Push-ups for girls on their knees. Push-up program for girls

Push-ups for girls are complex exercises that allow you to get strong muscles of the back, legs, shoulders, chest, arms and abs. At the same time, push-ups from the floor for girls are also additional help in dropping calories, since during their execution, about a hundred calories are consumed in three sets with ten repetitions.

There are also different types of push-ups for women, which differently redistribute the load on the main muscles and develop more intensively exactly those that are needed.

Push-ups for girls - benefits:

  • Inflated pectoral muscles provide a beautiful elastic more convex and toned chest
  • Any pushups do flat belly, since they cannot be physically performed without straining the abdominal muscles.
  • All types of exercises remove fat from the legs and hips.
  • Trained spinal muscles will contribute to perfect posture and the ability to walk in heels for a long time.
  • Developed shoulders will make the figure more compensated and symmetrical, visually reducing too wide hips.
  • Hands will be beautiful taut without any loose masses.
  • Increase overall endurance and physical strength, which is very important for a modern independent woman.

In total, in modern sports there are more than fifty types of push-ups, of which three types of true female push-ups stand out:

  1. The easiest push-up from the wall, the benefit for women of which is to prepare the muscles for a stronger load without overstrain. It is performed from a standing position half a step away from the wall facing it. The palms must be pressed along the height of the chest and the width of the shoulders. Perform push-ups, rising on your toes so that the weight falls completely on your hands.
  2. Push-ups for women with support on their knees are performed standing on their knees and arms outstretched forward. The arms slowly bend until the nose almost touches the floor. This exercise allows you to reduce the load on the back at first and will allow you to pump up the muscles of the chest and arms in order to move on to more complex types.
  3. Push-ups from the floor for girls from the knees are also performed, but the body is tilted, and not horizontally, while the feet and shins are torn off the floor.

Men usually neglect these exercises, considering them too easy, however, for an untrained girl, they are ideal as an initial option for further increasing the load.

With a gradual increase in muscle strength, you can move on to more difficult "male" exercises, which may also contain a push-up program for girls:

  1. Inclined - push-ups from a bench or any other support, the height of which depends on the level of development of the future athlete. At the same time, the legs rest on the toe, are maintained in a perfectly straight position, the arms are placed on the shoulders, the elbows are retracted slightly to the sides until the chest reaches the support, after which they are fully straightened.
  2. Classic - well-known push-ups from the lying position, performed on straight socks and arms with an ideal straight line of the body. Exercise shakes the chest, triceps, shoulders.
  3. Pressing on the triceps, as the name implies, is done to pump the triceps. It is performed from the “lying emphasis” position with rather narrowly set arms and widely spread toes.
  4. Circular - a kind of push-ups, designed to focus on the back and stomach. They are performed as classical ones, but the weight of the body is transferred to one arm while inhaling after lowering due to the circular movement of the torso - to the other. The rise is made on the exhale.
  5. With palms apart - an exercise performed as a classic, but with wide-set palms to emphasize the pectoral muscles.
  6. With a step to the side, performed to pump the chest and triceps: from the starting position in the lying position with arms close side by side, while inhaling, a step is taken to the side with one hand, then both arms are bent, as in a classic exercise, and on exhalation, the return to the original pose.
  7. Opposite ones allow you to alternately load the chest and triceps. They are performed from an emphasis lying with one hand laid back, and the other - to the side. When performing the exercise, it is necessary to bend the elbow of the breath in such a way that the elbow of the arm extended to the side moves sideways, and the second one moves back. Hands need to be changed periodically.

More difficult exercises for experienced athletes:

  1. Upside down push-ups are classic push-ups with the legs placed on a support in order to increase the load.
  2. Push-ups with a jump are also performed as classic ones, but the lowering is done on the exhale, and the rise is done on the inhale and very sharply with the jump, while you can clap your hands under the chest or palms on the sides. The purpose of the exercise is to develop speed and power of impact.
  3. Push-ups on chairs or pedestals are performed as inclined push-ups from a bench, but at the same time, the arms have individual supports and are spread wider than the shoulders, and lowering is done not to the support, but to the maximum possible depth. When they are performed, the load also increases.
  4. For a more intensive study of the muscles, classical push-ups are performed only on one arm with the second hand wound behind the back with a periodic change in the loaded limb.
  5. Loaded push-ups - classic push-ups with additional weight on the back.

Workout program

The most popular today is the 30-day push-up program for girls, which is designed so that even a completely undeveloped physically lady can learn to perform up to a hundred push-ups per workout within a month.

This push-up program for girls is built with a gradual increase and allows you to increase the maximum number of push-ups ten times.

Push-up program for girls table for 30 days:

The number of spins. Only 5 approaches.

12, 10, 8, 12, 8

13, 9, 11, 13, 9

16, 14, 10, 11, 12

16, 18, 12, 12, 14

20, 18, 13, 13, 16

23, 21, 15, 15, 17

25, 23, 17, 15, 21

27, 25, 25, 15, 19

As can be seen from the table, the push-up scheme for girls is designed so that in just a month you can learn how to do more than a hundred push-ups for those who can hardly complete the exercise just a couple of times. Push-ups for 30 days for girls are calculated in such a way that both a weak girl who cannot do push-ups more than once, and an experienced athlete can increase the number of push-ups. In the first case, you can start doing light types of push-ups, and at the end of the course, switch to the classic ones and start all over again, and in the second, start immediately from a certain level, for example, from the third week, and logically continue the table.

Also, the push-up table for girls is designed in such a way that classes are held every other day, since daily workouts are contraindicated due to the time required to restore muscle tissue and the nervous system.

push-up rules

The basic principles of how to do push-ups for girls are exactly the same as for men:

  1. Before training, always do a warm-up in order to reduce stress on muscle tissue. Five to ten minutes of cardio exercises followed by swings or arm rotations are suitable as it.
  2. Start with minimal loads.
  3. Gradually increase the pace.
  4. Do not overexert or injure muscles.
  5. Do not exercise more than every other day. Daily workouts, broken down into morning and evening, are only allowed for those girls who freely do push-ups more than twenty-five times per set.
  6. Do the exercises correctly.
  7. Maintain breaks between sets for at least 60 seconds, and in case of weight loss - at least 120 seconds.

How to do push-ups for girls is also an important issue, on which the quality of the result depends. The female version of the push-up technique is no different from the male:

  • Keep the body straight, as perfect as possible, without bending the back, hips or knees.
  • Don't wiggle your hips.
  • Do not twitch during the exercise, but perform it smoothly at a measured pace.
  • For convenience, you can slightly space your elbows.
  • It is advisable to keep your head straight, looking in front of you, which in the case of classic push-ups means straight.

The generally accepted standard for how many times a girl should do push-ups is 15–20 at a time.

This is the norm of push-ups for girls from the age of seventeen, which is approved in school curriculum, but, unfortunately, most girls are actually able to wring out three times, which indicates the level physical development below the minimum allowed value.

The true meaning of how much a girl should do push-ups depends on many factors: health status, period of the menstrual cycle, diet (on a diet or not), etc.

If it is not possible to learn from an experienced trainer individually how to do push-ups for girls, then you need to navigate according to your initial physical data and feelings after training:

  • You can not overwork unnecessarily, otherwise there will be problems with the nervous system, hormonal levels, sleep and appetite.
  • But you can’t train in such a way that you don’t feel tired, otherwise there will be no sense.
  • It is optimal to continue training to such an extent that the muscles begin to hurt, but this pain disappears after training.

The benefits of push-ups for girls are enormous, as they not only help to quickly build physical strength, but also significantly improve appearance, increasing sexuality, however, if it is impossible to perform for any reason, you can replace them with bench presses, dumbbell breeding or other alternative exercises for the same muscles.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)

Mar 14 2017

This exercise in its various variations is a great way to make your shoulders and arms stronger and more beautiful. At the same time, push-ups help to form a beautiful posture and waist, strengthen the muscular corset of the body, and contribute to the elasticity of the chest, which is especially important for girls.

What are the benefits of push-ups

The basic exercise involves working with your own body weight, so when it is performed, several muscle groups and joints are involved at the same time. The benefits of push-ups for women are largely due to effective weight loss: even with crunches (movements for pumping the press), a person spends half as many calories as with push-ups. The complex work of the muscles of the body provides a number of advantages:

  • speeds up metabolism;
  • strengthens the abdominal muscles;
  • increases endurance and strength.

By doing 100 repetitions, you will spend 100 kcal, while working out the stomach with twists will give only half of this result. This is due to the fact that several muscle groups are involved in push-ups at once - pectoral, deltoid (on the shoulders), biceps and triceps. Exercise, in addition, is useful in that it helps a woman get rid of a lot of problems - they correct posture, tighten the skin, make the stomach flatter by using the transverse muscles of the peritoneum, and tighten the chest. At the same time, systematic exercises are important for weight loss - it is advisable to do push-ups daily.

From the floor

This is a classic and one of the easiest options for performing an exercise that even a novice athlete can learn. Its peculiarity lies in the vertical position of the body. How to do push-ups from the floor for girls:

  • take an emphasis on socks and palms, placing your hands wider than your shoulders, keep your back straight;
  • without sagging your pelvis to the floor, begin to bend your arms, take your forearms away from the body by about 45 degrees;
  • touching the surface of the floor with your chest, push yourself up, unbending your elbows.

Push-ups for girls, if performed correctly, make the maximum number of different muscles work. In this case, the upper pectoral, gluteal muscles, triceps and abs are involved. For those girls who start from scratch, the number of repetitions should be limited - for the first time, 10-15 push-ups are enough. For those women who already have some physical training, the load should be increased by increasing the number of movements or using a small burden.

From the wall

This is a great option for women who have never been into fitness with weak arms or who are returning to training after an injury. Such an easy technique is absolutely safe for the joints, it allows you to maintain a normal deflection of the lower back and gradually strengthen the muscles of the shoulders, chest and arms. It’s worth starting to do push-ups from the wall for girls with 10-20 repetitions, and when such a complex becomes too easy for you, increase the approach by another 10 times. The execution technique looks like this:

  • step back from the wall 1.5 steps, place your palms wide on it;
  • start bending your elbows, moving your body towards the wall, then unbend them, pushing back to the starting position;
  • leaning on the floor with the whole foot and moving slowly, do 12-15 repetitions.

From my knees

Another female version of the exercise, which is performed as easily as possible, is push-ups from the knees. With the help of this multi-joint technique, the pectoral, dorsal, as well as the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. Doing push-ups from the knees for women is very simple - the complex is suitable even for little girls and older ladies with weakened muscles. How to do simplified push-ups for girls:

  • rest your palms and knees on the floor, keeping your body straight, and your hands at a level with your shoulders;
  • having lifted the feet with the shins from the floor, begin to bend the elbows, leaving the upper part of the body down, then straighten the arms, returning to the starting position;
  • repeat the movement 20 times.

How to do push-ups for girls

The technique of movements for girls is no different from men's, however, some indulgences may be given to the weaker sex. Push-ups for women rarely involve a weighted exercise or with an emphasis on the fingers, not the palms. As a rule, girls prefer to perform the standard version with the arms parallel or slightly wider than the shoulders. In this case, the movements have an average amplitude and low speed. To do push-ups correctly, the back must be kept straight, and the legs should be placed either at shoulder level, or narrower, while the stomach should be pulled in.

During any training, it is imperative to monitor your breathing - rise as you exhale, and fall as you inhale. For overweight beginners, the repetition rate will be 7-8 times, while this number should be increased at each lesson. Before starting a workout, it is important to warm up the muscles by performing a few swings of the arms, squats, body tilts, etc.

How to learn to push up

You can work out the technique of the exercise only through regular training, that is, you need to do push-ups systematically. At the same time, it is important to memorize the correct initial position of the body - the arms are straight, are at shoulder level or slightly wider, the back is even without a strong deflection in the lower back, the pelvis is retracted. In addition, when performing movements, you need to keep the muscles of the abdomen and thighs tense - this will help stabilize the body. When bending your arms, you need to lower your body to the floor as low as possible - this way you will provide sufficient load on the chest, shoulders, triceps, quickly giving them a beautiful shape.

To quickly learn how to do push-ups, it is important to further strengthen the hips, abs and back. To do this, perform exercises aimed at pumping the corresponding types of muscles. The push-up program for girls should be comprehensive, especially if it is aimed at losing weight. To have a toned body, it is important to perform push-ups for girls regularly (at least 3 times a week).

The main mistakes of beginners when performing a movement that prevent them from achieving the expected results and making the muscles strong:

  • protrusion of the buttocks up;
  • sagging belly;
  • "dives" to the floor of the head;
  • curvature of the back during push-ups;
  • insufficiently low inclination of the body when bending the elbows (the chest should touch the floor).

From the floor

Training in the technique of performing an exercise can conditionally be divided into several stages, which will differ in severity. In this case, you first need to assess the level of preparation of women. So, if you can push out 5 or more times, then the first 2 points should be skipped, otherwise, start preparing the body for classes from the very beginning. It is important for girls to do push-ups from the floor correctly, for this there is a six-step training methodology.

  1. Bending the arms with an emphasis on the wall. Any unprepared person can perform this exercise. Stand in front of the wall, leave your legs a meter back, rest your hands on its surface (while they should be parallel to your shoulders). Begin to bend your elbows, moving your body towards the wall, then unbend your arms until the joint is fully extended. Push up like this 15-20 times. Make sure that not only the upper body leans, but also the pelvis with the legs - so the load will be full.
  2. Push-ups from the knees. Once you're comfortable with wall push-ups, move on to a harder variation of the exercise. Rest your knees and palms on the floor, begin to slowly lower your body down, bending your elbows set slightly wider than your shoulders. Then fully straighten your arms, returning to the starting position (you need to raise the entire body, along with the pelvis). Do 20 reps at a time, while keeping your ankle and feet off the floor.
  3. Bench push-ups. The support should not be too high, but not low either (optimally - 40-50 cm above the floor level). Lean your hands on the object, it is better to put your legs against the wall so as not to drive off. Go down, almost touching the bench with your chest, then straighten your arms. The legs and palms should be in line with the shoulders. Start doing the exercise with 20 repetitions.
  4. Plank. This exercise will help strengthen the muscle corset of the back, abs, buttocks, shoulders and arms, making it easier to perform classic push-ups for girls in the future. Rest your palms and socks on the floor, align your back so that there is no bend in the lower back and bulging priests. Tightening your whole body, including your stomach and hips, hold the position for at least 40-60 seconds.
  5. Half push ups. This is a transitional exercise that helps to develop the technique and increase the strength of the muscles necessary for full push-ups. The movement is performed according to the following scheme: hands are placed on the floor, legs are parallel to them, after you need to bend your elbows, moving your body to the floor, linger for a second in a position where your arms bend 90 degrees, and return the body to its original position. The optimal number of repetitions is 20.
  6. Pushups. Take the position described in the last exercise, tighten your abs, hips, and back. Push up, lowering the body almost to the floor. Start with 10-15 repetitions, gradually increasing their number.

On uneven bars

This heavy traumatic exercise must be learned before proceeding to its implementation. Push-ups on the uneven bars for girls make the pectoralis major, triceps, upper part back and deltas. Pushing up in this way, the load also goes to the ligaments and tendons, shoulder joints, therefore, before performing movements, it is important to warm up the body well and prepare the muscles. Training to strengthen the body of girls before push-ups on the uneven bars should include:

  • push-ups from the floor with a narrow arm position (elbows should be pressed to the body, and palms should be at chest level), while it is optimal to repeat the exercise 10-15 times in each of 4 approaches;
  • push-ups from the bench with a reverse grip - an alternative to the first method, which strengthens the triceps well (repeat the exercise, lowering the pelvis to the floor as much as possible, 10 times in each of 4 approaches);
  • partial push-ups on the uneven bars, in which you do not go too low to the horizontal bars, and keep your arms parallel to the body (repeat the movement 8 times in each of 3 approaches);
  • push-ups on uneven bars with support, in which you will be insured, holding your ankles (perform the exercise 10 times in the approach, which can be 4-6).

Video: push-up technique

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Learning to do push-ups is easy if you train regularly and hard. This type of exercise actively involves a fairly large part of the body: pectoral muscles, triceps (shoulder muscles), biceps (arm muscles), buttocks, abs. Girls should start with lighter types of push-ups, as the body must get used to certain loads.
Before starting, you need to do a good warm-up in order to warm up the working muscles. Thus, the movements will become more confident, the quality and number of approaches will increase.

Push-ups are divided into several types and categories. Changing options also depends on the complexity, use of loads. All exercises for girls are recommended to be done on a soft surface such as a karemat. Perform 3 sets of 10 times, in total, 1 time per week.

How to learn to do push-ups for a girl - push-ups with additional elements

Wall push-ups

The easiest push-up exercise. The closer to the wall the legs are placed, the easier it is to press. You can safely start with this exercise, gradually slightly increasing the distance of the legs from the wall. The palms and feet are located shoulder-width apart. When lowering the body onto a vertical support, the tension of the main working muscles should be felt.

Push-ups with a bench or chair

The higher the torso is, the easier it is to do push-ups. Therefore, if the arms and shoulders are not strong enough for push-ups of the body in a horizontal position, you need to start with push-ups from a bench or chair, table. This will require a fixed support, on which the entire weight of a person will fall. The body is even, the arms are placed slightly wider than the shoulders, the feet are at a small distance from each other. You can put a mat under your fingers or wear special gloves so that the corners do not press into your palms.

Push-ups with additional weight (pancakes, neck with a load)

Such push-ups are great already at the stage when the female body is strong enough to increase physical activity. To complete the task, you will need a 5 kg pancake and a fixed bench. Over time, pancakes are added, respectively, the load increases. Instead of pancakes, a neck is used. Under the weighting agents for softness, you can put a mat. In parallel, two benches of the same height are placed. Hands are comfortably placed on one bench, heels on the other. Hands are placed on the bench at a distance slightly more than the width of the shoulders. The pelvis hangs above the floor. It is not possible to put extra weight on your own in this position, so you will need the help of a partner. It sets the load on the hips. The pelvis should drop towards the floor. During this movement, the shoulder joints walk at the level of the elbows.

How to learn to do push-ups for a girl - push-ups without additional elements

Press from the floor from the knees

An exercise for those girls who find it difficult to squeeze their weight right off the floor, relying only on their palms and toes. The knees are placed back to back. The feet are crossed for convenience and so that there is no interfering dangling of the legs. Hands (palms) are placed along the width of the elbows. The back straightens, the head looks forward straight ahead. The whole body should be in maximum tension, that is, use all your strength. The arms are bent at the elbows, the chest drops almost back to the floor. Fingers point forward.

Wide grip floor press

Push-ups from the floor with a wide arrangement of hands are easier than with a narrow one. Therefore, girls are advised to start with a wide setting. The body is located horizontally, a flat back and shoulders, the legs do not bend at the knees. The palms are placed on the floor at shoulder level. The chest falls as low as possible, the body is tense and actively involved in the work. If you feel that the exercise cannot be performed according to all the rules, you should choose other suitable push-ups. Any exercise must be performed correctly, its effectiveness depends on it.

Close grip floor press

What are the main differences between the narrower position of the hands during push-ups? These are variants of action on the same complex of muscles, as well as the strength used. A narrow grip is harder, so not every girl will immediately be able to perform this exercise. With a small distance between the palms, you can use your knees.

The person assumes a horizontal position. The body is straight from head to toe. Hands are at shoulder level. The thumbs and index fingers of both hands should touch each other. The head is always looking straight ahead. The legs become slightly narrower than the width of the shoulders. In this position, the body drops to the floor. There is a load on the elbow joints, wrists, so it is not recommended to do this exercise if there is severe discomfort in these areas.

To get good results, it is very important to know what prevents you from working on yourself - these are bad habits (smoking, alcohol), poor-quality nutrition (overeating, dieting), uncomfortable shoes and clothes. For some painful conditions, such as scoliosis, arthritis, general ailment, there are cautions for doing push-ups.

Nowadays, it has become a very fashionable trend to maintain healthy lifestyle life. More and more people are addicted to physical activity, stop smoking, drinking and go to GYM's. Such a surge in the popularity of self-care, one’s body cannot but rejoice. However, not everyone has the opportunity to regularly visit fitness centers, so many have to work out at home. But it does not matter, the main thing is to start, and there the opportunities will appear.

So, if you do not have the opportunity to study in specially equipped rooms, you can easily study at home. And with a good return, regular training, proper nutrition you can get pretty good results. The main thing is the desire, the main thing is to take the first step towards your goal.

There are a large number of exercises that you can easily perform anywhere and anytime. With the right approach to business, you can work out literally every muscle group, using different variations of movements, finding new ways to increase the load, and so on. One such versatile exercise is push-ups. It is ideal for those people who want to improve their physical shape, tighten and make their body beautiful and harmoniously developed.

Why was it mentioned that this is a universal exercise? Not only can you pump various muscle groups with push-ups, but it also has more than 20 varieties, with different degrees of difficulty. We will talk about one of these variations today.

The push-up option that we will now analyze is called push-ups on the knees or from the knees, as you prefer. This variation is only a temporary addition to your main workout.


This type of load should be used by people who are not able to perform full-fledged classic push-ups from the floor, that is, to their full height. In order to learn how to do push-ups from the floor, they resort to such subspecies, when the load, which is significantly reduced, due to the movement of the gravity of the body, and it becomes easier for people to perform the exercise. This option is only suitable for beginner athletes. Due to push-ups from the knees, a person strengthens his muscles, thereby preparing them for future loads, after which he gradually switches to the classic version.

In order to completely switch to regular push-ups, each time you should move your knees further and further away from the body and eventually fully unbend your legs and stand on your toes. You should not linger in the same place for a long time, constantly increase the load, the complexity of the exercise, only then you will achieve results. In general, in building a body, constant progress is needed.


By performing this variation, you work out several muscle groups at once, since this is essentially a basic or multi-joint exercise, albeit in a simplified form. So, here is a list of the muscles that are involved during work:

  • pectoralis major muscle
  • Anterior deltoid muscle
  • Triceps or triceps shoulder

All these muscle groups work together, but the load they receive is not large enough to work on the mass. Therefore, do not expect something supernatural from this exercise. It will strengthen your muscles and prepare you for more serious loads. This option is great for girls.


The first thing to do is to take the starting position. We lie down on the floor with our stomach down, put our hands slightly wider than shoulder width, as in standard push-ups. We rest our knees on the floor, and raise the lower leg up. You can cross your legs (shin) to make it easier to perform the exercise. Raise your torso and fully straighten your arms. This will be your starting point.

We take a deep breath and at the same time begin to lower smoothly, without jerking. We lower ourselves to the level until your chest is one centimeter from the floor. You can stay in this position for 1-2 seconds, then slowly exhale and rise to the starting position. You need to perform about 3-4 sets of 10-15 times.

If millions of twists on the press did not contribute much to the “flatness” of your tummy, try just pushing yourself off the floor. Most modern weight loss programs contain push-ups. There are variants of this movement in the ancient health systems - yoga and tai chi. However, for most of us, this classic exercise is associated with something extremely complex and not very necessary for a woman.

No really beautiful hips, toned belly and elastic buttocks are still worthy reasons for physical education efforts. What about chest muscles? After all, everyone knows that the shape of the bust is from nature, and not from fitness. So what are the benefits of push-ups for girls? Or do professionals force us to do this solely out of harm?

About the benefits of push-ups for women

A good half of adult men have the so-called “100 Push-ups Program” on their computer, and in the preface to it it is written that you need to do push-ups from the floor to increase strength, develop endurance and work out the relief pectoral muscles. Say, you, dear lady, do not need strength and endurance at all? It's very, very relative. Not knowing how to do push-ups will make you feel weird in any fitness class for girls like Taibo or Fitbox. Yes, and on a seemingly relaxing yoga, you will not experience enlightenment by doing Chaturanga.

And even if fitness is like self-study is not included in the circle of your priorities, the following allows you to think about the benefits of push-ups for the female half of humanity:

  • this "simple movement" works not only the muscles of the chest and arms, but also the shoulders, while it is considered one of the most useful exercises for . Don't believe? Try pushing yourself off the floor with socks, relaxing your stomach. Most likely, you will not be able to go through even half of the trajectory of the exercise;

  • a set of push-ups in 3 sets of 10 repetitions with 60 second pauses between series will allow you to use 60-100 kcal. Only know how to burn faster and run at high speed. But at the same time, there are simply no movements that simultaneously develop the muscles of the center of the body and burn so many calories for a home workout without equipment.

So push-ups are a great weight loss fighter. But with regards to breast augmentation, it really cannot help, which cannot be said about improving its shape. If you regularly push up from the floor, your chest will be high, which means. Well, the volumes lose significantly in the aesthetics of elasticity.

And push-ups for girls allow you to solve the great problem of how to train your hands without dumbbells, because there are different types of push-ups, which we will continue our topic about.

What do different types of push-ups give

1. Classic or push-ups from the floor

How to do it: we take an emphasis on the toes and palms, the arms are perpendicular to the floor, the shoulder blades are directed to the pelvis, the chest is deployed, nothing interferes with breathing. Bend the arms at the elbows, the forearm moves away from the body by about 45 degrees. We lower ourselves until the chest touches the floor, then gently squeeze the body to its original position.

What muscles work: abs and back as stabilizers, quadriceps and buttocks as stabilizers, chest muscles, biceps, back delta are the main working muscles. When extending the arms, the triceps are also somewhat involved.

2. Push-ups from the bench

How to do it: the technique is almost the same as in the first version. Only we put our palms not on the floor, but on a fitness bench. Suitable, however, and the usual sofa, bed or step, if you have one. The higher the support, the easier it is to push. So beginners should not be shy about doing this movement on a windowsill or table. When performing a movement with a high support, it is necessary to retract the press even “harder” in order to completely eliminate the deflection in the lower back. It is this option, and not push-ups from the knee, that is preferred for those who cannot push up from the floor.

What muscles work: the same, only a large load goes to the stabilizers.

How to do: performed from the floor, or on the uneven bars. Weights serve to additionally load the muscles of the chest and shoulders, so this option is not for beginners. Usually use special weighted vests. A belt with lead plates for push-ups only overloads the lower back, so its use should be avoided. If there is no vest, a regular backpack is put on, in which any cereal in bags is placed for weight. Well, the technique is similar to the classic push-ups from the floor, only in this case you need to “spread” your fingers and not bring them together with a boat to avoid wrist injury.

What muscles work: the same as in the "classic", plus the muscle of the forearm.

4. Triceps push-ups

How to do it: performed with a narrow setting of the hands. We place the palms on the line of the shoulders so that when moving down, the forearms do not come off the body, and the elbows “ride along the ribs”, and do not spread apart. It is important to avoid deflection in the lower back and not try to lower the chest first to the floor.

What muscles work: stabilizers - as in the "classic", but otherwise the emphasis is shifted to the triceps, so the exercise tightens rear surface hands

How to breathe properly when doing push-ups

The standard scheme is to inhale when lowering (on relaxation), exhale when wringing out from the floor (on effort). The reverse scheme, that is, with exhalation to touch the floor with the chest, is used in yoga, as well as in ordinary physical education to overcome adaptation. Pushing up on the uneven bars, they breathe strictly according to the first option.

Push-up program for girls

Any push-ups at home should not be done in the style of "here I am, but I'm already doing push-ups." It is imperative to warm up before starting a workout. Any cardio exercise for 5-7 minutes will do to warm up the body. Finish them with “jerks” with bent arms in front of the chest, circular rotations in the shoulder joint.

Then take the emphasis on the classic push-ups and do a maximum of repetitions with a “clean” technique, that is, without deflections in the lower back, “drawing” with the stomach and “beating” from the floor with the chest. This is to obtain check digits and further "programming". If you have managed more than 10 push-ups, you should perform 15-20 repetitions in 4-5 sets in the first month of training, and then think about weighting.

If the numbers are between 5 and 10, you can try 5 sets of 10 slow push-ups, and increase the number of repetitions in the approach as soon as you feel an increase in strength.

Well, for those who do push-ups less than 5 times, you should start pushing up from the sofa or bench, and perform 4-5 sets of 10 repetitions. Repeat the test at the end of the month. If the indicators "transfer to another group", start pushing up from the floor. If not, gradually replace at least the first 2-3 repetitions of the exercise from relying on movement from the floor, and you will learn to do push-ups a lot.

In any case, if you are losing weight, try not to rest more than 90 seconds between sets. And train with push-ups every other day, the option with daily workouts, or “morning and evening, every day”, is only possible for those who do more than 25 push-ups in a repetition. And, in the end, push-ups for girls can replace presses and dumbbell raises, so if you learn how to do them right, you can save on equipment.

Elena Selivanova, fitness trainer