at least to give me an explanation about the reasons for non-admission. But the answer was the same: "We have no reason to explain anything to you personally." (Although Victor Ahn is a calm person by nature, but after these words, he sighed frustratedly for a long time and stared into the void for a while ... - comment "Gyeonghyang Sinmun").

In Korea, even when I was sick, I never took medicine. If the reason for non-admission to Pyeongchang is really doping, then they will give a clear answer and punish, and also take away all the medals won before. Isn't that how it should be done? In addition, both before and after the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, I competed at the European Championships in January and at the World Championships in March. Naturally, there were doping tests at these international level competitions. If I used doping, then all this should have been revealed at the competitions that took place at a similar time (from the 2018 Olympics in Pyeongchang - approx. "RG").

You must have been very upset when it became clear that you could go to the Olympics ....

Viktor An: In any case, I chose Russia. I decided for myself that if the country was not allowed to the Olympic Games, then this could happen to me too. Decided to accept it all and forget it. But even in this case, I must say for what reason I was not allowed to the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang.

Some say that after returning to Korea, you are at the University physical education Korea (UFKK) worked as a "player-coach", is that true?

Viktor An: No. There is a special time at the UFCK skating rink when university athletes train. If the Korean Skating Union sends an official request to the FKK and it is approved, then I will be able to train with these athletes. But the problem is that training is only possible half a month for one month. In the end, I gave it up and since October last year, I have been training with the athletes of the highest level school. (an analogue of the senior classes of the Russian school - approx. "RG"), whose team rented an indoor skating rink of the UFCK. You just need to pay the rent and you can train. I really wanted to continue my career as an athlete, so I had to continue training.

Last December, in the indoor skating rink of the sports base in Taerin (place of training of the national team of Korea - approx. "RG") qualifying competitions were held, during which the composition of the Korean short track team was determined, which will go to Winter Universiade in Krasnoyarsk (will be held in March of this year - approx. "RG"). But photos appeared in the press where you sharpen skates for athletes at this event. This became that you are playing the role of a "playing coach".

Viktor An: In skating sports, there is a special coach who prepares equipment and equipment, including sharpening skates. If there is no such individual coach, then the skates are sharpened by an ordinary coach. This work is very important, since it is necessary to take into account individual physical characteristics, as well as the style of skating that a particular athlete adheres to. Since the system, when a separate coach takes care of the skates, has already become widespread, now young athletes themselves do not know how to sharpen their skates. I like helping young athletes, so I often took on this job when their coach was not at the rink. For example, he did this for athletes from the province of Gyeonggi, who participated in the qualifying competitions in Seoul for the national sports day. I don't understand why this is presented as a problem.

Was it interesting to train with athletes from high school?

Viktor An: It seems to me that we learned from each other, there was a kind of synergy effect.

Are you still training with that team?

Viktor An: In December, the qualifying tournament ended, and that team moved to the complex in Mocton (one of the districts of Seoul - approx. "RG"). From the beginning of January, I received permission and trained with athletes from the UFCK, but then there was a hype in skating circles (we are talking about a series of high-profile scandals in the short track and among the speed skaters in Korea - approx. "RG") and therefore could not train several times.

Then it turns out that the statements voiced earlier in the media that Professor Jung Myung Gyu (a person involved in short track scandals, some call him the "gray eminence" of the Korean short track for his great influence, in the past - vice president of the Korean Skating Union - approx. "RG") on March 1 of this year, I decided to go on vacation for a year, and in order to maintain my influence in skating circles, I attracted you as a person whose name is well known ...

Viktor An: As far as I know, Professor Chung has already appointed another instructor to fill in for the professor during his vacation for a year. Naturally, I could not go to this place and did not think about it. And the professor himself never spoke of such an option. That is why I was stunned when the statements you mentioned came up. (Viktor Ahn left for Russia on June 1, 2011. Rumors were strong at the time that he was forced to leave for the Russian Federation, as he had a falling out with Professor Jung Myung-gyu and became a kind of victim of factional squabbles in the Korean short track. In particular, It was alleged that on the eve of his graduation from the FKK, Ahn turned down Professor Jung's offer to go on to graduate school and signed with the Seongnam City Hall's short track team, which was rumored to be the start of a quarrel with Professor Jung Myung Gyu... Sinmun").

Why did you leave for Russia in 2011?

