Anita Choi's weight. Celebrity Options. Celebrity Diets

Her zodiac sign is Aquarius.

How tall and weight is Anita Tsoi?

With a height of 157 cm, Anita Tsoi weighs 52 kilograms.

The main parameters of the figure:

How does the singer lose weight?

Weight loss - 3-5 kg ​​Diet type - low-calorie

Duration - 3 days

Many fans of Anita Tsoi remember those times when she was overweight and weighed almost 100 kg. But the character, the desire to be healthy and look good helped her achieve impressive results - minus 44 kg. Now, with a height of 157 cm, her weight is only 52 kg. It is for this reason that the site decided to pay attention to this diet.

The road to weight loss has been a long one. As the singer said in one of her interviews: “I am inclined to be overweight, and nothing can be done about it.”

On the way to the ideal weight, Anita Tsoi tried many popular diets, used diet pills, and worked out hard. As a result of trial and error, the singer developed her own weight loss system, which helped her gradually achieve the desired results. Now, with a height of 157 cm, the singer weighs 52 kg and is in great shape.

In her weight loss system, Anita Tsoi uses the following rules:

Separate nutrition according to Shelton, when it is impossible to combine proteins and carbohydrates in one meal / see. food compatibility tables and rules for separate meals according to Shelton /;

It is necessary to have sufficient physical activity every day;

Daily intake of a sufficient amount of liquid in the form of ordinary water;

Try not to eat after 20.00;

Once a week, arrange fasting days.

Since the singer does not always manage to fully follow her nutrition system, in order to quickly lose those extra pounds, Anita Tsoi offers the following express diet:

For three days you need to take 15 grapefruits and 15 eggs and divide it all into three parts.

Anita Tsoi's grapefruit diet menu for the day:

For breakfast, eat the protein of one egg, an hour later, one grapefruit. An hour later, again the protein of one egg, replacing another hour later, grapefruit, and so on, alternating eggs and grapefruits. Thus, you get 10 meals during the day.

Grapefruits are best used when orange and should be carefully peeled and only the grainy segments should be used before eating. Hard boil the eggs, discard the yolk.

For the duration of the diet, it is necessary to give up tea and coffee, do not salt the eggs. It is advisable to drink more water - up to 2 liters per day.

If you feel a breakdown during the day, you can drink a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey and a slice of lemon.

For three days of such a diet, you will saturate the body with vitamins and easily lose 3-4 kg, especially in problematic areas for women / hips, buttocks and abdomen /.

You can repeat such a diet every month, unless, of course, you have contraindications.

Once a week, to cleanse the body, the singer recommends spending a fasting day.

Unloading day on cucumbers and kefir from Anita Tsoi:

During the day, you can eat 1-2 kg of fresh cucumbers, drink two liters of water, and at night a glass of fat-free kefir.

Such a fasting day allows you to get rid of 1-2 kg of weight and acquire a fresh complexion.

Also, for unloading, the singer uses fasting days of her choice:

On pineapples - eat only pineapples all day and drink water;

On kefir - 2 liters of fat-free kefir per day;

On cottage cheese - all day fat-free cottage cheese and water.

There are many stars who managed to completely transform and rejuvenate by dropping those extra pounds. Such strong and amazingly strong-willed people include Anita Tsoi.

This woman literally shocked her fans by losing as much as 35 kilograms. Being all her life not just a donut, but a frankly full woman, Anita found the strength to radically change her eating habits.

She forced herself to go in for sports and was able to lose a load of extra pounds from her body. Her diet called "Golden Ten" immediately gained unprecedented popularity and helped thousands of people lose weight.

What is the essence of Anita Tsoi's diet?

The author of the diet was the famous nutritionist Margarita Koroleva, who helped not only Anita, but also many pop stars to lose weight. However, according to the singer herself, she would not have been able to lose weight without having a strong enough motivation - after all, not everyone can force themselves to go on a diet.

Anita Tsoi's weight loss results: before and after

The turning point for Anita was the words of her husband, who advised her to carefully look in the mirror and analyze whether she looks good. After these words, the singer firmly decided that she would prove not only to her husband, but also to herself that the desire to be beautiful is stronger than the desire to eat deliciously.

The main feature of the Golden Ten diet is that each of the ten days consists of a mono-diet, during which a certain product is given priority. In ten days, excess weight is rapidly disappearing, and metabolism does not slow down as noticeably as with low-calorie nutrition systems.

  1. Day one: cucumber. During the day, you need to eat 600 g of fresh cucumbers, up to 1 liter of fat-free kefir and an unlimited amount of parsley. You can also prepare a cucumber salad by peeling and grating cucumbers, filling with kefir and adding chopped parsley. Salt is better not to add. The last meal should be no later than six in the evening. If you feel very hungry, you can drink 1.5 liters of still mineral water throughout the day.
  2. Day two: grapefruit. On this day, it is allowed to eat up to five medium grapefruits. You can drink both plain and lemon water. To prepare it, you need to squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a glass of water.
  3. Day three: egg. It is necessary to hard-boil five chicken or twenty quail eggs and consume them during the day, divided into 4-6 meals. You can drink an unlimited amount of mineral water without gas. If you feel irresistible hunger, you can add 500 ml of low-fat kefir to the diet.
  4. Day four: egg-grapefruit. On this day, you need to alternate receptions of grapefruits and hard-boiled eggs. Start your day with a glass of lemon water and end with half a grapefruit. You can drink mineral water without gas without restrictions.
  5. Day five: egg-cucumber. Prepare a salad of one and a half kilograms of fresh cucumbers and two hard-boiled chicken (or eight quail) eggs. Salad should be divided into five meals. You can drink up to two liters of pure water on this day.
  6. Day six: varied. The menu of the sixth day contains various foods, including high-calorie ones, to maintain a stable metabolic rate. The day starts with a small portion of oatmeal boiled in water. You can add 1 tsp to porridge. honey and 2-3 apple slices. The second breakfast is a boiled egg. After two hours, you can eat grated carrots with a few drops of vegetable oil. For lunch - low-fat natural yogurt. For lunch - one pear. For dinner, you can eat raw beets with vegetable oil or one small orange.
  7. Day seven: full. On the seventh day of the diet, you can eat fruits, vegetables, meat and fish. In the morning, you should have breakfast with oatmeal with honey and fruits. For second breakfast, you can eat a choice of pear, kiwi, carrot, apple or pomegranate. Lunch - 150 g of lean steam veal or beef with a vegetable side dish. Adding salt and spices is not allowed. For an afternoon snack - one orange, pear or kiwi. Dinner consists of 150 g of low-fat sea fish stewed with vegetables without oil or spices.
  8. Day eight: egg-cucumber. This day completely repeats the fifth day of the diet.
  9. Day nine: buckwheat. The diet of the ninth day consists of boiled or steamed buckwheat porridge, vegetables and lemon juice. For breakfast, you need to eat 250 g of buckwheat with onions, celery and carrots. Then during the day you can eat several times 150 g of buckwheat porridge and 200 g of fresh cucumbers.
  10. Day ten: final. On the tenth day of the diet, you can eat different foods. For example, for breakfast you can eat an omelet from one yolk and two proteins, for lunch - baked vegetables (red peppers, onions, zucchini) with boiled cod, for dinner - potatoes boiled in uniform with herbs. For one or two light snacks, you can choose a salad of one tomato and one cucumber.

Slender legs of Anita Tsoi (concert poster)

Depending on the number of extra pounds, the diet can be continued, starting several times from the first day. The maximum allowable duration of the diet is three months. Then you need to take a week break, partially returning to the usual diet. Throughout the diet prerequisite is moderate physical activity.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

Of course, its effectiveness is a plus. For the first month of the "Golden Ten" you can lose up to 15 kilograms excess weight. The diet is constantly changing, maintaining the stable operation of all body systems. Due to its diversity, such a diet will not have time to get bored. In addition, it was developed by an experienced nutritionist, which means it is completely safe.

In the first five days, the volume of the stomach is reduced due to small portions and a small daily calorie content. Then the body again receives good nutrition, but at the same time the fat continues to melt along with extra pounds. Alas, among the shortcomings of the diet is its severity. It is necessary to have remarkable willpower in order to strictly follow the daily diet.

Such a diet may not be suitable for busy people, because you will have to constantly monitor the daily menu and carry pre-assembled portions of food with you. In addition, due to the almost complete absence of fat, Anita Tsoi's diet is contraindicated for people with such diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, biliary dyskinesia, duodenal ulcer.

There is probably not a single person in our country who does not know who Anita Tsoi is. She successfully began to build her career back in the early 90s of the last century, after which she went on maternity leave and for many years she was engaged in raising children. And few people know how much effort she had to put into her appearance in order to return back to show business.

During maternity leave, Anita gained more than 20 kg in weight, and this despite the fact that before that she was not a slender beauty, whom everyone around envied. Anita has always had problems with being overweight, but when she burst into show business and began to shine from all the TV screens, many could not believe that it was her. After all, her body has changed beyond recognition. She threw off about 40 kg in weight and looked fit and slender.

Many people think that Anita just did liposuction and did not make any efforts on herself. However, according to the singer herself, she does not relate to plastic surgery, to put it mildly, so she began to lose weight on her own. She went in for sports tightly and began to follow a special diet.

Anita Tsoi's diet is what not to eat is the most common diet for weight loss. and nutrition - that's how, according to the singer, she lost weight. And she ate like this for a very long time. The weight came off slowly, but she didn't give up.

And all because she had a motive that allowed her to go forward, no matter what. This is her relationship with her husband. He began to come home late and did not hide his attitude towards appearance Anita. At the same time, he led an active life on the side, which he also did not particularly hide from his wife.

And in order for Anita's marriage to her husband to last for many years, she pulled herself together and began to try all kinds of weight loss methods on herself. But after lengthy experiments, the singer realized a very important thing, that weight loss should occur in such a way that health improves, not worsens.

So Anita began to adhere healthy eating and play sports. Nothing new, but really effective. But, in the singer's arsenal, there are those that help to quickly lose weight by a few kilograms (for example, before an important performance).

Diet Anita Tsoi golden ten

The diet of Anitsa Tsoi golden ten consists of 10 days. Every day you can eat only certain types of food and drink more than 2.5 liters of water. The result is minus 7-9 kg.

The first day

On this day, only cucumber cocktail is allowed. It is prepared as follows:

  • on a fine grater you need to grate 0.5 kg of fresh cucumbers and mix them with 0.5 l of kefir;
  • in the resulting mixture, you must add a bunch of finely chopped greens;
  • mix everything well (you can use a blender) and divide into 6 parts.

This cocktail should be consumed during the day, while the last part of it should be drunk before 8 pm. In the morning, the intestines are cleansed, as a result of which the weight is reduced by 1 kg and the stomach becomes smaller.

Second day

On this day, it is allowed to eat 5 grapefruits and the protein of five boiled eggs. You need to eat 5 times a day. One grapefruit and one protein are eaten at one meal. After 8 pm, you can’t eat anything either. Drink plenty of water between meals.

So you need to eat 2, 3 and 4 days of the diet.

On this day, cucumber salad is consumed. It is prepared from two boiled eggs and 1.5 kg of fresh cucumbers.

Cut all the ingredients into small cubes, mix and divide into 6 equal parts. Consume them throughout the day. Do not forget that the last meal should take place no later than 8 pm.

Day six

This day includes eating a variety of foods:

  • breakfast
  • dinner- Raw carrot salad dressed a small amount vegetable oil;
  • dinner- orange.

Between meals, one pear and one glass of natural yogurt are allowed.

Day seven

From this day on, meat and fish products are introduced into the diet. This day's menu is as follows:

  • breakfast- oatmeal on the water with green apple slices and honey;
  • dinner- boiled, baked or steamed meat (chicken, beef or veal), fresh carrot salad;
  • dinner- fish stew with vegetables (no salt!).

Between meals, some nuts, pomegranates and raw carrots are allowed.

Day eight

On this day, the menu of the fifth day is repeated. You need to eat a salad of fresh cucumbers and boiled chicken eggs.

On this day, there is an alternation of buckwheat porridge with fresh cucumbers. Meals should occur every 2 hours. In the morning, buckwheat porridge is eaten without salt, butter and sugar, and after two hours 200 grams of fresh cucumbers. After 2 hours, buckwheat porridge again, and then cucumbers. Last meal no later than 8 pm.

Day ten

For breakfast, it is allowed to eat a fried omelette of two egg whites and one yolk. For lunch, it is allowed to eat steamed cod (150 g) and a small portion of carrot salad. But for dinner, you can eat a couple of potatoes in uniform.

This is how Anita Tsoi loses weight and keeps her weight normal. Her appearance proves that this diet is really effective and helps to fight extra pounds.
But, according to the singer herself, she rarely uses this diet, since a rational and balanced diet helps her keep her weight in one pair. The main thing is to start, and then everything will go like clockwork.

When you see your first results, nothing can stop you. You will go forward to your dream and it will definitely come true - you will become the owner beautiful figure. And this is just the beginning!

Anita Tsoi's diet video

The essence of the diet for weight loss from Anita Tsoi

Anita Tsoi's diet is what not to eat is the most common diet for weight loss. A balanced and balanced diet - that's how, according to the singer, she lost weight. And she ate like this for a very long time. The weight came off slowly, but she didn't give up.

And all because she had a motive that allowed her to go forward, no matter what. This is her relationship with her husband. He began to come home late and did not hide his attitude towards Anita's appearance. At the same time, he led an active life on the side, which he also did not particularly hide from his wife.

And in order for Anita's marriage to her husband to last for many years, she pulled herself together and began to try all kinds of weight loss methods on herself. But after lengthy experiments, the singer realized a very important thing, that weight loss should occur in such a way that health improves, not worsens.

Therefore, Anita began to adhere to a healthy diet and exercise. Nothing new, but really effective. But, in the arsenal of the singer, there are also such express diets that help to quickly lose weight by a few kilograms (for example, before an important performance).

General information about Anita Tsoi and her diet

There is probably not a single person in our country who does not know who Anita Tsoi is. She successfully began to build her career back in the early 90s of the last century, after which she went on maternity leave and for many years she was engaged in raising children. And few people know how much effort she had to put into her appearance in order to return back to show business.

During maternity leave, Anita gained more than 20 kg in weight, and this despite the fact that before that she was not a slender beauty, whom everyone around envied. Anita has always had problems with being overweight, but when she burst into show business and began to shine from all the TV screens, many could not believe that it was her. After all, her body has changed beyond recognition. She threw off about 40 kg in weight and looked fit and slender.

Many people think that Anita just did liposuction and did not make any efforts on herself. However, according to the singer herself, she does not relate to plastic surgery, to put it mildly, so she began to lose weight on her own. She went in for sports tightly and began to follow a special diet.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Ani Lorak diet (pros and cons)

Of course, its effectiveness is a plus. During the first month of the Golden Ten, you can lose up to 15 kilograms of excess weight. The diet is constantly changing, maintaining the stable operation of all body systems. Due to its diversity, such a diet will not have time to get bored. In addition, it was developed by an experienced nutritionist, which means it is completely safe.

