Strength exercises at home. Strength Training Program - Basics, Tips & Tricks

Explosive strength is the ability to apply the most force in the least amount of time. In the process of performing explosive movements, the muscles contract very quickly, almost instantly. At the same time, not only they experience the load, but also the nervous system, which provides a quick response of muscle fibers to a signal to contract.

Explosive strength often develops in parallel with muscle reactivity - the ability to quickly switch from eccentric to concentric contractions.

Concentric contractions occur when the muscles change the position of the body, overcoming resistance, and eccentric contractions occur when the muscles stretch, yielding to the force of gravity of the limb or load.

During exercises for the development of only explosive strength, there is no stretching phase: the muscles quickly move from a relaxed state to an active one. If, during the exercise, the muscles are not just tensed, but pre-stretched, this also develops reactive ability.

Let's take an example. If jumping to a hill is performed from a relaxed state, for example, from a sitting position on a pedestal (the athlete is sitting, the muscles are relaxed), then only explosive strength develops. If, before the jump, the athlete does a deep squat, stretching the muscles, reactive ability also develops.

Why Train Explosive Strength

The ability to make the maximum effort in the minimum amount of time is necessary in many sports disciplines:

  • In team sports: football, basketball, tennis.
  • In martial arts, for example in boxing, where the combination of force and speed of impact is of decisive importance.
  • In the sprint. The ability of the muscles to make the most rapid contraction increases the speed of running.
  • AT weightlifting. Unlike powerlifting, where mostly pure strength is trained, power is more important in weightlifting, which directly depends on explosive strength. Weightlifting exercises - snatch, clean and jerk, clean-up - are performed with the fastest possible squat and exit, moreover, the faster the athlete moves from squat to pressing the barbell, the better his performance.

Explosive strength is also useful for bodybuilding. By themselves, explosive loads have little effect on muscle growth, but they help overcome the stagnation caused by the adaptation of the body. To resume muscle growth, you need to provide the body with an unusual stress load. Explosive exercises become such a load.

Besides, correct execution explosive exercises with a good warm-up and adequate load can reduce the risk of injury.

Explosive Strength Exercises

High jumps

During the fall, the athlete accumulates kinetic energy, and when landing, an eccentric muscle contraction occurs under the weight of the body, which then instantly changes to concentric - jumping out.

Deep jumps are a rather difficult exercise for unprepared people. Therefore, before proceeding with it, it is worth mastering a few simpler ones:

  • jumping up stairs;
  • jumping from foot to foot;
  • long jump;
  • jumping over obstacles - low barriers (the jump is performed with two legs at once);
  • long jump with kettlebells in hand.

When you hold the bar in straightened arms, an eccentric contraction of the muscles occurs: they stretch under the weight of the bar. At the moment of taking the barbell on the chest, the muscles abruptly switch to a concentric contraction.

This snatch exercise cannot be done slowly, so it is explosive by default. To perform it as quickly and sharply as possible and pump exactly explosive power, do not take a lot of weight, 50–60% of a one-rep maximum is enough.

Like the previous exercise, the jerk from the hang is performed as quickly as possible. Unlike the normal snatch in weightlifting, there is a slight pause between the pull and the lift, which reduces inertia and provides more load during the lift. Working weight - 50-60% of the one-rep maximum.

Another snatch exercise that develops explosive muscle strength. First you go into a shallow squat (eccentric contraction) and then straighten your legs in an explosive motion while pushing the bar up. During the push, the main load falls on the shoulders. If you are trying to lift the barbell with the triceps, it will reduce the effectiveness of the push.

Plyometric push-ups

There are a huge number - with jumping, clapping, lifting after the phase of stretching the muscles. Here is a good selection of push-ups for developing explosive strength - it looks just incredible.

The basic movement is a push-up followed by a jump. There are many variations of this exercise:

  • push-ups with hands on the medicine ball and tossing this ball during the jump;
  • with jumping on the pedestal instead of jumping;
  • on one leg (both push-ups and a jump);
  • with cotton during the jump;
  • with a jump, during which the legs are pulled to the chest;
  • with jumping over the cabinet after push-ups.

Choose according to your skill level.

This exercise can be performed in different ways: jumps with an eccentric phase (as shown above) to develop the reactive ability of the muscles or without it.

In the first case, the jump is performed from a low squat, in the second - from a sitting position. When the athlete sits on the pedestal, the leg muscles are in a relaxed state, and then they abruptly move to the concentric phase - the jump.

Instead of a pedestal, you can use different elevations, depending on your preparedness. For jumping, stairs, low obstacles are suitable. When you master jumping with your own weight, you can complicate the exercise: jump with dumbbells or kettlebells in your hands.

Jumping on one leg

A more difficult version of jumping out, when the load is completely transferred to one leg.

This is an easier option for beginners. The faster you jump out of the lunge, the better.

One of basic exercises c - throwing a stuffed ball. The muscles are stretched in the squat, and then sharply straightened during the throw. The weight and height of the medicine ball toss depends on your ability.