Viktor An: I received an exemption from military service in 2003 (An received this for the title of world champion. Such exemptions are provided for outstanding athletes - winners and prize-winners of the Olympics, world championships and a number of other major international competitions - approx. "RG"), but instead of service, after the end of the 2008 season, he had to undergo basic military training for four weeks and work in the field of speed skating for 34 months. It all ended in early 2011. At that time, the Seongnam City Hall team was already disbanded. (due to lack of funding, the work of a number of sports teams in this city was stopped, including short track teams - approx. "RG"), and also due to a knee injury in 2008, I was not able to show good results. It was not an easy time. No one expressed a desire to support me or invite me to the team. At that time, my father began to look for options for my device. And against this background, Russia most of all believed in me and wanted me to come. Although I showed good results at the Olympics in Turin (at the 2006 Olympic Games, Viktor Ahn, playing for Korea, made his triumph, won three Olympic golds and one bronze - approx. "RG") but at the time after the injury (we are talking about 2008-2011 - approx. "RG") Many people thought of me as an athlete whose age has already passed. But Russia, despite this, very actively called me.

As far as I know, you said that at the time of the decision to play for the Russian national team, you did not know that you would automatically lose Korean citizenship (the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan prohibit dual citizenship and oblige to choose one of them - note "RG").

Viktor An: There are athletes who have two citizenships and at the same time play for the Russian national team. The President of the Skating Union, Kravtsov, thought so, and therefore told me that it was possible. I accepted Russia's offer, we agreed that I would receive Russian citizenship and compete at the 2014 Olympics for Russia. And of course, I then thought that I could keep a second, Korean citizenship. However, in June-July (2011 - approx. "RG") it turned out that Korean citizenship will be automatically revoked (in case of acceptance of citizenship of the Russian Federation - approx. "RG"). On August 17, 2011, I applied for Russian citizenship.

And how did you feel when you learned that Korean citizenship will be automatically revoked?

Viktor An: Although I was inattentive to some extent, but in any case it was my choice. Most of all I wanted to take part in the Olympics and therefore I thought that I should perform well in Russia.

Do you want to regain Korean citizenship again?

Viktor An: I didn't think about it at all. But after reading articles in the media where this issue was discussed, I learned that there would be no problems with obtaining Korean citizenship back. Let not now, but if a decision is made to permanently settle in Korea with the family, then probably it will be necessary to think about this. I plan for our four-year-old daughter Chae In to get an education in Korea. If I make it to the Beijing Olympics, then by the time the Olympics are over, Che In will have to go to school.

What is your relationship with Professor Jung Myung Gyu? There were many rumors that you allegedly refused Professor Jeong's offer to continue your studies at the magistracy of the Korea University of Physical Education (UFKK), joined the Seongnam City Hall team, and therefore, as a result, the relationship deteriorated greatly ...

Viktor An: I have never had a bad relationship with Professor Jeong. In 2008, I even entered the magistracy of the UFCK and studied for one semester. I began to play in the team of the Seongnam City Hall on January 1 (2008 - approx. "RG") and literally half a month later I received a serious injury. Professor Chung even looked for a hospital for me and said that if it was convenient for me, then I could recover and train at the UFKK base.

Did you constantly communicate with Professor Jeong?

Viktor An: When I joined the Seongnam City Hall team, my position was not the most convenient for this, so I did not communicate much. And all because the coach of the Seongnam City Hall team, Song Se Won, whom I treat like my own older brother, has some problems in his relationship with Professor Jung Myung Kyu. In March 2003, during the World Championships in Hungary, Professor Chon came with his wife, then we talked. Since then, every time I came to Korea, I visited him. The professor cannot be blamed for my departure to Russia. I was very embarrassed when I heard what a storm of criticism fell on Professor Chung in 2014, when I again won three Olympic gold medals in Sochi.

(After that, we moved on to the topic of the latest scandals in the short track involving assault and rape ... - commentary "Gyeonghyang Sinmun").

Every time after the end of the next Olympic Games in our short track, scandals begin associated with unhealthy competition of some groups, factions, with agreements on races, with assault. You have experienced all this on yourself before, therefore it is probably restless in your soul when you again heard about the continuation of problems (In 2018-2019, in the short track of Korea, first there was a scandal about the assault of coaches, and then about the systematic rape of athletes. Two-time Olympic champion Sim Seok Hee. The investigation is still ongoing. One of the coaches has already been sentenced to prison. - approx. "RG").

Viktor An: If you look back, these were probably the most difficult periods, when the winning athletes, who should have been congratulated and covered in the media as heroes, felt like some kind of criminals. Korea, as a country where short track is at a high level, is certainly ashamed of it. As the era changes, the approach and outlook of leaders must change. The role of coaches and adults is to create a fun atmosphere for athletes who must train hard. I'm sorry that there is such an atmosphere right now that there is some kind of rejection due to various ugly stories regarding the short track.

How did you feel when you learned that short track skater Sim Seok Hee had publicly accused former national team coach Jo Jae Bum of rape?

