How to choose children's figure skates. How to choose walking skates

Buy the first sports shoes for leisure, figure skating or hockey should not be earlier than 4 years. At this age, little athletes are already well coordinated and are not afraid to fall. The kid will be happy to ride in comfortable boots that do not pinch and fix the leg well. The qualified consultants of the Daughters and Sons online store will help you choose the right skates that provide your child with comfort and protection from injuries while skating.

How to choose children's skates

First of all, you need to decide on the type of model. For children, training, figure, hockey and models with interchangeable chassis are made.

The choice depends on what the child wants to do. In the first lessons, it will be easier for the baby to use training products. These boots have two blades. They are the most stable, so the beginner feels confident on the ice.

Roller skate lovers buy universal models with interchangeable skids. Sports shoes of this type are designed for skating on ice and asphalt. In them, the blades can be changed to roller wheels. It is ideal for sports in winter and summer.

After you have decided on the type of model, you should deal with the dimensions. To correctly choose the size of skates for a child, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • in size, ice boots must exactly match everyday shoes; you can’t buy for growth, as it is traumatic;
  • hockey models must be 1 size larger;
  • keep in mind that the baby will wear shoes with a thick toe.
Table 1. The main types of children's skates, their features and purpose.
skate type Peculiarities Purpose
Training Designed with two parallel skids on each boot. The most stable. For learning. They help to get used to the ice, to overcome the fear of the first steps on slippery surfaces.
curly The front of the blades have special teeth that help push off the surface. For classes figure skating. Provide stability when jumping.
Hockey No teeth on the skids. Less agile. Made from durable plastic. Cushioned outsole protects against injury. For playing hockey or skating. Learn how to ride, improve technique.
With interchangeable chassis You can install skids for ice or a chassis for driving on asphalt. For skating in the summer on the street and in the winter on the rink.


Well fix the legs of the plastic model. They are durable and reliable, in them the baby always feels protected. Regardless of the model, to enhance safety, it is recommended to additionally provide the young athlete with elbow pads, knee pads and a helmet.

What to choose figure skates for a child

Products for figure skating should glide well so that the baby does not get tired quickly. Experts advise choosing skates whose blades have a characteristic matte sheen. They glide nicely and don't rub off.

Consider the Action brand model. Wide runners prevent frequent falls. Boots have a high fit. This means that the leg will be well fixed. The teeth are provided in the front part of the skids. Due to them, children perform the elements confidently, they are not afraid to fall.


Children are offered the first skates not earlier than 4 years. First you need to put the baby on training models, then you can purchase curly or hockey ones. You can't buy for growth. The size of boots should match the size of everyday shoes. Plastic boots fit snugly to the foot and prevent injury.

To become a master in hockey or figure skating, first of all, you need to ensure yourself a confident skating, that is, an athlete on skates must feel comfortable. To do this, you need to choose the right skates for your foot size.

Sizes of hockey skates and their impact on the quality of the game

Nothing should interfere and distract the hockey player from the game, and, of course, he should not even remember that he is now not in ordinary boots or sneakers. There is no universal recipe for choosing skates. This is an individual matter, and you should focus mainly on the feeling of under whose leg they are selected.

Skates, the sizes of which are correctly matched to the player's foot, become, as it were, an extension of his body. Between the athlete's foot and the inside of the ice boot there should be no "bumpiness", but there should also be no undue pressure. There are some principles when choosing skates for yourself, which you should pay attention to when buying them.

Foot size and boot size

If you are guided by the North American sizing system, then the most suitable pair of skates will be the one that is half a size larger than the size of the feet involved. But this, of course, should not be taken as an unconditional guide to action. Because the main selection criterion is how comfortable you feel your feet in fully laced boots.

Habits, preferences and purpose also play an important role. Someone chooses skates, the dimensions of which are close to the leg. And some are even half a size smaller. This is done in order to increase mobility and maneuverability, since the smaller the size of the skates, the shorter the length of the blade. After all, as you know, a long blade reduces maneuverability. And remember: never buy skates for children for growth, 2-3 sizes larger. This not only increases the risk of injury, but also can completely ruin the child's skating. Given that each manufacturer has its own table of skate sizes, you can choose the right one by matching your country of residence with the shoe size. To find out the latter, you need to measure the length of the foot and find in the table the size corresponding to the obtained indicator.

