Beyonce: the secrets of harmony and beauty. The Best Diets From Beyonce Beyonce Nutrition

Dermatologist, esthetician, honored author of Evehealth


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There is probably not a single woman in the world who would not envy perfect figure famous singer Beyoncé. Even though she gained a lot during pregnancy excess weight, after giving birth, she managed to easily part with them and even become even thinner than before pregnancy. What is the secret, you ask? The secret is in the diet that the singer was advised by her friend. The diet is called vegan.

The vegan diet, according to nutritionists, is the most unsafe for the body. Beyoncé has always stood out among other famous personalities in the fashion business because she constantly sat on strict diets, completely without fear for her health. Let's take the same one on which the singer "sat" twice a year. Thanks to her, Beyoncé dropped up to 9 kg in just 10 days, while the result lasted a very long time.

And the essence of this diet is to consume for 10 days only home-made juice from several types of lemon, hot red pepper and maple syrup. But now is not about that. Let's talk about what Beyonce's vegan diet is and what results can be achieved by "sitting" on it.

The essence of the vegan diet is the complete rejection of food of animal origin, including milk and eggs. The duration of this diet is more than 2 months. During this time, you can throw off 20 or more kg. Impressive results, right?

However, this diet negatively affects the state of health. During the "sitting" on it can be observed:

  • severe headaches;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • bleeding;
  • stomach ache;
  • general malaise and weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

If Beyoncé is your idol and you're willing to make sacrifices like cutting out animal products, then you need to know that before you cut out meat and go completely plant-based, you need to prepare your body in advance.

First, try to give up meat and meat products (sausages, sausages, etc.). However, this must be done gradually. After you have given up meat products, wait a month, or better two, until your body gets used to a new lifestyle. Then start refusing milk, and then from eggs and other dairy and sour-milk products. This should also be done gradually.

In total, it should take you at least 6 months to prepare your body for a diet. During this time, you will notice that your weight began to decrease. And after you completely switch to plant foods, the weight will begin to go away much faster. However, it should be understood that the body needs fats and proteins of animal origin, so you should not “sit out” on this diet, but you should also return to your usual diet gradually.

If you experience any health problems during the refusal of the usual diet, you should abandon the diet and find another way to lose weight that is more suitable for you.

And if your body reacted normally to innovations, then in order for your weight loss to be delicious, we advise you to watch the following videos, which give recipes for vegan dishes.

Video with vegan recipes

Meatless meatball recipe video

Many Hollywood stars also use them when they need to lose 5-10 extra pounds before filming.

Beyoncé: height, weight and figure parameters ^

Many fans of the American singer and actress are interested in how Beyoncé lost weight after giving birth?

The singer herself admits that she does not like to go on diets, but after the birth of a child, she had to go on a strict diet, since she always needs to be in shape on stage. It is worth noting that the technique was developed long before Beyoncé was born, but her personal nutritionist helped her choose this nutrition program.

The essence of Beyonce's diet is to eat only low-calorie foods, and some of her menus contain only lemonade - it is he who is most popular with other women, since you can cook it yourself.

Pros and Cons of the Beyoncé Diet

Weight loss occurs due to ridding the body of toxins, toxins and excess fluid, but if you eat fatty foods after a diet, then the weight can return. This is the only drawback, but the Beyoncé diet has more advantages:

  • Due to the fact that the products are saturated with useful substances, the feeling of hunger occurs very rarely;
  • You can quickly lose weight;
  • The whole body is cleansed, bowel function improves.

It is contraindicated to use the Beyoncé technique only for those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases and hypertension.

How much can you lose on a diet from Beyoncé Knowles

The singer claims that one day of the diet helps her get rid of 1 kilogram, since the total calorie content of foods eaten per day does not exceed 1000 Kcal.

How to achieve a figure like Beyoncé:

  • Do not eat too high-calorie foods: fried, smoked meats, sweets and flour;
  • Find time for physical activity.

How Beyoncé is losing weight: menus and recipes ^

Beyonce Lemon Diet: Menu, Recipes

Beyoncé Diet Rules:

  • As with many other diets, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of non-carbonated water daily;
  • Give preference to vegetables and fruits, and occasionally snack on nuts.

Beyoncé diet after childbirth

The singer managed to lose 25 kilograms in just 3 months after the birth of the child. The secret of such success lies in the fact that Beyoncé is engaged in dancing and fitness, and only healthy products are present in her menu:

  • Fresh, boiled or stewed vegetables;
  • Fruits;
  • boiled chicken or beef;
  • Seafood;
  • natural juices;
  • Cereal porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat).