In general, almost any bodyweight or free weight exercise can be turned into an explosive exercise by increasing the speed of the concentric phase. For example, while squatting with a barbell, you can do a sharp rise after a slow squat.

Now let's look at how explosive strength training is built.

How to choose a workout

Warm up

Before training, be sure to warm up. Only a masochist who dreams of sprains and sprains can perform an explosive effort without a warm-up. If your workout will last 45 minutes, then ten of them should be devoted to warming up and stretching. Special attention Give the muscle groups that will have the main load.

Choice of exercises

Until your muscles are accustomed to explosive loads, choose exercises with your own weight. Well suited long jump, jumping on a hill. In the first case, you will easily track your progress, in the second, you can adjust the difficulty as you get used to it.

First you can use a ladder or a step platform, then go to a cabinet, and then increase the difficulty either due to height, for example, putting pancakes on it, or by weighting it with dumbbells or kettlebells.

Also suitable for beginners are burpees in all their diversity, jumping with a change of legs, push-ups, throwing the ball.

Number of repetitions and approaches

The workout will consist of 3-6 exercises. For example, it could be a set of burpees, box jumps, and ball throws.

As for the number of sets and repetitions, it all depends on the chosen exercises and your preparation:

  • If you're doing light exercises like jumping lunges with change legs or box jumps without weights, do 2-4 sets of 8-10 reps.
  • If you choose heavier exercises, such as a snatch from a hang, jumping on a cabinet with kettlebells, complex plyometric push-ups, do 3-7 sets of 2-3 reps.

A good option for trained athletes - circuit training. One circle consists of three explosive exercises, which are performed one after another with a break of 10 seconds.

Here is an approximate scheme: power out - 10 seconds of rest - jumping on the pedestal - 10 seconds of rest - throwing the ball - 90 seconds of rest - the next circle.

When choosing the number of circles and exercises, focus on your feelings. On average, four circles of 3-5 repetitions of each exercise will be enough.

Rest between sets

The break between sets should be no more than 30 seconds. Explosive exercises do not tire the muscles much, so this time will be enough. Before doing the next exercise, you can rest for 1-2 minutes.

Number of workouts per week

If you work out only explosive power, the rest of the indicators will begin to decline. Moreover, explosive movements load not only and not so much the muscles as the nervous system. Therefore, they should be performed no more than 1-2 times a week after the main workout.

If your goal is to get stronger or build muscle, it is especially important to properly combine explosive and strength exercises. The combination of strength and power training increases the level, which plays an important role in muscle growth and fat reduction. Thus, the implementation of explosive complexes after strength training will have a positive effect on the figure.


And the last thing worth mentioning is injury prevention. Here are some tips to help you avoid injury during explosive workouts.

  • Warm-up is required. If you are doing explosive training separately from strength training, spend at least 10-15 minutes warming up and stretching.
  • If your workout includes jumping, choose a non-rigid surface, such as the ground or rubber flooring in the gym. This will partially reduce the load on the .
  • Don't get distracted while exercising. Watch your body position. Any deviation from correct technique may result in injury.
  • Choose the right weight. Trained individuals can do explosive strength exercises with 50-60% of their 1-rep max. That is, if you can do one squat with a barbell weighing 60 kilograms, then for the explosive performance of this exercise, choose a weight of 35 kilograms. For weighted jumps, a weight of 30% of a one-rep maximum is suitable.

Have you tried explosive exercises? Share your training experience in the comments.

    Strong hands are the pride of any man. This is even more true for athletes. Hand exercises are an essential part of any training program. The article describes the most effective and techniques for developing grip in the gym and at home. The complex and individual options are suitable for men and girls.

    Things to remember when training arm strength

    The first thing that should not be forgotten is that brushes, like the neck, are a complex “designer”, consisting of many elements. Complexity provides mobility, but it is dangerous to overload these muscles. You should not rashly lean on weights and sin with technique. This will not bring you closer to the goal, but it will increase the risk of getting off the training rut for a long time. On the other hand, a gradual but constant increase in loads is necessary. Give the hands the same attention as the "standard" muscle groups.

    Beware of falling into the network of stereotypes. There is an opinion that strong hands- Definitely big. No one argues that, other things being equal, the mass decides. But to achieve great strength is real and without fouling with muscles. There are enough examples of athletes with strong, but not too voluminous hands. Armwrestling icon John Brzenk doesn't have monstrous bulk. At the same time, the athlete for many years defeated much larger rivals.

    Bruce Lee can be considered a classic example of an amazing combination of "small format" and impressive arm strength. According to some sources, the martial artist once defeated his friend in the arms, who was none other than the US arm wrestling champion. It is difficult to say how true this story is, but it is known for certain that Bruce trained the grip maniacally.

    The conclusion is simple - exercises for the strength of the muscles of the hands work. Those who are not inclined to bulk or do not want to increase in size should not be afraid of modest strength results. With the proper approach to training, it is quite possible to turn your hands into pincers.

    And further. We recommend that you become an adept at training diversity. Yes, one or two exercises can also give a solid increase in strength. This is proved by those who are deprived of the opportunity to vary the complexes. But eclectic is better. “Bombardment” of muscles and ligaments at different angles and under different conditions will allow you to fully unlock your power potential.

    There are 4 main types of grip:

    • Retaining. Fulfilling deadlift, the athlete uses this type.

    • squeezing. A firm handshake is the best example.

    • "Carpal". In this case, it is more correct to speak of a combination of grip and wrist strength; An example is holding a chair by the legs.

    • plucked. The ability to hold a heavy object with a pinch is also hard work.

    To become a versatile strongman, work in all directions.

    Exercises for different parts of the hands

    Consider the basic exercises for various muscle groups of the hands. Let's go through the hands from the bottom up - from the hands to the deltas.

    Hand training

    You can train your hands both in the gym and at home, using various techniques and equipment. To begin with, about how to increase grip strength by working with an expander and gymnastic equipment.

    With an expander

    Using a rubber ring or a spring projectile is a classic scheme for increasing grip strength. Exercise examples:

    • squeezing and unclenching the projectile - as an option, you can work with only two or three fingers or lean on static - hold the compressed expander for a while;
    • twisting rubber figure eight - perfectly develops finger strength;
    • stretching rubber bands with your fingers - the intensity is increased by increasing the number of elements;
    • squeezing a tennis ball.

    The load is limited by the number of repetitions, the degree of tightness of the projectile and time. You can train purposefully, doing several sets to the limit, or from time to time throughout the day. The expander is convenient in that it takes up a minimum of space, so you can work with it anytime and anywhere.

    On gymnastic equipment

    Gymnastic apparatus or their imitation will help develop an unusually strong grip.

    Exercise examples:

    • Hanging on the horizontal bar. There are many ways to diversify the exercise - here are the options: hanging on two hands with weights; hanging on one hand for a while; hanging on several fingers; hanging on a thick and / or rotating bar.
    • Separately, it is worth mentioning the hang on towels. Unlike the horizontal bar, the vertical grip maximizes thumb. It is this exercise that Paul Wade recommends in the first place in the famous book "Training Zone". Anyone who can hang on one arm on a thick towel for a minute can safely challenge the strongest armlifters.
    • . There are also a large number of variations - light, with extra weight, with different setting of brushes, for speed, performing statics (similar to hanging on towels), etc.

    Forearm workout

    There are three main exercises that develop powerful forearms:

  1. Bending the hands with dumbbells (grip from below): the exercise is aimed at developing the inner part of the forearm.
  2. Bending of the brushes with dumbbells (grip from above): an option designed for the outer zone.
  3. Overhand Dumbbell or Barbell Curl: This exercise also helps to strengthen and swing the outer forearms.

Biceps workout

The favorite muscles of most gym goers are trained in different ways. Classic exercises include:

  • bending the arms with a barbell (straight bar);
  • barbell curls (EZ bar);
  • barbell curls on the Scott bench;
  • bending the arms with dumbbells with a grip from below, with supination of the hands;
  • dumbbell-style hammer curls - palms turned to the body.

All of these options involve the biceps, but each differs in certain nuances. Performing all the variations, you will achieve a comprehensive development of the biceps. Working "for strength", it is not necessary to resort to diversity. There are quite a few athletes who have developed tremendous power using 1-2 exercises.

Triceps workout

Most of the arm is "given" to the triceps muscle. Therefore, those who seek to increase volumes should first of all lean on this muscle group, and not on the biceps. Basic exercises:

  • bench press with a narrow grip - the narrower the grip, the more the triceps are loaded;
  • French press - extension of the arms (with a barbell or dumbbells) at the elbows; the traditional position is lying down, but you can also do it sitting;
  • extension of the arms downwards on a block simulator - it is best to use not a handle, but ropes.

Delta training

We owe a powerful V-shaped appearance to the developed deltoid muscles. The foundation:

  • bench press standing or sitting - aimed at the front beams of the deltas and a set of enormous strength (the bench press was a part of weightlifting triathlon for a long time, until the exercise was removed from the competitive complex);
  • bench press from behind the head - aimed at the development of medium beams;

  • swing dumbbells to the sides while standing: goal - medium beams;
  • swinging dumbbells in front of you - develop the frontal zone of the deltas;
  • tilt dumbbell swings - designed for training the rear deltas.

Exercise at home and in the gym

All the described exercises with a barbell and dumbbells are suitable for both the gym and the home. At home, the easiest way to manage is with dumbbells and your own weight. Fitness equipment will help you in the gym.

Gym exercises

If you already pay for a subscription, you should use the full benefits of such training. In the gym, the following exercises are suitable for strengthening the arms:

  • bench press in the Smith machine;

  • abduction of hands in the simulator "butterfly";
  • bending the arms on the block;
  • extension of the arms on the block (using either the handle or the ropes);
  • bench press with a narrow grip in the Smith machine;
  • push-ups on uneven bars with a minimal inclination of the body;
  • work with sandbags - various exercises (pressing, pushing, holding a bag without straps).

Of the options described, the most useful for strengthening hands are bench presses in Smith and work with bags of different weights. Almost everything else is an add-on.

It is much more useful to train with free weights: the same dumbbells or kettlebells fit easily into the home interior. There are examples when world champions trained in their home basement with only barbells and racks.

Home exercises

For those who are unable to visit gym and to equip the apartment with iron, we recommend using your own weight. Even training in this format, you can achieve excellent strength performance. The next section is about what additional equipment is suitable at home and in the gym. And here - about exercises with your weight for the development of muscles and ligaments of the hands.


  • pull-ups on the crossbar with a grip towards you;
  • mutual resistance of both hands: the working hand, which is “trying” to bend at the elbow, is held in the wrist by the other hand; This is a static exercise aimed at developing tendon strength.
  • push-ups from the floor with a narrow grip;

  • push-ups on one arm, located extremely close to the body, strictly under the shoulder - on the way to doing the exercise to develop the strength of the arms, you will have to deviate from the ideal, helping the limbs with both the body and the legs.

What else can you recommend for training hands at home? Holding a chair with your wrists, lifting a bag (or other uncomfortable heavy objects), winding a cable with a weight around a round handle, holding a tight ball with a fixed load, trying to tear a thick reference book or bend a metal rod, etc.

Lots of options. These are more than enough, but you can always connect your imagination and diversify your workouts. The beauty of "manual" exercises lies precisely in the ability to perform them anytime and anywhere.

Exercises with different equipment

Barbells and dumbbells are only part of the sports equipment. Consider shells that can (and sometimes should) be used additionally.


Shells that were traditionally used by Russian strongmen of the past and which are now gaining popularity around the world. Most of the exercises described above are performed similarly with kettlebells. The specificity of this “iron” is in too large a step of weights. Otherwise, kettlebells have a lot of advantages, and many (including outstanding athletes) consider the Russian classics more suitable for developing strength and functionality than a barbell and dumbbells.

Heavy athletic ball

A heavy ball can be a good addition to a classic. What can be done with it? Yes, a lot. For example:

  • toss up - the main load falls on the shoulders and triceps;

  • bend your arms, holding the ball from below and to the side - biceps, forearms and hands are well loaded;
  • unbend your arms at the elbows from behind the head - the triceps should also work.

An alternative to the ball is sandbags (sandbags or other fillers) that are popular today. The bags have comfortable handles - a good help in many exercises. But for a powerful study of the grip, it is better to refuse the straps.

Training complexes on hand

What to do with all these hand strength exercises? Training facilities are countless. Let's give a couple of examples.

Complex for deltas and triceps:

Description of the exercise
Standing barbell press - deltasThe bar is taken from the racks and held in front of the chest at shoulder width. Without turning on the legs, the projectile is squeezed up.
Mahi dumbbells to the sides - deltasStarting position - arms with dumbbells lowered down. Hands are raised to a level just above the shoulders. After overcoming the line of deltas, the brushes are slightly turned so that the little fingers are at the top.
Close Grip Bench Press - TricepsGrip - 10-20 cm. The bar is taken from the racks, lowered to the chest and squeezed up.
Dumbbell Elbow Extension - TricepsStarting position - the body and shoulder are parallel to the floor, the forearms and hands are perpendicular. The arm at the elbow is unbent to the stop, lingering at the climax for 1-2 seconds.

Complex for biceps, forearms and hands:

Exercise and working muscle groups Description of the exercise
Barbell Curls - BicepsStarting position - hands with a barbell (grip from below) are lowered down. With the efforts of the biceps, the projectile is brought to the shoulders, and then slowly lowered.
Seated Hammer Curl - BicepsStarting position - hands (turned to the body) with dumbbells lowered down. With the efforts of the biceps, the shells lead to the shoulders, and then slowly lowered. In addition to developing biceps, the exercise helps to increase strength in the bench press.
Overhand Barbell Curl - ForearmsSimilar to the first exercise (for biceps), but with the opposite grip.
Holding the bar while standing - brushes (grip)Starting position - hands with a bar are lowered down, in front of the legs. You need to stay as long as possible. It is better to use a thick neck. Not every gym has such equipment, so you can wrap the neck with a towel - this will significantly increase the load on the hands, removing it from the back and legs.

The number of approaches of each exercise to increase the strength of the hands is within 2-3 (not counting the warm-up). The number of repetitions is 5-10 (the fewer repetitions, the greater the calculation for the development of strength).

A little about exercises for girls

Strong arms are also good for girls, but for most women, this goal is located somewhere at the end of the list of training priorities. In the foreground - the hands are beautiful, toned. Therefore, the exercises need to be performed others and with a small weight.

An approximate complex is in the table.

Working muscle groups Description of the exercise
TricepsPerformed sitting on a chair. The hand is raised up - the elbow is near the ear, the palm is turned outward. They bend an arm with a dumbbell, winding the brush behind the head. To strengthen the muscles, the maximum angle at the elbow is 90 degrees.
TricepsThe body and right shoulder are parallel to the floor, the left knee rests on a bench or chair. Unbend the right arm at the elbow until it stops. After the approach, they change position and working hand.
DeltaSitting on a chair / bench - shoulders in a cross, forearms are vertical, palms out. Straighten both arms at the same time, squeezing the dumbbells up. At the climax, the elbows are slightly bent (a matter of safety).
BicepsSitting on a chair / bench - arms with shells down, palms facing you. Alternately bend the arms at the elbows, turning the hands towards the body.
forearmsKneeling in front of a chair / bench - the left hand, palm up, hangs from the edge of the support. Bend the wrist all the way. Then they change hands.

Start your workout with 7-10 minutes warm-ups. During the warm-up, all organs - the heart, lungs, muscles - are "worked in", preparing for a real load. Before strength training it is important to stretch the ligaments and joints well so as not to damage them. We recommend this workout:

  • brisk walking, light running (you can do it on the spot), light jumps - 2-3 minutes;
  • rotation of the hands - 10 times in each direction;
  • rotation or swinging arms in the shoulders - 10 times in each direction;
  • rotation in the knees - 10 times in each direction;
  • tilts to the sides alternately to the right and to the left - 10 times;
  • lean forward, then bend back - 10 times;
  • body rotation - 10 times in each direction;
  • turns or tilts of the head - 10 times in each direction;
  • a few stretching exercises (1-2 minutes).

By the end of the warm-up, your heart rate should reach the value at which fat burning occurs (we determined it on the previous page), the main part of the training should be carried out with a heart rate within these limits. End your workout with stretching exercises (minimum 5 minutes).

The main part of the workout should include 5-6 exercises for different muscle groups. Beginners should start with 2-3 approaches, trained ones can bring the number of approaches to 4-6 or increase the number of exercises to 7-8

Number of repetitions in each approach depends on the goal you set. The most harmonious load, which develops both strength and strength endurance, is given by 15-20 repetitions for exercises on the abdominal muscles and 8-12 repetitions for exercises for other muscle groups performed at an average pace. If you want to develop strength endurance and burn fat first of all, then you need to reduce the burden, and increase the number of repetitions to 25-30 for the press and up to 15-18 for other muscles; do exercises at a high pace (women are better off doing this). If your main goal is to develop strength, then you need to increase the weight and reduce the number of repetitions: 10-12 for the press and 4-6 for other muscles; perform slowly (so you can only train well prepared).

Important: the last repetition in each approach should be really the last, you should not have the strength to perform this exercise again. Otherwise, there will be little benefit from training. Choose exercises and weights appropriately. Exercises must be performed at full amplitude, from one extreme position to another, unless otherwise stated in the description of a particular exercise.

Do the exercises in a circle: do all the exercises of the complex in 1 approach, rest for 1-2 minutes, then start the next circle. Well-trained people can perform 2-3 exercises in a row for one muscle group, resting between sets for 30-60 seconds.

Exercise complexes

We emphasize that the above sets of exercises are not intended for those who want to build muscle like Schwarzenegger or become a weightlifting world champion, but for simple low- and medium-trained people whose goal is to lose excess weight, to form a slender and toned figure, to find the necessary minimum sportswear. Approximate sets of exercises are given, you can change the exercises for others that you like more, for the same muscle groups, alternate different exercises from workout to workout, the main thing is that in each workout there are exercises for all major muscle groups (arms - biceps and triceps , shoulder girdle, back, abdominals, legs). A detailed description of the exercises is given below.

A set of exercises for beginners

A set of exercises for moderately prepared

A set of exercises for well prepared

Description of exercises for various muscle groups

Most of the above exercises do not require special expensive equipment, simulators, etc., they can be performed at home, at any school gym or sports ground. As a burden in many exercises, your own weight is enough, in others you can use simple inexpensive devices: a rubber band, dumbbells, a barbell, a kettlebell, an expander, even a bag filled with stones. In those exercises where the bar should lie on the shoulders (squats, tilts), you can put it on the shoulders instead of the bar or take your training partner with a suitable weight to "mill".


  • Bench press from behind the head while standing or sitting
  • Pulling a barbell, weight or rubber band hooked to the legs to the chin in a standing position
  • Lifting straight arms with dumbbells up through the sides, standing

Deltoids + Triceps

  • Bench press (dumbbell) from the chest while standing


  • Close Grip Bench Press
  • Extension of arms with a barbell (dumbbells) from behind the head lying on a horizontal bench ("French" press)

Chest + triceps

  • Bench press (dumbbell) lying on a horizontal bench
  • Push-ups in an emphasis lying. I.P. emphasis lying, straight arms shoulder-width apart, legs resting on socks, back straightened. Beginners and women can lean not on the toes, but on their knees, or do the exercise not in a horizontal position, but with their shoulders above their legs (hands on a chair, stand, etc.). You can do push-ups leaning on your palms, on fists, on five, four, three fingers. The exercise can be made more difficult by changing the position of the arms and legs (wider, narrower); pushing off the support with your hands and clapping your palms against each other, transferring the weight of the body alternately to the left and right hands, putting weight on the shoulder blades (pancake from the bar, ask someone small to sit down), etc.
  • Push-ups on the uneven bars. This exercise is for the advanced. Additional weights can be attached to the belt. For redistribution power load on various muscle groups of the belt of the upper limbs, you can do push-ups by bending in the lower back or bending over, with your knees pulled up to your chest, gripping your hands from the inside.


  • In the hands of a dumbbell, a barbell or a rubber band hooked to the legs, a grip from above or below; bending the arms at the wrists


  • Biceps raise. I.P. standing, sitting or with shoulders resting on an inclined board, in the hands of a dumbbell, a barbell or a rubber band hooked to the legs, grip from above or below; flexion-extension of the arms in the elbow joints
  • Pull-ups on the crossbar with a medium, narrow or wide grip with hands from above and below. Additional weights can be attached to the belt. Beginners and women can pull themselves up from a supine position on a bar located from the floor at the height of outstretched arms (with this pull-up, the heels rest on the floor, the back and legs are straight).

Trapezius muscles of the back.

  • Traction of a barbell, weight, rubber band or handle of a block simulator to the chin in a standing position

Latissimus dorsi

  • Bent-over barbell, kettlebell or dumbbell row to chest
  • Traction of the handle of the block simulator to the stomach in a sitting position

Long back muscles

  • Deadlift barbell (weights). I.P. in an inclination, legs shoulder-width apart, slightly bent. We straighten up to a vertical position due to the muscles of the back, the barbell is in straight arms.
  • Tilts. I.P. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, barbell on shoulders behind head. Tilt to 90 degrees, return to I.P. Keep legs straight
  • Trunk extension from a prone position face down across the training bench or on a special machine. I.P. lying face down, pelvis on a bench, gymnastic horse or similar device, legs secured just below the level of the pelvis, upper body hanging down, hands locked at the back of the head. Lift up upper part torso, trying to bend as much as possible in the back, to raise the head as high as possible. To increase the load, you can take it in your hands, pressing it to your chest, weighting - a dumbbell, a pancake from the bar

Quadriceps femoris

  • Squats. Beginners can do without weights, trained - with a barbell on their shoulders, on their chest
  • Single leg squat (pistol)
  • Bench press
  • Leg extension while sitting on a simulator for training thigh muscles
  • Jumping up to an elevation (steps, pedestals, etc.). It is performed with a push of two legs with the help of a swing with the arms up. Increase jump height gradually
  • Jumping over obstacles (gymnastic bench, beam, etc.) sideways, back and forth, with turns of 90, 180 and 360 degrees


  • Deadlift barbell (kettlebell) with straight legs
  • Calf Curl Lying Face Down on a Thigh Machine

calf muscles

  • Climb on toes with weights on the shoulders

Abdominal muscles

  • Bending the body at an angle from a supine position. I.P. lying on your back, arms extended behind your head: bending the body at the hip joints - touch the raised toes with your fingers and return to I.P. The exercise can be performed with additional weights on the legs in the form of cuffs, pads.
  • Bending the body at an angle from a prone position with alternate rotation of the body from left to right. I.P. lying on your back, arms extended behind your head, legs slightly bent at the knees: bend at the hip joints and, turning alternately left or right with your left or right elbow (or shoulder), try to touch the right (left) knee and return to I.P.
  • Raising the legs from a supine position. I.P. lying on your back, arms extended behind your head: raise your legs up and, bending your torso, lower them behind your head, touching the floor with your toes (beginners can limit themselves to raising their legs to a vertical position). Try to keep your legs straight. Exercise can be performed with additional weights on the legs.
  • Bending the torso from a supine position. I.P. lying on your back, hands in the lock at the back of the head (beginners can keep their hands on their chest or stomach), legs slightly bent at the knees, can be fixed. Raise your torso and lean forward, then return to I.P. To complicate this exercise, you can perform this exercise with a dumbbell or a pancake from a barbell in your hands (behind your head or on your chest).
  • Flexion and extension of the body in the hip joints ("water pump"). I.P. lying down, legs as wide as possible, arms straight, bend in the lower back, lowering the pelvis as low as possible: without bending straight arms and legs, bend at the hip joints to the maximum and return to I.P.
  • Swing your legs forward, to the side, back, first with one foot, then with the other. Performed with hand support (on a chair, any rack or wall) or without support. It can be performed with additional weights (cuffs, pads on the legs or feet), with the resistance of a rubber shock absorber.
  • Raising the legs to the crossbar. I.P. hanging on the crossbar or on the gymnastic wall with a grip from above: raise your legs to the crossbar, trying not to bend them at the knees. For additional load on the oblique abdominal muscles, you can lift your legs up - to the side (left leg to right hand, right - to the left), as well as perform circular movements of the legs to the left and right.

To increase strength, you need to work on speed.

Here it is worth remembering the lessons of physics and the formula: force = mass * acceleration.

In other words, you have to train explosive or starting strength - the ability to show maximum strength in an instant, to overcome significant resistance with extreme speed.

Intramuscular coordination is largely responsible for this, so explosive strength is important for team sports, sprinting, boxing, as well as powerlifting and weightlifting. It is noted that the inclusion of athletes in training programs exercises to develop power, explosive strength, makes them less vulnerable to injury.

It is necessary to train explosive strength in large muscle groups: legs, chest, upper back. Only one exercise per group should be performed at a time.

Explosive strength training will not only make you more powerful, but will also give you an impetus to new peaks in terms of figure. For example, they can cause an increase in the diameter of the musculature, which was inactive due to adaptation to normal loads.

What exercises should be used to build a training program?

  1. Ballistic exercises (throwing, jumping, etc.).
  2. Squats.
  3. Lunges with weight.
  4. Stair running.
  5. Weighted / dynamic step exercises.
  6. Exercises for the development of dexterity.
  7. Sprint.

It is believed that exercises that are aimed at developing the muscles of the legs improve the explosive strength of the whole body. And programs for training the starting power of the muscles of the chest and back act pointwise - precisely on these groups.

Sudden movements and jumps are contraindicated in diseases of the joints and spine. It is also important to have an initial physical training, for example, the experience of exercising in the gym for six months and trained core muscles (press and lumbar).

Principles of training

The following principles can be used in one program:

  1. The principle of speed. During training, take a weight with which you can do no more than 6-7 repetitions. Perform the first phase of the movement as quickly as possible, with an “explosion”, and return to the starting position as slowly as possible. Do no more than 2 sets. Work according to this principle no more than 1 time per week;
  2. The principle of progressive rest. Set a weight that you can only do three reps with. Do them, then rest for 30 to 45 seconds. After the next approach, rest for 45 seconds - a minute. And after the third time - a minute - one and a half. Then do round 4;
  3. The principle of progressive loading. With each workout, increase the number of approaches and working weight.

It is important to “listen” to your body and, if unpleasant or painful sensations occur, analyze what they come from. If necessary, reduce weight or stop exercising. It is always better to stop than to miss a few workouts due to an injury.

Explosive Bench Strength Training

Prepare the weight - 60-70% of what you could squeeze out only 1 time. Perform exercises in 3 sets. To increase the load in the future, add weight, not sets.

Classic bench press

Take the starting position on the bench, take the barbell from the racks, stretch your arms and, while inhaling, slowly lower the barbell until it touches your chest. On a sharp exhalation, squeeze its top as quickly as possible, then lower it back three times more slowly. Perform 6 - 10 repetitions. Even if each time the speed slows down, still try to do the exercise at maximum speed. For a change, you can use rubber or chains.

Semi-squat bench press

Take a starting position: back is straight, semi-squat (110-120 degrees), head in a natural position, look forward. Raise the bar sharply and straighten your legs at the same time. The movements of the arms and legs must be strictly synchronized. Perform 3-6 reps in 1 set.

Half squat dumbbell press

Take the starting position: the back is even, half-squat (110-120 degrees), the head is in a natural position, the elbows are looking forward. Raise the dumbbells sharply and straighten your legs at the same time. In the middle of the repetition, change the position of the hands so that the elbows are turned out. In this position, squeeze it all the way. Perform 3-6 reps in 1 set. This exercise will also “hook” the quadriceps. Can be done with kettlebells.

Explosive leg strength training

Prepare a weight of 55-60% of the maximum.

Box squats 60 cm

The height of the box may be different, the main thing is that squatting on it completely imitates a squat without support: the thigh-shin angle is 90 degrees.
Legs wide, toes turned 45 degrees to the side. We squat on the box, relaxing the hips and buttocks. Then we rise sharply, excluding the “spring effect” (we don’t spring, we don’t push off the box). Also, you can not lean back and swing to lift. We perform 2 repetitions - 7-9 approaches with a break of 30-45 seconds.

60cm box squats with bands

We set the rubber in line with the legs at the moment of lifting up, the place of attachment of the rubber is clearly under the bar (under the pancakes). At the top, the rubber should have almost maximum tension, at the bottom - weaker. You can complicate the program both by increasing the weight of the bar, and by stretching the rubber. We perform 2 repetitions - 7-9 approaches with a break of 30-45 seconds.

Jumping from the gray to the box

The position of the legs is the same as with squats. We install a box of 60 cm for gray hair, and after 2 meters - another one, 1 meter high. We swing our arms and make an explosive jump from a squat onto a box, landing on our toes.

You can complicate it due to the distance at which the jump box is installed. You can increase it gradually during your workout. And when the maximum distance is set, it is necessary to make 5 jumps in this position. Rest between jumps 10-15 seconds, perform the maximum number of repetitions.

Jumping from a gray box to a box with weights

You can pick up a medicine ball and gradually increase the load, at the end jumping already with kettlebells. Rest between jumps 10-30 seconds, perform the maximum number of repetitions.

High jumps with a spring

Set the obstacle to the maximum height you can jump. We squat into a deep squat, push off with our hands and jump to the surface. Rest between jumps 10-30 seconds, perform the maximum number of repetitions.

Explosive pull-up strength training

Push-ups on the uneven bars

They need to be performed with weights for 8-10 repetitions - 3-4 sets.

Pull-ups on the bar

During the exercise, it is necessary to “throw” yourself up, and then lower as slowly as possible.

Deep Pullups

It is necessary to sharply lift yourself up to the level of the chest, while maintaining the position of the body strictly perpendicular to the crossbar - thus maximizing the use of the back. Do 3-5 reps for 3-4 sets.

Exit with force

Pulling yourself over the bar to a level below the abdomen with a sharp grip. Pull yourself up sharply above the horizontal bar, then bend your hands and squeeze yourself over the horizontal bar. Do 3-5 reps for 3-4 sets.

Concentric pull-ups

They eliminate eccentric loading, which is most effective in explosive strength training. Pull yourself up sharply, and then immediately jump to the floor or box, bypassing the lowering phase with the help of muscle load. Perform 3-5 reps in 3-4 sets.

Complex 12 (Fig.).

Total time - 13 min.

Working time - 7 min.

The approximate number of movements is 600.

1. From behind, lifting the legs into a corner, followed by a return to the starting position - 2 x 10 times.

2. From the stop lying on the floor, push-ups from the floor, bending and unbending the arms, - 10-15 times.

3. Lying on your back, flexion and extension of the legs and torso with a grip on the lower leg with your hands - 2 x 10 times.

4. Lying on the stomach, hands behind the head, raising and lowering the body, arching the back - 2 x 10 times.

5. From the main stand, squat with the arms extended with dumbbells forward and stand on your toes, moving your arms back - 2 x 10 times.

6. From the main stance, jumping rope with forward rotation. Rest interval 50 s - 2 x 50.

7. Squatting on two legs - 15 times.

Complex 13 (Fig.).

Total time - 14 min.

Working time - 8 min.

The approximate number of movements is 650.

1. With two hands, toss the ball 1-2 m with stuffing and catch (the mass of the stuffed ball is 1-3 kg). The pace is average - 3 x 10 times.

2. I.p. - Feet shoulder-width apart, torso leaning forward. Quickly straightening up, throw the ball forward and catch it. The pace is fast and medium - 3 x 10 times.

3. From a squat, throw the ball up. Straighten up to catch the ball. The pace is medium and fast - 3 x 10 times.

4. Sitting on the floor, alternately throw the ball from hand to hand. The pace is medium and fast - 3 x 10 times.

5. Sitting on the floor, throw the ball up with both hands, take a supine position, stand up and catch the ball. The pace is average - 3 x 10 times.

Complex 14 (Fig.).

Total time - 20 min.

Working time - 11 min.

The approximate number of movements is 700.

1. Throwing the ball to a partner with a push from the chest. Options: in a jump, with a change in trajectories, catching in a jump. The pace is medium and fast - 10 times.

2. Throwing the ball to a partner from behind the head. The pace is average - 10 times.

3. Throw the ball to the partner from below. The pace is slow and medium - 10 times.

4. Sitting on the floor and putting your feet on the bench, throw the ball to each other - 10 times.

. Standing with their backs to each other, throw the ball back with a twist of the torso. Do not move your feet. The pace is medium and fast - 12 times.

6. Bending over, throw the ball between the legs back to the partner - 10 times.

7. Juggling with two balls. One partner throws on top, the other on the bottom. Options: approaching and receding. Average pace - 10 times.

8. In a deep squat, throw and catch the ball. The pace is average - 10 times.

9. In a deep lunge, throw the ball over the head and catch it. The pace is average - 10 times.

Complex 15 (Fig.).

Total time - 12 min. Working time - 7 min.

The approximate number of movements is 450.

1. Lying on your stomach, pass and catch the ball with a rebound from the wall - 15 times.

2. From a squat on one leg, the other to the side, hands behind the head, moving the center of mass from foot to foot - 10 times.

3. Lying on the stomach, bending with the abduction of the arms and legs up and back - 10 times.

4. Standing with the right (left) foot on the bench, perform tempo jumps over the bench with a change of pushing leg in an unsupported position - 20 times.

. Climbing on the gymnastic wall up and down with the help of arms and legs - 5 times.

6. Lying on your back, raise and lower your legs, touching the floor behind your head - 10 times.

7. From the hang, bending over on the gymnastic wall, raise straight or bent legs to a horizontal position - 10 times.

8. Long somersaults forward from a place from the starting position - 8 times.

9. From the stop while standing, jumping on the horse and back, bending over - 10 times.