When is it best to be hard and when to be soft?

There are plenty of skates on sale today, and therefore, when choosing a pair for yourself, try to focus not only on the size of figure skates or ice hockey skates, but also on some important nuances. Skates come with a low or high heel, they come with a high or low rise, and the choice in this case is determined by the individual structure of the athlete's legs. In addition, you should pay attention to the stiffness of the boots.

To prevent injury, it is best to choose a hard option. However, a hard boot will not give you the freedom of action that a soft one can provide. Professional athletes usually opt for a soft option, because their leg muscles are already well trained and ready for specific loads. A beginner, on the other hand, is not so well prepared, and therefore, in soft boots, he can twist his leg.

The smallest size skates and sliding models for kids

The first ice skating for a child can be the most joyful event. Moreover, nowadays it is not difficult to buy skates for kids. Models for the smallest "future stars" are so wonderful and comfortable that it's a pleasure to look at. The smallest skate size is approximately 22-23, but the bottom line is that the legs grow very quickly in babies. And taking skates for growth, as mentioned above, is not recommended. Skate designers have thought about this and created skates that can change their size.

There are four types of sliding skates. They are divided into separate types, depending on the method of their expansion, that is, they are push-button, bolted, screw and lever. How these mechanisms work is easy to understand. Screw skates are recognized as the most convenient, since thanks to this method, the dimensions of the sliding skates can be changed smoothly, and the boot can be adjusted literally to a millimeter under the baby’s legs.

Nuances when choosing sliding skates

Of course, it is best to buy sliding skates with a baby, because these models require fitting. It is imperative that the child himself answer whether his legs are comfortable in the chosen pair. If it is not possible to take the child with you to the store, or if you want to surprise him, then measure the length of the child's foot in advance. Then the skate size chart will help you decide on the size. And in this case, agree with the sellers about the possibility of exchanging the goods, in case you still made a mistake with the size and the skates do not fit your baby.

When choosing, be sure to pay attention to which part of the boot moves apart. For very young children, choose those in which the toe moves apart, because when the heel moves apart, the center of gravity shifts, and the baby may fall. In general, it is best to give preference to plastic sliding skates, as they are both comfortable and light, and will last several seasons. In such models, only the boots are plastic, and the blades of the skates are made of durable carbon steel.

Skates for figure skating

Skates for figure skating differ from other types of skates in the shape of the blades. The peculiarity of these same blades is that they have sharp teeth in front. Thanks to them, the skater can take steps and jumps, as well as move on his toes. At the same time, the blade itself is not at all even, but curved, which helps in performing movement, sliding, rotation, which is what distinguishes such skates. Sizes are also very important, but their choice is based on the same criteria as for the selection of models for hockey.

When choosing, give Special attention skate blade. Here, such a criterion as "inexpensive" does not fit absolutely. This is because low-quality steel wears down quickly and does not glide very well on ice. And if you want to raise a great figure skater or figure skater, then make sure that your child is provided with only high-quality sports equipment.

Study the individual characteristics of your foot, as these are important criteria for selection suitable model. Take a close look at your old skates. The sizes and their correct or incorrect choice in the past will tell you the look of the old insole. How correctly the foot imprinted on the insole, whether it is evenly distributed over the entire insole or somewhere goes beyond its edges - try to take all this into account when choosing a new pair.

Socks and lacing

You must do the fitting in the socks that you will ride in. This refers to the thickness and density of socks. It is recommended to wear thin socks, as the inside of the boot will quickly form and adapt to your unique foot shape with such socks.

So, the ice boots are bought, and you are ready to go out on the ice in them. While putting on shoes, loosen the lacing lower, move the heel vigorously back. The tongue of the boot, when properly laced, will hold the foot in that position, preventing your heel from moving in the back of the boot. The leg should be tightly fixed, but in no case squeezed. Now you are completely ready to ride.

