Strength training for swimmers. Warm up before swimming

A set of home exercises for beginner swimmers.

The complex was developed and compiled by the coaching team of the Slavgorod swimming department so that every parent can keep it in front of their eyes when practicing with children at home. Repeatedly at parent meetings it was said about the need for additional classes in order to raise the overall level of physical fitness of young athletes. Of course, not all children and parents can additionally attend gyms and sports halls, which is why this “home” set of exercises was developed that does not require special equipment.

Warm up. (duration 7-10 minutes)

The warm-up uses elementary exercises, circular movements.

Head tilts in different directions, to the right, to the left, forward, backward. 6-8 repetitions.

Circular movements of the hands, simultaneously with two, alternately, forward, backward, one forward second back, combine at your discretion, change combinations at least every day. 10-12 repetitions.

Circular hand movements elbow joints, circular movements of brushes.

Circular movements of the torso to the left, to the right, make sure that the hip joint remains motionless. 6-8 repetitions in each direction.

Body tilts left, right, forward, backward, 8-10 reps.

Squats, squats should be as low as possible, hands are either carried forward or kept on the belt. 12-15 repetitions.

Circular movements of the knees, put the feet together, slightly bend the legs at the knees and perform circular movements. 8-10 times in each direction.

Circular movements of the foot, put the foot on the toe and rotate it based on its front part - 8-10 times in each direction. Repeat on the other leg.

Lunges, left, right, forward, backward, the lunge should be maximum so that the muscles of the legs are stretched by 100%

Main part. (duration 20-25 minutes or more)

Strength training.

Push-ups from the floor, keep the body straight. Do not bend your back, do not raise your ass, the body should be straight as a string. The face looks down. Hands are placed at shoulder level or slightly wider. Fingers point forward. The legs are slightly apart.

Lowering the body

We bend our arms and lower the body. At the lowest point, the distance between the chest and the floor should not be more than 3 centimeters, and ideally you should touch the floor with your chest. Lowering the body, we inhale. We lower slowly without jerking (so as not to get injured).

We raise the case

We unbend our arms and raise the body. The arms should be fully extended. Raising the body, make a smooth exhalation. Make sure that the body is straight throughout the exercise.

3-4 sets, 10-12 reps, rest between sets no more than 1 minute. follow the correct execution of the exercise, control the position of the body !!! If it is difficult for the child, reduce the number of repetitions to 5-8.

Push-ups can also be combined, push-ups using a stand, if the child is weak and push-ups from the floor are difficult, then you can use a low arm rest, the higher the stand, the easier. Also, the stand can be used to increase the load, for this it is placed under the legs, the higher the legs, the harder, but this is done in case of sufficient physical fitness.

You can also change the position of the arms, that is, the elbows are directed along the body as in the figure, there is more load on the muscles of the arms, the shoulder joint, and if the elbows are turned to the sides, then the work of the pectoral muscles is enhanced.

Push-ups with an emphasis on the back, in the figure a simplified version, if physical fitness allows, you can straighten your legs, you can also use the footrest, the higher the footrest, the lower you can go down, respectively, the load is greater.

3-4 sets, 10-12 reps, rest between sets no more than 1 minute. If it is difficult for the child, reduce the number of repetitions to 5-8.

Pull-ups, 3-4 sets of 2-3 times, followed by an increase in repetitions, if the child fails to pull up even once, help him, but control your efforts, remember that the child must do the main work himself.

For a variety of pull-ups, change the grip: wide, medium and narrow, you can also pull up behind the head with different grips, consider the preparation of the child.

Speed ​​strength training.

Rope jumping. 4-5 sets of 20-25 jumps, rest between sets no more than 30 seconds, enough to catch your breath, make sure that the pace of jumping is high.

Step test, for this exercise you will need a platform 30-35 cm high, depending on height and preparation, it can be a little higher or lower. The starting position is indicated in the figure. The essence of the test is that while jumping, the child alternately touches the platform with his foot, as in the figure, DOES NOT STAND ON IT, but touches it, this is important. Then, in the same jump, a change of legs occurs, jumps are performed with high frequency.

The exercise is performed 3-4 sets, 30 seconds each, rest between sets no more than 30 seconds, until breathing is restored. If it is difficult for the child, reduce the time of the exercise, but not less than 15 seconds. You can diversify the exercise by jumping simultaneously with both feet on the surface of the platform, and jumping off it. The height of the platform must then be increased, and the platform must be massive, or well fixed, so that when jumping it does not leave under the child's feet.

Bringing the legs to the chest from the prone position. The exercise execution mode is similar to the previous one, the execution mechanism itself is shown in the figure.

Abdominal exercises. 4 sets of 15 repetitions, if necessary, the number of repetitions can be increased. Exercises for the abdominal muscles are very diverse, this is lifting the legs in the hang on the crossbar, and the classic lying method, and on an incline bench, whoever has it, you can simply raise your legs on the sofa, you can use any method you like.

Hitch. (duration 7-10 minutes)

If many do not have questions with understanding the importance of a warm-up before training, then there are problems with the question of why a hitch is needed. That is why you do not often meet people who perform a hitch after a workout.

