MMA: What you need to know about mixed martial arts. How to get into the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship): rules, weight categories How to get into professional mma

The development of mixed martial arts in our country is very fast. New promotions appear, halls open, all kinds of seminars and tournaments are held. Not only the number of ordinary fans of this sport is constantly growing, but also those who do not stop at the role of a contemplator and want to plunge into MMA completely. Especially for these people, our site starts a section in which, by talking with various experts from the world of mixed martial arts, we will try to find answers to questions that are of interest not only to beginners, but also to those who have already devoted enough time to martial arts.

In the first article of our series, we will highlight such important question how to choose the right equipment for MMA training. The role of an expert will be played by a person who knows almost everything about the choice of a fighting outfit - the founder of the sports brand ATTACK Evgeny Korotenko.

The perfect set for MMA training

If you decide to take mixed martial arts seriously, then get ready for the fact that your sports bag will increase significantly in volume. Of course, not everything is so bad, hockey players have a harder time, but shorts, a T-shirt and a pair of sneakers will not work.

MMA is a contact and rather traumatic sport, therefore, in addition to the usual training items (t-shirt / rash guard and shorts), you will have to pay quite a lot of attention to equipment that performs a protective function. Below is a fairly complete list of items that an athlete will encounter on the path to learning mixed martial arts:

  • Sports uniform (t-shirt/rashguard and sports shorts/pants).
  • Boxing gloves.
  • MMA gloves.
  • Capa (jaw protection).
  • Helmet.
  • Shin protection.
  • Groin protection (shell).
  • Sports bandages.

As you can see, the list is not the shortest, but are all items really needed already at the first training session? Here's what our expert thinks about it:

“In essence, MMA is a competition of styles, not a sports discipline. Therefore, a fighter can train in anything, for example, in his usual clothes: karate-gi, judo-gi, any shorts and any T-shirt. First of all, you need to think about injuries and apply protection, without which you can’t do without. What is included in the required package? Shin / instep protection, it will not injure radius, which usually takes a long time to heal. The groin must be protected with a special shell. For sparring, choose boxing or MMA gloves. We protect the mouth with a cap. Here in this kit you can safely start training MMA.

Gloves and bandages

Gloves or their similarity are one of the "oldest" items of equipment for percussion martial arts. Even the ancient Greeks wrapped strips of leather around their fists to protect their wrists. Time passes, but gloves remain the most important item for a fighter, and in the case of serious training in MMA, you will need two types of this equipment at once.

  • Classic boxing gloves- for practicing striking techniques during sparring and bag work. Their weight varies quite a lot and can reach 22 ounces (624 grams, approx. site). Using heavier gloves allows you to better "hold" your hands during a fight when you have lighter MMA gloves on your hands. In addition, due to the greater amount of padding that is used in classic gloves, during training and sparring, the chance of inflicting or getting injured or cut is significantly reduced.
  • MMA gloves- for competitions, as well as training, as close as possible to real fight. If we talk about the most famous promotion in the world - the UFC, then the rule "on the need to wear gloves" appeared there only at the UFC 14 tournament. These items of equipment weigh 4 ounces, regardless of the weight category in which the fighter performs. Gloves are as open as possible so that the athlete can freely perform painful holds. During training, more protective glove options with thicker padding and finger protection are also used.

What should I pay attention to when choosing gloves? Expert opinion:

“The fighters use boxing gloves to strike. If we are talking about children's groups, then it is better to use 10-12 ounce gloves. Leatherette gloves are fine. Professionals usually prefer heavier gloves, these are 12, 14 or 16 ounces. Here you can already consider offers made of leather or modern artificial materials, such as Micro-Fiber, which are used by HAYABUSA,FLAMMAand other brands.

We always tell our customers that there are 2 important points to consider when choosing gloves: easy grip, fist formation and a good fit. thumb to the main protector. The remaining points depend on the individual characteristics of the athlete's hand: the length of the fingers, the width of the palm, etc. If there were an ideal universal glove, then everyone would sell it! It’s better to try on everything you see in the store and then decide on convenience and financial possibilities.”

Speaking of gloves, you can not get around the other item of their “real fighter kit”, which is hidden under them. We are talking about a sports or boxing bandage (it is also called kumpur, approx. site). This product is used to fix the hands and fingers, and it is simply necessary if you care about the health of these parts of your body. Despite the apparent simplicity of bandages, their prices vary significantly depending on the brand chosen, but does it make sense to pay a kind of tax on coolness?

“But how to show your coolness? After all, the bandages are wound under the glove :). About bandages, we can say that they are of two types. The first is 100% cotton, the second is polyester. The first ones are almost completely inelastic and athletes like them much less than the second type. There is also a difference in length, these are 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5 meters. There are no recommendations on the color, here it is from simple white to country flags, but you will have to pay a little more for this. ”

mouth guard

A cap is also the most important element of the equipment of an athlete involved in mixed martial arts. This word came from the German Kappe, which translates as a cover, cap or cover. It may not look like it, but such a small object not only protects the jaw to which it is attached, but also significantly reduces the risk of concussion and other traumatic brain injuries.

The prototypes of the modern mouthguard appeared a long time ago, but the inventor of this item is considered to be a dentist from London, Wolfe Krause. In 1892, he introduced his "teeth" to protect boxers from cuts on their lips. It was made of gutta-percha and was held in place only if the athlete clenched his teeth. Wolfe's son, Philip, improved the invention by using rubber to create it, making it reusable. The first professional fighter to use a mouthguard is considered to be "Kid" Ted Lewis. Boxer was a friend of Philip Crouse and introduced the fashion for the use of this invention. It was from boxing that the mouth guard spread into other types of martial arts and other contact sports.

At the moment, caps are conditionally divided into three types:

  • Standard (single layer).
  • Thermoplastic.
  • Individual (made by a dentist according to a cast of teeth).

How to choose the right mouthguard?

“A cap is a very important element of protection, and its choice must be approached thoroughly and seriously. Beginners are absolutely unaware that any mouth guard must be prepared (brewed) before it is used. Cheap single-layer mouthguards are not able to take the shape of the jaw and reliably protect the teeth and brain in case of blows to the head. They should not be applied.

Thermoplastic caps are more common, they are molded with boiling water. In such a cap, you can even talk and shout, and at the same time it will remain in your mouth during fights. Such capscost from 500 rubles. They can be selected by size, age, shape, thickness of the outer and inner layers and design.

If we do not consider now expensive individual mouthguards from dentists, the price of which ranges from 5 thousand rubles to 250 US dollars, then the best option is mouthguards from two layers with a gel inside. Manufacturers usually write instructions on how to cook it.”

Individual body protection for MMA

Includes helmet, groin guard and shin guard. When performing in professional mixed martial arts, only a shell will be a necessary item, but in amateur fights and during training, other items should be used.


“The helmet is very important during the training process and helps to avoid head injuries and traumatic brain injuries. There are both cheaper leatherette options and more expensive, but more durable leather items. When choosing, pay attention to the size - the helmet should fit snugly against the head, but not put much pressure on it. It should protect the forehead, chin, cheekbones and ears, but still leave enough visibility for fighting or sparring.”

Shin protection

“If you want to save money, you can use overlays in the form of a “stocking”, they are cheaper, do not hinder movement, but are less durable. If there are no problems with finances, then it is better to use two-layer hard leatherette overlays. They perfectly protect not only the shin, but also the instep, and will serve you for a long time. True, it is quite inconvenient to fight in them. ”

Sink (groin protection)

“To protect the most precious, you need to use shells. There are metal options, they are the most rigid, provide maximum protection, but are relatively expensive. We recommend using plastic shells with silicone rims, they do their job well, and silicone inserts dampen the force of impact.”

Rashguard. Real benefit or status item?

At the end of our article, I would like to talk about such a piece of equipment as a rashguard. Ten years ago in our country they were not particularly known about them, but now it is impossible to imagine a hall in which at least someone would not wear these sportswear.

In theory, the use of "second skin" in training serves several purposes at once. First, it is antibacterial action. Athletes during grappling training are in close contact with each other, and in this case the rashguard serves as a protection against the transmission of skin diseases. Secondly, thanks to special materials, it helps to quickly remove moisture from the surface of the body. Thirdly, it is maintaining the optimal body temperature for training during breaks, which helps to avoid sprains and muscle strains.

There are several versions of the appearance of the rashguard, and here are the two main ones:

  1. Some believe that the martial arts rashguard is a derivative of the surfer wetsuit. The fact is that in Brazil both boarding on the waves and jiu-jitsu are popular. Many young people divided their time between these activities, and it happened that they sparred among themselves right on the beach, without changing clothes after surfing. Realizing the usefulness of clothing that fits snugly to the body, the fighters came up with an adapted version for martial arts.
  2. Other contenders for the creation of the first rashguard is the company "Under Armor". This sports brand has struggled to solve the problem of constantly changing jerseys in American football during matches. They noticed the excellent moisture-wicking properties of polyester and created equipment that allows players to stay dry. Further, rashguards spread to other sports.

Expert opinion:

“Rashguards are one of the current hobbies of athletes, they are used not only in martial arts, but also in water sports, athletics, hockey and even wear in everyday life. What is the secret of this thing? Compression clothing is necessary to maintain body temperature and the correct pressure on the muscles, thereby protecting them from injury. There is evidence that compression garments enhance athletic performance, but don't think slipping into tight pants and a tank top will turn you into Conor McGregor.

A big plus of a good rashguard is that it wicks moisture away and leaves your body reasonably dry and warm. A couple of drops of water can be used as a quick and effective quality check. Drop them on the back side of the rashguard and pay attention to the speed of its withdrawal. If the water rolls, then you should not buy this copy.

In the last article, we started talking about MMA fighters who came to this sport from near-football. But still, what is near-football for the participants of the companies themselves, what happens to them when they get a permanent job and family, at what age does the movement let them retire, and what can one count on having such luggage behind their backs?

With these and other questions, I came to the founder of the mixed martial arts club SECCH Arnold. Why to him? You'll soon find out.

- Hello Arnold, when I just started writing about near-football and MMA, I expected to limit myself to only one article, but it so happened that Lacoste (the hero of the first article) referred me to you and said that it was more interesting about companies than you and Shved (about this I’ll write to the guy in the third part of our near-football series of articles) no one can tell me.

- (smiles) Lacoste embellished, but I'll tell you what I know.

- First, tell a few words about your current activities.

Today I work at the SECCH club, I am its leader together with Nikolai Dedik. My responsibilities include establishing communication with various promotions and sponsors for SECHI fighters, as well as developing the club. I also organize tournaments, both local and large, where our fighters can compete.

- Since you yourself raised this topic, then tell us, is it possible to work with sponsors in Russia?

It turns out, but with varying success, and I’m not the most diplomatic person: those who are ready to help usually love attention and want to drink “tea” with them for a long time, go to parties with them, and I don’t have any time for this , no desire. Besides, sponsors usually come when you already have a name. So another vector of my activity is work on the club's media character.

- What about tournaments, tell us which ones and how many.

We held a fairly large number of tournaments, those that are well known: the Colosseum, Sich, Peresvet, the tournament in memory of special forces soldiers, which recently took place in the Crimea.

- Now that it has become clear to readers who is sitting opposite me, let's get down to the main topic - near-football in MMA, and for this we will return a little to your past. Tell me how you got into the football crowd.

I myself was born in Rostov, but it so happened that in the 2000s I decided to move and settle in St. Petersburg. And it so happened that my circle of friends overlapped a lot with football people, then everyone I knew was in the Gremlins. In 2006, the "Gremlins" as an office team ceased to be a combat unit, so the entire most active part of the company at that time, let's say, grew into something more. Well, they took me with them. Remarkably, at that time I didn’t even think about sports, but the more I was in the company, the more I trained.

- And where did your battles with other firms take place?

By that time, the police understood well who the football hooligans were, so the fights in the cities began to fade away, but the forest clashes, on the contrary, were gaining momentum. Likewise, sports became an integral part of the movements, drunken fighters were a burden, especially if sober trained guys stood against them. So, in order to get into the firm and stay in it, you had to go to the gym.

- Are you still training now?

Yes, and for that I am grateful to the football community. About 15 years have passed, and I still disappear in the hall every day. And all because training was a matter of survival: if you are in an organization, then you need to meet its requirements, and not trail behind, but be an example.

- That is, before joining the company, you never went in for sports, where did you learn to fight then?

I was raised by my stepfather. And the time of growing up fell on the dashing nineties. Devastation was everywhere, and I was also the smallest in the yard. So I quickly forgot how to worry about being beaten. Well, then, when I fit into near-football, there was an understanding of what a fight is and how to behave in it.

- Now that our readers have understood who I'm talking to, I would like to return to our main topic and find out how, after all, near-football evolved into MMA.

I think MMA has revamped football. It gave him more options. Participants in forest battles replenished their already rich arsenal of skills. And those who wanted to grow in sports went into MMA with their heads and are now realizing their potential in a cage or ring.

- And how was the SECCH club formed?

Of the founders, I was the last to get there, Kolya Dedik and Vitya stood at the origins of the idea. It was 2012. And the impetus for the creation, again, was precisely football. For those who stood at the helm of their teams, it became clear that it makes no sense to enter the clearing physically and functionally unprepared. So we found a room, made repairs and started training, almost immediately guys appeared who wanted to try their hand at the professional field as well.

- Did it happen that in the hall you worked out the tactics of near-football fights or were these ordinary MMA trainings?

At first there were few, but today, we only practice MMA in the gym.

- I know that guys representing different companies are training with you, for example, Alexey Lakost Martynov (10-6), who played for the Shved Gang and Sergey Romanov (9-1) from the Rude Boys, was it on this basis conflicts and did not interfere with training?

Now the atmosphere in the hall is favorable. There were moments of misunderstanding at first, but over time they faded away, and those who were most dissatisfied with us are no longer with us.

- Explain to me what was and is the ideology of near-football, why so many young guys join its ranks?

The adventurer lives in every youth. I'm not an exception. When those around us said: “There is peace, there are boundaries,” then we, as decent anti-systemists, pushed these boundaries or tried to break them. Since I was a child, I have dreamed of traveling and fighting - football has given me all this. You know, you didn’t understand at all where you would come, going on a trip. The path of football could lead you both to prison and to the presidential administration. In addition, think about what a young guy from the outskirts of Rostov could do? There were few options and most of them were not very positive.

- And now SECH somehow interacts with firms?

We interact with everyone who wants to grow and develop. In general, in adult life, near-football gives more negative than positive moments, because the media writes about it only negatively, as a result of which ignorant people perceive firms as gangs. And the media has a huge impact on the minds of our fellow citizens. Take the situation with Ukraine as an example. If you were not a member of the company, then it is impossible to understand how to be a member of it, and you also cannot understand the meaning of participation. For some, near-football is juvenile gangsters, for some, fools in scarves who constantly fight, but for me, it’s a school of life

- Can football be called a kind of therapy?

- (laughs) Therapy of what? If a person is sick, then it is better for him to go to the doctor than to go to football. A fight is not a panacea; on the contrary, you can become an even bigger fool. On the other hand, at the age of 14-18 years (the main age of joining firms - approx. 4mma) you are full of energy and you need to direct it somewhere, fights are an excellent and natural solution.

- Literally a year ago, I read about a 16-year-old boy who had his eye gouged out in the forest during a fight, can you comment on this case?

This and similar cases are on the conscience of those who invite unprepared or inadequate guys to the team. If a person is not physically ready, then he should not be taken to the meadow, the same thing if a person cannot control himself, but the organizer is to blame. And again, every coin has two sides, a man must know what he is getting into. I also came to the firm at a young age, no one forced me, it was my personal choice, and I understood the consequences. Well, let's not forget about force majeure.

- Is Russian near-football similar to English?

Definitely not with English, but with the Poles we are similar.

- Is there anything you don't like about football?

I don't like subculturalism, ostentatiousness and the pursuit of foreign brands: fashionable clothes, pubs. Also, the problem of large teams is random people who often do not understand how to behave.

- Does football have a future?

I think yes, but within a very strict framework, everything will be limited to the forest and far from megacities. The system doesn't need it.

- It turns out that now you are already far from near-football, don't you feel the loss?

Absolutely not, it was part of my path, and I passed it with dignity. It doesn’t pull back, but if the question was whether I repeated everything, then I say with confidence - yes.

- In conclusion, can you tell a few words about the plans of your club SECCH PRO?

We have big plans. We are recruiting more and more young guys, and we are trying to put trainees at various tournaments so that they gain experience and understand what they are training for. Our team does not sit in St. Petersburg, but drives to fight all over Russia and the CIS countries. As for organizational activities, I also organize tournaments where our and other guys compete.

I do not think that at the end of the interview the author should draw any conclusions, so I will leave the opportunity to draw them to you. I will try to write the final article about near-football in MMA in the near future, and one of the most authoritative St. Petersburg near-football players Shved, who heads the Shved Gang, will become its hero.

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A wide range of equipment for professional martial arts.

An MMA fighter is not only a strong and enduring athlete who is fluent in mixed martial arts. This is a strong-willed person who devotes most of his time to training every day. Sport develops such a person physically and spiritually, strengthens his fighting spirit and discipline.

Features of the direction of MMA

mixed martial arts are gaining more and more popularity every year. They are universal in that they include the most effective attack and defense techniques of various types of martial arts: karate, boxing, jujitsu, hand-to-hand combat, Greco-Roman wrestling, kickboxing. Mixed martial arts are striking and defensive techniques performed in the stance, as well as throws and techniques performed in the prone and reclining position (fighting on the ground).

How to become an MMA fighter? To do this, you need to identify for yourself a number of goals, the implementation of which you need to strive for.

1. You need to exercise regularly and a lot.

Only daily training is able to lay new conditioned reflexes in the athlete's subconscious, maintain physical fitness and master new skills. To achieve a good professional level, you need to train a lot. You need to do it regularly, according to a specially designed system.

2. Develop in several parallel directions.

True MMC masters must have the skills to fight in several different styles, this will help to maintain the authority of a fighter at a high level and develop a full set of necessary fighting skills.

3. To achieve excellent results, you need a good coach.

Good masters-professionals are able to lay in the athlete the correct knowledge base of one or another direction of martial arts. Also, the coach will help the athlete to form an individual training plan, taking into account the characteristics of his body and, if necessary, correct it. The trainer will also help you find a sparring partner.

4. Do not spare money for quality equipment.

You can buy it by visiting a special equipment store. To practice percussion techniques, you will need: protective gloves, helmets, protection for the body and legs, paws, pears. Remember that good protection will protect you from injuries that can take you out of your usual training rhythm for a long time.

5. Spar with different opponents of different styles.

Such training is good because it helps to quickly master the skills of fighting in a new and unfamiliar style.

6. Work on your punches.

When developing blows, train different skills at the same time: the speed of the blow, its strength, reaction and recovery speed. The outcome of the fight is decided by only a few blows, so it is important to be able to hit well and correctly.

7. Be individual.

Develop your individual style of fighting, include in it a few "chips" - techniques that work out especially well for you. Each fighter in the ring has his own individual "handwriting", which makes the athlete unique, not like the others.

In order to become a pro in any business, it will take more than one year. But having great willpower, determination, diligence and firmness of character, you can achieve your goals no matter what. That's when you become a real fighter!

Boxing, kickboxing, jiu-jitsu, mixed martial arts (or MMA) and other types of wrestling have been the most popular sports in recent decades. These days, professional fighters can earn good money in prizes and sponsorships, but to do so, they must be extremely fit and maintain a high level of fitness in order to be competitive and win competitions. Becoming a professional fighter takes years of intense training in one or more forms of wrestling, as well as building a reputation as a fighter and keeping your fighting skills at the highest level. Check out the steps below to learn how to become a professional fighter.


Development of your skills

    Learn to fight. If you are going to follow the path of a professional fighter, you must become the best of best fighters whatever it is possible to be. Whatever fighting style you choose, you need to learn the technique and training system.

    • Mixed martial arts is by far the most popular fighting style. Combining elements of boxing, martial arts, hand-to-hand combat and street fighting, mixed martial arts requires the development of a "full set" of combat skills. If you are a strong, fearless and capable student, mixed martial arts may be the right choice for you.
    • Martial arts such as karate, taekwondo or jiu-jitsu require the study of a huge number of both physical and spiritual disciplines. Learning them will take many years and may require moving to another country in order to gain knowledge from the best trainers and to improve them.
    • Hand-to-hand combat fighters have a wide network structure in schools and universities. Consider joining a team of hand-to-hand fighters to acquire the necessary ground fighting skills and as a basis for expanding your fighting skills into other styles.
    • Boxing is a classic combat sport. GYM's old school with heavy pears and skipping ropes exist throughout the country, both in rural and urban areas. If you want to start training from an early age, there are special boxing sections for young people with relatively inexpensive prices.
  1. Focus your attention. Do you want to become a boxing pro? Mixed martial arts? Muay Thai? Even if you are interested in several types of wrestling, and if you want to become a professional, you will need to choose a specialization. Find a gym where you can practice the particular type of wrestling you're interested in and meet a great coach who can teach you the secrets of the skill.

    • If possible, go to different gyms to learn from different coaches and train with different opponents.
  2. Train hard and often. Compete against a wide variety of opponents to hone your combat skills such as punching, reaction, recovery speed. During practice fights, wear protective clothing to reduce the risk of bodily harm.

    Find a good coach. An experienced mentor who has trained high level professional and non-professional fighters will be invaluable to your career. He will help you develop strength and minimize weaknesses by assessing your abilities and adjusting your training accordingly. He will also select good sparring partners for you, who will be worthy opponents in the competition.

  3. Be prepared to pay. Strictly systematized meals, expensive subscriptions to Gym, temporary commitments and losses on your body - the cost of participating in professional wrestling will quickly rise. If you break your wrist in a fight before you're a pro, who's going to pay for it?

    • Choose a physically demanding profession that will give you the opportunity to train and at the same time be employed while you go to your goal. UPS courier movers are required to lift heavy boxes, but they work early in the morning and have the rest of the day off. Physical work will have the double benefit of keeping you fit while you earn money. UPS also provides a good social package for your safety.
  4. Talk to management companies. Try talking to management companies like Fight Tribe or Made to Win that have solid experience with fighters and agree on the terms under which they can manage you.

    • By making decisions on your own, you will have the best chance of determining who will be on your team. However, it is important to understand that most management companies will only be interested if you can prove that you are worth investing in in the ring and that you win most of the key battles against worthy opponents. Keep winning to give yourself the best chance possible.
  5. Be unique."Iron" Mike Tyson entered the ring without clothes, in traditional boxer shorts, surrounded by policemen, accompanied by the sound of clanging chains and driving off sirens. It was beyond awesome and legendary. Kimbo Slice's prison tattoos, gold teeth, and giant beard have made his bare-handed fights the most memorable on YouTube. The more rude and shocking in your reputation, the higher the chances of being noticed and becoming a professional fighter.

    • Choose an alias and use it for promotion, let it be terrible, scary.
    • Use your past to create a story about yourself so people have something to connect you with. If you are a veteran, use this image to call people to patriotism. If you've been in jail, use this. Even if you're the wealthy offspring of an insurance company president, cultivate the image of a Wall Street killer to stand out from the crowd.

Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of an athlete - the main objective circuit training in wrestling and martial arts MMA.

For this reason, several principles have been formed on which this type of training is based:

  • Circuit training for representatives of mixed martial arts is characterized by high intensity, and the sport itself is traumatic, it must begin with a warm-up.

At this stage, the most important muscle groups, joints and tendons are prepared for the loads, Special attention is given to the cervical, lumbar spine, knee and elbow joints. .
The circuit training program should be consistent and comprehensive.

This involves alternating cardio and power loads, special exercises for fighters to develop specific skills that are necessary in mixed martial arts. Constant increase in the intensity of training, its duration.

  • The circuit training program should be consistent and comprehensive. This involves alternating cardio and strength training, special exercises for fighters to develop specific skills that are necessary in mixed martial arts.
  • Constant increase in the intensity of training, its duration.

Muscle work

The specifics of the development of the main muscle groups in wrestlers and fighters is that the main emphasis is on to increase strength, and not on relief and other external characteristics.

Work is primarily on top corps ( shoulder girdle, arms, chest muscles, abs) and leg muscles.

This ensures the effective use of combat techniques and reduction of injuries during the fight or training process.


Energy consumption during circuit training is very high, so the principle of nutrition for wrestlers and MMA fighters is balance. The diet involves the predominance of protein foods, fiber, complex carbohydrates and unsaturated fats, these components provide the athlete with the necessary amount of calories, hinders education excess weight.

Photo 1. Meat, eggs, fish, legumes, nuts - foods that must be included in the diet of wrestlers.

Mixed martial arts have their own weight categories, so athletes have to adjust the diet in preparation for the fight. This is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of calories and fluids consumed.

Reference! From the diet of athletes no alcohol, fast food and minimizing the amount of simple carbohydrates.

What to do after class?

Circuit training takes a lot of energy, causes overload of the muscular, cardiovascular, and sometimes the nervous system.

For these reasons, after exercise, the body must recover:

  • At the end of the workout Stretching is required, which relaxes the muscles, develops the elasticity of the tendons, increases the mobility of the joints.
  • Professional fighters often seek the help of masseurs, and also include Pilates and yoga in their training complex. These techniques prevent damage to the joints and the musculoskeletal system as a whole.
  • Full sleep necessary not only to restore the body, but also to maintain the nervous system in a normal state, the overload of which will negatively affect the results.

Exercise for training the press

1. Thai plank

Get into a push-up position, then bend your arms and lower your forearms to the floor (A). Rotate your body to the right, lifting your right arm and right leg off the floor, and then bring your elbow and knee together. Tighten your core muscles strongly and hold the position for three seconds (B). Repeat for the opposite side. If the exercise seems too difficult, do it on your knees.

2. Side plank

Number of sets: 3 Number of repetitions: 5-10 (each side)

Get into a prone position and then twist your torso to the right by raising your right arm above your head (A). Tighten your core muscles hard and bring your right knee and right elbow together (B). Hold the position for three seconds and then repeat on the opposite side. If the exercise seems too difficult, do it on your knees.

3. Thai crunches

Number of sets: 4 Number of repetitions: 10 (each side)

Lie on your back, lift your legs off the floor and put your hands behind your head. Pull your stomach in and lift your torso, touching your right elbow to your right thigh (A). Hold the position for three seconds and then lower your upper back to the floor. Repeat for the left side (B).

4. Reduction of knees and elbows while standing

Number of sets: 5 Number of repetitions: 10

Stand up straight, put your right hand on the wall, left hand raise above your head, lift your left leg (A). Raise your left knee, touch it with your left elbow and hold the position for three seconds (B). Perform the prescribed number of repetitions, and then repeat for the opposite side. If you can, do the exercise without leaning against the wall.

5. "Kicks" with the knee

Number of sets: 5 Number of repetitions: 5-10

Stand in front of a wall so that you can reach it and maintain your balance (if necessary). Get into a fighting stance with your arms outstretched in front of you as if you were grabbing your opponent by the neck (A). Slowly bring your hands to your chest, raising your right knee as if you were hitting your opponent's head with it (B). Hold the position for three seconds. Perform the prescribed number of repetitions, and then repeat for the opposite side.

6. Arm raises with dumbbells

Grab a light dumbbell in each hand and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your arms straight (but not fully extended at the elbows), raise the dumbbell to shoulder level (A). Lowering one hand down, raise the other (B). Move in this rhythm for three minutes (use a timer or just keep track of time), keeping the abdominal muscles in tension and keeping the body motionless. At the end of an exercise without rest, move on to the next one.

7. Turns of the torso to the sides with a dumbbell

Number of sets: 1. Do repetitions for 3 minutes

Grab a light dumbbell with both hands and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Rotate your outstretched arms to the left while keeping your head and torso stationary (A). Do the same to the right (B). Continue for three minutes, then move on to the next exercise without rest.

8. Dumbbell Overhead Raise

Number of sets: 1. Do repetitions for 3 minutes

Grab a light dumbbell with both hands, feet shoulder-width apart, and extend your arms out in front of you (A). Raise the dumbbell over your head (you can bend your arms slightly at the top of the movement) (B), and then return to the starting position. Continue for three minutes.

According to materials:

triple workout

As noted above, Kane's cardio training has become his hallmark. Endurance “breathing” was not given to him from birth, it is the result of non-stop cardio training. Hard work has made him one of the fastest progressing fighters.

Even at heavyweight, Kane moves very lightly and fights at an incredible pace.

While most athletes find the daily split tedious, Kane trains 3 times a day, 5 days a week. Training is divided into 3 Phases that develop each component of a fighter: Strength and Endurance, Grappling and Striking, and Cardio. And he does it every day, from Monday to Friday!

To develop strength and endurance, Kane trains with his own weight to increase power and mass. His power training with a weight very short and simple, tk. he avoids being overly muscular - this can affect cardio - the more muscle an athlete has, the more oxygen they need to maintain performance.

Kane lifts weights to constantly increase and maintain the strength needed to improve his wrestling, striking and grappling skills.

For the Big Four (squat, bench press, deadlift, overhead squat), Kane uses a 5/3/1 pattern, 5 reps with max weight on the first set, 3 on the second, and 1 on the last.

For all other exercises, 3 sets of 10 repetitions are done. He occasionally uses kettlebells to develop explosive strength and diversify his workouts.

During training, Kane uses the GymBoss Timer: when training 5/3/1, he spends 10/8/5 seconds per exercise, then a break of 1-2 minutes between sets. The harder the set, the longer the rest.

Where is the best place to train for MMA fighters?

When choosing a fitness center for training, pay attention to. For 20 years of work in Russia, this brand has established itself as a close-knit team of professionals

Contemporary sport equipment, the latest training programs, attentive attitude to each visitor - all this can be found in Gold's Gym clubs. Martial arts classes are regularly held here under the guidance of experienced trainers. You can work both in a group and individually. If you are only interested in training in the gym, then new multifunctional simulators and advice from qualified instructors are at your service.

While developing their body and sports skills in Gold’s Gym, fitness enthusiasts and professionals also improve their spirit and become members of a large and friendly family.

Cain Velasquez workout routine

  1. Full body workout:


  • Squats. 3 sets 5/3/1, rest 1-2 minutes
  • Leg press. 3X10, 15 seconds per approach, rest 1-2 minutes


  • Bench press. 3 sets 5/3/1, rest 1-2 minutes
  • Bench press. 3/10, 15 seconds per set, rest 1-2 minutes


  • Deadlift. 3 sets 5/3/1, rest 1-2 minutes
  • Pull-ups. 3X10, 15 seconds per approach, rest 1-2 minutes


  • Standing press. 3 sets 5/3/1, rest 1-2 minutes
  • Superset: front dumbbell raises, side raises, barbell chin rows. 3X10 in each exercise, without rest. Rest 1-2 minutes between supersets.


  • Bars. 3X10, 15 seconds per approach, rest 1-2 minutes
  • Triceps on the block. 3X10, 15 seconds per approach, rest 1-2 minutes.


  • Biceps curls. 3X10, 15 seconds per approach, rest 1-2 minutes
  • Concentrated bends. 3X10, 15 seconds per approach, rest 1-2 minutes

Remember that you are working with time, not just doing sets! You can use a stopwatch on your smartphone, or a regular stopwatch.

Kane's grappling training consists of wrestling and jiu-jitsu. A born fighter, he improves his punching skills through kickboxing, training with American Kickboxing Academy fighters Josh Koscheck, Jon Fitch and Phil Baroni, among others.

In terms of cardio, Kane spars with 5 different opponents for 3 minutes - this is done to ensure that each new opponent is "fresh", to test his will and push his limits. In a nutshell, this style of MMA training helps Cain Velasquez do things that other fighters can't.

After sparring, Kane runs 10 kilometers a day to improve lung capacity and VO2 Max (characterizes your ability to absorb and absorb oxygen).

Reasons to do MMA

Many novice athletes often ask questions about why MMA fighters need training at all, because you can also learn to fight without it. It is worth noting that martial arts, like any sport, have their own rules and regulations, which cannot be violated in any way.

The training of MMA fighters provides an opportunity to develop strength and endurance, which is necessary not only for them, but also for people who are fond of any other sport. Beyond that, there are many reasons to get into MMA. The main ones are:

  1. Music for MMA training energizes and directs you to achieve new goals.
  2. Through regular practice, self-confidence is gradually developed. When a wrestler knows exactly how to fight, he feels calmer and more relaxed. That is why, when a threat comes suddenly, it will be much easier to bypass it.
  3. Discipline is one of the main advantages of MMA. Home workouts, like classes in the halls with trainers, teach discipline not only to the body, but also to the mind. Proper nutrition, sleep schedule and training are the main points that you will have to accustom yourself to from the very first lesson.
  4. MMA training (training) is a great opportunity to improve your physical abilities and become the owner of a chic athletic body.
  5. Training allows you to displace anger and anger, which people absolutely do not need in everyday life. It is enough just to spend some time in the hall and realize all your aggression there.
  6. Wins and losses in competitions give drive, which is reflected in other areas of activity.
  7. Visiting the hall and meeting the same athletes there, there is a considerable chance to find real friends who will be close in spirit and interests.

From private to general

You can look at the training programs of various fighters for a long time, but it will be more useful to understand for yourself some basic principles of strength training.

During the fight, you will have to constantly move: jump, wriggle in grips, push, pull, squat, etc. Accordingly, you need to choose those exercises that are similar to the movements in a duel. This is especially true when working with your own weight. Ideal for push-ups, squats, burpees, pull-ups, lunges, etc. All these exercises can (and should) be combined into a circuit training and performed without pauses or with a short break, depending on your functional readiness.

It is extremely useful to use a medicine ball in your workouts. You can make a complex for 2-3 minutes from several throws. Then spend several rounds, taking a break between them to recover.

You can also try doing barbell complex(20 kg Olympic bar):

  1. Deadlift
  2. Take on the chest
  3. Standing Chest Press
  4. Front squat
  5. jerk
  6. Bent over pull

All exercises are performed in 5-6 rounds with a minute break. Gradually, you can add weight, but 45-50 kg is enough for even the most trained heavyweight fighter, so do not overdo it.

The key point, as you have already noticed, is cyclicality. Circuit training is the choice of an athlete involved in martial arts.
Understandably, MMA fighters cannot afford to spend a lot of time on strength training. The lion's share of training goes to the development of shock and wrestling techniques. Before serious fights, athletes practically do not get out of the hall at all, trying to add something new to the existing arsenal or further improve their favorite strikes and throws.

Since we are talking about preparing for fights, let's see how masters of the highest level do it today, fighters from the top 10 MMA ratings in different weight categories.

crossfit program for MMA fighterscomplex 8. Fight gone bad

  • 1 minute: throwing the ball at the target, 9/6 kg - maximum repetitions
  • 2 minutes: sumo chin deadlift, 35/24 kg - max reps
  • 3 minutes: box jumps, 50 cm - maximum reps
  • 4 minutes: schwungs, 35/24 kg - maximum reps
  • 5 minutes: - maximum calories


Acceleration is perhaps one of the most basic components of success in battle, because if a fighter is hardworking, then there can be no question of any victory. Therefore, for the development of a massive jerk in the initial phase of the impact, both with the foot and with the hand, sprint is used.

The training of MMA fighters always involves running with the greatest acceleration over a short distance. At the same time, you can run along a flat, straight section of the road, downhill, up the stairs. Shuttle running, running in a harness have proven themselves to be excellent. Before performing such an exercise, it is fundamentally excellent to stretch your body in order to protect yourself from injury and ensure a gradual improvement in the result.

MMA training at home from scratch.

The fact is that each person has a different bodily sensitivity and a different ability to analyze their own movements. It often happens that a person, practicing a blow, thinks that he is doing everything right, although in fact he is doing it completely wrong.

In this case, a competent person is needed who could look from the outside and assess whether the exercises are performed correctly. This role is usually performed. But a friend who is more experienced in martial arts can also perform. If a person training at home does not have such a person, then mastering MMA skills will be problematic.

In order to successfully master mixed martial arts, you need to somehow check yourself. And if a person who masters MMA skills at home does not yet know how to hit correctly, then he will not be able to test himself on his own.

Conclusion. It is impossible to master MMA skills at home from scratch if there were no trainings with a trainer before and there is no way to test yourself with the help of a competent person. The only thing you can do is to do the bulk of the workouts at home yourself, but sometimes find the opportunity to work out with a trainer individually or in a group in order to identify for yourself problematic points that are worth working on. Also, an important point in testing your skills is participation in sparring. Sparring is the main parameter for assessing the skill of MMA athletes. And if there is no partner, then it will be impossible to spar.

Why adults need MMA training

By itself, Mix Fight is a combination of wrestling and boxing - the emphasis is on combinations of various types of wrestling and power work with the hands, additionally training the fighter's endurance and agility. At the moment, MMA has become very popular all over the world - the reason for this is the high entertainment of the fight and the availability of a huge number of techniques. Often fighters move into a discipline from other sports - boxing or wrestling. Almost all novice adults are wondering - is it possible to practice in adulthood? The definite answer is yes. As a discipline, mixed martial arts can be learned at any age. This carries certain positive aspects for health, and contraindications are usually dispensed with by more gentle workouts.

For an adult, mixed martial arts:・ the ability to lose weight; ・ a way to learn how to defend yourself; ・ prevention of various diseases that develop due to a sedentary lifestyle.

All classes begin with a mandatory warm-up and general physical training. Most of the exercises are mobile, aimed at different muscle groups, which is a certain prevention of the development of diseases and maintains physical fitness. MMA training for beginner adults, if practiced with a certain stability for six months, they change a person beyond recognition for the better, both externally and internally. The physical development of the body improves both appearance and cures most diseases. However, beginner adults should train according to their physical condition. Even serious injuries and chronic diseases will not become an obstacle with due attention of the coach, who will adjust the training program to suit the characteristics of the body.

Advantages of our MMA section for beginners

Classes are held in groups of eight to twelve participants under the guidance of highly professional, accomplished athletes with at least five years of coaching experience. This allows the coach to fully control the process, noticing students' mistakes in time, correcting their actions and ensuring an appropriate level of safety while practicing certain techniques and exercises.

At your service:

  • Spacious, modern, well-equipped room with showers and comfortable changing rooms
  • The ability to use exercise equipment free of charge
  • Free parking located within walking distance of the club.

If you are looking for a place where beginners can work out as productively and, more importantly, safely, remember that the doors of the Gigant sports club are always open for you!

Free equipment for the first trial lesson.

The trial free training does not oblige you to anything. This is an excursion into the world of spectacular martial arts. And it's free. Look around, feel the atmosphere of our club, meet the coaches and students.

Reasons to get into MMA

Each beginner, choosing to practice mixed martial arts, should understand that this sport has mixed a variety of arts. It uses elements from boxing, karate, judo, taekwondo, muay thai, jujitsu. In the process, the athlete is taught defensive actions, as well as attack, fighting on the ground, as well as the use of grappling skills. Therefore, special attention is paid not so much to striking technique as to wrestling, gripping techniques, technique and so on. Not everyone understands what advantages they will get from practicing mixed martial arts, but this sport has much more advantages than disadvantages. There are several reasons to get into MMA:

  • The athlete quickly gets used to discipline, which puts in order not only the body, but also the mind.
  • In the process, self-confidence, a feeling of calmness and relaxedness are developed.
  • The fear of threats is blunted, there is confidence that in case of danger you can stand up for yourself.
  • In training, you can throw out all the anger and anger, which calms and eliminates aggression in everyday life.

Winning and losing in the classroom is an indescribable drive that gives you the motivation to go for the goal, to achieve what you want, which is a useful skill in your career as well.

Section Mix fight MMA for beginners in Moscow

Mix fighting in Moscow is gaining more and more popularity, so both men and women, adults and teenagers (from 14 years old), both beginners and experienced fighters can do it.

There are many clubs in Moscow where you can take your first steps in the world of sports in the MMA section for beginners and amateurs. And our martial arts center is proof of that! The coaching staff of the club consists of ambitious and friendly people. We have gathered under our wing real professionals and enthusiasts in their field - active athletes, professional coaches who can teach any contingent in an accessible and understandable way, even those who have never been associated with martial arts or other sports, so to speak, from scratch.

Fighting training without rules

MMA training for beginners is the same as training for other types of martial arts: warm-up, work with a rope and stuffed ball, crossfit training (in case of fights without MMAfit rules), self-insurance, stretching, improving striking techniques with arms, legs and head , working with projectiles, improving throwing technique, working on technique on the ground, as well as sparring, where you can put into practice all the knowledge and skills you have gained.

Mix fight for kids;

Mixed martial arts for girls;

Mix fight - individual training;

Mix fight in Moscow Skhodnenskaya, Planernaya, Tushino, Tushinskaya, SZAO, Northern Tushino, Khimki, Kurkino, Mitino.


A set of MMA exercises (training) must necessarily contain positions that require logs, tires, stones, barrels, sledgehammers, and so on. The main goal of the athlete is to move a heavy object over a certain distance. It can be carried out by lifting, dragging or throwing this weight somewhere.

Exercises of this type can be performed either separately or in combination with others. When a novice fighter decides to start training, it is best to choose no more than 5-6 exercises that will involve the entire body.

You can perform exercises by combining them in a series or by dividing them into approaches. Complicate the workout should only be when a person feels light. But you should not overload yourself too much, so you need to complicate it gradually. The ideal option is to perform the maximum number of repetitions in a set time (approximately 2-3 minutes). In addition, one should not forget about short breaks for recovery, without which it will not be possible to gradually increase the load.

MMA training is a professional format.

« professional training» MMA is the second format. This format trains only those who plays in tournaments or preparing to perform. Here, the requirements for students are much higher. The goal of this group is to win MMA tournaments, so not everyone can get here. MMA training is held 4 times a week, and additional independent work is also welcome.

For fighters of this format, the coach develops individual training program mma for each fighter, taking into account the goals and objectives, as well as based on the preparation for a particular tournament. Also, other professional fighters from the outside are periodically invited to these groups to exchange experiences. Admission to this group is only after an interview with the coach.

Fighters who have a confirmed CCM rank in any type of mixed martial arts, or who have the title of Master of Sports, can count on a preferential price for subscriptions, up to exemption from payment. But this is decided individually with the head coach of the club and only if documents confirming the status of an athlete are provided.

The following tricks are prohibited in the mix fight

  • bite;
  • hit in the groin;
  • along the spine;
  • on the throat and on the back of the head;
  • do not poke in the eyes and manipulate the small joints.
  • it is also categorically impossible to use such a technique as "fish hooks" (this is the capture of such vulnerabilities like nostrils, ears and mouth).

Such martial arts have been known since ancient times - in ancient Greece, at the Olympics, painful techniques could be used in such martial arts as pankration. It was this type of wrestling that became the ancestor of modern mixed martial arts. Among the Romans and Etruscans, pankratium was popular - an even tougher version of the Greek pankration. In the CIS, the forerunner of the mix fight was hand-to-hand combat and combat sambo, which were cultivated in the armed forces of the Airborne Forces, as well as in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB. At the moment, mix fighting is one of the strongest disciplines and is at the peak of popularity.

What you need to know if you are going to come to MMA training for beginners in Moscow

When choosing mixed martial arts offered by our martial arts club TIGRIS, every novice athlete must be ready not only for serious workloads, but also for the purchase of suitable equipment. Here's what it includes:

  • Cloth. All classes are held in an equipped gym, with a normal microclimate. You don't need a special uniform for training, so you can bring loose MMA shorts or vale tudo with you. For the first visits to the hall, ordinary shorts are also suitable, which are devoid of zipper departments or any metal elements.
  • Equipment. Having chosen mixed martial arts, each beginner is instructed in detail regarding the necessary equipment for permanent occupations or individual training. For the first time, the necessary protection is issued during classes, and then you should think about purchasing your own. Usually shin protectors, shell, tooth protection and gloves are required.

The trainer himself forms individual lessons and general trainings for Mix Fight, based on the general preparation of the group. Usually all trainings include the development of fighting techniques, as well as protection. If you are planning to go to MMA training for beginners on a permanent basis, in the future it will be desirable to purchase sweatpants with a compression effect and a rashguard. They will be a kind of protection from damage and abrasions. The entire arsenal of equipment is best agreed with the trainer before purchase.

Circuit training example

This type of training is complex load aimed at the comprehensive development of physical strength and fighting skills.

A set of exercises with your own weight

Bodyweight exercises are an integral part of the training process, which is included in the circuit training program for wrestlers and MMA fighters. This complex contains a number of necessary exercises, which provide the safety of athletes in a duel in addition to improving physical fitness.

  • Push-ups on bars.
  • Pull-ups on the bar with different grips.
  • Pushups(on the palms, fists, back of the palms, fingers).
  • Abs exercises on an inclined board.

Photo 2. A man does push-ups on parallel bars, the exercise improves physical fitness.

  • Strengthening the back from a lying position, as well as on an inclined board.
  • Pumping the neck muscles with a special complex(“Wrestling bridge”, “Running on the bridge” with circular rotations around its axis, resting on the forehead, “Headstand against the wall”).
  • Rope.
  • Jumping on the pedestal in a different way.
  • Jumping out.

Sledge pull

This exercise is done using a special device: a sled. They consist of a base on which weights are placed and fastening systems and handles.

Exists three kinds this common exercise:

  • behind you;
  • pushing in front of you;
  • pull back forward.

Photo 3. A man performs a sled pull behind him - this exercise is the basis of fighters' training.

Medicine ball

This device is widely used in the work with the abdominal press, squats and specialized combat training techniques. Medicine ball exercises - an integral part of fighter training.

  • Pair pumping of the press with projectile throwing from a prone position and lifting the body.
  • Throwing a medicine ball while standing with twisting of the body aimed at working the oblique abdominal muscles and strengthening the arms.
  • Throwing a projectile with one hand from a combat stance(alternately with each hand) develops the explosive strength of the hands.


Exercises with a bar in a circular training for fighters are aimed at development of explosive strength of the muscles of the hands, impact power.

As well as exercises with this projectile is used to increase strength.

  • Classic barbell bench press on a straight board.
  • Bench press on an inclined board.
  • Deadlift.
  • Biceps curls and triceps presses.
  • Throwing the bar from the chest from a standing position.

Important! Throw-outs are related to the speed-strength type of training and develop the striking power of a fighter and a wrestler. . Sprint


This dynamic exercise, which is often included in the circuit training program for wrestlers and MMA fighters. Sprinting with weights develops endurance, strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, which necessary for representatives of mixed martial arts.

Work on percussion technique

Percussion technique - one of the most important components circular training for fighters.

MMA unites representatives of various martial arts(judo, freestyle wrestling, Greco-Roman) and representatives of percussion techniques (boxing, kick-boxing, karate).

Percussion training involves the presence of certain projectiles: pears for practicing punches and kicks, a hanging pear (used to improve coordination and speed).

Striking exercises:

  • accentuated punch with weights;
  • imitation of a hand strike with an obstacle in the form of a stretch tape;
  • hammer blows on the tire;
  • pushing, throwing the shot.

Answers to frequently asked questions

  • I have never done mixed martial arts before, what to do? Absolutely not a problem. The main thing is to make up your mind, come and start practicing. We will select the optimal load, based on the level of your physical fitness. Under the guidance of a mentor, you will learn the technique from the very basics.
  • MMA is a brutal sport. Can I get hurt? Misconception! Of course, this is a serious contact sport. But our students are not allowed to fight until they master the technique. Any training sparring is carried out only in protective equipment. Moreover, if you decide to engage in mixed martial arts for general physical and spiritual development, sparring is optional.
  • I'm a beginner and I'm afraid that everyone in the group is already great at fighting. Both beginners and experienced athletes train in our groups. In the group there is always someone to study with and from whom to ask for advice.
  • What does it take to start doing MMA?Initially, in addition to a comfortable sportswear do not need anything. In our halls, everything you need for classes is always available - helmets, gloves, jump ropes, bandages. Later, the mentor will select the appropriate equipment and help save on the purchase.
  • How many students are in each group? The size of one group does not exceed 12 people. This allows the trainer to focus on the process as much as possible, correct technical errors in time and pay enough attention to each student.
  • Will I be able to lose weight? Undoubtedly! With the proper approach in one workout, you can get rid of 1 - 2 kilograms of excess weight. This is due to intense combined loads (cardio and strength). In the classroom, all muscle groups are involved and metabolism improves.
  • Is it possible to start MMA classes if you are already over 30? The oldest student of the club is 49 years old. He is an absolute beginner. It is never too late to start improving health and improving the quality of life. If there are no contraindications, discard all fears and doubts! We have people of all ages.
  • When will the result be visible? 1 - 2 months of regular classes - a tangible result. Learn how to strike correctly, move around the ring. You will feel a surge of strength and vitality, you will become much more confident.

Ab workout like MMA fighters

That's why we decided to compile a list of muay thai-based abdominal exercises - the same kind of movement you see today in fight clubs in Bangkok. By doing them, you will not only strengthen your core, but you will also be able to pump up the same sculpted abs that you usually see in MMA champions, such as the “king” of the featherweight division Conor McGregor (and avoid bruising!).

The purpose of the exercises

Most of the exercises below imitate wrestling techniques such as a knee strike or pinching the opponent between the knee and elbow. Their goal is to upset the balance of the body, thereby forcing you to try to maintain balance and engage the core muscles. You will also be able to work out those deep muscles that classic push-ups and squats “do not reach”. Result? Amazing abs, lots of calories burned and increased stamina!

A Brief Description of the Fighting Abs Workout Program

Target Muscles:

  • Press

Level of training:

  • Elementary


  • Up to six workouts per week


  • 45 minutes


  • Perform the exercises for the indicated number of sets, resting between them as needed, and then move on to the next.

Work on percussion technique

A well-placed strike is the key to a successful end to the fight. But in order for it to be correctly executed, it is necessary to regularly develop single variants and combinations.

MMA shock training includes work on the "paws", on the bag, practicing strikes with. At the same time, it is desirable to pay attention not only to attack, but to defense and counterattack. . At home, the most suitable option for practicing strikes would be the so-called "shadow boxing"

This type of training involves air strikes, the main task of which is to master the technical elements of attack and defense without involving a real partner for help. Working in this way, the fighter thinks various options technical actions that he will carry out in a real duel. All movements should be carried out with maximum speed and explosion, which increases the real speed of strikes in battle, as well as the maneuverability of the athlete himself. At the same time, when conducting rounds of such a fight with a virtual opponent, you can use weights - small dumbbells or other weights. Their use allows you to achieve the desired effect somewhat faster.

At home, the most suitable option for practicing strikes will be the so-called "shadow boxing". This type of training involves air strikes, the main task of which is to master the technical elements of attack and defense without involving a real partner for help. Working in this way, the fighter thinks through various options for technical actions that he will carry out in a real fight. All movements should be carried out with maximum speed and explosion, which increases the real speed of strikes in battle, as well as the maneuverability of the athlete himself. At the same time, when conducting rounds of such a fight with a virtual opponent, you can use weights - small dumbbells or other weights. Their use allows you to achieve the desired effect somewhat faster.

However, quite often it is important to strike in the air at a slow pace. Due to this, you can quickly identify existing flaws in technology, determine the degree of your stability, understand the causes of imbalance, and master new techniques.

In addition, "shadow boxing" allows you to choose a strategy for the upcoming fight if the athlete plans to compete in an amateur or professional tournament.

It is also important to pay attention to proper breathing, since the final result of the fight, his health and well-being depend on how easily and naturally the fighter breathes.

Our advantages

Classes in mini-groups of 8-12 people

Learn to fight, strike, move correctly. Sparring - after 3 months and only at will.

159 champions prepared

Our athletes regularly participate in competitions. We brought up champions in mix-fight, grappling, boxing, etc.

Unlimited club access

The ability to combine different types of martial arts and the price will not increase from this.

Within walking distance. Free parking!

15 minutes. from m. Alekseevskaya and 4 min. from the railway station Moscow-3.

Star coaching staff

All coaches are Masters of Sports of Russia. Winners of international tournaments. Moscow Champions. Coaching experience of 5 years.

Personal nutrition program

For free! Taking into account the type of martial arts and your taste preferences. We will improve your health and fitness.

Sledge pulls

Many novice athletes do not like this exercise very much, since it is not easy to perform, but for a real fighter it is a must. Even the most best workouts(MMA) must include sled pulls.

Among the most effective exercises:

  • thrust with advancement;
  • thrust of heavy sleds when running face forward;
  • sled presses with advancement;
  • traction in running backwards.

The most advantageous option would be to combine all these exercises into separate series, for which you should allocate about 30 seconds. Thanks to this, you can quickly develop endurance. And to achieve great results in the development of explosive strength, you will need to do luge training with approaches up to 10 seconds, the breaks between which should be at least one and a half minutes. In total, in each of the exercises you need to do 4-12 approaches.

Multifunctional component

The MMA training program in its own database involves increasing the high-speed and power characteristics of a fighter, improving endurance, improving the technical abilities of strikes and wrestling. In this regard, realizing that the fight takes place in different styles, the exercises will be focused on the fact that the fighter can effortlessly pull, push his own opponent, bend, squat, jump, be him and so on. Do not forget that quite often the enemy should be held in a static position. In general, now it is worth finding means and ways of doing things.

Why does an MMA fighter need aikido

An interesting trend is the desire of top fighters to invite masters of traditional martial arts - karate, aikido, capoeira and wushu as trainers. For example, Daniel Cormier, mentioned above, before the fight with the already great (4 title defenses) and terrible John Jones, called Steven Seagal himself, a famous aikido master, whose professional level is highly appreciated by major experts from the world of martial arts, as his mentors.

True, Segal's advice did not help Cormier in the fight with the champion - the defeat turned out to be quite painful. But this does not mean that it makes no sense to invite masters of traditional martial arts. In the long run, they can teach a fighter to better control their body, which will eventually lead to serious progress.

So the explosive power of your muscles should be far from last if you want to succeed in mixed martial arts.