All parents want to get out into the fresh air more often with their children. Great option in winter active rest becomes a skating rink. It can be outdoors or indoors. The choice of clothing depends on the location, but in any case, one invariable piece of equipment remains - skates. In sports shops, we are faced with a variety of choices. Before buying, you need to find out which models to pay attention to and what to focus on. We will talk about this in our article.

Why it is better not to use rental equipment

Almost every ice arena has a place where for a small amount they offer to rent equipment for a while. At first glance - why not? This may seem convenient, because you do not need to bring a heavy bag with you.

But there are a number of downsides:

  • It's not very hygienic. At any sports shoes feet sweat. Linings, if at all, are washed very rarely, which means that there is a high risk of contracting a foot fungus.
  • If at the box office, along with shoes, they give polyethylene shoe covers, then you will have to walk in them for an hour or two. Lack of ventilation while skiing will cause your child's feet to sweat and socks to become damp.
  • It is unlikely that you will be able to choose which children's skates to wear, since the size range can be limited, and the best pairs have already been sorted out. You will have to ride in what is left, even if it is pink curly, and you have a boy.
  • It is much more difficult to choose the size than at the time of purchase, since the worn inventory is already stretched and does not fix the leg.
  • If you want to play hockey in a flooded box in the yard, then you can’t do without your own shoes.
  • A small rental cost, multiplied by the number of trips to the ice arena, can exceed the price of new equipment.
Thus, it is more profitable to go with a child to a specialized store. But what is there to choose?

What are the best skates for skating to buy for children-beginners

All models are divided into three main types:

  1. Hockey.
  2. Curly.
  3. Amateur or training.
Each type corresponds to the purpose and style of driving. For different loads, different blade shapes, degree of sharpening, fixation force, lift height, heel, and even the appearance of ice shoes are used.

All of them have the same main functionality - they provide sliding on frozen water or an artificial surface. But individual features allow you to twist sheepskin coats in some, and in others to enter into sharp turns with a club in your hands. An incorrectly matched pair can cause injury and serious damage if dropped, slipped or braked. We will tell you about each variety in more detail so that you do not have any problems with buying the necessary model for your baby in the future.

How to choose ice hockey skates

No wonder this sport is considered suitable for real men, because it has a lot of aggressive and traumatic moments. Therefore, specialized shoes are equipped with denser inserts to protect the feet. All models are divided into professional and amateur. They are easy to distinguish primarily by price. If the child is a beginner, then you should not look at forward or goalkeeper ammunition, it is enough to stop at high-quality, but not too expensive goods.


  • Rigid inserts cover the most dangerous places from hitting with a stick or puck. The toe of the boot is especially compacted.
  • Focus not on the aesthetic appearance, but on the safety of the product - it is achieved by a strong, but not very beautiful frame.
  • This type of footwear has a super-strong fixation: the shin and foot are confidently in the right position. Strong clamps do not allow loose movements, so the risk of dislocation is minimal.
  • It is assumed that sports training takes place in indoor arenas, so manufacturers are not concentrating on keeping warm, but on the natural ventilation of materials for professional models.
  • The blades are sharpened with an arc and not equipped with serrations, this ensures the speed and maneuverability of the player. However, it is a little more difficult to catch the balance on them.
If the child plans to practice in the section or just drive with friends on the ice with a stick, this is a good choice for a beginner.

How to choose the right skates for ice skating

When purchasing such uniforms, pay attention to the following aspects:

  • How much stability is provided by a long blade protruding beyond the heel. Ask the baby to put on shoes and stand up, ask how comfortable he is.
  • Do the teeth allow you to stand on tiptoe and rotate around its axis and jump.
  • How well the pair is matched in terms of instep. A small heel makes the position of the foot comfortable, as when walking. This lift allows you to stay in shoes longer and not get tired.
  • What material is the shoe made from? Quality products are sewn from natural or artificial leather.

The main disadvantage of such equipment is that it is cool. Choose models that have fur trim. So you protect your baby from hypothermia. After all, it is important that skating is a pleasure and hardens the body.