Beyoncé and Jay Z

Beyoncé Lemonade Diet

To reduce weight by 5-6 kilograms in 5 days, use this menu:

  • On an empty stomach, drink 1 glass of lemon juice and water;
  • During the day we drink 1.5 water mixed with the juice of two lemons.

Beyoncé's Maple Syrup Diet

You can stick to such a diet for no more than three days, because. all this time it is allowed to drink only lemonade prepared according to the following recipe:

  • Squeeze juice from three lemons, mix it with maple syrup (14 tablespoons), pour 2 liters of water and add 0.5 tsp. cayenne pepper;
  • Portion is for 1 day.

Vegan Diet Beyoncé and Jay Z

The singer and her husband occasionally use a vegan diet. According to them, it cleanses the body well, gives strength and allows you to lose 6-7 kilograms in a month. The main thing is to remove from the diet all types of meat, fish, eggs, dairy and seafood, as well as honey.

Sample menu:

  • In the morning we eat fruit salad;
  • For lunch we cook lentil soup;
  • Dinner spaghetti with vegetables.

Beyoncé diet for 22 days

This diet is similar to the previous one - it also excludes animal products. You can eat only fruits, vegetables, low-fat soups and salads.

Approximate menu:

  • We have breakfast with oatmeal with raisins, before that we drink a glass of lemon water;
  • We snack on apples;
  • For an afternoon snack we eat soup;
  • For an afternoon snack - juice;
  • We have dinner with boiled vegetables.

Recipes for weight loss from Beyoncé

lentil soup recipe

  • Pour a glass of washed lentils with 1 liter of water;
  • After the lentils soften, add 3 chopped garlic cloves;
  • Remove the pan from the heat, sprinkle with dried herbs and add salt to taste.

spaghetti bolognese recipe

  • Fry 500 g of minced meat in vegetable oil, add 50 g of bolognese sauce and 0.5 l of water. Simmer for 5 minutes;
  • Boil spaghetti, mix everything and simmer for another 5 minutes, not forgetting to add salt.

Beyoncé diets: the opinion of nutritionists ^

Of course, most of Beyoncé's diets cannot be called soft, so doctors do not recommend sticking to the most strict diets more than once a year, and also using them for those who have any diseases.

In order not to immediately gain weight, you need the right way out of the diet: in the first 2 weeks, give preference to vegetables and boiled meat, and only after that occasionally eat your favorite treats.

The results of the Beyoncé diet are wonderful:

  • Slimming in a short time;
  • Good metabolism.

What Beyoncé looks like now: photo with her daughter

Feedback from our readers

Yana, 30 years old:

“I unload myself 3-4 times a month on maple syrup. The drink is absolutely normal in taste, does not cause disgust, while it satisfies the feeling of hunger and thirst well. In one day I throw off 1.5 kg on it, so I am very satisfied "

Margarita, 25 years old:

“The vegan diet really helped me lose 8 pounds and feel better, and I didn’t go hungry for a single day. Now I don't wonder why Beyoncé and Jay Z praise him so much."

Daria, 39 years old:

“On my fasting days, I drink 1.5 liters of water with lemon juice. This drink tones well, refreshes, cleanses the body, but most importantly, it helps me get rid of 1 kg of weight per day.

Eastern horoscope for May 2019

Singer Beyoncé Knowles is hard to call thin. That is why the figure of the singer during the filming of the film "Dream Girl" surprised and even frightened numerous fans.

Beyoncé shed 20 pounds in two weeks, sparking gossip about the unhealthy nature of her transformation. Nothing of the kind: the star lost weight without pills and starvation, with the help of a diet The Master Cleanser.

The singer was so pleased with the result that she later repeated her experience. After the birth of the child, she recovered significantly, but the diets allowed Knowles to lose 30 kg in just six months! The singer lost the first part of the excess weight with the help of cleansing, the second - thanks to the vegan diet. But first things first.

Beyoncé's slender figure is the result of many days of complex diets!

Diet #1: Lemon cleanse

The method is based on a course of cleansing with citrus lemonade, which is called The Master Cleanser. This diet is not new - the basis of cleansing with lemonade was laid back in the 50s of the last century by the American healer Stanley Burroughs. With this method, he treated ulcers and gastritis. The doctor tried such a cleansing on himself, which he described in the book “Health and Cleansing with Lemons”.

