How to pump up doing push-ups. How to build muscles with push-ups

Push-ups are the most accessible exercise for people who want to keep fit. There are several options for performing it, which allows you to change the load and increase the effectiveness of your training.

Can you get pumped up with push-ups?

There are several different programs that depend on the desired result. Let's look at one of the popular options. You need to train at least three times a week. It is enough to do 4 sets of 12 times. You can alternate approaches with your own weight and with weights. Make sure your back is straight and there is no arching in your lower back. Control your breathing: when going down, you need to inhale, and when going up, you need to exhale. Understanding the topic of whether it is possible to pump up your arms with push-ups, it is worth pointing out how you can diversify the load so that the muscles do not get used to it and constantly develop:

  • by unfolding your arms, you can use your biceps in the exercise;
  • To increase the load, do push-ups on one hand or on your fists.
  • To understand whether it is possible to pump up muscles, here are some statistics. Classic push-ups provide only half the load, that is, 64% own weight. If you kneel, the value decreases to 49%. A variant of the exercise where the legs are on a bench or on another hill, the load increases to 75%. It is important that the height of the bench is not lower than 60 cm.

    What muscles can be pumped up with push-ups:

    1. Large pectoral muscles. They take part in rotation, abduction and adduction of the humerus.
    2. Deltoid muscles. They form the contour and volume of the shoulders and work when performing any movements with the arms, including push-ups.
    3. Biceps. These muscles do not receive any special load, but at the same time their endurance can be increased.
    4. Triceps. Understanding the topic of what you can pump up with push-ups, it is impossible not to mention this muscle group, since many perform this exercise specifically to pump them up. The triceps receives load when straightening the arms. To increase it, you should do push-ups with narrow grip.
    5. Serratus anterior muscles. In order for them to receive the load, the exercise must be performed with a wide grip.

    In addition, the muscles of the buttocks and abdominal muscles receive stress. Many people are interested in when they can see the results. In this case, I would like to say that everything is individual, but on average, after 3 months it will be possible to visually evaluate the results.

    (12 votes, average: 4,58 out of 5)

    If you are interested in how to pump up muscles with push-ups without much difficulty, then you need to come here. Is this even real? But in reality, push-ups actually build muscle. This exercise will replace training with a barbell, and you will get almost the same result. The growth of your muscles will happen just as quickly and effectively - you need to know the most effective works with a barbell.

    How to build muscles with push-ups
    • - very complex. But you should not lose hope of working correctly. The site administration cares about its readers and tries to do everything for you.

    Push-ups are something every workout should not do without. on the pectoral muscles are useful for both athletes and ordinary people.

    If you don’t have a barbell or a bench, or time to visit gyms, then push-ups are what you need. But even if you study in gym, with a barbell or a bench, then you shouldn’t forget about push-ups.

    With push-ups, you will not only pump up your chest muscles, but you will also be able to use many other muscles. We hope that after reading our article, you will be able to look at push-ups not as a simple exercise for beginners, but as a real way to tone your muscles. In addition, in the article we will tell you how to pump up muscles by doing push-ups in just a few months.

    All men dream of a wide and pumped chest, because it makes a man even more courageous and stronger. In addition, girls really like it when a guy has a beautiful, pumped up body, especially chest.

    We pump up the chest muscles at home

    Today, many guys are faced with this question - how to pump up the pectoral muscles with push-ups without going to the gym? But many athletes often talk about pumping up their chest at home without using extra weight almost impossible. But this is far from the case.

    Is it possible to pump up your pectoral muscles without leaving home?

    It is quite possible to pump up your chest muscles at home, and even very simple. You just need desire, willpower, patience and in just a couple of months you will get excellent results. If you set an exact goal for yourself, then you will already be one step ahead of it. In general, if you decide to build up muscles and make your body athletic, then this article is made by the site just for you.

    Build muscles without leaving home - video

    Push-ups? First we should talk a little about the push-ups themselves. If you want to pump up your chest muscles at home, then there is nothing wrong with that, you will get the same result as those who do it in the gym. You won't need much time, and the results will be noticeable within a couple of weeks. But to get the effect, you only need regular training - about three times a week. With the right set of exercises you will get better results.

    Methods of push-ups in the gym

    For the first time you need to do classic simple push-ups, but soon they will need to be replaced with something more difficult. If you do push-ups with wide arms, then in this way you will be able to quickly pump up your chest.