How to choose walking skates for a child

For an amateur who does not want to conquer the heights of figure skating or hockey, the most important indicators are comfort and warmth.

Training shoes have the following features:

  • Soft inner boots are made of synthetic fabric that retains warmth.
  • The fixation is weakened, but comfort is ensured during smooth riding - the lower leg will not hurt after a walk.
  • Visually, they can be similar to curly ones, but without notches, or hockey, but with a less steep sharpening of the blade.
  • They may have a different clasp mechanism, but it is best to stop at classic lacing - it is easier to adjust and replace if necessary.
Before buying, be sure to try on a pair, let the baby walk around the store. It is important that the shoes do not crush or constrain the foot. Try on a tight sock. A young athlete will have to spend a lot of time in such shoes, it is important that he is comfortable. Let's talk about other rules that should be followed when choosing equipment.

  • Go to the sports store, not the market. Do not chase the price, the quality can be appropriate.
  • Try on a warm sock.
  • Do not be satisfied with the first impression - carefully lace up, let the novice athlete walk, feel if this pair is comfortable.
  • Even if the choice is made in favor of the very first boots, try to put on a few more models, perhaps the block is more comfortable in them.
  • Practical points are important - whether the insole and lining can be removed separately so that they can be washed and dried.
  • Synthetic laces are constantly untied. Choose products made from natural materials.
  • If your foot is still growing and you don't know how to choose children's skates for a few years, take sliding skates. But be sure to check the mechanism in the store.
  • If the blade is not sharpened, then do not do it yourself, there is a risk of spoiling the steel. Surely there is a specialist in the store, contact him.

What clothes to buy for skiing

The online store "Stayer" offers a wide selection of warm jackets for winter sports activities and walks in the cold season.

  • High-tech materials protect from moisture, wind and frost, while the fabric does not become hard and rough.
  • Tailoring guarantees comfort when walking and doing any exercise.
  • Made in accordance with European standards, products of the Stayer brand have more than low cost, but not inferior in quality to foreign brands.
  • The company cooperates with many firms, offering corporate deliveries. This is an agreement with Sberbank, Tatneft and many sports associations.
  • The brand is highly appreciated by both ordinary people and professional athletes: our team uses Stayer equipment for Olympic Games in South Korea.
  • The timeless design will make your purchase relevant for many years of wear.
When you have chosen hockey or figure skates for your child, and he is already dressed from head to toe, you can let him out on the ice. Be careful and patient: he will not master the balance immediately. But difficulties temper the sporting character.

There are no trifles in ice hockey - each element of the equipment is important and the effectiveness of the player's actions and the degree of his protection from damage depend on the correct choice of it. But, whatever one may say, the most important thing is the foundation. The basis of the basics of a hockey player is skates.

Let's hear the opinions of professionals on this matter. And for starters, a word to the founders of hockey. (Simultaneous translation)

Now the opinion of the Russian players.

A recently remarkable defender, and now a hockey analyst, shares his advice - Alexander Khavanov.

I would like to immediately note that I cannot give a universal recipe for choosing skates that would suit everyone. This process is individual, people are all different and everyone's feet are different. But, of course, there are a number of things that make sense to focus on when visiting a store.

Size matters
There is a rule that everyone who has ever bought a pair of skates knows about. It states that skates must be half a size (in the North American sizing system) larger than the leg. To be honest, I would not advise taking this advice as an unconditional guide to action. The main criterion all the same is how comfortable the foot is in the boot, and this is again determined by the preferences of each person and his habits. I have skates, as they say, back to back. There are players who choose skates that are even smaller than their feet,
with a view to spreading them later. The point here is that the longer the blade, the less maneuverability. In order to increase their mobility on the ice, people deliberately use smaller skates. As for children who are just starting to learn to skate, in my opinion, those parents who take skates for growth, several sizes larger, are wrong. This is a sure way to spoil a child's skating.