Burroughs weighed 104 kg, went on a diet of vegetable and fruit salads - and lost 14 kg. But his goal was much bigger. Then he started drinking his magic lemonade, and in just 20 days he dropped another 21 kg - the scales showed 79 kg. Burroughs made his lemonade based on water and lemon juice, adding hot cayenne pepper and maple syrup to them.

The treatment was supplemented with salted water, which was to be drunk in the morning, and laxative tea, which was to be drunk in the evening. The drinking regimen of the day included green tea and pure non-carbonated water. The idea of ​​​​the doctor was as follows: fat reserves are needed in order to neutralize the toxins that enter the body.

Lemon helps to remove them, which means that the body does not need to accumulate fat mass. Cayenne pepper speeds up metabolism, maple syrup replenishes energy, calcium and magnesium, and salt and tea "help" lemon - they also speed up the process of removing toxins. This is how fast weight loss happens. A pleasant side effect of the diet was an improvement in skin condition.

Before and after: Lemon cleanse allowed Beyoncé to transform

Lemon Diet Details

  1. Nutrition. Before you start a diet, get ready. You will have to give up fast foods and meat - instead, eat vegetables and fruits. It should be started three days before the start of the diet. In two days - switch to liquid food: broths and juices (fruit and vegetable). On the day before the diet, drink only orange juice. Your serving is 2 liters. If there is an acute hunger, satisfy it with small pieces of fresh vegetables.
  2. Drink. Your task is to provide the body with energy at least at a minimum level. To do this, drink 6-12 glasses of lemonade per day.
  3. Workout. Fitness will have to be abandoned. The maximum that you can afford is light aerobics. Monitor your health; if you feel weak, stop exercising: the body does not receive enough nutrients, so you should not bring it to complete exhaustion. Power training are also prohibited.
  4. The duration of the diet and the exit from it. The maximum duration of the course is 10 days, the optimal one is 3-5. During this period, you can get rid of 7-9 kg. The duration of the diet also includes the period of preparation and exit. You should leave in the same way as you prepare, but only in reverse order. A day on orange juice, then liquid food, and after that - vegetables and fruits.

Be careful: this diet is not for everyone! A lemon detox is a good option if you need to lose a little weight in a short time for some significant event, but the result can be unstable. Most likely, the weight will return - especially if you have 15 or more extra pounds. The fact is that the diet slows down the metabolism, which is unacceptable for overweight people.

If your eating habits and lifestyle remain the same, the risk can turn into not only the return of the lost kilograms, but also a few extra ones. With them, the body will try to protect itself from such stress in the future. Actually, this happened to Beyonce herself - the phenomenal result did not last long. So don't risk it.

Journalistic verification

Edition New York Magazine started an interesting project. Its employees decided to test the effect of star diets on themselves. The list for testing included the diets of Marilyn Monroe, Gwyneth Paltrow, Madonna and many other stars, including Beyoncé Knowles. Interestingly, the last diet was the most effective.

The NYM journalist followed the diet for 9 days and lost 5 kg. She admits that it was not easy, but the result was even more impressive than that obtained from Madonna's diet - and it is she who is considered the most slender of the stars and has been famous for her excellent shape for many years.

Beyoncé's weight loss technique made New York Magazine history

An employee of the magazine admits that the most difficult thing during the experiment was to train. Despite the low calorie diet, Beyoncé worked out for two hours a day. Every day you should drink lemonade, water and green tea, but otherwise the diet looked like this.

  • Days one and two: cleansing. Drinks are on the menu, and you can't eat at all. Drink lemonade and salted water. The task of these days is to cleanse the digestive tract.
  • Day three: continued cleansing. Still the same lemonade, but you are allowed to treat yourself a small amount solid food. By this time, the magazine employee had lost 2 kg.
  • Day four: loading. You can even eat pizza! Such a violation will not interrupt the running process, but you will gain strength and optimism to continue the experiment. And do not be afraid: it is simply impossible to eat a lot after preparation and three cleansing days.
  • Days five and six: more fibre. You can eat an unlimited number of apples (preferably green ones) and oatmeal cookies, but only without sugar.
  • Days seven and eight: you need to replenish your protein stores. For breakfast, you can make an egg white omelette with turkey or chicken breast, and for dinner, eat a fish dish without a side dish. Eat a cucumber salad dressed with lemon juice and vinegar during the day. If you wish, you can afford some frozen yogurt, but low-fat and without sweet filler.
  • Day nine: consolidation of the result. Repeat any of your favorite days. If you wish, you can eat a salad with chicken - this is what Beyoncé herself does.

Diet Drink Recipes

The two main drinks for the diet are lemonade and salt wash. They should be prepared like this:

  • Lemonade The Master Cleanser. It will take 2 liters of clean still water, 14 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice (you can take lime and lemon juice in half), 0.5 tsp. ground cayenne pepper. Divide all the ingredients in half - the drink should not be prepared for future use. After drinking the first part, prepare the second portion. One glass of lemonade contains 110 kcal.
  • Salt wash. It will take 900 ml of pure non-carbonated water and 1-2 tsp. non-iodized sea salt. Salt should be dissolved in water, and then drink the drink in small sips. This procedure should be carried out in the morning and having a margin of time of an hour and a half - the liquid will soon leave the body.

Diet #2: Vegan Life

There is another chapter in Beyoncé's "diet" story. Her singer wrote with her husband, rapper Jay-Z. Knowles was gearing up for the Grammy Awards - she'd already shed a lot of pounds on The Master Cleanser diet - but wanted to speed up the process. Immediately make a reservation: the singer succeeded. So much so that she was able to wear a very revealing bodysuit to the concert, which made a real splash: after all, they used to see her as a chubby mommy!

So, it was at this time that Marco Borges, a well-known fitness trainer in high circles, came to the rescue. He is a follower of the Neil Barnard method. This is a 22-day vegan gluten-free diet combined with an exercise program. Workouts are mainly designed to work out the most problematic parts of the body and allow you to achieve a noticeable change. appearance in a short time.

Slimming Beyoncé and Jay-Z at the Grammy Awards

It is noteworthy that the singer did not go on a diet alone. Jay-Z, who watched how diligently his wife worked on her body, decided to support her and also went on a diet. " For 22 days we will become vegans”, – wrote Beyoncé in the social network. As a result, during this time, friendly spouses dropped about 50 kg for two.

Vegan Diet Principles

From the diet you need to exclude products of animal origin: milk and its derivatives, meat, fish, eggs and even seafood. Honey is also banned. Protein Marco Borges suggests getting from plants. He also hurries to reassure meat-eaters: the discomfort will not be very strong, by the end of the 22-day cycle, eating habits will change, and it will be possible to safely do without meat.

The menu should include as many vegetables and fruits as possible (the more varied this group of products, the better), nuts, coconut milk, cereals and a variety of legumes. Marco does not forbid sweets to his wards, but only on one condition - if they are prepared without the addition of ingredients of animal origin.

Borges draws attention to the fat content in the diet. Since meat, eggs and fish are excluded from the menu, vegetable oils should be added to it. 1–2 tbsp olive or other oil will suffice. Not worth it anymore: this product is very high in calories, and there are also nuts on the menu. An approximate one-day diet according to the Marco Borges diet looks like this:

  • Breakfast: fruit salad.
  • Dinner: lentil soup.
  • Dinner: vegetable spaghetti bolognese.

You can have several snacks per day. Fruits and vegetables, nuts, dried fruits and greens are suitable for them. You can eat these products in any combination, so the menu will not seem boring.

Breaking out of a vegan diet

Exit the diet should be gradual. Be especially careful when entering the menu protein products! Within three weeks, the GI tract is weaned from them, and digestion can be difficult. In the first week after the diet, enter a portion of fish into the daily menu, then add the bird, then cottage cheese. Meat is last.

The basis of the diet should remain vegetables and fruits, but you can eat less nuts and seeds. Fats and animal protein have already added calories to your menu, so fatty seeds will have to be partially abandoned. 30 g of this product will be enough for a daily diet. By the way, Beyoncé not only went on a diet, but also trained. Her fitness regime is pretty tough. The singer says:

“Even on world tours, I practice every day, in every free minute. I work out for half an hour five days a week. I do crunches for the press, lunges for the legs ... I love to dance and I think that this also helps me stay in shape. I don’t forget about the good old methods of dealing with excess weight: skipping rope and running.”

The result, thanks to the 22-day program of Marco Borges and Neil Barnard, impressed Beyoncé and Jay-Z so much that they decided to return to it from time to time. By her example, the singer also inspired many stellar colleagues. Rumor has it that after Beyoncé, the beauty Jennifer Lopez put her figure in order with the help of this method!

lemonade diet

This method of dealing with extra pounds was known back in the 70s of the last century. It was him that Beyoncé used to lose weight.

The diet is very effective, and this is not surprising. After all, it involves a complete rejection of food. You can only drink. And, not anything, but fat-burning lemonade.

Prepare it as follows: take the juice of one lemon, five grams of cayenne pepper, two tablespoons of maple syrup or one tablespoon of honey; all this is dissolved in 1.5 liters of water (preferably purified) and drunk in a glass every three hours. These ingredients are just enough for a day.

If desired, the liquid can be heated. Also, nutritionists allow you to drink lemonade more than once every 3 hours, if you are very thirsty. Well, for those who cannot do without food, they allow a light celery soup with the addition of green onions and cabbage.

Beyonce lasted 30 days on one lemonade! Envy her or sympathize - you decide. We do not know what eventually became of the star's liver and stomach after such a test. But in terms of weight, the result was simply amazing.

The advantages of this method, nutritionists call the total cleansing of the body, the restoration of metabolism and the absence of the risk that the kilograms will then return.

But doctors warn: you can not sit on lemonade for more than five days. Otherwise, you can cause irreparable harm to health. Before you “sentence” yourself to such a fast, be sure to consult a doctor. This kind of adventure is not for everyone.

Only cereals!

One of Beyoncé's favorite diets is the grain-based macrobiotic diet. Of these, cereals are prepared, which must be eaten without salt, three to five servings a day. This method allows you to lose 6 kg weekly. But longer than 5 days to eat in this way, doctors also do not recommend. Prolonged lack of fats and proteins can adversely affect health.

You should leave the diet by gradually adding vegetables and fruits to the diet, and then dairy products, meat and fish.

Beyoncé's South Beach Diet

Her star came up with it herself, including her favorite foods in the diet of the same name. In the diet of Beyoncé: seafood, fish, green vegetables, olive oil, tomatoes and lettuce. But vegetables (except greens), cookies and chocolate - by no means. They are banned even in the most "soft" times.

"Five Factors"

And another Beyoncé diet, invented for her by a personal fitness trainer.

The “Five Factors” is very simple: at every meal, harmoniously combine fats, proteins and carbohydrates. You need to eat three times a day, and be sure to train, giving fitness exercises for at least 20 minutes daily. Food must be processed thermally, but not more than 5 minutes. Products must be organic.

Once a week, indulgences in the form of fast food are allowed. After such "holidays of the belly" unloading days do not need to.

Having chosen one of the diets of a famous singer, actress and model, also listen to her advice: “Love yourself for who you are! This is the key to beauty and happiness.”

You can admire the slender Beyoncé in this video:

Beyoncé has repeatedly admitted that she is inclined to be overweight and, in order to keep herself in shape, she has to monitor nutrition and. However, sometimes the singer, like any living person, has breakdowns, and she gains overweight. And in such a situation, of course, you have to go on a diet.


Boyonce is not afraid of radical changes in nutrition. So, the singer can easily refuse a number of products, and at the same time not break loose for a long time. More precisely, until the moment when the result is achieved. It is worth noting that the diet used by Boyonce is quite tough and requires a specific attitude and willpower.

Its essence is the rejection of any food of animal origin for 22-25 days. This means that all this time you will not be able to eat dairy, sour-milk products, fish, seafood, eggs. In addition, as part of the diet, you can not drink carbonated drinks, go to fast food, eat chips, crackers and similar foods.

It is worth noting that doctors consider this diet one of the toughest, so it must be taken with full responsibility. In addition, the transition from the usual food to plant-based should be gradual: first eliminate meat, then fish, then eggs, then dairy products. And only after that completely switch to plant foods.


As part of the diet, the diet should have 5 meals, which will consist of food of plant origin. Sutra - porridge with fruits (or with vegetable salad), second breakfast - fruits, lunch - hot, afternoon tea - fruits, and dinner - also hot. In fact, the menu can be very diverse, since today there are a large number of delicious and interesting vegan recipes. Here is an example menu.

Breakfast: oatmeal with banana.

Lunch: fruit salad.

Dinner: mushrooms with rice, vegetable salad.

Afternoon snack: apples.

Dinner: vegetable and nut salad.

The most important thing in this diet is to stick to the meal schedule, do not skip meals and eat normal portions. It must be admitted that hunger may be felt at first. It will pass in a few days. Don't forget to drink enough water too. Coffee, unfortunately, on the Beyoncé diet, you can’t drink.

Do not stick to this diet for more than 22-25 days. Prolonged refusal of food of animal origin can have a bad effect on the condition of the skin: it will begin to age prematurely.