How did Ekaterina Mirimanova lose weight, and what is her weight now? Diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova: losing weight easily and with pleasure Ekaterina Mirimanova education.

Ekaterina Mirimanova(May 27, 1982, Moscow) - Russian writer, developer of the Minus 60 weight loss system, author of books on weight loss, psychology, and fiction.

short biography

She was born on May 27, 1982 in Moscow. Graduated from the University of the Russian Academy of Education, Faculty of Foreign Languages.

Married for the third time, lives in Spain, has a daughter born in 2004.

I tried myself in various fields of activity, from modeling to teaching.

She took up the popularization of her own weight loss system, which later became known as "Minus 60". The first book dedicated to this was published by the Eksmo publishing house in 2007. To date, the system of weight loss and philosophy Minus 60 has more than 3 million fans around the world in 2013.

In 2009, Ekaterina wrote her first fiction book, The Ghost and Me.

By 2012, more than thirty books by Mirimanova had already been published, of which four were fiction books with a total circulation of 26,000 copies. The total circulation of her books is more than 2 million copies2013. In 2009-2010, Ekaterina hosted her program on the My Family radio station.

List of books

  1. System minus 60, or My magical weight loss. The experience of a losing weight optimist.
# Recipes for the system minus 60, or a sorceress in the kitchen.
  1. Minus 60 problems, or the secrets of the sorceress.
# System minus 60: Life after weight loss.
  1. Minus 60. System and recipes in one book.
# System minus 60 for men.
  1. Eksmo, 2010
# System minus 60. Big book of recipes.
  1. System minus 60. Beauty secrets for ordinary sorceresses.
# Edges.
  1. Eksmo, 2010
# Eksmo , 2011
  1. Exclusively for friends
# System minus 60 for expectant mothers. How to give birth to a healthy baby and not lose your figure
  1. Big Book of Recipes
# Positive weight loss. Biggest secret to success
  1. Witch's Diary
# Beauty secrets for an ordinary sorceress
  1. Mirimanova, Anna and Sergey Litvinov: Who killed the kilograms? The real story of weight loss
# Man and woman. Minus 60 relationship problems

She was born on May 27, 1982 in Moscow. Graduated from the University of the Russian Academy of Education, Faculty of Foreign Languages.

Married for the third time, lives in Spain, has a daughter born in 2004.

I tried myself in various fields of activity, from modeling to teaching.

During pregnancy she became very stout, but after the birth of her daughter she was able to lose 60 kg, after which she began to popularize her own weight loss system, which later became known as “Minus 60”. The first book dedicated to this was published by the Eksmo publishing house in 2007.

In 2009, Ekaterina wrote her first fiction book, The Ghost and Me.

By 2010, eleven books by Mirimanova had already been published, of which three were fiction books with a total circulation of 26,000 copies. In 2009-2010, Ekaterina hosted her program on the My Family radio station.

List of books

1. System minus 60, or My magical weight loss. The experience of a losing weight optimist.

2. Recipes for the minus 60 system, or a sorceress in the kitchen.

3. Minus 60 problems, or the Secrets of the sorceress.

4. System minus 60: Life after weight loss.

5. Minus 60. System and recipes in one book.

6. System minus 60 for men.

7. Ghost and me.

8. System minus 60. Big book of recipes.

9. System minus 60. Beauty secrets for ordinary sorceresses.

11. Believe, understand, acquire.

In 2004, Ekaterina graduated from the University of the Russian Academy of Education. Catherine's first book on weight loss was written in 2005. Unlike today, at that time there were practically no such publications, and the entire field of dietetics was unpromising. Despite this, today Ekaterina is a successful author of many books, and her first work is a bestseller in the Russian market.

System minus 60 by Ekaterina Mirimanova

Ekaterina was prompted by her own fate to create her own weight loss system. Throughout her conscious life, Catherine tried to cope with being overweight. Her own weight reached 120 kg! Having tried many methods and methods of losing weight on herself, Ekaterina developed her own principles for solving the problem and slowly but surely began to translate them into reality. As a result, after a year and a half, she dropped 60 kg. It was then that Ekaterina came up with the idea that her story could inspire many people who have similar difficulties, and the technique itself, most importantly, help to effectively lose weight.

The page on the Internet created by Ekaterina very quickly gained popularity, and her methods were tested by a huge number of people. A little later, Ekaterina wrote her first book about the Minus 60 system, in which she systematized and detailed all the information.

To date, Catherine's system is the most popular weight loss system in Russia, and the number of people who have successfully used it is estimated at millions of people.

What is good about the weight loss system of Ekaterina Mirimanova?

  • No need to starve and critically restrict yourself in nutrition (the harm of prolonged lack of food has been scientifically proven);
  • The system takes into account human psychology (does not completely prohibit the use of anything for food, but delimits food by the hour);
  • The system confirms the need to use physical activity to achieve weight loss goals;
  • This system can objectively be called effective, because nine out of ten people who use it achieve the desired result;
  • The technique is safe and comfortable to use, which is confirmed by millions of examples, including the life of Catherine herself.


My name is Ekaterina Mirimanova, and I am the author of the Minus 60 weight loss system. Most likely, after this phrase, you smiled skeptically. “Yes, yes, how many such methods are invented every day, today every more or less famous person invents his own diet!”. I have something to say to that.

Since childhood, I have struggled with fullness with varying degrees of success. However, in the end, the weight finally won over me, and I reached the 120 kg mark. It was then that I realized that I needed to stop and think. Realizing that I could not stand the diet, because I had to lose a lot, I began to come up with my own rules, slowly putting them into practice.

As a result, in a year and a half of experiments, I lost 60 kilograms. Thinking that my experience might be of interest to other people, I created my own page on the Internet, where I talked about my method. A huge number of people began to ask me questions and the most important thing for the Sami ... to lose weight! All those who came, who tried "Minus 60", said that the weight disappears, as if by magic. They continued to eat their favorite foods in normal amounts, did not take any additional drugs, and still lost weight!

The idea came to me to write a book in which I could explain the nuances of the system in more detail. Within a month of sales, my first book, The Minus 60 System, or My Magic Weight Loss, became a bestseller in all bookstores across the country.

At the moment, more than twenty books have been published on weight loss, psychology, and cooking. Among them there are even works of art.

I am glad that I was able to show by my example that miracles happen in life, that you don’t need to torture yourself with diets in order to achieve perfect figure and that absolutely everything in your life is in your own hands. Regardless of whether it is about your figure, health, or any other area of ​​life. The main thing is not to be afraid, to believe in miracles, and to take a step towards your dream, even if it is very small, even if those around you do not even notice it. But you will know for sure that you will definitely reach your goal.