Hard or soft
It is very important to know in advance what you want from skates. Accordingly, the worst thing is to choose skates without knowing what you want to get from them. There are a great variety of skates on the market now, and there are plenty to choose from. But this is a difficult and responsible process in which different nuances are important. There are skates with high and low rise, soft, hard and very hard, with high and low heels. It's easy to get confused here. The owner of a high instep, of course, must also take skates with a high instep - everything is more or less obvious here. With rigidity, not everything is clear. On the one hand, a hard boot is better at preventing injury. On the other hand, it does not give the freedom of action that a soft boot provides. Therefore, professionals whose feet are ready for specific loads mainly use soft skates. A new, insufficiently prepared person, going out on the ice in such, can twist his leg. Therefore, I would advise beginners to choose stiffer skates, reducing the risk of unnecessary injury, as they say, out of the blue. I would not strictly distinguish between skates that are better suited for defenders and attackers. It again depends on who is comfortable in what. It is believed that they should differ in the degree of protection of the legs. Of course, anyone needs protection. But no matter how hard the boot is, a direct hit by the puck will still hurt, unless, of course, you wear skates nine sizes larger. So, I repeat, first of all, you should pay attention to how well the skate fits your foot.
Three couples per season
I kill three pairs of skates in a regular season - two are enough for the regular season, one more for the playoffs. The main sign that it's time to change skates is that when they wear out, they stop holding their feet. Which, of course, can lead to injury. For people who do not play hockey professionally, a pair of skates, of course, will be enough for a long time - you can skate on one for several years. But in time to notice that the shoes are worn out, it will still not be superfluous.
Thermal forming is not a panacea
Almost all skate manufacturers are now actively using materials, thanks to which the skates take the shape of the player's foot when heated. This is useful thing. But still, I think that it is correct to break the skates so that they work like your leg, so that they, as they say, “bend” under your foot, is even more important. It is initially inconvenient for any person to be in skates. And if they interact well with the foot in dynamics, the inconvenience is greatly reduced.
Na it usually takes at least a week to break in the skates normally. Almost all professional skates are equipped with an anatomical felt tongue with a molded liner, an antimicrobial non-slip insole, an improved system for attaching and fitting the blade to the glass.


1. Find out the unique features of your foot structure that can influence the formation of excessive pressure points and lead to discomfort during use.

2. Examine your old skates - they can tell you a lot. The wear of the insole will tell you if the size was correct. High wear areas indicate points of excessive pressure resulting from incorrect selection of skates. For example, the insole in an improperly fitted skate has a footprint that does not reach the edge of the insole.

3. Socks. When choosing skates, wear socks that you will use when skating. It is recommended to wear thin socks, thanks to which the boot molds faster and more accurately to the leg and takes on the unique shape of your foot.

4. Shoes. Loosen the lacing of the boot to the third hole from the bottom. Pull out the tongue, tilt it forward and put on the boot. The foot should feel comfortable, being on the insole, and "fill" the entire boot, leaving no empty areas of instep and toes.

5. Heel. Before lacing up your boot, push your foot vigorously back in the boot. The tongue of a properly laced boot should hold the foot in a rearward position and prevent the foot from moving and moving in the heel area. If the foot moves freely in the heel area and is not held close to the back of the skate, this means that it is necessary to try on either a smaller skate or a skate of lesser fullness.

6. Front. Stand up straight, with closed legs. In this position, the toes should only lightly touch the front of the inside of the boot and, when applied, should touch more intensively, but not press or interfere.

7. First steps. Walk/sit for 10-15 minutes. This will help to make sure that you are comfortable again. correct selection size and model of skates. If the heel does not "slide" forward in the boot and does not move from side to side, if the boot fits snugly on the foot, but not uncomfortable, and if the toes only slightly touch the toe of the boot, this means that the size is chosen quite correctly.