    Push-up methods

    If you are interested in the question - how to pump up your biceps with push-ups? The answer will be simple - do push-ups in a narrow hand position. You can also make regular push-ups more difficult by doing clapping exercises. In this way, a large load will be placed on the chest muscles.

    Is it possible to pump up your shoulders with push-ups and how? Of course you can, because push-ups use many muscles, including the shoulders. If you do push-ups with narrow arms, your shoulders will swing more effectively. In general, it is quite difficult to pump up your shoulders with push-ups, and if you want to build up your shoulders within a few months, then the barbell press will help you here.

    This press is considered a basic exercise with which you can increase your shoulder muscles. To do this, you need to grab the bar slightly wider than your shoulders. Your legs should be slightly bent and your feet should be shoulder-width apart. When lifting the barbell, try to keep your palms facing up.

    We pump up our shoulders with push-ups

    When pressing, your back should be straight and your shoulders should be straightened. As you inhale, you should smoothly lift the barbell up without making sudden movements. You need to exhale at the most difficult moment. As soon as you lift the bar to the end point, your arms will need to be straightened, but not too much. As for the shoulders, they should be used as much as possible here. After a short stop at the top, you can inhale air and lower the barbell back, just as slowly. When bench pressing in a standing position, your back and abs should always be tense, this will help you avoid injury. Your head should only look straight ahead and you shouldn’t turn it, because you may lose your balance.

    • Bench press in a standing position:

    The main target of this is the shoulders. In addition, the overhead barbell press will engage the triceps and chest muscles. This exercise is not very difficult, but it brings great results. You need to take the barbell and place it behind your head. At the same time, you must stand straight. During the exercise, bend your arms at the joints by about 90%. We lift the barbell and perform the necessary repetitions.

    For this, it is important to have the correct weight, otherwise your workouts will give negative results. At correct selection weight, you can effectively pump up your muscles and avoid injury. The height at which the bar is placed is important. It should be suitable for a person's height. In general, if you choose the right weight and height, then doing the exercises will become not only convenient, but also effective.

    In order to pump up your arms, you need to use a slightly different type of exercise. When doing push-ups, your hands should be facing away from you (toes pointing towards your feet). In this way you will be able to transfer all the load to your hands. If doing push-ups with this position of your hands is not very convenient for you, then you can turn your hands a little away from your body, but the effect will not be so great. For push-ups, racks or dumbbells will also help you.

    Pump up your biceps with push-ups

    Many people were often interested in the question - how to pump up your arms with push-ups? Is this even possible? You can pump up your arms with push-ups, but it won't be that easy. To effectively pump up your biceps, you still have to visit gyms and exercise with dumbbells and iron. But you can also practice at home by doing regular push-ups. With the help of this exercise, you will also pump up your arms, and if you follow a special program, you will be able to get excellent results in just a few months.

    Many people think that when doing push-ups, only the arms and chest work. Actually this is not true. If you approach this type of exercise correctly, the work includes the deltoid muscle, triceps, pectoralis major and minor muscles, abs, back muscles and shoulder girdle generally. And if you use additional devices, you can load the muscle group that you need. For example, doing push-ups from a stool works primarily upper section pectoral muscles. If you need to pump up bottom part, then push-ups with a forward bend will be the most effective. One-arm push-ups are considered the highest class!

    Pectoral push-ups

    We pump up the upper body

    Push-ups are one of the basic physical exercise which consists of raising and lowering your body by bending and straightening your arms at the elbow joint. Develops strength and endurance, helps to quickly give relief to the body and strengthens joints. Many young people begin their first steps in sports with this exercise, because it does not require special equipment, and the technique is quite simple and understandable even for beginners. In absolutely any sport, push-ups are used by athletes as an independent exercise or for warming up. In the process of daily training, natural practical strength is developed, necessary both for everyday life and for sports.

    The effect that push-ups have on our body is very great. To do push-ups correctly and quickly pump up your body, you need to use a fairly large number of muscles.

    The main muscles involved in push-ups:

    • deltoid muscle - covers the shoulder joint, forming the outer contour and giving relief, takes part in all movements of the shoulder;
    • The pectoralis major muscles are massive paired muscles that occupy most of the surface of the chest. They are arranged in a fan shape and are responsible for turning and lowering the raised arm;
    • pectoralis minor muscles - paired flat muscles located under the pectoralis major muscles. Pull the shoulder blade forward and raise the ribs;
    • triceps or triceps shoulders - located on back surface shoulders and are responsible for extending the arms;
    • serratus anterior muscles - flat broad muscles located on the lateral surface of the chest. I participate in the movement of the scapula;
    • abdominal muscles - located on the front and side surfaces of the abdomen and take on a static load when doing push-ups;
    • The superior gluteus muscle is a large, massive muscle that occupies almost the entire gluteal region. Responsible for moving the leg back and to the side, straightening the body.

    Regular exercise of these muscles will help the body work smoothly and stay in good shape. When doing push-ups, the muscles are not only trained dynamically, but also receive isometric load, thanks to which muscle development occurs in a shorter time, which is very important for those who want to get quick results.

    Let's look at several different push-up techniques.

    Narrow push-ups

    With this type of push-ups, many muscles are involved in the work, but the triceps and deltoid muscles are especially effectively pumped.

    1. We place our palms so that the index and thumbs one hand were in contact with similar fingers on the other hand.
    2. We lower ourselves until our chest touches the floor, keeping our body straight.
    3. We begin to rise upward, pushing the torso with the force of the triceps until the arms are fully straightened to the starting position.
    4. We repeat several times.

    “Narrow hand push-ups”

    “Technique for performing push-ups with a narrow position of the hands” It is not recommended to perform this exercise if you have problems with your hands. The closer your hands are to each other, the greater the load on the triceps. If you increase the distance between them, then the load on the deltoid muscles is connected.

    Push-ups on stools

    The advantage of this type of push-up is that the body is in an elevated position when supported on stools and there is an opportunity to fall below their level, thereby putting a load on the pectoral muscles. You can use stools, a stack of books, steps. The pectoral muscles are stretched to their maximum at the lowest point.

    1. We take stools and place them at arm's length.
    2. We place our feet on a height - a bench or a stool.
    3. We take a lying position, as with a regular push-up, leaning on stools with our arms and legs.
    4. We do push-ups and lower ourselves as low as possible between the stools, keeping the body straight.
    5. We repeat several times.

    “Push-ups on stools”

    “Technique for performing push-ups on stools” The exercise can be complicated by using weights on your back, in the form of a weight plate or bottles of water in your backpack. Experienced athletes advise staying at the bottom point and only then rising to increase the load on the muscles and get quick results.

    Forward Bend Push-Ups

    With this type of push-ups, you can reduce or increase the load on various muscle groups, depending on the position of the body. The main load here falls on the hands, so it is effectively worked out. top part pectoral muscles.

    1. We place our feet on a height, for example, a bench.
    2. We take a lying position, hands at a distance slightly wider than shoulder width.
    3. Keep your body straight and do push-ups, touching your chest to the floor.
    4. We return to the starting position.
    5. We repeat several times.

    “Forward Bend Push-Ups”

    “Technique for performing push-ups with a forward bend” It is important to know that the wider we place our hands during this push-up, the better the outer part of the chest is worked out. If you make a narrow grip, the load falls on the triceps. The higher we place our legs, the more actively the deltoid muscles work.

    Push-ups with a stop

    Pauses during push-ups help to work more effectively on the muscles, giving them static and dynamic load at the same time, thereby stimulating their rapid growth.

    1. We take a lying position, placing our feet close to each other.
    2. We bend our arms and lower ourselves halfway, making a groove for 2-3 seconds.
    3. We continue to lower ourselves to the very bottom, lightly touching the floor with our chest. We pause for another 2-3 seconds.
    4. Extend your arms halfway and again hold in this position for several seconds.
    5. We return to the original state with straightened arms.
    6. After a 2-3 second pause, repeat the exercise again.

    “Push-ups with a stop”

    “Technique for performing push-ups with a stop”

    Push-ups with jump and clap

    A rather complex type of push-up, intended for those who have already fully mastered the technique of classic push-ups. Designed to develop explosive strength, which is used by professional athletes during training: in boxing, gymnastics, and various types of martial arts. Explosive power requires more energy and is aimed at developing speed and strength.

    1. We take a lying position, placing our feet close to each other.
    2. Push up until parallel to the floor.
    3. With a sharp explosive movement we try to push our body up in order to have time to make a clap.
    4. We return to the starting position, lying down with outstretched arms.
    5. We repeat several times.

    “Push-ups with jump and clap”

    “Technique for performing push-ups with a jump and clap” The point of this exercise is to jump up as high as possible, while doing everything as quickly and clearly as possible.

    Training program for pumping up the pectoral muscles with push-ups

    How many push-ups do you need to do and which grip is best to pump up your upper body (effective system)

    IN strength training The main task is consistent development and regular repetition of exercises to achieve maximum results. If you constantly do the same thing, the effect will be minimal. The workout should be structured in such a way that each next one is a little harder than the previous one. Various modifications can be used, depending on the physical condition of the athlete and his level of training.

    Workout program using push-ups to pump up your chest(calculated for 8 weeks):

    • 1 and 2 weeks do:
      • classic push-ups,
      • close grip push-ups,
      • push-ups with a shift to the side.

    “Classic type of push-ups”

    “Push-up technique” “Narrow grip push-up”

    “Technique for performing push-ups with a narrow grip” “Offset push-ups”

    “Technique for performing push-ups with displacement” We do each 3 sets 10–15 times, or to begin with, we perform the maximum possible number of repetitions, gradually increasing their number. Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

    • 3,4,5 and 6 weeks do:
      • push-ups with one hand on a stand,
      • push-ups with crossed arms on a stand,
      • close grip push-ups on a stand and dynamic push-ups on a box.

    “Photo gallery: various push-up techniques”

    “One-arm push-ups on a stand”

    “Technique for performing push-ups with one arm on a stand” “Push-ups with crossed arms on a stand”

    “Technique for performing push-ups with crossed arms on a stand” “Narrow-grip push-ups on a stand”

    “Technique for performing push-ups with a narrow grip on a stand” We do each 3 sets 10–15 times, or to begin with, we perform the maximum possible number of repetitions, gradually increasing their number. We rest for 1–2 minutes between sets.

    • 7 and 8 weeks: developing explosive force and speed. It is necessary to perform the same exercises as in weeks 3, 4, 5, 6, but in a circle without stopping to rest. We do each type of push-up 10 times without stopping. Then you can rest for 1-2 minutes and repeat the set three more times. Exercise 2 times a week. It is difficult and requires a lot of endurance, but the results will exceed all expectations! The body will quickly acquire the desired relief, and strength and endurance will not keep you waiting.

    A set of push-ups for men to effectively pump up your chest

    This complex will clearly demonstrate how you can increase the number of push-ups in 15 weeks, performing them three times a week for 5 approaches.

    A week Total
    1 approach 2nd approach 3 approach 4 approach 5 approach
    1 Week 20 20 15 15 10 80
    2 week 25 25 20 15 10 95
    3 week 30 30 25 20 15 120
    4 week 35 30 25 20 15 125
    5 week 40 35 25 25 15 145
    week 6 40 40 30 30 20 155
    week 7 45 40 35 35 25 180
    8 week 45 45 35 35 25 185
    Week 9 50 45 45 35 25 195
    10 week 50 50 40 40 35 215
    11 week 55 50 40 40 35 220
    12 week 60 55 40 40 35 230
    Week 13 60 60 45 45 40 250
    Week 14 65 60 45 45 40 255
    Week 15 65 65 45 45 40 260

    Key benefits of push-ups:

    1. The chest is tightened and strengthened.
    2. Posture is straightened.
    3. The relief of the pectoral muscles, abdominal muscles and arms increases.
    4. Increases strength and endurance.
    5. Strengthens the heart and blood vessels
    6. Helps lose weight.
    7. Exercise your joints.

    How to do push-ups correctly?

    There are many different push-up techniques and everyone chooses the one they like best, but it is important to adhere to certain rules so as not to harm the body:

    • it is necessary to exclude too rigid positions, which can lead to an unnatural position of the body and, accordingly, increase the load on the joints and internal organs;
    • the load should be moderate. You don’t have to do 50 push-ups at once, like athletes do, if you’re a beginner. You need to pump your chest systematically, with a gradual increase in the load on your upper body. Don't overdo it too much;
    • it is important that the body takes a straight line from head to toe, without bending in the lumbar region or lifting gluteal muscles up. If you notice this, tighten your gluteal muscles and abs;
    • the arms should be straight when extended, but keep the elbows slightly soft at the top to prevent stress on the joint;
    • keep your legs together to make the exercise more difficult;
    • It is advisable to keep your hands under your shoulders, do not move forward;
    • follow the rhythmic breathing: when lowering the body, inhale, when rising, exhale;
    • go down as low as possible, almost touching the floor with your chest;
    • exercise regularly and in moderation, training should be intense, but without strain. It is enough for a beginner to perform from 5 to 15 push-ups at a time, while more experienced athletes can do 100 push-ups at a time.

    It is important to monitor the condition muscle mass for men, especially after 30 years, because every year a person loses about 2% of it, which is replaced with fat over time. This, in turn, provokes the risk of developing atherosclerosis, increased trauma and decreased physical strength. Therefore, regular physical activity on the body is simply necessary to maintain balance, and push-ups are basic exercises for this. It doesn’t matter how old you are or what kind of physique you have, the main thing is to always perform this system of exercises to pump up your chest.

    “Video: how to do push-ups correctly”

    Push-ups are an effective and simple way to keep your body in excellent condition. We actively use all the muscles involved in push-ups in everyday life, performing certain actions. Therefore regular exercise stress They will always help you stay in good shape, increase endurance, strength and improve your overall health.

    Find out which muscle groups are involved when performing push-ups, what types of push-ups there are, and how to create an individual training program.

    The content of the article:

    Today we’ll talk about whether it’s possible to pump up just by doing push-ups at home and how to do it correctly. This is one of the most common strength exercises and you do not need special equipment to perform it. sport equipment or shells. There are several types of push-ups, with some differences. You will learn about all this today.

    Is it possible to pump up muscles efficiently with push-ups alone?

    You can often hear that this exercise does not allow you to work out the muscles efficiently, since it does not allow you to progress the load. In addition, there are a large number of disadvantages that push-ups supposedly have. Most often, such statements come from people who were unable to achieve positive results with this movement. And some of them probably didn’t even try.

    It should be noted that many cannot achieve their goals, even when training with a barbell and dumbbells. Go to any fitness center and see that there are relatively few real jocks there. But there are plenty of people who try with all their might to pump up muscles, but nothing comes of it. But there is also a category of athletes who train only on the horizontal bar and at the same time have excellent physical shape. Undoubtedly. Their physique cannot be compared to bodybuilding stars, but do you need it?

    If you want to get an answer to the question whether it is possible to pump up only with push-ups at home, then first of all you need to use the right approach to organizing training process. Notice how most people perform the exercise - they do not follow the technique, do not control their movements and focus on quantity. In bodybuilding, any movement can only be effective if all technical aspects are observed. Even an athlete who is in good physical shape can correctly perform 20 or 30 push-ups.

    What muscles are involved in push-ups?

    Let's decide which muscles can be pumped up when doing push-ups:
    • The pectoralis major muscle.
    • Deltas.
    • Triceps.
    • Elbow muscle.
    All of these muscles are designed to perform specific tasks. The greatest load in the classic exercise falls on the chest. The deltas begin to work at the moment of moving upward from the bottom point of the trajectory. The triceps is designed to bend the arms and to shift the emphasis of the load on it, it is necessary to use a narrow position of the arms.

    Regularly performing push-ups can bring the following results:

    • Muscles are strengthened.
    • Speed ​​qualities develop.
    • Increases agility and endurance.
    • The abdominal and shoulder muscles are strengthened.

    How to properly perform different types of push-ups?

    Classic exercise

    To perform this movement, you need to place your hands at the level shoulder joints. As a result, you will be able to use your chest muscles to the maximum. Unfortunately, many people forget about the technical features of the exercise, focusing solely on the number of repetitions. If a person decides, say, to do 20 push-ups, then he will do them without paying any attention to technique.

    However, this approach to the matter can hardly be called competent, because the effectiveness of any strength exercise primarily depends on the quality of working out the target muscles, and not on the number of repetitions. It is important to remember that the muscle you are working must be under load throughout the entire exercise. This suggests that you should avoid pauses at the end points of the trajectory.

    Let's look at the exercise technique in more detail. Press your hands and toes into the ground. The arms should be at the level of the shoulder joints and should be fully straightened. To keep your body in a straight line, tighten your buttocks and do not relax them until the end of the set. This is a very important point and it should be remembered that when performing push-ups, the body should be extended in one line. We also recommend tightening your abdominal muscles to stabilize your position.

    Lower yourself down until your chest almost touches the ground. After pausing at the bottom of the trajectory, quickly return to the starting position. If you notice that your hips are starting to sag, then this is the first sign of fatigue. In such a situation, it is worth completing the exercise. In addition, remember that your gaze should not be directed vertically downward, but slightly in front of you. While moving down, elbow joints must be placed at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the body.

    Bench and knee push-ups

    If you cannot perform three or four repetitions technically correctly, we recommend using an easier version of the exercise - push-ups from a bench or from your knees. The higher the surface of the hand support, the easier it will be for you to perform the exercise. The technique of these exercises is similar to classic push-ups. If you want to make the exercise more difficult, you should place your hands on a bench or other elevated surface and press your hands into the ground.

    One-arm push-ups

    You can start performing this type of push-ups only after reaching a certain sports uniform. Take a position similar to the classic exercise. In this case, the working hand must be placed under the body, and the second one must be placed behind the back. To make it easier to maintain balance, place your feet shoulder-width apart or even wider.

    You may not be able to go as low as possible right away. Don’t be upset; at first, doing 20 centimeters of push-ups is quite enough. Watch your body, not allowing it to fall to the side. Also, during the downward movement, the elbow joint should bend backward. Try to gradually go lower and lower, so that as a result you work with full amplitude.

    Push-ups, narrow hand position

    Here we can distinguish two types of exercises. The first of them is aimed at working the triceps. While performing the exercise, the elbow joints should be pressed tightly to the body. At the top point of the trajectory, the arms should be fully straightened. However, the exercise is not without its drawbacks:

    • Quite a small range of motion.
    • You may feel discomfort in the wrist area.
    The second type of push-ups with a narrow position of the hands allows you to use not only the triceps, but also the middle part of the chest. When performing the movement, the elbow joints must be moved apart.

    How to create an effective training program using only push-ups?

    It is quite obvious that maximum results will be obtained by combining several types of push-ups. However, beginners should first master the classic exercise and gradually complicate it. Once you have reached a good level of fitness, you can start using the following training program:
    1. Classic exercise- from 3 to 4 sets with a maximum number of repetitions.
    2. Elevated push-ups- from 3 to 4 sets, maximum number of repetitions.
    3. Narrow push-ups to the middle of the chest- the number of sets is 3–4 with a maximum number of repetitions in each.
    4. Narrow triceps push-ups- from 3 to 4 sets, maximum number of repetitions in each.
    We recommend conducting this training one to three times a week. However, do not forget about other muscle groups. It is probably worth talking in more detail about the progression of the load when performing push-ups. You should know. That without using these principles you will quickly stop in your development.

    We will assume that you cannot yet perform the classic exercise. In this case, start doing push-ups from the bench. No need to think. That it would be too easy. If all technical nuances are observed, even such push-ups can be difficult for an untrained person.

    As soon as you feel strong, start doing the classic exercise. Having achieved positive results in it, you can move on to the so-called advantages. Press your hands into the ground, positioned wider than your shoulder joints. But instead of doing push-ups, transfer your body weight from one hand to the other. Experienced athletes recommend Special attention pay attention to the position of your back, which should be straight.

    With this movement you can strengthen not only the chest muscles, but also the triceps, shoulder girdle and even biceps. Push-ups are rightfully considered one of the safest exercises, and one of their benefits is the ability to train on your own. The ability to perform them anywhere makes the movement even more preferable.

    If you do not yet need to shift the emphasis to a specific muscle group, but the task is to strengthen everything, then use the average position of your hands. In this case, the load is evenly distributed between all muscles involved in the work. Also remember that the narrower your hands are, the more the load is placed on the triceps. In addition, the wings will also come into play. If you want to know whether you can get pumped up only by doing push-ups at home, then the answer is yes. However, it is extremely important to follow the technique when performing the exercise.

    We have already mentioned the exercise technique more than once today. This is not accidental, because only in this case any strength exercise will be effective. Experienced athletes primarily advise paying attention to this aspect. It is equally important to conduct a quality warm-up before starting the main part of each lesson. This will avoid injury.

    Although push-ups are as safe as possible, because they are a physiological movement, if the muscles and joints are not warmed up, the risk of injury is quite high. Also, during classes you should focus on your condition. If you are sick, it is better to postpone training until you have fully recovered. Don't rush to progress the load.

    Of course, without this you will not grow, but a sharp increase in load will have a negative impact on your overall progress. In addition, beginners should avoid heavy loads at the start of classes. Your body is not yet ready for serious work and needs time to adapt. In terms of training effectiveness great importance has food and rest. Muscles grow only in pauses between workouts. If you don't give your muscles enough time to recover, you won't be able to progress. According to professional athletes, more than 50 percent of your success depends on the quality of your nutrition.

    Find out more about whether you can get pumped up with push-ups: