Diet from Jennifer Lopez. Jennifer Lopez - diet and healthy lifestyle

Hello, dear friends. What is Jennifer Lopez diet - a question that interests the public no less than the release date of her new album or film with her participation.

Today we will join you in the secrets of the artist’s beautiful body and find out what efforts it takes for her to always be in shape.

Singer, actress and mother of two children, Jennifer Lopez conquered the world not only with her talent, but also with her forms, which seem to only get better year after year.

Numerous tabloids are full of stories about what diet he is on star. It is difficult to say what is true and what is not in all of these materials.

And since, alas, I won’t be able to get an interview with J.Lo, I can only be content with what is in the public domain.

However, I tried to find the most reliable information for you. So, what helps her look better and better year after year?

Vegan for company

Daily physical exercise, healthy eating and the desire to stay healthy and happy - this is, in general, the main secret of Jennifer’s slimness and attractiveness.

And in May 2014, Miss Lopez joined the company of vegans for 22 days, giving herself a five-week weight loss marathon.

Thus, she supported the initiative of Beyoncé and her husband Jay-Z, who had previously also become vegan for 22 days, and they liked it so much that they even decided to organize a ready-made food delivery service called “22 days.”

It's worth noting that being vegan is becoming increasingly fashionable in Hollywood. A new round of popularization of giving up animal food in 2013 was given by actor Samuel L. Jackson.

Then, when asked by journalists about the reason for his such excellent shape and whether this means that he is preparing for a new role, he replied that “It’s just a new vegan diet. I'm just trying to live forever."

J.Lo also tried for herself what it was like to “try to live forever” and she really liked it. According to her, during the diet she felt great, despite her 44 years (at that time) and the presence of two children.

« It was a real change - she said . - To tell the truth, even if you are 70-80 percent vegetarian, that’s already good. It's much better to eat more vegetables, greens and plant-based foods,” Jennifer said. — It will change your life and health ».

Vegan diet rules

Why 22 days? It is believed that a habit is developed in 20 days. That is, 22 days is enough to reconsider your eating habits and continue to eat differently in the future. Although I'm not sure that such a period is realistic.

What is

Food of animal origin is completely excluded from the products. And we are talking not only about meat, butter or milk, but also about such a harmless product as honey.

Also prohibited are white sugar, various unhealthy snacks such as chips, crackers, candies, and carbonated drinks.

Vegans have only vegetables, cereals, legumes, fruits, herbs, nuts, mushrooms, and soy products on their menu.

Drinks include herbal and green teas, freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juices.

Adjusted for star menu

Menu Jen herself during this period was structured something like this:

  • For breakfast the star ate millet with bananas, blueberries and almond milk.
  • For lunch she had vitamin coleslaw with red pepper.
  • For dinner– zucchini squash topped with vegan cheese and tomatoes.

According to her, during this time she easily lost 4 kilograms of weight.

The secret of her slimness

At the end of 2014, the actress became the face of the BodyLab brand - this company specializes in the production of nutritional supplements and cocktails for health and weight loss and is aimed at women. Since then, in her interviews, she began to talk about including BodyLab cocktails in her diet.

J.Lo never tires of praising products whose formula does not include harmful additives that have a bad effect on the hormonal system, but cocktails from the series sports nutrition are produced without creatine in their composition, which increases muscle mass.

Healthy eating rules from JLo

  • Food should be as little processed as possible. Organic products are a priority.
  • It is important to monitor the amount of protein entering the body. Protein is an excellent muscle fuel and should not be lacking.
  • You should drink more water throughout the day, especially before training.
  • Always have a healthy snack on hand - a fruit or vegetable.
  • Dinner, even if it takes place in a restaurant, consists exclusively of low-calorie dishes. For example, the artist loves salad and fish with vegetables.
  • Alcohol, cigarettes and coffee are excluded. If it's coffee, then it's decaffeinated. Well, alcohol is only on rare important holidays.
  • You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day: healthy sleep is the key to beauty and proper functioning of the whole body.

Approximate diet

In general, her diet is dominated by green vegetables; she likes asparagus, Brussels sprouts, green sprouts, and broccoli.

The actress also loves Puerto Rican food since she grew up eating it. She does not follow any special diets, but tries to choose the right foods.


  • Protein shake from the Body Lab series.
  • Decaffeinated coffee.


  • Salmon and salad of vegetables and herbs (her favorites include broccoli, peppers, zucchini).


  • A combination of plant and animal protein, complex carbohydrates and greens. These can be whole grain cereals, beans, vegetables, chicken or pork.

Jen also has small weaknesses, but where would she be without them? So, in one of the interviews, she admitted that she sometimes likes to treat herself to chocolate chips, as well as chocolate ice cream and chocolate cookies.

Athletic body

Speaking about J.Lo's diet, one cannot fail to mention her great love for sports in general and dancing in particular. She tirelessly keeps her body in shape through regular workouts at the gym.

And since the star is often on the road, traveling between New York and Los Angeles, she has two personal trainers for this.

When she's in New York, she works with David Kirsch (a lawyer by training and a celebrity coach by profession). When in Los Angeles - with Tracy Anderson (I talked about her method in).

The singer likes the balance she gets from both - they have two very different approaches and she enjoys switching between them.

In general, her workout program consists of muscle building classes and cardio exercises. Jen also loves running – it gives her a boost of energy.

The secret of eternal youth

While taking care of her body, the actress does not forget about her face. Her unfading youth is not explained by plastic surgery, but by what she does gymnastics for the face (do you really believe this?).

It is reported that Miss Lopez does face fitness for 15 minutes every day - that’s why she’s looking younger day after day!

What to remember

There are many more diets from Lopez on the Internet, I did not list them here - I have great doubt that the singer herself knows about their existence.

I tried to collect the most objective information for you, and it’s up to you to decide whether to apply it to yourself or not.

In general, the picture emerges that Jennifer is very smart and tries very hard to take care of herself and her body.

It’s not an easy job for a star who faces temptations at every turn. But judging by the way our beauty looks, she succeeds.

And I would like to end the article with the words of the singer herself.

« Love yourself and don't waste your time worrying about how others look. Because when you love yourself, you are happy and it reflects throughout your whole body. And that's why you're beautiful » .

I also wish you to shine like a star, grow slimmer and younger day after day. See you again on my blog and don’t forget to subscribe to updates.

Jennifer Lopez: " The sexiest butt in the world"
Diet for weight loss Jennifer Lopez diet, exercise and beauty!
Weight: 60 kg Height: 1.65 m. Age: 07/24/1969
Place of birth: Bronx NY, USA.

Jennifer Lopez, actress, singer and producer, is the richest Latina in Hollywood according to the Forbes list. Jennifer Lopez, also known as J.Lo, has a charming figure. Moreover, over time it seems that she is becoming slimmer.

How does Jennifer Lopez manage to lose weight with her diet?

Diet secrets of Jennifer Lopez.

How does she manage to be beautiful and in great shape? To have a slim figure and a toned body, J.Lo is able to dance for hours. The singer needs to be in great shape and for this she is ready to work hard.

Healthy diet for weight loss Diet Jennifer Lopez.
Jennifer Lopez's diet secret: Jennifer Lopez eats everything, but in moderation, and only occasionally enjoys the delicacies of Caribbean cuisine . Follows a diet rich in proteins and vegetables.

The diet was created nutritionist David Kirsch especially for the singer, nutrition and fitness specialist. It includes two phases: weight loss and stabilization.

Phase one.

At this phase, any alcohol, oils and fats of animal origin, sugar, both alone and as part of dishes, salt, soy sauce and other salty seasonings are completely excluded. The carbohydrate content is very limited. No fruits, cereals, breads or legumes. Eat nothing but green vegetables, tomatoes, celery and lean protein in the form of fish, chicken breast, egg whites, low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese. Drinks: coffee and green tea without sugar. This phase lasts two weeks.

Breakfast: 6 egg white omelette, a portion of stewed spinach, black coffee.

Second breakfast: 100 g low-fat yogurt, a small salad of green vegetables.

Lunch: a portion of steamed chicken breast and stewed vegetables without oil or salt.

Dinner: a portion of steamed fish with a green salad and water with the juice of 1/2 lemon.

Snack: 7 almonds.

Phase two.

In phase 2, weight loss continues, but you gradually add complex carbohydrates and fruits. Jennifer Lopez's diet does not include sweets. JLo snacks on sweetened jelly when necessary. This phase lasts one month.

First week: add 3 tablespoons of any sprouted grain to the approximate diet in the morning.

Second week: one additional green apple is added.

Week three: another apple and a serving of whole grain bread.

Week four: a serving of legumes, a cup of berries or a slice of melon.

Phase three.

You can eat all the foods that were “added” in the previous phase; in addition, you are allowed to indulge in 2 glasses of dry wine and 10 grams of dark chocolate per week. If you stick to a similar diet always in combination with training, you will maintain your figure for a long time. That's exactly what Jennifer Lopez does. She also does a lot of fitness - power training, Pilates, tai bo and dance rehearsals before performances.

She never drinks alcohol. And when he wants to lose weight, he simply removes carbohydrates (pasta, rice) from his daily diet.
Additional diet supplement for Jennifer Lopez: Drink more than 3 liters of water daily to reduce appetite. Eat more vegetables before meals to relieve hunger.
JLo works really hard to keep her gorgeous body in shape. With the help of your personal trainer, Gunnar Paterson, if not on a trip, she trains for 60 - 90 minutes 4 - 5 times a week. For normal people, her trainer recommends exercising for 60 minutes 3 times a week.
Jennifer Lopez at a concert

Her other way to keep her sexy body in shape? Sing and dance.
During a concert tour, a singer can easily lose about 2,000 - 4,000 calories in one night! At the age of 5, Jennifer Lopez took dance classes in the Bronx. And since then she hasn’t stopped doing it.

Jennifer Lopez's personal trainer explains the exercises: Jennifer Lopez continues to do exercises that include warming up with weights and stretching exercises. of cardio-vascular system. Besides, practices yoga And Krav Maga, exercises of the Israeli army self-defense system.

Jennifer Lopez works very hard in training, but always explains to her trainers that she does not want to reduce the size of her “backside,” her weapon of seduction.
Perfect ass Jennifer Lopez. Who do men think about when they are told about the most perfect and beautiful butt? Most people think about JLo.
What should an ideal butt look like? What makes it perfect?
The most important characteristics are elasticity, shape and size. It should also be soft and without cellulite, it can change and improve as it gluteal muscles, athletes and beauties know that these are “responsive muscles”, and therefore the butt can be corrected and transformed.

Exercises to improve your butt from Jennifer Lopez:
2 types of exercises are required: To lose fat, JLo does aerobic exercise. To strengthen the buttocks, she adds exercises for the muscles and development of the leg muscles. To enlarge her butt, in addition to exercise, she takes proteins for muscle growth.
Buttocks: The secret of beauty? A very sexy butt and buttocks are Jennifer Lopez’s weapon to conquer the male sex.

Jennifer Lopez will reveal hers to you best secret beauty: "Train your buttocks by tensing and squeezing your gluteal muscles. Every time I can, standing or sitting when possible, I tighten my buttocks (namely, I should make my butt firm). I repeat this exercise several times during the day. Try it too , a few minutes every day, I assure you that you will notice a difference on your buttocks in 15 days!”
Use cellulite creams
Jennifer Lopez uses skin creams and anti-cellulite creams as an addition to exercise. The singer claims that the creams give good temporary visible results, but one should not wait for final results. JLo applies creams after showering, and uses scrubs and exfoliators for softer, more beautiful skin.
Jennifer Lopez's advice to hide cellulite.
“To hide cellulite, my quick solution is to tan: either the usual way or using self-tanning creams.”

On the red carpet with my husband

Jennifer Lopez in a bikini after pregnancy

Makeup: The Beauty Secret of Jennifer Lopez, a hot Latina with her own makeup style that has even become fashionable. Even though she dresses very glamorously, her makeup is usually, on the contrary, very simple. The secret of makeup is to give your skin a natural look.

Her makeup is characterized by its radiance. It is light, almost ethereal, like a light breeze. To do this, she pays attention to the use of monochromatic tones that are almost transparent. Her lips and cheeks are only slightly emphasized and it is on her eyes that she sometimes wears more makeup. Jennifer Lopez's tips:
Make sure your skin is glowing. Don't use too much

Makeup, there is no need to wear heavy makeup to appear divine. Jennifer Lopez without makeup!
Look at JLo's skin and terrible hair. In another photo, spectacular and explosive. On the red carpet they are real divas, but on the street they are... ordinary girls.

There are several things that haunt many representatives of the fair half of humanity. And the most pressing one is how to look as amazing as Jennifer Lopez at 45 years old. Even if you look at the photo of the beauty in ordinary life without Photoshop, she will always surprise you with her well-groomed appearance and impeccable style.

The figure of the star deserves special admiration. I wonder if a girl could ever have thought that her butt would be so attractive that she would have to be insured for as much as 27 million? How to get closer to a figure that is really worth a lot? Fortunately, Jennifer Lopez's diet and the secrets of her gorgeous appearance are also available to us, ordinary people without insured body parts.

In fact, there is nothing supernatural about Jennifer Lopez's weight loss rules. The star does not use expensive products - her secrets are available to any girl who wants to be like her. True, if you set yourself the goal of achieving the same figure as J. Lo, you will have to try. The girl had been going to this result for quite a long time, and it cost her serious effort. But what an effect in the end! So, we present to you a weight loss program and diet from a popular actress and singer.

Star parameters

You can understand whether the secrets of fighting excess weight work by looking at the photos of Jennifer Lopez “before” and “after” losing weight. We think the answer is obvious!

For any girl, weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable. While waiting for the baby, the kilograms gained will be an indicator of the child’s growth and will bring only joy. But after giving birth excess weight, as a rule, adds to the woman’s worries and discomfort. J.Lo did not escape this fate, because during her pregnancy with twins, her slim figure added as much as 22 kilograms. Something had to be done about this, and the girl actively took up her improvement. Losing weight was not easy for Jennifer, because her pear-shaped body type makes her prone to being overweight.

Now the parameters of Jennifer Lopez’s figure are as follows: her height is 167 cm, and her weight is 56 kg. The star wears clothing sizes 44-46 and feels her best!

Not a day without sports

Jennifer cannot imagine her life without physical activity. Recently they helped her lose weight in the shortest possible time, and now they help her always stay in great shape - look at any of her photos. JLo's figure is always flawless! Moreover, sports for a star are not exhausting workouts, but sheer pleasure. Take note of her advice.

  • Physical exercise will only make sense if important condition- this is the right attitude. Firstly, sport should not be perceived as torture, and if this happens, you have chosen the wrong type of load for you. Secondly, at the core effective classes there must be love for your body. It is important to know that you are beautiful even without any weight loss, but there is no limit to perfection, so you need to work on yourself.
  • If you want to lose weight quickly and efficiently, you may love sprint triathlons as much as Jennifer does. This sport is a multi-sport race and is very effective for losing weight. For the girl, simply losing weight was not enough (Lopez lost 18 kg), and she decided to participate in triathlon competitions. And this is less than six months after the babies were born!
  • JLo's list of favorite exercises is not limited to triathlon. Now she works out with a trainer 3-5 times a week, and also tries to devote more time to choreography. She also loves aerobics, martial arts Krav Maga and barbell exercises. Agree, this track record of sports is more than worthy.
  • Of course, to devote as much time to sports as Jennifer Lopez does, you need to love it very much. But if your relationship with sports has not yet developed or you simply lack time, do not despair. You can devote only half an hour a day to physical activity, while combining strength exercises with cardio training. This will be enough to soon see your ideal figure reflected in the mirror.

Jennifer completes each workout with meditation - and therefore feels great after class.

Many girls are familiar with the agony of choosing a suitable diet: some of them may be too strict, some may be ineffective, and some may even cause poor health. So Jennifer Lopez tried various nutritional principles: spinach, Hollywood, and even. There was a result from all of them, but not what the star needed. A few lost kilograms are, of course, good, but not if they soon return again.

But time passed, and J. Lo still managed to develop her own diet, which now always guarantees her excellent shape. And here are her rules:

  • This diet should last 7 days, and its frequency is 1 time per month. This is enough to maintain your ideal weight.
  • Eating this week means avoiding sugar and salt. Yes, it is difficult, but you will remove all excess fluid from the body.
  • The menu during weight loss should be healthy and balanced. Jennifer Lopez advises focusing on fruits, vegetables, lean meats and dairy products.
  • Don't forget about physical exercise- they should devote at least 2 workouts per week.
  • A healthy sleep of at least 8 hours is also required - the key to looking rested in the morning.

Seven days of such dietary restrictions is not so much to endure with dignity. However, they should be enough to ensure that the desired number on the scale does not change its value. But the rest of the time you can treat yourself to regular products. Starving and torturing your own body is definitely not for Jennifer Lopez. The girl prefers to eat 5 times a day and does not deny herself almost anything.

The impossible is possible: lose weight in a matter of days

Do you have any secrets that help you quickly tone yourself up so that you end up looking perfect at an important event? J.Lo's secret is a special concert diet with fairly strict restrictions. This nutrition plan should last from 2 to 7 days, depending on how much time you have left and what result you want to achieve.

Here is a sample diet menu for the day:

Breakfast A glass of water on an empty stomach, 20 minutes after it you should eat a fruit (orange, apple or a couple of pieces of melon), and breakfast also includes 150 g of oatmeal without sugar or cottage cheese to taste.
Lunch This will be a glass of low-fat yogurt or milkshake.
Dinner During the day, eat 100 g of boiled poultry meat in combination with 150 g of vegetable salad, one fruit is also allowed.
Afternoon snack As an afternoon snack, allow yourself some dried fruits or one fruit.
Dinner The evening meal will be similar to lunch.
Snack before bed To fall asleep without feeling hungry, you can drink a glass of low-fat yogurt.

And throughout this diet, it is worth remembering the main prohibition of Jennifer Lopez - no sugar and salt.

JLo reveals the secrets of her diet: video

Now, after you have read the article, Jennifer Lopez may have worthy competitors for the title perfect figure!

Jennifer has skin phototype 4, Mediterranean or Southern European. , and possible skin diseases, and how much you can stay in the sun (or not at all). “The singer was lucky with this from birth - this type is considered the most problem-free. People of this type tend to have dark skin with a natural glow, dark eyes and dark hair. Although, naturally, the star is still not immune from wrinkles and folds, which appear over time in everyone. And Jennifer is 48 years old,” says Anna Dmitrieva, leading cosmetologist and esthetician at the Neojeunesse beauty salon.

Diet Jennifer Lopez

The singer is not very frank about her diet, as well as sports. More precisely, he is frank, but such advice is too banal. She admits that the whole secret is that she drinks a lot of liquid, sleeps 10 hours a day (if she succeeds), is a fan of vegetables, does not smoke or eat dairy products, and does not abuse alcohol and sugar.

But if you study the star’s Instagram, you will notice that sometimes Lopez allows himself to indulge in fatty foods. So, apparently, miracles happen thanks to the fact that Jennifer does not feel sorry for herself in the gym. She does triathlon and kickboxing three times a week under the guidance of star trainer Tracy Anderson, who helped her lose 18 kilograms in less than six months (this was after the singer’s pregnancy). And for the sake of beautiful abs, J.Lo does exercises on a gymnastic ball. And, of course, a typical star’s day doesn’t pass without dancing.

The singer gives an example of her usual menu: in the morning - proteins or vegetables, for lunch - salad with vegetables or salmon, for dinner - chicken with quinoa. For snacks, Lopez takes celery, cucumber and a piece of turkey.

Jennifer Lopez Cosmetics

J.Lo is not poor, her mansions are scattered all over America: she has her own nest in Los Angeles, Miami, and New York. The first two points require special skin care - the sun beats down there mercilessly. The singer copes with this task; she has repeatedly admitted that sunscreen and moisturizer are her best friends.

When it comes to makeup, Jennifer was a fan of strobing and contouring back in the early 00s. Then makeup artist Scott Barnes worked with her, who, for the sake of photo shoots in magazines and for the cover of her second J.Lo album, figured out to highlight her dark skin tone with bronzer and highlighter. A tanned face and cheekbones, adorned with radiance, are still the star’s main features. The artist also complements this set with mascara (although we bet she doesn’t neglect false eyelashes either) and lip gloss, assuring that in everyday life she is not used to wearing much makeup. And this confirms it

How Jennifer Lopez deals with age

Of course, we believe in creams, but it is obvious that a celebrity cannot do without beauty injections. Take her lips, for example - the correction was done very delicately, no “duck” mouth or overly prominent size. But still, the shape and volume have changed over time.

Considering that her face has not lost its contours for several years, and her cheekbones are clearly visible, she clearly cannot do without filler injections and laser procedures. Please note: wrinkles are often visible on the singer’s forehead, so she does not mercilessly prick this area with Botox, maintaining the naturalness of her facial expressions.

There is also a suspicion that at the beginning of her career, Lopez decided to have a nose job - over time, it became narrower and more graceful.

Following her popularity, many appearances followed, which more than once provided Jennifer Lopez with the opportunity to show off her appetizing curves and show herself in all her glory. She prefers to dress up in elegant, tight-fitting outfits that best highlight her femininity and sexuality.

This is interesting: Jennifer has never written in her entire life about the secrets that help her look stunning. It is also unknown what exercises she does to maintain her ideal figure, and what personal care products she uses. In various interviews, Lopez only briefly answers questions related to her appearance. She only thanks for compliments, but does not reveal her secrets.

Genetics plays a big role in appearance

As for genetics, it is unlikely that this factor allows you to look exactly like this at the age of 45. After all, it is a well-known fact that Latinos age faster than others. It's all because of the sun. The skin becomes wrinkled faster and begins to sag. Yes, and they tend to be overweight. So Lopez makes a lot of efforts to keep himself in proper shape. And Jennifer’s mother is a completely ordinary woman. She began to take care of her appearance only in the last decade. And to say that a girl looks perfect thanks to her genes is simply illogical.

J.Lo's velvet skin

Jennifer never drank alcohol or smoked. She tries to avoid the sun, so it is impossible to meet her on the beaches. In winter, the girl uses various moisturizers.

This is interesting: The result of such a beautiful skin color is self-tanning and bronzers. She applies self-tanning herself with a special sprayer, because her makeup artist Scott Barnes advises avoiding sunbathing. And even if Lopez sunbathes, she applies strong protection cream to her skin.

Jennifer consumes exclusively daily, exercises regularly, drinks a lot of water, and prefers healthy sleep (8 hours). After all, lack of sleep ages a person ahead of time. This fact has long been proven by scientists. So she doesn’t allow anyone to disturb her sleep, because this is her main rejuvenating procedure.

She doesn't use expensive cosmetics. Everything necessary for skin care is done by cosmetologists who know the characteristics of the star’s skin. Such cosmetics do not contain harmful chemicals, fragrances or thickeners. Special natural creams, moisturizers, masks, tonics - all this is the merit of professionals. These cosmetics contain active substances in the right quantities - only natural ingredients, unlike cosmetics that are produced in factories. Her homemade cosmetics contain placenta and retinoids.

Even if she buys creams, it is exclusively from Rose Cream, and sometimes she washes her face with ordinary soap, which was recommended to her by her personal dermatologist. Jennifer advises not to overdo it with creams, but to apply as much as the skin requires. You need to moisturize your skin twice a day, morning and evening. As for scrubs and peelings, either J.Lo uses it exclusively before applying bronzers to the body.

You need to moisturize your skin with the right products

Lopez says the best moisturizers include rose extract, coconut oil, and avocado. After such moisturizers, cosmetics and makeup last longer than usual. And your sleep will be healthier if you moisturize your skin before bed with such aromatic products. If there is no special cosmetics for removing makeup, the girl removes makeup using regular Vaseline. As for operations, the girl categorically rejects all rumors about their presence.

Healthy eating and exercise are the key to longevity

She practices Latin American dancing four times a week. He goes to yoga, does stretching and runs 5 kilometers in the morning. Also loves a relaxing massage. The fitness trainer claims that Lopez drinks ice water. The success of this procedure lies in the fact that the body spends a large number of calories heating this water, which is why excess weight is lost faster. You need to drink 8 to 12 glasses of water a day in order to suppress your appetite and improve cell function.

Useful information: Jennifer Lopez advises all women who have given birth to get back in shape with triathlon. This is a combination of cycling, swimming and running. A few months after giving birth, Jennifer already took part in a triathlon marathon, she managed to complete it with almost a champion result.

On fasting days for the body, she uses protein shakes and eats very little. When the girl was at school, she had a huge donut with chocolate for breakfast and drank coffee. That's why she was plump. Now she monitors her diet and tries to eat exclusively healthy foods, avoiding fast foods. But sometimes you can treat yourself to this.

She eats 4 times a day, but in strictly identical and small portions. Protein products They are prepared exclusively by steaming, grilling, or boiling. The diet also includes complex carbohydrates and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Eats approximately 1400 calories per day. Every day the menu is varied, but most often J. Lo eats fish, fresh meat, seasonal vegetables and fruits. J.Lo is categorical, since it is unlikely that she will be able to lose weight, but unwanted stress on the body is guaranteed. She really loves different cell cocktails. They are mainly made from fresh vegetables. One of my favorites is a sprig of parsley, dill, celery, add oatmeal and low-fat kefir to them. Grind all products in a blender.

The most important thing, according to Lopez, is to always feel happy and loved, this is another key to success and good things. appearance.

Makeup like Jennifer Lopez

The girl buys only the highest quality cosmetics for herself. And he doesn’t say which one exactly. Very often you can see pinkish-peach blush and shimmer on it, which adds the desired shine.

For a flawless look, she advises wearing minimal makeup, because natural beauty always looks better than artificial beauty. And besides, a lot of cosmetics on the face will significantly speed up the aging process of the skin. For herself, she chooses pastel colors, and the main rule of her makeup is to emphasize one thing, either the eyes or the lips. Jennifer loves to experiment and often tries out new things for herself.

Useful information: JLo's makeup artist, Scott Barnes, shared a very useful light. To make your eyebrows and eyes more expressive, you need to apply regular hair wax mixed with golden eye shadow. This mixture should be applied with a regular, well-washed brush. This will give special expressiveness to the face, any photo shoot will go off with a bang.

During appearances on the red carpet, you can always find matting napkins in a star’s clutch; they are the ones that help a girl always look flawless. They help get rid of oily shine and prolong the durability of makeup without damaging the layer of foundation on the face.

Jen always keeps up with fashion, and is considered one of the most fashionable. She is considered a trendsetter, because everything she tries on herself is a huge success. Starting from false eyelashes and ending with French manicure. And that's not all, she introduced the fashion for square nails, dragonfly glasses, large and toned buttocks, women's accessories, such as long chains with pendants, earrings of unusual shapes, and the list goes on and on.

Always well-groomed and stylish hairstyle

For hair care, the star uses professional masks, both store-bought and homemade. Gives regular head massage, as this helps improve blood circulation and strengthen hair follicles. In order for her hair to grow faster, Lopez takes special vitamins. And a personal hairdresser, who knows all the celebrity’s preferences, always recommends products suitable for hair at any time of the year.

For various shoots, the girl attaches false strands to herself so that her hair appears even thicker and more attractive. After each wash, she rinses her hair with beer. This gives the hair shine and makes it more manageable. Jennifer also mixes a couple of aspirin tablets with her hair shampoo. She does this to strengthen her hair.

As for her hairstyles, she prefers to leave her hair loose, neatly falling over her shoulders, or a stylish bun. Sometimes she can be seen with an elegant tail.

JLo is always perfect

Jennifer Lopez never allows herself to appear in public places in home clothes, with a dirty head or without makeup. Every time she appears in public - down to the smallest detail. Starting from the chosen outfit, and ending with what color to paint your lips. In her appearance, everything should always be harmonious and tasteful. And this applies not only to social events, but also to banal trips to the grocery store or shopping.

She is proud of her appearance and accepts herself for who she is. She was simply lucky with her appearance, which is perfect even without plastic surgery. Moreover, she is very clever woman and knows a sense of proportion in everything. With the amount of effort she puts into taking care of herself, she guarantees a good appearance throughout for long years. She doesn’t have to be afraid of birthdays for a long time. This means that she will delight us with her beauty for many years to come.

Video: Jennifer Lopez - Booty ft. Iggy Azalea (video)

Her latest video will help you evaluate Jennifer Lopez's figure. Enjoy watching!