Let's take a short example! What will happen to the car if you immediately slow down at high speed (well, stick the handbrake, for example)? There will be a lot of squealing, noise, dust, your nose will most likely be smeared on the steering wheel or even worse on the windshield. The same is true with our body. So DO NOT NEGLECT THE HITCH.

A mandatory exercise in a hitch should be specific exercises - TWISTED HANDS, SQUATS WITH A BRASS.

TWISTED - in the hands of a stick or a rope of limited length, the purpose of the exercise is to twist the STRAIGHT hands as shown in the figure, the task is to reduce the distance between the hands to a minimum over time. The number of repetitions is at least 50.

BRASS SQUATS - the starting position is as in the first figure, note that the socks are spread apart as in breaststroke, and the heels are pressed to the floor, from this position you need to get up WITHOUT LEAVING THE FEET FROM THE FLOOR, and then sit down again. When performing the exercise, you can use any support for the hands (chair, sofa) that will facilitate the exercise for beginners. In the second figure, a variation of the exercise is also important not to lift the heel off the floor when performing. The number of repetitions is at least 50.

At this stage of training, it is best to use stretching exercises in a hitch, which will allow the muscles to become more elastic. Bridge, twine, stand on the shoulder blades and much more. In the pictures below, we will show several types of exercises, choose to your taste.

HITCH exercises can and should be used in the breaks between lessons, this will relax the child's muscles, improve blood circulation, and relieve fatigue. 5-8 minutes is enough.

An example of a home workout.

Warm up.
- circular movements of the head, 4 times to the left, 4 to the right. 6-8 repetitions.
-circular movements of the arms in the elbow joints, circular movements of the hands
-circular movements of the hands.
lunges, left, right, forward, backward, the lunge should be maximum so that the muscles of the legs are stretched by 100%
- squats. 12-15 reps
- circular movements of the body.

Main part.
- push-ups from the floor 3-4 sets, 10-12 reps.
- push-ups with an emphasis on the back 3-4 sets, 10-12 repetitions each
- bringing the legs to the chest from the position of the emphasis lying 3-4 sets, 30 seconds each
-exercises for the abdominal muscles. 4 sets of 15 reps.

At the initial stage, carry out a complete set of exercises no more than 3 times a week, you should not load the child. But separately, stretching exercises can be performed daily by the whole family.

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Strength training of a swimmer on land

The strength fitness of a swimmer is one of the most important aspects of his special sports performance, since the increase in swimming speed and sports results is due not only to an increase in the productivity of vegetative systems, but also to an increase in the power of muscle contraction. A high level of strength training has a positive effect on the processes of adaptation to high functional loads, on the duration of retention sportswear and provides high rates of increase in sports results among swimmers. The purpose of strength training is to increase the level of development of strength abilities, improve the functional support of dynamic strength work and the implementation of strength abilities in rowing movements. The result of specialized long-term physical, including strength training, is the formation of a specific morphotype of a swimmer of a certain specialization with the corresponding muscle topography.

Manifestations of strength are extremely diverse, therefore, in the specialized literature, the term “power abilities” has become widespread, uniting all types of manifestations of strength:

    actually power abilities, characterized by the maximum static strength that a person is able to develop. explosive strength - the ability to show maximum effort in the shortest time; speed-strength abilities, defined as the ability to perform dynamic short-term work lasting up to 30 seconds against significant resistance with a high speed of muscle contraction. strength endurance - defined as the body's ability to resist fatigue during submaximal power work for up to 3-4 minutes.

In sports practice, several methods are used to develop maximum strength:

*Maximum effort method - consists in performing a series of 5-8 sets of weights, with which the athlete is able to perform 1-3 movements

* The method of repeated maximum - consists in the selection of such burdens with which the athlete is able to perform from 6-8 to 10-12 repetitions in one approach

    The method of work in yielding mode with super-maximal weights - the weight lowering time is 4-6 seconds, and the lifting time is 2-3 seconds. The number of repetitions in one approach reaches 8-12, and the number of approaches per session is 3-4.

Sample training on land:

Warm-up Barbell Chest Press (pectoral, triceps) Barbell Row (lats, biceps, triceps) Barbell Overhead Press (deltoid) Barbell Squat (legs, glutes) Deadlift (back muscles) Flexion and extension of the arms while standing with a barbell (biceps of the shoulder) Press lying on the bench (abdominal muscles) Press from behind the head with a narrow grip with flexion and extension of the arms at the elbows (triceps of the shoulder) Flexibility exercises.

Methodology for the development of explosive strength:

Explosive power provides effective take-off performance in starting jumps and turns and, to some extent, the ability to sharply accelerate during swimming. For the development of explosive arm strength, training with medium weights and the maximum speed of a single contraction, as well as high-speed isokinetic training with medium resistance and set to the maximum possible speed of a single movement can be used. The intensity of muscle tension and volitional effort should be such that in one approach the athlete can perform no more than 10 movements. The pace of movement is arbitrary.

The development of the explosive strength of the legs is carried out through jumping exercises to the maximum height of the jump and with the help of the "shock" method, which consists in the maximum jump up after a deep jump from an elevation.