Steel nuances
When sliding on ice, the main role is played by the blade.
The principle of sliding of the skate is as follows: from the friction of the sharp edges of the blade, the ice melts under them, and the skate slides along a kind of “water cushion” (that is, actually on wet ice), due to which the sliding speed greatly increases.
Before buying skates, pay special attention to the glass used in the construction (the segment of the skate between the blade and the boot itself). His most popular model today is TUUK.
Custom +. It is good in all respects - except, perhaps, for one: it can crack in a big frost.
If you go out on the ice in a severe cold, preference should be given to a frost-resistant model - the TUUK series

hockey skate size
To understand how to choose the right skates, you need to consider that hockey skates have their own sizing system, so your shoe size will not be equal to the size of the skates.
Each manufacturer hockey equipment provides its size matching table. Thanks to these tables, you can choose the right size skates by matching your shoe size and country of residence. But do not forget that the tables vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.
Let's look at how to choose skates that suit your length. Put the boot on your foot, slide your foot back so that the heel is firmly pressed against the back of the skate. In this position, the toes should lightly touch the toe of the boot. If your toes touch the toes, you should take the skates one size larger.
Sometimes it happens that the length of a hockey boot fits your foot perfectly, but the width is either too narrow or too wide. In this case, you need to move on to choosing skates with the same size, but a different thickness (this will be discussed below).
The question often arises: how to choose skates for a child? Given the height of the foot, it is recommended to choose skates half a size larger. Half the size will be equivalent to the thickness of one finger between the back of the boot and the heel of the foot. If you do not want to harm your child, then you should not buy skates more than half a size. A large boot will dangle on the foot, which will lead to poor balance, falls and injuries to the foot or ankle.
Below we provide size matching tables for the most popular hockey skate manufacturers in our country.


Russia38.5 39 39.5 40 40.5 41 41.5 42 42.5
6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9
5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5
EASTON 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5

Adults/SR (continued)

Russia43 43.5 44 44.5 45 45.5 46 46.5 47
9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 13
9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12
EASTON 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12


Russia32.5 33 33.5 34 34.5 35 35.5 36 36.5 37 37.5 38 38.5
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6
- 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
EASTON - 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5


Russia26 27 28 28.5 29 29.5 30 30.5 31 31.5 32
Y08 Y09 Y10 Y11 Y12 Y13 -
Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11 Y12 Y13
EASTON Y09 Y10 Y11 Y11.5 Y12 Y12.5 Y13 Y13.5

Greetings to all lovers of a healthy lifestyle and sports!

Sport has already entered many families, parents from childhood instill a love for physical activity and improving the health of their children. Now the winter time, skating is one of the best options to continue to actively engage with your child. But how to choose the right skates for a child. After all, not all parents themselves know how to ride, and have never encountered this.

From a wide variety of offers in sports stores, it is very difficult to choose the size, shape, purpose, and other characteristics without basic knowledge. After all, there are different types. So let's start getting acquainted with these items, the popularity of which is growing in our country.

The benefits of ice skating for children

Let's start with a theory. Every self-respecting dad, mom wants the child to be always healthy, strong, active. To achieve these goals, skating will help improve respiratory, of cardio-vascular system. Time on the ice improves everyone's performance internal organs, immune defense increases, sleep improves, the body hardens, posture normalizes, and a good mood will always accompany the child. Independence and coordination of movement will only increase. New acquaintances at the rink will develop sociability with other peers.

First you need to find out what fascinates your child the most. Smoothness of movement, beauty, grace or sharpness of braking and speed, or maybe he just likes to quietly roll on the ice with you. This is necessary to select the type of the desired pair.

The most recommended age to take the first steps on skates is 3-4 years. At this age, the baby already runs well and keeps balance, of course, it is possible later than 7-8 years. But the sooner your child learns to cut ice, the better for him.

Types of children's skates

Before choosing the right first winter skates for a child, consider the following options.

Initial training . The very first bipolar ones that a child should meet. The presence of two knives gives stability. They are attached to an ordinary children's boot with straps. The first sensations of a new foot movement, or rather sliding, should lure the child. In addition, these are safe items in the fall. In the future, when your child will confidently ride, you can safely switch to the option with one blade.

curly. A common type of skate. How to choose figurines for a child, please note that the blade should be longer than the shoe at the end, there are a number of cloves in front (3-4 pieces). It would be better if the boots are made of genuine leather, cheaper artificial. The interior is additionally equipped with insulation. The sole of this type is made of leather, plastic with a heel.