In the first five days, the volume of the stomach is reduced due to small portions and a small daily calorie content. Then the body again receives good nutrition, but at the same time, fat continues to melt along with extra pounds. Alas, among the shortcomings of the diet is its severity. It is necessary to have remarkable willpower in order to strictly follow the daily diet.

Such a diet may not be suitable for busy people, because you will have to constantly monitor the daily menu and carry pre-assembled portions of food with you. In addition, due to the almost complete absence of fat, Anita Tsoi's diet is contraindicated for people with such diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, biliary dyskinesia, duodenal ulcer.

"Golden Ten" by Anita Tsoi

Day one - crispy cucumber

Fresh, green, crispy. We rub a pound of this glorious diet product on a coarse grater, add exactly half a liter of kefir (fat-free, of course, or a maximum of 1%), add a bunch of chopped aromatic parsley. All this business - we do not salt. Divide into 6 doses and eat this liquid salad (or cold soup, as you like) evenly throughout the day. The last portion is eaten before eight o'clock in the evening.

What's happening? Waste removal takes place. 2.5 liters of water are called to help the process, which must be drunk daily.

Day two - vitamin grapefruit

More precisely, as many as five. And plus to them - 5 eggs. Boiled. More precisely, only egg whites. Stock up on everything you need. Boiled eggs. The yolks were fed at home. Grapefruits were peeled and peeled. And every hour we eat protein, an hour later - grapefruit, another hour later - protein again. And so on until eight o'clock in the evening. We remember about water.

Day three - vitamin grapefruit

The next day we do the same operations with grapefruits and eggs in the same quantities and proportions. But add a glass of low-fat kefir to the diet.

Day four - you can "sweeten"

All the same. Instead of kefir - water. One glass (plus 2.5 liters required), but with one spoonful of honey.

Day five - again crispy cucumber

We finish cleansing the body with the same cucumber, but already in the amount of 1.5 kilograms. Plus, hard-boiled two eggs. And these eggs, this time completely, with yolks, finely chop and add to grated cucumbers. Wow! A lot of food! We divide into portions, eat until eight, drink the prescribed water and prepare for tomorrow's great day.

Day six - "real" food

How are you feeling? The body is cleansed! You can actually start dieting. We eat by the hour and strictly defined foods.

8:00 . Porridge is our joy. We cook "joy" from hercules on water without salt. Hercules is enough 4 tbsp. Flavor with a spoonful of honey and eat for a snack (or rub into porridge) one slice of apple.

10:00 . We eat a whole boiled egg.

12:00 . We grate one not very large carrot and eat it with enthusiasm, adding a little oil to absorb vitamin A.

14:00 . We eat whole (125 g) natural yogurt.

16:00 . In this technique, we rely on a large hard pear. You can gnaw it whole, or you can rub it on a grater.

18:00 . Attention - big raw beets! Whole, perhaps, you should not gnaw - three on a grater.

20:00 . Peel and eat one juicy orange.

Day seven - some meat and some fish

8:00 . Breakfast, as on the sixth day, but dried apricots, nuts or berries are added to honey and apple in hercules (or all together, but not much: after all, the main dish is porridge).

10:00 . Carrot, or apple, or pear (not all at once!).

12:00 . Kiwi, pomegranate or orange. Pomegranate is very good - useful, there is practically nothing to eat, and it takes a lot of time, and the feeling of satiety comes even before the end of eating.

14:00 . Meat. You can chicken, but preferably rabbit or beef - 150 g. Boil, stew or bake on the grill. Plus to it - 150 g of baked (on the grill, in the oven in foil) or steamed vegetables.

16:00 . You can choose any fruit from the ten-hour and twelve-hour meals.

18:00 . Fish: cod or pollock (low fat), stewed - 150g. And as many vegetables as for a side dish for meat.

Day nine - healthy buckwheat

9:00 . No, not oatmeal. The ninth day we start with buckwheat and an hour later. Cook it for 15 minutes, you should get 200 g of finished porridge. Add (or cook separately, salad) 1 small carrot, onion and celery. You can season the salad with lemon juice - it perfectly compensates for the complete absence of salt.

11:00 . We eat fresh cucumbers again - 200 g is enough.

And we have dinner at seven.

Day ten - potatoes

9:00 . We make a delicious omelette from 1 egg and 1 protein.

11:00 . We eat an apple, in anticipation of dinner.

13:00 . For lunch - fish (cod, steamed, 150 g) and tomato-cucumber salad.

16:00 . Vegetable snack consisting of sweet peppers, onions and other vegetables (for example, tomatoes) baked in foil.

18:00 . Potato boiled in their skins, mixed with herbs.

Now you can stand on the scales and joyfully state the result. And to fix it, we repeat everything again, but not from the beginning, but starting from the seventh day. And if you really want to become “the most stylish”, eating like in 7-10 days should, in principle, become your lifestyle, at least for the next three months.

Cucumber diet Anita Tsoi: three options for those who want to lose weight

In case the singer urgently needs to lose weight, she starts eating cucumbers, and this type of diet exists in three versions.

First option

In this case, Anita eats only cucumbers (one to two kilograms a day). Between this, she drinks water, and before going to bed she always drinks a glass of kefir. In the morning, weight loss is one to two kilograms, and the skin becomes fresh.

Second option

And in this case, the singer prepares a special salad for herself. Cut cucumbers and greens into large pieces, season with low-fat mayonnaise or sour cream. Divide the mass into three parts and eat them at a certain time. Namely: from 12.00 to 14.00, from 16.00 to 17.00, and from 19.00 to 20.00.

Together with the salad, you can eat a piece of black bread of exceptionally coarse grinding, and in the evening have a snack with an apple.

Third option

Buy one and a half kilograms of fresh cucumbers and boil two eggs. Divide the cucumbers into 5/6 servings. At lunch and dinner, eat an egg, the rest of the time - eat cucumbers.

If you have an allergic reaction to eggs, replace them with a couple of tomatoes. To make this type of diet easier to tolerate, it is sometimes allowed to cook salads from the components and season with a drop of vegetable / olive oil.

As you can see, Anita Tsoi's cucumber diet is a pretty rigid system. Before you try any of its options, make sure that your health does not suffer from this weight loss diet.

Anita Tsoi's cucumber diet can only be suitable for healthy people who do not suffer from chronic diseases, and for those who love cucumbers and are able to eat them in such quantities.

Grapefruit diet menu from Anita Tsoi for a day

For breakfast, eat the protein of one egg, an hour later, one grapefruit. An hour later, again the protein of one egg, replacing another hour later, grapefruit, and so on, alternating eggs and grapefruits. Thus, you get 10 meals during the day.

Grapefruits are best used when orange and should be carefully peeled and only the grainy segments should be used before eating. Hard boil the eggs, discard the yolk.

For the duration of the diet, it is necessary to give up tea and coffee, do not salt the eggs. It is advisable to drink more water - up to 2 liters per day.

If you feel a breakdown during the day, you can drink a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey and a slice of lemon.

For three days of such a diet, you will saturate the body with vitamins and easily lose 3-4 kg, especially in problematic areas for women / hips, buttocks and abdomen /.

You can repeat such a diet every month, unless, of course, you have contraindications.

Once a week, to cleanse the body, the singer recommends spending a fasting day.

Unloading day on cucumbers and kefir from Anita Tsoi:

During the day, you can eat 1-2 kg of fresh cucumbers, drink two liters of water, and at night a glass of fat-free kefir.

Such a fasting day allows you to get rid of 1-2 kg of weight and acquire a fresh complexion.

Also, for unloading, the singer uses fasting days of her choice:

On pineapples - eat only pineapples all day and drink water;

On kefir - 2 liters of fat-free kefir per day;

On cottage cheese - all day fat-free cottage cheese and water.

How to lose weight from 100 kilograms to 50? Famous singer Anita Tsoi reveals the secret of her diet! Learn the basic rules and principles of her nutrition, menu options and unloading days, get a figure like a star!

Anita Tsoi has not been skinny since childhood. After giving birth, she began to weigh more than 100 kilograms. As a result, the marriage of the star began to burst at the seams - the husband was increasingly late at work, did not show past care, and answered a direct question: “Look how you look!”. To save her family, the singer decided to get rid of excess weight, turning to professionals for help, as a result, she became 50 kg lighter. How the star lost weight, you will find out today!

Photo of Anita Tsoi after losing weight

Weight loss rules from Anita Tsoi

There are several methods by which the singer once struggled with extra kilos. They differ in diet and duration, but the effectiveness of each of them can be increased if you follow simple rules:

  1. Adhere to the principles of separate nutrition, that is, do not combine proteins and carbohydrates in one meal.
  2. Do sports daily.
  3. Do not eat after 19:00.
  4. Arrange mono-unloading (on cucumbers, kefir, cottage cheese) once a week.
  5. Drink plenty of pure non-carbonated water.
  6. Take multivitamin complexes.

Pros and cons

The star technique cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins and excess fluid. In addition, the diet helps to speed up the metabolism. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, making it smooth and radiant.

But there are also disadvantages. Due to its low calorie content, the programs are not suitable for everyone. So, it is necessary to abandon it for women who are carrying or nursing a child, people in old age, teenagers. You will have to look for another way of war with excess volumes in case of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and increased acidity of the stomach.

Before starting a diet, consult with a specialist!

Menu options

As you have already mentioned, several varieties of Anita Tsoi's methods are known. We bring to your attention the most effective.

For 3 days

The duration of the shortest program is 3 days. During such a time, according to reviews on the Web, it is possible to lose weight by 2-3 kg.

Every day you have to be saturated with a kilogram of cucumbers and a liter of fat-free kefir. These products can be eaten separately, alternating between meals, or even make a cocktail out of them. Experiment and diversify your diet. In addition to the above, it is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of liquid.

Grapefruit for 5 days

The main advantage of the five-day grapefruit system is that it fights deposits in such problematic female areas as the thighs, buttocks and abdomen.

From Monday to Friday, you will have to eat only grapefruits and drink water. The daily portion of fruit is 5-7 pieces, the volume of liquid is unlimited.

Egg-grapefruit for a week

The singer is sure that in 7 days it is possible to lose up to 5 kg. However, keep in mind that most (up to 3 kg) of the departed kilos will be liquid.

The essence of this version of the Anita Tsoi diet is the consumption of grapefruits and egg whites. Any liquid other than ordinary water should be discarded, as well as salt and sugar. With a breakdown and the appearance of apathy, a glass of water with the addition of a teaspoon of honey and a few drops of lemon juice will help to cheer up.


The first meal should be within 30 minutes of waking up!

8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM: Hard-boiled egg white;

9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM, 3:00 PM, 5:00 PM: The flesh of one medium-sized grapefruit.

Attention: eggs and citrus are considered strong allergens. If such a diet provokes the appearance of discomfort, immediately go back to your usual diet!

"Golden Ten" for 10 days

Perhaps Anita Tsoi's most famous weight loss program is considered to be a ten-day program compiled by star nutritionist Margarita Koroleva. Practicing a similar menu for only a week and a half, the singer became 6.2 kilograms lighter. However, such a result is far from the limit, since the author is sure that up to 1 kilo can leave daily. The essence of the Choi diet is the alternation of days with a certain diet, it is forbidden to change the set of products or refuse the prescribed. Do not forget to observe the drinking regimen.


First day

A cocktail that requires half a kilogram of cucumbers and 0.5 liters of kefir. Divide the received portion into 6 equal portions and use during the day, taking a break of 2 hours.

Second, third and fourth

  • Breakfast and dinner: protein - 1 pc.; grapefruit - 1/2 piece.
  • Lunch, afternoon snack and an hour before lights out: grapefruit.
  • Lunch: boiled proteins - 3 pcs.

Fifth and eighth

  • Breakfast and afternoon snack: cucumbers - 300 g.
  • Lunch: cucumbers - 400 g.
  • Lunch: a mix of 300 grams of cucumbers and one boiled egg.
  • Dinner: egg - 1 pc.
  • An hour before lights out: cucumbers - 200 g.

Attention: if you manage to get enough of a smaller portion, do not overeat.

  • Breakfast: oatmeal (50 g) on ​​the water with apple slices or honey.
  • Lunch: hard boiled egg.
  • Lunch: grated carrots drizzled with olive oil.
  • Snack: a glass of fermented milk drink.
  • Afternoon: fruit.
  • Dinner: chopped beets with lemon juice.
  • Before going to bed: an orange or two tangerines.
  • Breakfast: oatmeal with apples and honey.
  • Lunch and afternoon snack: any fruit or vegetable.
  • Lunch: baked turkey - 150 g; steamed broccoli.
  • Dinner: boiled pollock - 150 g; vegetable stew.
  • Breakfast: buckwheat steamed with boiling water - 200 g; carrot salad with onion, celery and lemon juice.
  • Lunch and afternoon snack: a couple of cucumbers.
  • Lunch and dinner: morning portion of buckwheat.
  • Breakfast: an omelet cooked in a dry frying pan from the yolk and two proteins.
  • Lunch: apple.
  • Lunch: steamed cod; summer assortment.
  • Afternoon snack: baked vegetables.
  • Dinner: potatoes boiled in uniform - 2 pcs.; greenery.


The principle of Anita Tsoi's lunar diet is based on the fact that the number of calories eaten per day must be increased / decreased depending on the phase of the moon. So, on the growing moon you have to eat in the usual way, but you still shouldn’t abuse the harmful ones, try to include more plant products in the menu. When the moon is “losing weight”, it is necessary to reduce the daily intake of food, to give up sweet, fried and fatty foods. This is explained by the fact that the weight goes faster on the waning moon, and the liquid is more readily removed.

Variations of fasting days

The diet options suggested above are suitable when you need to lose a few kilograms. If there is no need to lose 3-5-10 kg, then it is advisable to unload weekly to maintain shape. We have already mentioned that Anita practices them regularly, we present you her favorites.


For the day, prepare 7 boiled chicken eggs (only proteins are allowed), 3-5 cups of green tea and plain water. How to use the provisions is up to you.


From morning to evening, you are allowed to eat 2 kg of cucumbers and drink as much pure non-carbonated water as you wish.


There are several options for curd unloading, but it is a rigid menu that gives the maximum effect. Buy a kilogram of low-fat fermented milk product for the day and prepare 8 glasses of water or herbal decoction. If you cannot withstand such a mono-nutrition, then you can combine cottage cheese with kefir / lean meat / fruits / vegetables, but then its portion will have to be reduced.

How to get out of the diet

Whatever Anita Tsoi's diet you choose for weight loss, you must follow the exit rules in order to consolidate the result:

  1. Try in the early days for high-calorie products.
  2. Minimize your intake of fatty, starchy and sweet foods.
  3. Eat more vegetables and fruits.
  4. Do not give up dairy products.
  5. Do not forget about physical activity and walks in the fresh air.

Nutrition example

  • Breakfast: a serving of cottage cheese or cereal porridge on the water; green tea.
  • Lunch: plain yogurt.
  • Lunch: vegetable puree soup; assorted non-starchy vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack: favorite citrus.
  • Dinner: boiled chicken breast; a couple of tomatoes.