Warm-up Pressing the barbell from the chest lying Jumping to the maximum height (with or without weights) Pulling the barbell in an inclination from the floor to the chest Rowing on the Hüttel machine Jumping up after a deep jump from an elevation, pedestal Pressing the barbell from behind the head while sitting Push-ups on the bench in position sitting with a reverse grip Flexion and extension of the arms while standing with a barbell Flexibility exercises

With the development of speed-strength abilities, the main training factor is the maximum frequency of movements with submaximal and large weights (at the level of 70-90% of the maximum strength). The duration of a single work should not exceed 15-20 seconds, the number of repetitions in a series of 10-16 with rest intervals of 40-90 seconds. For the development of short-strength abilities during training on land, the whole variety of means of strength training is used - barbell, dumbbells, block, spring-lever and isokinetic simulators. With the development of these abilities, you can apply the same complex on land as for explosive power.

The development of strength endurance is achieved by performing weighted movements by interval, repeated-interval, repeated, circular and competitive methods. The organizational forms of such training on land are station and circuit training. In the training of swimmers for the development of strength endurance, weights from 50 to 90% of the maximum strength and the rate of movements in the range from 60 to 90% of the maximum possible with a given weight and duration of work are used.

Modes example:

Exercises with submaximal weights with a duration of 30 seconds to 3-4 minutes and a pace of movements of 40-60 per minute Exercises with submaximal weights with a duration of 2 to 10 minutes and a pace of movements of 20-30 per minute Exercises with weights of 40-50% of the maximum strength, the average pace of movements is 30-50 per minute, the duration of work is 3-10 minutes.


Special physical training(sfp)

SPT is aimed at developing those functional capabilities of the body, on the development of which achievements in this sport depend. The main means of an athlete's SFP are competitive exercises for this sport and special preparatory exercises that are developed on their basis.

Analyzing the technique of sports methods of swimming, it is necessary to develop muscle groups that provide the technique of performing movements. In the rabbit on the chest and on the back - two-headed and triceps shoulder, broadest back, large pectoral, deltoid - back, large round. In the breaststroke - two and four-headed thighs, calf, large gluteal, deltoid - the front part, the broadest back. In butterfly - rectus abdominis, trapezius, two and three-headed shoulders, pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, deltoid - back, large round muscle.

In swimmers on their backs, the achievement of results is associated with a large body length, with mobility in the shoulder and ankle joints, and with the strength indicators of the arms. In floating butterfly strokes - on weight, foot height, chest-shoulder girth, mobility of the shoulder, ankle joints, power indicators of the deltoid section of the shoulder, hip. In breaststroke - from mobility in the knee, ankle joints, thigh circumference, shoulder length, but negatively with shoulder width. In complexists - from the mobility of the ankle, knee, shoulder joints, body length, hip, ratio of pelvic width to height. They tend to have long and strong arms.

With a complex orientation of training, the optimal time will be spent on the development of speed-strength qualities - 40%, strength - 20%, general endurance - 20%, speed - 10%, flexibility - 10% of the total time of training on land. The speed-strength qualities of the muscles are developed in exercises with a large amount of resistance, high speed of movements and a small amount repetitions. Muscular endurance develops when performing exercises with an average amount of weights, an average speed and a large number of repetitions. The increase in maximum muscle strength occurs more effectively under the influence of exercises with a large amount of resistance, low speed of movement and a small number of repetitions. Large training loads in swimming should not be introduced before the next competitions for 5-7 days and after them for the first 3-4 days to improve recovery conditions.

During complex training on land, the loads within this complex can be varied by changing the mode of operation (reducing or increasing rest intervals, changing the pace of movements, weights or the number of repetitions, etc.) Moreover, it is proposed to carry out a combination of work and rest in each exercise in 1 minute mode.

The time spent on exercise and rest is distributed according to the microcycle. In the installation microcycle - 40 seconds of work, 20 seconds of rest. In the retractor - 50 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. In percussion - 45 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest. In the pre-competition - 30 seconds of work, 30 seconds of rest. During the period of the installation mesocycle, the task of which is to lay the foundation for general readiness, the direction of strength training has a developing character. In the retracting mesocycle following it, the direction of strength training remains, but the load gradually increases. In the third, shock mesocycle, the main purpose of which is to create a foundation for the subsequent growth of results, the tasks of bringing the swimmer to a new level of strength fitness are solved. In the subsequent pre-competitive periods, the tasks of implementing the accumulated power potential in the structure of the competitive exercise are solved.

ROLL on the back and on the chest

1st complex

1. Warm up

2. Bench press from the chest

3. Bench press standing with a narrow grip from behind the head (three-headed shoulder)

4. Bent Over Row

5. Hands - imitation of crawl movements on the back and on the chest with weights

6. Hanging on the bar - raising the legs until the feet touch the bar

7. Lying on your back, spreading arms with dumbbells to the sides

8. Bench press standing from behind the head (deltoid muscle)

9. Back crawl movements using the Hüttel simulator

10. Pull-ups on the bar

11. Barbell Squats

12. Standing, the bar is behind the back, the movement of straight arms up to the stop

13. Standing, barbell in front of you, flexion and extension of the arms to chest level

14. Flexion and extension of the hands with a barbell

2nd complex

1. Warm up

2. Barbell Squats

3. Bench press from the chest

4. Arm extension with weights in the slope

5. Lying on the back of the movement with half-bent arms of the bar from behind the head to the level

6. Hands - imitation of crawl movements on the back and on the chest with weights

7. Push-ups from the floor

9. Push-ups on the bench while sitting (three-headed shoulder)

10. Bent Over Dumbbell Press (Latest Back)

11. Pull-ups on the bar with a reverse narrow grip

12. Alternating crawl arms on the chest and on the back using

two Hüttel devices

13. Flexion and extension of the hands with a barbell

14. Bench press standing with a narrow grip from behind the head (three-headed shoulder)

15. Joint Flexibility Exercises


1st complex

1. Warm up

2. Bench press from the chest up

3. Barbell Squats

4. Standing, barbell in front of you, flexion and extension of the arms

5. Lying on the chest on the lounger pulling up and holding the bar

6. Jumping up from a deep squat to the maximum height

7. Raising dumbbells in front of you to chest level

8. Hanging on the bar - raising the legs until the feet touch the bar

9. Push-ups from the floor

10. Hands - imitation of breaststroke movements with weights

11. Pull-ups on the bar with a wide grip

12. On the bench (lying on the back or on the chest), lifting the legs with the ball, holding

ball with your feet.

13. Armstroke breaststroke using the Hüttel simulator

14. Jumping on the Swedish wall up to various levels of height

15. Alternate flexion and extension of standing arms with dumbbells

2nd complex

1. Warm up

2. Bench press from the chest

3. Bench press from the chest up

4. Multiple long jumps

5. Barbell bench press from the floor to the chest

6. Hands - imitation of breaststroke movements with weights

7. Barbell Squats

8. Armstroke breaststroke movements using the Hüttel simulator

9. Pull-ups on the bar with a reverse narrow grip

10. Lying on your back, simultaneously lifting the torso and legs up

11. Jumping up to the maximum height

12. Barbell row standing with a narrow grip to the chin

13. Standing, barbell on shoulders, standing up on toes

14. Standing, barbell in front of you, flexion and extension of the arms

15. Pull-ups on the bar

16. Joint Flexibility Exercises


1st complex

1. Warm up

2. Pull-ups on the bar with a wide grip

3. Barbell Squat

4. Lifting the torso while sitting on a bench (press muscles)

5. Bench press from the chest

6. Standing, arms with dumbbells along the body, rotation of the shoulders

7. Hands - imitation of butterfly movements with weights

8. Bench press from behind the head (deltoid muscle)

9. Hanging on the crossbar, wall bars- holding the legs at an angle

10. Hands with dumbbells to the sides in an inclination

11. Butterfly arm movements using the Hüttel simulator

12. Standing, tilts with a barbell on the shoulders

14. Lying on your back, simultaneously lifting the torso and legs up

15. Standing, barbell in front of you, flexion and extension of the arms

16. Circular movements back and forth of straight arms with weights

17. Barbell bench press with a narrow grip from behind the head (three-headed shoulder)

18. Joint Flexibility Exercises

2nd complex

1. Warm up

2. Bench press from the chest

3. Push-ups on a bench in a sitting position (three-headed shoulder)

4. Lying on your back, simultaneously lifting the torso and legs up

5. Pull-ups on the bar with a reverse narrow grip

6. Hands - imitation of butterfly movements with weights

7. Bent Over Row

8. Standing, barbell behind, raising straight arms up to the stop

9. Hanging on the Swedish wall, raising bent legs to the chest

10. Barbell row standing with a narrow grip to the chin

11. Lying on the hips on the lounger, lifting the torso

12. Lying on your back, lifting the body with turns

13. In the prone position, lifting the bar with bent arms, without lifting your elbows from

mata, from behind the head to chest level

14. Barbell Squats

15. Butterfly arm movements using the Hüttel simulator

16. Pull-ups on the bar

17. Bench press from behind the head (deltoid shoulder)

18. Exercises for joint flexibility.

Physical training is an integral part of the training process of swimmers, which includes the development of strength qualities, namely strength endurance, speed-strength qualities and flexibility.

The physical training of a swimmer is carried out both on land and directly at the swimming training itself. On land, preparation can be in gym on simulators or ofp, running is also used, skiing is widely used by swimmers.

Power qualities

Swimming counts power view sports and to achieve high results, versatile strength training is needed in order to overcome the forces of water resistance, which increase in direct proportion with an increase in swimming speed. Swimmers should pay attention to the development of strength endurance, for this, physical exercises are performed on land and in water.

Especially among swimmers, a popular exercise on land is rubber stretching. This exercise simulates the movement during a stroke in swimming. Naturally, each athlete performs movements corresponding to the way of swimming in which he specializes.

A good means of increasing strength capabilities is to swim on a leash at zero speed, i.e., in place. The swimmer swims by stretching the rubber that is attached to the side of the pool and the swimmer's belt.

In water, paddles and brake belts are used to develop arm strength and stroke.

Speed ​​qualities

The speed qualities include the ability to pass starts and turns with a minimum time, as well as to overcome the competitive distance with high speed, with minimal losses during the transition from sliding after the start and turn.


Sports theorists distinguish two types of endurance: general and special. General endurance is characterized by the ability to perform non-specific work for a long time and effectively. Special endurance - the ability to effectively perform work, overcoming fatigue, due to the requirements of competitive activity in a particular sport, and in relation to swimming - at a specific distance - sprint, stayer.

Special endurance in swimming is divided into aerobic and anaerobic endurance.

Aerobic endurance is the ability to perform long-term intensive work, this is swimming on long distances(400, 800, 1500 meters and extra long (open water swimming). Anaerobic Endurance the ability to perform speed-strength work of maximum intensity (sprint swimming at distances of 50 m, 100 m, 200 m)


Flexibility is one of the most important qualities that determine a high result in swimming. Its insufficient level limits the amplitude of movements, does not allow the formation of a good swimming technique, limits the manifestation of strength, coordination and negatively affects speed. Therefore, flexibility exercises are included in swimmer training.

The level of development of strength, flexibility, endurance and speed qualities determine the physical fitness of a swimmer, but this is not a guarantee of success in competitions.

One of the most popular types of swimming on the belly is the front crawl. The swimming technique consists in alternating strokes, which are performed along the axis of movement. The actions of the legs are synchronized with the arms and also move alternately.

The head and body of the swimmer turns on inspiration to the brush, which performs the stroke. Exhalation occurs when the head is lowered into the water. The popularity of the crawl is due to the speed of swimming. There are two-, three-, six-stroke crawl - by the number of kicks.

Due to the complexity of practicing skills in water, dry swimming is practiced. practice on land and then in water. A beginner swimmer needs to know not only how to perform the movements, but also what exercises are needed to improve technique.

Exercises for learning to swim

Any technique is pre-worked out in order to better master the movements and automate them. To develop skills, there are sets of exercises that allow you to bring actions to automatism.

Did you know? Breaststroke is the oldest swimming style. Among the drawings of primitive people in the Cave of Swimmers there is an image of a man swimming with a breaststroke. The image refers to 9000 BC.

If you work under the guidance of a coach, you will be sure to point out the mistakes made in the process and suggest ways to correct them. A professional will also help you choose from several types of strokes that you are better than others and create the perfect combination for swimming.

Basic actions consist of a stroke with one hand, then with the second. At the same time, the second one is trying to somehow catch up with the first one. After working like this for a few minutes, change the sequence.

For endurance training, “delayed” actions are performed: make a stroke - hold the brush under water for a few seconds and perform the second stroke. All techniques are practiced on land and in the pool.

Execution in water

The technique is to improve the movements of the legs or arms. To do this, you need to learn which elements are correct.

The algorithm of basic actions is as follows:

  1. The moving arms describe an ellipse. The main setting of the brush is slightly bent or “folded like a ladle”.
  2. The movement of the hand starts upwards, as if “raking in the air”, slightly bends at the elbow and enters the water, where it straightens and stretches forward, dragging the body along with it. Moving the second limb is performed similarly.
  3. For beginner swimmers, the main movement of the legs is to help swim and not create obstacles when moving. In this case, the movement of the leg occurs from the hip without bending in the knee joint.
  4. Professionals hone the action with their feet, since it is the legs that help develop speed in the six-beat freestyle technique.
  5. The breathing technique is to take a breath while turning the head towards the hand that performs the movement. Exhalation is performed when the head drops into the water while turning to the other side.
  6. The breathing technique is unilateral and bilateral. Those. inhalation is performed either alternately on each side, or only on one.
Video: front crawl swimming technique

For hands

Working out the skill of actions with hands consists in improving the technique with and without additional devices. Apply Various types swimming with one hand and alternating hands. As a device, a board is used, which is alternately transferred from one brush to another.

Important! Immersion in water gives a person the feeling that his weight has decreased by 90%. Therefore, swimming is recommended for work on improving posture and developing the musculoskeletal system.

Swimming with one hand. Lying on the stomach, alternate strokes are performed with the hands. The leading brush is extended forward. The second performs movements: rises to perform a stroke, bends slightly, performs a stroke, goes under water and there performs the second part of the turn before returning to its original position.
The red line is a good line; Green - it looks like the hand is too far ahead; yellow - the segment of the shoulder is too vertically located; black - the segment from the shoulder to the elbow is moved further forward

Change hands after a few strokes. Training develops the muscles of the shoulder girdle. The second version of this exercise - the limb does not stretch forward, but is placed along the body and pressed against the thigh. The exercise can be combined with or without a leg exercise. For endurance training, you can swim in this technique 1 length of the pool.

If you squeeze the hand into a fist and swim a certain distance in this position, then the fist will increase the driving force. This is how the efficiency of repulsion of the swimmer from the surface of the water is trained. It is better to clench the non-dominant hand into a fist, which will increase its role in the movement of the swimmer.

This option is convenient for practicing movements of the same strength, since in the normal swimming mode, the dominant one always creates more force than the non-dominant one. In addition, the muscles of the dominant limb are always better developed, which creates a somewhat uneven style in a swim for speed.
Exercise for setting the arm with a raised elbow. Practiced along with one-handed swimming technique. The track divider is used as a limit to the movement that runs along the divider. Get as close to him as possible and stroke so as not to hit him. The exercise develops coordination of movements.

Alternate hand strokes. The purpose of the exercise is to improve the basic technique of hand work. The arms are extended forward and the swimmer is positioned face down. Sequential strokes are performed with the left and then with the right hand.

This exercise is relevant for beginners if you perform it with additional elements (for example, a board). Passing the board from hand to hand develops compactness of actions: incorrect wide swings and excessive rotation of the head when turning the body to the side are eliminated.

Important! Best time for swimming lessons from 7.00 to 9.00 and from 18.00 to 20.00. At this time, the body is in the most relaxed state, susceptible to physical exertion and ready to burn extra calories.

Video: how to work with your hands when swimming crawl.

Doggystyle swimming. The arm bends at the elbow and goes down, the hand turns, the arm pulls up, pushes off and starts moving out of the water. The exercise is intended only for working out the technique of the hands and is not combined with exercises for the legs.

For legs

The technique of execution is to work out the movements of the legs. The main element of correct action is movement from the hip without bending the leg at the knee joint. The kicks should help propel the athlete's body forward and be in sync with the movement of the arms.

Did you know? The first mention of swimming as a way of training athletes dates back to the era ancient rome. But swimming became an independent sport only in the 15th century. Crawl is the youngest style of sports swimming.

This task is designed to work on moving the legs diagonally. The athlete is placed on his side, the lower limb stretches forward. The top one is on the thigh. Swing movements are performed from the hip. On the 8th beat, the athlete turns to the other side and again performs 8 swing movements.
Actions can alternate: perform 2 swings on one side and then 2 on the other side. For endurance training, the same exercise is performed by swimming 1 length of the pool and only then a turn is performed. When performing, follow the breathing technique. Inhale - turn to the side.

Practicing leg movement techniques with the pool wall as a support. In this case, it is as if swimming in place. The swimmer is positioned on the side and practices the movements with the legs or may be placed face down.

It helps to better understand not only the technique, but also the correct movement of the foot under the influence of water pressure. A must for anyone who likes to bend their leg. Fins allow the swimmer to better feel the muscles of the legs.

Swimming with straight legs is a training for the prevention of bending the legs at the knees. Movements are performed with the leg from the hip, only the hip joint is bent. Bending occurs only where the foot is affected by water pressure as the foot moves down.

Execution on land

The task of exercises on land is to develop muscle sensations and control the technique of performing an action by a separate muscle group. In water, all muscles are involved in the complex.

Even realizing that the execution technique was incorrect, the athlete will not be able to work out the correct movement well. In addition, there is no support in the water, which would help to focus on only one action and forget about the rest.

It should also be taken into account that not all muscles are developed equally and exercises on land are great in order to correct their development. Exercising on dry land reduces the risk of injury from improper water technique. Dry swimming improves technique, improves style, and improves athletic performance.
Training can be performed on a bench (sitting, standing or lying down). Arm training is performed while lying on a bench face down. Legs are trained sitting or standing. Sitting with emphasis on the bench, the athlete monitors the correct technique. If the athlete is standing, then the task must be carried out with support.

Basic hand actions are ellipsoidal movements performed alternately. Statement of the palms - with a bucket. Leg swings are performed up and down. Try to synchronize the actions with your hands and feet. Dry land training is required to work out various muscle groups and techniques.

For hands

The rowing technique is practiced while standing in a half-tilt. The unused hand rests on the knee. The second performs a stroke: the hand rises, as if entering the water and performs a stroke, going down under the water. Then it bends and starts a new movement with the next stroke.

If it is not possible to perform a complete movement, then it is divided into two parts: the moment when the hand enters the water and the moment it leaves the water. Each of the actions can be worked out separately. Actions can be combined with the development of breathing techniques.
The hand rises up above the water, a turn is made and a breath is taken. The downward movement of the hand is accompanied by exhalation. The next action begins when the exhalation is over. If the breathing system is not synchronized with the technique of the hands, then this will be a problem when moving in the water. The actions of the second one are processed similarly.

To work out the alternate movement of the hands, the initial posture will be a half-tilt. Put both hands in front of you and perform a left stroke, then a right one. Remember to simultaneously turn your head towards the moving hand. You can work out the movements simultaneously with the breathing technique.

The hand mill exercise is performed while sitting on a bench. Raise one hand up, as when rowing, lower the other to the thigh. Strokes are performed with an alternate change in the position of the hands (up-down). The goal is to train the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

For legs

The goal of dry land training is to get to know muscle sensations and fix them in the mind.
When moving in the water, the athlete does not see his actions, he can only feel them, while the swimming technique and speed depend on their correctness. The purpose of leg exercises is to develop preparatory and shock movements.

Practicing swing movements is performed while standing on a bench. Hands hold on to the support. The straight leg begins to swing, then the lower leg bends and the thigh continues to move forward. The toe touches the floor and that part of the leg does not move until the thigh has completed its forward movement. Now the hip moves in the opposite direction until the leg returns to its original position.

Alternate leg movement while sitting on a bench resembles scissors, only with up and down movements without crossing. Straight leg movements are practiced and muscles are strengthened.

Movement of the legs in the supine position. The swimmer sits face down on the bench. Hands are in front of you. Swings are performed with straight legs.

Video: how to work with your legs when swimming crawl

Lung and breathing training

The two basic steps in breathing are inhalation and exhalation. Inhalation through the mouth occurs when the hand makes a stroke with the body turning to the side. Exhalation is performed when the head is tilted down. Each side should have the same number of breaths. Exhalation is done after 3-5 strokes.

Try not to take in too much air. Breathing should be even and relaxed. Breathing can occur only on one side or on both sides alternately. Bilateral breathing is usually practiced by beginners. Experienced athletes take a one-sided breath every third or fifth stroke.

Did you know? If you start to choke after 4-5 breaths, then this means that you are exhaling shallowly. Some novice athletes retain part of the air in the lungs - in reserve. That is why they get tired faster.

Video: different types of breathing when crawl swimming - which one to choose Breathing technique recommendations:
  1. No need to excessively turn your head when turning. She must move only to take a breath.
  2. Don't lift your head up. To improve the streamlining of the body in motion, it is better to lower the head into the water.
  3. Use the features of water movement correctly. As the body moves forward, there is a barrier around your head created by the wave. An air pocket is formed near the barrier and cheek, which is used by the swimmer when inhaling. The use of this pocket allows you to keep your head down while inhaling.
  4. To understand the essence of the air pocket, the "superman" technique is used. The hand is extended forward, the body is pulled up behind it, the second is at the hip. Watch for an air pocket near you. A pocket appeared - we take a breath. In this case, the main thing is not to rush.
  5. If it is uncomfortable for you to turn your head to inhale, then this means that you have not turned around enough.

The number of visits to the pool and the intensity of training depend on your goal. For swimming as a general strengthening and keeping fit loads, you can visit the pool 2-3 times a week.

Did you know? If you stand in water for 20 minutes, then the amount of hemoglobin in the blood increases. Thus, even passive rest during training improves blood circulation in the body, incl. brain and activates cellular processes.

On non-pool days, add jogging, cycling, or just walking outdoors to your daily routine. Swimming helps to fight excess weight, normalizes the work of the circulatory and respiratory system. Crawl swimming also trains the overall endurance of the body.

To achieve professional results, training must be daily. The duration of one training session should be at least 1.5 km of crawl swimming in the water. The swim distance should increase with every fifth workout. Training must be intense. If you are tired - try to lie on the water, but do not sit or stand on the shore.

Video: how to swim crawl

Did you know? Crawl as a way of swimming was known to the Indian tribes, thanks to which the American colonists successfully made friends with him. In 1844, the American team beat the English team in speed thanks to the front crawl. The offended British did not accept the new style, calling it barbarism due to the large amount of spray.

The technique of freestyle swimming, like any other style, is not complicated. The main thing is the practiced actions, their synchronism and correct technique breathing.




1. Education of the strength abilities of young swimmers

2. General strength training

3. General developmental exercises in emphasis and hangs

4. General developmental exercises with a partner

5. Single general developmental exercises with a stuffed ball

6. General developmental exercises in pairs with throws and catching stuffed balls



The physical training of swimmers on land is central to training programs swimmers of childhood and adolescence. It includes the development of strength abilities, flexibility, speed, dexterity, the ability to relax muscles, and increase physical performance.

This work is devoted to the development of the physical qualities of young swimmers. It characterizes the functional capabilities of the body of young swimmers and the main directions for improving these capabilities, provides specific material for training on land.

For high-quality swimming training, it is necessary to clearly delineate the zone of swimming loads and training methods, develop endurance, speed abilities, increase the level of special strength training, and master tactical skills.

Physical training on land is aimed at improving health, increasing the functionality of the body of a young athlete, his level physical development and working capacity, development of strength abilities, flexibility, speed and agility, muscle relaxation. In the process of doing physical exercises on land, the foundation of versatile preparedness is created, on the basis of which it is subsequently possible to achieve a high level of development of special strength, endurance, and speed capabilities of a swimmer.

1 Education of strength abilities

The specificity of the power qualities necessary for a swimmer is due to the nature of the water resistance forces that arise during swimming. It boils down basically to the following:

1) the efforts of an athlete when swimming, even at a competitive speed, do not exceed 70% of his maximum capabilities in this movement; 2) the nature of the application of efforts is smooth, relatively long; 3) efforts are manifested within the framework of a complex motor skill and, in order to be effective, must correspond to the structure of this skill; 4) the efficiency of a swimmer's repeatedly repeated rowing movements depends to a much greater extent on the level of development of strength endurance (local muscle endurance) than on the level of development of absolute strength.

Local muscular endurance is the basis of the strength abilities of highly skilled swimmers. This is important component special endurance athlete. However, the level of development of the swimmer's strength endurance is determined by the level of development of the so-called fast force (manifested when overcoming resistances of an unlimited value with pronounced acceleration). The most rational way to develop the strength endurance of a young swimmer is through versatile strength training.

A few words about physiological mechanisms of manifestation of power abilities. The level of these abilities depends, first of all, on the perfection of intermuscular and intramuscular coordination. The first is manifested in the coordinated interaction of the working muscles and their antagonists, the timely application of efforts within the framework of a given motor skill, the use of the elastic properties of the muscles; the second - in the ordered activity of motor neuromuscular units, which ensures either their synchronization during short-term speed-strength work, or an economical alternation of periods of stress during long-term endurance work. The strength of an athlete is closely related to the level of metabolic processes in the muscle, the supply of energy substances in it, its physiological diameter, the ability of the athlete to concentrate his volitional efforts on speed-strength movements.

The natural increase in muscle strength in schoolchildren occurs unevenly. In boys from 8 to 14-15 years old, it gradually increases; then from 14-15 to 16-17 years there is a sharp jump in the development of absolute and relative strength, after which the natural growth in the strength of all muscle groups stops.

In girls, an abrupt increase in strength is observed in the period from 10 to 13-14 years. Then the natural increase in muscle strength slows down, and even drops between the ages of 14 and 16.

The objective nature of age-related changes obliges us at the height of the pubertal period, which coincides with an intense natural increase in strength indicators, to carry out a versatile physical training, which strengthens the muscular-ligamentous apparatus and stimulates the development of the entire muscular system. During the completion of the proper pubertal period, which coincides with a sharp slowdown in the rate of natural increase in strength, one should proceed to intensive targeted, and then to special strength training. After all, the slowdown in the growth of strength is due to the fact that the body under normal conditions is not able to master the possibilities of increased muscle mass. This is especially true for the training of girls, in whom the natural increase in strength stops much earlier than in boys.

In training, qualified athletes are distinguished three main types of strength training: general; versatile purposeful; special. An approximate ratio of types of strength training in different groups of swimmers of the Youth Sports School is given in Table. 1.

Table 1 The ratio of types of strength training in the Youth Sports School

Note. The volume of strength training is indicated as large (+ + +), medium (+ +), small (+).

2 General strength training

The task of general strength training is: strengthening the muscular-ligamentous apparatus; education of the ability to show optimal efforts in a wide range of movements in unity with dexterity, speed, flexibility; harmonious development of the entire muscles of the swimmer. This is the main type of training in working with swimmers of childhood, as well as elementary training groups, during which young athletes learn to perfectly control the muscles of their body. Usually, children have relatively poorly developed muscles of the abdomen, back, oblique muscles of the body, muscles rear surface hips. Lagging behind in development, especially in girls, the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms compared to the muscles of the legs. Strengthening lagging behind in the development of muscle groups should be given special attention.

1) applied exercises of the GTO complex and similar exercises (climbing a rope, a pole, a gymnastic wall; jumping and throwing; running with overcoming natural obstacles on the ground; carrying a partner);

2) general developmental exercises of sports and auxiliary gymnastics for a swimmer (single and pair exercises without objects; exercises with stuffed balls weighing 1-3 kg, dumbbells weighing 1 kg, rubber shock absorbers, gymnastic sticks);

3) elements of other sports performed mainly on the ground (skiing, running in the forest and park, outdoor and sports games).

From physical training methods as a rule, a repeated method is used with optimal efforts with an average number of repetitions (not “to failure”). It is recommended to perform exercises from different starting positions, at a different pace, alternate with exercises for relaxation, breath control. Exercises should not be accompanied by tension, enslavement of muscles. They should be stopped before the onset of markedly pronounced fatigue.

As control exercises to assess the level of general strength fitness can be used:

1) throwing a stuffed ball (weighing 1-3 kg for children, adolescents and girls and 5 kg for boys) with both hands from behind the head to a distance from a sitting position on the floor, legs apart;

2) long jump from a place or up from a place;

3) transition to a sitting position from a supine position, hands behind the head, feet fixed (number of repetitions in 30 s);

4) lifting straight legs to an angle of 90° while hanging on the gymnastic wall (number of times);

5) pull-ups on the crossbar for boys and young men (number of times); flexion and extension of arms in an emphasis lying on a gymnastic bench, - for girls and girls (number of times);

6) flexion and extension of the arms in an emphasis lying on the back of the gymnastic bench (number of times).

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the body and develop the ability to master them warm up and stretch massive muscle groups, increasing their elasticity and preparing the athlete's musculoskeletal apparatus for flexibility exercises.

3 General developmental exercises in emphasis and hangs

1. I. p. - crouching emphasis. With a push of the legs, go to point-blank while lying legs apart, bend over; push the legs back to and. P.

2. I. p. - emphasis lying. Flexion and extension of the body.

3. I. p. - emphasis lying behind. Max with a straight leg forward and up; the same with the other leg.

4. I. p. - emphasis lying sideways on one arm. With a push of the legs, go to point-blank crouching sideways on the same hand; the same in an emphasis lying sideways on the other hand.

5. I. p. - emphasis lying sideways on one arm on a bench, the other hand on the belt, legs crossed. Raise the pelvis as high as possible, while moving the arm from the belt up and forward; the same in an emphasis lying sideways on the other hand.

6. I. p. - emphasis lying behind, legs on a gymnastic bench. Bend over, lifting the pelvis as high as possible.