Hockey. As you understand, these skates are designed for playing hockey (if you are interested, go and check out the game TORPEDO against YOKERIT in the last playoffs 2015-2016). Contact, fast game. From here, the leg accessory differs from the above. The leather version of the boots is the most suitable. To protect the ankle, manufacturers use a plastic block. The toe and heel of the young athlete are additionally protected. The blade is made from chrome plated steel. The length matches the boot. At the ends, the steel sheet is raised up. In hockey there is no heel, the sole is solid.

Pleasure . Now they are also called fitness skates. Such a childish look filled the store shelves. Amateur skates for a child are equipped with a thin blade, the boot is made of lightweight plastic. To save money, options are made with retractable platforms for 4 sizes. If a boy or girl has a growing leg, you can increase the size of the skates.

In all cases, look at the quality of workmanship so that the child does not experience discomfort and inconvenience when sliding. At right choice skates for a child pay attention to the laces and fastenings for them, Velcro for a strong fastening act as an additional equipment, the tongues of the boots repeat the bend of the leg. Insoles with arch support, but most importantly removable, quick-drying. A frosted blade will retain quality longer and cut ice better. Back in my childhood, to save money, I bought boots and blades separately. Then the two elements were fastened with rivets. Before purchasing, pay attention to the installation of the blade. Screwed too close to the inside of the boot, the baby's foot will be pulled out. To the outside - the leg falls inward. Only the exact even position in the middle will allow the foot to stand correctly. Now they are producing solid ones, the boot and the skate create a single whole. But the best option would be to purchase a riveted version, this is the quality of riding and comfort. Consider the choice of color, white figure skates are suitable for girls, black for boys.

Before going out on the ice, be sure to sharpen the blade, entrust the event to professionals. Sharpening figured and, for example, hockey skates are different, be aware of this. Purchase additional skate covers. After each visit to the rink, dry the skates and teach your children to do the same.

How to choose the size of skates for a child

Here, too, there are nuances, and differ from the choice for the child. No matter how old a boy or girl 4,5,6 years old and older needs to try on a shoe. In winter, warm socks are usually worn. Therefore, to begin with, measure the baby's foot, add another 1.5 cm. But buying skates in two sizes is no longer recommended. Thinking that two socks will be just right. It is necessary to take into account not only the fingers, but also the ankle. Loose foot placement in the boot will lead to incorrect riding and imbalance. These are frequent falls on the ice, bruises, injuries.

Pay attention to the table of sizes of children's skates of well-known manufacturers. Maybe it will help you with the purchase.

Russia 26 27 28 28,5 29 29,5 30 30,5 31 31,5 32

How to learn to skate for beginners

If you yourself confidently stand on the ice. It will not be difficult for you to place the baby, to make the first repulsive movements. Looking at dad on skates, the child will intuitively reach for you. If there is no such experience, but a great desire to teach the child. A few tips.

  • First, start at home. Teach your child to stand on skates at home. Habit is a great trump card. Legs slightly apart, knees slightly bent. Simple exercises the body will be prepared on the counter.
  • At the first exit on the ice, hold the baby by the arms or by the side. Let him just walk on the ice for now, do not force him to make sliding movements.
  • When you are standing, roll your child in reverse and ask them to spread their legs and connect. This element is very necessary.
  • You can show the snake. This is when the legs move together, side to side. Then show how to push off with your feet while doing the Christmas tree.
  • When turning, you need to keep the body in the direction of the turn. At the moment of braking, place your heel on the ice or perform a sharp side turn with both feet.

As children, we learned to ride without help. Looking at the movements of already advanced guys. If you want to see a future athlete in your child, then be sure to contact the section.

Today's story will help to approach the question of which skates to choose for a child without experience. If you have your own secrets or additions, please do not be shy and share in the comments. Teach your kids about sports. Keep on leading healthy lifestyle life, exercise, eat right with a blog. Life will be filled with new colors and joyful moments. Best regards, Sergei.

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