Tszyu bone training video. Recommendations from the best boxer Bone Ju Training Bone Ju on a boxing bag

Boxing is one of the most diverse sports; you need to be able to do everything. You need to be able to play football and basketball. A boxer must be in crazy good physical shape. At one time, I had to minimally turn over 15-20 tons of iron per day. The foundation we lay with this iron later turns into speed.

It is always better to build from body mass than from skeleton. I worked every muscle Special attention focused on muscles such as biceps, triceps, shoulders, leg work, back and abs. The goal was to improve muscle and joint endurance. Exercises that I did with a 90 kg barbell. - this is a bench press, I did 10 sets of 10 times. Also, endurance requires training for 15 minutes with 1 kg dumbbells, if a heavy weight person I gave 2 kg dumbbells. I bench pressed 120 kg and did 270 push-ups from the floor. Once upon a time I did 55 pull-ups, well, that was a long time ago, I think now I can still do 35 pull-ups.

Jumping rope gave me a lot, usually I jumped for about 45 minutes, there is another exercise that I really like to do, 5 minutes of jumping rope and 100 push-ups. You take a break from the jump rope by doing push-ups, and then vice versa, you take a break from the push-ups by jumping on the rope. Classes at this pace allow you to do 1111 push-ups and jump rope for 50 minutes in an hour.

Regarding nutrition, I maintained a carbohydrate diet. Not protein but carbohydrate, the whole point was that I completely removed fats and sugar from my diet. Usually our body needs proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the lack of fats in my diet led to the body taking fats from my body. Because of this, I lost about one and a half kilograms a week. Not due to water, as we usually think, but due to the removal of fats.

Now, my guys lose one and a half kilograms of weight per workout, I don’t understand how this is so. My workout required a minimum of 3 kg and a maximum of 5 kg. I taught my body to sweat, and developed such a metabolism in it, due to proper nutrition And the right image life. You need to not only eat right, but also go to bed on time. I don’t fry foods at all, I don’t drink sugary drinks, and I haven’t eaten sugar for over 20 years. But I eat a lot of vegetables and really love baked potatoes, although they say that baked potatoes turn into fat. Of course, it will turn if you do nothing, but for me it turns into quick and long-lasting energy, not in protein, which makes energy explosive.

There was a time when I took some creatine, but I'm not a fan of supplements. But I love vitamins, because the body always lacks them in our diet. Therefore, I try to eat just a huge amount of vegetables to replenish my body with vitamins.

In conclusion, I want to say that the struggle with oneself must continue throughout one’s life. Today you need to look better than yesterday, but there must be a reasonable balance so that you do not regret tomorrow but what you took today. Remember this, find balance with yourself and enjoy every moment of your life.

I would also recommend an exercise that is very simple but very effective. Take a 16-kilogram weight and walk with it, lifting and transferring it from hand to hand. Do whatever you want, but you can only release the weight after an hour.

Kostya Tszyu about bench press and proper nutrition

Martial arts always presuppose the ability to fight a duel, this is a fight, and only then, when you have proven everything to yourself, you understand that martial arts is not limited to the skills of fighting an opponent, but you need to start with the usual physical training, will learn to hit quickly and hard, take a strong grip and throw correctly. To develop the necessary qualities for this, there are hundreds of recipes, but I would like to focus on a few of the most effective ones, presented by masters of various martial arts schools.

Push-ups with cotton:


Take a lying position with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend your arms slightly at the elbows. Almost without pushing off the floor with your hands, jump up and clap your palms in the air. Land and repeat.

Train like this: count the repetitions not in the usual way, but in progression. Do 1 repetition, start the count over and do 2 repetitions, reset the count again and do 3 repetitions. Try to reach a score of 10 - this will be a very good result. Today I can do this exercise for up to 15 counts in a row.


The exercise trains the final phase of the strike and endurance; it came from early childhood, when I was trained by Nikolai Nikolaevich Lee, coach of the Russian boxing team.

Swings with dumbbells


Raise two light dumbbells in front of you and make quick swings from side to side or up and down.

Do 3 rounds of 3 minute swings, alternating the direction of movement of the dumbbells every 30 seconds.


The strength of the blow is one thing, the quality is another, when all your muscles are ready for a strong blow. Shoulder joints for a strong blow they must be very durable. The exercise is very simple, allowing you to simultaneously raise your pain threshold.

Impact simulation


Hit the target so that the fist stops within 2-3 mm of the target. Start practicing by hitting a hanging newspaper - the risk of injury is low. Then hit the wall - an uncalculated blow will be painful. In the third stage, hit mom - you feel sorry for her, and this stimulates accuracy


Besides the strength for good hit accuracy is important.


- Do you stretch before running?
- Yes, always.

How long do you run?
- First I run 25 minutes up and down the mountains, then jog along the road for 30 minutes.

What do you eat for breakfast?
- Cereals, bran, milk.

What do you do after breakfast?
- Relaxing, sleeping or doing business

When do you come to the hall?
- At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, I leave at 4.30-5.00.

What do you do after training?
- I relax, go for a massage, then watch TV.

What do you eat for lunch?
- Lots of steamed vegetables (very important for me), as well as chicken and fish. I also eat grilled red meat.

What do you do after dinner?
- Family is very important to me, but I also like to read and listen to Russian pop music.

When you go to bed?
- At 10 p.m.

What is your favorite exercise?
- Anything that tires my body. I love everything, but especially working with weights.

How many days a week do you train?
- 6 days.

Did you have a job before you won the world title?
- Yes, I served in the Russian army.

Kostya Tszyu's training to develop strength and endurance

Kostya is engaged in this program to develop strength before moving on to traditional boxing training (bag, pneumatic bag, paws, sparring).

- Touch your toes and hold this position for 10 seconds
- Body tilts, 1 minute
- Alternately swing your arms up and down, 1 minute
- Bend your knees and touch the floor

Push ups
- 50 on fists

- 4 x 10 narrow grip, 30 second break, then 1 minute break.

Jump rope
- 20 minutes at an average pace, then a 1 minute break.

- 4 x 10 wide grip, 30 second break, then 1 minute break.

- 4 x 1 minute rounds of bicep curls, 30 second break after each round, then 1 minute break.

- 4 x 15 bicep curls, 30 second break after each round, then 1 minute break.

Barbell plate
- 3 x 20, 30 second break after each set. Raise the disc with both hands to the chest, then release the disc back to the hips.

Bench press
- 70 x 75 lbs (34 kg)

Leg Raise
- 1 minute, then a 30 second break
- Lying on your back, legs extended, raise and hold your legs.

Leg Raise
- Hold 4 x 1 minute, 30 second break after each repetition
- As before, but raise your legs completely

Flexion-extension of the body
- 3 x 50 on floor, 30 second break after each rep

At the end of the workout, walk for 1 minute, then drink water and shower.

Boxing training Kostya Tszyu

- As above

Push ups
- 50 on fists

Jump rope
- 20 minutes

- 10 minutes

A fight with a shadow
- 3 rounds

- 6-12 rounds. Kostya reaches 12 rounds with 3 different sparring partners. Instead of sparring, you can work on the bag.

- 6 rounds, practicing combinations

A fight with a shadow
- 3 minutes at a slow pace

- Headstand in the center of the ring, balance and concentration (about 3 minutes), then 25 somersaults around the ring without stopping

Pneumatic bulb
- 3 minutes

Tennis ball
- Kostya has his own way of practicing hand-eye coordination. He puts on a headband with an elastic band that has a tennis ball attached to it, which he hits with his fists. Kostya strives to achieve an even rhythm, maintaining the movement of the ball and fists until the allotted time expires.

Jump rope
- 10 minutes

End of training
- Massage, drink water, shower


The famous Soviet-Australian boxer Kostya Tszyu, who is currently is the mentor of Russian boxers Alexander Povetkin and Denis Lebedev, woke up around 7 a.m. and did some muscle stretching. Then he ran for about 25 minutes in the mountains and jogged for half an hour along the road.

2 sets of exercises

For six days a week, world champion Tszyu maintained his sports uniform in the gym, where he arrived at 2 p.m. Usually training Kostya Tszyu included a set of exercises to develop endurance and strength and traditional boxing exercises.

Developing endurance and strength

First, the athlete performed a warm-up: bending down to the floor and holding his toes for up to 10 seconds, bending the body, swinging his arms up and down, bending his knees while touching the floor. Then the training consisted of 50 push-ups with fists, 10 close-grip pull-ups, 20 minutes of jumping rope, 4 sets of 10 exercises each, 4 minute sets of dumbbell exercises (biceps curls), 4 sets of 15 exercises with a barbell (biceps curls), 3 sets of 20 exercises with a barbell plate (raising the disc with both hands to the chest and lowering it back to the hips), 70 bench presses with a weight of 34 kg. After that Kostya Tszyu’s strength training complex continued with exercises for the neck(from a lying position on your back - lifting your head and moving up, down and to the sides) for one minute, lifting your legs for one minute (from a lying position on your back, legs extended, lift and hold your legs), as well as 4 series of exercises lifting and holding your legs for one minute (from a lying position on your back, legs extended, fully raise and hold your legs). Then 3 series of 50 times of flexion and extension of the body. After this, walk quietly for one minute.

Boxing training

Kostya Tszyu's boxing training video included warm-up, 50 fist push-ups, 20 minutes of jumping rope, 10 minutes of punching a punching bag, 3 rounds of shadow boxing, 6 to 12 rounds of sparring. After this – 6 rounds of paw work (it’s worth watching Kostya Tszyu’s training video), 3 minutes of slow shadow boxing, gymnastic exercises(headstand, 3 minutes of balance and concentration exercises, 25 somersaults without stopping), 3 minutes of blows on a pneumatic bag. After this, Kostya Tszyu’s training includes exercise with a tennis ball to develop hand-eye coordination(puts a bandage with an elastic band, to which a tennis ball is attached, on his head and hits the ball with his fists). At the end of the workout - 10 minutes of jumping rope.

Kostya Tszyu's training video

Kostya Tszyu is the absolute World Champion in the first welterweight category (up to 63.5). This Man is not just a boxing star. He is a legend. He moved to Australia from the disintegrating USSR, he was left there completely alone, without support, without friends, and he emerged, becoming not just a World Champion. In his weight he had no equal in all boxing versions!

The peculiarity of Kostya Tszyu’s training was the quality that made Kostya unique - for his weight he had VERY swipe. So in training, Tszyu used his supplement before moving on to the main program - he loaded the striking muscles of the arms, body and legs. Kostya actively included pull-ups, push-ups on fists, as well as bench press and others in his training program strength exercises, which allowed him to have incredible power for his weight!


In addition to the fact that Kostya paid great attention to weights, being a professional boxer and not a bodybuilder, Kostya practiced a lot in working on the bag, speed bag, sparring and shadow boxing. Kostya, like many great post-Soviet boxers, did not particularly emphasize any type of training activity and did not focus on diet. He simply followed his coach's usual instructions and put more emphasis on shadowboxing and sparring before the fight, which allowed him to remain world champion for ten years.

An athlete's childhood

Kostya Tszyu was born in the small town of Serov, Sverdlovsk region, he can rightfully be called the most famous and powerful Russian boxer of our time. The son of an ordinary metallurgical plant worker and a nurse, he was 9 years old. IN sports career became known throughout the country in 1986 - he became the USSR boxing champion among juniors. The following year, Konstantin repeated his success without any problems. In 1989 and 1991 he won the title of European Champion. In 1991, he won an absolute victory at the World Championships in Sydney. At the Olympics, unfortunately, the athlete was not able to prove himself adequately.

Sydney and the professional ring

In 1991 he won the world boxing championship in Australia. This year is considered the beginning professional career Konstantina Tszyu. Australia became Tszyu’s place of further residence and work; Tszyu’s victories in the IBF, WBC, WBA versions began from Australia. In 1995, in the USA, Ju became the IBF world champion.

In 1997, Kostya Tszyu lost to a strong athlete - Winx Phillips, which seriously weakened the chances for the future career of the Russian boxer, but Kostya did not give up and after a while he again received the WBC belt. Based on the results of his boxing career, Konstantin managed to be the World Champion in boxing among professionals in three versions and even was absolute champion World Boxing.

Among our boxer’s opponents there were many strong fighters, world famous, such as, for example, Roger Mayweather, the uncle of the now famous Champion and his coach, Julio Cesar Chavez Sr., Zab Judah and, of course, Ricky Hatton, who became the last opponent of Tszyu and who took the Champion title from the Russian.

After sports

Kostya Tszyu is working out social activities, creates charitable foundations in Russia, trains famous boxers. His name is immortalized in the international boxing hall of fame, but Konstantin considers his family to be his main sporting victory. Konstantin has Russian and Australian citizenship and leads a fairly active sports and business life around the globe. All that remains is to wish success to our illustrious Champion.