How to do a series of strikes. A series of punches in boxing: names, training, combinations, postman, C grade, Mike Tyson

This is a good list of basic punch combinations for any beginner who is just learning to box.

These boxing combinations need to be perfected to the point where you can throw them forward, backward, sideways and with your eyes closed. They will help you in a variety of situations and can be chained to form even longer and more complex boxing combinations.

Basic Boxing Combinations

1-2 (Jab-Right Cross)

Yes, the basic deuce jab cross is naturally the first combination you learn. It's the first two punches you throw together and you've probably done it long before you started boxing...maybe you threw it at your little brother or your annoying neighbor. A quick jab catches your opponent off guard and a right cross blows his head off. In fact, you can win fights by just ideally mastering a deuce.

1-1-2 (Jab-Jab-Cross)

This is a way to outwit your opponent. 1-1-2 works because your opponent can expect 1-2. If so, then the second jab has a good chance of surprising your opponent by opening the way for your powerful right hand. 1-1-2 also works well if you feel like your opponent is waiting for your right cross to counter. Instead of throwing the usual deuce, you throw endless jabs, probing the ground (or your opponent's defense) until he fumbles, and then you land your right cross on him.

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1-2-3 (Jab-Cross-Left Hook)

This is where boxing starts to get interesting. Shifting your weight when you throw a right hand naturally sets up the left hook. The left hook comes after your right cross and can hurt your opponent quite a lot. You can aim them high at the chin or at the body. Either way, the left hook is just as dangerous whether you land with the right cross or not.

1-2-3-2 (Jab-Cross-Hook-Cross)

It's nothing but you punching LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT. The jab opens your opponent's defense. You punch him 3 powerful blows: right hand, left hook, finish with a right hand. When all 3 hits land perfectly on the target, you can pat yourself on the back.

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1-2-5-2 (Jab-Cross-Left Uppercut-Cross)

This combo is the same as the last one, except instead of a left hook, you throw a left uppercut. The left uppercut will surprise your opponent as he comes out from below. If your opponent likes to hide behind a high guard by dropping his head or if he likes to hover over you, a left uppercut will throw his head up and you can take it down with your final right hand.

1-6-3-2 (Jab-Right Uppercut-Left Hook-Right Punch)

Starting every time with a deuce, you can get a little predictable. Your opponent will probably adapt and try to dodge your right hand. Or he might just be waiting for your direct right hand and just raise his guard. Either way, throwing a right uppercut will deal him a lot of damage and lift his head, and you can follow up with a left hook – and finish with a right hand. You can aim the right uppercut to the body or to the head, it's up to you. Make sure you don't get predictable when you do this because your head is vulnerable to jabs and DEADLY counter left hooks when you throw a right uppercut.

2-3-2 (Right Cross-Left Hook-Right Cross)

Sometimes you don't have the space to prepare a combination. If your opponent is overly aggressive and takes over your space, then you don't have time to start with the jab. Hit him with a right hand, followed by a left hook and another hard right hand. If it's already wide open, why waste time on the jab? Just start right away with hard punches. The 2-3-2 combination is very good for a short distance. Put your feet up and hurt him.

Want More Punch Combinations?

You don't need to learn more combinations. You can simply change how you throw certain punches to create an infinite number of options to punch your opponent.

Punch Left Lighter

Many beginners try to put power into every punch. Don't do it, keep your strength and body weight for a hard right hand. When you throw the jab, throw it lightly and accurately. You can also throw lighter left hooks so you don't get thrown off balance if you miss.

Throw Fake Hits

This is a great topic. Instead of throwing a deuce, throw a fake jab to get your opponent to raise his hand and then throw a right cross since his defense is now in a different place. Do the same with other combinations, making the first hit false or maybe the second hit. You can throw a jab, then fake a right hand move (forcing your opponent to put the defense up front), and throw a hard left hook that goes around his defense.

Double Strike Left

Same theory as 1-1-2, but here you can double left hooks or left uppercuts. You don't always have to hit LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT. It's too predictable and easily blocked. Punch LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT-LEFT-RIGHT. This will change his defense when he blocks with the wrong side and you hit him with the other hand.

Throw Faster Punches

Once again, don't charge power into every punch. Punch them more easily so you can throw them out faster, increasing your chances of hitting. You can save the power for later when your opponent is overwhelmed, tired and throws up his hands out of laziness. You can also mix fast punches with hard punches. Fast punches throw the opponent off the beat, while hard punches deliver real power.

Work the Body

You don't have to constantly aim for the head. This is too predictable and may not work against fast boxers who move well. The body is the bigger target and will force your opponent to block up and down. Work up and down and force your opponent to double down on defense and increase your chances of hitting something. Another thing you should be aware of is that a well landed body shot can send your opponent into a painful knockout.

It's not about what punches you throw
the point is how you throw those punches.

Professionals use the same combinations over and over again. They don't go into the ring trying to throw more punches or harder punches. They simply change the aim, angle and timing of their combinations to beat their opponents.

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In this article, without a general classification, I will give a large number of combinations of strikes, counterattack options and actions according to the situation.

1 Bundle or element of combat. A straight punch with the back right hand, split, and side kick with a carry with the back left leg. What is a variety. It's very simple, you change your stance as quickly as possible while jumping, while the enemy is often lost.

2 Passes the next element frequently. A direct blow with the front hand (jab) and immediately a side kick with the far leg. Depending on the situation, it can be a blow to the head, a blow to the ribs with a carry, or a low kick. In principle, instead of a side kick, you can deliver a direct kick if the opponent has opened the body.

3 The next combination works at a medium distance. When you can hit without a substep, but not yet a clinch. Two side punches to the head - side kick from the far leg. The kick comes immediately after the second punch, with no intermediate return to the stance. A side kick can be delivered either to the head or to the body.

4 You are working in a left-handed stance. Use a low kick with your right foot, a straight left hand to the head, and a side kick to the liver. Then grab the enemy by the neck and finish off with your knees. A slightly different version of the continuation, without entering the clinch. Low-kick, deuce with hands (starting from the right), then we work with our hands according to the situation. Before a low kick, it is advisable to distract the enemy with a sharp jab.

5 Variant of a counterattack, when it was possible to capture the opponent's leg. So, grabbing the leg, a direct blow with the free hand to the solar plexus, a powerful low kick on the inside of the supporting leg.

6 Capturing the opponent's leg. For definiteness, let's imagine that they grabbed the opponent's left leg with the right hand. we put the left hand on the neck, pull the leg up, press down with the hand. The enemy falls face down on the floor.

7 Grabbing the opponent's leg, you can knee to the thigh of the held leg.

8 The opponent delivers a side kick to the head or to the body. Your actions: with one foot you take a step forward to the side, with the other you hit a powerful low-kick in the supporting leg. If the opponent's kick is delivered with the front (left) foot, you go to the left, low-kick from the far side. If the enemy hits the far (right), then go to the right and low from the front. Dodge and strike merge into one movement. We start leaving immediately at the moment the enemy’s attack begins, otherwise you may not have time. Often there is such a mistake: a person first shifted to the side, then inflicts a low-kick. Then you won't be able to. They put a foot, immediately low, simultaneously with the displacement.

9 Opponent throws a low kick to the outside of the front leg. You block (with your shin), quickly place your foot on the ground, and counter with a side kick with the same foot. Although, more often the following counterattack option is more convenient: they put a block, returned the leg to the ground, then a direct blow with the far leg to the body or a blow to the groin.

10 Opponent attacks you from a long distance with hands with a substep. If you feel the moment when the enemy began to move towards you, it is good to meet him with a direct or side kick to the body. Bundle option: straight from the far (let, for definiteness, right) leg, two hooks (the first hook with the right hand, the second with the left), a side kick with the left foot. You can finish off your opponent with your knees. Lots of options, whatever you like.

11 Here is another good link, but not a very simple one. The first is a sharp side kick with the right foot to the head (be careful not to grab the leg; you should feel situations where the leg can be captured). Then a jab to the head and immediately a powerful straight blow with the back hand to the body, preferably to the liver or solar plexus. Further, it is reasonable to add a hook with the front hand “at the exit”.

12 Very effective hand link. With the first blow, you “throw” your hand into the body of the enemy. It's not a hit, it's a distraction. Then, without returning the hand to the end back (we simply pulled it back about a third of the hand), we inflict a side blow to the head with the same front hand. And then immediately a powerful straight back hand to the opponent's chin. The link passes very often, be sure to work it out.

13 A bunch of hands, as the previous one. Of course, ideally, after the previous link, a straight kick with the far leg goes well, but in battle, the link becomes too complicated. An easier variation: hook to the head with the front arm, straight to the head with the far arm, straight to the body with the far leg.

14 A simple link with a low kick. Throw a deuce with your hands, then a hook with your front hand to the head (all punches to the head), and a low kick with your far leg.

15 The link will pass if they hit the head straight. Two straight punches to the head, elbow strike of the far arm.

16 A possible element of Muay Thai combat. Two direct knee strikes, "exit" the opponent with a deuce, a side kick with either foot. If you hit with your front foot, then before you hit, step with your back foot a little to the side, this will significantly increase the power of your blow.

17 Opponent strikes a direct blow with a far right hand to the head. You place a block, thereby knocking down a blow with your left hand, then grab the opponent by the neck or shoulder. Then strike with a knee to the stomach from the far leg. All actions must be performed clearly and merge into one movement, otherwise you may not be in time.

18 A very effective counterattack. The opponent strikes a hook with his left hand to the head. You place an outside block with your right hand, meeting his hand at some distance from your head. Place your free left hand on the shoulder of his shock left hand and, pulling the enemy towards you, deliver a direct blow with your left knee to the body.

19 Variation of the counterattack from the hook with the left hand. If it was not possible to apply the previous option, then closing the stand with your right hand from the hook with your left hand, apply a response uppercut with your left hand to the head.

20 We close from two side blows to the head. You and the opponent are in left-handed stances, respectively, after his side kick from a long hand, you can well respond with a right uppercut to the head. Then I recommend adding a left side kick to the head.

21 Counterattack after a hook with the right hand. The outer block with the left hand, with the free right hand we rest against the opponent's chin from below, we put our fingers on the face. Pressing your hand forward, bend the opponent back in the lower back. After that, we strike with the left knee to the body.

22 A series of kicks. Two side kicks with the front leg at different levels, and finish with a side kick with the far leg. Instead of a side kick, you can also strike with a straight kick if the opponent has started to step back.

23 Opponent attacks with a straight kick with the right foot. We defend ourselves with a quickdraw, either with an external block with our hand, or we leave the line of attack. In any case, a good counterattack will be a side kick with the left foot on the supporting leg.

24 You can get away from an enemy attack by changing your stance. Let's analyze a possible counterattack if the enemy attacks from a distance. You change stance by bringing your front foot back. And in this element you do it with a difference. Immediately a low kick that goes to the inside of the thigh, then a grab by the neck and two straight knees to the body. If the distance allows, instead of working with the knees, a deuce of straight lines is applied to the head and a side kick with the far leg.

25 Opponent attacks with a direct blow with the far right hand. Step with the right foot forward to the side and side kick with the left foot under the beating right hand. Sometimes a knee strike is possible. It is clear that for such a counterattack from the left hand we go to the left.

26 Opponent attacks with a straight punch. It is necessary to step aside, and counterattack with a side or direct kick to the body under the shock arm. Be sure to work out this technique, it is not so complicated and very effective.

27 Simple binding of arms and legs. First comes a pair of straight punches, then take a step with your right foot to the right, while the toe turns to the side, and deliver a side kick with your front left foot to the body.

28 Opponent's attack can be met with a jumping side kick. In general, everything is not so complicated: we change the stance in the jump, the front leg is put in place of the back, and the back leg flies out with a blow. An unexpected and sideways very unpleasant move for the enemy.

29 Two straight punches, brace with transfer of body weight to back leg, a side kick with a back leg with a carry, as a rule, a blow is applied to the head.

30 Original bundle. A pair of straight arms, a low kick from the far leg, which, after the impact, is put forward and immediately a sweep is made with the same leg.

31 A fierce combination, suitable both for meeting the enemy and for attacking. Side kick with the front leg to the knee of the opponent, then side kick with the same leg to the stomach. After the first blow, we break through the front leg, put it on the ground, a small difference: the far leg is put in place of the front one, the front one flies out with a side kick to the stomach.

32 Good combination of punches. A straight punch with the far right hand to the body, a side kick with the left hand to the head, and a right uppercut to the chin. All strokes are accented, the interval between them is minimal.

33 Combinations of punches with kicks. A straight left hand strike to the head, a straight blow with the far right hand to the body, then immediately a side kick with the far leg to the head. The connection goes very well.

34 A bit of a smart combo. The first blow (this is not the beginning of the attack, but the moment of the battle) can be a direct or side blow with the front leg. Then there is an overlay on the front leg with the back left leg and a side kick with the front leg to the body. At the same time, you do not return your leg after the overlay, as if you push off from the opponent’s leg and hit the kick in the jump.

35 Variation on the theme of jump kicks. A small digression on the subject of jump kicks. In the literature, jump kicks are classified as complex andunsuitableto application. I don't quite agree with this opinion. Side kicks in a jump are not difficult to perform and are successfully used by fighters. So here's the link. Low-kick with the back right foot, immediately side kick in the jump with the left foot. You don’t even seem to jump, but simply deliver a second blow, not yet putting your foot on the ground after the first. You don't have to invest in the first hit.

36 Good attack option. A pair of direct punches, a low-kick with the far leg, then with the leg that performed the kick, we take a step forward to the side and go behind the enemy’s back, at the same time throwing a hand bent at the elbow with a “hook” on his throat. Immediately with this throw comes a blow (now with the back) leg under the knee from behind.

37 Bundle of legs. We make the first blow with the overlay with the back right foot, then the side blow with the front foot on the body. Other options are possible. The first kick can be an accented one that disables the opponent, or it can be one that forces you to pin your front foot to the ground so that your opponent doesn't have time to get away from your side kick.

38 A series of attacks on the lower level with legs. An overlay is applied to the front leg. This is followed by a low kick with the back foot and finishing with two side kicks to the head or an elbow strike.

39 A simple bunch of hands. Side kick with the front hand, straight back hand to the body, side kick with the front hand to the head. The last blow is applied either as a finishing blow or at the exit, that is, accompanying your movement from the enemy back.

40 Simple Throw with Undercut. To be specific, both you and your opponent lean in left-handed stances. With the left hand we push the opponent into his right shoulder, with the right hand we grab the neck and pull towards ourselves, at the same time we cut the enemy’s front (left) leg with the right foot. Very good reception, it is very likely that the enemy will be on the ground.

41 Good link for . The first is a direct blow with the left hand to the head, then immediately two side blows to the body with the left and right, and then we add an uppercut with the left hand to the head.

42 Another link for the middle distance. Two side blows to the head, then a side blow with the left hand to the liver.

43 One original reception. We inflict a deuce of direct blows with our hands to the head, then move to the left with a substep with our left foot and throw a deuce with our hands, as if “through the window”, before opening the opponent.

44 If your opponent starts with a jab. Having predicted his movement in advance, you can carry out the following attack: take a step to the right with your right (far) foot, deliver a sharp side kick with your left foot to the body, put your left foot slightly to the side and inflict a powerful low kick with your right foot.

45 Opponent attacks you with side punches. Blocking from his punches, you can respond with an uppercut with the front left hand and a side kick with the far hand.

46 A bunch of hands, performed in motion. A pair of direct punches with the hands, while inflicting a jab, we take a step with the far leg, and with a direct strike with the far right hand, we take a step with the left foot. Then with the right foot we again take a step forward, the weight is transferred to it and performing a side blow with the left hand on the liver. A reasonable continuation of the series would be a side right hand to the head, or a side elbow to the head.

47 Mixed combination of arms and legs. Throw a straight punch with your left foot first, sometimes it is advisable to throw it after the jab, then a low kick with the far right foot, a deuce of straight arms. It is worth noting that by inflicting a low-kick, you changed the stance, so we start the deuce with right hand.

48 In a bunch, you need to feel the distance and movement. With a small approach, we inflict a pair of direct punches with our hands, at the exit - a side kick with the front leg to the body, immediately add a low kick with the far right leg.

49 Dive under the arm and return low-kick. Having dived under a side kick with the right hand of the opponent, a low kick with the right foot on the front leg of the opponent will be a good response. When diving under the front hook, a low kick is applied to the inside of the thigh.

50 Dive under the arm and retaliatory side kick. Also, a possible response after a dive under the arm will be a bunch: a direct punch to the head, a dive under the arm, a side kick with the left hand to the head and a side kick with the right foot to the body.

51 A link that goes against a more massive opponent. A straight left hand strike with a large step, but be careful not to miss a counterattack or a forward strike, then immediately a straight right knee strike to the body.

52 Continuing the theme, a bunch against a massive opponent. Two straight punches, then step forward with the far leg and strike with the left knee to the body.

53 A simple and effective combination: two hands and a side kick with the far leg. This attack can be continued as follows: after a side impact, we put the leg forward to the side, grab the enemy by the neck with our hands and inflict a direct blow with the knee of the other leg.

54 Internal block from a direct blow with the opponent's right foot. A good response would be a direct hit with the right knee of the far leg. Then it is reasonable to continue the attack with your hands to the head.

55 Attack on the lower level. First, strike a low kick with the right far leg on the outside of the opponent’s leg, while you must be in the same stances. Then the leg that was hit by the low-kick is placed slightly to the side and the knee of the same leg is stabbed into the opponent's thigh. At the same time, it is advisable to “throw” your hands on the opponent’s hands so as not to miss a blow towards. Alternatively, instead of a low kick, the first strike can be a sweep.

56 Counter attack option. The opponent delivers a direct blow with a far hand with a substep. In this case, the far leg takes a step forward to the side, the legs are approximately on the same line. In response, there is a side kick with the left leg with a carry, which was the front one before the start of the counterattack.

57 A bunch of straight kicks. The first blow is a direct blow with the right foot to the thigh or knee of the front leg of the opponent, then a direct blow to the body is delivered with the same foot.

58 Continuing the theme of direct kicks. Often the enemy can be caught in the following way. We meet the attacks of the enemy with a direct blow with the front leg. For the third time, we take out the knee of the front leg and immediately in the jump we beat a direct blow with the back leg. Often in this way you can get into the opponent's chin.

59 Let's continue the theme of direct kicks. Practice shows that a combination of a direct kick with the front leg and a straight kick with the back leg is a fairly effective combat combination. Strikes can be applied at various levels: knee, thigh, body, head.

60 A modification of the direct kick is the ball of the foot kick. Everything is the same, only not the entire foot of your foot enters the enemy’s solar plexus, but the ball of the foot. For the correct position of the foot, it is necessary to stretch the toe forward, and pull the toes towards you.

61 Simple leg connection, you and your opponent in left stances. First, there is a sweep with the back leg along the front leg of the opponent. After cutting, the leg is placed slightly to the right and an oblique blow is applied with the front leg to the body, sometimes you can strike in the head.

62 A link used when attacking. The first is a side kick with the far leg to the head. Then, with the front hand, the opponent’s hands, which he placed to protect against a kick, are removed, and a blow is struck with the far elbow to the head.

63 There is a simple and effective bunch of hands. Throw two straight punches with your hands, and finish with a side kick with your front hand. A similar variant of the attack: a side kick with the front leg to the body, a pair of straight punches and a side kick with the elbow with the front arm.

64 Combining hand and foot techniques. Throw the postman, remember, it's a combination of two jabs and a straight punch with the far hand, with the last punch being thrown to the body. Then immediately a side kick with the far leg to the head. The calculation is that the opponent will lower his hand protecting the body and thereby open his head for a blow.

65 Postman is a well-known combination, it is well known to your opponent. Let's play on this. Two direct blows with the front hand, pulling the body, as if we want to deliver a direct blow from the far hand. Instead, we deliver a side kick with the front hand. If the punch has passed, then you can continue the attack with your feet.

66 In Thai boxing, a low kick is used to meet the opponent's attacks. Defending from direct blows with the opponent’s hands with internal blocks or supports, immediately strike back with a low kick on the inside of the thigh with the front leg. No need to explain that you need to continue the attack with a series of punches and kicks.

67 Let the opponent attack with a low kick to the outside of the thigh. After completing the block with the front foot, you need to counterattack. You can respond with a direct kick of the far leg to the body, and then continue the attack with side kicks.

68 After a block from a low kick, you can counterattack with your hands. The opponent strikes a low-kick on the front leg, you put a shield under the knee. After defending, take a step forward with the same foot, carry a double with your hands and finish with a low kick or middle kick with your far foot.

69 Combination of kicks with trick. Show that you are going to hit a low kick. The opponent reacts to your fake move and raises the shield. And you strike with a side kick to the body, to which he no longer has time to react.

70 A trick that very often passes. This ligament is performed by the front and back legs. Pull the opponent with a side kick to the knee area, but do not turn the pelvis. We do not straighten the leg to the end, we return it back and, pushing it off the floor, inflict a side kick to the head. Blows should go quickly, with a minimum pause between blows.

71 Modification of the previous blende: the first is a blow to the knee. We throw out the pad into the front knee, while not turning the pelvis. The opponent tries to defend against this blow. You bring your leg back and, springing your foot on the floor, deliver a straight kick to the chin. Many fall for this false kick.

72 Knee feint. Several times quickly take out the knee of the front leg, as if you want to strike with the knee, but put the leg back. Then, as quickly as possible, we deliver a side kick with the front foot to the head. The enemy will not react to this blow.

73 Another feint with legs. We take out the leg, as if we want to deliver a side kick with the far leg to the body. And instead of a side kick to the body, we bring down a side kick to the head on the enemy.

74 Bunch for in Thai boxing. A straight left hand strike, an uppercut with the far right hand, a front hand side kick to the liver with a left foot step to the left and the attack ends with a low kick with the right foot.

75 Also a mid-range attack. Side kick with the front hand to the body, use it to land a side kick to the head, and then either a side kick with the right hand or a straight punch to the head.

76 Footwork Side kick with the front left foot to the head, after this kick we take a step with the same foot to the right, thereby twisting the body and strike with the right foot from a turn into the body.

77 Bundle in Thai boxing. This combination takes place both in the attack and in the counterattack after the opponent's punches. The combination is simple to use, first two side punches to the body, then two side punches with a “glass” to the head, while alternating left, right, left, right. All attacks are delivered one after the other. This bunch is best worked out on a boxing bag.

78 We work with our hands at a long distance. We apply a deuce with our hands to the head, make a pull back, and a powerful direct blow with a distant hand to the head.

79 An interesting and effective bunch. Direct blow with the left hand, hooking with the front foot of the front leg of the opponent, side blow with the far hand to the head. In this combination, the first blow serves as a distraction, a direct punch and sweep are performed almost simultaneously. The last blow can be delivered by anyone, depending on your position and the position of the enemy.

80 This combination can be used as an attacking pin. The link itself consists of a direct blow with the far right hand to the head, with the far foot you take a step to the side, and with this step deliver a side blow with the front left hand to the liver.

81 Attack variant with the previous link. Throw a straight front kick to the body, then a straight kick with the back arm, a side kick to the liver with the front arm, a low kick with the back leg.

82 Another variant of the attack. Two straight punches to the head, side kick to the liver, side kick with the back hand with the elbow to the head.

83 Consider a bunch of legs. A straight front kick to the body, a side kick with the far leg low kick, and a side kick with the same foot to the head.

84 Mixed combination of arms and legs. Two hands to the head, side kick with the front arm, side kick with the back leg. The last blow is most often delivered to the head.

85 Knee strikes in the clinch. We put our hands on the back of the enemy’s head and pull his head towards us and down, at the same time we deliver blows with our knees to the head or to the body.

86 Ligament in the left stance. You make a left escape, which is used to approach the enemy and inflict a side blow with your front hand. Simultaneously with the side kick, we take a step with the right foot to the side, and inflict a middle kick with the right foot.

87 Bunch with stepping aside. If you move to the left from the left-hand stance, you can suddenly punch with a direct blow with your right hand to the body. In this case, the left leg slides forward, and you sit down so that the blow is not directed down, but forward. At the same time, the head is lowered so that a possible oncoming blow falls on the forehead.

88 Mixed combination of arms and legs. A direct blow with the left hand to the head, a side blow with the far hand to the head, a low kick with the front foot on the front leg of the opponent, a side kick with the far leg to the body.

89 A good bunch that requires speed of execution. Side kick with the front leg to the inside of the thigh, immediately side kick with the same leg to the body, low kick or middle kick with the far leg.

90 A series of powerful blows. A front kick straight to the body, a straight far arm to the head, take a step with the right foot, and a side kick to the head with the front leg.

91 The following bunch of legs is useful. A side kick with the far leg to the body, after the kick we put the leg forward, while with the kick there was a change of stance, and a side kick with the same leg is a low kick.

92 A combination of strikes that has something in common with the previous one. A straight kick with the back leg to the body, put the foot forward, and deliver a side kick with the same leg.

93 Applying the surprise effect. We make a double run, that is, we change the stance as quickly as possible twice in the jump and deliver a side kick with the front foot to the body. The opponent is waiting for a powerful side kick or a low kick with the far leg, so we strike with the front leg, which is unexpected for him.

94 Consider combinations of punches. We are on the left hand side. We apply a direct blow with the left hand, two side blows with the right and left hands. This link can be used in the attack.

95 A bunch of punches. Two straight punches to the head and two side kicks to the body.

96 Postman, and we deliver the last blow to the body. This link has already appeared in this article, but the blow with the far hand served to ensure that the opponent opened his head. In this combination, this is the main accented blow. To make the blow powerful, you need to transfer the weight to the front leg and sit down so that the blow is not delivered down, but forward.

97 Variant with change of attack levels. A straight punch with the left hand to the body, a straight punch with the far hand to the head.

98 We change the levels of attack, but with our feet. Low kick with the far leg, move the leg forward and with the same leg deliver a side kick to the body, and finish with a direct kick with the back knee.

99 Let's add some hard moves. Kick to the body with the front leg, kick with the right elbow to the head.

100 A situation arises when they push on the shoulder. You can grab his hand with your opposite hand, and inflict a side knee blow on the ribs under the captured hand.

Hello fellow Fighters! Continuing the theme of boxing. So, in the world there are literally thousands of combat systems based on a variety of key ideas, implemented in technology and tactics, but, roughly speaking, they are all divided into fisticuffs and wrestling.

True, there are also combined ones, but since there are negligibly few such combat systems that are successfully synthesized from the point of view of motor dynamics, they can not be taken into account, since this is “nothing”. The base of fisticuffs, no doubt, will be, of course, a blow, and it is with the hand, and not with the foot ...

It is a punch, and it is a “straight punch”, that is the basis of all fisticuffs, which means that it is he who must be mastered to perfection by every hand-to-hand fighter, and mastered to the level of free knockout when hitting the opponent’s head in the manner of applying effort in boxing.

Why in this particular manner? I will not hide: on the human body and, in particular, on the head, there are several points that knock out a citizen so easily that there is absolutely no need to put standard boxing points for at least six months. But the thing is that for many, it is precisely the clearly posed boxing direct knockout on a subconscious level that is associated with the “truly masculine way of fighting” and their own security, which means that self-confidence appears. In addition, the owner of the set boxing punches is respected in the relevant circles, because he acts purely like a man, without any crap, pain infringements and other things, since it is “like a woman”, at least sometimes it’s not a shame to stumble a person together. Well, besides this, such a blow is considered, as it were, safe for life in general, which means that you can beat an asshole without much worrying that he will glue his flippers together. Another thing is if he falls on some stone and breaks a shard for himself, but this is already an accident.

This article is about the variations of classic boxing punches, of which there are only three types, and these punches are quite good, since Bruce Lee included them in his system. This is his line: “I am not afraid of someone who learns 10,000 different strokes. I fear the one who learns one punch 10,000 times."

There are three main blows in boxing: “direct blow”, “side blow” and “bottom-up blow”, each of which in the future already begins to be detailed into subspecies, depending on which hand is applied and to which zone it is sent: to the head or body. Given these points, in boxing there are often twelve types of punches, which are, in fact, all just varieties of the three listed below.

Direct boxing punch.

And immediately, right off the bat, he is crushed into a jab and a cross.

jab(poke) and cross(cross) in essence, it is a regular straight line, only the jab is applied with the hand that is closer to the opponent, and the cross is applied with the one that is further away from him.

The main task of the first strike option is reconnaissance, probing the enemy. This is a fast, short, non-assertive punch that hits the head or body, and is loved by those athletes who like to attack at a fast pace. Considered by many to be a very important impact.

The front hand punch is the one with the shortest trajectory of all other punches, and immediately the fastest. With it, the fighter often controls the combat distance, and also uses it as a disorientation of the enemy. But basically, of course, it is used to probe the enemy, calculate his strengths and weaknesses, calculate movements, and also to control the distance.

jab is considered weak, but this is obvious compared to the cross, which of course will be stronger, but in general, the front kick is very good and many people love it, if only because it passes more often for a reason already described and some fighters appreciate it just for this property.

You should also be aware that there are various options jab, but the following is common: the arm is fully extended upon impact, the fist itself at the moment of impact is usually in a horizontal position.

Jabs like to use tempos and those people who rely on the use of high-speed striking combinations in combat. And, of course, this blow is respected by fighters who prefer an attacking style of fighting.

Cross. But a direct blow with the back hand due to the greater length of the stroke is slower and not so assertive, but it is also much stronger. One might even say that it is one of the most strong blows. Its name in translation sounds like a “cross”, since the blow passes over the opponent’s hand and is delivered “into the cut” by the dominant back hand. If the blow is made on the spot, then two actions - a push with the right foot and a sharp fist break from the starting position - occur simultaneously. The body begins to move forward, the weight of the body is transferred to the left leg.

Of course, phenomenal jab speed is not inherent in this type of strike, and not only because of the longer trajectory of the application. After all, the body that steals precious microseconds must also be involved! But for the same reason, he is many times stronger than the jab. In this connection, the properties of these two strikes are well taken into account by fighters in combinations in which the cross is the last to participate. That is, we can say that this is more of a strategic blow.

Video: straight punches.

And, of course, this blow requires careful development. However, like any other. If the blow is not mastered to the proper extent, then there is a good risk of running into a counterattack.
Side boxing punches.

From an equilibrium position, these are side blows without any subspecies, but since in boxing the position of the fighter is half-turned to the opponent, the side blows begin to subdivide, forming a “swing” delivered by the front hand and a “hook” beating with the far hand.

« Swing» It is carried out either to the head or to the body, rather secretive, as a result of which it is difficult to notice it, due to its trajectory, which starts like a jab, but turns into a lateral trajectory. Can be performed as a single action without the use of additional strikes.

It is more characteristic of the English version of boxing and was especially common in the mid-fifties of the last century. Tempoviks love to use it, preferring counterattacking techniques.

Due to the nature of its execution, it is the most powerful in the boxing arsenal for the simple reason that the push and turn of the torso realize themselves most fully. But it should be noted that this is also its minus, since long overclocking and time require more, and therefore, " swing" is often called a "finishing blow", because, given its features, it is used when the enemy is already exhausted and does not have time to react.

Well, the swing itself is divided into: a right blow to the face and body, a left blow to the face and body, a left blow to the body with a slope.

« Hook". It is a classic flank strike, as they say, of traditional boxing. One of the strongest blows in boxing, for which knockouts love him. " Hook"There is a "hook" and is a lateral attacking action, carried out by the left or right arm bent at the elbow at a distance of the middle and close range to the enemy. The strength of this punch is taken from a combination of body movement and a shift in the center of gravity.

feature hook is also that it does not require a swing. Plus body rotation, close range and it's done. Its purpose is usually the angle of the jaw, the temple, the point behind the ear, the back of the head, but it can also pierce into the liver (that is, into the liver). From a strategic point of view, his main task is to "cut down the enemy", as well as a quick victory.

And, of course, in any case, for the effectiveness of the impact of the hook, you need to know and be able to correctly apply combinations, which must necessarily include direct ones, and the hook at the end for finishing when reaching the required distance, since it is just the action that will help to knock out the enemy.

An interesting video about side impact options.

Boxing punches from belowor uppercuts.

A distinctive feature of uppercuts is striking from a lower position.

Uppercut(cut from bottom to top). This is also a classic punch of traditional boxing and is well used in close combat. Like " cross", is a powerful shock effect. The fist, when applied, is turned towards itself, the hand follows an internal trajectory.

The most popular target is the chin. Sometimes it happens to hit the nose or even the eyebrow and, of course, if the opponent leaned forward strongly, the solar plexus could be the target of the blow.

This strike is effective at close range, the strength of which immediately decreases with an increase in the distance between the rivals, since its strength to a large extent depends on the angle of the arm bent at the elbow, and if the angle increases, accordingly, the speed also drops, which cannot well convey the upward movement of the body conducting the blow.

The blow is interesting in that there are a sufficient number of its variants. If we talk about the classic uppercut, then this is basically a blow with the front hand from the bottom up. If one is applied far and from a greater distance, then this is already a long uppercut.

By the strength of the impact, they are weaker than the side ones, but this is only due to the fact that they are carried out in different zones. From this, the strength of the impact also varies, but what can be said is that uppercuts are successfully used in a wide variety of combat tactics.

Uppercut options. Front body blows.

So, the most effective effects of boxing were analyzed (you can also read). However, and it is clear even to a donkey, and not only to a person, that a blow should be effective on the result, but here disputes already begin, which, in fact, is the most effective blow? Such discussions-arguments are mostly liked by theorists and people with very little relevant experience.
There are situations where the most effective punch will be a direct one and it’s stupid to throw a “hook” here. In that second of the fight, when it would be optimal to carry out an uppercut, you can’t think of a more stupid action in the form of a direct blow, because there simply isn’t enough room for acceleration. And these are the simplest examples, because you still need to take into account the relative position, the location of the center of gravity, hands and other points. So, it’s absolutely impossible to say that: “That blow is the clearest and polish it.”

It is completely impossible to figure out the most effective shot. If one existed, then there would not be a great many of them, which we observe. But the applied value of each of them can be increased many times if used in percussion combinations, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses.

In our article, we will discuss the most simple and effective combinations of punches in boxing, discussing their advantages and disadvantages. We will not delve into some complex elements and combinations that are supposedly miraculous and strike an opponent like lightning. Everything ingenious is simple, and the opponent is struck by just simple blows delivered quickly, bitingly and hitting the target.

Punches and combinations in boxing

A few types of punches in boxing can be connected in a considerable number of series. It's about what a good fighter can be done without using any complex elements. Because the most important thing is the quality of their use. The usual lateral or direct blow in boxing, honed to the ideal, definitely surpasses the whole shock arsenal, which has some errors and errors. For clarity, we can give a parallel example where a good boxer often punches better than a good kickboxer: he does not spray on his legs, his training program completely focused on the work of the hands. Wherein this advantage can fully compensate for the lack of skills in footwork.

Consider basic punch combinations in boxing: the simplest and most used. Please note that all series will be considered from a right-handed perspective. And in order to avoid unnecessary tautology, in the future we will use the following simple notation:

  • left to the head - LG;
  • right to the head - PG;
  • left to the body - LK;
  • right to the body - PC.

And now let's go.

Left and right straight

One of the simplest, but most effective series, called "deuce". A direct punch in boxing is the basis without which no continuation is possible. The classic “two” for a right-hander is a left-right straight line, where the second blow is accentuated, and the first can even play the role of a feint.

Execution Variations

Blows can also be applied to the body area. So, the left one can be applied to the head (but in this case it is more often just a feint), and the emphasis goes to the body. It happens the other way around: after the bottom left, the right goes to the head. However, it is most often difficult to break through such a “two” from a distance, and here it is desirable to have previous feints, strikes or other preparatory actions.

So the two could look like this:

  • LG-PG - a classic of the genre;
  • LK-PG - where it becomes possible to apply a strong right straight line, due to the additional effort of the legs and body (as in the case of a spring);
  • LG-PK - here your goal is solely to hit the body, otherwise you should not even waste time and effort on planting.

What to look out for

The pause between the first and second beats is minimal. The right hand, as it were, catches up with the left. The longer the pause, the less likely it is to hit the target with the main blow. The longer you "think" with this basic punch, the longer you will remain vulnerable to your opponent. You don't want to be met without finishing your job, do you?

When applying the left straight, the right shoulder should be downcast and relaxed, the elbow covers the liver, and the fist should cover the chin. In fact, the end phase of the left hand should become a kind of swing for the right hand, due to a slight turn in the shoulders. That is why a single right straight punch in boxing is objectively weaker and often technically more difficult than in this combination.

At the time of the second blow, the left fist returns to the chin. At the same time, you do not fall anywhere, transferring the weight of the body to the front leg, which makes it possible for subsequent development. Such a development can be either a rebound back (and other forms of avoiding a possible counterattack), or a continuation of the attack from the left hand (there are several options here). You can read more about the double in this article.

Postman punch

This combination is present not only in boxing, but in other contact martial arts. In fact, it is a more "elongated" deuce, allowing at the time of the attack to reduce the distance with the target. The first two hits are fast left jabs, and the emphasis is again on the right straight: LG-LG-PG.

What to look out for

The "postman punch" can be considered as the most effective and most commonly used combination of punches in boxing. But here, as elsewhere, synchronous footwork is very important. Each strike, although it may be short and fast, must be accompanied by an appropriate step.

After throwing the first jab, you do not return the fist back, again bending the arm at the elbow: second blow should overlap with the first one. Ideally, these two jabs should hit the target, and the right straight becomes the final chord. Yes, not everything and not always turns out perfectly, but your main task in any case is an accentuated third blow.

Troika, but no horses

Most often, the “three” is called the same “postman strike”, only here two full-fledged jabs are applied, while there is one short one. Since these combinations are similar, we will consider another three. And then we will analyze the variations of execution.

In the classic case, it looks like this: left-right-left, and everything flies in the head. However, when using only direct strikes, the last left one often turns out to be not very relevant, due to excessive convergence with the target. In this case, the direct strike is simply replaced by a side kick. And the emphasis, it should be noted, should be on it.

Performance variations

So, how many options for the execution of such a trio can we have:

  • LG-PG-LG - all straight, but the latter is possible lateral. This is what we discussed.
  • LK-PG-LG - also all straight lines, with the possible exception of the last one. Here, the first blow can also play the role of a feint, forcing the opponent to lower his arms and open up under the continuation of the combination.
  • LG-PC-LG - here it is preferable to finish most often with the side. The main focus is a game of contrasts: started from above, continued from below, finished again on horseback. The opponent is disoriented, and if the distance is chosen correctly, he will definitely miss.
  • LH-PG-LK - here an accentuating blow to the liver, however, the right one should also be strong and not play the role of a feint. Below in the video you can see the work on the bag, where this particular version of the series is being worked out.

What to look out for

We will not talk about the work of the legs every time - this is an indispensable condition. In terms of protection, everything was said in the description of the “two”: the same elements are used, the hands work in exactly the same way, so nothing has changed.

Not the number of hits, but their accuracy

Note that using the same types of punches in boxing, we create completely different bundles. At the same time, as you can see, we are not at all creative, inventing something non-existent and half absurd. Such combinations "for every day."

In this article, uppercuts, and even crosses, are deliberately not mentioned, although this is an integral part of one big culture of martial arts. But this only emphasizes even more vividly how simple, but at the same time effective are punch combinations in boxing consisting of no more than three elements. And even here one could mention a lot more possible combinations that would start from the right hand, and the blows would be the same. But this would be too long an article, and the reader is mostly so lazy that he can be frightened even by the amount of text. That is why the continuation of this topic will be considered in subsequent articles.

On the video you can see the technical development of the C grade, described in one of the options:

Hello, dear readers of the site. What combinations in boxing do you know? Which of them are considered basic? Which only some boxers own? And what is their training?

There are plenty of punch combinations in boxing. Usually they are displayed schematically depending on which beats are included in them. For example:
1 is a jab
2 - cross on the right
3 - left hook
4 - right hook
5 - left uppercut
6 - right uppercut
K - body.
G - head
SD - medium distance
DB - close range
DD - long distance

Combinations in boxing for beginners are limited in number. Beginners only master single attacks, develop physically. As they develop, the coach can gradually bring into the lessons the honing of simple one or two series. Then the difficulty of the classes increases and increases.

Basic boxing combinations include:

1) 1 - 2. (see notation). This is a classic duo. With her, training in combinations in boxing begins. All offensives are carried out rapidly. The first body contact takes the opponent by surprise. The second one hits his head.

The first is implemented rapidly, no special force is applied. The legs are slightly bent at the knees. The jab follows along with the front step. The target is the solar plexus area.

Before the second boarding, you need to tilt your head slightly beyond the line of the leading leg. This is protection from oncoming assault.

The greatest efficiency here is brought by actions on SD.

2) 1 - 1 - 2. This is a good method to deceive the opponent, as he expects a 1-2 scheme. The second jab opens up space for a smashing right cross. Instead of the classic deuce, constant jabs can follow. Waiting for the enemy to make a mistake. And the specified cross destroys it. Implemented at close range.

3) 1 - 2 - 3. The best performance is noted on the CD. The first two assaults are implemented as quickly as possible. Then lean on the outside of your front leg. So you can conveniently perform an uppercut with your working hand. It is short, fast and powerful.

The body turns into a position where your cross develops from above and behind. The attack goes as if through the desired target.

The optimal moment here is caught when the position of the enemy is on the defensive.

4) 1-2-3-2. The jab breaks open the opponent's defense. Then he is crushed by subsequent attacks to the head.

5) 1-2-5-2. Similar to the previous combination. Only the third assault differs. So the opponent is left confused by a sudden lower left uppercut. So his head will rise for the final boarding.

6) 1-6-3-2. Working in deuces, it is difficult to surprise the opponent. He adapts, puts up a good defense. This is where a quality uppercut is needed. He will strike him, make him raise his head. And then your 3 and 2 follow. With a 6 strike, you can hit K or G. The main thing is to be unpredictable for the enemy.

7) 2-3-2. Works in limited space and time. Attack enemy 2 first, continue with 3, and finish with a snapping 2.

Top boxing combinations

Combination bases have been reflected above. Among boxing punch combinations, it is customary to single out a list of the best. Each specialist can vary this list in his own way. As a rule, the scheme 1-2 and 1-2-3 are entered here. The list of the best combinations in boxing includes options that work at different distances and with the use of both hands.

So, the TOP combinations are as follows:

1) 1 - 3 (target - G, the back hand works). The best performance is noted on the SD. When an opponent sets up a high defense, but only protects the front side of the face, you need to act. Here 1 is preparation. 3- target defeat. It is fast and accurate. Gets the ear of the enemy.

2) 1-5-6. Maybe 1-6-5. The last assault is performed by the working hand, that is, the 1-6-5 scheme is convenient for the left-hander.

Optimal effect on SD.

If your counterpart has taken a high defense, you will aim with a jab. The opponent will take a break. And two uppercuts carry out boarding. Then you can treat your opponent with a cross.

3) 2 - 4. Efficiency - on SD. You must be distanced from your opponent so that you can implement your cross and hook. Strike 2 is fast. A clear hit on the target is not necessary. Leading foot steps forward. The enemy's defense is weakening. You are doing 3.

4) 4 (K) - 4 (D) - 6. Best efficiency - on the database. Hooks are implemented very powerfully. First, the liver is affected. The vis-a-vis lowers his hand, weakens the defense of the head. That's where the next hook goes. The point is set by the uppercut.

5) 4 (G) - 4 (K). The best performance on the database, the first assault distracts the opponent. He opens the body. The second assault presses the liver area. The enemy after the initial attack can expect a shock series to the head. And the likelihood of damage to his liver is high.

6) 5 (G and K) - 4 (G). The optimal action is DB. The best moment is a very close position of the opponent to you. The second option is that his head is low, near your chest. You should not straighten up in this situation. The uppercut is not performed with the main hand. The opponent raises his head, gets 4. Attacks are implemented shortly, with lightning speed and with high accuracy.

Here, basically, schemes for right-handed people are described. The combinations in boxing for lefties are similar, only the leading hands and designations change. For example: 3 (K) - 3 (G), 3 (G) - 3 (K), 6 (G and K) - 3 (G).

  1. Do not attack the same area with one move.
  2. All attacks are clearly thought out and meaningful. No idle action.
  3. Don't get hung up on one pattern.
  4. Each scheme has its own optimal distance.

It is necessary to train combinational operations with a trainer. Classes can take place on different shells. Basically, these are pears, bags and paws.

It is necessary to hone combinations in boxing on a pear. The weight of the pear and its position are important. For example, shells up to 30 kg are suspended at head level. Assaults on the head are practiced. And this lesson is usually assigned to beginners.

Working on combinations on the bag in boxing involves the development of various combinational variations. The bag weighs 70 - 100 kg. Dynamics and power, performance technique are being worked out. Particular attention is paid to the final assault.

In this work, the coach tries not to particularly stress the muscles of the wards. The lesson is based on a combination of weak and powerful attacks. At a certain interval, the mentor sets the pace, as in real fight. In this case, the projectile does not swing. Racks, corners are changing. Methods of protection are also being developed.

Working on combinations on the paws is extremely useful. Here situations are worked out in dynamics and at various distances. Example: the coach holds the paw, moves forward and backward at different speeds. It is important for the student to maintain the correct distance and work on the basis of the pattern being worked out. First, reconnaissance actions are organized along the left paw. And key accents are made on the right paw. Here the fighter learns to keep balance and competently alternate techniques.

Often in training, the technique of famous boxers is studied. For example, Mike Tyson combinations. Their specifics are as follows: there are no reconnaissance strikes and feints, all assaults are aimed at knockout. Few defensive actions.

It is extremely difficult to work them out. Needed: powerful endurance, constant control over the dynamics of your body, constant contact with an opponent or projectile (in training).

Both hands are involved in the work. The key task is to implement breaking combinations as quickly as possible.

Combinations in kickboxing

This discipline has analogies with boxing. But here are combinations of punches and kicks. The following is a list of the most effective combinations in kickboxing.

The following symbols and abbreviations are used here:

LR - left hand.
PR - right hand.
LN - left leg.
PN - right leg.
G - head.
T - torso

1). Goal - D. Straight shot from the LR. Then immediately from the PN there is a direct attack on T.

2) The goal is the same. The blow is the same, but with PR. T is immediately attacked with a PN with a circular blow.

3) Start, as in paragraph 1. The fighter rotates 360°. Final - as in paragraph 1 or in paragraph 2.

4) A feint direct boarding LR is performed. The goal is T. After it, LN immediately enters into action. Goal - D. Variations of execution are as follows:

  • inverse on a circular vector,
  • only in a circular vector,
  • only in a straight line.

5) Starting here - LN round kick. T is stormed. After that, both hands work, performing a direct blow. G is affected. In the final stage, LN acts. Implementation versions:

  • circular in G,
  • direct descending to G,
  • straight to T.

6) LN participates in development. There is a lateral boarding in T. After it, both hands are involved. They carry out direct attacks. Goal - G. In the climax, PN works, hitting T. The method of execution is circular.


Combination actions in boxing and kickboxing and other similar disciplines allow a fighter to be unpredictable in a fight. Thanks to them, his chances of winning increase. But they need to be trained hard. And some of the patterns are extremely complex. They are ideally carried out by units.