Viktor An: uv (…Victor sighs deeply - Gyeonghyang Sinmoon's comment)… Sexual abuse is a very serious thing. Only those who have experienced can feel, so I don't have much to say here. But I was shocked that something so unimaginable happened. It is said that cases of sexual abuse took place... I can't fully know what was going on in Seok-hee's soul, but I'm sure that it was very difficult and lonely for her. She is an athlete who was in first place, we must constantly fight to maintain leadership. In the training process, you feel alone. No one to talk to heart to heart. I have a wife and Seok-hee has no such person. But if it happened, which is alleged, then Seok-hee really was very difficult, and this causes regret and sympathy. But looking at how she continues to train and tries to overcome all this, it is clear that she is a strong and spiritually beautiful person. Seok Hee really loves sports and has always trained very hard.

What do you think Korean short track skating needs to do to get it right and move on?

Viktor An: I think that before that, the Korean short track was able to achieve great success, including because the athletes selected for the national team through competitions lived together at sports facilities, could fully immerse themselves in training, cheered and competed with each other. Now, after all the scandals, there is a lot of talk about the need to cancel joint fees. I don't see this as a solution to the problem. If everyone trains individually and only gets together on the eve of the competition, do you think it will be possible to repeat the effect of the previous training style? Athletes and their parents need to think about whether they want it themselves.

Maybe you want to say something to junior athletes, who may not be easy right now, to encourage them to do something?

Viktor An: Many say that athletes weak people that can't log out. I want athletes to be able to express their opinion from now on. I also want to wish that they simply follow the set goal that suits them best, do not bow anywhere, do everything cleanly and honestly ...

When I contacted Victor Ahn to make sure that the interview published in Gyeonghyang Sinmun fully reflects his words and point of view, the athlete confirmed this. When asked if he wants to add something to what was said for Russian readers, Viktor Ahn said: “It seems that everything I wanted to say has already been said. There is nothing to add yet. ….We can only wish him success in the implementation of his plans, including at the 2022 Olympics in Beijing.

Victor Ahn (Ahn Hyun-soo) is a six-time Olympic champion in short track speed skating, a native of South Korea who moved to Russia in 2011.

Childhood and youth

Ahn Hyun-soo (he became Victor after moving to Russia) was born in the capital of South Korea, in an ordinary family, in no way connected with sports. For the first time he got on skates at the age of seven as part of the school section.

A year later, he saw the broadcast of the winter games in Lillehammer on TV and "fell ill" with short track. The boy was so impressed by the success of the Korean skaters that he himself wanted to become an Olympic champion. Parents sent their son to the best metropolitan section, and the titled athlete Kim Ki Hoon became his first coach.

Ahn immediately began to make great strides and very soon it became clear that the boy would be good. However, two years later, his family faced great financial difficulties. Having borrowed a large amount of money, the mother left her husband with two children (Victor has a sister, Hyun Suk) and disappeared in an unknown direction. The father had to get into huge debts to pay off creditors.

Ana's sports career was under serious threat, the father of the family had neither the time nor the means for this. He was forced to sell the apartment, for several years the family was in complete need. But gradually life got back to normal, my father met good woman who became a second mother to his children. They got married, over time, two more sons were born in the family. The younger, Ahn Hyun-jun, often came with his mother to the rink to his older brother and watched his training. It is not surprising that he also decided to devote his life to sports.

Sports career

Victor won his first gold medal at the World Short Track Speed ​​Skating Championships in 2002. This victory paved the way for him from the youth team to the main team. In the same year, An took fourth place at the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. From the next games in Turin, the young athlete has already brought three gold and one bronze medals and became the first Korean in history with such a result.

Shortly after Victor's victorious triumph at the Olympics, his father had a conflict with the national team coach because of the unhealthy situation around his son. The athlete's father was worried that sports officials were "inciting" other members of the team against the boy and interfered with his career. The pressure was so severe that Victor was forced to train with the women's team. Around the same time, the athlete broke his knee joint, which put an end to his participation in the Vancouver Olympics, although Victor did everything possible to get back in shape as soon as possible.

His second chance to carry on sports career began moving to Russia in 2011. Russian representatives themselves contacted him when they learned about Ana's problems with finding a new club in Korea. Unfortunately, residents of South Korea are prohibited from having dual citizenship, so Ahn refused his "native" passport.

How Viktor An got to Russia

He changed his name, took Russian citizenship and immediately went headlong into training. At the Olympics in Sochi, he brought three gold and one bronze medals to the country's piggy bank (and he earned two golds in one evening - in the 500-meter race and in the relay), and soon won eight more gold and two silver medals at European championships.

Victor An's personal life

In 2010, the athlete began a relationship with his Korean fan Yoo Na Ri, whom he brought with him to Russia. The girl also took Russian citizenship, learned Russian and is now her husband's assistant and press officer. In June 2014, they got married, and at the end of 2015, the couple had an heiress, Jane An.

Many people think that the athlete took the "Russian" name in honor of the musician