Buttons on the treadmill. How to use the treadmill? Workout for all muscle groups

The treadmill is one of the most popular types of sports equipment. This is not sophisticated equipment, but many people use it incorrectly. Proper use of the treadmill will help you perform a safe and effective workout.

In this article, you will learn how to properly use the treadmill at the gym and at home, as well as get training tips for beginners and advanced athletes.

Preparing for training

If you have joint or back problems, talk to your doctor before you start exercising. It can determine if you should stick to low-intensity training (walking) or if you can do high-intensity training (running).

Buy comfortable running shoes. Try on as many pairs of shoes as you like before making a purchase. The right pair of running shoes should be soft, support your feet, and have room in your toes. The right sneakers do not need to be broken in - they should be comfortable immediately during the fitting.

It is also important to choose comfortable clothes for training. Opt for lightweight, breathable fabrics that will keep your body cool and absorb sweat.

Drink about half a liter of water 90 minutes before your workout. Since most treadmill workouts are over 20 minutes, you will end up sweating quite a lot and suffering from dehydration later on. Also be sure to take a bottle of water with you, at least 0.5 liters.

Now let's move on to the question of how to use the treadmill.

Get to know the control panel

Check with your gym instructor or, if you purchased a machine for home use, read the instructions on the panel before turning on the treadmill. Most treadmills have identical buttons:

  • start button;
  • stop buttons;
  • training mode selection buttons;
  • speed and incline adjustment buttons.

Having mastered one simulator, you will be able to use the treadmill of both "Torneo" and any other company. Also on some tracks you can set your height and weight - depending on these parameters, the calories burned will be calculated.

Check out the security feature

It is very important to know how to turn off the treadmill:

  • Any aerobic exercise machine can be turned off using the off button.
  • A kill switch is also common. Find out where it is on your track and check its performance. Typically, this is the big red button in the middle of the panel.
  • You can also stop the treadmill with an emergency stop clip that can be attached to your clothing. If you lose your balance, this will prevent you from falling or being seriously injured.

Try adjusting the speed

Before you start exercising on the treadmill for the first time, stand on the side rails. Select a program manually and increase the speed to 2-3 km/h.

Be sure to warm up and cool down. Devote about 5 minutes of walking at a pace of 3 to 4 km / h before and after the main workout. If you go to the gym on foot, this can also be considered your warm-up.

Use of handrails

It is often easier for a beginner to hold on to the handrails on the front of the treadmill during their first workouts. In addition, the handrails allow you to track the rhythm of heart contractions. When you feel comfortable, let go of the handrails and walk at your own pace.

After you have fully mastered the treadmill, try not to hold on to the handrails. You may be tempted to hold on to them for better balance. However, this will create a number of problems, including:

  • reducing exercise intensity (burning fewer calories);
  • incorrect posture and body mechanics;
  • increased risk of muscle tension;
  • decreased coordination and balance;
  • decrease in proprioception (the ability to naturally determine and correct the position of the body in space).

Beginner treadmill workout

For starters, give preference to 20-30-minute workouts. During the first 15 minutes of your workout, you will be burning off the carbs you recently ate. In the remaining time, you will burn fat and develop endurance.

Warm up for 5 minutes. This warm-up can help you balance and avoid injury. Attach the safety clip to your body before starting.

  • Walk at 2 km/h for the first minute.
  • Increase speed to 3 km/h in the second minute. Walk on your toes for 30 seconds and then on your heels for the remaining 30 seconds.
  • At the third minute, increase the incline of the treadmill to 6. Stay at 3 km/h.
  • At the fourth minute, continue to walk at the same speed, if you find it difficult, then reduce the incline of the treadmill.
  • Increase the speed to 4 in the last minute.

Then try to walk at a pace between 5 and 6 km/h for 20 minutes. During the first week of using the treadmill, you can stay at the same incline and speed.

After the main workout, cool down for 5 minutes, slowly reducing the speed every minute.

For the first 1-2 weeks, try experimenting with the incline and speed of the treadmill. Interval training is one of the better ways increase endurance, speed and reduce body fat. After intervals of 1 to 2 minutes, which will increase the heart rate, you can return to the average pace (you are breathing heavily, but you can continue the interrupted conversation).

Interval training on a treadmill

Try interval training with running or brisk walking. The goal of high-intensity intervals is to substantially increase your heart rate.

  • Warm up for 5 minutes as described in the beginner workout.
  • Then run or walk fast for 1 minute at high speed - more than 6 km/h.
  • Return to a speed of 5 to 6 km/h within 4 minutes.
  • Do 4 more intervals, with 1 minute of intense running or walking and 4 minutes of moderate intensity.
  • Cool down for 5 minutes at the end of your workout.

For progress, increase the high-intensity interval by 15-30 seconds each week.

Modern treadmills have programmed interval workouts that you can try as soon as you can confidently do 1-minute intervals. You can also use the built-in hill workouts to increase your intensity by changing incline rather than speed.

Now consider the basic tricks that will not let you get bored on the treadmill.

Music for training

Using headphones while running outdoors is not safe, but listening to music on the treadmill can be a great way to combat boredom and get motivated to keep going. Choose your favorite songs and create an invigorating playlist for your workout.

Route visualization

Another trick for not getting bored on the treadmill is to visualize the street route that you often ride or walk. Imagine the buildings and landmarks you will pass along the way. Change the incline as you head up the hill.

It's hard not to constantly look at the panel to see how much time or distance you have left. However, if you look down, your body position will suffer. You will most likely hunch over, which can lead to back and neck pain. Looking straight ahead is the safest way to run or walk, whether on the treadmill or outside. Plus, treadmills are often located in front of windows so you can relax your eyes and watch what's going on outside.

So, in this article we have considered the question of how to use the treadmill in gym and at home, some training tips and examples for beginners and advanced. Now you can conduct effective cardio workouts to reduce weight and improve endurance.

Running on a treadmill completely replaces outdoor training. On this machine, you can exercise in walking, light or high-speed running, with full control over the intensity and speed of the exercises, while being in the target heart rate zone. The purchase of this sports equipment allows you to fully enjoy all the benefits of regular workouts right at home, maintain overall tone, improve health, and get rid of extra pounds.

Modern treadmills are significantly different from their predecessors. The technologies built into many models of the latest generation of iFit make it possible to engage in "virtual" running - to compete with athletes, to choose any coach, including a famous person, as an instructor.

The popularity of the running machine among those who want to lose weight is incredibly high. This, above all, is facilitated by the incredible ease of handling and ease of management, which do not require any special skills from the athlete. Home models have more limited functionality than professional ones installed in gyms.

The equipment of the former implies the presence of a timer, counting the “traveled” distance displayed on the display, and the latter, as a rule, includes special sensors for monitoring heart rate. With the ability to track heart rate, the athlete can coordinate the goal of the activity, which can be directed to training of cardio-vascular system or fat burning.

Options for some models include:

  • personal trainer;
  • strength training;
  • burning fat.

Expected results

Depends on the speed of running and the person's own weight. Running at an average speed burns 100 calories every mile. Half an hour training at a speed of 5.5 km per hour allows you to get rid of 121 calories. The higher the speed, the faster calories are burned. Weight has the same effect. The more the runner weighs, the more intense the kilograms go.

Tempo is important. It should be such that a person is a little out of breath, but is able to talk to someone around him. Once the correct tempo is set, it must be maintained. This applies to training and weight loss, and the cardiovascular system.

The effectiveness of the treadmill in the fight against excess weight is beyond doubt. The only obstacle to achieving results can be your own laziness. Hardy and persistent people who have a clear intention to lose weight achieve high results with this simulator.

The simulator, regardless of model and functionality, supports several types of workouts. It allows you to exercise both for weight loss and for maintaining good physical shape.

It would be a mistake to concentrate on one type. The desired effect gives a combination of different methods. This is due not only to the correct distribution of loads, but also to the preservation of motivation. A variety of workouts will never get bored.

Training program

Walking should be alternated with jogging. This can be done cyclically, for example, run for 3-4 days, and devote the rest of the time to walking or change modes every time.


Intense and short workouts break down body fat and slow down the formation of new ones more effectively than long ones.

The body does not have time to adapt to the loads if the training is varied. When classes start to get boring, two simple tricks help maintain motivation:

  1. Watching TV

The option is present in all modern models of treadmills. You can watch your favorite shows and programs not only at home, but also in the gym. In order not to disturb others, connect headphones to the simulator and select the desired channel.

  1. Listening to music

You can choose your favorite song or a dynamic melody. An excellent solution would be to create a selection of songs specifically for doing exercises on the track.

Effective Fat Burning Exercises

The best treadmill in the fight against excess weight is made by properly selected exercises that fully open up the possibilities and potential of this simulator.

Interval training

They showed consistently high results in the fight against extra pounds and mean combining periods of performing various exercises with breaks. The most effective are workouts with alternating exercises.

Workout plan

Interval miles traveled Speed
Warm up 00,0 – 1,0 6,50-7,00
First 1,0-1,25 8,00
respite 1,25-1,30 3,50
Second 1,30-1,55 8,00
respite 1,55-1,60 3,50
Third 1,60-1,85 8,00
respite 1,85-1,90 3,50
Fourth 1,90-2,15 8,00
respite 2,15-2,20 3,50
Fifth 2,20-2,45 8,00
respite 2,15-2,50 3,50
Sixth 2,50-2,75 8,00
respite 2,75-2,80 3,50

All intervals are divided into separate segments. They involve first performing simpler, and then complex exercises. The former should have a duration of ten to forty seconds, while the latter should be shorter and last no more than half a minute. This approach allows you to exhaust yourself to such an extent that after the end of the workout, a person simply cannot do even the easiest exercise.

Intensive training should be carried out at least three to four times every week. It is necessary to clearly ensure that it is really difficult, that is, it does not come easily. Otherwise, no effect will be achieved.

It is best to start training with walking. No need to immediately take on high loads. The next task after that is to choose a pace for jogging and maintain it for half a minute, further slowing down with the transition to walking for forty seconds.

In other words, interval training is a combination of running and walking. Each mode is done after a certain time interval. This leads to an increase in metabolic rate and an increase in the rate of burning excess calories by half.

A great exercise for weight loss, which is great for those who do not really like just running in one place. The speed during the first lessons can be kept on the order of five miles per hour.

You need to start with a three-minute warm-up at the same pace. Then turn left and run for another thirty seconds, repeat the same action to the right. The main thing is to rearrange, but do not cross your legs.

As soon as the run to the left and right is completed, they return to their original position, that is, turn their body and face forward, jog for another three minutes.

The whole procedure is repeated until the total duration of the training is half an hour. It should end with a three-minute "jog" jogging.

"Running" plus "Walking"

Ideal for trained people who play sports on a regular basis. Training involves, as the name implies, a constant alternation of "running" and "walking" modes.

A great alternative between regular walking, jogging and slow running. Thanks to a more intense approach, this type of training allows you to burn about three hundred calories.

Doesn't require a huge amount of time. Enough to do about forty minutes. The secret to success lies in doing an intense interval workout, which should be done four to five times every seven days.

Of course, you need to try to find time for classes. The result is worth it. For seven days of training, the practitioner will lose almost half a pound, that is, approximately 200-225 grams. This allows you to give your silhouette the desired harmony in a short time.

Workout for all muscle groups

The versatility of training is the main secret of success for those who have seriously decided to take up their weight. Daily training according to this technique gives a stunning result. Giving classes for 35 minutes, after 10-14 days, the arrows of the scales will show a change in weight downward by 3-5 pounds (1.36-2.27 kg).

Jogging has always been and remains the best solution for those who want to lose weight. However, running on a simulator is much more comfortable than running on asphalt and concrete surfaces. If there is such an opportunity, then it is impossible to imagine a better solution than buying a treadmill.

Due to the well-thought-out design and ease of use, the risks of injury on this simulator are practically reduced to zero. Classes on it are useful not only for losing weight, but also for those who want to get back in shape after long break, previously had the unfortunate experience of joint damage.

It is necessary to accustom the body and muscles to loads gradually. It is recommended to start with a half-hour workout.

If physical training No, the first lesson can last approximately ten minutes. Increase the speed by three points should be each subsequent workout.

When the training ceases to cause difficulties and discomfort, you can increase its duration to a quarter of an hour. In this case, it is better to set the speed to the fifth (5.0).

During training, the speed can be increased to 3.5 units and gradually reduced. As soon as these loads become comfortable, the total duration of the training is adjusted to twenty minutes and so on.

Increasing loads

You can change the type of training after a month of training on the treadmill. The best option is walking. It perfectly stabilizes the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle, contributes to a good study of the muscles on the legs.

The recommended initial duration of a workout is about twenty minutes. Next, produce an increase in the angle of inclination, that is, the position of the track. By changing the angle of inclination, the loads change. If it is increased, the load increases, and when it is reduced, then, on the contrary, it decreases.

The main thing is to comply with the following requirements:

  1. stick to the usual duration of classes of 20 minutes;
  2. increase the speed within 1.5-3.5 units for 5-7 minutes;
  3. change the angle of inclination within 2.0-3.0.

Popular ways of walking such as "endurance path" and "ladder" help both in the fight against extra pounds and in muscle development. Performing the "ladder" allows you to train the calves, hamstrings, affecting all the large muscles of the legs.

The “path to endurance” also contributes to the strengthening of the muscles, but is not limited solely to this effect. This exercise develops endurance, adds variety to training, and activates the fat burning process.

It is important to know:

This type of workout is not only effective, but also a great option for breaking up a long session into several separate segments. This is undeniable dignity both ways of walking.

You can do a wide variety of workouts on the treadmill. It is not a boring and monotonous simulator, as many beginners mistakenly believe. And these are not the only advantages of sports equipment.

The main advantages that all modern models of treadmills have include:

  1. easier training for the joints than when running on roads and sidewalks;
  2. the ability to play sports in any weather, and if the simulator is also installed at home, then in the most comfortable conditions without the need to visit the gym;
  3. no need for a large free space, complete safety and protection from various types of injuries that can occur during outdoor jogging;
  4. a completely relaxed environment for classes, during which you can listen to music or watch TV.

These simulators, of course, have their negative sides. However, given the many positive aspects, they are great to help maintain physical fitness, fight overweight.

The treadmill is a powerful and effective weight loss machine. It allows without any special efforts, skills, and, most importantly, quickly enough to burn calories.

To achieve maximum performance, you need to choose the right exercises, not concentrate on only one type of training, follow all the recommendations and advice.

Purchasing a treadmill or using it sports equipment in the gym listening to your favorite song or watching a program - this is not just an opportunity to lose weight, but also to do it with pleasure and comfort.

Treadmill and bench press — Video

The treadmill is an affordable and versatile exercise machine that allows you to fight excess weight,...

The treadmill is an affordable and versatile exercise machine that allows you to fight excess weight, cellulite, weak muscles and some diseases. Running refers to cardio loads, so it can be used to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system. 3playing on treadmill you can noticeably strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, thighs, abs and arms. Runners look great, get sick less (especially in winter), have good posture, and are less stressed. The benefits of running on a treadmill can hardly be overestimated. If you decide to purchase a machine and start training, then it will be useful for you to learn how to use the treadmill.

Treadmill: how to use?

How to use the treadmill? The answer depends on what goals you set for yourself. So, for example, to increase muscle mass a mechanical treadmill is well suited, in which the running belt is started by the user's efforts. If, during classes, the body is slightly forward, lean on the handrails with your hands, and mentally divide the canvas with a transverse line, then you can put a load on the calf muscles. In this case, you should not go beyond the boundaries of an imaginary transverse line. In terms of effectiveness, such training can be compared with running on sand, in water or in snow. Working out the calf muscles is one of the most difficult tasks in bodybuilding, and exercising on a treadmill in combination with others strength exercises give amazing and fast results.

The treadmill is used as a warm-up before core exercises, as well as after leg exercises such as squats and leg presses. Plus, the treadmill is great for completing your workout. It is used as cardio to restore the heart rhythm and properly exit the training regimen. The duration of the workout in this case will be from 15 to 60 minutes, but no more.

If you purchased a treadmill solely for the purpose of losing weight, then you will have to run for at least 40 minutes. The number of lessons per week is 3-4. It is advisable to combine training on the track with strength exercises and do not forget about proper nutrition. In this case, the results will appear much faster. If you practice every day, but for 10 minutes, then do not be surprised why the scales are standing still. To lose weight, you will have to make a lot of effort and you need to run correctly, and not when you want and how much you want.

How to use the treadmill correctly?

  • Beginners should start at a slow pace. You can stand on the simulator only when the canvas begins to move. When you turn on the track, your feet should be on the sides. Move to the canvas at the moment when it moves at a minimum speed.
  • Do not lean on the handrails while exercising. They are created only for safety net and for people with disabilities. Beginners can hold on to the handrails for the first time until they get used to the features of the simulator. It's much easier and more natural to move when you hold your hands, just like when you're running or walking. Bend your arms at the elbows, press them slightly to the body and move your arms in time with your legs. If you hold onto the handrails all the time, then you automatically tilt your body. As a result, the joints of the arms and legs are overloaded, and the effectiveness of training is noticeably reduced. In addition, for the equipment itself, this is not the most useful method of operation. If you run or walk on handrails, don't rely too much on your calorie counter. In this case, the numbers will not correspond to reality.
  • Always look ahead. If you look to the sides, then you can lose the rhythm. If someone distracts you during a workout, do not turn your head sharply to the side. This may lead to a fall. Practice shows that it is precisely such everyday moments that lead people to fall off the running belt, fall and get injured. It is especially dangerous to be distracted at high speeds.
  • Always remember that you can lose your balance. At the first lesson, dizziness may appear. This is due to the peculiarities of the body: it cannot immediately adapt to the fact that everything around is standing, and you are moving. Usually, dizziness disappears in 2-3 sessions, when the vestibular apparatus gets used to the new load.
  • Never go barefoot. Get yourself some good running shoes especially for training on the treadmill.

Sports doctors advice:

  • Before starting training, read the instructions and familiarize yourself with the control panel of the treadmill. You must know exactly how to quickly change speed, the angle of the walking belt, where to take your heart rate, etc.
  • It is necessary to monitor the posture and position of the back: the abdominal muscles are tense, the shoulders are straightened. The gaze is directed only forward.
  • While walking and running, do not lean backwards or to the sides.
  • It is advisable to practice regularly, choosing the same hours.
  • If you have chronic diseases, then before starting training, you should consult a doctor.

See also how to use the treadmill video.

How to use the treadmill: instructions

Safety instructions and rules for using the treadmill:

  • Attach the security key to your clothing.
  • Place the treadmill on a level and smooth surface and, if necessary, place a rug or mat under it.
  • Before starting a workout, turn on the simulator and set the minimum speed, first stand on the sides, and then on the running belt and only after it starts moving.
  • Use only appropriate sportswear and footwear. Do not train in loose clothing that could get caught in the moving parts of the machine.
  • Children and pets should not be near the operating machine.
  • After the last meal and the start of training, at least 40 minutes should pass.
  • The simulator can only be used for its intended purpose, that is, for physical training of adults.
  • If you are exercising on the treadmill for the first time, keep your hands on the handrails.
  • The simulator is suitable for home use only. It is not allowed to use it for commercial purposes, in schools and other institutions, or rent it out.
  • If the treadmill suddenly picks up speed on its own or stops moving abruptly, remove the safety key to disable and lock the system. If you have any problems, please contact technical support or the dealer from whom you purchased this treadmill.
  • Pay attention to the power cable, do not put heavy things on it, do not use damaged sockets to avoid fire.
  • If you are not currently exercising on the simulator, then unplug the cable from the outlet. When using the treadmill, make sure that the socket is grounded. Do not use the outlet if there is a problem.
  • There should be a free space of about 1-2 meters around the simulator.

How to train correctly?

Preparing for a workout

If you are over 35 years old or have a chronic disease, then before starting classes, consult with a specialist. Before you start training, carefully read the instructions. You must know how to turn the treadmill on and off, how to adjust the speed and the angle of the belt. If you are stepping on the walkway for the first time, then hold on to the handrails with your hands. In the first lessons, train at a low speed of -1.6-3.2 km / h, and then gradually increase.


Read the instructions carefully and remember how to change the settings. At the start of your activity, walk about 1 km at a moderate speed. Record your results, you should have 15-25 minutes. If the speed is 4.8 km / h, then the required time is about 12 minutes per 1 km. If the load is easy for you and does not cause discomfort, then after 30 minutes change the speed and angle of inclination. At this stage, it is not recommended to increase the speed and incline too much, as training involves maintaining a comfortable pace.

Intense workout

First you need to warm up well, the recommended speed is 4.8 km/h, the time is 2 minutes, then increase the speed to 5.3 km/h, and leave the time for 2 minutes, then increase the speed to 6 km/h, then same - 2 minutes. After that, increase the speed by 0.3 km/h every 2 minutes. It is recommended to start with a 5-minute warm-up at a speed of 4-4.8 km / h, and then gradually increase the speed by 0.3 km / h every 2 minutes.

Training schedule

It is recommended to practice 3 to 5 times a week for 15-60 minutes. Make a training schedule for yourself and stick to it. You can make your workouts more efficient by adjusting the speed and incline of the walking belt. Talk to your doctor before you start exercising, he can help you correct schedule workouts.

If you experience chest pain, dizziness, nausea, or severe shortness of breath while exercising, stop immediately and seek medical advice. If you are running on a treadmill for the first time, then the following schedule will help you:

  • The speed of 1-3.0 km/h is slow walking;
  • Speed ​​3.0-4.5 km / h - moderate walking or easy walking;
  • Speed ​​4.5-6.0 km / h - walking;
  • Speed ​​6.0-7.5 km/h - brisk walking;
  • Speed ​​7.5-9.0 km / h - warm-up run;
  • Speed ​​9.0-12.0 km / h - running;
  • Speed ​​12.0-14.5 km / h - fast running;
  • Speed ​​14.5-16.0 km/h - running for professionals.

It is believed that the optimal speed for walking is 6 km / h, and for jogging - 8 km / h.

Now you know what a treadmill is useful for, how to use it, video.

It has long been tested and proven that running is very good for health and for weight loss in particular. That is why Every gym has a treadmill, which helps not to abandon runs in the rainy and snowy season.

In comparison with other simulators, this one is deservedly in the greatest demand among girls who monitor their figure and weight, health and want to always be in good shape. If in the summer period you can easily arrange a long-distance race in the nearest park or square, then in winter this sports miracle unit comes to the rescue. Someone specially goes to the gym, someone buys a treadmill and installs it at home. There are already enough financial opportunities and desire.

The treadmill helps to burn a large number of calories, and, accordingly, to lose weight. But not everyone succeeds, and therefore you can often find not the most positive reviews about the results of training on a treadmill. Why is this happening? It helps someone, and significantly, but someone has to look for other ways to lose weight (do fitness, ride a bike, etc.).

So I decided to ask the instructor why this is happening. Why do some lose weight, while others complain? It turned out that just running on a treadmill is not enough. You need to know some rules and stick to them, only then you can achieve the effect.. Many of those who are engaged in vain, make mistakes that do not allow you to achieve the desired effect. And today I want to talk about them.

Mistakes on the treadmill

So, what not to do while exercising on a treadmill and why:

  • - You can not start classes without prior preparation. A warm-up is a must, since warmed up and prepared muscles respond faster to loads, and the risk of injury is reduced. And the loads themselves need to be increased gradually, and not rush from a place at the speed of sound. Before turning on the treadmill, you need to stand on the canvas itself, put your feet shoulder-width apart, and start moving slowly, gradually increasing speed

  • - And here the duration of the lessons should not be small. If you stop as soon as you feel the drops of sweat on your forehead, you can forget about the effect. Only when your T-shirt gets wet and your legs don't want to move anymore will weight loss result. Feeling tired and therefore decided to finish today? In vain. You can burn fat only for a long time and intensively. The body gets used to constant stress and will not give any results. unless you increase the speed and duration of your workout.
  • You need to try to overcome fatigue and then you will feel how a second wind has opened, new forces have appeared. With severe fatigue, you can only reduce the speed and switch to a more moderate pace, but do not stop running

  • - Let go of the handrails! Just because you bought a treadmill for your home does not mean that you need to use all the convenient features and accessories, such as handrails. You will not fall anyway if you keep your balance and do not look at the canvas under your feet. But if you constantly hold on to the handrails, you can only harm yourself, because, fixing the position of the body with the help of your hands, you involuntarily stoop, lean forward and overload the spine.
  • Just imagine that you are running down the street where there are no handrails and holders., and you can rely solely on your endurance and strength in your legs. If you are using the handrail as a measure (for example, counting the pulse), just buy a device that can be put on your hand

  • - To avoid possible injury, never run barefoot and wear running shoes- they will provide the necessary grip of your feet with the canvas. Do not jump off the treadmill, even if your mouth is so dry that you are ready to fly headlong for a breath of life-giving moisture. Stop the treadmill and have a drink
  • - Don't be afraid to fall off the treadmill. The risk of falling increases as the voltage increases. So relax and practice at your own pace with good music.

Finally, if you ran on the treadmill a couple of times and, without feeling the results, gave up, then so be it. Only he will be able to achieve the desired effect, who will make sports a favorite and regular pastime.. This also applies to classes on the treadmill, and therefore exercise at least 3 times a week, and you will soon notice the effect.

Treadmill is the motorized equivalent of walking or running. You just move your feet along the moving canvas, which drives the electric motor. The sensations are the same as running or walking down the street. There is a slight difference when you increase the incline angle: when you increase the incline angle on the track, it is slightly easier to run compared to running up at the same angle in real life. But walking up the treadmill is the same as walking up the street.

Treadmills now have softer rebound and better cushioning than ever before. Many manufacturers are adding many new features, such as Internet access and social networks.

Some treadmills have over 100 built-in programs.

Treadmills are the easiest home exercise equipment to use. However, users are not immune from mistakes. If you do not follow some of the tips, you can harm yourself or ruin the treadmill.

  • Start slowly. Press the START button while standing on the side plates of the treadmill. Do not stand on the running belt. Despite the stated maximum user weight, when starting the walking belt, the load on the motor is maximum, and the motor or controller may fail. After starting the running belt, start your workout by walking at a minimum speed.
  • Don't lean on the handrails. It's okay to hold on to the handrails when you first start moving to find your balance. But as soon as you feel more confident, let go of the handrails: your movements are more natural with free hands!
  • Look ahead. Your feet follow the direction of your gaze, so if you are focusing on things in front of you, you are going straight instead of turning to the side. When someone calls you in the middle of a workout, don't look back at the sound! This advice seems obvious, but I don't advise you to wait for it to happen.
  • Beware of disorientation. The first time you use the treadmill, you will lose your bearings when you step off the treadmill onto the ground. Your body wonders why the ground has suddenly stopped moving. Do not worry. Most people experience dizziness once or twice.
  • Don't read while exercising. You risk losing your balance and falling off the track.
  • Start your warm-up workout. To reduce the risk of injury, start your workout with a light warm-up, then get on the treadmill and start, gradually increasing your speed. The workout should end with a hitch.
  • We will seem boring to you, but: Follow the instructions, be sure to use the security key, attach it to your clothes, and leave at least two meters of free space behind the path so as not to become another hero of such a video: